E. if. AULT.L, KJT1oj THE I'ItTMS% EXCURISON. Our1 friend, Alhe Press and Balner, has antually found fault with the pro graiml or excursion as provided by the ofllers. snee we have been eonneected with te Association in an oleal ea pacity. I desire V) say for the benetit. of those who ilay not un11derstand the arrange luents fully thatl at a mleeting of the Executive ( t)nlitit.tee it was devided to toke a trip to Nashville at tihe conelus lot) or the mneeti-g at Newberry and the neretary and lPresident were. author ' ed to make tle necswary rr nge ments. in order to divide t ve work I undertook the arrangemtents for the trip while the Secretary was to assist in selurilg 'transportation to the annu al meeting. The result of my laborts has been printed in detail. I am sorry that the plans do not ieet the approval of t lie Press and iBanner, but tien it is hard ly to be expected that any arrange Ir.ent.s could be made to Meet with uni versal pitI1piolat ioln. I have given a great deal of tiIV to this iatter atnd It has cost me some money, but both have been given free ly and.heartily in order to m1a'e a pleas ant trip for those who desire to take it. The takhtg of !he trip is not compulso ry on any tilber and neither is any member who to ces it bound to confotm to the. progratim if he does not desire to do so, but to make the trip with any sort of order or comfort or pleasur) some kind of program and schedule had to be arranged and tihe one made I hoped would meet with apl,roval. Plor instance, those who prefer other enter 01tinment thiatt going to ch1nuch on Sun (lay ttle not obliged to go to church. As to publishing all the correspond ene it would take a weeklV newspaper foi that purpose alone. I printed t-ne letter irom N r. H 1 . a 1, o' the Wes tern and A tiant.iv,which gave tiht cond i tions 1111411 whIi'ch transpolrtati:1 woul be issued and lie has my word that I will eollformli to those condil.iolls, antd I will do so. If any editor wants to go it It'o le t.her. is 110 colipllsiol oil him to go with the party or to secure Iis transport,ation through tle Seeretary and 'resilent. But we its oilleiurs of the Association were authorized to act for the Association, and so far as I anm concerned as 'resident I will seeI' transportatinon only for mIlemblers of the Assoeiation. oithirwise what wohlitl lie the good of our- having an Asciation and acting tillfo it? And my revollectionl of tle Chiicluo tril is thait, it. was necet'ssary to haNe imellberslip il tlie Assoviation for trasporttion throtigh the Secretary. Eli meIei' will 'IaVe his own1 tiek et. and canl remlnain iitil it is olit -usu ally 310 days. I thought four days would be about as long as the majority Woldll care to remalii in Natsiville, but those who want, to stay longer ean do so. 1 giant that, severval days coul he 51pen1t pleasanltly in ('hattanooga. lbut away from their business so longY As to the ['ui. man ear 1 tholught it, would be more plleasat, to have our' own ciar for' the enit,ire tr'ip, but, neither la that coampulsory and up t,o this tinme I have heardl fronm (lily two miemlbers aiid if tile others do not responlmd we will have no ear, for I will not, oirdeir it ulless I have tihe mloneLy to pay totr It. 1, semted to mie that, $5.00 wtas cheap foir the use of a car' for six days and those who (10 not l'ett,urn with the pari' ty will onily be depived oIf its uise fori 0one day and1( we had1( nO idea there would be kicking omi that score. Aft,er the State waslt kinid eniough to publish it fuu the I tinlerar'y I dlid nlot, mail aniy more copiles of it, thinking ever'y memberL'i would( see it. 1'Tose who initenld taking thte tip as prioposedl shiould let ime hear froni themll at (once. VTe time is inow near at hand. Of coure~ 1 (10 tiot conlslier the crlit liciim of the Press amnd Uannter as at all personalt and de itot object, to crit,ieim, but, it, do&s seem a littie str'ange that so much gppear should be given to this matter. If the Press5 and1 Banner do sires to pi'int, the correspoiidenice of the President, I will gladly furnish hitm the letters I have received though I did inot keel) colpies of those I wro0t0. I am expectintg Mr. Wilson at thte annuual meeting and I wail theOn show hint all the correspIontdence. I beg thte pardon of miy ireader's for taking u.p thtis imuch spacet~ withi thlis matter but It is the only method i have of exp'aining poinits i'aised by Mi'. Wilsoa. E. II. A U I,,, FI~NI1SH1ED. Chapman's History of Edgefield is now printed. Thle last, pages went through 0our presses this mori'n g. TIhe people of Edgehle'ld and Sahttda shtotuld show their ap)preciation of the labor's of Mi'.Chapman by btuying out this edi Lion at once. It Is a good1 woirk and1( a book that every man in Edgefield1 should possess5. 0Only a limtited1 num-1) bei' have been pintedl, and if yout 1101) to0 seCUre at copy yott had better (o080 at once. It, will be sold1 by subscr'iptioni only and at $2.00 a copy. The book contains 528 p)ages. It will be r'eady -for delivery in abomt ten days-jusit as soon1 as we can htave the bindiing done1. TeNewber'ry Colg claImfo$5, 000 has agalin passed the Senate. We hope this tIme it wil' get throiugh the House. It is a iIghiteous chlim and shouhld go thriough. RUILROAD) TO N4EWISURIRY The peop'o of the uow town of Sala la, the county seat of the new county of S.l.cda, III carollna, avo going to wori La make Saluda an iiortait i)la. '1 hey reali.o that railroad faell Ittes arC one of the tirst requ1irem- lts, and have Indt, no time' in getting to Work to seure a rail-oad. The projeted rallroail from Aigusttk 14 Newbrt'y passes through the tIwn of j41uhl liud the peopl0 of Saludal E.4ugeIllo1 ;pn Nowlberry, are uniiting in an elTort. to push that. ioad to comple ion. The liiie has not. oinlv been sur. veyed. bui ias been giradetl all the way to Newherry. The right of way and the gradid 1ino belong to the people along the line, anld they are ready to tturn these over to any coin Iany that will give a guarantee to built the road. It is an olIportlunity for soio vompany to acqluire withoiut. cost, what is a very exiensive portion of every railroad. ihe company that will untdetuke the liilding of the Augusta. I-:dguleld and Nowberr rail o ud will escape all this expense ad get a graded roadbed fr-ee. The people or Augusta shiouili mani rest a lively intere-t in this mattler. I le road would be at valuable fecder for Auguolst4t and would bring into easy necess and close toulch withl our i icom Imervial int-rests a fertile and valuable section of South Carolina. The plilie nietinmy held at Salmda in the interest. of the enterriso passed resolutilons en dorsintg i lon. 'atriek Walsh for presi dent. and lion. (itorge .ll list oil', of Newberry, for vice president. to move in the matter of orgaiiziig a company and procu-ing val'ital for huildng the road. It. Is it p-.1seworthy enterpis.. and ouit Carolina 'riends are moving in the right. direction in seeking railway ('(on1nection wvith the rest of the world. IIere Is success to tle railroad.-Au gusta Chronicle. We are glad to see 0111' Cotemi)porairy tak ing hold of the railroad and we hope it will be able to arouse the pe,ople of Alugusta to the importaie of speedily building it. This-oad will he worth muore to Augusta and Augusta mer ehants than to any other section throlgh whiich it goes. To those of us at Edgefield and Sall ti and Newberry it will be a great con venience blt voiiervially speaking it will put within tasy reach of Augusta a riih and rtosperous sectionl of couln try that is Iiatiurally tributary to it. In addition to this, this road goes through a s,t'tioni oi Cotat.ry that real ly needs a il'r0oal. I.ot tis gt togethi t1r aild 111sh it alonl!' to an varly comi il etio0.1. TtCR1011 TO 11STE:Al,. The ('harleston News and Collrier relates that a gentlemon visited Savan nal sone months agn, where lie rv VIAVedl at I)weSent., of s0Ime Wines froml a kin-,man. The wines were packed in his trunk and the trunk, with all its contents, including clothing and other ehattels, Was proIptly appr-opriated by honest. spies ir C har-lest on. The hie11est spies de4-k-lare that, it was shillppe '0 Ve'ry ioitest dispelnsary oficers in Colutubin. Who, honest, as they are, de clart in tiuin that it was n' ver reveived. 11t, tlit gentilman whost, MonV hought t tu Ink and clothes in it has ivard not one word from it. It, is gonte, a i forever, ftr we live inl a State wihere the pli-vilege is given hy law to vertail men 11to steal with iapium ity.-(-eenvillo News. This sounds a little severe but wheni you redlve tle situation to Its last analysis you will be forced to the con clusioI that it is very nearly, if not, en tirely, a piropier aiid correct diag nosis of thie ease. TJatkinhg and( atppriopriat ing to yoiur owni use that, whIiich does not. helong to you Is noth inag more tior less thtan stealing. T1here is certai nly some tl hing grievously wronig somewhere and the soonier it us removed the better for the good miorals and the healthy tde velopmuent, and healthl of the State. The reader.: of The lloraltd and News will remiembher that during Gov. T1ill maon's adininistrattion the Agricultutral hail, a builIing belonging to the State, wits sold. When payment. wats ten tered sonie of thle Bliie Ridge scrp11 wa offered. It was refused and piropierly, but not (only so piossessioni of the build ig was reftused the piurchaser, amit an armed gtuard was p)lated( at the (door. Suilt wias commenicedC2( and the case ran the gaunlot of all the cour'ts, anid now the Supreme Court of the Uited States says the puirchatsor must have the builtd ing and tho dispensary will hiave to itovo (jturters and( pay back ront. The State hats been in lhtigation now for si x yoars and nearly every time she comles ouit I. ser. Tihe ('oosaw case wasI won, but the wining oif it crippledl the phiosp)hate mining business and greatly reduced the incomo from thiIs source. It was really a dearly biought victory. Now we lose the II[all cause besidles a lot of improv, meats dione to the builtd lug to lix It til for our big grog shop. We should by this time have enou)tghi of lawvsuits and contintual litigation. Coogler, the ('olutmbia poet, shioultd be hapl-y in t.hat lie it furniishing amunsemienit anid entert.alinment for so many people. The latest is "T1he J. Gor'don Cooglor Cluib, Stanz,a I."' lloiw to Treat. ia Wife. (F.rom Pacifle IIealth Journal.) First, get a wvifo; secondi, lbe patien)t. You may have great trIals and perpllex itles In your business, but (d0 not, there fore, carry to your home a cloudy or c ontr'acted birow. Yotur wife may have trials, which, thotigh of less magnitude, mmay be hatrd for her to beari. A kind1( wordl, a tender look, wil doI(1 wonders in chasing from her brow all clotuds of gloom.----To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamberli'ls Congh Hemnedy in t,he houise. It is the best and( is sture to he nieeded sooner or lat er. Your wife will thon kno1w thait, you really care f.-r her' and wish to priot,ect het' health. For0 sale by W. IX', I'elhiam, lh'uggist. Brick! BdIok!! For' sale by Bi. C. Matthews, New berry, S. C. tf. * 1. WV. West will openi a IIrst-class Sestaurant on Wednesaday at the New Hat hutaq Vhapel ad ppipo 4cqeIn.V UbIps Health somewhat, improved, The cold snap last wpb)c stppped the cotton and corn from coniJg up. Oh, my! what a clod breaking we have had since wo i-pW,e ourtulast lettor. Tihe fartiel4 proi) i at out all done plant ing their oropm. Old Ml rs. ('hips is in had humor this we4. One of her best hens committed suicide not ong sltice by eating con ventuiated lyo. Itillch success to the editor with his new pre.s. lie is better equilped for telling t' e people what's what now ti:n ever. I Ioie that no more of our scratvlhinlg will have to lie in the olico for about a week or ron days before it is plblisi,d. Sometimes it's about, a week old when we write it, and then to I,t it stand over for another week, we would about. as' soon it was not pub lished at till. We retutirn many thafks to our young college st udent friend, Mr. Thaddeus V.p1ting, for always being so kind as to brinm our mail every week. 0Ie' good women I ave all got new dresses and1 new hats, now what will lbe ltie next cry? oh, yes, new shovs. Yes, we want out to see our old 1lro. Kay last week, and we found hinm in t.he very best of humor. Leitel was there COidtiuting his great big revival meeting in ils own peculiar wily. We learn that he knocked the (dispensary and wliiskey drinking sk,v high, and I'rosperity still memains an unlicensed town. So far as the liquor trailic is c0 ncer')Ned we cong rat-u late you, old lirothler, in your success. We hope that' you will work equally as hard now to root out the blind tigers. Look here, friend correstiolidents, what do you all think of having another retinion at thie editor's residence Some ti me d u rig the sit mmet.? Those social gatheriigs mue very pleas-1t, indeed. It was tile editor's last treat. now I at going to introduce a wa'ermnelon and ice creamn festival to be furnished by the force of cor-respoidents. It, will only he a vetry small item for us all, so let u- treat the editor and his family of 1ourst. Ni. Ilouseal of the Lutheran \'i:itor is il ided. Thlis is only a suggest ion. Now I desire to hear from eat-h1 corre';pondent. Tell Chips what you think of the suggestion. pr'esetMativ' l John F. Banks spent last Sunday witti us. The captain is always full of talk. and it is always talk that is full of interest. Comne tgain, captain, we are always glad to have your company. L.ook her", .osh, you come down and go fishing with old Chips some time, we will go down on Cannon's creek and Chips will keep oif the skeeters while yolt eateh tie minlows. F"ry meat and hake bread has been tle song itn tle kitchen so long that out' old tmaws have about, dried up. Ih:It the beans are blooming and the' I risl poltittoes iare aboit, t lie size of a guinca egg, atid other vegetables are roming on as fast as time will let thiem. Tie blackberries atre almost in sight. Now, Josh, when we get all these thitngs together you come downvi and I will send for Kay and we will shut the (door and stop upi the cracks. Oh, hush! While we wer'e itn towtn wo dr'oppe)d into t.he shieri if's oice and got, a dink of art esiani water and took some recre ation for a short while. Wte noticed hat Shieri if Bufor'd had made cotnsider able impilrovemnents in hiis ofice by the purachase of a new dlesk. The desk is well atrraniged and adds much conve niencee to the ollice. WIe hope whtenever' the Township 1 ''tsionm Hoard gets t,hroutgh examining all the appJl icants they will publish the ntamtes of all whio will ireceive pens)ions5, and1( to what, class they belong. If ily some folks cou.ld be canididates all the titme; they are such good fellows whten they want omieo. T1he first thing Chips intenids to d1o when Ite becomes governor of this State Is, he's going to give all of his kitn folks an ollice. Now, Kay, I will tell you and Josh in time, you neednu't applly for anything unt,il I give all my kin folks a job. There is just plenty of plet0ll who are jus5t as good as their sense wvill allow them to bc. Some of our boys got river struck last, Tuesday. They went tdown to old Broad river and broughtt in a flue 'lot, of cats. Sam says old "Uuhster"' is always so proutd wvhen ho starts him towatrd the river that, lie, will shake his head and twist hiis tail and greet, him with a smile. I must pull off my hat in prlaise to Nita. Shue has shown the nobility of a well trained womnatn. She comes out mand ad v'ocates a bet.ter (d iscip1)line amotn our dtaughiters. She tells us that, the happiness of every home depenids upon01 t,he wotman t,here, atnd caused by her careful spir tit, piower' of endtur'anco atnd self control. We catn say ametn to this1 yes, Nita, you couldn't have struick a het.temr subject than t.his. There Is no dooubt but, that a great deal of the tr'outbles andl hardships of to-day are caused by the neglect of p)arents in the training of their daughters as wvell as their sons. Maty girls nowadays are rai.Aed up to lie waited on, atnd an idea cherished by s0omo p)arents that labor, though not exactly degrading, is not altogether the nicest, thing for their dauightotrs to p)erfor'm. Now, good pa r'ents, such truaining as this Is veiny do fectivo. Oft,en our daughters become wives and( mothers and many house 1h01(1 sutfferu from our neglect. Paret are tutdet' ju)stdls many and as binding obligat,ions to r'aise their ehildreni to be utsofttl. ccooniIcal andl indlustr'ions at they are to setnd them to school. Hlome anid school-houso education should gc together. Evetry mother shotuld see to it that her dlaughters are not only fit. to know how to dress and be ent,rtaia ipg, b%-t to know. how to be useful to thembl Ves, to their - mothers and to society. You can just look into overy avocation of life, and then into the dwellings of our peoplo both in and out of towns and cities, and see how many of the present. evils, the failures of life and folings of unrest aro traceable to such imperfect training. "Train up a child li the way it should go and whet it, gets'old it will not depart. from it" applies not, only to moral or spiritual training, but also to secular training. Last Monday was memori.al day at. Newberry. WO got in town late in the afternoon, just in timo to suo the deco ration of tMe monument. Newberry County has erected a monument which contains the names of al, her.dear old veterans who suiffered, bled and died, mon who leit theitOwives and dear little ch ildren to 1igh t for what they conceived to be the rights of their country. The bodies o: many of this numbei,are now mingled w(th the earth of distant, lands, and now we can but meet and cherish these sweet memories. Quite a s -dniess struck our heart, as we stood near tie rock that contained the name of ou1r dear old father. The 1on1u11lent, was beartifully decorated with flower.- and evergreens. Some sweet songs of a doleful naturo were sung, ai quite iln appropriate prayer, wits ofTered by Rev. E. P1. MeClintock. We have had someic light. showers, but not enough to bring up1) the crops to a good stand. Farm work for the pist week has been almost to a stand still. We neeed one of those general soakers to start the ball to r lling agail. We would say to our friends If there is any news of Interest that happens at any time Ilease let us know it: it's a hard matter fort' Chips to catch every thing that happens. When we miss ally point of Iews it is d1on1e u1ninten UInally. Very respectfully, M ay 12, 1897. Clii1's. For every quarter Ili in a man's pocket there atro a dozel uses; and to lse each o1e in such a way as to derive tIhe greatest belnefit is a quest Ion every o1e must solve for himslf. We believe, however, that no better use could be ma11de of one of these quarters than to ey'Ahange it for a bottle of Chamb11er lailn's Colei, Cholera and Diarrhoca Remedy. a medicine that, every famiily should le provided with. For safe by W. E. PelAham, Drugit.t 1VV1 Not itrige Atone. A druT store lintitlles mnoro thimgs thant (1ti1P H itteis fl r to he collifolt of ti, Co1t titu1taty. Couldii't b-, conm foral it.ile witli t4ev oIl or thirtd gra(le tiings. Wo -mmihti i 4s at I I lowcai ,1 'S -. CUlt mita f r piIcq s. ~AN 0 ROINAN CE Boe it ordained by the Mayor and( Aldermen of thle Towni of Newberry, SouthI Carol ino, in (Council a sse mbled and by t,he authority of the same. Section 1. That from and after the pumbliention of this Ordinance it, shall be unlawful for aniy p)erson or piersons to susplenId signs, sign-boards, vecrandas, p)iazzasl. or awnings, aicross the side walks on Pratt street, from Thompson)50i street to Vincent street,; on B3oyce street, and on Coldw~ellI street., from Friendi s,rect to Harrington street; where suchb signs, sign-boards, verani das, pia5zzas Or aLwnings re's& oni sup por1ts on1 the side-walks or roadway of such streets. Provided, That this Ordinance (lees not app)ly to piortablle awniin gs suppor0lted by ir'on 0or metal posts, (not excedinig two inches in dl amiotor)nor to awnings not, resting on sulppor'ts on saidi side-walks or streets. See. 2. That all persons having signs, sign-boards, v'eran1das, piazzas or awn ings, prohibited by the foregoing sec tion shall remove the saime onl or be fore the 20t,h day of May, 189)7. Sec. 3. That any p)ersoni violatinig the provisions of this Ordinance shall be liable to a fine of not more than twenty five dollars or' implrisonmuent for not, mnore tihan thirty (lays. Done anid ratilled under01 the corphor'ate [L.s.] seal of the said T'own tih1st, (lay of May, 1897. 1H. H. EVANS, C. A. BOWVMAN, Mayor, U. & T. T. C. N. If you havo any shopping to (10 when you niext como to Nowberry, in making upl y'ourl list mtark at the head of you' memoranda, got them fr'om Jon.s & Gopeland, for thomre are very few things you maiy need in Dry Goods, White Goods, Ta ble Linen, Cassimuere's, C.ottonades, Do tmestlcs, TIowels, Laces, Emubiroderies, Rtibbonls, Notions, Hlat,s, Shoes, Pants, Shirts, D)rawors, Collar's anid Cnif's, T.Lies anid scar'fs, Umixbrclhs, Hand(1koi chiefs, Ladies', Children's and Men's Hosiery but what we have them for YOU at closo on to whoesale priices. 'l'hoere is no house that has advantages equal to our1S inl getting the best things for you at the prices we sell them. \Ve are sure you will want to fix up for' the Press Association. Now Trabie Cloths and Towvels will be needed; new Hats, Shoes and Pants, newv RIIner (oats and Vests, new Shirts. All these cani be found at, our1 stor'e that will suit, tihe occasioni. Our' business for' the past thirty days has been the host, we ever had in the spring. CAUJS1. Goods ighit, prices ri giht. Colli andl see us of toni. JNebory &. C.,jy Bl4a189 . CotoiAtion Causes fully halt the sickness In the world. I retains the digested fodd too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Lndi H oo .0d's gostion, baO tastM, coated tonguO, sick h6ataolt, in soninla, oto. Hood's Vills p S Cure constipation and all Its results, easily and thoroughly. 2c. Alldruggists. Prepared by 0. 1. Hood & Co., l.owel, Mass The only Pills to tako with hood's Sarsaparilla. BUTTERICK PATTERN 1338. Ask for the Junb FASHION f3HEET. 4 so J. tsf. ly. THE EQ LIFE ASSURA OF THE UNI, Assets- . Reserve Fund.1 (I per eenI. plandard) I and all other Liabilities . . . Surplus, 4 per cont. Outstanding Assurai Thie Society has paid $2,3,9,5,3)1 now holds $216,773,9-17 of Assets making a total of -170, 730,2S.Th than 38 yemirs from its organizaitioni, other compainy has paid and accumu o' its history. Th~le Equit alo writes want--Tontino, Annual DistrIibutlion, Tiorm,i any other formis of potlicies. Call and1( seo ma~ boforo assuring yo T1he Eqjnitahlo is absoluitoly safe, a Iild it to their' inlt(rest to examhinio it ARTH1 C. E. SUMMER. J. H. SU Fho Loaders of Low PiOOSI IGroceriss, Hardware, ....Shoes ani We sell the W hite IIiekory \ berry. Gunfno, Cotton Seed Meal atI D)on't forget our' brands of Fl< Waterloo, Old II ickocry. The1 beCst: aOuntly. We have just received a e Tfake your wvatch keCy and k af white IPer'; no0w m'ultiply1 y'ou caln got an ideOa oIf how ~arry ing in1to youri watch ever' itnd take a sharpened stick 1'hore the lids touch the case' w aite paper' andl you may arr'e t,o the malfchinelry through thc lifting spring COIes thIrouigh. Now tulrn your plocket 1insido1 OUt andl youI may 8ee where some11 of this~ dust coi is always wearing away, thec steel and bi with this sandI between the plvots ani revolve aigh teen thoulsanld tlimes eve both at the sameq time, and1( you canl see0 watch cleaned ouIt every year at least. " DANIEL-S 41wth Eden leme, Wo are A'lad to see the nice rain, gotton will nut on a better appearance after thle. M es. Er1-in-Collold and daughter Miss Mary, spent one night not. long since at Mri. \V. T. Collold'". 1%1 i-s I'ugenia 10pps is on a v'sit to her unclo Nir. D. R.pps i) Union ( ounty. Mr. George Bligh and hIs little grandson, (Gussoi) have returned from a visit to .alapa. A. th6 closo of Gurtiatr y school the pu1il1s were given a 111o treat, they presentted Itov. \V. W. NIcNlorrietes with two hlandsomllo presents. We Beth lden folks attended sorv ices at Garmany last Sabbath and wero delighted with the scrmon. NMr. Me Mol-ries is certainly a muagilllcout preacher. Fromn start to linish ho al ways hold f 'our attention. Miss He tio Clamp is spending a w1hle in town. mr. D. P. Davis, a promin6tit livery, man and nerphant Of Gosion,Va., iq' this to say on the subject of rheuma tism: "I takt- pleaiuro In -recomimi3nd ing i Chanhe-lati's Pain lluhu*t for- vhent nmatism. as I knoy from personal LXpO rience kihat it will do all that Is claliled for it. A year ago this spring my brother was laid up.in bed with Inflam, atory. rheuniatism .and siffered Intense ly. The first application of Chamber lain's Pain Balmu esed the pain and the use of one bottle completely cured him. Poreae by W. 10. Pelham, Drug gist. ST1AT 6- 01C H60U L'i I-AR(aIN.A, COUN'TY OP NIC\'VB1'RiY-IN PROi11 ATE COU RIT. Ily W.W. H odges, Esq., Probate Judge. WIereas, John M. Kinard hath made suit to tuo to grant him Letters of Administration with the will an nexed of the estate and el'ects of Mrs. L. C. Boozer, deceased: '1lhese tro Iereforo to cite and ad monish all and Oigular the kindred aid creditors of the aid Mrs. L. C, Boozer, deceased, that they be and ap pear before tme, in the Court of Probate, to be hoold at Newlerry Court House, on the 28th day of May next, after pUh. lication hereof, ti 11 o'clock it the fore. noon, to show oause, if any they have, why the sald Administration should not be granted. ' Wiven under my hand this the 13th (ny of My. Aimo Dotini 1897. W. W. i0)OF.S, .1. r. N. C. C. 2. Notice of Final Settlement and Discharse. N OTICE. IS IIlREl3 GIVE4N that I will make a lhi sot'le mllent on the estate of lliza M. Boyce, deceasetd, in the Probate Colurt for Newherry Count-y, S. C., on Thursday, the 20th day of May, 1897, and will im mledliately thereafter apply for letters disimissory as Administilst'lor of said estate. All persons having claims sigainst the said estate will renoder the SaImle, dl(1y IttLest-ed, anild those itdebted will make payment oil or before that dato. SILAS JOIINSTON-, A pril 20, V397. Adlininistratlo. STtATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OFNEW BERRYiN PROBATE COURT. By W. W. Hodges, Eq,Probate Judgte. W1 T II AS. A J. Gibson, I. C C. V P., hthi matde suit to mae to grat him eteLrs of Admini1strtatiion of thet Est ate and( e lYeet.'s oif Mrs. Anitn WV. Al llen, dcease d: These are. thiereforte, to cite and ad( monishi nil and( singu 'ar thle kindred and1( creditors of the said Mirs. Ann WV. Alieni, deceased, that they be and ap pear heforo me, In the C,'urt of Pro bate, t. lbe held at Newherry Court, [House, eni th'e first dlay oft Juno next, after publicaio in hereof, at 11 o'clock in the foretnoona, to show cause, if any3 they have, why the said Admilnist,ra tiont should not be grantedl. Given under my hand I his the 22nd day of April, Antno Domini 1897. W. WV. HIODGES, f t3t. J. P'. N. O 0.K klstner The Fair and Square Dealer Offers for This Week Twice as Much Goods For the Same Money AS ANY OTHER STORE UP OR D)OWN TOWN. 1 7,000 yds Dress Cobriet,te Cloth worth 25c p)or yd. at onily 8ic per yd. 500 yds. Valencino .Lace worth 15e 1)er yd. at only 4c por1 yd. 3 1,200 lbs. Green Rio Cotfeo worth t200 por lb. at onily lie per lb. 45 lbs. Funll Crcami Cheese worth 15c por' lb. at only 10c per lb. 9i 18897 lloxos Parlor Matches wor'th 10e. per dox.at, 0only Se petr (1z, Boxes. The above FIVE genuino 'Bargains aro offeredo to you for' CASH and for ONE WEEK ONLY--NOT ONE' DAY LONGER. 0. KLETTNER, Theli Fair and Square Doalor'. Miss Maria ParIloa is admIit tedl to be a leadinig A meri eatn authority on cc.okinag; she 'Says "Use a goodl stock for the foundation of soups, enauces and many Oilher things, and the beat, stock is Liebig COMPANIY'S Extract of Beef." 100 oif Miss Pales's recipes st,i gratis by Dauchty & Co., I NOTIE. ]N ACC1-T)ANC8 WITff A 0 der cf thb JIdge of Probate, IVa8X pcto, o f' c Et ate FR of q.P lirie' 4, eeaed, will 0 1I fI. 4.ash Ut publio Suc t1onl at N,wl,ory, S. (., ou saturday. lith, zvy, 1897, two notes on the %jeta e o1 Jo,(ph) Ur11owl), eOConSe(, OR followfA One dated 8th Augusti., 1888. and due bt" ) iont,is for $2,883; Wnd One dated 8th\ intt, 8 t8 3 6 Iah 3( months for o) h payablo to 1a3id S. P. Baird. l. A. CAULISTE, Apri -w S. P. Uaed, deo'd., A Velvet Bolero Jacket 1:i t lrlpctured. miT0uMne de Role .ti jet. ]01 i.ming providing the coi ' oil. TiS 110 one or t he natLe0t do. ,. e popuMlar jackets and it '"i(ui' ',1 t (it a, coSt of from $2(0 to $10. 0, of ui is allowed for tho n3utLet-1 our Immans Stock itclldes volvets, mlollres and fine cloths aIppiopriaito for sich ja kets, as well as it.compl6to lIne of -dress latel-lals of silken, - woollen iad cotton. texture. ilk'and jet) pa4someUtOtVIe, sot ruoh iligs, laces and hnney braids are amipg the dtinty hings to be found og .ur AGINTS FIO Butterick Patterns. T 1 LDELINETOR For June Nj,w Ittady. UITABLE NCE SOCIETY [ED STATES. :r 1, 1B97. . . $216,773,947 . . . 173,496,768 . $43,277,179' ice. . $915102,070> (4 its polie.holders, and iml addition, (of which $43,277,170 is Stirplus),. is record covIrIlg a period of lesH. is over $212,793,00)0 more thn any I.ted within the c'orresp)onding p)eriod ainy form of policy the assured muay Enidowmnent, GJuaranteed Cash Value,. ur l ives elsewhore. :ad pterson)s wishintg insurance wvould a phlns beforo takittg out a policy [JR KIBLER, Agent. IMMER. . .W. SUMMER. Dealers In First-Ula88 Qsools Harness, Dry Goods, I Clothing.... Vangon, one of the best sold in New d Hulls. mur: Obelisk, F'avor'ito, Blue Bird, I?lour sold for the -money in the ar' load of Lime. WVill sell cheai ' riock the 01nd (dOWn on a pi1eCC ~he amount of dust b)y 365 and muchl dust this little spoon is y year. Now Open the lids and( run arlounld the flanges andl( kniock it over a p)iece of st some of the (dust on its~ way hole at thei joint wvhere the give It a thiump1 over white paper and nos from. 'lho friction of the gearing rass, and it. Is also getting Into the' ol 1jewels or one of the wheols that ry hour cutting thes pivot andi jewel It is a muatte'r of eonomly to have t he [)ust Is small particles of sand. :& Co.