Meg LOCAL AND SPECIAL SPECIAL NOTICE. Advertisers will confer a faor Astding in 'their copy for changes n later than Mondayriorning. The Baccalaureate In the Opera House next Sunda morning will be preached by Rev. I Hamma, of San Francisco, and ti address at night by Rev. Dr. Gotwal of Springfield, Ohio-not Illinois, heretofore stated. The churches of Newberry will a unite in these services. For Birthday and Bridal Gifts call Collings,'the Jeweler. tf Collings, the Jeweler, keeps the late styles In Jewelry, and his prices a made to suit the times. tf Urand Now. Telegraph Operator Nelson at tl Western Union now manipulates a s of brand pew instruments and an ie proved switchboard just put in < Monday. The through line to Gree ville isalso in working order. When you want anything in the Jel elry line go to C. W. Collings. He w give you satisfaction. tf Buckeye Mowers Are the Best. 4t JNo. W. TAYLOR & CO., Ag'ts. Bread. The best Bread ever been in Nev berry, at J. S. Russell's every Saturda Also..Fru it Jars and Jelly Tumblers loweqt pices by J. S. Russell. ly. The Y. B. T. Company. Don't forget the entertainment to I given by the Y. B. T's at the Ope House ou Jane 9th. Remember, tc that twenty per cent. of the procee is to be given. to the-fund for the elea: ing up of the old graveyard. L everybody tufn out and give the bo; a good house. Strongest, Simplest and Lighte Draft Harvester and Binder on ti market. Call and see one in the Store. tf F. A. SCHUMPERT. Colored Excursion. The "Eagle Fire Company of Ne1 berry will run an excursion to Gree vile on Thursday, June 29th, and jo in contests between the two colore fire companies of that city. The fa for the round trip is $1.50; children $ Ten pieces Satines, 10c. yd, at Da enport s. tf Eewale Weakness Positive Care. To the Editor:-Please inform yot readers that I have a positive remed for the thousand and one ills whic arise from deranged female organs. shal be glad to send two bottles of i remedy FREE to any lady if they w send their Express and P. 0. addre Yours reepectfully, Dr..E. G. MARCHISI, - UTIcA, N. Y. Harris Lithia Water. The analysis shows it, the wat proves it, and the testimomis from the most prominent ph sicians from all parts of the cou try testify to the superiority the Harris Lithia Water to at other in the United States. tf. Superintendent Elected. The board of trustees of the Grade Schools met last Thursday afterDc to elect a superintendent and teache for the school. Prof. -Frank Evans was unanimous: - re-elected superintendent for the ne: term; No election for teachers was hell There were forty applications for tI six places in the school, and the boal will meet next Friday to hold the ele tion. New line of Oxford Ties at Dave -port's. tf The E. R. Tax Case Is still on, but they have just brougl on a new lot of Dry Goods, Grocerie Hats and Shoes, which will be sold reasonable prices by ly J.5S. RUSSELL. The YT. B. T. Co., The amateurs of Newberry's risit generation in the histrionic art, w p lay "Out of His Sphere" in the Ope House-on Friday night, the 9th. ( and see what the boys can do. Tha have gotten up a stylish programn with east of characters and synopsis the play. Remember that the ho: prooeto give apercentage of t_hep eesof the- toward improving ti old grave~ar. Curtain rises at o'clock. Prce 10, 20 and 35 cents. Commnencemfenlt Programme. Sunday, June 11, 10.30 a. in., Bace laureate Sermon by Rev. M. W. Har ma, D. D., of San Francisco, Cal; 8. p.i., Address to the Students 1 ev. L. A. Gotwald, D. D., of Spin field, 0. Monday, June 12, 3.30 p. in., Annu Meeting of the Board of Trustees; 8. p. mn., Contest for Prize Medal in Or esay, June 13, 10.30 a. mn., A dress before the Alumni Associats< by Rev. B. B. Ramnage, of Nashvill Tenn.; 12 m., Annual Meeting of ti Alumni Association; 8.30 p. mn., A dress before the Literary Societies I Gen. LeRoy F. Youmans, of Colur bia. S. C. Wednesday, June 14, 10 a. mn., A nuaT Commencement; 9 p. mn., grai ree~inat College grounds and e tertamient for the proposed ne building. KEled by Lightning. Becky Johnson a colored woma was killed by lightning in Newber: during the rain storm last Friday i ternoon. She lived in a house on ti south side of Harrington street, ne the railroad trestle. She had gone the house of Maggie Johnson, on ti -opposite side of the street, and w standing in the doorway talking to h when she was struck- by the bolt 1izbtning and killed instantly. TI oiler colored woman was sitting on box just three feet off from the woini who was killed, and although consi erably shocked she was not injure Coroner Lindsay held an inquest, at next morning had the woman burn -the colored people declining at .assistance whatever. The colored occupants of the cabi in that 'vicinity became super-stitio about the death of the woman ai they all vacated the premises the ne How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars B ward for any case of Catarrh that ca not be enJed by Hall's Catarrh Cur4 F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., T< edo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have knov F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, ai believe him perfectly honorable in besness transactions and financial able to c'arry out any obligation ma bytheir frm. WEs ''TRUAX, Wholesale Drt gists, Toledo, 0. WALDING, KJNN. & MA&uy15, Wholesale Druggists, T edo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inta nally acting directly upon the b!o and mucous surfaces of the syste Sold by all Druggists. Testimonm free. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. Geo. Mower is anounced this week as a cxudidate for the Senate. " The hour of meeting of the Metho dist Sunday-school has been changed to 5 30 p. m. ~ The annual meeting of the Newberry B. and 1. Co. will be held Thursday night in the armory. * The county board of control will meet next Friday to consider the dis pensary for Newberry. The rains last week washed land ty badly. The cotton acreage was re 'r duced somewhat thereby. 1e Miss Eva Riser has been elected d' second assistant teacher in the graded s school at Elloree, Orangeburg County. 11 June is here with its soft, mellow eves, its sweet girl graduates and the sophomoric swains. Who says life is not worth living?. The ladies interested in the College entertainment are requested to meet at st the Newberry Hotel tbis (Wednesday) re afternoon at 6 o'clock. The Newberry German Club has issued a large number of invitations for a german in the armory on Thursday ie evening, 15th instant. et Dr. 0. B. Mayer has accepted an in 1.vitation to deliver an address before '2 the Laurens County Medical Associa 3 tion at its annual meeting at Waterloo in July. Collections will be taken in the Opera House next Sunday morning and on Wednesday of Commencemenl. for the proposed new building on the College campus. All the engines on the C. & G. and the S. C. divisions of the Ricnmond and Danville are draped in mourning by the Brotherhood of Locomotive r- Engineers in memory of Engineer y. Germany and Fireman Henry. It During the storm on Thursday after noon, lightning struck the rear wall of Mr. W. T. Tarrant's store, but did no damae. Ou Friday afternoon, the 3e steeple of the A. R. Presbyterian church ra was also struck. It is protected by a D, lightning rod and was not damaged. is -0p Wheir In Town et Call and see- the Lightest, Simplest s and Best Harvester and binder-The Buckeye "Frameless." 4t J.o. W. TAYLo1 & Co., Ag'ts. ie Personals. Master Neel Folk has gone to Mexia, Texas. Dr. Thos. W. Smith, of Kinards, was in town on Monoay. F- Miss Hattie Jones, of Laurens, is on a visit to Miss Lizzie Glenn. n Miss Annie Evans, of Cheraw, is d visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Y. Leavell. re Mr. Alan Johnstone went to Fort 1. Hill yesterday to attend a meeting of the Clemson trustees. Mrs. Evans returned to her home in Marion last Friday from a visit to her son, Prof. Frank Evans, in Newberry. ir Mr. Robt. E. Leavell completed the y course at the Atlanta Business College hb in just eight weeks and is now at home I for a short time. y Miss Mary Brantly Tarraut has gone 11 to Houtton, Texas, to spend the sum s. mer with her uncle the Rev. Win. Hayne Leavell. Col. Thos. J. Maffett, of Silver Street, came in Monday on the new schedule and went back the sarLe day. Hesays it takes hustling to do it, but he likes er to come to town occasionally. s POIY RMEDY. SPeiam's Blackberry Bal som is a guaranteed remedy for Dysenterry, Diarrhoca, n Cholera Morbus, Summer comn yplaint for children as well for t adults. -. Money rended if not re d lieved, Commencement Rates. 2. The Richmond and Danville Rail. road has made low rates for the Com mencement of New berry College. Round trip tickets will be on sale June 10th to 12th, inclusive, with final t limit to June 17th, at the following s rates: Abbeville........2 410 Columbia.......Sl 80 Anderson........3 U Greenville.....3 75 Blacksburg.....4 40 Greenwood....... C) Cariisle........... 2 10 Lancaster........ 4 .) Chester........... 2 90 Laurens.......... 1 40 Clinton .......... 90 Prosperity..... 40 gAugusta, Ga.......435 Rock Bill......... 4 40 IIspartanburg.... 3 45 Yorkvilie......4 40 The round trip from Charleston via ,the South Carolina Railway is $5.40. If Any One Will Use a case of the Harris Lithia Water and s is not benefited, the money will be re .funded. tf. 9 Petetstock of White Goods in town at Davenport's. tf The Latest Novelties a Just received in Millinery. Hats, 30 Trimmings, Etc. Call and examine. A Snew line of Fans, &c. MRs. S. A. RISEa. 30 Engineer Germany. ' The death, of Mr. WV. J. Germany, who was killed in the washout at 1-' Ridgeway,was learned with expressions Pn of regret by many people in Newberry e, who knew him well. He was not ie a native of Net7berry, as is stated in the d published accounts of his death, but 7 was born in Fairfield County. He -lived many years at Helena and mar ried a Newberry lady. He was noted -~ for his genial honesty and warm-heart d edness. W If You Wish to Enjoy the Spring and Summer weather and probably prevent a long spell of fever, cleanse your system and purify your , blood by the use of the Harris Lithia y Water. It has no equal. . tf. *r Buy Yourself a Hammock and o be comfortable for the Summer. . For sale by S. B. Jones. tf e If You Will Read a the strong testimonials of persons who n have been cured by the use of the Har - ris Lithia Water, you will be convinced d. of its efficacy. tf. y SEE HERE! WHAT DO YOU THINK? | A fine button hook worth 25c. id for nothing, if you buy a bottle of ct Ladies' Seal Oil Shoe Dressing at ROBERTSON & GILDER'S Drug Store. a- Bucklen's Armn Salve. S The Best Salve In the world for Cuts. Sores l- Bruises, Ulcers. Salt Rheumn, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chape Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Ski Eruptions. and positively cures Pies or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded Prce 25 cents pe box. For sale by Robert lyson & Gulder. PE'PPERMINT CORDIAL, A sfe and pleasant remedy for all affections of the Stomach and i Bowels. Manufactured and for D sale at ROBERTSON & GILDER S Drna- Store. THE FIREMEN OF 'NEWBERRY. Annual Inspection and Parade-A Splen did Turn Out-The Banquet Last Night. The annual parade of the fire depart ment of Newberry was held yesterday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. The parade was in command of Chief Mongtom ery. The hour of the parade had been fixed at 4 o'clock, but there was such a downpour of rain the entire afternoon it appeared that the elements would reign supreme. The firemen of New berry have battled successfully with the fire king too often, however, to be daunted by their natural ally. So they turned out in full force and presented a splendid appearance notwithstanding the rain and mud. The parade was headed by the New berry band, and next came the Excel sior Fire Company with its two reel teams; then the Eagle Fire Company with its reel teams, and last the Young America Truck Company. After taking in the principal streets. the firemen passed in inspection before the City Council.and the Board of Firemasters. Mayor Jones made a speech in which he complimented the firemen very bighly. REEL CONTEST AND FOOT RACE. The reel contest and foot races came off at 7 o'clock. The judges were: S. J. McCaughrin, G.A. Langford and John M. Kinard. The Excelsior team No. 1 made the one hundred yards in 32 seconds in the I reel contest. Team No. 2 failed to make connec tions. Eagle team No. 1,29 seconds. Eagle team No. 2, 281 seconds. The prize for each winning teamn is a gold meal. The following contested in the foot 1 races: Lawson Kibler, Henry Cald- t W. H. Hunter, J. W. White, W. W. Hill, J. H. West. First prize, $5-Lawson Kibler, 100 yards, 10 seconds; second prize, $3 Henry Caldwell; third prize, $2-J. H. I West. Time close to the first winner. Oscar Chalmers, of the Eagle com pany, won in the prize in foot race on second heat. Time, 13 seconds. THE BANQUET. C The firemen and their invited guests t held a sumptuous banquet at the New berry Hotel last night. Mr. Geo. B. Cromer presented the gold medal to the successful team in the reel contest. - t The following were the toasts: 1. The City of Newberry-Her past achievements only foreshadow her glo rious future. 2. The Fathers of Our Fire Depart ment-Those wise and progressive citi zeus, members of the city council, who presided at the birth of the department. 3. The Board of Firemasters-The men who have raised the department to its present high plane of usefulness, and whose successes only foretell their future attainments. - 4. Our Friends and Visitors-"Give I him all kindness: I had rather have such men my friends." 5. The Medical Profession-For men are brought to worse distresses by tak ing physic than disease. t 6. Woman-The world was sad! the garden was a wild! and man, the her mit, sighed, till woman smiled. - 7. The Board of Trade-Therefore if at great things thou would'st arrive, get riches first, get wealth. 8. The Clergy-Truth from -his lips prevailed with double sway, and fools, who came to scoff; remained to pray.C 9. The Farmer-From labor health, from health contentment springs. 10. The Press-Prescribe not us our duties.C 11. The Board of Underwriters What the Fire Department can't save, the Insurance Companies pay for. 12. Our Educational Institutions The hope of our country. 13. Our County Judiciary-Let jus tice be done, though the heavens fall. ~ 14. Mine host 'Blanton-Let good ' digestion wait on appetite.f t The New Schedule. The "something better" that our z friend Ball of the Laurens Ad vertiser has been calling for seems to e have come in the new schedule on the a C. & G. road, for our Laurens friends c now have a quick and clear route to I the seaboard. The new schedule is ] very convenient for any one going to ] the North, or to Charleston, Savannah c or Augusta. Close connections are made 1j at Columbia for those points. It is also i a great improvement over the way people in these parts had to get to Glennr Springs and Western North Carolina 1 last summer. By going to Alston from e Newberry on the train leaving at 11.19 ~ a. in., there is a wait of four hours at Aston, from 12 20 p. m. to 4.30 p. in., 3 for the Asheville train that leaves j Columbia at 3.50 p. mn. It arrives at e Spartanburg at 6.30 p. in., in time for the trip to be made to Glenn Springs in the cooler part of the day, which will ] be refreshing, no doubt, after the time spent in viewing the Broad at Aiston. The new schedule is published in full this week. Coast Line Notes. f TIhe Atlantic Coast Line has put on their summer excursion rates, good c from June 1st to October 31st. The 'I rates to the resorts in Western North ~ Carolina are: Tryon, $5.60; Henderson- a ville, $6.40; Asheville, $7.03; Hot s Springs, $8.00; Waynesville. $7.80. The traveler has the choice of two routes to the above points-one by way I of Clinton and Greenwood and the Port Royal and Western Carolina road to Spartan burg. The other is by way of Clinton and Carlisle-the junction of the G. C. & N. with the R. & D. road thence to Spartanburg. Close connec tions are made by either route. The road has also fitted up a neat pavilion at Little Mountain for the use of picnic parties, and it affords protec tion from the weather. The round trip from Newberry to Little Mountain is 75 cents to parties of ten or more. A slight change of schedule in the mixed train was made last week. The down train leaves at 7.30 a. mn., and the afternoon train arrives at 7.14 p. m. Mr. J. F. Livingston, the polite and affable agent of the Coast Line, is al ways ready to serve the traveling pub IFRIT JIR8! FRUT JIRS!! Good quality of Fruit Jars, in pint, quart and half gallon sizes. At PELHAM'S. Lowest prices for Fruit Jars At PELHAiM'S. Extra Rubbers for Jars At PELHAM'S, Smyrna Dots. Mowing grain is the chief occupation with the farmers. Gardens are flourishing. Most peo pIe enjoy their standard dishes-beans and Irish potatoes. We don't understand one of our widowers. Once upon a time he rode a mule bare-back, now he rides in a new buggy and drives a horse. Mrs. Bet-y Longshore and Mrs Sam Boozer have been on the sick list the past week, but are now convalescing. When you want cement fixed, just provide two persons in our neighbor hood with a wash pan and an axe. They can "fix it." We have had heavy rains the past three days. Lands were washed I badly. DANDY. Highest of all in Leavening Po Railroad Tax Cases. County Auditor Cromer, R. L. Mc "aughrin, W. A. McFall, T. C. Pool nd J. M. Johnstone went to Green ille on Sunday and were examined n Monday in the railroad tax cases efore Special Master Hlagood on ques ions touching the financial, commer ial and farming interests of the coun ry in relation to the valuation of rail oad property for taxation. The testi nony is intended by the railroads to stablish that the general rate of as essment for taxation in the State is roni 50 to 60 per cent. of the values. The Caucus. A caucus was held at Newberry last 'aturday by the Reformers, but as the anner was hung on the inner wall ,id the outer door was closed we do iot know what was done. We under tand that several speeches were made -and that if every one was not happy t was possibly his own fault. We un lerstand that Dr. Wyche was chosen s the candidate of the caucus for Sen ,tor, but we do not know it of our own :nowledge, and do not know whether te will run or not, even if it be true hat he is the candidate. The campaign will be short, and we ope sweet. Ten pieces Percales just received at )avenport's. tf J. F. J. Caldwell. It is said that the Hon. J. F. J. Cald veil, of Newberry, is the only appli ant from this State for a Mission and here is no reason why the President hould not give hinr an appointment ,t once, as he has the earnest support f Gen. Hampton, Senator Butler, and ther leading Conservatives, as well as he cordial recommendations of Sena or Irby, General Farley, Congressman hell and other Reformers. There can be no doubt that the rank ,nd file, of both factions of the party, vould heartily rejoice in the appoint aent of Mr. Caldwell. While he is a onservative and a "Cleveland Demo rat" of the strictest sect, he enjoys the espect, good will and confidence of the teform element. Mr. Caldwell is not a politician in he sense of office seeking, although he as always taken a lively interest in >ublir- affairs, and his voice has been otential in shaping the course of the )emocratic party in the State. Like 11 men of force and character, he has is enemies, but even they concede bat he is honest in his purpose and as the courage of his convictions. If South Carolina is to have any bing in the way of a foreign Mission Ir. Caldwell deserves consideration. n October 1891 he- published an able rticle in the News and Courier advo ating sound money and urging Mr. leveland as the nominee of the Dem cratic party. He is peculiarly fitted y education and training for the talian Mission which he seeks. It is rofitable, however, that the President onsiders this mission "too big a plum" :r South Carolina, but one thing is ertain, he will find it hard to get a aan better qualified for the position han Mr. Cald well.-Columbia Journal. It is an error to suppose that Drunken ess, Morphine and Tobacco Habit can ot be cured. The Double of fold is known to be a positive antidote or these habits, or rather diseases, and be wonderful cures effected through s agency have given the remedy a ational reputation. Until recently, the Gold Treatment" was only given at xpensive sanitariums, but at the pre ent time it can be of any first-class ruggist. Hill's Chloride of Gold Tab et are guaranteed to cure any case of )runkenness, Morphine or Tobacco Iabit, and no effort whatever is re uired from the person taking them. ~he use of Tobacco, Liquor or the Drug spermitted until such time as they are oluntarily given up. These Tablets 1any also be given without the know edge of the patient, and a permanent ure is sure to follow their use. The rice of the Tablets-$1.0-certainly places them within the reach of all. If 'our druggist does not keep them write or full particulars to the Ohio Chemi al Co., Lima, Ohio. Beautiful line of Fans, a.ll prices, at )avenport's. tf A Million Friends. A frie~nd in need is a friend indeed, and not ss than one million people have found just uch a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery f the tribes of blacks in the back coun ry of Australia, and a ruling chief or Ling of one of the cannibal tribes on he New Hebrides islands out from the .stralian coast. He bears on his body he scars of a spear thrust which he re eived in an encounter with the blacks vhen on a raid with a squad of Aus ralian police. Col. Hobbs showed a representative f the Herald a photograph of the fight ng chief of hisitribe, Rabohouma. The ellow is dressed in a suit of clothes riven him by the colonel, and around is neck -wears a necklace of porpoise eetb. Each tooth represents a man :illed in battle, whose heart bad been aten in whole or in part by Ranohou na. The fellow is thirty-two years old. .nd is very much attached to Colonel lobbs. He speaks broken English, and one lav said to the colonel: "You eat umChinaman one,time you to more tat um pig. White fellow too ouch eat salt. Chinaman very good." It is supposed the opium in the Chi iaman soothed the cannibal. These fellows fight with spears, clubs ,nd battle axes. Col. Hobbs has a boom rang taken in battle by himself. The colonel was asked for a state aent of the causes that produced the anic in Australia. He said: "First they had the mine boomers, nd tben the land boomers, and with bese last came the building societies, hat were organized to build houses on he instalment plan. A general de iression first caused the failure of these uilding societies, the collapse amount Dg to some $40,000,000. "Last year the sheep-raisers suffered -reat losses from the rabbits and rought, and three immense banks that lad loaned money on the sheep pro erties were forced to suspend. This aused runs on the other banks, and he bank failures in the last two months Dot up over $300,000,000. Most of this 3 safe, however, and the banks will ay out as soon as they can realize on heir assets. "'You can have no idea of the terrible asses the sheep raisers suffered,' con inued Col. Hobbs. "'On one ranch 5,000,000 rabbits died or perished, and he sheep were simply wiped from the we of the earth, through the drought nd the damage done by the rabbits."' Col. Hobbs will be in Atlanta until uly, and will then go on to Chicago to isit the World's Fair. He is engaged a writing five books, soon to be issued rom the press. [Col. Hobbs is expected in Newberry ext week at Commencement.] Embroideries of all kinds at Daven ort's. tf Notes from Excelsior. School Commissioner Keitt spent a ight in the community recently, the :est of Mr. A. M. Counts. The farmers have been busily en ged in the harvest fields. The grain rops generally will average rather ort this year. However, we have oticed some good fields of grain. Some of our people will attend the ommencement exercisss of the Pros erity High School this week. We ,lso hope to be present at the commen ement exercises of New berry College. We have had an abundance of rain ,nd wh~ile the crops aregrowing nicely hey have suffered some from over lows. However, we shall not complaim ong as we are exempt from other de tructive injuries. The merchants of your town who tave advertised in The Herald and ews have taken in several aollars rom this community. Advertising ays and the merchants who fail to use >rinters' ink just miss it. The new schedule of the R. & D. road s not very suitable for us now on the sabbath as it interferes somewhat with mr people returning from church. But hen we will have to arrange our own chedule as the railroads don't seem to iave much respect for the seventh day bd a little less for Sunday. Worsteds 25c. to 40c., just received Lt Davenport's. tf Complying with general re quest, BEECHAM'S PILLS will in future for the United States be covered with A Tasteless and Soluble Coating, completely disguising th e taste of the Pill without in any way impairing its efficacy. .Iice 25 unts a Box. New Yrk t~ Caal Sreet SPECIAL NOTICE. -:o: A full line of Seasonable hoods in stock and arriving laily, such as Figured Lawns, R ts., and upwards. Plain md Checked Muslins, at all >rices. Beautiful line of Ging ams, Spring styles. 20 pieces Percales just received. Ask 'or those beautiful Mulls, at [0 ets., worth double the mo ley. And when in need of Jo~ttonades, don't fail to give ne a call. I have them to ;uit every one, both as to uality and price. IUR SHOE DEPARTMENT -:0: s complete. Oxfords fromn 35c. up.' Men's Shoes of all kinds from a "No. 1" Work Thoe to a fine Dress Shoe. In Fact my whole stock is corn >ete, and I have no hesitation *n saying that if you will favor ne with a call I can please you in every respect. J. 0. DAVENPOR T, Proprietor Central Dry Goods Emporinm. 7% Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem efectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOWSVILE. KY. NEW YDR. N.Y. ooOOoo0 0 OO 90 C* ZIEGLER BRO C40 0000 0oo 0 0 THE LATEST COLORS AND C -CELEBRATE JUST RECEI ALL FRESH OUR LINE OF - - - CLOTHING, SHOES and Straw Hats Remember, we charge you 1 CLOTHING than you have at other places. We have the County, and we guarantee thl QUALITY AND MAKE-UP cc Call and see us, and we Public Square, }ThEF Newberry, S. C. I 1 LIFE ACCIDENT *PROVIDI We RepIesent Stong~ DolE IDuaIaIi Brokers and Pro Prompt attention given to HIPP .& "IT STANDS A an E. H. AULL, AGENT, Newberry, 8. C. MIMEOGftPHM NDIn PI IJI!1T~~ WE WANT ONE II JACK FROS Scientific Machit their cost a dozen t A child can operate discounts. 29 Marr Makes Ice Creaa BEWARE OFRAUD. ~Li~f-~ ssS~~hYn - - *ge HOT WEATHER CLOTHING Is what you're after now. Do you know where to get the right kind at right prices? Come to me for it, and you'll not be disappointed. For many years I've made a specialty of this par ticular line of business. Consequently I know exactly what to provide for you, and you'll get better and more satisfactory service here than in places carrying mixed or general stocks. Theie's an immense line of suits from which you can select yours, and the styles and patterns are the prettiest I've ever shown. You can fix the price yourself-$7.50 to 35.00-it's the quality that regulates the price. In Furnishing Goods, my stock of Balbriggan, India Gauze and Lisle Thread Underwaar is complete at 50c., $1.00, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 per suit. I'm showing the largest and handsom est line of Neckwear in the city, to gether with Laundered and Unlaun dered Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and everything you may need in this line. My stock of Knee Pants Suits is complete, sizes running from 4 to 15 years, and boys' Long Pants Suits from 14 to 19 years. If you do not reside in Columbia write for what you want. Prompt and careful attention given to mail orders. M. L. KINARD, Clothier and Furnisher, 120 MAIN STREET. OCim bia, S. C. OXFORD TIES NOVELTIES IN UTS OF THESE D:: COODS VED BY US. AND NEW! SIMMENSEE io more for FIRST-CLASS to pay for second rate clothing HANDSOMEST STOCK in the it our Prices Are the Lowesz, nsidered. ill certainly please you. i WE ARN, ~WBERRY CLDTJIERS." UR ANCE.* SAgainst Loss of Property. gFor Comfort of Family. E}Against Loss from Business. anias and Lea SafetU and~ Economgi. duce Merchants. all business entrusted to us. WILSON. T THE HEAD." RAPIDITY, DURABILITY AND -SIMPLICITY. WE B 100,000 IN DAILY USE. [ AS BEEN THOROUGHLYTEST-a ed by the public for twelve year I the large number in use to-day is grantee to its qualities. ld Typewriters taken in part payment new Caligraphs. We rent and sell on y terms. . IRVINE WALKER, JE~., & CO. GENERAL AGENTS, 9 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. IYPT1RITR gIPPIRS } TD Write for ' EVEY TOWNDELR T FBREZERB. e made on a Scientific Principle. Save mes a year. It is not mussy or sloppy. it. Sells at sight. Send for prices and y Street, NEW YORK. n in 30 Seconds. f. L DOUGLAS ISHOEaa sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf, ess, smooth inside, more comfortable, h1 and durable than any other shoe ever tthe price. Every style. Equals custom ~shoes costing from $4 to $5- - - foflowing are of the same high standard of oines- armers a&Lt ers.?. $20,$.2 nd$.0 orWrkn *2