The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, April 02, 1897, Image 2

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'e ptrldand pel. E. U. AULL, iwrron. POusILY OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY. The Herald and News on Tuesday called attention to an op)portunity whih ,we think preseits itself to New borry;to seur a through trunk line of railway, and sw. hope that our- People will at least think well enough of it to investigate the subject- and see If Is anything in It for us. Direct and through connection with the Seaboard Ali' Lino and the Ultimore and Ohio i1 in4t er thtt, ik wortl. looking Into, We. spoko to a prominent railroad prosident in regard to this very matter since writing the editorial and he says the scheme we mentioned is entirely feasible and that by leaving the Sea board track at Whitinire and taking the graded road .from there by New berry, Saltida and Edgofleld, the objec tivo point could be reached at less cost and leSs new road and through a much better country than to e imn by Cheraw to Columbia and this railroad man scolned to think if the townq along the route would look ino the matter and show'1 dIspositoMi to have the road we Imight have' another railroad to New :borry, and on to Augusta in a.little -while. It is certainly worth looking into. If any one will take the trouble to look at a map It will be seen that It is al most a direct line from Whitmire to Augusta as proposed, and it is nearer than byChoifaw- and -to Columbia, and then Colunbia could be reached over the C., N. & L. We hope Newberry will start tho ball to rolling and get the other townships along the route aroused and interested and a conference hold with some of the ritilroad oflhials inlerested In this ex tension. WITIOUT A COU'TV iiA IRMAN. Tlhe Democm'at of Newberry Cormuty are really without a County Clh1ai1rman. True, we have no need for, one just now; but, then, we ought to have one. We virtually had no County Chairman during the past campaign, for Mr. John T. Dule'XI, who wat put In that post Lion, was a -resident - of Colilla and had bcen f,r several years. P'or aught we know lie may be a member of.ta ward Club In the Capital city. lnit he - waa not a resident of Newberry County, and is'not, now. Our County Chairman a resident of Columbia, belongs to the ..ColumbIa Bar, and we poor fools have nb County Chairman. We thought at' the1 time, and expressed the sentilmont, that it was ia piece of the vei-iest non sense on the partof the Executive CoIm nitteo to mako Mr. -Duntcan Chairman. It was 1unbusiness l1k.. Mllglit'as well have chosen Mi. U. b. Whites of At lanta or Dr. A. .1. P. -Julian of Mason. - Fla.- And now that our County. Ohil' man has opened his .Lam -offl&e In the city of hINadott'lo i' it certainly must make those who elected him County Cldi'man fool shabby. At any rato we have no County ('hairman.--1Pr'os pority Advertiser. what is the matter widt, our friend and neighbor at Prosperity? He should keep his wits bottei, about him and be suTe lie is right before lie slashes and ('uts inI every dlire2ction. S~urely the d Is .pensary agitation ini our sister townm andi the big cotton mill and dheep) artes inn well and the commutat.ion tax has not.causedi a loss of memory aid1( a blot ting out of alh recent history. "We 1)001 fools" are net such "'poor' fools"' as our friend would make believe if he lng,without a county chairman consti *tutes "poor01 fools.'' No, friemd, Now bco'ry County hats a real live, living, breathing count.y chairman and1( has not been without one. Mrt. Jnto. T.1. D)unctan was pr'Ceent as a delegate to the county convention which met at Newberry on May 6I. A t. the meeting of the excutive commit teeothat same day Mrt. D)uncanavasoelect ed county chairman and served faith fully and well until the meeting of' t.he executive committee about the middle of July when lie wats prtesent and~ stat ed to the committee that Inasmuch as he had become a canidhcate lie tender ed his resignmation to take etl'ect on the election of his successor. On motion of Mr. Alan Johnstone the ,thanks of the committee were unani -thously tendered Mr. Duncan tor' his - uniform cour'tesy to the members of the committee and his resigination was accepted. At a meeting of the county convyen tioni held the first Monday in August Mf S. S. Cunntinghtam was unanits ly elected county chairman and has since dischar-ged the duties of the difice with ability andl impartiality and to the bantisfaction of all piarties concerned. What is the matter with ECditor With erspoon? IIas he been asleep during all these long months? No, you must find some other cauise for jumpi)ng on Mrg Duncan, if that is .yourt p,urplose, it LAn1feilinmg hin nyei' thel sho1ulders oft the'executIve committee. Really Newberry is not without a .polinty chairman. 'Siciter TIhurmond has beetn admit ted to ball in the sum of $5,000 and has gIven the b6ha. It looks now as it the teachers will hold thcir annual meeting at Par'is Mountain in Jutly. This will be a most delightful place if proper' arrangements can be maile to get there and get away. It continues to rain. But~ when we toead of the great floods on -the Missis, sippi and in the west we feel that we ~tre truly blessed and should not mur tnur. There Is not, only delay In tmak ibg ready to plant a crop but great loss of '~ life and property with thousands of Achres under water with doubts -as to Wheir there will o eve'n the possi biitj of making a crop at all this year. A x9ticA iOR HOiE ENTERPRIOJ. The material prosperity of our town and section would be greatly increased by starting up and developing indus tries and entorprises that will use ma terial abundant in this section, but almost worthless for want of a market. What we need are industries to bring Into uso our natural resources which can be made the means of keeping at home thousands. of dollars that annu ally find their way to the North and West. Tuke, for instance, the proposed or gat ization, 'le Carolina Manufactur lug Companv, - whioh, whon started, will mIpnufacture wagons, coflins, and other articles of-Wo'd. This will assist li. making valuable our oak, hickory, walnut and other native woods, whIch ex ports pronounce the very best for the above purposes; besides putting in circulation consid crable sums of money from the opera tion of the plant, thereby benelting 'he town at large, as well its the con .y, and paying a handsome dividend to i,ne stockholders; for tihe articles they p)ropose nanufactiring are as staple its flour, and, with pioper managenient, are bound to pay. The benefit is more than a casual glance will reveal. To illustrate: A man buys a wagon of Western make all this money will 'Ind its way back to the West except a very small profit to. the dealer; whereas, if these arti cles are manufactured at ioie, the whole amount Is put in circulation and wo all get a benelit from it, whether a stockholder or not. These home manfact,uriig enter plrIses are not enlcouraged its they should be. Our people ought to take a hand in getting them up. There is money in them, and we) hope to see the exapllple of the gentlemen getting up the Cairolina Manufacturing Conipny, followed along other lines, wien our little city, with water works, electric lights, and manufacturing interests, will soon be t,he banner t,own of the State. We hop soonl to record tihe fact that, all the stock in the "c'arolina"' has been tatkon, and the Company to ble ready in ashort Lime for business. Th is is strictly speaking a home enterprise, and will prosper if our moileyed menl shouW gi Ve it their cordial Support. OLADSTONE. Tho above name stands for all that is truly progressive and ennobliig inl statecraft and Juropeanl diplomacy. Tih Hon. Wm. 1. Gladstone, tile greitt English Coinuioner, who refuses titles fi'oml the Crown, hail shown, in his latO Philippic against the leadin"y Europe, in thl .'x-*16Ined naval do nstfi'llns agtainlst the Suiblime Porte, in orde. to check tile further horrible massacre of Ch,ristians, that lie is justly entitled to be known Its "The Grand'old MaNIL.' Verging on ninety years lie shows no (imiltion of mental strength an(] acquintitance with tie Eastern ques tion from the very inception of the 01m)roglio. The -ost of blood and treasure through wvhiichl the cruel 'Turk raiisedl hiis blood-stained statndardo above t,he horizoni of thle very garden-spot of Eturope; itind how~, from timie to t,ime, dutrinlg the century, itt t,he positive de nmand of the pow ers,thie '"great assassin" and ruthless robber has been made to give up some of his stolen prlovinees, its well its how t.he Sick Man and is hlaremi are being bolsteired by thme leiad ing Chrcistian nations are concisely told in detail. Mr. Glladstonle is justly severe ill his allusioim to what, is termed ''the integ rity of the Ottoman Empire!" 11un1 dreds of thousatnds of lives and hun dtreds of millions of dollars, have been the cost of keeping the mniserabtlle Turk in Europe, to say nothing of the holo caulst of Christ.ians slain! Mr. Ghtdstono shtows thait, the "'con cert of action'' by tIhe powers is no con cert at all; but that it Is in contraven t,ion of the sympaithics of the 1)eople of Europe. It is p)ossible that it might p)recipitate wvhat it p)retonids to oendeav' or to itvert--a con iagrat,ion of war inl Europe, throuigh tile lust of greed and conquest oil the patrt of the rival na tions. Mr. Gladstone wishes to know why England should pin herself to anly po0w or when she has her own character to maintain anId her own duty to main tain, at the presenlt as in (days of yore? Hie says that the little kingdom of Grecce represents the glory of Salamis anld Thermopyle as she stands like a "D)avid confronting six Gloliaths!" Tio coorce hecr for so splendid an exhibi tioni of courage, lie has nlot wvords sufl ciently strong to condemn. "Amonig the many slendl(d utter ancos by t,ongue atnd 1)0n of Mr. Glad stone's life 1none lhas ever burned wvIth a loftieor authority of statesman, scholar, and patr'iot. That it will appeal with tremendous forc~e of convictionl to En glish sentimenit is certain," for we al ready perceive signs of weoakening on tile part of some) of the powers to the "concert." We had ~aiidEfifur )ii 5i-s which will cause us to miss sonmc of outr mail today. The Observer kindly lot us hlave their press8. We hope to be reO paired in a few days and within two weeks to hlave in a faster and improved prei. Piedmont, S. C., March 2, 1897.--I, suffered for more tihan four years with eruptions on my back and shouliders, and have taken various kinds of miedi nine without relief. I began taking Hlood's Sarsaparlila and after taking m few bottles I felt like a dilteretit person. I recommend this medicine to anyone troubled with blood disease. ROIIERT LEEC DoGGETT. Hood's Pills act harmoniously with [IoodMa arnaanilla 26a. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to forneit and puttify In the stomach. Then follow dizinoss, headache, Hood's Insomina, neOrvousnes,;, and1(, if not relieved, billotis fover or blood poisoning. Iloo.', P 1,I Is Pills stinulato the 8toina rouse th liver, ctr lieadace, dizziness, con. Stipatill, etC. 25 C011tA~. 8o1d bf all drugg1std, The only 11ls to take with Hoot Is SariaparIl. OPERA HOUSE Monday, April 5th. THE FAMOUS COMEDIAN MR. FIANK JONES. [81 PERKINS,] IiI the Commercial Clumiedy, Yankee rmEof! Supported by the Charming Little A iress, ISS LILLIAN WALTON, And a Capable Uoimipany. fiby-8eatmon Sale at, Stlioliz's Jewelry Store. f. It "BILL ARP" The famous writer- and author will lecture in Newberry, APRIL 20 "Jus Ru"ian Is what h1e will talk about. Tickets will be on sale at Scholtz's Jewelry Store. f1t, td 1. HOMPi sURANCE. E ANT' TO GIVE EVERY int, Newherry an(l South ar protection from fire, w1l)nd and ng. The H-omn Mutualn is not only able but ready to (t) this. (4t your protection at cost and let's keep our mioniey at, home. C-ill on M. A. Carlisle, Esg , Thos. Cook, or M. J. Scott aid see ir we can't (o what we say. THOS. F'. IIARMON, f.&t.3tt, 0eneral . gent. TO BE SOLD Next 30 Days $3,000 I will continue t.o soll, fr'Om1 (lay to (lay, at pr'icos that dlefy cornpetitLion. SPECIALS. Men's \Vhlto Merino Shirts, 25c. No. 164 Men's White Morinmo Shirts, better quality, 35ic. Men's Fleece lined Shirts,'39c. Meni's Scarlet Medicated Shuirts, all w ool, 830.. Gent's white, all wool Shirts, 80e. Boy3s' Domnet Shirts, 15c. Men's 84 in. Domet. Shirts, 20c. Men's 36 inch Workinig.Shirs, (lark colors, 25c. Men's 861301 Ch eviot Shirts, 40O0. -Gent's white Linen Bosom Dre8s Shirts, 29c. Bargains and choice goods8 in fine Table Linens. Our Hard ware at prices lower .than ever. See our Handl Saw taper Files at 5o., as good as tliesbest. Rogers & CJo., and WVa'do & Butcher's Razors, 65c. Yours for Business,. NEW YORK. RACKETSTOR A.A. FOSTER, Nowberry, . 8.. Quarterly Report ,0V THEM. COUNTY SUPERVISOR. The following report of claims approved from the first of Jan un'y, 1897, to the thirty-first March, 1897, inclusive, show ibg in whose* favor and for what iurpose and the anionnt, is published in conformity of Act of. the L.egislatwe of 1897: Jan 4,'1897.' T H- 6romer, Bridge................ $ 40 75 W T Livingston, Bridge.. ...... 19 06 G S Noltnd, Constablo ........... .3 80 I M Smith, O'nty.Boad Town ship- Co missloners............... 46 50 C F Boyd, Witnesi" and Juror ticketb,.....,..........., ......... 3) 60 Z F William, Road and Bridges 1 50 (;0o. Suber, Roads................. 4 15 (1 M Singlcy, Mag!strate......... 10 0c Nellio Pitts, Plaupoi................ 6 00 .J K( Wilder, liunacy land Post Mortem .................... ...30 25 C AtmLs, County Home........ 23 00 S'Slda P,Paupe........ ........2 00 Sumpe Br. County, Homo., 7 05 Sumniner Bros., Chain lang...... 63 35 J B Clary, Lumber..... ............1 85 W B Whitney, Bridge............ 14 "7 N 11 Yo.ung, Chain Gang......... W F M Lindsay, Coronet............. 62 50 W F Suber, Magistrate.........10 00 J Cr.sp, M ,gistratto............. 10 00 E 1 Aull, Printing.................. 4 16 11 C Lake, Bridge................... 22 * D3 M Bedenbaugh, Lumber. .... 50 02 G M Werts, Roads and Bridgo 3 56 J N Fdagle, Township Com'r... 4 00 F' A Schunipcrt, Roads and Bridge.... ............................ 39 57 Geo E King Bridge Co., Bridgo 280 00 B F Diay, Post Mortem............. 8 50 J T Adams, Terra Cotta........... 7 20 W V Riser, Dieting Account.. 81 .10 .1 N King, Bridgo..... .............. 15 00 Va. Bridge & Iron Co., 3ridge 1100 00 T B Regin, Chain Gang......... 5 00 Jan. 9. 1 F' llxter, Coroner Inquest... 4 00 L, 1, Longshore, 1auper Claim. 2 00 Jan. I. Il Diay, Trial JusLice Salary.. 10 00 Calvt,n fenderson, Salary, Brazzleian Ferry................ 10'00 W, S WialIace, Coimitting to A sy lum ................................4 90 WV A 1ill, Supervisor Claim.... 43 68 .1 V White, Chain (lang......... 11 65 C & G S'Mower, County Home 5 25 C & G i Mower, County Home 10 90 C & G S Mower, Couity Home 2 25 John R RuIf, Chain Gang......... 17 (5 W W Riser, Sherii Claim...... 1 25 W 1? Suber, Trial Justice and Constable ......... ......... 17 00 A T-Brown, Bridges........... I 50 W T Diavis & Co., Bridges....... 3 25 J W White, Chain Gang.........1 (.5 J L Aull, Bridges............ 249 17 Jan. 16. T 11 Perry, Salary Chain G(ang 11 00 A Y W Glymph, Righe of Way 20 00 L ,Ml Nichols, Lumber.............2 23 Iester a)d Nancy Cromer, pau per - -........ ................ . 4 00 'J Cal Neel,Salary, County Com. 4 00 J M Schumpert, Freight......... 18 92 Jan. 25. .1 W Ropp, A rresting Prisoners 5 10 W W UIser,.DIaIageson Bridge 75 00 W W Riser, Powl Hou's......... 1( 00 1) M lBedonbaugh, Lumber for .ail ...... .................... 32 00 W,alker, Ivans & Cogswell, 100 ls:-....... ........................ 19 00 G Bt Summ-ers, Mileage, Town ship Conmissionctr............. 3 75 eAlcvin Butler, Right of Way.. 3 00 E 1H Phillips, Sho3ing Mules.... 2 00 P (; Ellesor, Mledical Attention 5 00 F WV Higgins, Stationery........1) (60 E P Mathews, Work on Road 3 00 Rachel (Grillin, Pauper ClaIm. 2 00 WV R Royo, Constabl............20 S C Penitentiary, Supplies... *15 00 .1 N King, Abutm'ts on Bridge 5 00 " WV IH iggins, Salary.......... 54 00 J1 C Blain, Constable............ 8 20 Walker, I'vans & Cogswell, Books ......................... 24 00 WValker, Evans & .Cogswell, Books---......... .............. 57 75 Jan. 26. W, 1P ilugh, Salary, C'ty Board 1) 20 II 11 F'olk, Salary, C'ty Board 0 80 N P Matthews, Salary, County Boat'd'.................... ........ 7 .10 I(IG Jenkins, Salary, C'ty Board 10 20 J L Aull, Bridges................ 11 30 N H Mull, Stationery............6 00 S H Henderson, F'erry Claim. 2(1 00 U F Boyd, stationery....,......11 30 Tan. 30. I D) Chapman, Bridges.......... 1 75 H ester , and Nancy Cromner, P'auper' Claim..................14 00 WV S -Liv'igstd, Salary for Brtidjos--................ 2 1 V5eb. 1.2 1 I' W Uunter, Inqitest............50 .1 C Adams, Salary, C'ty Home 23 00 Silas DOcWalt, Salary, Brazzic man. Ferry.................... 10 00 D)avid1 Iendersoni, County Com. 2 20 J Ihl Wicker, Blacksmithing. 16 00 U F~ B3ogd, Jury and Witnesses 9 45 Job Davenport, Repar'g Bridge 1 25 Mehulda Davenpor.t, Pauper Claim.-.......................... 2 00 P~eter Huff, Repairing Highway 41 50 S L Foellers, Salary T'l Justice 16 615 Feb. 3. FII Boulware, Salary, County Commnissignier ................ 8 50 T E E'pting/Cdunty Home... '28 40 I)D Shockloy &Co., Ctrpenter WVorkc on J ai..........;.......6 86 W B3 Whitney, Bridges.........17 81 T HI Cromer, Bridges........... 31 50 F"eb. 2.. Walker', Evans & Cogswell, L00ks....................... 10 00 Feb. 8. LP~iF Bater, Coroner Inquest. 2 00 T' HI. Sriith, Post Mortem........5 00 R1B McCarty & Co., Ch'n Gang 17 38~ F'eb. 9I. [ 13 McCarty & Co., C'ty Home 36 36 Feb. 10. 72 "'Wright, Stationery......... 13 00 Pob. 13. J M Sehumpeort, Stationery... 9 21 F A Schunlpci.t, Road and Breidges......................... 50 00 N Lee Hayes, Road and Bridges 0 50 I HI Boulware, Obstruction in Highe 1way..........-............. 3 0q D) A:Thotnas, CJomm'r's Salary .2 25 D L Clamp, SuW't Chain Gang 30 00 T C Girifl1rt, Pauper Claim...; 2 00 Feb.-20. D)avid TI'app, Salary Ashford Ferry ....................... 0 00 0 T Th%ysitigoer, Fixing Public Road.......... ................. 600 F Wfiggins, Trav'g Expenses 67 75 BunBmer Bros., Chain Gang.115 37 Uiharlt 'n Ci'oier, Repairing' Brd........-....................5 50 I H Aull, Repairing Road,... 8 00 Feb.- 26. I D) Chiapmian, Cleaning Court P Cannois, Salary, ('ty Coh'r 6 00 Jno-W QitV,1Road Claim..... 1 00 W T Livingston, Work on Bride................ ut 187 H H1 Abrams, Salary, Com'r.... 2 80 J Monroe Wickor, Carpentor W ork . ............................ 20 12 Hester and Nancy Cromor, Pau por Claim .......................... 4 00 J K IRagedale, Pitching Flat... 2 25 C A Matthews, Constable Claim 4 05 U F Graham, Pauper Claim. 3 00 C'A Matthews, Constable Claim 2 60 T J Wilson, Township Com'r... 1 00 March 1. Thos. Sloan, Pau)e' ClAim...... '4 00 G M% Singley, Trial Justieo...... 6 66 J N King, 1luilding Bridge...... 20 75 J N King, Iron for Bridge........ 15 00 J A J Suber, Drainago Road... 18-00 Greene Thomas, Ropa'g Bridge 11 00 Thomas Cook, use of Jacks...... 4 00 L I Livingston, Paup%A' Claim.. 2 00 8 L Fellers, Trial Justico........ 8 38 J 0 Adaims, Salary Claim ........ 23 00 W 11 Worts, Cha in Gang ........ 6 65 David lenderson, Ferry Chain 10 00 W B Whitney, Carpenter on 4 B ridge................................. 21 56 P W Wilson, Bridge at Keitt's. 38 00 T1 H (Cromer, ' 13 75 M M Buford, Diet Prisoners ... 119 70 iv i Buford, Sheriff Account.. 74 75 Wallace Jones, Sho0ing Horses 4 00 H C Bardin, Dieting Jurors 7 00 G W Swittenborg, Public Road 11 00 1; H1 Philips, Shoeing Mules ... 2 00 C A Mathews, Constable......... 13 05 C W Buford, Township Com'r. 8 50 Nellie Pitts, pauper claim.. 4 00 J M Kibler, inquest............10 00 W 13 Oxncr, lumber, bridge.. 3 13 March 10. 8 A Aikard, obstruction ......... 3 30 W S Seybt, salary county com. 12 30 Matthews & Wilson, lumber... 3 60 William Johnson, lime for jail 2 50 William .fohnson, chain gang.. 12 75 S P MeCrackin, damagu buggy 1 50 M ikc Dunovan, salary Co. Col. 10 00 A D Johnson, constable........... .3 00 G W Swittenberg, Township Commissioner ..................... 5 00 A 1-1 Miller, Township Com'r.. 5 20 J M Smith, " " 7 60 Wallace & Kinard, advertising 5 113 J N Smith, lumber................. 1 66 Moseley Bros., chain gang...... 12 35 J ItRuT, chain gang............... 5 10 Geo B Cook, constabic claim..... 11 40 J E Senn, lumber ................. . 3 54 C F Graham, paulper claim 4 00 prosperity Adver-tiser, adver'g 2 30 Lucas & Richardson, books...... 1) 50 W S Pitts, surveying............. : 00 J Monroe Wicker, Township Commissioner ..................... 5 .10 ) A Dickert, salary claim....... 37 00 .1 N, bridges.................... (18 00 March 11. Newberry Grocery Co., County H om e........... ....................... 22 6 iH 11 Folk, Township Comnis'r 5 4f0 James F' Glenn, clerk for G rand J n vor's ................................. 5 100 A D Johnson, bridg:s.............. 2 00 C, N & L Rallroad. -ight.. . 1 34 J M Schimpert, chain gang..... 1 10 D B Kinard, right of way ........ 5 00 A C Matthews, fixing highway 42 00 W T Livingston,workon bridge 12 00 W C Lake, Beaver Dam bridge 5 15 March 13. TJ Wilson, Township Coin'r... 1 45 J Cat Neel, work on highway... 8 00 ) Ml Bedenbaugh, lumbe.... ... 45 50 F V Capers, advertising. G S Long, bridge and lumber. 6 63 J C Grillin, pauper claim.........2 00 1) L Clamp, salary chain gang., 31 15 F' W Higgins, salary......... 60 00 G B Summers, salary as Com'r 2 15 J Z Adams & Co., County Home 2 40 P F Baxter, juror. inqu'est........ 4 50 11 S Knight, pauper claim ...... 2 00 .1 N Henderson, Ferry claim ... 13 00 T .H Cromer, work oi bridge at Keitt's......... .............. 18 00 Walker Evanls & Cogswell, books ................................ 18 20 March 20. E H. Phillips, repairing wagon 55 P W W ilson, bridges .............. 11 25 -T MI Mayor, lumbe.............5 06 Sigmuan RuffY, public high way. 85 Converse Bridge Co., bridge... 200 00 J WV Ropp, constable claim.......4 50 C F Boyd, jury and1 witness tickets ............,........... 1170 10 I [1 Boulware, chain gang .... 551 .T S McCarley, trial justice... 8 9)0 CI A Matthews, constable claim 6 (10 M B Cald well, chain gang ....18 80 W F Suber, trial justice ........ 10 01) JT Y Floyd, constable claim... 4 35 March 27. SB Cook " " ... 5 70 EllisonKeitt,shingles for brid'e 417 25 WV P Pugh, repairing b)ridg.r.- 1 50 Walker, EvWans & Cogswcll, books.............. ........... 1 41 L A Hawkins, chain gang .... 1 00 March 29. J C Adams, County Hlome.. .... 23 00 F' W Hlggins,stationey,stammps 6 00 March 31. (1 R Barton, steel bridge......800 00 F Mt Lindsay, Corone, salary.. 02 50 Tj Q Boozer, dicting juror.s. ..14 00 JT. M. SCHIUMPERT, At test: County Supervisor. P. C. SINGL,EY. EASERNOVEE Jones &Copelaud's Stetson Hats-Stiff and Soft. Brigham, Hopkins & Co.'s Fine Straw Hats. Hess' Fine Shoes. T. P. McCutchen's exclusive Btyles. Tick Scarfs, 4..In-Hand, String Ties and Band Bows, Col lars and Cuffs. Fine DressShirts, Boys' Suits, Men's Panis, Ladles' White and Butter Col ored Kid Gloves with embroidered baolks 90o. Lad ies' Hosiery and F~a b rue Gloves. Also a full line or Men's, Women's uand Chlre' Shoes and Oxford 'Flop. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White Goods, Line') Damasks, Towels, D.ylics, Napkins, Tlicking, Ginghams, Prints, Cassimhreres an d Cottonadcs, all at close on to wholesale prIces. You aan save annually from ten to twenty five per cent. by tradin)g at our store. You have the satIsfaction of knowing lbat you get the most your money will buy anywhere when you trade at our stoere. DOMIE IIN 8SEEIJS OFEN. Jones & Copeland, -Under Newberry Hotel, New berry, 8. C., March 31, 1897. f. Iy A Voterinar~y Forgo I have jumst opened to the p)ublic for shoeing1Horses and Mules, in connec ,ion wi th my practice. [i personally nspoct tne feet and shoeinmg to corrnect all defctst and vices, with out extra ~hargc. Seeoimo. Mir. Pool's Old Sh ol, just below BIrown's Stables. M. F. K ENELEY, f.& ,Veterinary Surgeon. C. E. SUMMER. J. H. SY SUMME Up-Towl FiRiaders of Low Prices Groceriss, Hardware .e ....Shoes. ani we sell the White.Hickoryd berry. Guano, Cottou Seed Meal ai Don't forget our brands of F1 Waterloo, Old Hickory. The best county. Give us a Trialo-We COone of 2MC Down-Toi FURNITURE - Sold cheap for CaQh or on In Shades, Glass and Crookeryware. We have an experienced miani ber we are near the depot in two of discount our bills and yQu get the b< SU4ME S HOwl CO1 UN Til AND W ut aSna We know what it ti have placed just such inspection, and the bet eclipse anything you Your Easter dress sho s .J. WI taf'. ly. THlE EQI LIFE ASSURAi OF THE UNI] Assets . . . , Re,erve Fund1 (I por cent. Stand(ardl) and all other Liabilities ... J Surplus, 4 per cent,. Outstanding Assurari Tho Society has paid $253,950O,351 now holds $210,773,947 of Assets making a total of $470,730,298. Thi than 38 years f'rom its organization, i othor company has paid and accumul of its history. Tfho Equitable writes want-Tontino, Annual Distribution, Term, any other forms of policies. Call and see me beOfore assuring yoi I think that I can provo to any one pany is the cheapest and safest. ARTH1 f&t. Ozm. SELECT SOMETHING Sweethearts. Fine Rings, Necklaces, and Briacelets. ALSO Nice Wedding Presents. Come and examine thoem. Eduard Scholtz, Jeweler and Optician. Brisk! Brick!! MMER. 0. W. sU I vBPn Store! Dealers In Flist-Giass a Harnose, Dry 0 j Clothing... ag one of the best sold I ur: Obelisk. Flour sold. for the ney A. Will Convince ,V un Store. - FURNIT itallnent. Also Matting. 'vindO to repair Old Furniture. Remem )ur new stores. We pay ho renb and inefit. by buying from us. H BROS. YOUR E WILL ile OnIt ikes to please, and we things here for your ,uty and elegance will can find elsewhere, [ld be selected here, JOTEN. IT ABLE NCESOClI 'ED STATE .r 1, 1B927. .* $216,773, . 173,496,768 a - - - $43,277,179 Lce . . $915102.070 to its policy,.holders, and in addition (of which $43,277,179 is Surplus), s record covering a period of .less 3 over $212,793,000 more than any sted within the corresponding period any form of policy the assured may Dndowment, Guaranteed Cash Value, ir lives elsewvhore. that a policy in an Old Line Comn JR KIBLER, Agenit. WandoliGua FOR ,SALJE BY Don't buy until you get 'our prices, DR. D. L. DOZ~~'~J HOURs: OFFIOR~ a.n.o pm. Over Summer Bree p. n.toga o '1) fteoretary,