The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, December 07, 1892, Image 3

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n-e bets Narhee. --"eottoa market ii~ewberiy yes r ur~wa8% :iddling. dmee the firstof September, -~,.-~ I92~13,O4 ales. For the week ending yesterday, 749. ?lwZ .tlour. Now's the time_:o buy your flour. the: placetoget it. - ever -nown. -rsa patent $4. Favorn., isecond -patent, $4; Blue Bird, $3.75, SOd.50; Hckory, $2-90. These prices are strictly eash. V. not$oppen~ A hot supper will be given at Jalapa _an theevenig of the 15tb, (Thursday) the benefit of Mr. J. B. Campbell, ho sometime since lost his house and byfire.- A pleasant eveninQ . =may be spent, and arrangements wil. " made'for the amusement of the verybdy is Invited to attend. r- --s8and LotFor sale. .""" On Boundry street, joining lande of .C.:GogGas, G. A. Laangford, and ~,T,Yotbers For further information apply Sr to ummer Bros. , or W..M. Wilson, 8 SPeak,. 3t. eree e r ReA. One farm near Jalapa and one be . :tween"Neberry and Prosperity. For terma &e., apply to JOS. BROWN, 3t. -Newberry,S. C. r - A No6w Ee urat. Mr. J. A. West has opened a neat, < ozy and comfortable restaurant In the ew brick building in rear of Mr.'Klett ner's store, where he is prepared to serve a savory meal at aort notice. A -that the markets afford will be sup ied for the tastes of his gueste in a cleanly and appetizing way and at reasonable prices. tf. CTC.W. Collings is prepared to repair i=watch or jewelry on short notice. .ffice at JW. Coppock'a store. tf Picture Frames, Albums and Easels Just received another ilne assortment -'of Picture Frames at Salters' Photo graph Gallery. Go to Collings, the jeweler, if- you '.watches .or Jewelry repaired in . hehighest order and at the lowest At Coppock's stand. tf 2tssanlo Election. At the last lar communication mlty Lodge, hTo. 87, A. F. ., the al a_f offileers were elected to serve ngasonic year. The officers -Bbe Installed-on Monday, Decem ' .--O. Xlettner. - -,-N. B. Mazyck. SW.-L D. Shockley. Treasurer-L. M. 3peers. : cretary-J. H. M. Kinard. -~ -The caus or Rhuadtm. An acid which exists in sour milk and eder, called lactic acid, is believed l~y hysiiansto be the cause of rheu ~: maism.Accumulating In the blood, iattacks the fibrous -tissues in-the Tand causes agonising pains. .seded is a remedy-to neutral - thecjeldand taso invigorate the k inesnd'liver thatall waste will be yecommeunded by many whom -~1hi cured- of rheumatism. It poe ~jaee.~ustthedesired. tulies, and so -~&oceurence of rheumatic attaks. .siansa -trial of Hood's Bars byali who suffer from rhenma Jamieson ismakingaronon clothing give himnacall. tf. ~ Gorset-hm -o' Glove-fitting ~lQbe-Ance woven, light, Impre ~ oe.Warner's Health Coraline, sad51M the' celebrated Four-in-hand In ~~falHIlneotthe best gloves made. ~5Cetlmri"Every pair sold with a * oiery-The best black to be had, - -JacetsOfthese we .have a very ehoicestock in the latest sylee. Bankts-In good suppl and low prices. Come and Took thruh our stock. SC. &G.. MowEE Co. ODelal Bonds. K ssated lsewhere the County ~'Commissioners elect expect to assume ~'--~-~fb'-utiesof.their office next Tuesday. officers who were re-elected nodglve any new bond, but the old ''hie ~three County Commissioners __ bse~mde4heir bonds, and they,have -beenaprv~ and their commissions rcvd;The following are their odae: Geo. B. Aull's is signed by .3. B.esse, D.J. Hentz and G.A. S Secter. rbD. Shockly has as his ~ bondamien: W.E. Lake, M. D., J. W. s ~Perins, H. H. Folk and Hf.C. Wilson. -. . heseyDominick's bondsmen are: SB. F.Ncos W:. I. Herbert and I. H. JonIware. of each County ommisioneris-2,000. SThos. W. Keitt, the newl elected e--Shool Commissioner, has alogiven hs~bond. His bondsmen are: Ellison 8.KeItt, Jos. L. Keitt and Hattie A. ~ ier. The amount of the bond is c a*arr canmet be cuted wth LOCAL -APPLICATIOS, as Ihey cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Ciatarrh is a blood or constitutio ~ 3~disease, andin order to eureit you niusti take tnternal remedies. Hall's s&-C tarrh Cure Is taken internally, and aets:directly on the blood and mucous -srfaces.- Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a dtack medicine. It was prescribed by -nof the best physielans In this coun <tyor years, adis a regularprsrp ~4n.It is composed of the bettonle -nown, combtned with the best blood jriflers, acting directly on the mucous urwfaces. The perfect combination of ste two Ingredents is what produces ~ -sch ondefulresults in curini Ca 'marrb. Send for testimonials, free. 3. CHENEY & CO,, Prope. Tole '--B- old-by druggists, price 'loc. Z- 8. B. JONiES has just received &fresh supply of. CUrranlts, Citron, -Baisin, Figs, Prunes, Mince Meat, - ape Syrup, Hecker's Bck Wheat, H?eeker's Graham Flour, Heoker's Oat Meal, =-~ Allof which are first class and fresh goods. Fr---- Weakness rositve cure. -To the Editor : Please Inform youm -edders that I have a positive reined) fr- the thousand and one Ills which -mise from deranged female organs. ] jaR isfbe ~gto send two bottles ofrm aemedy to any lady If theyil seng their Express and P. O. addrs Yourspcfully, VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. The weather~the past week has been spring-like. Mr. Jno. S. Fair is planting out four acres iu grapes. Mr. R. H. Greneker has moved to his new home at Helena. Mr. Wm. Werts has moved to Muutville in Laurens County. Prof. Welch has received the appa ratus for the chemistry experiments at the Graded Schools. He has a very good outfit.. School Commissioner Kibler asks The Herald and News to state that school trustees are not exempt from road duty, according to the act of 1891. Cards are out for the marriage of .Mr. P. C. Gaillard to Miss Eoline Merchant on Wednesday morning, 14th inst., in the Methodist Church at 10 o'clock. The council is having a lot of rock hauled on Friend street and will have it macsdamized from Caldwell street to the depot. It wilt be quite an im provement. Mr. John Mathews a former.New berriaa butfor several years a resident of Edgefleld County, has returned to Newberry County and lives in No.7 Township near Saluda. Quite a number of Newberry boys have during the past few months gone to Texas and we hear of several men who are to go. A gentleman said to us on Monday unless the lien law was repealed many more would go. The ladies of the Lutheran Church purchased from Robertson & Gilder one of those beautiful and handsome laqnered brass, onyx top tables and presented it to Mrs. W. C. Schaeffer-as a testimonial of their appreciation. The new board of County Com miasioners. have completed their bonds and received their commissions and will meet at Newberry next Tues day with the old bond and the duties. of the otlce by the .new elected com misionere. Buy the Lilly Bracket handsewed shoes, the beat made. tf. TO THE WISE FOLKS ! Beautiful Goods at Pelham's. Don't wait until they are ,4l sold! Bridal Presents and Christmas Presents at Pelham' s. The prettiest, the .the most tasteful, the latest line of ELEGANT GOODS at Pelham' s Drug Store Personals. Lient-Governor E. B. Gary was in Newberry Monday Mrs. Geo. A. Browning is on a visit to her brother Mayor Blalock. Mrs. Mary A. Evans has returned .home from Charlotte, N. C. Col. T. W. Holloway gave us a pleasant call during the week. Miss Parthenia Meetze, of Gaffney City, is visiting relatives at Helena. Rev., and Mrs. J. W. Humbert are on a visit to relatives and friends in Newberry. Dr. O' B. Mayer was called to Col umbia last- week in consultation with Dr. Tayler. This was complimentary to Dr. Mayer. Rev. W. C. Schaeffer came over to Newberry yesterday for his family. They will leave for Savannah this morning on the early train. Mr. J. W. Smith, Inspector of Southern Railway and Steamship As sociation, Brunswick, Ga., was visit ing- his father, Mr, J. H. Smith, of Newberry, last week. A Child E3jors. The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when In need of a laxative, and If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that It is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. To Every PorsoR! Who owe us on note or account. Please pay us and preserve your credit, -and oblige us, 2m PEOPLES & JOHNSON. C. W. Collings has opened a jewelry store atCoppock's, on Pratt st. tf Death or Mrs. martha waUace. Mrs. Martha Wallace, wife of the late John Wallace, died at the resi dence of her son Robert G. Wallace, Belfast, Laurens County, 3 a. in., Sun day, 4th instant, aged 67 years. The death of Mrs. Wallace was caused by grip, the result of over exer tion in faithful waiting upon her in valid sister, Miss Susan Adams, to whom she was tenderly attached, and who passed through the valley of death unto the life immortal on Th'anksgiv Ing day. The two, so long united here by -the tender ties of sisterhood, are again joined In the saints' rest where there is surcease of sorrow and serenity forever. It can truly be said of the deceased that she was a good woman in the best sense of the expression. She was a devoted member of Bush River church and adorned the Christian character by an exemplary and un selfish life and consistent walk and conversation. She leaves four children to revere her memory arnd bless the name of mother: Mrs. W. D. Boyd, and W. H., John A. and Bob't G. Wallace. Hecr remains were consigned to the dust at Bush River church burial ground on Monday morning in the presence of friends and loved ones. Shoes,Sheshes Zeiler's well known Shoes. J. Faust & Son's Shoes. Allsolid as a silver dol isar at MowER's. tf WANTED. All te --r T aiACloth-. ing ir the County1in exci ange for fu niture and other goods in m3 line. R. C. Williams, The Installment Ma Main Street. For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, there is no rem edy equal to Robertson's Compound Cough Syrup, man ufactured at Robertson & Gilder's Drug Store. Call on Jamieson if you need any thing in his line he will save you mo ney. tf. Juaklen's Arnica Salve. TeBest Salve In the world for Cuts, Sors ter, Chape ads, Chilblains, Corn and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures PFles or no pyrequired. It is guaranteed to v e perfec satisfaction. or money refunded ce 25ecents per- box. For sale by Robert The Last Saleday. A large crowd was in town Monday. The bone yard contingent was out in full force-in larg .r numbers than usual-and the fun (.) was correspond ingly more spirited. The following were the legal sales: MASTEa'S SALES. Porter vs. Rice: 604 acres, to for $2,700. Building and L',an Association vs. Cannon: 180 acres, to J. M. Foster, for $955. Prosperity Stock Company vs. Bo land: J acre, to B. L. Dominick, for $125. Scbumpert vs. Kohn: 160 acres, to B. S. Schum pert, for $1,900. Halfacre vs. Norris: 56 acres, to E. L. Strauss, for $345. Dominiek vs. Girardeau: Lot No. 1 1 acre, to J. A. Burton, for $925; No. 2 -49-100 acre, to (onsailvo C. Williams, for $225; Nos. 3 and 4-71-100 acre, to J. W. Smith, for $146. PROBATE JUDCE S SALES. Reeder vs. Reeder: Tract No. 1-137 acres, to J. J. Reeder, for $890; No. 2-. 138h seres, to I. M. Smith, for $55). Long vs. Smith: Tract No. 1-136 acres, to Nancy E. Long, for $1,060; No. 2-86k acres, to W. W. Fulmer, for $1,210; No. 3-50 4-10 acres, to J. Wes ley Long, for $56.5. Kinard, adm'r, vs. Boyd: Tract No. 1 -81 acres, to M. A. Carlisle, for $100; No. 2-84 acres, to M. A. Carlisle, for $187.50. -Chalmers, adm'r, vs. Irby: 250 acres, to George Johnstone, for $435. EXECUTORS' SALES. Singley executors; House and lot in Prosperity, to Mrs. Anna F. Wheeler, for $915; office of Press and Reporter, in Prosperity, to Geo. S. Mower. Dominick executors: 50 acres, to L. W. Floyd, for $400; 811 acres, to L. W. Floyd, $200; 47 acres, to H. M. Mayer, for $337: 12.5 acras, to J. D. Boozer, for $572.50. Salvation Oil, has the enviable dis tinction of being a synonym for cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, and kin dred affections, such as sciatica, tic douloureux, etc. It is growing more popular daily. The people will have it. 25 ets. When you need shoes go to Jaroie son's and you will always get the best goods at lowest prices. tf. Wedding BelI. The chimes of the wedding bells are heard in rapid succession in. Newberry this season. Several weddings have already taken place and many more are to follw soon. It has always been so and will continue as long as the pres ent dispensation lasts. The best thing that a young man can do is to get him a good, sweet wife, and all the girls are -well just as nice as they can be. [Aint it so.] Thisevening at the Thompson Street A. R. P. church, Miss Nannie Wilson will be united In marriage to Mr. 3. D. Davenport. Miss Wilson Is the charm ing daughter of our townsman, Capt. Jno. C. Wilson, and Mr. Davenport is one of Newberry's young, energetic and enterprising citizens and mer chants; though a native of Edgefleld he has cast in his lot with us and is one of us, and fully identified with New berry's progress. The wedding as stated, will take place at the A. R. P. church, and the follow ing ladies and gentlemen will act as bridesmaids and groomsmen: Mr. F. B. McIntosh with Miss Ola Wilson, sister of the bride. Mr. Jas. L. Kennerly with Miss Tilla Boozer. Mr. S. 3. Woorten with Miss Carrie Maffett. Dr. 0. B. Mayer with Miss May Pop penheim, of Charleston. Mr. R. H. Wearn with Miss Lula Poppenheim, of Carleston. Mr. Jno. M. Kinard with Miss Celia Bouknight, of Columbia. Mr. F. N. Martin with Miss Lizzie Glenn. Mr. Jno. C. Wilson, Jr., with Miss Essie Marion, of Rlchburg, S. C. Mr. M. L. Spearmian with Miss Bese sie Wheeler. Mr. W. G. Mayes with Miss Janle Martin. Messrs. G. F. Wearn and W. A. Fant, ushers. A reception will be held at the resi dence of Capt. Wilson. If persons would bring to'bear the same amount of common sense, in buying a remedy for bronchitis, cough, cold and croup, that they do In the parchase of their family supplies, they would never fail to procure Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. As I will be compelled to go to. Flor ida for the months of January, Febru ary and March on account of my health, and will not keep my store open during my absence, I offer my Stock from now until January 1st for less than you have ever bought the same goods before. Eight Day Alarm Clocks for $3, worth $5, and all other goods in proportion. Call soon, before the Stock is picked over as I want to close out as much as I can to save trouble of packing and stor ing away until my return. All persons who have watches, clocks or jewelry left with me for reparing will please call and get.same by Janu ary 1st, or they will be sold for the repairs. JOHN F'. SPECK.. The Jeweler. Buy your shoes from Jamieson's, he carries the best stock in New berry. tf. -:o: And see the beautiful display of NOVELTITES, FA NCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES,. AND NOTIONS, at prices to suit everybody's pocket-rich and poor. Don't put off until the last moment, and then say we have nothing, but come at once; or don't buy elsewhere until you have seen our goods and learned our prices. We have everything that is NEW and STYLISH. Housekeepers, Sweethearts, Brcthers, Sisters, Mothers, Children, COME ONE! COME ALL!! without a moment's delay, to ROBER TSON & GILDER'S DRUG STORE. - -.,.-.-... S,-..... ..* .~ Highest of all in Leavening P o&1= Around and About St. PhUps. No mistake about that. Good health prevails in this comma nity. The road to wealth leads to St. Phi! ips, though they say it need* to be worked. Some heavy frosts have fallen lately. Some of the dogs of these "diggins" are on a strike. They are said to be very mad. I'll tell you what's a fact, it won't do to monkey with the canine race when they've got1the hydrophobia on their side. Cotton is on a boom, but I don't think I will sell any more this season If it reaches twenty-five cents per pound. Not quite three weeks till Christmas, and then for a brief time, at least, the world will put aside its schemes of self aggrandizement, halt in its pursuit of riches and lend an attentive ear to that glorious message: "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." Rev. J. A. Sligh preached a touching sermon to a large eongregation last Sunday evening, at St. Philip's church. The text was taken frum the 13th chapter and 5th verse of Hoses. "I did know thee in the wilderness." CALHOUN. EXCELSIua N vrEs Mr. D. B. Cook has been quite sick. Our other sick folks are improving and able to get out again. School full and moving on nicely. When we see the pupils playing ball it reminds:us of our school days, and we feel like joining the boys in a game. School days are certainly the happiest days for the boys and girls. Misses Lora and Alma Nates have been visiting relatives at Prosperity. Mrs. Wm. Werts, of Mountville, Laurens County, S. C., is visiting rela tives and fends in our village. We spent Monday in your city. Quite a number of our farmers were there to take in the sights and sounds of your flourishing city. The day was lovely and everybody seemed to be happy and cheerful. Some of our boys were out hunting on Saturday and sacked ten of the bob whites. Mrs. Frances Sheppard, of Orange burg County, has been visiting rela tives and friends in the neighborhood. Section-master Butler, of the C. ;N. and L. B. R. is improving the condi tion of his road considerably in this community. Mr. Butler is a kind gen tleman and knows how to put a line of railroad in shape for the iron horse. Messrs. T. A. 0. Kibler and H. S. B. Kibler will visit the Jalapa neigh bor hood this week. We regret to learn that Rev. J. B. Traywick, of Prosperity, has removed to Batesburg, S. C. &ev. Mr. Tray wick is an able minister and we wish him much success in his new field of labor. The public road cro sing in front of Mr. A. P. DominIck's residence Is greatly in need of some Improvement. Let whoee duty it may be put this croesing in better condition and we will all feel more happy and ch-erful is the opinion of SIGMA. The I. W. Harper is tb. Snest fla vored whiskey on earth. Used in moderation, it is a sure spe cific for indigestion, for general debil ity, for insomnia, for mental depres sion. Sold by THOS. Q, BooZEEa, Newberry, 8. C. CH RISTMAS GOODS. As times are hard we offer our Holiday Goods at close figures. We will sell for CASH ONLY, and give you good BARGAINS. Vases, Mirrors, China Ware, Albums, Onyx Tables, Work Boxes, Rose], wls, Infant Sets, Finger I, wls, Fancy Baskets, Water8Sets, Odor Cases, Japanese Novel- Baskets Perfume, . ties, Photograph Toilet Waters, Frame, Fine Perfumes, Manicure Sets. Plush and Leather Dressing Cases. We have a pretty assortment of Photograph Albums, all styles and prices. Respectfully, W. E. Belcher & Co. Cood Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep de peding upon a healthy condition of althe have arlius Lok, ifyor stmc e di our Kineys be affected o have aPinched Look. Secure good health and yon will have good looks. Electric Bitters la the great alterative and Tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cares Pimples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at Robertson & Giders, Drugstore, 50c. per bottle. We have just opened a very hand some assortment of Fancy Crockery and Cut Glass, suitable for Wedding and Birthday Presents, which we offer at Reasonable Prices. It will pay you to call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. ROBERTSON & GILDER, Druggists. Koetice. By special arrangements with pub lishers I am now selling school hooks at the wholesale list price, thus reducing the retail p rice considerably. This is as low as they can be sold anywhere, and on account of the exceedingly low price will have to be sold strictly for cash. I have a full supply of School and (College Text Books on hand, and am now ready to sell them at the low est p,rice possible. Yus tf. Z. F. WRIGHT. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Chlld,she criled for Castoria. 'When she became M1am, she clung to Castoria. Whnshe had Chldrel,seavhem stoia L ~ ~~Electric Bitters.weiko fThis remedy is becoming so wHko tin soo a aas tneed nspal men the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist end it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters winl cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will re, move Pimples, Boils, Salt Eheum, and other affections caused by Impure blood. Will driv IMalaria from the sytmand prevent as well as cure all Maailfevers. For cure of Head ae ostpation and Indigeton try EIec ornyrefnde.Prc 50 eta. anI*per iwer.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report. " Powder TELY PURE OUR PROSPERITY LETTER. [Correspondence The Her,ld ard News.] PROSPERITY, S. C.. Dec. 6.-Trade i good and both mercha, awn'l farmer seller and consumer arc happy. The cotton market has goue g;im mering, and dealers in futures (buyers are not so happy as sonic other people The sowing of wheat and oats i about finished for this season. 'Th acreage is not larger than it ought to be but isdeemed sufHeient. Our jeweller, Mr. A. K. Bedenbaugh has found what may be a rich golk mine. That he has found gold on Mr Amos Kibler's place, seems to be be yond doubt. He has one nugget, whiel appears to be virgin gold, weighing 118 grains, and is worth about $7.80 He has also smelted some from the rock or quartz in smaller amounts. Mr Bedenbaugh says it is on the surfacE and is quite plentiful. This may provE to be a rich find. There way be some thing besides rooks in the stone hilh yet. A choice lot of Christmas goods wil: soon be displayed that will comparn favorably with any place. Everybody and the cook, too, are coming to buy their Christmas goods in Prosperity. Some of Mr. Cleveland's opponentf and their friends, are making streniouw efforts to secure the snoils of office untc themrelves, We don't believe this lit. lie game will work. We are inclined to think that maybe Mr. Cleveland knows who his friends are, even it South Carolina, and he probably knowf why certain able and brilliant congress men were not re-elected down here He has hardly forgot the May Con. vention in Columbia nor the Nationa Convention in Chicago. At any rate we feel that our present Cleveland P M. at Prosperity is safe, the power. that be down here, to the contrary not withstanding. Mc. H. 8. Boozer, our efficient In. tendent is in bed with a case ofjauudice He is as yellow as a pumpkin. Wise Bros., sold out their drove o hogs in one week's time and coulc have sold more. Rev. J. B. Traywick, leaves to-da3 with the male, portion of his famil3 for his new field of labor at Batesburg Mrs. Traywick and daughter will fol. fow to-morrow. Rev. D. D. Dantzler, who will occup3 this field will arrive here to-day or to morrow. We extend to him our besi wishes and congratulations. We are all getting ourselves in shap for the good time is coming-the goo( times that our legislators in their wis dom are going to make for us dear poor people. They promised. to hell us and we know they will do whal they have promised, and then we all every one of us, will be happy and se rene. First, we are going to have prohibi tion all over this State, from the loft3 peaks of the Blue Ridge to the "battle ments of. the battery" in Charlestor By the provisions of this-bill, every fel low can order as much whiskey as h< wants for his own use, but he must no "give, sell or barter" any of it away. A fellow must drink it all himself. This you see, will be a great savingof mone: to the people. .This bill also make provision for those of us who are to< poor to order a keg and pay for it an< the express, too, by proposing to es tablish a dispensary in each county This is a splendid idea. It will givi employment to many poor, needy fel lows, who now have no place in the line. At this dispensary a fellov can get a little *for "hbis stomach' sake," and a little for "scientific pur poses," &c., provided the dispensar; man doesn't charge more than 10 pe cent. on his investment. Nowv this is a grand idea, 2nd -w wonder why somebody hasn't though of it before. We all can see at a glanc that scientific pursuits will not only b fostered, but under these new condi tions will receive an impetus such a has never been known. Next we have that greatly neede< county government bill, which will b of incalculable benefit to us poor pec pie, and in fact to everybody. It make a good, fat place for a county judge an< county solicitor at good round salaries It gives us a court every two .months and these courts must have court off cers, and juries, and witnesses, all c whom must be paid cash, aad thes judges, solicitors, officers, juries an< witnesses will all spend their money and it will make money munch. mor "fiexible" and circulative. It increase circulation. The old rule of holdin; court every four months, and havin; these courts presided over by old, .grey headed jurists, is entirely too ancien and dilatory. They are not in accord ance with the present great advance now being made all alon;g the lines i modern economics, and the sooner w can rid ourselves of these old fogies th better. They are entirely too tenaciou They have legal opinions and they et force them. We want young men, an men not quite so learned in the lay who are more likely to hold opinior similar to our own, and give decisior according to our judgment. Then, again, we think our law-mali ONG ENJOYS Both the method and results whe Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasan and refreshing to the taste, and act ently yt p' mpty on e sKideys temn effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitus constipation. Syrup of Figs is th only remedy of its kind ever prc duced, pleasing to the taste and a< ceptable to the stomach, prompt i its action and truly beneficial in it effects, prepared only from the moe healthy and agreeable substances, it many excellent qualities commendi to alnd have made it the mon ulrremedy known. rp of Fig is for sale in 50 and $1bottles byall leading drug gists. Any relible druggist wh may not have it on hand will pr cure it promptly for any one wh wishes to try it. Do not accept au snbstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . AM FRANCf0800, CA4s -OI VamLLE.a 5Y EvaLL r. ers, in their combined and unlimited wisdom, will call a constitutional con vention of all the people, to frame a new constitution and do away with this old cockle shell under which we are living, and which is so at variance with our modern progress. It is true this convention will cost the State probably $100,000 or more, yet this is a small matter for a great State like ours, when we consider the great benefits and immunities each of us is to receive under the new order of things. For in stance, one of the changes will prob ably be the abolition of the two mill school tax, and inserting in lieu there of a poll tax of $3 on each and every constituent. It would be unwise for the people's representatives, after fram ing a constitution, to go to the trouble, time and expense of submitting it back to the people for ratification or rejec tion; yea, it would be foolishness to send it. back, because we would all vote for it if our leaders said so. They know exactly what we need, much better than we do, and after framing a "noble" constitution, it would be the height of folly to ask us if it suited us or not. There is no necessity for any such dila tory nonsense as this. Such things I would have been suitableunder the old Hampton and such !ike administra tions, but under our new reformatory, economic and progressive conditions, I to submit a new constitution, framed by the wise men of our State who-are well acquainted with all of our wants, necessities -and requirements, would be sheer nonsense-unworthy of a great people, led by great leaders to great victories. Yu-BE. MARIED, December 4,1892, by Rev. J. A. Sligh, Mr. Thos. A. Setzler and Miss Sallie Shealy-both of Promaria, S. C. AMERICAN TEA. It was Grown In South Caroina and Is Equal to the Best Eaglish Breakfast. BALTIMoRE, December 2.-The first marketable tea ever produced in the United States was brought to Balti more to-day by Charles U. Shepard, of Summerfield, S. C., who grew and cured the plant on his farm. The American tea was tested by Mr. Gillet Gill, who pronounced it equal to the best high-grade English breakfast tea and superior to many grades grown in India and China. The samples brought here by Mr. Shepard are all of one quality and character-black, crisp, and well scented. It makes a strong beverage. This quality of the Ameri can tea is said by Mr. Gill to be due solely to its treatment in fermenta tion and curing. Other methods of curing the American product will pro duce tea similar to the several brands y that come from India and China. Judging from Mr. Shepard's samples, Mr. Gill says he believes the successful growing of tea in the United States is established and that the industry should be encouraged and fostered. Mr. Shepard raised only forty pounds of tea this year, which was cured in an ordinary fruit evaporator. ~AaJ Chndren of fr. and Mrs. N. M. sofer Altoona, Pa. SBoth Had Eczema >In Its Worst Form - After Phystefans Failed, Hood's .Sarsapartfla Perfectly (Yured. Great mental agony is endured by parents who see their-children su 'rn -from diseases caused by impure blood,ad sfor which there seems no cure. This is . turned to joy when Hood's Sasprlais ,resorted to, for it expels the folhumors r from the blood, and restores the dis eased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. 3 Read the following from grateful parents: t " To C. LHood &Co., Lowel, Mass.: S"We think Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most a valuable medicine on the market for blood and . skin diseases. Our two children suffered terri bly with the Worst Form of Eczema I for two years. We had three physicians in S that time, but neither of them succeeded in . curlngthem or even in vIgthem a little rele At latwe tried Hods Sarsaparilla B and in a month both children were per. I feecIy cured. We recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla - as a standard family medIcine, and would not f be without it." MB. and MEs. IL. IL. SOLLEB, 1412 2nd Avenue, Altoona, Pa. H ooD's PILLS cure liver Ifls, constipation, ,bDiousness, janndie, sick hadah, indigestion. 5,Christmas is only a few days e off. -Have you thought about e presents? Don't buy nic-nacs 'and gew-gaws, but. SGET SOMETHING Solid, Substantial, Serviceable, for the children and friends. Don't wasfe money; but BUY WHERBE E VE RY CEN T COU NT S. *How would a pretty dress do? O1 say a pair of nice shoes? These will Bring Solid -Comfort as well as pleasure. Then I have a complete line of Handkerchiefs, in Silk, Lined.and Cotton. plain and embroidered. t Hosiery -of all kinds. sNeckwear for men, women and children. & Towels, Doylies, -Napkins and I Table Linen for the housekeeper. Can you please her better ? Then Faney Furnishings, Combs, Brushes, 1Pocket-Books, s Perfumery. t Use your judgment this time and call on me. I will be glad to see you and~ show you my stock. Yours truly, J. D. Davenport. Nfewberry, S. C. 0 NOTICE. I' A LL PERSONS IN'DEBTED TO 1.ithe undersigned are notified that they must settle their account.. 0. B. MAYER rewberry, S C., Nev. 2, 1892. for InfantS a 4Castor1assowelaadaed toehdrthat Irzxome ditasuperioatoaayprLciptSom knownto me." H. A. Axwa X.D. S 11So, OzfordSt., Brokyn,I.Y. "The use of 'Castorla" 2ffsounlversal and itsmeritesowelknown thatit seemsa work Of o ezado not. Fesrthe who donot]eep Catiars withiu ssyzeach. Caaus D.I New arke My. Ist P&Ato BWoomindale Bfioen"" neb Ta cowana Death of Prof. Horrison. [Special to News and Courier.] UNION, December 2.-Mr. Robeit Morrison, principal of the graded school here, died this evening. at 6 o'clock, after two weeks' illness. He was one of the brightest young edu cators in the State. He was educated at Wofford College. He leaves a wife and two children. - a 1 . 3a We have used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in ourfamily for years and find it to be the best remedy for croup and cough. We have used it for our children who are all subject to throat trou ble,with excellent results. We prize it very highly. Mrs. FRANK H. YORK, , -Oneonta, N. Y. oft, &j Te a Tabame ~ADIES WHO WANT THE BEST.SHOES SHOULD BUY THE S E. P. Reed C;' SHOES. Probate Juldge's Sales. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY.-INI PROBATE COURT. Rebecca W. Slawson, Petitioner, vs. Drayton W. T. Kibler, Defendant. Petition for Dower. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF ..Court herein, I will sell at New berry Court House, on saleday in Jan-' nary, 1893, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, all that tract or parcel of land situated in.Newherry County and State aforesaid, containing 90 and 33-100 acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of James Hall, H. MI. Domi nick, J. 5. Dominick, estate J. W.1 Stockman and Elizabeth Campbell, oni the following terms, to-wit: For cash to the amount of two hun dred 'ad sixty dollars, together with rall costs and disbursements, -including expenses of sale; the balane on a credit of one and two years, in equal annual instalments, with interest from day of sale, secured by a bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the prem ises, with leave to purebiaser to pay all cash. -- Purchaser to pay for papers. J. B. FLLEBS, Dec. 6, 1892. J..P. N. C. STATE OF SOUT H CABOLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY-IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. John M. Kinard, in his own'right, and as Admitbistrator, with the~ will an nexed, of Richard- C. Chapman, de ceased, Plaintiff, against Colin M. Cook and others, Defendants. - Complaint to sell land to aid in pay ment of debts and for relief. DURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF .LCourt herein, I will sell at New berry Court House on Saleday in Jan uary, 1893, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, all that lot of land in the Towa of Newberry, in said County and State, containing Halt of an Acre more or less, and bounded by Fren Street, lot of James F. Todd, John stone Street and Adams Street, in t equal parcels to be divided by a 1 run midway between Friend Street and Johnostone Street, and perpen dicular to the line of Adams Street, ac cording to a plat or plats to be here after prepared, on the following terms to wit: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash. The balance on a credit of one and two years, in equal installments, with interest on each in staliment from the .day of sale, the credit portion of the purchase .money to be secured by bond of th~e purchaser and mortgage of the premises, and by insurance on the buildings on each lot, the policy for which shall be deposited in this Court, and assigned to the Judge of this Court, with leave to the pur chaser or purchasers to pay all cash. ~Purchaser to pay for papers. J. B. FELLERS, December 6i, 1892. 3. P. N. C. THOS. S. SEASE, fftoiiteUj at Law, NEWBERRY, S. C. Practices in all the Courts of the State. Collections a specialty. 0R8. IIOUSER & IIBLEB, Physicians and Surgeons Street; Room 14, over Boozer & Goggans' store. PLEASE PAY UP.. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO by note or account will please J~ call and settle the same at once as we tu need money and must have what you a owe us. Don't put this matter off, but call at o once and save trouble. n A. ML. BOWERS &CO. ~4 ndC iCh-ldw El A m ol WM,I S ilton INSURE IN THE EDITADLE N HE dlidAissets, $186 IS8,&~ ash Surplus r THE FREE 'ONTINE POLt .... .... IS TO-DAY THE E ~ERFECT. * DEVELOPIEWI OF THE GENERtAGENJ FOR THE OAROLUNA . ROCK MILLS. 0. -- 0. 4 ~ 8- - * N, flOTICE ~LL PERONS HOEDIG -' clims agaist meaareiired presentthem, dul ates o ~ ~ets, Messis. 8 2. Ytd'3 C. Mathews, on or bteld-:. December, 1892;thrI& w .n an od