NEWBERRY, S. C. BROUGHT BER WEIGHT IN GOLD. The Extraordinary Vaine- a Mexik;n Miner Piaet:e tpon Hi% Iride. [NewN or Sun.] "There is an old lady living in South- < ern California, at the patriotic little mountain settlement known as Amer!- i can Flag, who is an object of mu(-h in- i terest to strangers, from the fact that she is probatly the only woman on earth the valuation of whose person I was ever literally appraised at her E weight in gold," said a New Yorker I recently returned from a trip across the I continent. "She is 68 years old now, and the widow of one Jesus Castro, a t Mexican. Tbis Mexican was one of the first miners who struck a fortune in gold in the pioneer days of Califor- ] nia. He lived in the Santa Cataline t Mountains, and returned home more than loaded down with gold (us. He. fell passionately in love with his g brother's daughter, a handsome girl of I 17. She returned her uncle's love and J consented to marry ni,o. The priest to whom they app'ied. learning of their close blood relationship, refused to - marry them. Castro offered as high ( as$-5,000tothe chuich as an iuduc(- I ment for the priest to rerformn the mar riage ceremony, but the offer was re- 4 fused. Then, as the old widow's story 1 goes, Castro asked the priest what I amount of wealth would induce him to i marry them. The priest, with the in- I tention and ex peetation of im pressir:g t Castro w.ith the hopele-sness of his ap- i peal, replied: 4 -The girl's weight in gold!' "Now the Mexican maiden, while i not being over buxom, was well-to-do in figure for one of her age, but Castro t did not even pise umg enough to as- I Certain what her weight might be. He exclaimed: I ""Good, holy father!' . I "Then heordered scales to be brought, I and beg.;ing the girl to stand on one I. side of ttem he poured glittering gold t dust fro the other side until the precious stuff balanced the weight of his inamorata. The priest was dumb t with amazement, and It was a long time before he recovered sufficiently to t say the proioM"i words that made the e twain one. Castro had wou his bride i at the cost of 12.5 pounds of his boarded r gold. He had a snug lot left, however, I and the story is that he lived long r enough to see the time that be would t have taken a great deal less than her weight in gold for the wife his youth- f ful ardor placed so great a value on." Advice to a Lazy Man. t [Youth's Companion.] Captain King, at one time govern or0 in an Australian colony, was noted fora his eccentricities. On one occasion a settler waited ont Governor King to ask for the loan of a I prisoner to help him in shingling hist house. ~..r "Come to me in six weeks, when har-c vest is over,' said the governor, "and -t will find a man for you."' At the end of that period the settler,a whose reputation for laziness ws.s well r established, again presented hirrself. "Have you shingled your house?" asked the governor. -"Oh, dear, no! I've been waiting for help." "Well, go into that room, and you wilt see your man." Presently the settler returned saying ~ he could find no man, alfhbough he had looked all over the room, even under the table and behind the sofa. "Not find him!'' said the governor. "How can that be? Come aloug with me and I'll soon find him for you." ~ Governor King led the man up to thet large mirror over the manutlepiece. "There's the man to shingle your house," said be. "Trake him with you, e quick, and see that he does it!" Women Who Die Early. Many of our beautiful and ac complished ludies die before they have reached the prime of life. Of those who live to middle age only one in two hundred is sound ; the other one hun dred and ninety-nine are sufferers. Why is it ? Self-neglect. The shat tered health can be restored ;the home made happy, and your life lengthened if you commence at once. "Rose Buds" have been used for 20 years in thbe private practice of one of the most eminent physicians of Paris, t andl the following diseases andI their distressing symptoms yield to them like magic : Ulceration, Congestion ~ and Falling of the Womb, Ovariant Tumors, Dropsy of the WXomb, Bear ing Dowvn Pains, Rupture at Child birth and Misearring s. One package of "Rose Buds" wvi make a newv woman of you. (Leucorrhea or Whites are generally cured by one application.) Price per package (one month's treatment) $1.00 sent by mail post paid, securely packed. THEf LI;EERTT SI'iIFIC Co., ~339 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Is iron Rust a Cause or Fire? [FLrom the Hub.]a When oxide of iron is placed in con tact with timber excluded from the at mosphere, and aided by a slightly in-( creased temperature, the oxide will - part with its oxygen, and is converted into very t:yd ivie particles of metallie iron. hiavin:g such an a'iinity for oxygen that. whlen afterward ex posed to t he action of the atruosphere from an'y caiuse, oxygen is so rapidly absorbed that there particles become suddenly :ed hot, and if in sutlicient quantity will producie a temperature far beyond th]e ignitiou point of drv timber. W\herever iron pipes a re em-~ ployed for the circulation of any heated mediumu, whet her hot wat er, hot air, or steamn, a: .d the pipes allowed to be come rusty, in close contact with tima ber, it is only necessary to suppose that under these circumstances the particles of metallic iron become exposed to the action of the atmosphere, and this may occur from the mere expansion e-r con traction of the pi pes, in order to account for many of the fires which perio'i cally take place at the commncement of the winter season. C:w Eserything to Charity. I L.ox "), Feb. .-The wvill of ('ardi rrnal Maninifg '.hows that he only had 0 at the tim t hdatih. H had rHE FAMINE IN JUSsIA. Kore Than 14.0.00W1 Permon, Without Food or Means or support. - WASHE NGToN, Feb. 1.-In response .0 many sympathetic inquiries and I >roffiers of aid received from friends in be United States, the Department of *tate has received from Mfinister Smith Lt St. Petersburg an interesting report >f the actual condition of the stricken listricts of Itussia, prep;ared from evi lence of eyewitne-ses and most trust vorthy soarees, of which the following s an epitome: The territory afflicted by the drought omprises thirteen provinces of Euro eau Russia, where the fanine is gen- T ral, viz: Kazan, Niji-Novgorod, Oren urg, Oufa, Pensa, Riazan, Samara, 'Aratof, Simbirsk, Tamboff, Toula, iatka, and Voronege. In five other >rovinces the famine prevails in part, riz: Kursk, Olouetz, Orel, Perm, and Pauride. One or two others, like Kharkoy, have suflered te some ex ,nt, but are not included in the oti :ial retorts. The first thirteen provinces cover an ,rea equal to the States of Maine, New lampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, hode Island, Connecticut, New York, ew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, - Jaryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Korth Carolina, South Carolina, ;eorgia, and Kentucky. The pop.u ation is about equal, or about 27,000, 0. The five provinces named, if in luded in the comparison, would equal he combined area of Indiana, Iowa, dichigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illi ois, North and South Dakota, Ne raska, Kansas, and half of Ohio. The otal population of thes- last five prov nees is nearly doubie that of the c 4eveu States. This vast section is gricultural, and the richest and ordi iarily the must fruitful soil of Russia. The destit-aiou is not universal, as here are those whose accumulations iave saved them from want, and there Lre somne spots preserved from blight >y irrigation where a good harvest was eaped, but at the best estimate the B )roportion of suff'ering is enormous. t u official estimate of the number of hose without food or means of sup >ort who require aid is given as 14,000, 00 persons, and this is probably below he true number. I Time is a most important factor in he work of relief. One hundred and ighty million pounds of food are S ecessary. Fifty car loads should ar ive every day, but only eleven car oads per day were received Christ as wee: The imperial Government as up to the present time applied 42,-00,30 from the public treasury or the work of relief, but the work nust still go on. The Russian Em- a eror has personally given enormous y, and all classes are giving according o their means. The loss to the Gov- r nmwent revenue will be at least 2011, 00,000 rubles, about $100,000,000, while .conservative estimate of the loss to ussia is placed at not less than one housand million rubles. Up to the ~ resent there have been few contri- b utions from abroad, but the Govern- C ent and the people of Russia are eeply sensible of spontaneous offerings at have been A de in various parts f the United States, anid the Emperor s well as others have intimated as uch to Mr. Smith.I An Independent Editor. [Madison (N. C.) News.] We have had several personal letters rom the Keeley institute at Greens oro' oflering to cure us of drunkenness heap. Three weeks ago we were ifered at advertisemrnt by an Atlanta m to be paid in twenty gallons of 'randy. We wish to state that we are ot hunting up any cure for drunken ess nor are we doing any advertising >r whiskey. As we live in a probibi ion town and are tolerably popular rith the people, we feel no necessity of ither at p'resent. A. Good iReason for Living. 'She lives to love and loves to live, I she loves to lIve because she lives to Many think it is a sin to be sick, be og so, one cannot bestow t heir affec ions on other as the Creator intended; eing so, it certainly is a duty to cure 'ourself. Most women, these days, meed an invigorating tonic. Worn-out iK eachers, "sbop-girls," dressmakers, ai illiners, and those subject to iresome labor have found a boon a Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip ion. It is a soothing and strength ning nervine, inducing refreshing ~ leep relieves despondency and restores b~ > full use all the appetites and affec- " ions of one's nature. It is sold by A rggists, under a guarantee fro'n.its in aakers that it will, in every case, give da tisfaction, or price ($1.00) will be 'n iromptly refunded. Iruportant Information. [Fromn Texas Siftings.] A professor in the medical depart nt of Columbia College asked one of ne more advanced students: "What is the name of the teeth that human beinig gets last?'' "False teeth, of course." ~hidren Cry for Pitchers Castoria. CHILD BIRTH - - MADE EASY! "MoTHER' Fasa"is a scientific aly repared Liniment, every ingre- I dent of recognized value and in . constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are comn birxb in a ane ith'touknw WILL DO all that is claimedI for it ANC MORE. it Snortens Labor,( Lessens Pain, Dimiihes Danger to Life of Mother anid Child. Book to" ,Morsras "mailed FREE, con taijn valuable information and vount stimonlials. - BR ADFEL D P EG O.. Atlanta. Ga. am so,1 T lny A LL D'RU"oISTS,a PARKER'S 0 HAIR BALSAM -Cleanses and benutfies the hair. d eer tal t o uCso Gra . rkers Gngerf'one u:'zres t e wrt (o gh. ,ord j*ejjj3v:.c#n*. Tribute to the D)ead' Prince. '_bIdal girlanld fall... up14-n the 1-ier', 'he shadow of a crown 'hat )'er him' fas vani-h'd it, the -haipw east by Death: o prineely, tender, truthful, reverent, pure. fourn! That a world wide Empire 1ouri.- With you, hat all the thrones are clouded by your loss, Vere slender solace. Yet be cm,;iiforted; or if this earth lie ruled bL PerTeet L ove,I 'n,after b i toef ranTg'' of lalesi 01-s days. he toll of funeral in an Angcl ear oL3undai happiur timin tl.e merriest 11r riage bell. he face of Death is toward tiIe Sui off Life, [is -.hadow darkei;s earth; his truer name "Onward," to di:c )rIance ii the rollI nd marhb of that Eternal ll'rnyat'v hereto the worlds beat tiiw. tho1' faintly heard ntil the great Hereafter mourn iii hope. LL 5KIN D5EA5E5j Physicians endorso P. P. P. as a splendid >mbination, and prescribe it with great tisfaction for the cures of all forms and ages of Primary, Seconlary and Tertiary E di yphilis, Syphilitie Rheumatism, Scrofu 'us Ulcers and Sores, Glandular Swellings, ] beumatism, Malaria, old Chronic Ulcers iat have resisted all treatment. Catarrh, y peR CURES kin Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female On, omplaints, Mercurial Poison, Tetter, b cald Head, Etc., Etc. B P. P. P. is a powerful tonic, and an ex. ir F t( lent appetizer, building up the system c Lpidly. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and hose blood is in an impure condition due 5ft CURES * >menstrual irregularities are peculiarly f< enefited by thu w.onderful tonic and blood - leansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly sh, Poke Itoot and Potassium. UPPMAN BROS., Druggists, Proprietors, a ippman's Block, - SAVANNAH, GA. - ' -. - e ti A 01 B B a: p , eMEEl M d Ip * - r r e. 0RKO(h Recomuended as. the Best. IX ci LE MARs, Plymouth Co., Ia., May, 1. 03 I suffered from temporary sleeplessness from St erwork for two years, for which I used Pastor F enigs Nerve Tonic, and can recommnend same the~ best medicine for similar troubles. f F. BORuNHORiST. CuANcT, Tenn., October, 1830. 1, wing to a runway about a year ago, my son ,si as thrown from2 a wagon andli severely hurt et 'out the head. For 2iaucv days he was entirely f sie hcimsel andi raving. and needed continual s achig. At this uimeo I learned of Paster Koe 'sN.>rv,- Tionie nul at once .rdered a bottle. ter I had ::iven him th,e second dose he fcIl to a quiet sleep and ceam.i raving. The next ft y e was 2muchl better. :nd when he badl used n the crut. at, of the botue he was entirely re- 0; red and is so still. FRiEJD DESEAkL SER S-A Valuable Book en Nervous ti Dis.easeis sent free to any address. anFSld poor patients can also obtain c tis medicine free of charge. ['his remedy has been prepared by the Reverend st tstor Koenig, of Fort Wayne. Ind., smncelS, and now prepared under his direction by thed KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, Ill. Sold by Druggists at S1 per Bottle. 6 for$5. arae Size. 51.75. GBottles for S9. LI"AAKESIS" givesinstant Cure for ilies. PriceSl. Bly ILLDruggistsor manil. Samuples Dox l16, New York~ City. NE SHO. eSES. *a"Ask for catalogue. TER RY M'F'G CO., NaWMVILLE, TENN. BOILING WATER OR tal EPPsT~ GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. UNDERTAKING. PIT EVERYTIHINGT COI '12pe 1i my I.ndertaking De en t I am prepa red to give pronlIp id careful atteniIti to all orders. I te always on hand a larg~e selection -Caskets, Cotmns, Burial Robes. oe. (alls answerced at all llours night and ROUT. T. CA LDWELL. EA ESS & HEAD NOISES CU!REDbT rees's ISimLEd TUBULAR EAR USiS.Whispers heard. cm ANdTRmors It is made seamless, best C to other makes The B4 FOR CENTLEMEN. 00 GENUINE HAND 4wSEWED. It equals im ported French s h o e s costing from $8 to $12, and cannot be duplicated at this price. $ HAND-SE WED L WELT. The finest calf, stylish, comfortable and durable, and the best dress shoe in the country for the price; same grade as custom made shoes costing from $6 to $9. 50 POLICE SHOE, for $3 farmers, railroad men, &c. Best calf, seamless, smooth inside, three heavy soles with extension edge. One pair will do for a year. $2 50 FNE CALF. No better or more service able Shoe was ever of fered at this price. One trial will convince. $ 25 and- $2.00 WORK s INGIAN'S Shoes. Equal those of other makes costing from $2.50 to $3.00, and are the best in the world for the price. SP3MCI.A.I.. W. L. DOUCLAS' $1.75 BRO CAN. The best Brogan for the price ever placed on the market. Solid leather through. out, very strongly made, and wilt not rip. FOR SALE 2 SHOCKL EYBROS. Cotratos and Buildeirs. a THE UNDER -~-:4 -- signed has fitted up a new Wood Work Shop on corner of !Har rington and Mc K,bbeu Streets ill and is prepared to make. ESTIMATES ON B lDINGS, And Any Kind of Wood Work, aii -A SPECIALTY OF BRACKETS, MOULDINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF SCROLL SAWINU. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHINGLES, i - AND LATHES ON HAND AND FOlR SALE CHEAP. t --ALSo LUMBER, DRESSED OR ROUGH. NOVELTY WEATHER EOAD[NG. IN FACT ANYTH ING IN MY LINE ON SHORT NOTICE. y SATISFACTION Gl7ARANTEED. GIVE US A CALL. t SHOCKLEY BROS., li Cor. Harrington & McKibb enl St., NEWBERRY, S. C. FIR E, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. W E WOULD RESPECTFULLY inform the public that we are pre pared to insure property againlst loss by Fire, Cyclones and Tornadoes. Your patronage is solicited. BURTON & WILSON, Agenits. Newberry, S. C.2 TO-DAY. Published Weekly at One Dollar per Year. V OL III. ( Whole ..To. 70.)i Weekl,V lfcSumI o PIolitics: [.gISlatve, ,JudIeIa!, Iadustrial. SPECIAL A ND COMPLETE I frMRTS OF. All the State Legislatures. A bstrats of Proeding's in Conrs- Hritish Pariamrent- Frenceh Chamber of D)eiItie. The culy soundI guide to. politics in the i Subscribe at one. Tria.l, 10) ets a p] Address TO-D)AY. 5Somerse-t St., LU( BOSTON, M.ASS. STATE OF SOUTH C.\ROLINA, COUN'lY OF NECWHERRiY-IN pat PROBATE COURT1. .John 31. Kinmardi, as Adiiitrator oif t Matthew Gr'ay, Plaintiff, nILain)st WValter F. G;ray, as Exeettrof A unaia Gray et al., Defenodanis. Comp lain t to Sell Land~s t: IaDVbs PURSUANT -'10 AN OIER OF P Court herein, all p.ersons) havig demandb. against* th E L I::ate If.Matthe Gray are herebty r'eqJuired to) rendIer inl and e'sstblish the sanw' h--'om 1ml ou r before thel lilthI iiay' of Feb~ruary. A. D). 180:2, or be ho rred1 of their ' mands. .J. 1B. FF L LERs, J. P'. N. ('. ~'. This delightful Story of a- ( i Journey from the DALTIC to the' DANUBE Portrayed in 38 Chapters sand 120 raphic llustrations, by __ Charles Agsu i *%% * ~~% Bound in Rich Cloth, Deco rated with Cold Eagles.$ FREE to Every New Subscriber to~ NEW. -the NWYORK OBSERVER, $the foremost Family Religious News-s COne book and one new subscriber,g S 3,00. Two books and two new subscribers,$ IS5,00. SPECDIlEN COPIES FREE. $ NEW YORK OBSERVER, 37 AND 38 PARK Row, PADGETT The Freight. SAY2 I o YOU KNOW T'HAT YOI Can buy any article of FURNITURE Cooking Stoves, Carpets, Mattin-I Vindow Shades, Lace Curtains, Cornice Poles, ABY CARRIAGES, CLOCKS, lirrors, Pictures. Dinner Sets, Tea ets, Chamber Sets, Mattresses, omforts, Blankets, and a thousand id one articles neoeded in a house, elivered at your depot at the same ricethat you buy them in Augusta [ Carry Everything ou need, and can quote you prices >at v:ill satisfy you that I am giv dollar v.lue for every dollar paid Special Offer No. 1. ITo introduce my business in every eighborhood in the quickest possi le manner, I will ship you one edroom Suite complete, consist ig of One Bedstead, full size and igh head, One Bureau with glass, ne Wash-stand, One centre Table, our cane seat chairs, One Rocker > match, well worth $20, but to in oduce my goods in your neigh bor ood at once I will deliver the above uite at your R. R., depot, all 2arges paid, For Only $16.50, then the cash comes with the .der. BESIDES this Suite, I have a ceat many other sui';es in Walnut, ak, Poplar, and all the popular 'oods, running in price from the 2eapest up to hundreds of dollais ~ra Suite. Special Bargain No.2. 3our elegant Parlor Suite, seveo [eces, walnut frames, upholstered plush in popular colors, crimson, ive, blue, old gold, either in mnded or in combination colors his suite is sold for $40.00. 1 >ught a large number of them at bankrupt sale in Chicago, hence will deliver this fine plush suite 1 charges paid by me to your near t R. R. depot for $t33.00. Besides iese suites I have a great many her suites in all the latest shapes d styles, and can guarantee to ease you. Bargain No. 3. a walnut spring seat lounge, re iced from $9.00 to $7.00, al freight Lid. ~pecial Baroain No. 4. an elegant No. 7 cooking stove immed up complete for $11.50 all xarges paid to your depot, or a 5 >le range with trimmings for $15. esides these I have the largest och of cooking stoves in the city, celuding the Gauze door stoves id Ranges and the CHARTER AK STOVES with patent wire tuze doors. I am delivering these oves everywhere all freight larges paid at the price of an -dinary stove, while they are far perior to any other stoves made. uli particulars by mail. 100 rolls of matting 40 yds to the >11 S5.75 per roll. 1,000 Cornice Poles 2.5cts. each. 000 Window Shades 3x7 reet on >ring roller and fringed at 37} cts., ech. You must pay your own eight on Cornice Poles, Window aades and Glocks- Now see here, cannot quote you everything 1 wve got in a store containing 22,600 et of floor room, besides its an xes and factory in another part the town. I shall be pleased to nd you anything above men nned, or will send my atalogue free if you will say you .w this advertisement in THE -IERALD AND NEWS, published at ew berry, S. C. No goods sent C. O. D, or on c-on gnment. I refer you to the editors id publishers of this naper or to 1y banking con-eril in Autusta, to the Southern Express C . al' whoni kniow mie personally: YouIrs &c., L. F. PADGEIT 11 AND 1112 Broai Sar,e Prapri--tor of Padgett's Fur; - t, ve and Casrpet Storo-. c-tonr. Hnrrison r. )3uGI of the best leather prodt ongola tops. It is as smc osting from $4 to $3. Iti )st Shoe in ti .1.... sTAKE NO These Shoes are made and the price and name of W. I inferior articles, and careful MM NRT E R' < One Fact Wofi a Tliousand THEORIES. ie Twenty-Year Ton 'ie policies of the [uitable Life Assur ce Society matuing 1891 return the pol jTholder all the pre urns paid, and the llowing rates of in iest on the prerniums iichi have been paid !ring the twenty ars, in addition to e assurance of his e during the entire riod. Life Pate Policies. -A return in cash of all premiums with inter AGE. est at the rate of 3521 per een -. 45 3 9-Payment Life Policies. A return in cash of all premiums with inter AG E. est at the rate of 354i per ce.nt. 55 6i " 20- Year Endowments. A return in cash of all premliums wit b inter AGI-E. est at the l ate of 5 ,65 p;er cet. 45 61 55 8 " [lhe return ou other liuds of icies is in p;i-Od, de 1idng upon the ii d oioe l the premliumlfs paid. Eee is no alsSsCd:ac e;:. . I - -es with this. ['be E<;'~.)le is theC si. 1g :un;int the W~orld andl JAS. A. BURTON, ry UA 1Pr O -.MANUFACTURED BY Wilcox & Gibbs Gualo 00 CHIARLESTON, S. C., ced in this country. It is a cal: ioth inside as a hand-sewed Shoe. s stylish, durable and comfortable ie World for the el 4 4 cJ 4 n ti SUBSTITUTES. -E 1 ruaranteed by the manufacturer to be pl . DOUGLAS stamped on bottom. Be Ily examine bottom of each shoe for star W. L. DC 6 JAMIESON. I THE PRESS (NEW YORK) t! F O R I IL-a . Has a Larger Daily Cire.ulatiol than any other Republican Newspaper in A meriea. Ae DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. ^ Del The Aggressive Republican Journal Arr of t:.e Metropolis. Der Arr A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES- Der Arr I k-j Foraded December Ist, IS7. Arr Circulation- Over 100,000 e De? Copies Daily. A Arr TIlE PRESS is the organ of no faction: puils Arr no wires; has no aimosities to avenge. I The Most Rcmarkable Newspapr bia Success in New York. ang The Press is a National ..-ewpaper. .. it fidEn P.aES ih columnr) s o THEPREnId ato twenty page paper, cosering every curient for to,ic of inerest. Ris ?HE PRESs WEEKLY EDITIoN contains all Ral the good things of the Daily and Sunday edi- poi tions.A For t hose who cannot arord the. DAILrY or roa are prevented by di.apin (Sec 12 52 p mi .......Carlisle....... 2 02 m y 1 04p m........ .Santuc....... 52p m 1 14p m ............Union........ 35p m c. 3 2 05 pm .....Pac olet...... 12 1 p m 2 4hp m Ar. ....Spart nburg......v. 1205pnm IETWEEN CoLEMBtIA AwlD GREENVILI.E VIA - Ex. Sun. IE!.To.1 Ex. Sun. 2No. 11 ST AT1ONS. No'12. 12 10 a mn Lv. ....olubia..... Ar. 1 50 ti n l1 05pinm..........tA istn...... 3 op m 11 25 pm .....Pomnaria ..... 2 40p m 12 45 p mn ......rosperity .... 1. p ' m i 1 I'5 p ms ......Newt~ bry.... 57 p mn 2 10 p in.. ........ Helena...... I 52 p mt : 2 p mn .....Chappell..... *I pim 3 4.5 p m ....Ninety+iix ..... 12 4" p mn .306 p mn .....reenwood.... 1. 57 a mn 3 28pin m ........Hodges...... I ~2 am 3 4S p ms .....Donals...- 1110) a mi 4t;l p m .....H onea Path.... 10 5 a m 4 4 20 p m ......eio ...... 1' i35 a m 4 -45 pm ...Willaintlon.... 1 16 a mn E 1 52p m............celzer ......... 49an m 5 07 p m .....Pied mont.... . . a s a Om 5, 45 pom A r...Greeville...... L.' . 5 a ms Go1 BEFTWEES WALIllI.L.A. ANi>EI-ON. BE LT')N AND Ex. Siu UKE.ENvil.I.E E. tun. Y0 No 14 ST ATlONS No. 13 5 00 a mn Lv. ....Wlalla......Aropm m n ...........Ar.........seneca........ L. 3 p m 4 54a m L.v......Snecai . ....Ar. lSpm y 0 03 a mn Ar. .......A dron ....."5 15 p ms It 10 a m " ....... . eton........ . L . 5.15 p mn ts 10l 44! a mn Lv. ... lielt on. . ....Ar.> 12 p mn II 4 2 a mn A r. ......W illim on...." 4 -i-> p enm e 11 10 a min............P'elz............4 4 6 p TA II 27 a min ..... Pi"n o.>t.......... -4 204 p m The 12 10) p mn " ....Greenv3ile.... Lv. 3 40J p rnga wESTIOQ'ND. No 11 No. 15 St ExSn xstm C Lv HIodges ... .:pm... ..I7amn..----- ra A rjA bbeviie... 4 I9:........12 2pnm..-----ee E.XSTiO-ND. No. 12..... No. 16.---- be E x Sun..... ExSun a..... Lv AIbheville. ... 1 0u ~...... 2 45pm ..... - Trin-i- teave spartanblurg. S. C.. A & C. Divis- ST. V sestibledk' imnited : outlhboundi. 500 a mn. 4 27 ' p I pin 14 a mn. tVe.;jibuled .imuited :Weat - bond.' W N. C. Divisioni. 2 p yim. for IHendler -u nvi1le, Asheville. Hot $prings, Knioxville and C ITrain- leav~e Greenville.xS. C.. A. & C. Divi- 1 .-on. Northbopundi'. 2 I a in. 3 17 p' im. 6 I. p mn. i Vestibuited1 Limtitd);j Moiturtun. 6 10I a ms, ~> 34 p in. 12 t6 p mn. Vy VetibuledI Limnite~d). ' Traint- leave senesa. S. C., A. & C. Division. thlP Norttround. 117 a mi. 1 47 p in; Southbound 7 58 of I m.''iz2 sm .rsins leave Gr'enwoodl. S. C.. A ndr'on, S.C. and Laure., S. C.. for .Augusta, Ga . for points 53l Souh PLLAN ARSERVICE. M, Train- levin;ug G.reenwood 6 Z" p ms. earries Trought P'ulimn $lh-eper from Sparntanb'urg to saah.Lflt Ga . via Auguz,ta. arriving Savannah -- 6 a m. Rn etuirning leave $avanniahi s 10 p im; A ri ve G.reen mw ood 1I0 n a m4. ims:kmig conn:ection wsitht . & G. D ivi-ion. PImi nan P'saae Sleep ini Cair on Tirain, '. 10. 3" and 'i on AX. & . J. A4. 1)4DDON. W. A. TVRRI. Superintendent. Asa-t ;G* v ass. A gt.. C,Ia: mW. S. C. (CharIotte. 3. C I W. H . E. JAS L. TAXrLOR., Gen-I1X Maagr. 3en-i Pa.s.Agen '. the Atlanta.~Ga. Atlantas. Ga. wl-i SOL H A AS, Traffi5 Manager, At lansta, Gaex BFRIT EE Daniel F. Beatty,Wah inton, N .J. DR. TAITS ASTRMIALENE AS~THA-NURED adres. we wiul mail trial I aoTrLEa THDRTATBUSM.0.20HETE. .. SHOL Shoe, made It is equal to the feet. Price. FOR LADIESs 0 HAND-SEWED SHOK 0is made of the -best Dongola; stylish, durable and easy fittine. quals nported French shoes costing rom'. t.00 to $6.00. 5 BEST DONGOLA, per 0feet In eTery way. Success has attended our 21efforts to produce A first ass shoe at this popular price. 00 LOW IN PRICE but. a not in quality. No shoe at this price has given Sbetter satisfaction. FOR XISSES, combines 7style with the hYgienie iciples so necessary in Sthe footwear of misses and )ung ladies. FOR BOYS. 00 and $1.75 s 00 are made of the best mate ; rial throughout; will not p, and will stand more hard usage an any other shoes sold at these ices. senc A..a.. 0. L.oUGLAS' *2.o CA sXO5 )R ELADIES and 81.75 CAL SEON )R GIRLS have just been prfeeta iey are made seani]Wu4 of *" 'te If, with kangaroo calf tops, and spe aly suitable for outdoor wear an hool shoes. Keep the feet dry, with it tAe use of rubbers. ice-worthy goods, and all have sure you are not deceived by 1p before purchasing. UGLAS, Brockton, Mass. EWBERRY. UTH CAROLINA RAILWAY. m mencing Tuesday, Jan. 19, 122, at . .,Passenger Trains will run as follows un urth. 'notice "Eastern Time": TO ND FEOM CKARLSTON. (.Daily): artColumbts 5AOam 600pm ive0Charles-t0n.lf' 102 art Charleston 6 5i) a pm ive Columbia...10 Zo am 945pn TO AND FtWM AUGUSTA. .h t (Daily): art Charleston 6 0, a m 6 15pm - ive Augusta...11 5) a m : 15 p at art Augusta... 8 0 a m 4 30p m ive Charleton 115 p m 9 50 p m art Augusia... 4 30 p ni ive Columbia. 9 45 p m art Columbia.. 650 a ni ive Augusta....11 50 am TO AND FROM CAMDEN. (Daily.) art(olumbia...... 9 00 am art Charleslon... 6 0 a sr. Ive Camden........ It 2i a m irt Camden....... 5 M p Y 've Colunbia.. 7:'5 p m ve Charleston.... 10 20 p m 00-NNECnLON5 eat Union Depot. Columbla, with Colck)f and Greenville Division R. & D. R. U. to from Greenville and Walhalla daily ex iSunday by train arriring at 10.50 a.m leaving Columbiaat6 10 p. m.; and day i Charlotte Columbia and A a ision P.. & D. Rt. R. by train arvng olum bla at 10.50 a. mn. and 9 45p. ing Co!umnbia at 6.4) a. mn. and 8.00 p. m.: Carleston with stean,ers or New York. i day, Wednesday andFriday with steamer ac.. 'onLille and pints on the st.JonI er; also with Cbarlston and Savannake lro:Ad to and from Savannah and at - its in Florida. I Augusta with Georgia and Central Rs1If I. to and from all points South and-We Blackville to and from points on CaroUi&i land Railroad. Through tickets can hie hesed to all points South and West,by lyi ng to R. L. SPAY. U. T. A., Columbia. -.r C. M. WA RD, General Manager. E. P. W ARING, Gen Pass. Ag't. Charleston, S. C. LUVBIA.XEWEERY& LAUD i514 K. Ki. >erated by D. B. Chamberlain, Beceiver A. C. Railway Co. hedule in effect Tuesday, Jan.uary19 I892. No. I 1-MIXED. ST BOUN D Daily except Sunday. Colum bia........3 20vp m Irmo..............4 2'pym W hite Rock..... 4 52 p m Cha pins............ 5 14 pm LitUe Moun tain... 5 :37 p m Siis............. 550p m Prosperity.....6 13 p m Ne w bu.......6 44p m Jalapa............7 15p m Lary's Lane..... 29 pim K ina rds.. ......... 743p m Lod viIle......7 57p m Dover Junction.... 8 16 p mn Clinton............30p m No 130-M IX ED. ST OT'ND Daily except Sunday. Colum bia ..........1la m l rmo..............09 am W hite Rock.....9 41a m Chaplns............. 9 20 a mn Little Mountain..... 9 00 a m 51ghs..............84 arm Prosperity .....2anm N ew berry.........7 f6 am Jalapa............7 2b a mn Gary's Lane ....... 7 16a m K in ards..........704a m Gol dv ille.... ......6 2 a mn linton.......... ..630a m nectons at Columbia with S. C. Railway and from Charle.ston, Augusta and the 4, and for the North and 'ast via the S. -t and Clyde Steamships. At Clinton a GU. C. and N. Bailway to Abbeville and rgia points. r further information apply to E. S. MorrT, Agent Newberry. [. aD. E. P. WARL'G., n'i Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agent ~wLost ! How R nbed? IMedaPEIZE ESSAY onINEEVOUS YSICAL DEBIL1T EBROES at UT, EXHAUSTED ViTEEY - TURE DECLINE, ad aflDSZn WEA KNESSES of HAN.30 l, with endorsements *onia'softhen - NW ".IN"oYI E SFERCY B CE D, Mas. :e Peabody Medical Institute has many ind. -s, but no equal. - Hfercld. ie Science of Life, or Seif-Preservation, 'ure more valuable than gold. Read it now, vWEA K and NERVOUS man, and learn to TRONG .-Xedical Rleview. (Copyrlgtt \TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CUNTY OF NEWBERRY-. ROBATE COURT. - Notice to Creditors. HiE C:REDITORS OF THE ES tate of Catherine H. Boyce, de ed. atre hereby requested to render r respective demands to the Judge roate for New berry, or tbe under ted at Anderson Court House in State. on or before the first day of' A. P. JOHNSTONE. Administrator. Ths NION CENTRAL OF CZNCZNiNhATI. ne of the Stanaard Companies 0 United States. The best Policy .en is by this Company. Call and ine it. I. L. BONHAM, State Agent South Carolina e in Rear Central National Barn. J CQLUMBIA. S. C.