E, it,.W1.t. ENit We puiblish 1t01conm.m1 :1iOn.onl ol Mr. C, J, lRamaget wioh ploasuro, 1t Was not. our purosi r4eopt'n thet oasm or to do i l, IT'mond ijusti". 'll, fact iS N r. ,age ites faiOU emnee 4 I with the case wich hN% apedll %I if they were brotl! out in tlt pub lished testimony Wv do not ioht I t 8!ateiteits imade by Ir. ohime. fo we know hinm to be trithfi and ip rilIlt. and we tlaink himl for his vonm ninattion. If the Sa1tilla .\ivocte had writtlen as ir. Ia'lge does oul 4evotid referelet, to till till I lot tn1: t, vaso wett!d nt1 have weei nidWe. 'Ti jury hats acquit-ted NI r. t'Ih t m Ililtd atl! wo had Ito purposte to Jiurn'te him. \\ o wotild lot do hii t ijri.y. We e.ll have tt possiblo prejkiiv ft'lr or, agahst hn.,.1'eve is aIt-mlenev to be merciful to 1.he orlc fol1t ui-it eI w il the mnfortutte wr,tth, tit iine, seem to Cer or. himI, ntot. evoen j .-isice. Joil. tice should he no esp ietol of per-solns. 11tt Its we hatVe stid tit(e stitemnt1 of the case as itade b ir. kthlIg throws new light ont it So firl as weare Collerned. itchilinn Vilipt minli 1,-1onk Av.ditly Ch,ips The election lasil' off very eiietlY at Ulioll Aailemy htst Tu1'siiv. A 8 nall1 Votki was, poll'od. (mly .3 (lut'of an! nrmntof 418. \'ery little if anll\ t thuisiasni was aroslm 'Ti oest oo vhsse betwoenOlel .an1111il andl1:as We have begnlilt to sweetel the "i1vo pl.- -i t w t it st-ar tdk, bu \-t Sil-a. '1asses. W\ . 'twill say to li: who are (1CONIrnll that wo art, manuking this year for 8J.! ptyerial11n inllue or th it h ird galloll of yolt, Sop. Somle of thsl ('hius wort intenlle for. last, Tu'lesday's issule, but onl at'voint (of ou friil hurying s up t V et 0 1 with ilt r lettvi we werit forved to cut 1.enshol. Nl I'. 1,. .11iusw .1h 1t111 s of cot t toNhi lr. ). LliIt. Holn s it. T. 'llis was ihv roema'iningt" portion of bis i st, ye ,ar'i rrp. C-ltv t i Irof. (;(4 r \. \ ills I v telahi itercli for , t.hli . litt i iho litstit t yvar. IIS . As. iiitry \\ilsol iit'i hu Sll, ir.1it o. (', \ ilson, in Ihe Jolly\. strvtwt sti o ti.ll Iis week. Ai r WVitii o Sloln,of l Att I l ounit:ain, Wile ()n his way to) Newhervy h.Is( P''ritlay, ',tOll d MnI s en t he lightl with, Mvr. and Mirs. d1. K. 1,:pp4 amild fatnily.i ir. S. s liikari, inl vompanly wV ti Sin'':PS 10i 110 Idlliis i I u y to lay , where i, io lit , ''erl dhys v1is i it i l I iti s litI: It S. on (1 It t l.i ill tt -ba ni ll -ii wilt, mnight, haV(l heot11 aI.t ou .i itilnt l 'i t i l ayS l -i t: l i am her two daaaes trelvauv n hollv ile het w 41e1 ynIllg gI 1):1 ) d 1k lond oniv of 1 er .Oft.. lil,s.o s hisse. Ati cad1tny. \ I t Iual ilteh ami M halt: 1,'t;l hilchin h . 1i t. to Is h i'i'i XVloi w soi 'st i he h ft!ti l to -sl 1 on, of , 'o h s to Ilv hit,lt -lc q1 I'hi. h f \eIr sell way to g i t i Ih i u i. 'l o to Ilid %VvIl'P11110111 :,(t) 113 liti i(iC tr hti weut iiIIalroi o ot ::ti k nrow; t h , hou'-w wi-t.1' Ilw it ll . 1 '11 l a 1-:111 O V V It t "Im ;>, p:: I ' ly It l urn I to over it vion w A II S. Qit 11Iht-b 1imII oIt ittler a ll( in1 y 00t As she f, | lhilt Ieak of h ier hni I .r ik Ith gro 'I' i l l t h t il. sho was un o itus. (altI)e.lAu'ws asoh c 'to,brwn tot, but ar eiv e t oin.jufri . hi.ite Clie i its l li., who ttIwa irIiit i.e ac sitera, want cetrown ou't. 'le y.'r lt'lriidtlrit they asie liltl'l ohe heel Wor Ii he1 iiieni healo stpl'e.ilt Iiy been oiI-'' Ihiuhl' bruto that. .\oty Qua.hu In Jnl OUR PROSPERITY BUDGET, A1.1. TIM' NVWS OF A 1.t'R ANO PIRO. i I'.,. Svpt 2 'esident l'me,Of NA.n%hw.rry ('4!oe.e qpww \-'41 aosay nig, hit in town. t hk vilest. ol mii.e liv4st \\is'. P'roV. .\III has a01bo reundand will As I \% -ite a geI hl It' sih wOr is ifallitr. tooling tihe atmospihev and makinig overyllhingr look frosh. A eardt from in Mr, ,1,. F. ,Smith, lte Vgtlial agont of tit E-it'.dowiltl1 ' il to C'apt. It. S v1:z onlveyed thet plleasantll fat 1.i.a he h:ad tw-enl mlarried at, Tunpa, lia , Augt ,th, to Nish Ni\agMie t'qllell. vt es. 1 mllilma Natnoll and 1 .ula4 and ]e becen, of yourl vity. pa:4it pleasant.,Visit to ' p I ty last Tu.'stY. M iss bat gerit 1'it1el i the gleist of holr brot her, . G . \'. I t Intr, an d w i Is poind mit t im II th VI himn. ,I\.r. Mlayelr is vi Sit i t rlat ivvs ai I fricends ini ( 'reeni o I od. 'wh o h.v s b ' )i itiog l iss NI i Itag i I ) ai v. It Ik(It Z i S Ii t ' i iSt4Mtlug- Int iust- I, retu it-I t o thiv . homlio. laIst 'ITu'sday. And thet papt v. say "vil I lvadled" .1clhuili wonl ovor thtt ollter t%wo .John'., so it is John anyhow . .Josic Wyse is oil t Visit. to relitive.s in towni. I Ie is pleased Vlith his now homle inl Columbial. Mh'. Cro woll Alitelhell. of lhatesalt.r., .0141 his dlaughIt.VI, CA:1mW Over Tuww'lay andt1 -re heilt gi sk,4 of NItr. .1. t'. 13owmers. Theliy will r.1til..a todlay. Al issus C'onni W iit-es 21titln Iarie Hohh) arc % isitlin-, the fannilv of Dh'. . W. al-ale, of Spriig 11111, I'vxilgtol ('vnlty. NIiss Gert.ti le Hiobb is visitiig N Miss IV-si0 INIlts, at I . lIt' NIountain. .Nil. .1. I'. Ca nliloll ani family twe vis itin ll .l s. 'anont's pl r nil ts inf the hiit1 I'lk. tli \r. Saituel I n onl is lookin- after Ch.b Store in his brother' abs-etnit*e. I'of. Havt les li 11A arlrived Itil liat , I n going th ilt- oli tn S IlatI(ng handiS tn it kin IIlt% t.h tlilt iI) Ittevtan of 1.11 patllons. h I'l School twtil ti onil IntI slonday and once ove the famtilial soid of tho holl will be heard. MiSS D01uglIsS, who As. NI on44 at Visit, to Ite . ilr. Kirkpaitri ks famil y, re011,-1(d to hler homli this wevik. M i li' 11le Hi nilter is 1ag-ainl . Il er post.Itt llawkinl s i -os., aftor 6pending Ier va t.tion at St., I tke's, iLok here, M r. 'tdit.o n ho is your proof rvitler ayhiow? Now if thte is any one1hn that. we thilic we. can11 d o t it is to e adlish cotrrectly, and you01 1nad41 m enilt, 4 .ha,1It fret'4,, of nalt,itrIl t tttihv(b1. I don't know (if ay suih ve getalble, amimlal ov insect., So pleaso d the orrettiont amit sy it was simp'y at radish. vil: W: (;wIftloy, has been1 visiting ill itn s, t as 1eist of Mrv. K. I aker. i M I.. ,1.d1 Alits . ' A i. osel Y, e - co.1n11.,111 d 'y i ast.. Charlie , lot,( fio I.tI ist, .I 'l, t1unsday. T e a Iy w ilIlI vi '. 1- :I - I t.o u ettw s inl svtrel of a .e iti ati f , .yies, ad will vt. , Noe Ytt i' t ttliphia it atinove anid ihe L I Tl osp rit.y ('annl ry will clost, 4(m n allter nllxt, week. Tht lilhav fnot. toola v ry n-g inek,ow' og 1. t he .tint.yof I :I x ma10tvials, It Fait Ia eIwa iI \ n -y failure . (M vasst' i Or i t t e t tk. . .\h a ";. I. Hilgoe (a II. of i4 Wlft\\i tsty an v 11.a e 'oast hint foYce 'rb T114-Y will st-11. over. inl LIt...i ., "Ind o t Iheir rewit1r will ilt l I te u k.anNlosume.nI alid t o tilial I Isis. It h k and litynl't 111r at groodi Wittn ieinnllo p ing tito cok in, to ina hertm w e.ict, tunts tio be.'LI Srett l ' i tly, leigest all ie paid \'e' .\bkiseI ('o. .l\re and .vh otltiefl A ltItkwlt r wer. e t itn toueday.t t diay.t \'itn wIhl ot hv tohln t.ha ATvotte iwga oiti.u Thrs were 15tr ge tuto to. polls. o'I S . IiThe iilitit~d tiio eortt' toal tunidoda ttept. a to Lha' on of 'l\lr. .itot \Vi titttn't daughter.'oto,i as senioed ay ('ips, has en a rres a. Pted andowi tdentite Lid its p1laIed inol' t.he asdhoue hereb IIWdnesth neightt.uy ~;I 1, .1i han- a itonny. J A ( pssingly )1 it.ranek ha. 1he 1n-itrok,ace wi)ot poi, by ( teir ex abt Ione' A uVL, i' from 1the 1cn, to iiyN mti'e, a uloitoes Aoo A iktes e ' ties wouNi naot, forgo'ttny ot .em They'oi, kno [tat, rap or ai ttd. mpted icteo thir Lwrktt9 wol hear it.ru14 it an tlhi ot grav peri wou'ld ot baitshedt 110 ~'noteath had thiIIe I the inkt shI the Inst wilnuall meetih w. A vt'nlolilt.. oolnsisti-g of A. A. Nate,. .\. I I. .\t:( I Ir a nIId ..M. \Wheler w:ts atippoinit"l to Inumke ItlIi illsso- tit enne04emen1t for next year's mIletini,.. 'haplin . C. ' ottilts failing to reath hero, Ri\ .J. A. Sligh w s etlled for anid imith it t4lk to the melieti., takhmz- S-tiw imil, Ihe vetierIan sollivr of I Ie er s, a - mi e\1mll'. lie tl,d of I Ie l II s mI htO at ',st lest.. No rovill or:4 lo np tlhte.. .\ is 110aWO ild joy aid 141o, No crvo.s heaill. Olei.k; IiM (1-own w. ain g ie. After liev. I lXi' a lit vompainy, togetelvr 4i their himilics anilld ien'd1s, lillel the 1t1b1 .14 ii id full justice t.o th siplol hi 'em' Iiuri hede he that vetreatn '' nieist. \\' . .\ l. N .xv. S -i he Tirmiemet Vinct. The writ r of t hes few ni, 41(s hs: bnan int eIrOst ed ruade r of 'Ph'e II ir: I anh1 News I (o w s venl or e i hit . y.ars yv itI III : %lwaeys tt. I st.I-uck I it h k the ca. mI, lhllial vId at liti tio of ihe% edtitoliil pov, and is fre' to conlless t hat his t%nniat opinionis ha1vo Ilmny timles booen inl nit small degreet't moiliedl by pierusing~ ls cohiuus, iui the I wo eittIials on the tu-rmond atIfair set-mied to be n14edle. Il harsh, an4d I intend Itt least to t ry t o show I Ilit. 1I v. h'l i nIlid was liot who[ly wi thollt. exolse nd I lt. I.1Ik ver-dic, wats ill accord with the t re. realsOll of tile case. iirst: You itsk, "Wiat was he, a peace olller, doing with a pisiti in his pot-ket?" Now, the evideiive (fhi tnot show thlt 'rIt. Thiti- millond had a pi.stol in ils pocket. The pros'cll ion failei to establisht t,his point. Nlr. Thurml-Ilond sworv that1, hlis pistol wats inl his offive o hIlls desk, aIlin hi tile ahseince of ity robutting evidence or presl Ill litolo the conltraiy, ought to be believed. [lilt aside froii this, woult lot, a Solivi lot I o justiiled as at illt.ter of common prudene, inl having wealpons onl his persotl It fail tiMi to defend lillim-ef, provided hie elarried dwhem inl at manner1V nlot Ionlt.raLy t,o law\; beCinglngeri pIosecu-IItint,g alIl k(ilIs of crimins for ali kinds of crvililt --soie of whomn or. their friends, initghl at an uin x I4petei lmeinlt, seek 1an1 oppoltulity of wroitak ig plersonlu ven'tiganle. Seconld: You saty, "Younllari did not, strike olr shoot anild 111141 nothii with whiclh to sioot.." Suppose we Id Inlit Ihis--Ithough there wais it IL 111m0 of whic the jui vy couili not havim pos sibly been ignornt, t hat. a fellow drilnl I ier pilVked Ip I1arris' pistol mIltI carrl-ied it. oly anIld .11thouilgl Ni iss A bbot t who knew nivitl.her of t he ml, e!stifit' 1.,u1t. 11ani ouit'side of "' I._ door. (I tiis) drew at pistol. 1-4u1, it jury Iimilst nloL t onsider whaIt, I'llimor. stys, atid It.s saiy for tle sake of lrglnllilt, thut, N.iss Abbloi.t was llistalken (anl lthnissii hAtLt t.he viidenile by no me.als justilies). 1)os I'1hat. ilter t,he cav? I)id not good mllenl sweal that, ll, Harris linted st.'longnly of fIIr-1arm1S WhenI he and4 ''l Thm-mond)lt met, tL th dg te stovo? Ilalrris was drunk. Now when I larris presenlt.el himllVf atI Thurmond11II('S 0IliVV, What, IiV iig mnl1 could hinve told wliler hei, hand at pistol or not.. Tle brw inl its WiSdOml VxIpOCtS n0 IManI tOVexhlibit, more-1 Itlan i reltsonthlo atulllit of votlulrge atI prildenev ait aniy Otn. INow%, thle aigains In ' I orsets. D omiest.ies at1 price s whtichi make com petit.ion IimpIossilel. Ill l NA R Y--Our lirst H at, sale, 10very~ ladoy mutlst attend( int justice to herself, in juostice to her purlse. we havex( mtade uip a ntice line of TFriminmed HaIts- Short IHarks, Sai lors, latrge and smnall sh apes, l lonn ets and( 't Turhans, l'inch evenZtiont is a gem of fashiiontabh trimmin tg--in tiloweis, CJh i lon and: R ibbhon. 'You will Iinud u i ntmed faincy st,raws, in al' shapes and rolors, 750. goods, now only 25c. You will also Iin tblleaut,iful bunches violets, roses aind all lloweirs of the day at greatly iedntied prices. C2omo and see. Daepor & Renwick. IF YOU WANT A BUGGY, SORRY or WAGON (Call on us before b)uyingb. We now~ have the p)rettiest ear'load of iluggies and1( Sur iecs that we have ever had We expcCt a carloadl of "Old Hckry"lWagols next wecek. Thlere is no Wagon on our market better, andl our prices are as lowv as cani be made for the same Ed. R: HIPP. wan ou anY' tie good bargainC we are dishing out. Abotit twIcO , year we empty the pot nd cklnti up the stote for low goods., putation dgrnent will quick.~ Is bvkfo you an11d y rxains. All l docido l'or You the uestiOL ot wka;k is ; look at tho goods. If they ar Chea\lp dIon 't I buy thiem. ASi especially to SeC our MVosambiues, Silk and Wool Grenadin,.s, Organdies and Mus. lins. .J. WOOTEN, ts d. lv. NA3EWBERRY, S. C. THE EQUITABLE LiI ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNAtITED WKLTES. Asets . . . $216,773,947 Reserve Fund and 11 othcr . . 173,496,768 Li4bilitics . )rplu1s, 4 per enk. . . $43,277,179 Outstandirg Assurance $915 102,070 T 01 i .V t has paid 6.1 I,35l to its policy.holders, and m addition w holds .i of Assets (of whieb $43,277,179 is urplus .k a to:a! fr $ 1t.1,2li8. This record coveriig at peri( d of leF * ' e r fr1m :ts orgalizatio, i s ove $212, 3,000 00 more than any -: c .::1';ayv ~ h a i: :lad accuminulated within the corresponding liod S ry. lhe Equuiabe writes any form of policy the assured may A ' , .naIkdal D>istribution, Endowment, Gluaranteed Cash Value, h l tlerm; of poicies. me bfort. als!uriv(g your lives elsewlre. I al.eisal' e l y s f, and pesois wishilg insurinie gou]d t.1r1 ten tt ao its plans beorr takinig om1 at policy T able issm s polici: s on b1t h male and female liv:. ARTHUR KIBLER, Agent. TM ae onm for FALL STOCK, Which is Daily Arriving, All Summer Goods must rnove regardless of cost. We are re tailing a Job Lot of Overshir sat DWyholeuade Prices> Special values in all lines of DyGoods, Millinery and Notions. Cut prices is all the go at C. E. SUMMER. J. H. SUMMER. G. W. SUMMER. The Leaders of DeIAalers In Low PriBSc First-Oflass Qosag Groceries, Hardware, Harness, Dry Goods, l)riO . Ia...Shoes and Clothing.... .a ndWagons~ .inst received1. Car load Carriages and Bnggies toai rive in a few dlays. Don't buy until you see our goods and got our pco.We can save you monley. D)ou't forget our' brands of' Flour: Obelisk, Favorite, Blue IBird, Waterloo, 0old Hickory. The best Flour' sold for the money In theo