white e .ti ..t' wa ~'QrkL t:%t : It?. : ful grove of eeda ' h were be Iui' tO 011 the rV Of t hotr 1labors. lte,n 'NIrs I)r i k 0 t filiht. She l ft tw\No( iI., L ': w t I iIIn Iit ., IaI,ed . four I aniti Itu She nev vr knew I how I her hu n u WisIeul thiat O: of thlie 1 Ui t'I'e : )ov. Alno.-t hwr lait r1':1'Z L'a boon t hat hor dt lng :1i1 11 1'o I, uleate-d, aui t ho I,w1- k n 1 :s m11r p>romnised! to fultill it-r u th.l, tried to benut his ri f w t t. ignat imn, kil vin th t l .z" e Lhis Andie w40 I I : k w 11, maiden st-ter. -I.l."n T with him11 and1 to 'I 1 It% girl- 1 i l h *61, (kro.fo'-mth pliinel li onl! 11.o t-lvo 11nd .\ b.', Then it b, (:u i1 vt.t nuer I irake u~' inij lit - - - B~ut I ther ' .ih1 8-i' shou'.. c, not the ri-i , t - t disease. :t from then heseshs :Te hiRjight become advi:ceT and cotne ,ot.hs nThe r sacr o:t: isr:i disease, thug nod o h v: crd ithe Ofc.setemv;-:: foever, faiedto eun.it n: permj),ann ue n s h nyrm, lhe oney hioo reey hchi gaa acte-dopurely segetarle liaii(andiforndtifnhe vear. advceani oni ts proito~r'av cine,offerednoee thousain -hereliars cuward.to: currooit.hat ioicontthn' U paieli curd,a ptie of potash - runn ue idi mercurynor other min ree fom hur erfl ingrediet. It theonl blod enMr.~ W.i R.h iNewm an Atee welnw vyounbl w. . NWMA. ian fr t wc n 'ea itauntn,\i,tr ici vaiosote trea re-ment e bu fousnn " Iwasafictdollarh reood poo and he bstoorf id itueta n< good, though eItoo ther trmen no-called loodaremed , but , thrid vno oseemorec thetnen Elias fond had no( effc betvr Iowaos disheatened foritfseemed thact I would toeveh cure A the avhie too almostd teer took S.S.S. and began to improve. conItiniued the medicine and it cured mne completely, building up my health and Iicreasing liny appetite. Although this was ten years ago, I have never yet had a sign of the dlqieas to return. Mr. E. I,. Iite, also of Staunton, had( the samne disease,anid his ,experience was similar to the above. lie says: "S. S. S. is cer tainly fari ahead of all other blood rein edies, for it cures1 cases they cannot touch. I was treated1 by several goodl doc- CT.lif. tors and took various blood remedies but they did Ine no good. I then took S. S. S. and was cured coupnlletely and( permanently, for I have never hee:1 troubled with the disease since. I havc recommnended S. S. S. to others simi. larly afflicted, and have never known it to fail." S. S. S. is the right remedy for C'onta. gious Blood P'oisoni, because it goes di rect to the seat of the dlisease and forces it from the systemi. It will cure any case of Cancer, Serofula, Rheumiatism,i Eczema, Catarrh or other blood disease of the inost obstinate nature. Remiem her it is guaranteed Purely Vegetable and is the only0bloo remie:hy conitaining no0 mercury, potash or other mineral. Valuable b)ooka on the dlisease and its treatment will be mailed free to all who address the Swift Specific Comipany, AtlaLta, Georgia. n4t; t o k"ika h I 'I 1. . I -u . t,. z, % k, l its h " : N, It Ief Ne i M s. I. l.o :lil m.L r win hV he t -, a r, r mall,rt .r, - s r t . I I h 'v I S :. Iet Pf ew l0iV eg "to t n,ah 1 roke."' I a vain dlid Fi' me Diciai' 0 leg a a Io i ntt "N1 d.ila I . r,,- Poy, do Ie eosC11 filt'. I ih II N en 1 ho hild be killed!" I ha * y wIvoihl pui t Lit r arm1-s n l i t nech i ki.s i him. sainil,g: "- . dva-te.t p paa. liven't 1 al. wren enn'a-fuil 1 muetan have 1 'v- l'lt ! st I'o:1i I hurt Aid. oli. i fun! I n-all can't se . 1:t. hI x . I i I r -ta l h I %, d IgII til.' hm 'i " n il t o I lhe m.:o. 1 wu1l t tr ihe w 'rld. cia. IIt b m imla' ly. Hie I d 'ach et her aiml 1 ' br.rt irm ' for it w ter tone . . ' r . a . ha 4ny- na intal. *She w9. n f. sho w h : -she e ,r tw a s N-c twthax-v o e f:ah r'slwah ha faled,malby' few gmstere sheinni a-.hi h onl a n.o4contr farmer.~ ut,i dagher: "Oh, i Anie could wouhl murna4ir to himself.u~vli. fOnor, love)l morning nmI Juno lloy i andmi1 lii wre sate Iin fh actk 1 lyii "(y itched1 her knu~ife 411it th414 hulit or (0fru v itin dterously threwi anO44 appulc hoe ait on hunoffond.l Poor ld Tomr didn't ifo toiiu ingnir he 41emnpered Ii alhur. inne!'ie br'okec ino aijl mtrr laughse andwa was5I nt bfiit aili leutelooking mor ew sious ithanl ('ho'4 had i ver shloon?1 i"Why,t 1i i0y, wa(tver is the natr ith you idnlii't yo hto the catr "Cat f I 1"' 'ast ned, "ca wt icl Oh! I suipposo so. 14tt. Mininie, have y'ou nioticed how papa)i's health is~ fail i tg? H1as it. neOver occuirred to you tht. piapia hias8111 ipth almo st (ov. (ery thIing lhe could1( rako antd scrape, pouor fellow, to ('(uciato us5? And no h41Wle is m1ii4 1t0 to work and1( has to keep lired hands and it will tako niearly iall the crop) to pity thomI1 off'. IWo nutst do) somuethinig to help Ialong, Duicky, but11 whait cant woI do?"' "'Oh, ]Roy ! 'im auro I don't know,'' "I'll tell you what I wish D)ucky. I ihfrom hevery hotto of11 my heart that11, I were4 it boy) -- it u1re oougII grown upl boy) wit h auits-111 "W bhy sist i'r, how r'idliclou'! cried "'Whatever y'ou wish to call it, myi) dearl; buit I've4 a good reason for wvish - ing it,"' answored Boy. "'You don1't know whiere I've been0i ridinlg so mullch of lato. do you Duncky? 1'on hnnni Troublesome Totter Sufw#0 f Yer% aid Could Find (4to 4/s V nizi ' *0 0 supa OiA' %X4. YIW t SevuaCurvd, k ': ' byt) z .a X .1 %v iio nm w"" N*l 1,1 l t u It. lkn 1k u t v da t::., ad n heA l aId t'.t laa tk t t: "A UZ( 4k t I. III;., 1w ve. Te'.t:. VA hr .s .:1* r AN wi i autl since, but i pesrfet ivy 'd:.l. i t you have e c id ! to \ ry 11 xi 's rsa .W l not be inuee,l to t:y any ther. 11 , h is I he tet. li feAt, t he One True Blood Puitier. Sold by all dtrurgists. Pr'ce' (1, six for S5. t y ing to :get a schaol. I I1ied at thw F oki, at D\unroonI. -u d i.t th b n derson Ichool houte. T[he 1oi'.0 of t he Fork dist riet d idn't t laink a ldy1 'snitable' to teach a i ib sya I:. At bini11 it i hey were suere a ld cildn't niIage t hei rough set, ain that the iargler b os would ma:ke 'she's %eyoes' at me: th'y wene certaini it woubal be bae.t to h ave a genltlelual t eac her. A Al r. I enison hadi already ap1iei for and obtaine perm ni Ion ItIoo at he 1 IenI deron s(t-ol School u.The committee were tery f orry I didn't apily sooner. a-al L hougiht perhaps if I were to ee M. senn h'd w ithdra his applint in and let nIe teach. Aind. Duck. I did see hit. 1 told lhimo o' our ir 1umsthae:'s aod asked him k oly to let me teach the Hlet:derson school. 'oan tld timu ht could get a school I at eitoher the Fork or Dn roan. I tol im that the ammittee were willing' for me to teach if hedi with drawu, and that it would be so con v'it for me to teach that parti*n dt St1:11. for thl I conll board at hae I never dreamed for an in. lt that he'd refuse. oe llokvd so 'Inh !ik a Anti eman. bltut he curled uo hnlps sc'orn fully amd -ail: 'No th ' "en my deair. I pr..f'r t it eik the t Fork or Duniroon.' Ie N .'t lith 0 ein' schloo l wat the : ' fo r at i nI l y . but h. I bN. pl It.t have me fair Pa. be ms be a hard arled .t . n-na o. 1u.1 Joas III-- th- i s - -f uly wu t ryin :g for \,A-. i :.w. d uekv. on see r wihing to 1 th a a." f - N )ur-e here isturyed bu a wt h fr.ut Jior a:nd tn. tho, houe keep.r, i ill-tant collsm1. il m iu a' ar vice: "A gent!,inan tMn Mr. Drakle." A os'io aeth-maln ! Who emisitw he" Myue:' civaaros Mr I Itenton, pe jn-t wvill have some kind of ltucrattive' work to, do. I'll ask 5 Iv1-1. _ ...... -,-13 _01A - . _.. .. Cl t 1 1111! ..... . . 20 1 .... r . 1ii Hon ........... I Is :3 a I 40 ........ Che iv . .. .... toI 17 . 1 1! ;,): ... A W hitilsbon . ....... 1 4 I ,::.;0ip ...,... t r C'ol'bia Winit, I b7 it 141k 1 ... "v. P.11al bi P .1 t.1.. p 8I5 ....... " -1 Phia olph ... 0 n53P 0 2a ....... k...... . . 1t 08 p 0 48 ....... Jr thboud. N. M N. 7 1 Lv. N('w o rc, P.ti.1. 4 p 7(~a Lv. Waslhto, E.. R.y..I 1 20 . 7 ; l-'kzkla)nh . .4 i 1 a .. . Av. .Tielk.mnd,..... . 5 0 a 1)1 53 p _..._.... Lv . D anil ,.--:...... ..| 5 an o I) atr "Cl))))k1 is k'irotort..........o9 3 "u 1)4*)1 liiiw........... 1k) 5Il4ik cas , ~ v o r Cl'inl)lg ct. b50enAgst n N. elkudni Un-. 8'. Fa' Mal.5 p rug " kk2 11 Tra t k . * ........ I'il 08kn p IO ik c r " kil rait ev1ill ...... 5) vi it p)11Cicn a A.iiep .l... W. ii. (41(80.a....M..... W. A.'lt~1 . S I 48 P aV.1.... 7 7 ta Ar. Nuw .-...... lopy 8 22 pa a Lr. No'in, S.C. 1y - 0 5 pn Ar Chreono....... ..........p 4 n a ilVnnnah...............; ..... '3 a Ifl 8'. EricN s Eti l S-3nn: ---ashh- ton ad ut,oser Lr.u a . lid \ siod tai'ih dnn c;vas and fist.........h...notI of Charlot1. Xlld New l.i.y2~J Now Iork. ,oQ7 .1 li5 an .lo-- . A.tastMalaT r I nllman dain room bu':2 tfo .t 2le ng1 c a Inta i CharJot~te.Ploman soopn car et wen n 2tI Xr. anl:doinmh1a on r edau ily hee o.n *IIonviean no(incini W.V11. b it 7.kN,d J.o M.ok CULP,a. n. S 1.. St 1 37a.. hinn.V ttul T. M .1Washtt 0l.) W.rh A. 5, S ) ). U . 1. H Al POW . n Puttdensed Sevi f o. o STAIOOtNS It 43 rtn3aa F . Colu mi a...............i t)l).. . . . 1 0 a m A r.N ow err ... ............... t.. i1 . 22 p . "V Il iH odga ...... . A t(. .. e.. 2A p m LIMITE U DOUJLE DAILt. SF*VICE To Alana, hlet e, AugInsga..Ato n33 V Jington, New Orlnstad 06 y# 811ks 110y,oll, Hiihmonwl, W 118hing1toll Nor-folk, Portoiniiut} , sohdi0n1 1 H lt Feb. 7fih, 1897 WviiU. i-10 N1 o. N 1). y wl-k IA, via Penn C'IIoiij j0 . . I oil iol il k --..-... -........... 1 12 Ilk 1 4 till moro ....... .................. 3 I 50l * ii n ...................... 4 40 3IcII(Al iolld .............. 8fM imi33 94)1 Nro , 8. ,A I....... *8 5 ort"Ir o olh *6 1 *9 to *4. m l l . A. ...... Oil W, Ar 3)ut3" "".O Ilimnl , I,vV.4 fill):t' 03 Ar lu-lgt, i S8. A. I..... ... " a ft<............................,. 3 &Il * Statt1ha.333 1' ine ................. 4 '%m m im3 iuro , ............................. 5 10 m 1 m " W ntesboro....................... 5661 " M l ro .. . ou ................ ... ..... 6,13 1112 A\ - t33nrioti yla v3M3. A. U... *8 3(." *30 2, yiia "m 'hi slmt; er, y a. A~. i m........ 8I10pan 13e 37 p,n3 A t 4. l u b , . I it,.' n .:W~.., ... it M A0 8->m A liti 4on " .. ....... ........ ((3 I 0 3 mm Gre-enIwood mm .... ..... 10 35 "m 1 07 amn mm A,bh ylmi ." ... .... I m i i. .. m' E h . m" 1.......... 2 7 pm 2 m "...h.s ......... 5....15 mm10a.1~ 1 ) 1' 1 3 mm7ol "j WNnde " i. .............. tt It9 ,I4lk mm Allann. 8. A. l. (UnIo 2 21 I)epi.t)(('na '( tme3.)1o .250 520 NOli1 10UJND No. 40J.Ni.:m3 L e lni,(Cnt a Tim) *200 n 7 0 W lter " .......... 2 40 u1t 1( " AtI hvi 4 .........3 m 1 1 " i ndberon mm.. ......... 4 5 m6 4 M mm1,11e ('234.3 mm (11 Is 2415 (Ccli3 ; t l oil T11110 1 2 11 .11t7 fo. m 1 4 er ~ .A. ....... 20 pill10-12 " A I ells........ 3 10 1126 14 EIiertm i mm ......... 4123 mm 2 ali " A b bev illo " ......... 5 15 1-1) " U reelisisood 2......., 6 mm 2 m4 S1.11to 4 ......... 63 " 305 Ar Clu,m1n111 , i. . 112. . 7 00" '' Uh at e ........ 6 is 4 m: A r'Uha lot to . viin S. A. .. ..... 1 31 p"u " 1LI1111m44, "123 " H........ 2 " 15 4 Wm 1111toll .......--_ m 580 1n1t *1231 0 pol Yo 8oll i 'i r P :s I " .......... 12 14 9: I 2 l 3 ilaleigh " .......... *2 111; *11 M5 "t "ljildolmson, " .......... 3 28 * I*(0-m A r Dur k m .. . .... ) mm ~t(IIp A- _t7:i2_ _' _tI3v -(-43I3y 3I X Moil mv D 40:' "334tll ......... At5 20 pm I I1 0.0 ntm A 4 rVV ( W 1 , 1vi a% 4 4. -A -.-L-....-.-.-... i 1 A0p.1i *It! t* h1n1onlf I.......... .............. 8 16 6 FO '' V. W: hh1gt' ,vl'Ii !tt 33 . it. 12 31 " ! 0 1'1 " ol-41 3 r " *3' i2__.It,wmo " l' mi i ia ("312 3 11 350 1p 'e. &I "New Ykorkt, " " "*21"*5 A i IstI tu 11.3( "1 ''o tiI,fi 7 30nI 6O1. " aw fok "7 6 70 " t fir5 *ly. D'ly, ex. und11tty. D1)'y Ox bMoidoly Now. 40:1 nkull 40'.-''Thli. At.intitill fiielll," volid veaihulo Trinl f1111 11ll SIPPIeI'A Ill.d Coshsbe0W4en Wit9hingtoni anid'At, 1n , .1' 0 ll's a1 n per1 1 F44- ( l betwesln 0rt:-J) n ouinl I het, (ud (le8r. . Nos. . II aii l8. he . - A. f ,. F protor,'r lId401 'A inl, o' ueh(m and Pi"Ilom 81ceptirs betweei Portmothrid A tant. Cottpany I-4eqpers het weeni Columubia and A wanin. Pn th tritrS oadi ediate con.oecton lit Atmila for AMontgomery, M (obile, New Or lkils. Texa., calllforlna AIxico, i hliftil mmigit, Nimlhville, blemph'is. Acon, Flujidit. For Tickets, SIeepers, andI( Informnllonl, jkp. ply Im 11. A. Newland., Gen. Agt., Plat;.. 1111, SKhimall liouso, A lin ta, a ., ihlt l 10t, N. 4 R. 81T.3 J ol ,v. ice3 prem. lit aGell'i At1111Ing.r, V 1'. %IjEKj4, (3nliu perintendent, 11W.W. 11. (1 OV P.,R Tri,file Allaimetr. T. .1. AN DF118ON, Ovij Passenger Aytent, (OHNIMAL OEVIOES: 1'OTMoTl1, VA. Florida Central and PeninSUlar Railroad Mhort. ,Una Butw ouen Florida and alfl N41r1 Evero-tt, Savalmah. nrna b. A 1g33r 18. (. 11nm1bial, W11.411i1gtoll,Rainr, PhiNhoephia, New York, -os. to-n n111rl the Ellst. I Ir'li - n on, AtIanta, (1Ca io iocgn, N h .I.ni.4ville. Cincin tj. 1fhletirm . (e-iurn 3133h Nio h , 7 i 10y !-.12 imh itlmr mltk, Kilnsias City, St. LoI, h. enlgo, Simix ("Ity. ItI ver J)3310net lon,. Ponsacoliv, Mobl3, New Or IeItn1, 'oxs4, Miexico, Ca3(tlifoia ad the ' ale lIConast. Effective.JanuaryI 8,.1897. New York Exprs.l No 38, leIve .1a.ksnR. villei 4.55 a. m1., Dilh forough. Pllmaa Sloop.3 ~ licur 1train No. 3 1 reache) JnmCnil 9.l2l New Yorkband FslcIloridat Limte, N. 32.-'113 sevion, d1nin clad seepngM co,l vry ole gan Ii ; laoit.. Au.ritin 0.5Ck0n.V3 (m. Jn13. 1 ville il$ 0 a. m., dily 7.xc13.313 Su4nny. g No. S revt .lnIg ar.tivex Jackson 311. .0p.m, t AInlti o 4.4'v p m .. da34 iVly,33I 33.e3pt. unilay.2 New1( Y~~or J3k( CastJ.IV(al No. 3 le . Mckon. yo0.5p. m,il Dail or1es,,n 3o pont Nort -38 Carrie, Thfrgh R331( (ers Jaconillc to New York. Ii' SetuIr'i No.31N. ' rrives Jac all .0 v. m.J1C3Olil .51.m "r8a Asl im, levue-Throulgh PuCllma 3433 1ep-1 (in Kn ervic t' Ildicinnat.1bi uag Maannah,3 Aolum bl, Ashevil33l0Lo lt.8pring t, x P1llo, ory h1Carol)a. ALe .la3ckovIille 0.5 p. 31. Arrivy Spiclnat 15a.31 mN. It6turnIngo3,r r3is3ts ly,sonvi(o J9 a. 0 m. koivI1 of. ) aiddl Foia, Pnacotlnand liCseunghbin M033131. eave 13 JakOiyle9.'Jtrgl Pit. 11331 dnfly forLe City,3 1 ve ak, MMon, Mon3aa3 lh~ 3311icol, 3311forni a therolfc Coas)133. CIIfmh* Sleepers. I0etun No. tui arr ves .Jn3ck 34ny 33ilO .05 a. m3. wicil e 3( J 3asonilli .103.0m Ftolr, 1313rk1 Hawthlorne, ierSpinoOal,Gnsvll A.). po)ka Ornan1d0 or aOlel, Dad3e1 Cty,1Plan, 3., formpa Arr33);ive Jacsnll a.-t5 p.l ms rolioly S rns liue(o.6 t o i' Kansa 333c31Is. Ahicao Laeineksonville333 3.03. 1.for MaconAlanta H3id rtiingham, Me(inhs. Kansas, 3338City. Through Pllmaon Vlieeper. wit hit hnein4aor.toKn CIty.n Thge rloters for ('gon,33Atlana,31 Air ying, l olly mikSprigt.(15 f prMemphi, Spr1ing-S Allid,1 Kansa Cpt. Noi.8 er arrives Jack-iut. 71 0a4.1V( Jlm-Leaves 8.20ksonvill. for1 3.5 13n. Cumbieran mmound,110 ruh 131333 4 343(03 -O'.0'33p.11 3.-L13(enlUor 1yee t soonc m e dint o(3 p3)n ,. A r r 3i vW Jackson v ili .1p m.1 At0p. n.-Fc Campsat inemd. vile7.35 a. mr(Noaaa4 ~i33)f '1'hroug A30leper for3( AtnInn33ativa. s vil, ev Jacks(onil aN. .55 p. m., arr1ves (A0hevilleT 1.13p mIO.J31 rive, (Jinna. 7.15 aN. m.1*3 i)5 For1 aco, Atlanta, two trains da1iljm 12 i)pamer.Manat" fro T....amp 257 ra)den 325nl)13man...... (SIlttsontinhy Tra)ins. I SPalr Cars~ boIweenroJa.otV 1 m Tam pa3 74epmi A.rAt-stitoe, township..m ap 4. 2) phI NN1NGTON A . .JAY 10NELL 830ni pMAnager.. eral Pas.Tngb AI L5 am 33Uppe r..onhe'rsovlin, Nortle4 9 I)ro-3 700nn, Al'sns land Anta. m PA ENERDE'ATMNT W~,5 434 51 8011(1 'raIn,s. Jan.WOI 911,r1890 INJG W EST:AY nE'ef a. 19 oN S *o 2 Man 97r Nufh Mauger