NEWBRR MAKir. Corrotet overy Tuesday and Friday by Summer Biros. m A ., ............... . . . . houlo rs - - - -------------.... ., ( Ale. H am s- -- -.-.. -----... .-........... I 0(a)12(. Best Lamd ............... .......... 7.egt.. -1est h\ lima ses............,........ 40()50o. Good M olasses.................... 25( i . C orn1 .................................. 60o. M ual .......... . . ......... ........... o . Iray.-----.------. . . . ............ ... $1.00. W heat BIai ..- ---............ $1.00. 113t Pat tt I? 10ur .................. 06. 25. 2nd Best lour .................... $5.75. Strait Plou ........................ $5.50. Good Ord inary Floin ............$4.01(15.00. Suigar .................. ..... ......... M y 6 , 2 c .................................... r v, r - ofe.. ........................' T. Cotton Sed a... $1.10 lls, po............ 300. Voisattry Produco. r, pe t .................... I 5( 2 . po dozen ..... ........... ( 10 . Ogek ns, e h.................... 12 ( 20e. Peas, pe. bushel....... ........ 5(70. Corn, per bush l.. ............. 50 Oats, por bushel .................. 5 50. Sweet pot atoos .................... C. Turk ys, per 1) ......... .. ( e. Foddor, per cw. 75(485e. Newherry~ votton, Mairket. (Corrected T1uemtda 1t%;d F1.1dity by 0. Mvit. n ~ o I(les0). Good Aliddilig ................. St Mr p r .................... 6 M id idg .. n.............................. .; 13-U Market steady. WaVnmted. Sit,uation. ixperieced teacher of English, Latin, French, Art.. A. Greenville, S. C. f&t. 2t. lutt iing 1.01,. I have a tew desir-able atid well located building lots fot sl.e o i\lain. and Hunt str-eelm. Kamy pitymients an& t long 0,ime if (1e1red. f&thm GC:A K0. ou1 "it for Snlo. 0 sovOn room11s. Lot, throo .acres. Apply toG. Bi. Croner. f& F"or Halo. One 410 H1orse-'ower En"Ilgine. One 20 Horse-Power I"Anginle. One 12 l1orse-Powei ngine. One 16 iiol-se-'owelr 1oilvr. J,ot of Shafting and l'ullCys of vaOf 01s si-4.s. Apply to Hkrald ant Nows. f& i f Fresh Cheese M5e pei poundL at \V. W. Fullier's. fit 1'tpare~O tc .a4ugiC. Those who enjoy a good minstrel. IQrformance will have an oppol't.lilmit.y noxt hwrsday night ts) witness the performauce of a livt-class trou in the Newherry opera house. The (;. (. Minstrels come to Newberiy well iee ometndeld the singing, danllciong and specialties are said t.o be equid to aty that has ever beenl seen oin ou1r stage. I'IpaIre to laugh an11d d1on' m MisS it. Why will yout buly hiltl.r niaus-at int) tonlie4 when l G (i i.: 'i'AS T1,l.:ss ('11i1.. 'ON W is as ple sait. as I l.elioll Syr I Your di-rg,is is athorizod tu n rund the m1Coney in evIery ease whero it fails to Cure. Pvice, 50 cents. Tito Trtuteeq or uarimmy A%atiemy, SChool Distriet No. 27. will reeivt! temfberl 15th, at '. o'c,lock a. mi., at. which t,ime the paUtlrns of thei school will meet, at, theo niew schooml hiouse' toC. elect a tenacher'. Salary, $35.01) per~ month; termii. II months. T.)H I hhitsey CASTOR IA ~"-~or InfifyQiiiia ~0hildren. aTe er NOT LOOKING WELL! NOT FEEING WELbL THEN TRY . 11ober''e . (Sl 'oi im j)OuU4r Sy rup Sarsaparillah, This preparation 1s aI combIIination of dlrugs hain~iig alterativo, toie st.imuJlat antd lauxativo action. it. dontains throo dIrugs wvhich the mnatism, tc. Ri is carofIully p)rep)ared fromt theu purest dr1Mgs anmd is sold at 75i conta ai b)otI,loat Rob4stson &~ Gilder's Dru'e 8/Ore. /H4ARR/8 LITIA WA TEL (Jarbona mted Litia is Water, Soda Water, Ginger Alo Sold to the Whiolesale rmnd Retail trade at lowest Prices by S. B. Jones, Agent for Newborry. DR. B. A. DANI ELS. Di)seases of the Eye, Ear, TIh roat andm Nose. NEWBERRY, S. C. Offlee at residene, niext (100or to Crot well Hotel. t.tfj Mr. .io. C. (otgans has accepted t positionN wit.h C. .1. 'ureell & Co. and irian work on tho Ilirt. Nv-w eo'ton is rollnig in. One of ewhe rry's most successful fatruiers wolght, ii 1. 1 ha4)s yesterday. \ 'ood rainii ftli on W dnesday after The llerabnl and News was the only aper to voctivo and prilit an oxtra of lhe elecl ioll inl this coutiity onl TPue]i(ty. Voul know W-herc to get)he'. niews while t is lewm.s. '-Jaster 3kwd In-adley has been ap )o lotv Yissne boy ait the toleriaph Ollee at. INVwhk' in) peQ of 1j. JA. IrI re"igned-4. M r. .1. I t. ( heen broke a wlecel to his Stree sprinkler and for that reason ho vaIs 1unnble h sp iniicle for a en i d ays .his week. le hits had it re-pirved aml vill bie 1eady v 'en sprinkling is Ne are glad We were able to ftiiish or local Coteilporaniits wiv.Il the news if t,he lelt ion on Tuesday. ve at ways ike to be neeoinniodatVg where we A nuinher of the stores are having eletric l ights pt in. We do not do nuelih nilgt work hit. we have the i.-ights and canl see when ".'c want to do light, work. Next Mloiiday is siledaly I)It HO sales u-o adveesd. We 1g-ret that we could lnot attend he q-16sing exercises of the 'xceisior el 1 on Wedussday, but tio election r cane ill So slowly we could not (il il time. I 'resident, Cromuer is over in Saluda his week speaking and working for. e ('olle.!e. I f N ewberry College does lot. lave at full opelinl"g it will not be he fault of l'resident Cromlei. If you ied a mower or1 rake call on P. C. 1 'ool. He is agent for the Os mirie, onle of the best tIuowers unlau actu red. See all. '.'h.t. G. 'Mlinstr(+.-. which1 will ap Iu' at I he opera house next 'Thu1rsday light. have billed Ile town. Let the calIOn lbt openeed -.ith a till house. .slect ,party. of young people cl ()y d a dance at t.he arnory last night. im SouthernJ l'aill-oad Ias out large ald Ieatly gotten i) ci eculars adver ising the Wircinen's T[,oulrnamen t on le 91th 1 inst., and offers speeial rates ir t that, occa*ion. ''he Southern ll ailway offers redte : Ies (,I lccollt of the Uiiion Vet !anls' I.,egion National v:noampiient at O nlillnhus,. Ohio, Septomber .12th to Aith. Zoutid trip tickets from Newber y for. "10.50, J?rosperity $19.75. The onthieiri oflers cboice of four routes. "or fil-t.her ilnforllation see Agent Jas. \. iiriiton. Se,- notice of registration for the an mal city election ill another column. 'h is eloctionl will he behl inl December. A hot suppvIe will ho given at, file II 11ory nex, ii(hly nigit for the benefit, if thel 'Nowherry (,'lards. The city emun-1il is hiavinig electric ighit idarI4ed in thle opjerai house. A iii 'eet,'m Ionl the cqulest.ion of levy ig a t wo mill Iatx im the G radled School ur lpoises will be hell at, the court house n tlhe 1ith iniSt.. i rer. Wmi. IlIaynie I 'avell, oif 11oau . on1. Te xas, wvho is in Newherryll isit5 nig relat lies, will preach.l ihe' sermon at, lIe uionil serviCes inl thle ILnt herani 1'h1rchi next Suinday nlight. i"roin i al niecounti s C hlamberlainI's ough~i Remi eudy i - a Gcend to) th~e a f I ieted. Ter 'e is no idvieit,isem enit. lhot tIhis; wei f'eel ju1stI ikce saying it ale by W . iE. h1111 'i, Drunggist. (covcrnrll)'i Iilerhe has announc1 ned t,hat, mi ( )Otc)ber ist lie will withdraw t,he on *tabl IaryW from11 every cit-y and1( tow' ii the St81ate', andic leave the en forcemenct, if t.he di spensary iaw to the t own andI it, authorit.ies, iIe has nloti lied tho onstales to look for oIlier empiloy nentl. ThIiis wIi))ill ulrize the d ispen'l ary law, if anlythinig will, andt saIve tihe 1t1a1e about $510,000. Take JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVER TONIC A WhliskIey Hezue Last. Tu'iesday aifter Thei I leiiald anid Cows had gonle ll lpess (Constables lardnueir a ndl lptinhg, accoiiipan ied by 'il iceman l I'rater 1, went to the house >f il)bert Il'orteirlirld, colored, near h'avel TIownI, haivin g reatsoni to believe hat hie hiad whiskey concealedl in the mus15 frcom whIiich lhe madIce sales, and1( ft ie a thorou(ilgh searIch a dlemijoh n vas founid in a bed, between a straw >ed11(1( and i mntirss, whIiich continled four taulllns of cornl wh'iskey. The whliiskey zas sizedi and11 l'orterlieldl arrested and ihac*ed un Ider b)ondc for h is appleairance cat Godn cilfi ht0e perI piound at. W. W. 'ilbier's.- fit, WE HAVE GOT Red Clover, Crimson Clover, Rye and Barley, and Wood's Ever green Grass Seed for sale cheap. Robertson & Gilder, Jrnugits on thn Co1ner. T1E EC HNATOMIAI 1IMAIY. A Light Vot.% In Nowburry--Very 1.i1tle in.,artri Wats Fiour of Ma. jority 0ver 11shl 11o'n111titont. Tio Senlatorial primary oi 'Tiwsdty shows a very light vote in Newberry atd less intorest, t,ian any primlary ovelr held in Newberiry Couity. In colse(pence It was dilflit. to get in the returlis. Tihe lleiatld and News, however, can always ho dopended on to give the Iews nitid ve kep)t opoeni lur house Tuesday night, and qtave the re suilt. from 25 precincts. The retaining precints did not vot.o just, as we pr dicted but if Redervillo had voted possibly MuLaurin would ha, e kept a smliall majority though toume one told us that this box would have voted for Irby. IIowevoir, there was no election hold at this box. The vote as wve thought goes but lit tie over 1,200. Mr. Aelau-in has 601; E,%alns 510; irby 95, giving 'vans and Ily at majority of 4I over McLautilln. That, is a very close race. Ve issued yesterday an extra giving the vote of the county with the exce, tion of Vauglhanviile which we thought would be a stand off but It was not. 1rby and Evans have a mijority of 14 at this place. Everything passed off (juictly through out the county. Below we give the tabilatted vote from iaclh precinet, for each candidate. TlC VOTi IN 'PillE COUNTY. I.S. KI8ATO PRECINCTS. o o Old Men's........... 1 2 t0 Young Alen's...... 2 4 82 No. I Carol na ............ 8 7 87 . Ilactory ............. 61 11 2:1 H1art,ord........... 9 I Johl'ston ......... 25 ...... 10 N 2 ulberry........... 8 1 7 NO. 2 'Mt. Bethel........ t ...... 10 Ga many........... 23...... 8 No. t. Pleasan 5 20 Mayb'nton...... 8 2 N Whitnire........... 11 8 26 No.4 Long Lane......... 8 1 18 No.5 .i lapa ............... 21 3 5 Conse-vative...... 3...... 22 Tr:nity.............. I 7 15 No. 6 Old Men's I () 8 16 R eederv ille ...... ...... .... Saluda ............ 3 ...... No. 7 Chappells........... 7 1 12 VNugii'nville. ... 7 1 2 No. 8--Ujtojla............... Is ...... 19 Warehouse......... 87 1 03 St. Luke's.......... 31 ...... 1 Saluda ...... ..... 35 ...... 1 No. 9 O'Neall .............. 13 2 12 M t. Pilgrim........ 7 ...... 4 Swilton ....... ...... 15 1 6 L iberty.............. ...... J8...... . U nion................ 17 1 14 No1 Joily Street......... 23 7 2 St. I 'aul's........... I I ...... 3 Central.............. 17 3 5 Zion ..................i* 3 No. 'r St. llillip's........ 1 ...... 25 I W alton ........ .... 25 ...... I L Poiaria ... ..... 1I8 1 - 510 It5 60 [SpecIal to Hleraild andic Newvs.I Col'uminha. S. C'., Sept. 3, 8.30 a . m. Thae fi nal tabulation of all returns re a-i ved shows a total vote of -it,089), oif whIih AMet4n11riln recived 29,0001, I'vans 10.690, and Irby IC, I-19. (Giving Mle ELurini a majority of 12,4 11. Otlicial returns fromt nearly' every counmt.y have been received, all thters are comnplet.e, there being only~ fonr small prcCineCts in te enti re Ste not heard from. Norton anmd Jlohnson runi v'ery close in the Ii rst., and will be in the second1 r.ace for Congress in the 6th (list rit., 10. J1. W. Several yt are anto I wats talkenl with a 4Evero' atack of flux. I was sick in bedi aout ten days andoid get(1~O noth-i Sig to relieve mie unlt it I used ('nambier bliin's CollIe. (Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, wvhich cuired me and has been ri household rnimedy wilth us ever Mo. For sale by W. E Petlham, Dri'ug gist. Lemons I5e per~ dlozen~i at W. WV. Funlmner's. fit A ne'w postollice has been established att the store of Mr. D). J. Hentz in the Pommaria section. TIhe new ollice is catlledl Hayne, and Mr. D). J1. ent.z hi::s beeni appoint,ed postmaster. lIts Vaue l(Ceogn)ized by lhyslelansR. As a rule I amt opphosed to proprie tariy mfed icines. St,ill l v'alue it good (tie, espcQillty when such 1s the s01orc of relief from palin. As a topical (ex t.ernaul) appl iention I hIave fond Chamn bierlain's Patin IBalmi the bie Mt remeldy I ha'' v- r used( for neCuraC gla of anly kin d. I have con)sclintiusly recom' mendil(ed it to mtany persons. WVIL,iAiM IIORiNa. M. 1). .Janesvilte, WVis. Hold by W. 10 Pelhamn, D)rugglst.. WE HA~VE FOUND IT. A chill cure that is pleasant to take and will cure any case of chill or fever. Robertson & Gilder, Druggists on the Oornoer. BEST! Firo-Proof Korosono Oil only 11 cents por gallon at 8t. Wmn. .Tohnon'n. TilE FIMEEN'S TARltNAMENT. i l'rogrtik of (io ihy-- Arrangenieinto Con. phed -- Urunl TIatmei for Fire-mnen All arrangeleits have about been -omliplettd anil tlie Fi teimonl's Toinimi Ieit oIn Iext Thursilay will be a sue Several visit inlg c(eoipallies have xwitten that thley will attenld aid ! ri-ald is expectucd. IExvill-'slon traills will bo r-till I'vill ,olhiibia atil reenliville which will Jring large (.r-owds of visitors. The S1rvices of onte of the bwst, brass )'Inds in) thle State, h.wenity pioves, havo een seeried and tI;.-vre will be no lack )f m i c. The progriml for the lay as arranged bYw he i (onintteis its follows: The comipanies will asseible at .t,he Nxclsimr Fire -linginle Honse at, 9It. ml. Tho itio of numrch will be along Me Kibbenl street to loundar along Ilonilay to ,ohnstone, aloig Johii itonle to (alhounl, along Calhiolln to Maln, along Alain to the public square, wheIe the cOpInllie Will asI5m1ble for review. Addresses of welcome: 16',ist I Mayor II. i. l."vans in behalf of the 'itizenls: second by I'res. Geo. B1. ClroiI mr iln behalf of t e firemetn of Newberry. l(esponlses. taces to begin at I 1.30 o'clock in the t,he following ordetr: Ist, reel vaces: 2nd. grab reel races; :d, foot i-avt s. 'omm11littecs have been appointed and every detail Is being .looked aftolr which will iako the occasion onle of the most, successful ever held inl the State. 'ilE RUNNINu 'AMS. The Exvelsiot. Comlpanly and 1the Newborry lactory IRval''am h-ive been priaticing ovory afterinoon Co. t,le past week and both teais Iake Prood t.i tile and the rivalr-y between them lliakes it ilore interestiniig. The followinlg Is thie Exvclsi1'.s ieel tval.l els-Wl:hmn L.1. Kihle -Buttman. II. a. llklin-Pipeniin. Gco. M. Kinar-d--Couplin..g. II. K. llais--Ifose. TI. '. White--Iose. .1. A. Iflats ? , J1. A . Edidy ('Igemn The runro 1 l.'s oil ho rope wvill be leeted froiml tilie following Ilist: C' ( t,-n rit., ' A 'ope, .John Daniels. TV ) Stuart, Jr, \V S Nloitoll, IN. 1'. Hornsby, A. W Davis, Jamos Hen wivck. Will Itcodur, A 1, l'v Im.Bb Cockrell, .1. L'. l utchisonl, .' T. ' soI. '1111".-'AUCPOU Y 'VEA M. The followving team his entred friom the itfactory fire com mily atind has lbile doing some ine wor c praeh-illr: E'd Kin \Vrenhmaln. C. M . \Vest -Pipman. .1. N. Nlkins--Coupling. t 1T. T.XvaS-luttianl. Jllo. Onzts (.,,s Kngr Isamn West i, arlt,e. lj)iellnl h if"" 'I'lh! runnerlovs o the I'rope will he so leeted frot the following list : .1Im13 Onzt, ('hris Dlmalhlsonl, .\ g. Iinal, 5(33, G eO. ll.ozer', .ano. l oz'ei', J.3. Talo, .less 5, J ones. Alani h'rown. SonI 51i1' teamti am3 J1. (O. I iver's is C'aptalin of t,hi factory temn.i 'Much in Little is esp'ciallIy truei of Hood3's P'ills, Iior 310 meidt ein ever conittie< so great curative piower in so smallI space. 'They are a whoilo tmlno cheist, a'lwa''ys remly.t 3 waysi effictent, alwaye~s it Isfactory; prevenit aL 5'o13 or fever', cure all liver ill1, siek hemlad~chie, jai nstice, cons! ptationi, etc. 250. The only Pills to take withIi lood's Sarsaparlla. The Prud Home Office, Newark, Assets July 1, 1887, $21,256,000. SuIrpluS Over, $4,400,000. L . A\lso Providle for1 C'AI I \ \ , I.L GENERAL AGEN~T loyal maket the tood pure, Wholvesone and deliclouse. I P POWDER Absolutely Puro IOYAL DAKINO POWDEn CO., NEW YOfnx. CleIf'braled for ls great leavoling 4trnlglhl anId healthflnlietis. Akmutren the l'ood igait almn and all forms of adlitt-ration conmmonl to the eapem brallds. ROYVAi. 11AIKINO PC VDF,-H(.,NEW Y0JK Mlr. IEd. 11. I ipp and family have reC turned frolin Greenville. Mrs. 1T. Ii. Vvans is spending a few weeks with relatives in Cliinton. Dr. .1. K. Gilder and M\lr. (. I. 1. L'ant has returned from New York. 'Mr. and Mirs. C. C. Davis and family have retutned from I lendersonville. Av M. I Fd, . Hiser of Savannah, (ba., is on a visit to his reiatives in this City Mrs. Y. .1. 'ope and Miiss Neville will return home fr-om ntesar's Head today. Mr. It. I . Tarrant, turned yestorday from Hlendersonville, ihere he spent. a Imlontih, .1 udge J. P. 1 'ool Las retIrned to the city from Asheville where he spent tho S11111111011. Mr. M. M. Eaatlit1,, of Columllibia, is spending a while with Iis brother;l Mr. J. W. Ea'hardt. Mrs. IRobby Iruce and children, of Palatka, Fla., are visitin,g relatives in the county. Miss Alma Carcre of Charleston and Miss Hattie Lee of A ndersonl are visit ing Mrs. .1. [,. Williams-on. Prof. P. A. Dominek leav's today to resunic his duties in the I-'arhardt High School at 'nrlardt. b. 1. Mrs. Janmes 11ihm1ning andt \I iss Dtaisy\ Earhardt of Cohllmbia, ar4 visit.ingo. their brother, M t'. .1. \v. Ia llird t. Mr. W. 13. Aull who --iaduat,ed at Newberry College in .1hm11e left on We nesday for Herald, Ga., where ho goes 1o teach school. Mr. F. -1. Deminick, Who has breen taking a special law comse at the ini versity of V irginia, Ciarlottesville. re turned home on Wednesday. Miss Janio Davis and I.r brother, MeSmith, ar(' on a visit to theiir. broth or in Charlotte, N. C. Miss lanie will return in a few weeks. MeSm1ith will r'emainl there and at-lend solool. l\lr'. 1 ot, A. IHiser leaves next. week for Navaninah, Ga., to take at positiont ats operatot' with the ( 'enitral l.ailrotad1 of G eor'gi, .I oher't lea rned .to opertat e whlile actinig ats messenger btoy at New h)err'y. Wec hope lhe will sutcceed int Ihis new posit.ion. AIlt. Ild.t1 . I tise'r, of thite Geor'gia ( ent.ral lI ail way, is spending a few dlays withi reit ives itt thte eity. I i' wvill leave for Sav:tuumbl on Alonduay ne cotmpatnieud hy his brot.her, Ni r. I{. WV. litiser'. Ait. lt'an Dii?I. Afow,ert has gonte to eaim' to Newherry y'estetrday in atnswer illntess of htis mother. Alisses Niat tie I oydi and ( 'arie S tone, oIf Sahnttla county. arte visiting thte faily of NItr. IHoyd 'pt.intg. Adjuttant and(1 insptect.or General . Gary Watts spent a wihile int Newerryv AIir. NI ark I-'eller('s andt( fatmi ly, of thte uip eounttry are vlsit,intg relatives itt thle coun IIty. Mliss Mhu.y Ni e( oy V visit-ingt~ at Alr. Wm i. I '. Ii ouseal's. sA NOW iiinntit. Is untfiurle d to th~e puldie gaze through b.he ('oliumnts of llThe Ileral antd News t.h is week int the form oif att advrices don't convince you that we u-o the peoplo to sell you Nlothing, Hats and Shoes ind ovorything in our lino, why hon you don't know a good thing sion you see it. Yours to ploase, CloothilCo Q1y ERSKINE COLLEGE, D-i. K7est, S. 0. () 'ENN L4AH'I WEDNESD)AY IN lat y('H i tSe .ntire luI&tteryi uim ruu I. N. 'I'al oxpiso for the nn it . mtthsN in t he ' "Home., $115.. Iin iiriv Vate ffaIies~, Hj~Imelous an111 comtfortal "tn'Home" m>lO i)~ a11(1dc ula pnth I odern tire bitldling heated by hot water system. Iiay\Vito for Catalogue to :a m. I raMI(enht. once Co. DRYDEN, President. New Business Writ ten 1896. $129,000,000. Income 1896, $14,000,000 Oi)l FK I Ti A~ BI f'eaturesi and Sat isfactoryV Proofs of Deat, E XT''END1)ED I)NS URUANClr. COL UMBIA, 8. 0.