The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 06, 1897, Image 3

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Oorreted every Tuesday and Frid , by Summer Bros. Shoulders ....................... 5 H am s.................................. 1 1 Best Lard 13est Molasses........ ..... 4 ( Good Molasses ................ 25 36 Corn ......~..................... 64 M eal ....... . . ........... 55 IHay .....,............. . 1. W heat Bran ........................ $1. Ust Patent Flour.............. $5.5 2nd Best Flour............... $5. Strait Flour................. $4.7 Good Ord inary Flour...... 3.5 .2 Sugar ......... . ......... lice................,,a Coffee ... ....... 1 0 CotW. ym.)al, per sack... .14 por cwt................. 30c Country Produce. Butter, per lb ................. IK20, Eggs, per dozen ............ 0N Chickens, each.................. 124a2o Peas, per bushel....... .......... 0 70. 3Corn, per bushel............ Oc Oats, per buh l............. 3 i c Sweet potatoes ............... 5 000 Turkeys, per 1b ................. 6 8d Fodder, per cwt .................. 75 85o Lost Juno 30, 1807, Small Silver Watch, six pointe Tmbdal on chain, small knobs on eac p int. Suitable reward if returned 1 National Bank. It. Wall Paper. Call at Salter's Photograph Galler and see large books of samplos of ti latest design in wall paper, wh ich he selling.'at prices that will plWase pu chasers. t3t. At Cost. Sheet music at cost for ten day Music fall under Crotwell lt-f' Wa. 4t-. I. g nuNS. Stockholders' Meeting. The stockholders of the Allianc Warehouse Company will meet on Pr day, the 9th of July, at Prosperity a eleven o'clock a. in. R. T. C. HUNTER, President. J. U. KiT-,,mv, Secretary. Teacher Wanted Flor Tranwood School. Applicatior uinist be handed one of the hoard < trustees on or before July 24, as teacl er will be elected that day. 1). W. BARE, J. 13. REAGIN, J. W. EPTING, 3t Trustees. Excursion to Tania. The Southern Railway will sell roun trip tickets July 20, good to return Jr ly 29, to Tampa, Fla., for eight dollari Leave Newberry 2.25 p. m. Leave Cc lutubia 5 p. in. same day. Special tral Florida, Central & Peninsula, good, t return on any regular tra-iin. J. A. BURToN, Agent. Excursionists to- See the ulf. An excursion trip to Tampa, Fla., ha been arranged by the Florida, Centre .fid Peninsula railroad at greatly e duced rates. Round tipl tickets fret all p)oints on the Northern division fo $5.00, on sale July 20th and good to r< turn JTuly 29th. Tourists will have a opportunity to go boat riding and fils1 ing in the great gulf. Teacher Wainted. F"or Hartford School, No.11. All ai plications must be handed to one of th board of trustees on or before Jluly 11 1897, at 9 a. im., as teacher will be elc' 'ed on that clay. Teacehers. j)lease stat salary wanted. All the patrons are also requested t e rsp at that meeting. -F. L. PAYSINGER, P. M. HAWKINS, C. T. P AYSINGER, Trustees. A Barbecue at Little MoutIain. Tn addition to other ent,icements e the reunion at Little Mountain, their will be a first-class barbecue, the prc coeds of wvhich will go to the Luthera church at that p)lace. ''Hash and hog will be served in fine ordt.r. If yo wishl to get, a good "cue," and at Lh same time promotc the interests ( Newberry College, be on'hand on th seventeenth. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. F 'LOOKINg WELL! ) 190T FEING WELL THEN TRY Robertson 's Compounrd Syrup Sarsaparilla, This preparation is a comnbinatio of drugs having alterativo, toni stimulant and laxative action. It contains three drugs which th meOdical p)rofeslsion recommend fc skin diseases, Scrofulous affe'etiona Dyspopsia, Liver Comnplie.mts, Rheit matismi, oec. It is carefully prepared from tb *purest drugs and is sold at 75 cent ~abottle at Robes/son &~ Gilder's Dru'e S/Ore. VAUOUS AND ALL ABOUT. - Good rains fell in the coanty on Sun. d1yafternoon. The last of the teachers returned fiom Parls Mountain yesterday. ly Mr. Silas Johnstone has :b6en reap. pointed United States Commissioner. o0. Mr. Jno. J, Long will preach in the c. Lutheran church on Sunday morning. c. The stockholders of the Newberry c. Qil Mill will meet tomorrow afternoon. 0. The Sunday School Convention of the Newberry Conference will meet at 0. Seth.Eden pn Augast 6th and 7th. 0.Ts 'Wf Newberry are ar rai - to iun an excursion to Ashe 5. l about the last of this month. Mr. J. -A. Dominick has been ap ' pointed postipaster at Kinard's and S. ) R. Koith ot Old Town, both in this cou9ty. Mr. R. C. Williams is building a res idence on Friend Street and will extend his furni.ture store from Friend street to Pratt.. Tho Young Peoples' Convention of the Second Prasbytery of the A. R. P. church will be held at Prosperity July 14-10. Round trip tickets will be on sale. Yesterday was celebrated as the d fourth of July. The Newberry postof h1 fleo observed Sunday hours and the tel egraph office was closed during the afternoon. The Nowberry and Chappells base Y ball tenaas will play a match game at 0 the F Ir Grounds on Friday afternoon at 5 ;clock. An admission of 10 cents wlI be charged gentlemen, ladies free. jDr. Young, who will leave the latter part of this week for Georgia in the in terest of his fruit farm there, has em ployed Mr. J. L. Goggans to take charge of his store during the summer while he is away. 'Dr. North will as si him and fill prescriptions. Ramp Strother, a colored boy living on Col. 0. L. Schumpert's place, had his leg broken last Friday by jumping from the down passenger train on the Southern road. He was taking a ride down to the junction but did not get off until the train had gained considerable 8 speed. Personal. Miss Mainie Kinard of Prosperity spent a few days in the city last week. Prof. W. W. Hentz and family, of Texas, are visiting relatives in the county. Mr. Y. V. A. Riser left for Orange burg last Friday where he will serve the congregation of Rev. Wyse during the summer. Mr. M. R. Lake left last Friday for Columbus, Ga., where. he will take a course in book keeping and stenogra phy. Rev. Geo. S. Bearden of St. Luke's was in the city last week. Miss Nina Bynum has gone to Ches ter to visit friends in that city. l Miss Nina Vance after a visit to friends in the city has gone to Harris I Springs. r Mrs. T. M. Wells is visiting friends and relatives in different paris of Lau 3 rens county. - Mr. D. B. Wheeler has gone to Glenn Springs. Mr. T. C. Pool is spending a few days in Asheville, the "Land of thbe Skies." Cot. 0. L. Schumpert is attending court in Union this week. .Mrs. ,Smith and her daughter, who have been visiting at Dr'. E. C. Jones', have gone to Glenn Springs.. Dr. Fox will leave next Thursday for Greenville, Tenni., where he will spend a month of his summer vacation. Miss Lelia Blackwell has returned to her home in Clinton. Miss Viola Scnn left yesterday for her home in Woodruff, S. C. tMrs. J. Mittle has gone to Norfolk, nVa. Mr. David Mvittle has gone to Char a leston. S Col. George Johnstone has gone to n Columbia on professional business. '3 Mr. 0. Sheppard of Edgofleld is on a 'fvisit to relatives and friends ini New '3 berry. Messrs. Robert Mayes and Claude Greneker, of the Citadel in Charleston, are home on a vacation. Mr's. Corrie Greneker and Mrs. C. C. Davis and children leave this week for the mountains. D)r. Hlouseal and family wilt leave the latter part of this week for~ a tour in r. the mountains. Miss ClIto Patton, of Clinton, is visit ing at Mr. W. C. Cromer's. Messrs. Geo. W. Summer, John W. IKibler, and R. B. McCarty leave to . morrow for Heondersonville, N. C., for a week or ten days. Mr's. J. Y. Culbreath is visiting Mrs. P. C. Gaillard at Monroe, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Cuibreath vis ited Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant at ' Whitmires last week. Frying Chickens. For sale at all times and cheap by t&lftf J. C. MYERS. Old Focopl. Old peopple who require medtcine to i, regulate the bowels and kidneys .will -find the true remedy in Electric Bit c. ters. Thuis medicine dloes not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other in toxicant, but acts as a tonic and altera tive. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving a tone to the organs, thereby aidin Na ture in the performance of tihe fne tins, Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old Peo pie find it just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents and .1.00 per bottle at Robertson & Gilder's Drmr Store. A PARK iOR NEWDERRY. something, that Is GreatlyNeeded-Ih VAC6 We Should Have SeveraL Last week we mentioned the fact that we would say something of a park for Newberry. It is something we have before.9- 'on of, and something chat is greatly needed in Newberry. We mentioned that a gentleman proposed to offer i the town seventeen aeres of woods for the use of a park, provideif the town would enclose it and lay out some roads and otherwise improve it. The ground in question is on the road to Helena In rear of the property of the estate of the late Wallace A. Cline, and the grove belonging to this estate. Mr. B. H. Cline authorizes us to make this statement. We do not know that they propose at present to deed out right to the city just now, but they will give it'at least for a term of years and it could be made a mostdelightful park and a charming place for having pie nics. There are good spriigs on the grounds, and then the coinmissioners of publie works might be induced to put in a supply of artesian water. The cost of fixing it would be small, and the comform and pleasure to the citizens would be great. The matter is at least worth looking Into. If the offer of Mr. Cline is made so that the council can accept it and go to the expense neces sary to make it a pleasant park, we suggest that it be known as the Wal lace A. Cline Park. There are several other places in the city that would make very pretty little parks, but it would take some money. The Wallace A. Cline Park having about 18 acres of land with trees all over it could be made a very pretty place and being between Newberry and Helena, cvul be used by both towns. July 17th. The date of the Newberry College reunion at Little Mountain. Everybody is invited. The morning train, with two regular passenger coaches, will leave Newberry at 7.30 o'clock. If there are as many as 50 in the party,1 the fare for the round trip will be 50 cents apiece. Board of County Commissioners Met yesterday. There was very lit tle business transacted, bxcept the ap proving of claims. The Supervisor was authorized to se cure estimates for the building of a bridge over Saluda river somewhere in the neighborhood of Kempson's Ferry. A public highway was authorized to be opened in No. 9, beginning at J. 13. Feller's residence and running into Bouknight Ferry road. The commigttee appointed to investi gate the claim of B. W. Goodwin for damage by opening road reported against allowing the claim and the re port of the committee was adopted. There were eleven nembers of the board present. Only Paper at County Beat. Proprietor will sell outfit, accounts and good will of Uamberg Herald for $1500 cash. Good job outfit included. OTIS BRABHAM, t&f. 4t.. Bamberg, S. C. Programm's of Newberry College Reunion. The Newberry College Reunion will be held at Little Mountain on July I?th. The ofilcers are endeavoring to make this reunion better than any be fore. Everybody is invited and prom ised a pleasant and p)rofitable day. As usual, the ladies will bring baskets. Besides there will be a barbecuc for those who prefer- such dinner. A spe cial train will be run from Newberry and Prosperity at a very low rate. Come, this will be the biggest gather ing of the season. PROGR A MME. Welcome-Rev. H. P. Counts. Newborry College in 1870- -Rev. C. P. Boozer. Newberry College in 1897-li. U. Shealy. Who Can Get a College Education H. J. Math ias. From School to College-B. L. Jones. Th'Ie Alumni of Newberry College C. A. Fellers. Newberry College and Her Girls Prof. W. K. Sligh. Education and Citizenship-R. C. Banks. Announcements-President Gee. B. Cromer. t2t W. A uo. SHEA LY, Secr-etary. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe 'Thomas, of Junction City, ILU., was told by her doctors she had Cons umnption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New D)iscovery completely cured hier she says It.saved her life. Mr. Thos Eggers, 180 Fliorida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadfut cold, ap proaching Consumption, tried without result everything el se then bough t one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is nat urally thankful. It is such results, of which t hese are samples, that prove the wonderful effleacy of th.a medicine ini Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Robertson & Gilder's Drug Store. Rieg ular size 50Oe. and $1.00. We Rise to Remark that it is fly time, andl( to re mind you that tile best thing yet invented for catching flies is STICKY FLY PAPER. The manufacturers have improved their paper for this season. It sticks better and catches 2nore flies. We have tested its sticking qjualities. It is also cheaper. We always keep a full stock on hand. ROBI.'RTSON & GILDER, Drug'rists. Os the eorner. t AG ay RED HOT MEETING 1RBY AND MoLAURIN BECOME PER SONAL. The' Campaign Ope'.- at Suniter-Only Three Entrits for the Senate So Foar. Almost a How at the Start. [Special Herald and News.J Sumter, S. C., July 5.-The meet lug today was more exciting.than anticipated. McLaurin spoke lirst and denounced the authors of the report that he was in a combination as false and characterized those who orig Inated it as skulking politicians who hid in their dens. He made a strong defense of his position on the tariff and reviewed his record as Congressman and Senator. He declared his inten tion to conduct the campaign on a de cent plane, and declared his reliance to be on the people who wore tired of strife and senselebs bitterness. Irby began his speech by saying that McLauri't dLeath knell had already been tolled. McLaurin interrupted, saying, "Hark from the tomb." Uproar followed, McLaurin's follow ere cheering wildly. .Irb' charked that he% was the victim of a plot to be howled down, and de nounced Sumter as the hot bed of Has killism and Republicanism and the p;eo ple as city shenchmen. More uproar. The chairman told Irby lie must not use such language. Irby claimed to have been insulted and refused to retract unless lie first ro3ceived apology. He denounced Mc Laurin and Gonzales in strongest temi-ns as heads of a conspiracy. Said MeLau rin was dishonest politically. McLaurin jumped up and said he permitted no man to say he was dis honest. Almost a row. Chairman quieted the speakers and crowd. Irby claimed he would beat McLau rin out of his boots with Conservative votes. That lie would prove McLauurin to be in a conspiracy. lied hot meeting as far as speakers were concerned. Mayileld wired lie was ill but flied pledge. .jAs lie was leaving the stage Irby said there would be other candidates in the race. H. (. OSTEEN. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. The following account of the meet ing yesterday ir taken from the special to the Atlanta Journal: Senator McLaurin was the first speaker, County Chairman Purdy pay ing a tribute to Senator Earle's miemn ory and pleading for a campaign on a high plane, before introducing him. McLaurin was received with much applause. He denied that he was mix ed up In any combination or had made pledges to any man or set of Inen , de fying his opponents to prove anything to the contrary. He also paid a tribute to the memory of Senator Earle. [Ho endorsed the p)rimar'y lan anid said it prevented trading. Hie then gave an account of his stewardship, sp)eakinig at,great length. As lie proceeded the house filded up anid there was a good crowd which gave him very care fuml attention. IBY STIRS UP WAR. When McLaurin had finished ex United States Senator John L. M. T rby rose and was introduced. Then for. three-quarters of an houir there was enacted as exciting scenes as perhaps have ever been witnessed at a camn paign meeting in this or any other state. Things.looked serious time and again.. At one time Irby and McLaurin were only prevented from eliniching by the interfdrence of those on the stage. Irby, ini his speech, app)lied thec sever est lan'guage to McLauarin, and lie came to the front. When Irby rose the cheers for McLaurin wore dleafenling. Hie made an op)ening sally, and McLau rin made an apt asideO, and then the cheering wvas such that Irby, despite r'epeated efforts, could not go on. Thlien when Chairman Purdy quieted the crowd, lie started out, charging the crowd with trying to howl him down. He-said he knew that it was all fixed in this hotbed of Hlaskellism and Con servatism. Pretty soon lie said he didn't care how many of these city henchmen tried to provont, him from speakinug. Chai rmnan Purid y adlvanced thlen atnd said that it was their desire to give Irby a respectful hearing. If lie could not be respectful, they did not want to hear him. The coinmittee was not re sponsible for' the outburst of feeling. Irby reli ed that, they had insulted him first. Irby went on tihen anid characterized McLaurin as a r'ing streaked, strip)ed and speckled politician. IHe charged him wit.h dishonmesty, anid with being guilty of treason and treachery. He said L,hat the foulest conspiracy that ever existed in t,his State was now In force, andl McLaurin was its benefi ciary. In this vein he went on for some tinme. Finally, McLaur'in who had t,urned very p)ale, jumpedl up andl faced hime, saying, "Irby, let's have an under standing right bere. We have known each other some time. You can't ac cuse me of dishionesfy. You can't in suit me that way." The two mnio faced each other'. Irby replied that hie had said it, and added, "I say fur ther that if you hit me you will be lilt, back." , As this juncture Editor Appelt, rush ed up to McLaurin, and told him he would anvn a rnnly Cthares Emanuel POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for ItN great leavening strength and healthfuliess. Asaurm the food agalist alum and all forins of adulteration contmon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.,NEW YORK rushed In and said to Irby, "No one but acoward would talk that way." HI FCAI,S TiTEM COWARDS. I rby replied that no one but a cow ard would insult a guest. Mr. Purdy and others got the mon (uiteted, the house being In an uproar. irby went on to say that N. G. Goll zalep was MeLauiin's chaperone, that Gonzales had Governor Ellerbe hypno tizod. He contliued in a like vein to the end. When Irby tinished, McLaurin de nounced the charge that he was in a combine with Gonzales or anybody olfe as absolutely false. Irby retorted that, he would prove it. How's This! Weoolilielneti(nd-edlDollaris Heward for any caso of Catarrh that canimt be varod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F". J. CIMI'N 14W s% co., P'rops., Tolodo 10. Wo the undersigned have nowi F. J. dte. ney for the last 15 years, and believe hi11 oer ely honorable In all business tran-acili mnd , 11811ai1Y able to carry out any obat. t ittioi muatio by tmeir ilrip. IVX8T & TIAUX, Wholesald Druggists. To WAIr N, ICINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Drug lF, N'Toloudo 0. 11a lp: Uattarrh (hire is taken intornally, a6tt lug directly ipon the blood aui nucous sur facos of the systAem. Price 76e per bottle. Sold by aill Druggista. TcmtMnoniRssfr.-e.. M,ARRJIED. On the 5th instant, by 1ev. E. P. Mc Clintock, Mr. Commodore Iobb and Miss Agnes Signal. D)EATH8S. Mrs. Li. Nichols, wife of Mr. Allen Nichols, of the St. Iluke's comminuinity, No. 9, died on Monday morning, July 5th, and will be burled this afternoon at St. Luke's church. She was about 70 years old, (On a red hot day Hires Rootbeer ~ stands be tween you and the dis tressing ef fects of the heat. hIRES SRoet beer cools the blood, e ~, tones the storn a echi, invigorates ,the b)ody, fully ..' satisfies the thirst. A delicious,spark linig, temperance drink of the high est medicinal value. The Charsm K.9 ie. Co., Phila. .NOTICE. dre~w J1. lledenblaute.h, deceased, are hereby requiiired to render to the uni dersigned, a statemne,jt of the samne dii ly attestedi according to law. R. ELLbA BED,1ENl3AUJGH, .JOHN H. HEDllENIIAUGH, As Executrix of Excutor or the last will andi testamnent of Andrew . licdenbaugh,dlceasedl. Time Limited Until September 21. Bestfull life-size Pas tal and Crayon Por traits made-'-not en larged and then fin ished by hand--but en larged by hand and fin ished in the latest style, most durable and per manent manner at less than half usual price. Call and see sample work at . ALTES Art S3tlio, Main Street, Newborry, S. C. H RAIDAOH E ured in20 mnahans a MIiu NEWIIERtV'S WEALTH. The Teiable Uli anid Personai Property as Takenl From tho AmIitor's Itookm. Auditor Cromerv hals com11pleted hlis abstrtctu of the real andit plsoaId proporty In the county as retrmod for the yeav corinueicing .Jannary 1, 1897. Thle fgures are as follows, the totals being given by townshiips: 1al Real 1.St-atle. E.State. Townships. 1895 911. 1897. Newberry ..... $ 837,-410 $ 841,9:0 Caldwoell. .. .. . .... 1.19.485 1.19,6;1o Maybinton ....,... 100,250 100,250 Cromer .i......... 190,400 191),.l I;, Reedor . . .. .. .5'(0 18,:15 F'loyd ..1 , 245,210 21:1.855 Moon ...... .... . 225,1.15 221,220 Mondenhall . . 1(8,525 418 .199 Stoney Battery.. 357,:325 |5,1 Cannon .......... 173,530 17-1,91 Heller ........... 198,270 198,95A Grand totals. .$2,8:2,920 $2.811,235 Townships. 1895 -9tl. 1 897. Newborry ....... $ 799,620 s 8::,il7 Caldwoll ........ 32,295 31,:85 Maybinton ...... 20, -1 G:1,35, Cromer .......... 40,26', 13,.iA t Reecdo ........... 0. 40,151.5 115,805 Floyd(.......... 63,505 (7,4195 Moon............ -14,715 -12,775 Mendenhall 5. .11.780 Stoney Battery.. 15:,935) 15.)9,575 Cannon .......... :18,1.5 40,130 Heller........... (18, .170 :3.910 G rand to.lis. ..11,340,785 $1,396,3 17 T;he totals show thalt, tle valNe of 1-eal Ostato has increlased $8,115, antI personali propelty has ile-reased $55,.5:12. Tho following itemized valnations of personal property, ileluled in aIbove t.tals, will doubtless be read Wit.h in Worest. NIo. No. 1895 96. 1897. H orses .1 .... ,271 1 ,5I-; Cattle .............. . .1,668 .,102 Miles and a esse ..... .. :1, 159 ,:I01 Sheep anl goats ..... 2,097 129 -logs .................. u,0 i1 5,91:1 Dogs ............. ....1,6i19 1.912 Pleasure carlriagO . .3,01: :),187 Vatlue. \'aille. 1895 -96. 18s97. Horses ... ........ $ 5(6,585 ,1 U 095 Catt.c ............... :18,815 39,805 Mules and asses... . . 1:12,095 1.12,0:10 Sheep aid goats. .... I ,95.3 I ,.5 Hogs ............ ... 12, 100 1,185 Dogs ................ 8,320 9,9190 'leasure ctriag-hes. . 4,120 5,:1,19 TIhe above figilles show iait dverease in the niimber of hogs, shieepi anl goats, and( an i1crease inl the it111n1ber. of dogs. The (ogs have I ncreased 2:3 since i,hl last abstract was made out. If tih is Iue11s that do-s lroe li, g bioug i. I . light-, It is eIse for et n IA4:11. If it, mueas tlhit. hogs, shk op aini N4iA ar.1e being' neglected rt, dogs. w . the next abst.raet will malke a 1t.l. showing for the hogs, e 1 and goats.-Voice of the People. THE OAKS HOTEL, Deccleiolly thie best. suaterat ates ltel in II wateiIr in th4 v'oil 9; granI1tinl,9t i,cen9ry ' n cti tu I agor. uIATIC,-- $94Ist 159 per Wee (Come an9e4 1 prtise 9t every ellot,a Isossihe for Drawer 9114. 11 . A. I, AT'Il \, VwII 1.. 1&de -~J We' l-Ja .c rrIy ti er\ . good1 cloar glass, groun<l sanooth anul e tuses thei cheap(j lonises is ntc(,sit9t1d It it, or uise a st.ronzgor lens~ whIichi harmns After 30 yoars inl tIh busiliess I lial haVe ani instrilment for Implerf( " DANIELS THE EQI LIFE ASSURBAI OF THE UNI Assets . . . Reserve Fund 1 (4 per cent. Htnanir) and all other, Liabilities . . . J Outstanding Assurau The Socioty 1has9 paidl $253,95(',351 I nlow hold(s $210,773,947 of Assebln mnakinig a total of $4 70,7310,298. Tis than 38 years from its organtioL(n, is other comfpanIy has8P'j~ p iit and ccumula of its history. TJhie iutitaible writjes wanft.-T-.Lontinot, Annnal D)istribut ion, 1 TIerm, any other forms of policies. Call and1( s00 mol hofore assulring you 'ho Equitab)le is abs)olutoly saife, anti tind1 it to their initerest to exaitne its elsewhere. The Equitab)le issues8 policies on bo ARTHE ft (Om. V I W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe. Stylish. durable, Verfect fitting. Endorsed by werFz,ow,woo wearers. W. L. Douglas $3.50,$4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material - sible at these prices. Also $2.50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50,$2and$1.75 Boys We ti9 te bestCalf, Russia Calf, French Viteiit Caif, Frenell Enam,el, Vlcl Kid, ate., grnat ta correepwid i th prices of t shoes. Ifdeftler Call1ot supply you, write CatAlog frce. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass, SOLD) by 0. M. JAMIESON. ReD.SMITE AGENT FOR THE "Royl Tailors," Jacob Reede & Sons' Fine Tailoring 5101)BRATE PRI0H8. BUITS TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Asheville, N. C. uo )11 iit i 'v l i i i s 4)(1 1 :: sI' ii: -e wrfect servht ; hont anetl eol.Id ths; it'eO bli 1 i it sion ii ii 11) i)li' i t I rit us tn*tr SPECT ACLE$. Thie lnses of atli l) apIspectals tro stinpod otL of dingy glaiss by a I l liotat is saisio shalipo of (1lie 10en aIv sheet of inioltoii glass is passet) mdi(lr it by ma11ich inery); thiis loiavos hoi surfaces of I bieso lonses i rrogtular, -oughI and unp olir :hed, and41 th re 'ritioni is not1 neari as5 per1fect asi 8il supYlyie refIract.ionu whiuch strinsh the retjitiiad haistens the decaty of y litted aire us badt its (heI>Oj oneWs. JIisoti0's huinko is thel best, ati<d we et vision a it. IIT ABLE. ICE SOCIETY ED STATES. r 1, 1BO'7. . . $216,773,947 .. 173,496,768 . . . $43,277,179 o. .$915,102.070 4) ifs p)olicy. holders, anrd mi addit ion of whic uSi 3,277,1 79 is Surphis), reco0rd O( coeinig at p)eriod of lossi overh $2 I2,793,000( mIoreO than~i any aniy form of p)olicy the assured may rlives (lsewhero. I peronsH11 wishing 'usurance wvould planist bofore taking out a policy bi ma111 and1( femaulo livos. BR KTRLER, Agent