The Good ;eco'd or it ii First Term- 1i1. Splendid Sem%lce- *;ain in Demand. [Creenviiie E.enii Deuocr.t. One of the i t. con iOCuto!s tures in Congress to-day is the talented, in dustrious and fa:ti:fuil libl:er froa the Third Congre.iomd district t. State, the 11on. Gcorge Joh:-tone, of Newbcrry. lie is very Popular in Washington, is always in his eat, and is ever ready, by vote and voice, to serve the best it of his co,u: try, particularly the South, and espe cially his native State of South Caro lina that he loves so well. He and Speaker Crisp, who, by the way, is a Ueorgian, are about the saie age and are very fond of each other. Mlr. Crisp shows his alppreciation of hirr by hav ing called him to the chair to preaide temporaiily over the House not less than a dozen times during the present session. This is very noticeable and reflects credit upoi Mr. Johnsione since, as is well known, this is his iir't time in Congress; and, what is more noteworthy, this is the only instance where this honor has ever been con ferred upon any ieniber during his first term. Speaker Crisp speaks of de clining a re-election this year, and if he does, all eyes are turned to his friend Johnstone as his probable successor. If this distinguished honor is conferred upon him, it goes without saying that he will fill it with credit to himself and satisfaction to the country. Mr. Johnstoie has a most cear, logi cal and analytical mind. It is ques tionable whether he has a peer as a de bater in Congress to-day-he certainly has no superior, in what, in Congress, is called a "rough-and-tumble" debate -an accomplisument very rare, and so indispensable in a ut,il e.y I su all bie pleased to send you aniythinig above mien tioned, or will send my Catalogue free if you will say you saw this advertisement in THi. HE.RArLD AND NEw~s, published a N ew berry, 8. C iNo goods sentc C. 0. 1i., or on con signmnent. I refer youz to the edihtor., anid publishers of this iap;er or to any tking couvern1 in Augusta, or to the Southern Express Co., all of whiom know mue personatlly. Yours &c., L F. PADGETT, 111'' AND 111:2 Broad Sitet, Uigisik - - Ge0rgi8 P-roprietor of Padgett's Fnuri - :m:e. Stove, and Carpet Store. Fietor, Harrison St A l'1a to) Aid ('onfdrttrate 'eteratt ( i..;:l..:'TU\, .'uni: : .- .\ l":':\Cn tio:n of tiu: ('o:e,iratl vet' anrt of til State has beII talk-d to rieet in ll lunitia o:l Jtuly f,r the ul:rip)>e oi efWvtib an )rga,z:-.ti,n "imll a: to til:at of the Grand Army of the RrpubiC. E:<- eiato'r \ade Iianipton will i)r Side. Tie ILhn to rai e a ftundi f',r the relief ( disat'!ed Con ederate vet eran. atoI tit. wi wIu and orphans of CUotfdera:'._ hllier. tuti incidenttally. t presrve ihe hitry tof' the ('oifed 01ru"\. It h1Las b.ei p'r)ve( by ex (niteteratt leattvr'.' troughout the :outh,1i1, it is clatimed, had the eni dorr1-inent of ; en. Lee b,eflre hisdeth. Wi'rr the I1 ;onty Coltci I Fo m! O: .i.; u., 1 uly .- Thew Nationial (oiituit:er eilectt"tl a teii')r:arv orgat: ition at n,ooni, with .. II. :Cvelonej Davis of l'ex:ts a it- chairman, and A. J. 'iurner oh Fir:da seeretarV, and w\enlt into an execuiuVe ses.,ion oil waVS aid means on the qjuestion of where and how the funds 1o1r the Campaign were to be sectired. There were many mianifestations of clgrin an(d disgust when iobert Schilling reported that last nigh11t's colI.:tionu fromu some 1,510 deiettes :tind .,000 svnpathizr- had netted prehiselV $11:> ::5. "Tiat.'s a fine showing for a riational conven tion,"said the ('yclone, sarcastically. ;;:aine Cotg atulatet. His Sucem-or. VASII i N(i"rox, J uy S.-Ainong the many telegram- and letters of congrat ulation received b\ -ecretary Foster on entering upon the duties of Secretary of State was the following: R,.\t i m non, .July t, 1S9: -My Dear Mr. 1-oster: I ought sooner to have written you a word of congratulation on your appointment as Secretary of State, which I iost heartily do now. I alin very gad you are appointed. You will be able to do better service than any man new to tile departtient. * * * Verv'truiv and cordially, your friend, .J A3ES G. BLAiNE. ICeorgantization of Georgia Central. SAVANN.\ i, July s -P:esid ent Co imer, of the Cn tral Railroad, in an au thorizedi interview, states that all the lines of the Central Railroad system are to be consolidated into one. and a blanket tnortgage, ilearing a low rate of interest, issued, covering the entire system. Wit h the proceeds of this the outstantin g obligation will be taken up. New York hitnanciers are now working out t h - details of this plan. He also states that Ihe general oflice of the Ocean Steaniship Company are to be soon re moved from New York to 6availnah. Placing 1Him. lit le IbT-I-A re you a hiwyer. like D)ockr-No, iny. bIoy: I aml a physi elull. Robby--Oh, yes; you're thiegenItlemhanl that comies to see sick p)eople before they die h-Puek. Children Cr.y for Pitcher's Castoria, cummerSoods. I hae gvenspecial and care fu tention to t he selection of the Colors and Deslgns for summer wear. MIany designs are confined exclusively to me. I am showv ing a large and more complete line than ever be fore in Scotch, French ana Ame/clan Ginghams, French Lawns and Organ dies, Domestic Lawns, Camsbrics, both shirting an. Utlefr 9 g BUOYANCY OF BODY g can never be realized when the bow @els do not net as nature intends they 8"..0114. Intead, there is headach?, weight in the stomach after eating, acidlity and bclching up of wind, lowA @pirits, loss of energy, unsociability and forebodings of cviL An unhappy conditior., but *Tiny Liver Pills will reli we It and give health andG happine: s. They are worth a triaL 1' 01 w ur THE AMERICAN RAMBLER is the BEST \ REEL OF THE MARKET this year. the combination of B the celebrated G.& J. Pneumatic Tire and Spring Frame makes riding on it a luxury. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. {, Se:d for Illustrated t Catalogue. GORMULLY i: & JEFFERY Ir M'F'G CO., .?b-t* .*"i-* . "4 4~.. Washington, D. C. ES1AIMEESIS"gvs itstn relief and is an infalliblo Cure for Riles. Price$l. By Druggistsor mail. Samples free..AddressANAKESIS," 33ox ;41A, New York~ City. Arvyle.wis.. says- Before. Afte:-- lAsa The accompan..-ing~ statenientwigt 330 ls 5ss lb. 's11 of my~ and mesuire-; Bu.... 4a in. 35 in. lo in m'rnts will ,1ho. the re*sultsof waist.. 4r in. ',:n. 11 ir. ::ve monthbs- tr :atme~nt. 'Hij.s.... 55w Sn-a4 in.1 in PATIENis 1R2ATED BY MAlL CONFIDEN4TIAL Harm! a,. and '.h no .tar'ine, inconvenience, or ba:i efects, Drs. 0. W. V. SalZR. WVICILER'S THlEATER. CEICAEO i.s NEWBERRY, S. C. The~ wel1l known old stand of H.f C. Thoroughly Restocked for the~ Se:isoni --ith Choice CIGARS, &cs FANCY DRINKS & B EVERAGES Compoun ded of the very best ingre dients and served in first class -- style. LAGER BEER On Tap or in Bottles always Fresh, C:ool and Ready. Liquors Supplied in Quant ities to Suit, and shipi:ed by expresa to any point. When you visit Newberry, rememtber THE ROSEBUD, ndP give us a call. .J. F. COUR'-EY, Agt. CHRBONICL E WILL GIVE )fall t he C:i nipa.ign Meeti ngs this' sum nr in 1Soth Ci arolina. Rememer: iut l, Arena t a ti idImpartial 1Repo rts, o~ that. vol can see for your"s.elf just vat i. g.oing. on. We g,ive you simiply he news. If vou want good reports ubscribe now to the C hron ile Ad rss: The Augusta Chronicle, l~Rmit by pos.t oflice. mloneyV order, int lte, regis-tere'i letter or express5. By mil the, i-ily tand Sundlay 'blron:iele, one ye.'o ., Cl. Th'iree mont hi li.5'. Weekly Chronicle, $1.00 per year 1test tele ' raphie news fromt all ever he w .orld . ( . rrespoindence, farmr I op es, ijt ory. -t'ories, poemliS, fashi onl, ,li!t. 'The mo't ermpkidte niewvspaper the h.ea=t. vy M. Suber et al. vs. Dillie I.. (Chan dIler et al1. Ian:. I wvill 4e:! at pubic~ entlry, before ie (Couirt J:ouse at Newherry, ona tIe hr-i mi;oulyin .Jualy. I *od, allta jantaltllin pznd tract of1 h;t::. c.ontaini - ''Ino i y : 'l I'. af - '. I-i \ wa ('3.' . ;dr r.I ad tjoinin::I 1 1o4 o m)4,fo!' '. WrIllo E iaI an u o* i'' b n . hr- o n :d 'hnedh- IIWLv'e' to h it'je pubierod nwn as he Uio n rn pa. noeSILA --Oh, ndTONseur Mterh. Maerstefrs (the, day June, hy'a bon STATE (F SOHU ii- CAROLTNA ('NTY OF" NEWHBEltiiY-IN cO-MMON PLE.\s. )avid H1. Whelier. 'laintifi, agailt Wade 11:mpton ('olemiati, usually known as Il:tip (',len)au, I Dfenl dat: Summons for ltlicf--- Coinla lint filed. TO T I IE DEFENDANT WAD) 11AMi'TON CoLEMAN, I'sUALL KNowN As 1AMP (LI.:MAN: TOl' Al II; IE: ELY SUM Ionedatlnd required to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in ti-e office of the Clerk of Court forsaid County. State aforesaid, and to serve a cOpy of your answer to the said comll plaint 'w the aubscribers at their otlice, Newberry. in said ('Cunty and State, within tweni:y days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service: and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will :tppk to the Court for the relief deIllande. in the complaint. Datedi ist April, A. 1). ISJ . .JNo. _1. KINA RD), [sE.AL] c. C. C. P. JONI:S & JONES. 1'lainhtift's Attorneys. Filed Ist April, 1 2. .1O. 3l. iIxNauo, C. C. C. P. To the Defendant: Take notice that the complaint in this action was filed April 1st, 1S92, in the oflice of the Clerk of Court for Newberry County, S. C. JONES & JONES, Plaintifl"s Attorneys. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEWBERRY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. George S. Mower as Administrator of the personal estate olCynthia Mower, deceased, Plaintiff, against Rebecca A. Cole, as Executrix of the last will and testament of Milton Cole, de ceased,and in L?r own right, William Y. Cole, Rachel Cole, Lucretia Cole, Sallie Cole, Mary Blanche Cole, Idel!a Cole, Anna Cole and Wade M. Cole, Defendants. Summons for Relief. To the Defendants abore named: You are hereby summoned and re guired to answer the complaint in this action which -s on file in the office of 'e Clerk of the Court for Newberry t,ounty in said State, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said com plaint on the subscriber at his office at Newberry C. H., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaiutift in this action will apply to the Court for the relief denianded in the complaint. Dated August 13t h, A. D. 1891. GEO. S. MOWER, Plaintiffs Attorney. To the Defendants, Idella Cole, Anna Cole ad Wade Jf. Cole: Take notice that the complaint in this action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Newberry County, State of South Carolina. on the thirteenth day of Au gust, 1891. G )EO. S. MOWER, Plaintiffs Attorney. New berry, S. C. THE CLOTHING SIOR This is the only store that does not carry a mixed stock but does carry the best line of Fine Cloth ing in the State. The best dressed gentlemen say so, and my aim is to keep it so. My line of Spring Clothing is the most attractive in the city, showing all the latest patterns of stylish goods. My line of.HTs" eemprises the latest diapes and colors that can be had this season, giving you a great variety to select from. Unlaundered Shirts are what I call your attention to. The bst Unlaundered Shirt in the city is Kiinard's Specialty, price $1. Then I have the best for 75c and 50c that can be found. The celebrated Star Shirt will give you better satisfaction in a Laundered Shirt than any you can find elsewhere; pice, $1, 81,25, and $1.50.. Try one and you will be well pleased for they fit perfectly. 'i||Anything you need in my line will be sold at the lowest price, and the workmanship is the best, M. L. KiNARD, ColurnbiAa, S. C. IJ\t1ll M SN T-I~IO CALL ON - T. Q. BOOZER. A CHOICE LINE OF F AMILY GROCERIES, IALWA4Y8ONH AND AT T. Q. BOOZER'S. IHow L.ost ! How Regained!I KNOl'!THYSEL. Or sELF-PRESERVATION. A new and only IGold Medal PEIZE EssAY on N~EEVOUS and P!YSICAL 'DEILITY, EERoBS of YOAUH, ELAUThED VITALITY, PRE MATUE DECINE,and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of AN. 30ages,cloth, timons o tions.E On N$. Cn oniainro o ymald Epr tet en tNI BLESECEC and CEE Thd'ebodMdiA d ~itti,NO. 4Bulnc s, Te 'Peabod Medical Institute haa many Imi. tators, but no eqa-lferald. The Science of Life, or self.Preservationi, is a treasure more valuable than gold. Read It now, eey WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to be SOG .--Xeica Rek-W. (Copyrightd. RICHMONI) AND I)ANVILLE MAIL ROAD COMPANY. e- 4+e COLUMB.IA AND GREICNVILLE DrviINl. PASSENGER DKFEPARIrT. Condensed Schedule-In efedct May 15,18.2. (Trains run by75th Meridian time.) 1:ETwtEEN COLUMSEA, sENECA AND WALHALLA.: 1>ail . Daily. No. 11 STATIONS. N2 i i 2 a in Lv. .........Columbia......... Ar. 605p 12 5 > in ............Alston............ 5 15 p m 12 24 p m ..omaria...... 4 52 p m - 12 43 p in ........, Prosperity........ 4 32 pm 1 00 p m ...ry..Newberry...... 4 15 p m 1 0> p in . Helena.......... 4 109 m I 4t p in ......... Chappells........ 331 p m 2 25 p in ........inety-Six....... 3.9 pm 2 30 p m ...Greenwood...... 2 50 p m 310pm ........Hodges.......... 229p m 3 27 p iu ........Donalds.......... 2 11 p m :; : p m ........Honea Path....... 1 58 p m :.-,p im A: ............Beiton........... Lv 1i0 p m 4 05 p in Lv ............Belton............ Ar $SSp m 431>m. .........Anderson 115pm S 1s p in .........Pendleton......... . 12 45PM p m 6 0p m Ar. .......Seneca.......,LvV.6pm 7 2"' e, m Lv. ........Seneca.....Ar 1155 am . 2 Lp n . Ar .........Valhalla.......... .Lv 1115 aa . 5 23 p in Ar..........Greenville..... 12,00 n'a BETWEEN ANDERSON, BELTON AXD 62335 Daily. VILLE. - Dily. No 12 STATIONS. - .-i- ..No! 13 A 25pi I i.5pil.v Anderson Ar 4 5pq .8 S 3>nt 1 3ipiiAr .Beltn. Iv 405pm 7 910pm 3.5prnL.v Belton Ar 1.~m 7 31tpn 4 20pin- Williamston... 1 02pin 7 13pm 9 3,1'1 4 2pmt...... Pelzer ...... 12 55pi 9 51pm 442prn... Piedmont. ... 12 40pm, 65pm 10 30pn 5:21pniArGreenvilleLvl2 0oi'x 6,10pm ItETWEEN COLUMBIA, ALSTON & 8PARTANBURG. Daily. Dmly. No.13 STATIONS. No.14 I1 20 a in Lv..........Columbia.......... Ar..405.p m 1210p m ...........Alston............ b.10pn 1 13 p mt ...........Carlisle.......... 41 pm 123 p n ............Santuc............ 4 00 p m 2 01 p m .............Union............ 3 40pm 2 33 p m ............ Pacolet........... 2 52 p m 3 05 p m A r. ........Spartanburg........Lv. 220pa BETWEEN COLUMI "A, . 'W3BRRY CLINTON AND Rx.Sun Ex.Sua. No.15. STATIONS. No.1.' Lv-. Ar. L I20a n....Columbia..... 605pm . 4 25pm ...Newberry... 12 8Dipa 5 24pm ...-.Goldville..... 11 21 am 5 4pm ......Clinton..... '055 am 6 3pi Ar Laurens Lv 10 15 am BETWEEN HIODGBs AND ABBB'1ILLL Daily. Daily. No. 11. STATIONS. No. 12. Mixed. dixed., 3 45 pm..Lv...Hodges...Ar 2 20'pm 4 05 pin......Darraughs'......200 pm 4 20 pm..L.v.A bbeville.Lv..l 45, pm - . r Trains leave Spartanburg, S. C. A. .A ..PDivis ion. Northbound. 3 54 a m 4 50 p ni, 7 U m tVestibuled Linaited1; Soutlrbonnd, 39 2a'ni, 42# p in. 11 43 a in. (Ves:ibuled Linda;..Wl s bound. W. N. C. Division. 3 10 p m and 7 lop for liendersonville, Asheville, Hot Springs and Knoxville. Trains leave Greenville, S. C., A. & C. Divi sion, Northbound, 2 44 a m. 211 p m. 6 08 p m. South Carolina and Western North Carolina and Athens and Atlaintar . - CO. DEN4SED SCH EDU.LE. -- GOING WEST. GoING EAM r No. 52. - No.SS. U 50 Lv....Charleston..Ar. 10830 8:-2 " ...Lanes........" '840,: 9 41 "-...Sttmter..-........ " 7 25 10.55 A&r....Columnbla......LV. 60* p m - 128" ..Newberry...- 4 18 1: 30"...Clinton....." 325 p 2 5."..Greznwood..... " 2314 4 22 "...A bbevllle...... " 1 42 5 45 " ......thens......." 1103 810 "....tlanta.... 5 p m 1 10 " ...Winnsboro..... " 4 25 4 :30 " .....Charlotte...." 1 50 p m 5desn.- p m 435 "...Adro..."1 15 5 10 "...Greenville... ",. 12 )0 :; 05 "...Spartanburg " '2 2il 532 " ..Hendersonville" 1208 a m 6 25 "...Asheville... " 11 0& ..:,aily. Nos. 52 at>d 5.3 Solid trains between Charles tonandClinttonl, . C. H!. M?. EMERSON, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agenf. .T. M. EM ERSON, Traffic Manager. - J. R. KENLY, Gen'1 Manager C GLUMBIA.NEWBERRY&LA ENS4 R. B. schedule in eu1Teet Sunday, June 5th, 1892. SorThunoND NOnTHBOUND TRMNs. TRA IBS. No. 1. No. 53. No. 52. No. 2. A. M. P.M. P. M. P.M M 6:1. 325...L....Clinton....Ar... 130- - 6 37 30ji.......Dover........ I 'io 6 53 3t s......Gold ville ........A 8.23 7 7f. ......K inards....,;. 3 8 10 7 17 3 '...Gr' :f ... 1 02 50 7 28 4 00........a lapa......12 55 7 a0 : 55 4 1G....New berry ......1 3. . 717 8 35 4:12....Prosperity.......2 220 445 $ 52 4 44.....Sli gbs......12W0 6 29 s 5a 4 49...Li ttle Monntain...2 04 62 9 15 501......Cha pin.......1152 60 0 ) 9:4-2 5 13,..W hite Rock....11 40 - 58 9 40 5 19.....Balentine....11. 4 ~44 111.5 5 .T........rmo.....11 23 m3 10 07 5:e......Leaphart.......115 .4 5 10 21 548......Saluda.....1106 - 426 10:30 5513 Ar...Columbia...Lv...100 421 Nos. 1 and 2 local freight and passenger. J.lR. lK E NLY, W. G. CH ILDS, C. 0. LITrLU, GJen'i Manager. Supt. Ass's Supt. SOLUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY. Commencing Sunday, May 15, 1892, at 2.56 P. M.,Passenger Trains will run as follows #2in til further notice "Eastern Time": TO AND) FROM C1A RLETON. (Daily): Depart ColumnbIA.....6 50a m 6 10p m - A rri ve Charleston.11 0.5 a m 10 20 p m Depart Charleston 6 50 am 5 00pm m. A rri ve Colum bla...l150a m 9 45p m - TO AND FjoM AUGUSTrA. I ).partClirlcsoi(1 aIly): Deprt haleson6(301 a mn 6 1.5 p in A rrive Au;gusta...lll50 am 11 15p m Dlepart A ugustai... 8 to a mn 4 30 p.m Arrive Chiarlestoni 115 p mn 9 50 p mn Depart Augusta... 4 30 p m A rrive Columbia. 9 45pm m Depart Coliumbia.. 64 50 a in A rriv.# A ugustLt...ll 50 a m TOADFR-OM CAMDEN. ToAD(Daily.S .:' Depart Columbia... 9 00 a na . . ' Djerart .Zharlesto.. a 50 a na A rrive Camden..... II 25 a m De part Camden... 5 05p m . A rrive Columbiu..... 7 ::5 p m . Arrive Charlesto... 10 20 p mn M. a de at En ion Depot, Colum bia, with Celunt uia and Greenville Dilvisioni Richmond andi r.invilIe Rt. ft to andl from Greenville aid Walhlia~1z