U. WILLIAXS' PATAL SHOT. ti a LoSd of Shot into his s.n-T BathsT Aimost Crazed by the Awfal Accdnt. From the Greenville News.] W emts'rO S. C., January 3-0 ast Thursday while Newton William afarmer living five miles below Wi l1amston, was out hunting with hi little seven year old son, they found rabbit in a pf.tch of straw. Then tb little boy went round on the opposil side to prevent the escape of the rabbi It ran out toward Mr. Williams wh without the slightest thought of tt awful result, fired his gun, the entir load of shot taking effect in the bod of his unfortunate little boy, who wa just out of sight, behind the straw fror his father. The lad lived until Frida wher. death ended his suffering3. E terribly crazed with grief is Mr. Wi llama, that he says he can not possibl eur ve the shock. A Friendly Criticism [The Interior.] Conversation and manners, to be agree able should alike be free from all artificia esints. To be free and easy in bot .iobeolutely essential to making a pleae atimpresmononthoearoundus. Notb mg is more tedious and fatiguing than t - so with persons who seem to 1 ' astantly on the watch to observe ever ne- etiquette,orwho are self-consaou polite; agreeable conversation is im posble with those who seem to wate eatudy every sentence lest they mak some sbp of the tongue. erson says that person of fie man aW their own forms every m< _n& speak or abstain, take wine c etusait,stay orgo, siona chair orsprav iheChildren on the flour or stand o adior what else soever, in a nei ay"So in conversation ne and piquantand riginal forms of expree ions are always .interestin, and the u e.domfrom restraint is one of th m aent of a fine and captivating addres Bat alitig does ot prevent our notiin and- airig -effects .produ< d. &nfBprpnate and 1nmean S pso hiohare frequently hear ' atio especially among youn andwhichgeaty mar an-other conversational gift. One c te s .the onstant use of superlatives '1b }jar ayonn lady describe a bonne or.g vjkb4a%makes one wonder 'wher ahe woldfin& adjectives with which - e:asunsetorastorm.- The bonnet @e uite described as "perfectly spiet did,"ugorgeou," "too- magficent, theloveliest thing my eyes ever reste oa etewhild the -apparent enthusiasz withwhich these terms are used migli - &one to believe that the speake .as aNt real-earnest, and that never befor ha3. thereal emotions of her soul bee -aroused.' If the thing described i - headjectivea are just as a -Itis.perfectly horrid," "more "wful," "toointolerable,""abom ibe"glest,"' and all other bad ad esatives that end in "est." If a youn lady hadoocasionto express real anger aarrn or terror, where would she finc Agarn some fllinto habits of usin -e eiseabeautiful,:lovely, charm ing andiniake use of-them so constantl: anmdr cide2slippers, library, paint cok os cake, and floweri aalik mhaial declared to b<. "beautifdl," the impression the word con vys is art to become slightly mixed. The wdrds "nice" and "nicely- are oftei most nappopriately used, as also th< word "like" and "love,""I-just love roas be" aytha hugtess you prson cuiture in the use of language. But tb< motfrequently missapplied, e - in:ertamn Western localities, ia - ?~iea o y.""My.father and moth er did en day of the year, ws' it funny? remar7ka, very pretty young * ldy at aparty the - X~vening."g time I take my children fbthe ouintrJ thefaretakenyick;itis ony"wa the remark of matron at the same corn pany. And yet both were really well-ed ucated and well-bred people. It is care such awkward and inappropniate exres age but a great improvement, fo general conversation, if suficient attention were paidtothe form and manner of expression to prevent such blemishes from fasten themselvea upon this delightful art. - Firs and Thistles. [From the Ram's Horn.] -The man who agrees with us doesni' come around near often enough. No matter where a good man lives. his house is always built on a rock. Ho man can succeed in being happy ithout askitgs:.4ttell liininow i goi'ootbold in this world by ..'kng itself look harmless and little, A prudent man doesn't tell every thing he knows everytime he opens bia mouth. If the Lord could trust his peoplE with money, every Christian would own a bank. No field of wheat ever ripens thai does not have a good deal of straw and husk in it. Seek happiness for yourself and yoi will lose it, but seek it for o hers and you will find it. WHERE FL ESH IS NEEDEZL adthe avstem is weakened, yot shudtake Dr. Pierce's Golder Medical Discovery. After "thE Grip," for instance, or in convales cence from pneumonia, fevers, ani: other wasting diseases, nothing car equal it as an appetizing, restorativ< tonic to bring back health and vigor For pale, puny, scrofulous children it does wonders. It builds up boti their flesh and their strength, thor oughly purifies the blood, and make: effective every natural means o: cleansing, repairing, and nourishing the system. It starts the torpid liver it healthy action and pi-omotes all th< bodily functions. For the most stubborn Scrofulous Skin, and Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia Biliousness, and kindred ailments the "Discovery" is the only remed) that's guiararnteed. If it doesn' benefit or cure, you have you: money back. Dr. Sape's Catarrh Remedy cure CMaarh in the Head. LESSENS PAIN-INSUBES SAFETY to UFE of MOTHER and CHILD. My-wife,after havigused Mother's l- Friend, passed throughtheordeal with [s i tt1e pain, was stronger in one hour than in a week after the birth of her a former child. J. J. McGoLDRICS, e Beans Sta., Tenn. e Mother's Friend robbed pain of its terror and shortened labor. I have the healthiest child I ever saw. >Mss. L. ..Am , Cochran, Ga. e et myeress, charges prepaid, on receipt e o cee p bottle. Book "To othr" e manesen. BRADFIELD REGUL.ATOR C0.G Y For Sale by anDruggists. ArLAXTA. GA. The Art of Going Without. 0 Like everything else in this life, pov - erty whether relative or absolute, can be y made a cross or a crown- It is all in the way we take it. Who of us has not known homes where the sweet, bright spirit that ruled them has wrought romance out of sodden care and rude denial? In later life, when we look back upon deprivations of our first youth, what is it that we most vividly remember-the things wo had, or d the things we did not have? An hundrec: h to one, I venture to say, we recall the glory of possession rather than the gloom L of denial. The little inventions and plots o and plans by which a quick brain and a S .cheery heart contrive to bridge the black 7 chasm between demand and supply "hold - fast all that they gave us"of the sweetest things in character and the bravest things in love. - Children especially, with their light, bird-like views of the facts of daily life, are hard to injure and easy to please with the shifts of a wisely managed household r of economy. I remember, in one bright home on Andover Hill, what a privilege n were considered the hom -made dyes r which the limits of the professor's salary V made a picturesque necessity. To this day I recall the gorgeous hues of-I think it - was the white oak-the rich canary-yellow a in which the children's mufflers or coats took their walks abroad beneath the the ologic elms as a something glorious, long since unattainable, and forever to be hope lessly desired, like a rainbow, or the jewels in the gates of gold. There is morepeo t try in those yellow clothes to-day, Idae to believe, than any Beacon-street baby of that time can possible wring, now, out of the memories of his correct little t wardrobe ordered carte blanche from the e fashionable children's tailor of the day. The art of going without may be slow 4 ly, but it. can be brightly learned. It - needs due patience, some pluck, and doubtless. the proper share of Christian graceand resignation. But it needs some thing else, if I may say so, just as im t portant and more apt to be overlooked. r It needs the more worldly qualities of 3 good spirits, and good senses.nd inventive i ability. It is not enough to accept the will of the Lord. and give up one's trip to - Chicago. One prefers to do it,gracefully, - gloriously, and even with a disposition - to be jolly about it. It is not enough dis tinctly to buy no new clothing, or go f without furs, or substitute corned-beef for sirloin roast; or a corn-cob pipe for re gaias. It is worth whileto see "the fun" nit ,since it has got to be done. It is t enough to cut .down the open fires, - and curtail the egg bills, and wear the rovercoat shiny in the beams, or even to resign from the club and and read the ,magazines at the public library. Bather -make an interesting game of deprivation, and play for the stakes of sweet temper, and a merry courage, and the classof val another claas.-Eirabeth Stuart Phelps, Nearly All Towns Have, A "smart Aleck." Gm A girl that gigghEs. A wornan~1hat tattles. ~Aiihborhood feud. Stock running at large. A man who know. it all. More loafera than it needs. Men who see every dog fight. A few meddlesome old women. A boy' that misbehaves in church. A brindle cow and a bob tail horse. A man who understandsathe silver ques tion. A young man who does nothing but "blow." Some men that make remarks about women. Hens that scratch up other people's gardens. A hen pecked husband and a rooster pecked wife. A man who laughs every time he says something. A mother who sees no good in other peple's children. A married couple who "bill and coo" publicly and fight privately. A bully that any sixteen years-old boy could "lick" if he only knew it. A girl that chews gum and goes to the postoffice every time the mail comes. A half minded woman who always says the wrong thing when she speaks in com pany. A man who smokes and chews, but - kicks when asked to furnsh school books for the children. Men 'who can tell you about finance and how to run other people's business, but have made a dismal failure of their own. The Ark Beats All' [Scientific American.] Speaking of ancient ships and ship-. building, Prof. J. Harvey Biles said that, though Great Britain and America had made such great strides in shipbuilding, none of their wooden ships approahed the dimensions of the Ark, which was 450 feet long, 75 feet broad, and 45 feet deep. He calnlated that this was the size of this vessel from the Bible mesurements. taking the cubit to be 18 inches. This, he thought, was the correct measurement. The largest wooden ship afloat now did not nearly approach the size of the Ark; the vessel was the Shenandoah, and her dimensions wero 299 feet by 49 feet broad and 29 feet dep.Even the Cam pnawsmuch smle *hnthe Ark, xepinthe length, and the dimensions of the Ark had only been extended in the case of the Great Eastern. In 1856 a prize was offered for the best model of a ship made by any one in the United Kingdom, and the models were on views at the Royal Institution. The prize was awarded to amodel six times the beam to the length and ten times the depth to the length, these being the same proportions as the those of the Ark. Popular Everywhers. Beginning with a smial local sale in a retail drog etore, the business,of Hood's Sarsaparilla has steadily in creased until there is scarcely a village or hamlet in the United States where it is unknown. To-day Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at the head in .the medicine world, ad mired in prosperity and envied in merit by thousands of would-be comn petitors. It has a larger sale than any other medicine before the Amerienn public, and probably greater than all other sarsaparilla and blood purifiers combined. If you are sick, is it not the medicine for you to try? Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures. LaDIES Needng atonic, or children who want build What Causes Pimples ? Clogging of the pores or mouths of the seba. ceous glands with sebum or oily matter. The plug of sebum in the centre of the pimplu is caled a blackhead, grub, or comedone. Nature will not alow the cloggingof the pores to continue long, hence, Infammation, pain, swelling and redness, later pus or matter forms, breaks or is opened, the plug comes out and the pore is once more free. There are thousands of these pores in the face alone, any one of which is liable to become clogged by neglect or disease. What Cures Pimples? The only reliable preventive and cure, when not due to a constitutional humor, is Cuticura Soap. It contains a mild proportion of CtTICURA, the great Skin Cure, which enables it to dissolve the sebaceous or oily matter as it forms at the mouths of the pores. It stimulates the sluggish glands and tubes to healthy activity, reduces inflammation, soothes and heals irritated and roughened surfaces and restores the skin to its original purity. This is the secret of its wonderful success. For bad complexions, red, rough hands and shapeless nails, dry, thin and falling hair, scaly and irritated scalps and simple baby blemishes it is wonderful. It is preserving, purifying and beautifying to a degree hitherto unknown among remedies for the skin and complexion. Sale greater than the combined sales of all other skin and complexion soaps. Sold throughout the world. PorrEa DrUo AND Cazx. Coa., Sole Pro prietors, Boston. Women full of pains, aches and weaknesses find comfort, strength and renewed vitality in Cuticura Plaster, the first and only pain-killing,. nerve-strengthening plaster when all else fails. Now the Governor Is In It. [Special to News .-.nd Courier.] COLUMBIA, January 3.-Governor Tillman to-day sent on the manuscript for an article on "The South Carolina Liquor Law,'' s bich is to appear in the February number of the North American Review. The editor has been after Governor Tillman for some time for his views on the dispensary. L Z b Vance and National Banks. [From the Washington Pobt.] Once when Senator Vance was mak ing a stump special in his State of North Caroiius, he was interrupted by one of the mountaineers, who had brought to the meeting a strong tante to study finance. "I'eli us about national banks," de anded this gentleman, breaking in on one of the lenator's tiights. "Tel you a-U& nationai banks," re plied Vance. "Well,.ail 1 know about uational banks is that it takes two names- better than line to get any money out of one of them." Skin Eruptions and similar anoances are by an impure bood, will. result in a mor ed disease. Unless r slgtimpurities wil elop into Sofla, Ecze tta, Salt Rheum andotherserious results of a sufee Brad evr blood trouble, for which I d took many remedies that I~ff did me no good. I have now taken four bottles of S~ itthemostwenderful results i .;Am enjoying the best health I ever kne, have ganed twenty pounds and my friend say thynever saw I eas well. Iam feein que Eike a new Govern:nent Printing OUice. washington. .C. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases L . mailed free to any address. SWiFT SPECIFIC CO., Aiitta, Ga. liN on WOMEN make $10.09 a dyselling the Wonderful Christy Bread shecer." Writs eulk for territory._Casrr Kmru Co.,Fremont, he I ______audOpium2abitS WQ~curedat home with TkM MWooLLEY,M.D. : * * Ga.Offce1eW than St. ( Cures all Female Complaints and Monthl rreuarity, LeucorrhceaorWhites, Painin1 BacYc or Sides, strengthens the feeble, builds T the whole system. Ithascured thousands and will cure you. Druggists have it. Send D. J. P. DB03600LE a CO.. Louisville. Ky. A. M. MANIGAULT, 21 BROAD ST-, CHARLESTON,S. C. TOUi AND BOND RROKEB, Liberal ~advances on Securities de posited for sale. LOANS NEGOTIATEDI. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBRE RRY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. eore MeWhirter, Plaintiff, against J. E?Caldwell. and Silas Johnstone, Mster for Newberry County. Summons for Relief-(Complaint Served.) To the Defendants ab>ove nzamed: XOU' ARE HEREBY SUTM IMONE D ancd required to answer te complnt in tIis-action, of which s-copy is herewithy serveg upon you, and to serve a copy of your auswver to the said complaint on t bgsubscribers at their office at New4ierry Court House, S. C., withbin t wenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to anewer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff ia this action will appl-- to the Court for the relief demanded in the complainst. JOHNSTONE & CROMER. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated December 9, A. D., 1893. o the Defendant, ,J. E1. Chidwell: Take notice that the complaint in his action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas nd General Sessions for Newberry County, in the said State, on the 14th day of D)ecember, 189i3. JOHNSTrONE & CROMER, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Decmber 14, 1393.. Openlgof "ew Short Line" to Florida . The Richmond and Danville Rail road announces that on Sunday, De cember 24, 1893, it will, in connection with the Florida Central and Penin sular Railroad open a "New Short Line" to Florida, via Columbia and Savannah, making one complete line: of railroad from Washington, D. C., on the Potomac river, to Tampa, Fla., on the Gulf of Mexico, passing through g ibe Piedmont section of Virginia and North Carolina, Columbia, S. C., and Savannah, Ga., to Jacksonville, St.. Augustine, Palatka, Ocala, Gainesville L and a!i points in Florida with perfect 1 and complete system of double daily t fast schedule, Pullman Sleeping and Dining Car service and solid trains. a The Richmond and Danville has t been most properly selected by our r Government for the route of the "Great Southern Fast Mail," and by this new combination with the Florida I Central and Peninsular system, the newspapers and letter mail of the great, eastern cites will leave Washington, D. C., at 11,01 o'clock every morning and be in Jacksonville, Florida, the next morning at 9.30 o'clock, and all ver the State of Florida many hours in advance of any other schedule now in effect. In connection with the "Great Soubern Fast Mail," a solid train will be operated between Charlotte, N, C., and Jacksonville, Fla., via Columbia and Savannah, carrying through Pull- v tnan Sleeping Car between New York s and Jacksonville, leaving Charlotte each night at 10,50 o'clock and arriving in Jacksonville the following morning t t'9,30 o'cloca; and in connection with c the "Washington and Southwestern Vestibuled Limited," another through train will be operated tetweenCb ar lotte, N. C., and Jacksonville, Fla., via 4 Columbia and Savannah, leaving Char- I lotte each day at 9 30 a.m. and arriving in Jacksonville 9,00 o'clock same night, and Tampa, Fla., the follewing morn ing, through Pullman Sleeping Car be tween New York and Jacksonville and rampa, Fla., and Pullman Dini.g Car between Charlotte and Savannah. Returning, a through train in con nection with the Richmond and Dan ville "Great Southern Fast Mail," will " leave Jacksonville at 2.25 p. n. arriving Columbia 11.05 p. in., and Charlotte 00 a. in., with Pullman Sleeping Car rro Jacksonville to New York. A through train in connection with the "Washington and Southwestern Vesti buled Limited," will leave Jacksonville aily at 7.00 o'clock a. m., and arrive CQlumbia 3.50 p. m. and Charlotte 8.30 p. in., with Pullman Sleeping Car from rampa to New York, and Dining Car savannah to Charlotte. These trains will be operated from Columbia over the South Bound Rail road, which is now a part of the Flori la Central and Peninsular system, and will place interior South Carolina in 3lose connection with Florida and the south. The trains of the Columbia and 3reenville Railroad, connecting at olumbia with the new through trains i ierein mentioned, will put Greenville, a Anderson, Abbeville, Greenwood, Lau ens, Spartanburg, Union and New- B erry in close touch and sympathy with the great South which has hexeto 'ore been difficult to reach and subject a o circuitous routes and long delays. For further information as to winter e :ourists rates, schedules, etc., apply to R. W. Hunt, T. P. A.. Augusta, Ga.; R. L. Seay, City Ticket Agent, Colum- h l,a, S. C: C. L. Hopkins, T. P. A. > Charlotte , N. C., or W. A. Turk, Gen tra1 Passenger Agent, Washington,L D, C.. - - wev motl nub, agreatn A3eautifu ilustrtion. CaBEI' 'IArW.CablNe will bg in you then eary mnthlyr nurmers agegtinge 'wvter 1ipagsoftheiae benms erngeadM.ie, atoro th70 Aamo ou"Litt entr"s. wit tenra nuer,ov ah frstmance ethtle famous story. George Meredith, the great English novelist, has in prepa ition a novel called "The Amazing arriae.'' HORT STORIES will be abundant. - W. D. Howells, Miss Elliott, W. H. Bishop, Ludovic HaIevy: Paul Bour get, Joel Chandler Harris and many new writers will contrioute. TUDIES OF AMERICAN LIFE will be an important feature, including Newport, Bar Harbor, Lenox, etc., and the W'.'t. 'HE ILLUSTRATIONS, will be even more numerous and beautiful than ever. A series of Front ispiecen choisen by Philip Gilbert Hamerton will be especially notable. tomplete Prospectus sent on request. OFRThe numbers -EIJ for 1893, and a subscription for 1894 - -- $4.50 The same, with back numbers, bound in cloth,--- -- -- -- 6.oo Sample Copy, ro cents. ~hares Scribner's Sons. ha 743 Broadway, New York. n ++ DIrMOND* + AN\BLEPR LI No3 e be en of ba C0o he i'h HIS Is A LIGUT WHEEL, with rigid frame, for expe- an rienced riders on good roads. fre IT ONLY WEIGHS 374 POUNDS, ALL ON, i' and can be reduced to 30) for tit racing. Three styles Handle a Ba.Round or Ellipticalj n Sprockets. Write for full spectscationa ns SGormully & Jeffery Mfg. Co., 32 unt St. L.V. Wnhiugnn. 0.0. E AN AFFLICTED FAMILY. 'hree Brothers Dead lo Three Weeks in Edgefleld. [The Register, 4th.] The Reaper Death has made victims f three of the best men of Edgefield, nd continues his course in making rief and sorrow doubly poignant in ne family. The news of the death of S. C. Cart edge at B-tesburg was followed in a reek by the news of the death of his rother Jerry Cartledge. Now comes he sad news of the death on Saturday 'f Dr. Cartledge, a third brother, all of he same disease. News has also eached here that the widow of S. C. artledge is dying and that two of her ittle children are seriously ill. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble,or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Fifteen Dollars to Her Husband. IFrom the Philadelphia Record.] A clause of a woman's will which ras published in Philadelphia refdi: I give and bequeath unto my bus 'and, Leonhardt Hilz, the sum of $15, o be paid- to him by my executors out f my estate. The reason of my not saving him more is he has so badly isused me and has destroyed so much f my fortune and personal effects." fer estate is valued at $2.000. HKATHAWAY&00., _SPECIALISTS+ (Regular Graduates.) Are the leading and most succesafulspaciailsts an 1I give y.,u help. Yoaungand mid die aged men. Remarkable re suits have follow ed our treatment, Many yeasso varled and success" ful experience in the use of cura tive methods that we alone ownand control for all dis ordersofmewho veloped or dis eased organs, or ho are augering rot errors of outh and excess r who are nervous d impotent, he scorn of their ellows and the contempt of their friends and com panions. leads us guarantee to all patients. If they can possibly e restored, ear own exclusive treatment rl afrord a care. WOS(EN! Don't you want to get cured of that reakess with a treatment that you can use at Lent has cured others. whynot you? Try It. CATAIRE, and diseases of the Skin, Blood, cart, Liver and Kidneys. SYPHILIS-The most rapid, safe and etective medy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. SKIN DISEASES of an kinds cured where any others have failed. UNAT'URAL DISCEARGES prompt nred in afew da s. Quick, sure and safe.tl Lcludes Gleet and Gonorhea. TRLTi AND FACTS. We have cured cases of Chronic Diseases that ave failed to get cured at the hands of other specia 't and medical Institutes. .r ad.m E 3L s i EPER that there is hoLe >r Y , . ,lonsult no other, as you may wast. valuable me. Jbtain our treatment at once. Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give te best andmost scientinic treatment at moderate rces-as low as can be done for safe and skillful eatment. FREE consultation at the oilice or y mail. Thorough examInation and careful diag. sl A doe re.tment can begive Inamsjrt .2 for Women: No. or skin Diseases. All corre ,odence answered promptly. Business strictly con intial. Entire treatment sent free from observa on. Refer to our patients, banks and k,otsiness men Address or call on )R. HATHAWAY & Co 221-2a SocLth Broad Street. ATLANTA, GIA HUNDIREDS HUNDREDS OF OF ADvE MPA BY BY USINGUSN ~SILURIAN SPRING WATER. NATURE'S W rn h ee GREATEST eri water to p our rome-bottleseor pI.Ef barrels-retaining all of i:.s purity and cura 62 PAGE BOOK Dyspepaia,Bladder, SMALED FREE. Kid neyoked.u thrt ye-er.nell-akLNE OF T iAreo dotos' bins por wil hea t nts OF Demres,'fa. Nor richer Bothin combise moean tries litereut youhe homepcircith Yodernl sabec to intreme You igh fidpirity of deseon ted tfvha vemebo the fLElO ENS ee :rked. ;kee ap don mspirits ying e.moCeAR' zne tOS FrE. peceu lubenb: toerves itf10 re wiou crs' bgllry o wi iithe healthofinrs eoeat'u. besde other mgnpe reptulihe, ny tnes " inmat taiy! hm circe Ylou a rea sby,c and eultee ofrigna oipiritingrwhpoch s 3v0 an yon ale the aRDLEzO e thaUS welno equaed;ke up a'n iterIfrits beautifulo~ straztio ra. 1! subcratter toat foll ee a olltedeion a ll eoiy of xuthe ay, and allt treathole, besides funihn nter eming piren byte. both erave toyo the whaloile ai.ny whc fatsi:a on i havae fc,adyugtithnnt eaead bn any izte wyl, or itos beautiu rsbrptioan at onbjce, matter, tandy will l a get. oner the.0 ionso tle Adaadre l the b be. W. Jifenit emost f InEest aot Sthe wYo. beidf ureinhcqaintetith headn zie. ohaend ay for thpeiecpy whole fAily NGhle Deansonestv-no a fashio mTzIANGL, fahon il- LONG rfct aEC ND IISON, get on-t fact. alThe patteN yoF JUiTER btoerng sbtciptoa;tnc. ofiSA TURN, 0 ardn yo wellN et ovpedr:A S.i vcouae;O. Aimar th p-. w :YorN. Ifoveo plsre unacqantd wit th faellgnc. Tae OUrT OFic JaPTEaboetondao Whai Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's and Children. It contains neit] other Narcotic substance. It for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Millions of Mothers. Castoria -the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoriaisso well adapted tochlldren that Ca Irecommend it as superior to any prescription So known to me." H. A. AscHEs, 3L D., RE 1II So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. WI " The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work " of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the yo intelligent families who do not keep Castoria do within easy reach." re Cuuos Ma-r-, D. D., New York City. - TCEia COr PADGETT PAYS THE FREIGHT Why Pay Extrme Prices fu Goods! Send for Catalogue and See What You Can Somi MZ~OM 3 T-Coft-1 six6in;; t,f Bureau, Bedstead & Wa. h stand-worth $Z5: -r PRICE -ow$15 _1 100 other Bedroom Suits, all prices. $692*.$37 No freight paid on this Or gan. ciuaranteed to be a organ or money re ~ed. nde c Pgant Piush PARLQR St?ITS, Cnitn o Sofa, Arn Chair, ocki tig Chair, IDivan, and 2 tide Chairs -worth $45. Will deliver it to your depot for $38. Ti No.7 . ~ ::~ CUO[Ci Cwitll2 pieces of bere ed to your _FS1 or A $33 SE7I!(irClR with all attarlmets, for ON LY $18.50- - delivered to your depot. 0_1he regular price of this xGY is 6 to dol1ars. The rrtanfctnrer pays all endgarant eer' one a ufreight paid A $65O PIANo send for catalogues of Furniture, okn mie Tev bets Dinne sImps, &c.,Sfa SA*VE MONEY. Address L.F.PADGETT' a..e H. J. OCNN, -. -DEALER IN 988'BROAD ST., .Augusta, Ga. h' Largest Liquer House i the South. hoice Brandies, Wines, Gins, Rums and Liquors of Every Description. ail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. CRATEFUL-COMFORTINC. E PP S'S. COCO A BREAKFAST-SUPPER. aw which govern the oprations of ie of od nutrition, an by a crflapis ast ad supper delicately faored beer ,s. tis bythe udiciu ue o f suh arti tbuil op unti strong enougtorst r aladie are foaing around us ready tos ack wherever there Is a weak point. We may esp mayaw ea shaft by kepng our ae tte Madle s il with bingwate or ni1 .old only nhalf-pound tiLl, by Gro AMES EPPS & CO., Ltd., Homenpathic Chemists, London, England. F F nielFBest (sop Catl IOMANWORK " PARKER'S inW HAIR BALSAM mce.sabeszit Dg inpzomtualuzinzatot I S. Po cx co~LL FiemMnJ? CVAT, GHT MRS t eensel erridiL azde.kSe- -n is prescription for in nts her Opium, Morphine nor is a harmless substitute Syrups, and Castor OIL. is thirty years' use by is the Children's Panacea Castoria. storia enes couc, opaeuon, or Stomach, Diarrhca, Erctaton, is Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di -ein, 'For several years I have reco dnad ] r 'Castoria,' and shall always continae to so as it has invarbly produced benedal nits." EmrF. PAnZa, . D., 125th 8treet and 7th Ave., NewYork City. ArT, 77 MQaar S=m=r. Kaw YouR C=r MERRY CHRISTMAS, A Happy New Year, and many re rns of same is my greeting to all of 1 may patrons. What have you dont r ibout a new suit co wear during t-be I bolidays? If you haven't already par based it, you can save money by con iulting me in the matter. My special ] tine of Suits for the holiday trade is 2 he handsomest eve: brought to this 1 ity, and you will dnd the'pricescheaper han will be obtained elsewhere. My 4tock of. Boys' and Youths' Suits and I Dvercoats is full and complete, and t you will have no trouble in finding F wbat you want. Knee Pants Suits, 4 to 16 years, at 75c. to $7.50. Youths' Long Pants Suits, 14 to 19 years. at p.00 to $22.50, and a new lot of Kilts and Jersey Suits. My line of Furnishing Goods is up to the highest standard. You will find Natural Wool, Australian Lambs' Wool and Camels' Hair Shirts and Drawers at 50e. to $5.00 per garment, and extra sizes, 44 to 50, at $1 25, $2.0 ' and $3.00 per garment. There's a beau tiful line of boiday.: Neckwear, con- a taining all the latest shades and knots. and an exquisite lot of plain and ini tial Silk Handkercbiefs-just the thing for a Christpas present. All the other things you want are here-Collars, Cufs, Gents' Half Hose, Gloves, &C. When you wabt an Unlaundered Sbirt, get "Kinard's Specialty," at$1.0. It's the best to be had. The "Star." at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, is the best Laun dered Shirt on the market. If you cannot visit Columbia write for w hatyonuirant. iPrompt and car ful attention given to mail orders. The Leadlhj Ukathier. 120 wrA,Ur STREZETs Cco1uzn.ba, S.C. The Sun. The firet of AmeriazLfewsva papes, CH ARU A. DANAk Editor. The Americac Constitution, the American Ider the~ Ameti sa Spirt. These- first, last, and all the time, forever! The Sunday Sun the greatest Sunday Xewspapier In thme world. Price 5. acopy. By mail, $2 ayear Daily, by mail,............. $6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mall, $8 a year 'he Weekly,............... $1 a year Address THE SUN4 New York. CHEAPER THAN AMY MADE, QUALITY OONSICERED. HIGH GRADE ONL.Y. FULL.Y WARRANTED. NONE BETTER. O ATALOGUE, DESCRIPTION AND PRiCES FREE. WRITE ATO7,O CALLt ON OUR REGUAAU iE AGENT IN YOUR TOWN. ROCK HII.L BUQOY 00. WolsaheBullders, ROOKItt,.&C. FOR eAZ.E UT - J. H. WICKER, NEWBERRY, S.C. - Also, a lot of Good Second-Hand suggies. 120 DO L LA R8 PER MONTH IN YOUR QWN L.OCALITY nade easily'and honorably, without cap al, during your spare hours. Ayman, u oman,boy, orgirleandotheworhand ly, without experience. Talking an ecessay. Nothing like it for money nakingever offered before.Orwoks lways prosper. No time wasted i earnin the business. We teach you in B nightbow to succeed -from the first our. You can make a trial without ex ense to yoursalf. We start you, fibrnish 0 rerything needed to carry on the~bdsl tess sticcessfully, and guarntee. you against failure if you but follow our imple, plain instructions. Reader, if ron are- in need of ready money, and rant to know all about the best paying msness before the public, send us your ddress, -and we will mail you a docn nent giving you all the particulars. TRUES &CO., Box 400. Augusta, MAin. NOTIC.. 'HOE PERSONS W HO HAVE Ibeen notified that the notes and eounts held against them by L. W. . Blalock arie In our hands for coller ion, can save costs by giving their at mntion to the matter without further to otice. JOHNSTONg & CBOMER - .-h~'-' it,EZOAD COOPAN Samnel Spencer, P.W.A Foste, eoofvrem. - LUXBLLAD l;adeneedSne-I est - (Trains run by5th MACT.IMCKA.Ts N STATIONS. 715a m LV. L 20 a m ....-.."Coums: - l238pm Akt 128-pm a ~1p3 10 pm '.......Ninety W37 PM ......-Gn..eena:.: w 130 p m .-----.. .. 237p.m ?..... ---...z 800pm 820pm _-... :;.: 335pm . 835p m Ar. .........e1ton.-.. 4 00p m Lv ...........Bet""....Ar 4 2i pm A...:.Ad"os 30p.m Ar........ 535pm Lv, . Seneca. 625 pm Ar. ....Greenavi ETWW DE E 3 BELTOA-I No.12 STATIONS. 30 p m Lv. Anderson Ar. 3 40 p m Ar Belton. LV 4 o p m LY. Biton; Ar. 4 20 p m Ar. Willismaton. 425p= Primer,m 4 4o p m Piedmont, 120 p m Greenvil4Caa 4 f aErwmag crs :-r,.. VAhNAH,COLlMMJA .BZBT 715 amLv..........Chacrletanti...A 7 60am "_ .... J