LOCAL AND SPECIAT. . SPECIAL NOTICE. Advertisers will confer a favor by handing in their copy for changes not aterthan Mondaymorrning. Poor Cattle Wanted. I will pay the highest market price _ for poor cattle. T. H. HILL, 2t. Newberry, S. C. Out Door Shoes at Matthews & Cannon's. tf Married in Texas. Mr. Frederick L. Schumpert, who went frot this County to Texas a few years ago, w as married on the 8th of this month at Waco, Texas, to Miss Eugenia McDonald, of that city. - Mr. Schumpert is now living in Monroe, Ala., and has a good position with a large furniture house. A: Silk Mantel Scarfs. ly. Davenport & Renwick. For beautiful line of Millinery, go to Moseley Bros. tf Our Stationery Departtnent. At The Herald and News ofice we have a small line of stationery which we will sell at prices to suit the times. Pens, pencils, ink, paper and pencil tablets, cheap. Give us a call. tf. Foot Wear! Foot Wear! Our Shoe trade has surpassed our fondest expectations, and we can say without fear of contradiction, that we have the best line of Shoes in New berry for the least money. tf MATrHEWS & CANNON. Register. The books of registration for the town of Newberry were opened on Monday and will close on 1st of December. If you.desire to vote in the election for Mayor and Aldermen remember that you must have your registration certifi cte. Thankstving. Next Thursday, 30th, is Thanksgiv - in; day, made so by the President and Governor, and every one should ob serve it as such. As-ia customary the bank, public of fe -s, and the stores will all be closed and every one will cease frrn his daily toils. It is right and proper that we should do so. Silk Head Rests. i;y Davenport & Renwick. At and Below Cost. I am now offering my entire stock of goods at and below cost. Or I will sell the stock in bulk at a bargain and rent the house. A good stand and a chance for a bargain. Call on, or address, 2 moe. Mas. REBECCA BROWN. Methodist Conference. The annual meeting of the South Carolina Methodist Conference will be held at Sumter on 6th of December. Reys. W. W. Daniel, D. D. Dastz ler, W. L. Wait, J. T. Blackman, and P. B. Ingraham and Messrs. Thcs. E. Ept -g and Jos. G. Jenkins will at te. d from this county. Xeeting of County Alhiance. A spedial meeting of the County Alli ance is hereby called to meet at New berry on Friday, 8th day of December. Allsub-alliaucesare requested to send Sfull-delegations. as business of import ance is to be transacted. ~'. C. F. BOYD, Secretary. W. E. LAKE, President. >New Stock of Shoes. -ly Davenport & Renwick. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 5c. up. ly Davenport & Renwick. > A Delieate and successful Surgical Opera tion. On last Wednesday Dr. 0. B. Mayer, performed a very delicate .and at the same time a very successful surgical operation. He cut out an eye for Mrs. Drury Lovelace, and she has been doing very well since. The eye is a *very sensitive organism and it takes a skillful band and a steady nerve to operate on it. Full Stock Heavy Shoes. ly Davenport & Renwick. I have a big lot of Flour on hand which I can give good prices on. 2t .PROCToP. TODD. A 565 sewing Machine for 520. That is what some people advertise. Just as well say a $20 silver watch (brass Waterbury) $3. This If cannot *.say and be truthful, but I do say I will sell a good machine made by one of the Strongest Companies in the United States for $20, $2250 and $2.> foricash. Call and see my stock before sending your money off for something you ) have not seen. Prices to suit the times on all standard makes for cash. 4t D. B. W HEELEE. Do Tou Want an Edusation? fI respectfully call the attentio:n of young men to the offer of the Patrick Military Institute, A nderson, S. C., in TeHerald and News, and would urge itsaccptaceby some one of them. The P. M. i. is a first class insti- ution and gives thorough training to young men. Should there be more than one application the award will be determ ined by competitive examination; should only one worthby young mani apply I shall award scholarship to him. Applications will be addressed to me at Newberry, S. C., by or before De cember 9th, 1893. Respectfully, &c., Traos. W. KEIr'r, . Sch. Com'r N. C. Inquests. The Coroner held three inquests last week. A ten months old child of .Harriet Hall, colored, who lives in r. Ed. R Hipp's yard was given an -verdose of Jaudamum on last Tuesday ad died from the effects the same ht. A two-year old child of Ella Bluford burned to death in Helena last day. She was left alone in the iuse and played in the fire and was so ly burned that she died in a few rs. is thing is getting to be very com but it seems that parents will not the lesson, to be more careful their children. OF OHIO, CITY OF ToLEDO, )} LUCAS COUNTY, f ~NK J. CHENEY makes oath that 'e senior partner of the firm of ENEY & Co., doing business in of Toledo, County and State and that said firm will pay the NE HUNDRED DOLLARS tand every case of CATARRH not be cured by the use of ~ATARRH CURE. SFRANK J. CHENEY. Sto before me an i subscribed in *nee, this 6th day of December, } A. W. GLE ASON. .Yotant Public. sCatarrh Cure is taken inter ,nd acts directly on the blood and ssurfacet of the system. Send imonials, free. . C)HENEY & CO., Toledo, Q. idby Druggists, '75c. ou want good, honest goods? Go ws and Cannon and they will the pries right. tf VAtIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. The cotton is about all gathered. A good many farmers are still hold ing their cotton. Why not go with the Veterans to Augusta to-morrow. Mr. S. P. Crotwell's new residence is nearing completion. Now is a good time to subscribe for The Herald and News. The County commissioners advertise several bridges to be let. The town election is near at hand. One ticket is nominated this week. The time for pavia,, town taxes is extended to the 10th of December. The rock foundation for the exten sion to the cotton mills is being laid. This week so far has been dull and dusty and raiLs. The price of cotton is too low. Dr. J. R. Thompson has not moved his office. It was only a change of residence. The Legislature meets next Tuesday. Niow there will be something to talk about. Dr. E. C. Jones announces himself as a candidate for Mayor subject to the Democratic primary. Bill Arp has never met the Southern Bully and we do not beleive there is such distnctive creature as a class in these parts. He does not thrive down here in this sunny clime. Read what Sarge Plunkett says about the hard times, and see if you do vot agree with him. He is much nearer the truth than many of our statesmen and financiers of this latter day. The expense last week for grand jurors was $99.50 and for the petitjurors $183.60. Then the constables and other officers are to be paid. Running a court is an expensive business. County Commissioner Dominick says the grand jury may present as much as they like, the present board will not have any more repairs done at the poor house, as in his opinion, they are not needed. The County Commissioners and the Representatives held a joint meeting last week. The Commissioners sub mitted their appropriations and ar rangements were made for the defi eiency, which up to this time is about $3,500. Table Linen and Counterpanes at a price that will tickle you at Matthews & Cannon's. tf Personals. Mr. J. L. Aull, of Edgefield, was in the city last week. Mrs. B. E. Julien and her little son Elliott, of Helena, are visiting is Co lumbia. Hon. Cole L. Blease will go down to Columbia on Sunday and Hon. Geo. .. Mower on Mouday to be present at the opening of the Legislature. Miss Blanche Cook, who has been visiting her sister in Newberry has re turned to her home in Aiken, leaving many desolate looking and heart broken young men here in Newberry. A CHILD ENJOTS The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxatative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known, and every family should have a bottle on hand. Matthews & Can non are doing a clear, honest business, and tbe fact that their trade is daily increasing proves that their goods and pric.2s please the .pub lic. tf Large stock of Furniture at Moseley Bros. . t Ladies' Cloth-all shades. ly Daven port & Renwick. Dress Goods, in latest styles -'and shades, at Moseley Bros. tf 'Cabbage by the Crate Or 100 lbs. Also Onions. Also Trunks and Valises. (eap, at .ly. .J. 8. RUSSELL'S. Result of Examination. At the recent examination for teach ers' certificates, the following applicants received grades: Miss Mary Bishop. Miss KLte Bolloway.? Miss Emily Scott Miss Annie R. Piersoi I Miss Lizzie r elers. bliss Alice A brams,,. Mi-s Magie Rode:- Mr. James B. Hunter. sperger. Mr. Fred W. Raucih. Miss Mary Mi'er. Mr. T. M. Mills, Miss Essie Wyse. Mr. J. W. Speak. The following are the colored appli cants who received grades: H. B. Rice. Lilla B. Nance. W. W. McMorries. A. W. Coleman. Thos. L. vuckett. James S. Daniel. W. W. Brooks. M. C. Fant. Cornella A. Sims. Ellen L. Robertson. urayton P. wheeler. M. Hair. Simeon M1. Young. W. W. Lazenber ty. Anna M. WVatson L. A. Neil. Medora &. Rutherford. There were thirteen white applicants and thirty-eix colored applicants. To the L.adles of Newberry and Vicinity. We are glad to say that our stock is now complete. We do not hesitate to place our repu tation upon our dress goods particu larly. The line is perfect and the styles are the latest; in fact, we say candidly that at no time has our stock ever excelled that of this season. Mrs.8S. M. Redus is at home again with a full line of the latest millinery and assdlres her friends.and customers of her best attention. We invite all heartily to call. We will take genuine pleasure in ex hibiting our goods. Yours tru!y, tf C. & G. 8. MOWER Co. 10th wonder: Matthews & Cannon's $1.00 Shoes. tf A new line of Lilly Bracket's Hand made gwed Shoes just received,-.-the bsSoemade. 0. M1. JA MIESON. Ladies Ribbed Undervests 50c. per pair. Davenport & Benwick. ly. When you want aoything in the Jew elry line go to C. WV.Collings. He will give you satisfaction. tf When yon need a suit of clothes call on Jamiieson. The best stock of Shoes in Newberry at Jamieson's. Jewelry and Watches repaired and guaranteed by C. W. Collings. tf Jamieson huas the cheatpest and best ine of Cloth ing.in New berry. See the World's Fair for Fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of your address and ufteen cents in postage stamps, we will mail you prpiour sOUVENIR PORTFOlIO OF THlE woL' ott;xIAa Ex PosmToN. The reigu lar price is fifty cents. but as we want you to wi rnd It a wor oft pn c hn ,.to be prized. It contains iull page views of the great buildings, with descriptions of samne. and is ezeented in higlicst style of art. It not satisded with it, after you get It. we witl refund the stamps and let you k eep the book. Address HI. E. B~UCKLEN & Co., Chicago, Ill. In Hats Jamieson is showing the best and cheapest line ever brought to Newberry. If you need anything in the Shoe line don't forget that Jamieson's is headquarters for Shoes. If You Will Read the strong testimonials of persons who have been eured by the use of the Har ris Lithia WVater, you will be convinced of ita eacan tf. T'1ha Court. The bottom dropped out of he Gen eral Sessions C,urt last Monday morn ing, and it was adjour:;ed t:ntil this morning, when the special and general orders will be taken and the adjourn ment had and the Commnl'ir Pleas opened. Antony and Lou Gauntt were ac quitted of the charge of !areeny of live The case against Jason Sunmers for murder was continued on account of the sickness of ouc of the witnesses for the State. ' The lawyers askod that the Common Pleas be not opened until this moruing so the Judge rant oveir to his home in Yorkville, and the Court will be open-d this morning. We puilish this week the full text of the presentment of the Grand Jury, though our synopsis last week covered about all the points. PRESENTMENT OF TIE GRAND JURY. To His Honor, I. D. Witherspoon, Judge Pre siding: The Grand Jury would beg to report that they have examined and returned all Bills handed them by the Honorable Solicitor. We have examined all the public offices and find the offices and all records well and neatly kept. We commend highly the efficiency of the County Clerk in keeping the records in most con venient order and also well arranged. The same may be said of the Probate Judge and his office. The- offices of 'Auditor and Treasurer have been lately investigated by the Comptroller General and by our Foreman, as required by law. Every thing was then found to be correct, and all amounts received and paid out were properly aecounted for. The office of the School Com missioner was found well arranged and he has madie all reports required by law. The papers and books in the County Commisssoners' office also are well kept and, are in proper order. In examining the accounts paid for supplies fur nished the paupers, we are of the opinion that an exhorbitant price has been paid for much of those supplies. This matter should receive the careful attention of the Commissioners. The committee who visited the Poor House report that not one of the repairs and improve ments recommended in our last report have re ceived any attention from the Commissioners. The recommendations in our last report were much needed, not for show, but for the comfort of the keeper and family and of the unfortunate inmates. We would again recommend that a crib be built, or a house to stcre away the crops raised on the place, and the provisions used for the inmates. There are some buildings near the old poor house that could be removed at little cost and be made to answer those purposes. The committee found ta) twelve inmates, two white and ten colored. All looked as if they were re ceiving the best care and attention, clothing all neat and clean, and the same may be said of the rooms. The kitchen and dining room are too open, they should be ceiled at once. Comfort as well as health require that this be done. At the Jail we again find that the recommenda tions of our last report have been utterly ignored. we repeat those recommendations, and urge that the work be done. There are glass out of win dows in the Jail; in the kitchen one sash is en tirely gone from one of the windows. There are two leaks in the roof of the Jail needing repair. The ditch spoken of in our last report is yet badly needed. This ditch should be of such width and depth as to be able to carry off all the water falling on the lot. The good of the prop erty as well as health require that this should be done. The top ofone of the chimneys of the Jail has been blown off; this should be replaced. All the cells are neat and clean, and the prisoners look as if they had received every care. We feel it our duty to make these suggestions of repairs at the Poor House and Jail because they are public property, the repairs are greatly needed, and we would ask that the Commissioners be required to have this work done, or that they be required to show cause. A portion of the road from Kempson's Ferry toward Bush River is in bad condition, not hav ing been worked this year. There are several small bridges in No. 4, made of small pine poles, that are dangerous to persons passing. These bridges should be repaired. In Township No. z, at Brooks' branch, there is a large and dangerous hole washed out that is dangerous and should be repaired at once, being impassable. The Workman bridge, in No. 7, on Little River, is in a dangerous conaition and requires imme diate attention. We recommend that the legal fee be paid our clerk for services rendered. J. H. SMITH, Foreman. Hats, Umbrellas, Neck Wear and Gloves at special prices at Matthews & Cannon's. tf For Birthday and Bridal Gifts call on Collings, the Jeweler. tf Grand Thanksgiving Pretmiamu to all our Readers. We shall print a coupon in our issue of November 30 entitIing everyon,e who buys the paper to a reproduction in oil colors of the great floral panel-picture, "An American Beauty," painted -by the artist of the world-famous "Yard of Pansies" and "Yard of Roses." This superb present, worth $5.00, is copy righted, and cannot be purchased of picture-dealers at any priee. It is 20 inches h igb, and will fit upright narrow spaces admirably. Be sure to get a coupon entitling you to this magnifi cent gift. Seed wheat of all kinds at 20 PRoCToa ToDD's Neber mind der sunshine nor der rain, P's gwine to buy my Shoes at Matthews & Cannon all de same. tf Yard Wide Sea Island, 6}e. 1y Davenport & Renwick. I have just received a fresh stock of Raisins, Currants and Citron. Any one wanting to make fruit cake, I would like them to call and get prices. St PRoCToR TODD. Flour $3.75 per single bbl. In lots cheaper. At Moseley Bros. tf A Newberrian Abroad. The young man Mr. WVilson, spoken of iu the two followiig paragraphs is a Newberry boy and went west only a few years ago. He is now a successful and rising lawyer of Arkadelphia, Ark. He is a nephew of Capt. Juo. C. Wil son, of Newberry. Newberry boys always get there. We puolish these two paragraph as good news to his friends and relatives in Newberry: Ben Stanford, charged withb the nmur der of Hans Sellers, was acquitted at Waishwrgton last Saturday on the ground of insanity. The managem et of the case of the defense by Lawyers Bradley & Wilson is regarded as a master-piece of legal work. But while they worked hard and wisely for the life of their client, the State's interest were ably cared for by Prosecuting Attorney Carter.-Arkadelphia Herald. Ben Stanford, whbo killed Hank Sel lers on the Caddo, in this county, in April, 1893, was tried last week in the Hemp tead circuit court, on a change of venue from this county. He was ably def'-nded by Messrs. Bradley & Wilson, of this city, and was acquitted on the plea of insanity. He was in town Monday, and looked like a happy crazy man !-Arkadelphia Standard. Come to Prosperity and buy your goods from Moseley Bros., Leaders of Low Prices. t Collings, the Jeweler, keeps the latest styles in Jeweiry, and his prices are made to suit the times. tf When Baby was sick, we gave her Czuoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castori'a. The cheapest line o Jeans and Do mestics in towvn at J&'mieson's. Robertson's Compound Cough Syrup a safe remedy for Coughs, Colds and all affections of the Throat 'and Chest, only 25c bottle at ROBEITSN & GIL9 '8 Corner Drug store, Schloss Bros. & Co.'s Clothing at Moseley Bros. tf Highest of all in Leavening Pow oML The Fire Fiend Again. Burnings in this section are becom ing too uncomfortably common. If it is the work of an incendiary there is need for some heroic measures to find him out and to deal to him such pun ishment as his diabolical work de mands. - On Sunday night the residence of Mrs. John Hayes two miles from New berry was destroyed by fire. The fire was discovered about one o'clock in the night. Mrs. John Hayes, Mr. J. Henry Hayes and:fanily, also Mr. Will Hayes and family, were all in the house at the time. Mr. Henry Hayes says he wa,s up about 11 o'clock and saw no fire and there had been none in the kitchen since earls in the afternoon of Sunday. The fire originated in or about the cook room, however. When he was aroused and got out the cook room had not burned but the blaze was burning briskly and brightly on the floor of the pas-age between the kitchen and house, as if it were oil burning Mr. Will Hayes and wife who had just moved in the house, and only partially moved, were up stairs. The others were on the lower floor. Very little furniture or wearing ap parel or anything else was saved. The meat house and contents and two bug gies were also burned. There was no insurance. They estimate the total loss at $,2500. The house was a very good two-story frame building. Mr. Will Hayes would have lost all of his household goods but they were still at the depot. Gov. Tillman, we hope, will offer a good reward for the capture and con victior of some of the incendiaries and po'sibly a good square conv!etion and execution will act as a wholesome les son to others, who may have an incli nation in this direction, not to do so. There seems to be little doubt that this was an incendiary fire. ANOTHER GREAT BARGAIN FOR THE PUBLIC. AND FOR COMPETITORS TO FOLLOW. 2500 yds. of GOOD 4 4 BLEACHING. Only 5c. a yd. At 0. KLETTNER'S. The Hound that leads the Pack. tf. Good 4-4 Brown Homespun 5c at Matthews & Cannon's. tf Rates to Augusta Exposi. _on. The Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets from Newberry to Augusta on Tuesday at $3.40 and on Thursdays at $2.40, good for four days, including one admission to the Exposi tion. Good connection,- is made at Greedwood by leaving Newberry at 12:43 p. mn. The attraction for to-day at Augusta is the Black Crook. The military fire works also begin to-day and continue one week. The Confederate Veterans will attend tbe Exposition to-morrow. Arrange mnents are betng made to have a special train meet the Newberry Veterans at Greenwood and take them to Augusta, without any delay. Mr. C. F. Boyd, Secretary of the James D. Nance Camp, has charge of the arrangements. Those who are going with the Newberry Veterans are requested to notify Mr. Boyd as soon as possible, so that tickets can be secured and the special train from Greenwood made a certainty. Prettiest and hest prints at Matthews & Cannon's from 5c, to 'ilc. tf Srnyrna Dots. Mr. Decatur Boozer is now clerking at Newhberry. Mrs. Rose Boozer has returned from visiting friends at Beth Eden and other' places. Mrs. Craig Gary, of Gary's, visited relatives here last week. We hope to have preaching at Smnyr na church the afternoon of the first Sunday in December. The young folks spent an enjoyable evening at Mr. Suber's last Friday candy pullinr. Dr. WV. D. Senn expects to move to his new residence near Longshores soon. He will be more in the centre of his practice then. Miss Mamie Clary opened school at Tran wood on Monday, 20th instant. Mit.s Alice Abramis visited friends at Cross Hill last week. Marriage bells will ring in our com munity before and about Christmas. We wIl1 soon welcome a new neigh bor, Mr. David Teague, from Hartford. He has purchased the Speer place. Nov. 20. DANDY. All-Wool Jeans, 253. u p. ly D4venport & Renwick. Bucklen's Arates salvo. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Sores Bruises, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positilveiy cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to '4-e perfect satisfaction, or money refunded ~ice 25 cents pe box. For sale by Robert son & Gilder. 4-4 Piedmont Sheeting, 51. Moseley Bros. tf OYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERSST OYSTERS?E OYSTRSI OSTR JJ I'JU~ OYSTERS JU1UU~\ OYSTERS UIUI OYSTERS At My Restaurant. S. B. JONES. In Ladies Fine Shoes, E. P. Reed & Co. is the best, for sale by 0. M. JAMIESON. A Million Friends. ]'..s than on emuilIon ppe lave idand just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Cons.umption, Con ths, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Con:gh Medicine, one trial will convince you that It has won derful curative powers in all diseases of Th,roait, Chest and 'L.ungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or rnoney will be retunded. Trial bottles free at Robert aon& Gilder's Drug Store. Large bottlesS5ue and $1.0,,. if You Will Ask your Physician, he wvill tell you that there is nothing better for the Liver Blood and Kidneys, or Rheumatism than the Harris Lithia Water. tf You will save money if you buy Bay State and Zeigler Bros.' Shoes from Moseley Bros. -t A line nice Table Linen to be closed out at cost, for cash. 0. M. _T mimers xr.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report. EY PURE An Important Town 3eeting. Mayor Jones has called a meeting of the citizens of the town to be held in the opera house on Friday afternoon of of this week at 4 o'clock. This is an imliortant meeting and we hope to see more than a handful of the citizens present. The time for the election of a council has been changed and the election comes now in Decem ber. This meeting of the citizens is to determine how that election shall be held and when and also to eonsider an amendment to the charter so that the Clerk and Treasurer shall be paid a stated salary instead of a commission. This change, in our opinion, should be f made. Then we could always tell just what we were doing. At any rate there are matters of suf a ficient importance to the town to tiring out a full meeting. County Teachers' Association. t The Teachers' Association of New berry County, met at the Graded e School building, Saturday, Nov. 18th. t President Frank Evans called the b meeting to order. In the absence of t the secretary, Mr. B. L. Jones was ap- t pointed to act as sacretary, pro tern. ~ The roll was called, finding thirty- t three members absent, and twelve u present. p President Frank Evans was re- b elected to serve for the ensuing year. As first and second Vice.Presidents, Messrs.John W. Speak and Prof. W. K. Sligh were elected. Miss K. E. Habeuicht, was elected secretary. Ex, cutive Committee: Messrs. T. V. t Keitt, B. L. Jones, and Mrs. Jane Long. Mrs. Jane Long opened the discus sion of the subject-"Tbe Necessity of a Graded Course in Our Common Schools." Several members partici- s pated in the discussion. Owing to some misunderstanding as to the time of our meeting, no other subject was prepared, but the one given above was delivered and discussed in an interesting manner, and much val uable inforimation received. Five new members were enrolled. It is earnestly desired that all mem bers of the association attend the meet- t inga regularly, that they may be car ried on with success. They will find them interesting and beneficial. K. E. HABENICHT, Secretary. Any one wanting Tobacco by the box F can get it cheap at f 2t PRocToR TODD'S The secret of Matthews & Cannon's low prices-Bills Cashed. tf a Notes from Excelsior. School has a very good attendance. We hear of no marriage bells to ring down here. Have you thought that it will soon be time to lo"k up a Christmas turkey? The new teacher, Mr. Boozer, is now boarding with Mr. A. M. Counts. t Quite a number of hogs is still re-t ported to be dying with cholera. Miss Janie Kinard has returned ' from a several days' visit to relatives in Columbia. ' I The young folks enjoyed a social y, gathering at Mr. G. S. .Rikard's resi- ' dence on Friday night.8 Mr. J. D. Kinard preached at Colony I church on Sunday. C We are informed that Mr. J. A. C. ~ Kibler is assistant clerk in the New berry Dispensary on Saturdays, to dei.1 I out that good red-eyed juice. We thought the dispensary was a good, honest little thing. A little three-year old child of Mr. I and Mrs. John Beden baugh, near Col 2 ony church, caught on fire Wednesday ~ evenring, while left alone, and was burnt so badly that it died Thursday C morninug from the effects. Mr. and I Mrs. Bedenbaugh were out in tbe lot I doing up their evening work when the ( child caught on fire. The funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. G. WV. c Holland and the remains laid to rest I in the burying gro.ud at Colony 3 crce.( In the absence of Hon. WV. D. Hardy, cotton weigher for the Farm&rs' Alli ance Wareh.ouse in Prosperity, Mr. H. J. Kinard, of this section, is filling r his place. Mr. J. D. Kinard, of New berry Col- ~ lege, has been on a visit home. We have received and read with ~ much pleasure the publication of ae little parish paper, "The Pastorate," devoted to the interest of Grace and Mt. Tabor churches. We find the lit tIe paper edited by Rev. T. 0. Keister. The little paper contains very intercst- ] ing reading matter for both old and young. WVe wish the little paper much success. SIGMA. Many Persons are broken f dow from overwork or household cares. Brown's Iron Bitters Rebuilds the( system, aids digestion, removes excess of biDe, and cures malaria. Get the genuine. HU LLS AMTD MEAL At Newberry 0111 Mill. 15 cents per hundred pounds for Hulls. $1.10 per hundred pounds for Meal. Ple&se send the Cash with order, as we, cannot charge, for we need the money. 4t3 11th wonder: Matthews & Cannon 253c and 331e Jeans. tf BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL Our line of imported China and Out Glass can't be surpassed; justI the thing for Wedding Presents, all of the latest patterns, and at reasonable prices. 'Tis a pleasure t to us to show our goods. So if you desire anything in our line give us a call, we can save you money. Druggists on the Corner 4 Whitmziir. G1ea,ings. Tinies are dull and news scarce. The weather for some days past has elt more like March than November. Mr. J. S. Spearinan has been reap )Ointed postmaster at this place. Mr.:uad Mrs. J. C. Reeder, of your ity, have been visiting the latter's nother, Mrs. Julia Mathews. Mr. Parker, wbo has been night op rator htre for sorie time, has been re noved to Calhoun Fals, and a Mr. Wlen, of Alabama, has taken his place. Rev. D. H. Dougherty preached his arewel, sermon here last Sabbath. He toes to Waterloo where he has accept .d" work for the coming year. We lopt, he will find his n-w field a pleas mt one, and that his labors wilt be :rowued with abundant success. The hot supper last Friday night was a complete success. Everybody mjoy* d it, and as a result over $35.0 vas realiz.-d, which will be appropri .ted to titting up the school building t this n!ace. A difliculty occurred on our streets ast Friday atternoott. which came near erroinating very seriously. Mr. Will ):incan and a negro, Chas. Copeland, iad a dispute over some money which he ngro owed Mr. Duncan, where pou Copeland drew a pistol and fired wic', one ball passiug through Mr. )une.:i's arm, inflicting a flesh wound. ,r. Duncan returned the tire, the ball enerr:!ing the upper part of Cope nd's bowels. Mr. Duncan's wound, llhoug_h a l>ainful one, is not danger us, and it is hoped that he will be ble to return to his place of business a a few days. The negro's wound is serious one, but it is new thought bat he will recover. We hope Thanksgiving will be gen rally observed by the people of our wu and community. When we look ack and contemplate the terrible ca :tmities that have befallen some por ous of our country, we people of pper South Carolina have many bings for which to be thankful. Let a render unto the Giver of all life fit raise and thanksgiving for the many 3ercies and blessings received at his ands. J. Ladies' Fine Shoes. ly Davenport & Renwick. The World's on to ring again in No. 2. That fel w from town is d:wn, and some of he little birds came down too. A good many of us will quit paying 0 and 11 cents for bacon when the reatber gets a little cooler-for awhile t least-if cholera doesu't get among be hogs. Grain sowing is the order of the day. Court made a quick but sure drive of be criminal docket. We are sorry that our sheriff met 7ith such an accident. Hope he may Don be able to get out again. There was a mad dog killed at Mr. I. F. Cannon's on Monday, the 13th. The indications are that there will e a good many changes of residents :r another year. The majority of the colored people ave made contracts for 1894. DUDE. Have you seen the Cake Walk Shoes t Matthews & Cannon's? tf HAVE YOU 'isited recently Pelham's Drug Store? f not, delay not your visit to examine he magnificent assortment of pretty hings, suitable for wedding and Christ 2as occasions. Fine China, Beautiful China, Fault mss China! Hanging Lamps and Par >r Lamps! Photograph and Auto raphn Albums! Work Boxes and )ressing Cases! Lemonade and Ice ream Sets! Vases! Fine Vases!! All orts of Vases!!! Lowest possible rices. MARRIED. Novembher 15, 1893, by Rev. Junius 1. Fox, Dr. William A. Young, of loreland, Ga., and Miss Lucy' F. owe!s, of New berry, S. C. November 16, 1893, at the residence fthe bride's mother, by Rev. M. J. pting, Mr. N. WV. DeHardt to Miss ssie Cameron-both of Newberry ounty. November 19, 1893, at the residence f Mr. Jno. A. Nichols, by Rev. M. J. pting, Mr. Jno. C. Mills to Miss larthia M1. Taylor-both of Newberry 'ounty. November 15, 1893, at the residence f the bride's father, by Rev. G. W. lollanid, D. D., assisted by Roy. Ju lus 13. Fox, Ph.D., Rev. Prof. Wilbur E. Siigh, of Newberry College, and I iss Bessie WV. Wheeler, daughter of Ir. Daraiel B. Wheeler, of Newberry, .C. ~'amily Groceries can always be our'd at my store. I can always upply you with the choicest hings in the Grocery and Con ectionery line. live me a trial. Thave opened a Restaurant and t is first-class in every respect. tis a restaurant where every hing is neat and nice, and where will bestow my very best atten ion in order to gratify the appe ite of the Newberry public. It vill be my aim to make my Res auranf the best in fare and ser -ice. Jail Ear11] knd often--all hours of the day .nd at night. You will receive >Olite~ attention and the best of .ppetizing things to be found in his market. Yours in season, and any other time, Trespass Notice. SLL PERSONS ARE HEREBY n.otitied not to trespass upon the uods of th.e undersigned by hunting, i.bin;r, or in any other manner, under he penalties of the law. 3. D. HORNSBY. Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name; Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Our Stock And Prices are the Strongest Possible Arguments for Dealing with Us. To Come Once is To Return And Bring Your Friends With You. OUR SPECIALTIES: LOW PRICES and HONEST GOODS. TIIRE'8 ON ONE MAN. IN TOWN! thb we shall have our bands ful try ing to demonstrate which man is the ONE, or else we can fancy a wail of lamentation from the fleeing fair sex who seek a town with moAre men in it. But don't mate a mistake;go on to the end and read the rest. There's only one man in town who UNDERSELLS EVERY COM PETITOR. There's no fighting or running away on this statement. If it is new to you it will interest you. It touches your pocket-book, contributes to your pros perity and savings. If you doubt the fact, put it to the proof. Either we undersell, or we overstate matters. A our prices wil do more than al eseo convince you that our statement is a literal fact. It is an understatement, UNDERSELL, but we give better goods for less money. THERE'S ONLY AND HIS NAME I8 OTTORKETTIER, 'FATRfAND SQUARE DEALER. We have ,j from the No kets, where goods at vera and we props friends and c benefit of oii Our goods daily and we from one arnd Yours Public Square, Nwbe...., e. C.I The New Stors IVEREISTO BE FOUND FRE8H ROIRh CIfEAPB1T PWI . HARD CASH PRIE For Everybody. CALL AND 81 & A WEC0METOM HOOF & NELSON. Main Street, .NYewberry. UNDERTAKING. HAVING PURCHASED FROM Mr. R. T. Caldwell the undertak ing business carried on by himin New. berry, I take this method of stating tc the public that I will continue the business and be pleased to serve the public generally. I can be found dar or night over my store on main street. Respectfuli R. C. LLIAMS. Having sold my Undertaking busi ness to Mr. R. C. illiams, Icommend him to the public and ask a continu ance of the patronage extended to me. All persons indebted to me will please come forward and settle, and all so. counts against me will be paid on pre.' sentation. Respectfully, R. T. CALDWELL. Estate Notice. O~N THE 20TH DAY OF DECEN ber, 1893, at 11 o'clock, a. in., we will make a final settlement of the per sonal estate of John Watkins, deceased, in the Probate Court, and Immediately thereafter apply for a final disch as administretor. The creditors of the estate are notified to-render an acoount of their demands, duly attested, on or before that day. A. C. WORKMAN, 3. W. WATKINS, Administratoms. CITIZENS' MEE TING. CouscrL CHA(ES November 14, 893. TN A CCO RD ANCE T O THE ii 1usual custom, I Itereby request ail - the citizens of the town to assemble in the Opera House at 4 o'clock, p. mn., Friday, November 24, 1893, to consider the manner of nominating a Tmw Council for the ensuing year, and at the same time to consider the matter of changing the charter so as to pay the Clerk and Treasurer astatedealary, instead of a commission. Respectfully, E. C. JONES Mayor. Patrick~Military Insiue A NDE RSON, S. C. made to admit, on January 1st, 1895, free of charge for tuition, merito rious young men of limited 'means - from each county in the State. School Commissioners have been rqetdto make the appointments frm theli respective counties on December 16. D.8S. MAzWLL President Board of Directors. J. L. TBIBBLF, Sect'y and Trems. NOTICE. Alpersons indebted to us will please call and settle their accounts. SSMlTH & WEARN. Valuable Real Estatej for Sale. T HE NEWBERBY .4. & L CO. will sell onz saleday in December, if not previously sold at private sale, Six Half-Acre Building Lots In the Town of Newberry-two on Vincent street, three on Peoples street and one on Pratt street. Also 64 acres of land on the Belfast road, opposite the two mile post. One nalf casb, balance on one, two and three years. Prchaser pays for papers. HO9FE AND LOT OR SAK. O NE ACRE LOT WITH GOOD Dwelling, in town of Newberry. Price cheap and terms reasonable. For particulars apply to the editor of The Herald and News. ust returned rthern Mar we bought low figures, ese togive our ustomers the ir purchases. wre arrim g solicit da look I all. truly, a WEARN, MWBERRY GLDTHIlERS."