M;LV:L!1EI LD VRY TIURSDAY AT SNE VVBERRY. S. C. ~~-IN DARKEST RUSSIA." A Starting Exposure of the Treatment of the Jews--Instances Given that Seem Almost Incredible. LoNo, August 13.-The work en titled "In Darkest Russia" lias met w.th a very good sale and to-day a s' - ond edition was issued. ~~ Ook is devoted to an e- of the wrongs from which t* Jews of Russui sufler, -."A ' e ition of to-day gives a long list of fresh persecutions to which He brews in that country have been sub jected. A vast mass of statistics is p-esented to prove that the statement alleged to have been made by the Czar that the Jews were connected with the dyna mite outrages is unfounded. One-instance of intolerance of the Czarina is given in the book, the facts concerning which were reccivel from a trustworthy source. Her majesty, in companywith theCzar, some timesince inspected the troops forming the garri son at Moscow. It is custonarv on such occasions to give the soldiers a holiday after the inspection is con eluded. Oa the occasion referred to the officers of the various regiments were instructed that no Jewish soldier must be present at the inspection. At the particular request of the Czarina, the Jews were confined to their bar racks. In informing them of the rea son why they were not permitted to join their fellow-soldiers their officers told them that Jews were efiensive to her majesty, who wished to be spared the sight of them. - The book contains a letter 'fromn the Duke of Westminister, saying that things in Russia are going from bad to worse. The inhumanity of the Rus sian authorities. the Duke declares, is astounding, almost incredible. The Czar, according to the same authority, renders himself liable to be placed in the category of rulers who, like Philip II, of Spain, clothed with irresponsib!e power, have used it not for the happi ness and benefit of their subjects, but for their ruin. Such rulers, the Duke says, deserve the contempt and loath ing of all that is best in the civilized world. A letter from a Jew in Russia to the minister is also published in the book. The writer says that the most serious matter of all is the general outlawry in which the Jews are held. Every petty Russian official assumes the right to treat them as he sees fit. As an illus --tration of this misuse of power he in stances the fact that the police of Liban recently issued an order prohibiting the Je.vs from bathing in the sea in sum mer. A letter receiv-ed from a gentleman in Charlottenburg, Germany, describ ing the condition of the Jews who are fleeing from Russia, says that the refu gees who have not sufThicient payf te mu price 01 .:sets to Amierica have received tickets from the JTewish emigration committee at less than cost. EvERY JEw TO E~ E:xPl-:LALD. Moscow, August h.--The police here have received secret orders which will have the efTect of expelling every Jew from the district within two months. THUE TOWER COLLAPSES. The Wans or Trinity College Wrecked--A serious Lose. * CHARLomT, Aug. 11.-On Saturday a crack was discovered in the base of the tower of the new Trrinity College building at Durham. It seemed to grow larger, and at 11 o'clock last night, when the tower, which was 100 feet high, suddenly gave way and fell to the ground, carrying with it four of the main trusses, tearing up the roof, and crushing about sixty feet of the front of the main building. The roof is so badly warped and sprung that most of it wilt have to come down. The fall of the tower is attributed variously to weather, haste in building, and bad workmanship. It was decided last year to remove this, one of the most successful colleges - in the State, from Trinity, a small vil lage in an obscure portion of the State, .to Durham, the Messrs. Duke of that city offering SS5,000 and a ':site for the college. The last brick was laid on Sat urday, and everything pointed to a speedy construction of the college. The loss is estimated at $2O,l000, which wvill fall heavily upon the Methodists of this State:. The Chio!.ra Inaging in Asia anid Asia Mtinor. (From the London Standard.j VrENNA, .July 25.-Great consterna-! tion has been caused in Vienna, and, indeed, throughout Austria, by the re ports received here respecting the terri ble number oIf deaths from cholera in Asia and the rapid spread of tile epide mic from Mecca and Aleppo to north ern Syria and the south coast of Asia Minor. The nublic concern is increased1 by the know ledgte or the total inade quacy of the saniary measures of the Turkish authoritics. That the Turks are muoet anxious to keep the disease out of thbeir Euiropeani territories cannot be doubted; but .he executive authori ties, to whom all the measures proplosed by the In:ernational Sanitary Board are intrusted, are so little to be relied upon that neither the diaierent cordons in Arabia nor the numerous quarantine staitions that have been established are ay avai in checkir.g the progress of, The sanitary condition of Mecca is simply shocking. JUut no Christian is allowed to enter the Sacred City,and the ignoranceran d fanaticism of t he Moham meduans prevent any efl'ective sanitary control by the locat authorities. The disease continues to spread more and more, and its advance can only be checked by the European powers quick ly agreeing upon vigorous concerted measures. A faded and discolored beard is un tidy and a misfortune. It may be pre vented by using'Buckinghami's Dye for The Whiskers, a never failing remedy.A AMERICAN GIRLS' WAsTS. A Phyician Says they are Much too smal for U!.a!thy Development. [New York C ommicial Ailvertiser. Dr. .J. C. Ktllogg, of Battle Creek Mich., spoke at the Waslingt.on High school to the girls of the sclr6ol during his visit recently. He opened his ren,01ts by announc ing that he was going to say some very unpleasant things about young ladies. Notwithstanding their good lookin:q faces, he said, most of them are crippled and deformed. - .e (T-Ler has devoted fifteen -:ears to the study of the human figure. le has made measurements of the Mexi cans, tie Italian, German and French peasants, and compared the size of their waists with those of American girls, and has come to the conclus!on that the average American woman is deformed, that her waist is too small for her body. He had compared the waist mAeasure ment with the height, and as a result of L201 measurements found that the average waist measurement is only 30 per cent. of the height. The average waist of the American woman is 24.G inches. Tihe waist of the Venus de Milo is '7 per cent. of the ight. With such a waist as that a woman could draw a good big breath. The waist of a woman, he said, ought to be larger than a man's, because her liver is larger. He said "a smaller heart but a larger liver," but not pleas ing the young ladies by this remark he added, "Only in quantity ; in qality it is otherwise." The doctor said that those organs which should be above the waist line are so pressed down by tight clothing as to make women deformed. He called particular attention to the fact that although a woman double in weight, the measurement of her waist didn't increase at all. While in Washington the last few days Dr. Kellogg has measured the waisis of twelve girls in a private school and found the smallest waist twenty three inches. The average was twen ty-four inches; one was twenty-five and one-half inches and one twenty six and one-half inches, and those waists, he said, will become smaller as the girls grow older. These restrictions of the waist cause many.other deformities, such as hollow chests, drooping and round shoulders. Dr. Kellogg did not see any reason why women shouldn't be as strong as men. The doctor spoke of the Swiss women who carry heavy burdens on their shoulders up and down hills, and said that they are among the healthiest women in the world. He showed by diagrams that the same evils occassioned in women by tight clothes were to be found in men who wore belts. The Largest Farm in 1& World. There is a farm in the sothwi~est part of the State of Louisiau.aineasuring one hundred mileM.r6rth and south and t-iemiles east and west. The one and a half million acres of which it is made up were purchased seven years ago from the State of Louisiana and from the United States Govern ment by a syndicate of Northern capi talists, by which it is now farmed. At that time it was a vast grazing ground for the cattle of the few dealers in the neighborhood, there being thirty thou sand head of cattle and horses upon it. This immense tract is now divided into convenient pasture stations. or ranches, the fencing alone having cost fifty thousand dollars. The land is best adapted for rice, sugar, corn and cotton. All the cultivating, ditching, etc., are done by steam power, a tract of about half a mile wide being taken and an engine placed on each side. The angines are portable and work a cable :ttached to four ploughs, the area ploughed in this way, with the labor of nly three men, being thirty acres. EHarrowing, sowing etc., are done in the same way, and there is not a single raught horse on the estate. Horses re however, used by the herdsmen, ,vh look after the sixteen thousand erd of cattle upon the estate, which is fraversed for thirty-six miles by the Southern Pa':ific Railway. The comn any has three steam boats upon the hree hundred miles of navigable waters hich traverse their estate, and also >osssses a ship yard a bank, and rice ills. How to be Happy in Summer. Read the late.st books. Rathe early and often. Seek cool, shady nooks. Throw fancy wvork away. Wear lightest, lowest shoes.a Ride at morn and walk at eve. I Relieve that watiers are human. Let hats be light and bonnets airy. Eschew kid gloves and linen collars. H-urry never, thus being at leisure. Dress in canmbrics, lawns and ging ams. Re lavish with laundresses, fruit men ud fans. Court the sea bzreezes, but avoid the ot sands. Let melons precede, and be.rries fol w the breakfast. Store up the sweet and give place toj he bitter. Remmbr that s.eentging ieness is meutimes gain. Retire when ini t.e ma d anid arise Order freshest liont and corn-cake; ever mind the heavy fritters. Rlememiber that ntine-tenths of the ~eople are at the sea-shore for rest. If you feel like doing a good (deed, reat a dozen street childr'en to ice ~remn. That ismissionwok Do not tell your hostess how sweet he butter and cream were at your last ~ummer's b'oardmng place.I Remtember that children are only ~mall editions of older people, and that bey have feeliugs quite as acute. Look pleasantly at the tired strangere ho glances wistfully at the part of or car seat occupiedI by your wraps ven if you do not ofi'er her the seat.-I orna P. Payne it the Ladies' Home I ournal. Ayers Sarsaparilla, by purifying and ~nriching the blood, improves the ppetitme, aids the assimiilative process, trengthens the nerves, and in vigorates e sy-tem. it is, therefore, the best ud most thoroughly reliable altera iv e that can be found for old or Wonders Are wrought by th.use of Ayer's Hair Vigor in restoring gra., hair to its original color, promoting a new growth, prevent ing the hair from falling, keeping it soft silky, and abundant.- and the scalp coo, healthy, and free from dandruff or humors. The universal testimony is that this prep aration has no equal as a dressing, and is. therefore, indispensable to every well furnisher' toilet. "I have used .Ayer's Hair Vigo*r for some time and it has worked wonders for me. I was troubled with dandruff and was rapidly becoming bald; but since using the Vigor my head is perfectly clear of dandruff. the hair has ceased coming out, and I now have a good growth, of the same color as when I was a young woman. I can heartily recom mend any one suffering from dandruff or loss of hair to use Ayer's Hair Vigor as a dressing."--Mrs. Lydia 0. Moody, East Pittston, 31e. "Some time ago my wife's hair began to come out quite freely. Ayer's Hair Vigor not only prevented my wife from becoming bald, but it also caused an entirely new growth of hair. I am ready to certify to this statement before a justice of the peace." I. Hulsebus, Lewisburgh, Iowa. "Some years ago, after a severe attack of brain fever, my hair all came out. I used such preparations for restoring it as my phy sicians ordered, but failed to produce a growth of hair. I then tried, successively, soveral articles recommended by druggists, and all alike fell short of accomplishing the desired result. The last remedy I applied was Ayer's Hair Vigor, which brought a growth of hair in a few weeks. I think I used eight bottles in two years; more than was necessary as a restorative, but I liked it as a dressing. and have continued to use it for that purpose. I believe Ayer's Hair Vigor possesses virtues far above those of any similar preparation now on the market." -Vincent Jones, Richmond, Ind. * Ayer's Hair Vigor PI=PA=R BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lwel, Mass. Sold by Druggistsand Perfumers. This is Democracy. The following are the democratic ar ticles of faith as lbid down by Thomas Jefferson: 1. The people, the only source of leg lative power. 2. The absolute and everlasting sever ance of church and state. 3. The freedom, sovereignty and in pendence of the respective states. 4. The Union . confederacy, a coni pact; neither a consolidation nor a cen tralization. 5. The constitution of the Union, a special writ of granted powers, limited and defined. G. Tle civil power paramount to the inilitary power. 7. The representative to obey the in struction of his constituents. S. Elections free and suffragc univer sal. 9. No hereditary ofiee, or order, or tile. 30. No taxatio::1 beyond the publie ant. 11. No national debt, if possible. 12. No costly splendor of administra on. 13. No proscriptions of opinion or of ublic discussion. 14. No unnecessary interference in idividual conduct, property or speech. 15. No favored classes and no muonop lies. 16. No public nmonies expended ex ept by warrant of special appropria on. 17. No mysteries of government inad cssible to the public eye. I8. Public compensation for public ervice; salaries moderate and pervad ig econ,omy. Conscience is a sacred sanctuary, here God alone has the right to eter as judge. Nature and revelalion are alike od's books; each has its mysteries, bt in each there are plain, practical ssons for everyday duty.-Tryon 'd-ard.e. ForMalaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestbion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS hildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. OUNG WIVES ! Who are for the first time to un rgo woman's severest trial we offer ~IOTHR'S FRIEND remedy which if used as directed for ew weeks before confinement, robs Sof its Pain Horror and Risk to Ufe fboth mothier and child, as thou ads who have used it testify. A Blessing to Expectant Mothcrs. MIoTHER's Frazx is worth its weight n gold. My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her first two children than she did altogether with her last. hav n previously' used four bottles of MOTH n's FazzsD. It is a blessing to mothers. Carmi. Ill.. Jan.. 1890, G. F. LocrxwooD. Sent by express. charges prepaid, on re cript of price. s1.50 per bottle. Sold by all rugists. Book to Mothers maniled free. BRADFIELD REGULAIoB Co. Atlanta, Ga. IIaid thie De,sired Efifect! 11 CAnnoLLrot, Green Co.. 1l1..N Now., '88. highly recommnend Pastor Kioeni;:'s Nerve mnc to a::tybody that has snCe-ed from head he as my son did for -> years. because ta o bot 3' o the medicine cared him. M. SicTIGUE. W'iuso-ro y. 1). C.. March 0. 1s91. For S years I ha.d feelings that I can hardly s~cribo. I would feel at times that I was sure. ( y ing. cr have presentimnents that sometL-ingC LraduL was about to hzppen ; since takingi Bsor Koenig-a Nerve Tonic I have fe.lt like a 1 etrent person. It is a v.onderful medicine, Mi1s. AGNEs SHMA. Lor.Emrro, Ky., March 2. 1591. have taken Pastor hoeniges Tonic for epi psy of 3 years' staiIding. and it work--d like a b'rm on me, after several doctors did me no t od. Your mnediclub is perfection. L. 0. VAN CLEAVE, ER --i-A Valuab:o fook en Nervou Diseases sect free to any address,. and poor patients can also obtain ~l.i.this medicine free of charge. Tis remedy has been prepared by the Reverend ator Koenit:. of Fort Warne, lad., since ISIG, andC o prepared uder his direction by the KOE!tC MED. CO,, Chicago, Ill. Sold by Druggists at SI pe ottle. 6 for 5,. re size. SL-:3. 6 Bottles for $9. c relief and is an infallible Cure for Biles. PriceLB P1. LEAKSIS, A 1.Lt o uT N rrs i-:F1:s. Cr:plic Acc-jiao t the state !y a .31Gt I:" portant Mein:er.ship, the Devil. N p :tled veV.hh-,s of in -s.o manIly of, them bein., "s"icks." They work hard at refrlh'ment b.rs. Prof-reaiers Is en-al who spoils thp puntutitoni of cmpositors. They spe'll a Word one way to-day another u -y to mnrrow. The.- think they he intelli ent pern : nompsitors think dif er ent. Cm-itirs is men whoi e up the type-: i ad neti ms t! o drink. (%;m pii v study ien vhe?n s,)her -hich they SelloM1 W.* hen th, y can help it. Editors is mn-. who knmw ev. r. thing in the heavens above and the earth beneath. They is writers . who dosen't kno.x anything whatsoever. They are the biggest men you ever see. is men who ies in tI top if enhanns, Ie." to rv:o i : ter, thirty-seven coimns out of ti t; two. Proprietors ainii't nibody. They ain't ever seen. Printer's devils is themost imiort:mt persoms in) a printing ofllcv. Th y d"os the larlest wtrk%. and &tots the least pay. Pressm0an is-wt-ll there would it he no newspa-per or circus hills wit hout the pressman to print 'em. Feeiers is men who feeds on the fat of the land. If ever I start a pape-r of my own I'll call it the Umbre!la. EveryInly wil; take it. A De.d Shot rih.t at the swt of difliculty, is ncron piShed h- the sure and steady airmj of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Don't fool around with a pop-gun, nor a "'lint lock," when this reliable 'Winchester" is within reach! Dr. Sage's treatment of catarrh is far superior to the ordina ry, and when directio,.s are reasonably well followed, results in a permanent cure. Don't longer be indifferent to the verified claims of this unfailing remedy. J50 is oflered, in good faith, for an in curable ee of Catirrh in the Head, by its pr . ,irs, the W%orld's Dispensary Medical Association, uffalo, N. Y. At all druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ALL 5KIN DI5EA5E5 PhTsicians endorso P. P. P. as a splendid combination, and prescribe it with great satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis, Syphilitie Rheumatism, Scrofu lus Ulcers and Sores, Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism, Malaria, old Chronic Ulers that have resisted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female Complaints, Mercurial Poison, Tetter, Scald Head, Etc., Etc. P. P. P. is a powerful tonic, and an ex ellent appetizer, building up the system rapidly. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure conditien due to menstrual irregunarties arc peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tonic and blood leansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke iRoot and Potassium. LUPPMAN BROS., Drug2ists, Proprietors, Lippan's Biock, - SAVANNAH, GA. or sale by W. E. PE iIHA M, D)rugrgist. GREAT SALE PRING [O0THIN T wvill ofYcr von hr'ain i n'- pr'n lothing, new goods, no saml iir jib ~ Lots purchased for this occaion. I am 3 fering you suits bought this. prn'g in aks and cuttawayvs t hat -ibi ati- 1.5,, 15, $1f3.50, $i.~., 6'.1:ni a' n I:5 The:-ej it i ts will be'. old fori~ This line is farsuperior to any I hav' Tred in any of my~ m!'es in lt" epast Lnd it beats t'e record (if anv' house i e city for great vanlues in niew spring lothiug. I aml dt'rmuin-ed to' ged riji f this stock if such o~Ieru as1-. i ,t m:k-I nt will mlove thm ThoseI li who have ken advantage ofi the hlst two sale ma testify to thle gen iunees (If thte fers. There is no b~ait to catch1 or de ude the pubhlic in these -ales. Thisi genuine sale. Htundreds~ have son~ his stoek andl know the van'e of the uits offered andl they will tes! if', to the rner prices, shiowing you the grat duction rr:ade in this sale. Remember tihere inever was a be&tter pportunity to secure a suit of spring lothes than at this sale. Also remember tha.t th lt ar tot broken lots, but a re izes, just as I carry inm Bear in mind, this sa ash, and suits must>r aving the store. 4 M. L. KINARD,' COLUMBIA. S. C. j PADGETT WiLLZ PANY The Freight. i DO VOt KNOW TFil.1\I, YOU Caln iny any artic_le of .1 U Cookin~g Stoves; Carpets, Matting, Window Shades, Lace Durtaius, Cornice Poles, BABY CARR.fzr.A(ES, CLOCKS, M irrors, Pieture.s. Dinner Sets, Tea ts Ciaiber Sets, Mattresses, Conifort-, Blankets, and a thousand and one articles needed in a house, delivered at your depot at the same pricethatyou buy them in Augu-ata I Carry iEverything - Iyou need, and can quote you prices ithat. will satisfy you that I ani giv a dollar. value for every dollar paid Special Offer No. 1. T-)introduce my business in every neighborhood in the quickest Dossi ble manner, I will ship you one Bedroom Suite complete, consist ing of One Bedstead, full size and high head, One Bureau with glass, One 'Wash-stand, One centre Table, Four cane seat chairs, One Rocker to match, well worth $20, but to in troduce my goods in your neighbor hood at once I will deliver the above Suite at your R. R., depot, all charges paid, For Only $16.50, When the cash comes with the order. BESIDES this Suite, I have a great many other suites in Walnut, Oak, Poplar, and all the popu'ar woods, running in price from the cheapest tip to hundreds of dollars for a Suite. Special Bargain Noh.2. Js our elegant Parlor Suite, seven pieces, walnut frames, uipholstered in plush in popular colors, crimson, olive, blue, old gold, either in banded or in conmbination colors This suite is sold for S$40.00. I bought a large number of themi at a bankrupt sale ini Chicago, hence I will deliver thi~s line plush suite all charges paid by me to yaoir near est R. R. depot for $3.0 Besides these suites I have a great many other suites in all the latest shapes and styles, and can guarantee to please you. Bargain No. 3. Is a walnut spring seat lounge, re duced from $1.00l to $7.00i, al freight paid. Special Baromain Noh. 4. Is an elegant No. 7 cooking stove trimmed uip complete for $11.5. all charges paid to your depot, or a 5 hole range with trimmings for $15. Besides these I have the largest stock of cooking stoves ini the city, including~ the Gauze door stoves and Ranges and the CHARTER OAK STOVES with patent wire3 gauze doors. I am delivering thesef stoves everywhere all freight chairges pauid at the price of anm ordinuary stove, while they are far superior to any other stoves made. Frull piarticulars by mail. 1u0 rolls of matting 40 yds to lbh. roll $5.7.5 per roll. 1,00)0 Cornice Poles 25ets. each. ],000( Window Shades 3x7 reet on spring roller and irinuged at 3J7. ets., ch. You must pay your own freight on Cornice Poles, Window Shades and Clocks- Now see here, I cannot qjuote you everything I have got in a store contauining 2,00 feet of Bioor roonm, besides its an nexes and( factory in ano(thier part of the town. 1 sholl be pleased to send you anything above men tionied, or will senid my Catalogue free if you will say you sawv this advertisement in THE HERAIa) Aun NEWS, publishecd at New berry, S. C. Not goods sent C. 0. V., or on con sigment. I refer you to the edi tors and publishers of this naper or to or'to the Sonuthoern Ex>press Co., ali :M whomn know moe personally. Yours &c., iii 1112 Broad St reet efgUgt.1 - - Ge0rgis. Proprietor 0! Padge-tt's i-'ru :re'. Sime. e.nd C!arpet' Store-. 7 RUTHERFORD MI Rutherfordton, SBOARD ON SupmvisrD Barracks, Mess Hall, Su C%OF TEACHERS. O.en S .' W. T. R. BELL, A.M., Ask MV agents for W. L. Douglas Shoes. If not or t4ale in your place ank your i 41,aler to r4eud for catalogue, isecure the agency. and get them for yen. C2-TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE..43 FOR F0W WHY IS THE W. L DOUCLAS S3 SHOE ENT EMEN iTHE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It is a seamless shoe. with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, anti because we mal.c more shZe of this grade than any other nan fac!urer, it equals bnd .ewed shoes costinz fromi $4.10) to 85.11U. enie laud-sewed, the finest calf impore e offered for r.tm; equals French S- e which cost from e eas to cus r es rhoe. flue calf. whostyls"h comfortable and durable. Thebest io e ven t price; same grade t cs ton-made shoes cost ing fron y SG. to S t. I 50Police Shloe; Farmers. Railroad Yen L3.-5and Letter Carriersall wear then; line calf. seamless, smooth Inside. heavy three soles, exten AIon edge. One pair will wear a year. S 5Ei ne calf: no better shoe everoffered at drow this price: one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. $2 ti.15 andl $12.00 Workinatuan's shoes . are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. Boys-9 *00 and $1.75 school shoes are % won bytheboys everywhere; they sell oin their merits,.ms the increasing sales show. Ladies Dougoad verys ls:eqtiaJnr imported shoes cs n $1. shoeAo 3i1e are the best fine Dongola. Stylish aud durable. Caution.-See that W. L Douglas' narne and price arc stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. I- DOU~GLAS. Brockcton.'%"aM -FOr. SALE BY MINTER & JAMIESON, NEWBERRY, .. C. NOTICE! E KEEP A GOOD LINE OF STOVES IN STOCK ALL THE TIME AT Rockbottom Prices. Our Xo. 7 Stove For Ten Dollars IS HARD TO BEAT. CALL AND SEE IT, 9[01 i m ln f TIR1"- I c BROOMS, WOODEN BUCKETS AND ALL OTHER GOODS SOLD) BY US AT PRICES TO SUIT THE PURCHASER. Respectfully, II. J. SCOTT & CO. Newberry, S. (. FIRE, CYCLONES AND TOR~NADOES. W E WOULD RESPECTFULLY inform the public that we are pre pared to insure property against loss by Fire, Cyclones anmd Tornadoes. g Your patronage is solicited. BURTON & WILSON, Agents. Newberry, S. C. SHOCKL ET BROS., Co0Rtraet0rs aud Billders. THE UNDER ~~ -ra' signed has fitted . O upa new Wood WokShop on ~rj ~2Kcorner of IHar 'rington and Mc Kibben Streets and is prepared to make ESIMATES ON BUIhLINGZ, And Any Kind of Wood Work, -A SPECIALTY OF BRACKETS, MIOULDINGS, - AND ALL KINDS OF SCROLL SAWING. SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, SHINGLES, AND LATHES ON HAND AND FOR SALE CHEAP. LUM BElR, DRESSED OR ROUGH. NOVELTY WEATHERBOADING. IN FACT ANYTH ING IN 3MY LINE ON SHORT NOTICE. SA~TISFACTOT GUTAR ANTEED. GIVE US A CALL. SI- OCKELEY BROS., Cor. EmiAngtcn & McKibben St., NEWBERRY, S. C. tr' During my absence MIr. Robley Bruce will have charge. FAVMET SENII High $ 2iArm 'Mi Every Machine has a drop leaf, fancy cover, setofAtachen<,equal to any Singer Ma The High Arm Machine has a self-setting nee,. ie and self-threating shuttle. A trial in your h.ome before payment is asked. Buy direct of he Manuacturers and save agents' profits be ides getting certificates of warrantee for fiv. ears. Send for machine with name of a business man as reference and we will ship one at once. Co-Operative Sewing Machine Co. 269 S. zith St., Phi!adelphia, Pa. c3,.WE P.AY 'I ME 5REWCHT.9 T HE undersigned beg leave to inl formi tile public that prepared to ma'ke estinmates~ Paiuting. and Kalsomining.7 All work guaratnteed. - KIBLJER & DEAF&WL fw~bkm381msa, m'u&wY. V LITARY INSTITUTE, North Carolina. MESS PLA.. New Buildings including Derntendents Qtiarters, etc. FULL CORPS ptember ist, i8oi. Send for Register. Superiatendsnt, RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. N.Y. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS. ..1.1...0.0.0. . $116,000,000 SuR PLUS ............. 1-1,000,000 INC 3O - IN 1S90 ....... 3200., 000 During forty-six years its income fruni interest and rents has more than paid its death losses. It issues every desirable form of policy. It furnishes a complete cautract. It has paid every loss in 5. (. It disputes no honest clitims. It has no suicide clause. It is purely mutual and makes more money per thousand of iisurance than any other cowpany. Its death and expense rate is the lowest. Its Endowment and Annuity busi ness is greater than all tbe other coni panies in the United States combined showing the confidence that wealthy and business men have in its integrity and solidity. Send me the date of your birth and let me show you how you can make a fortune more certainly than in any other way. A. P. PIFER, Newberry, S. C. THE UNION CENTRAI DIE ML CE COMAH OF CINCINNATI. Is one of the Standard Companies c the United States. The best Policy written is by this Company. Call and examine it. M. L. BONHAM, State Agent South Carolina, Office in Rear Central National Bank. C3LUMBIA, S. C. NEW BAR Vd FIN WI}ES, LIQUORS, IGARS g TOBAGGO CALL,T ATr TE NEW SALOON AN LOW PRICES WILL BE MADE ON TALBOTT & SON'S ENGINES & BOILERS. ESTIIATES Oil SAW MILLS AND GRIST MIL LS, PLANERS AND) Machinery Generally. Saw Mills $200 to $600. Corn Mills $115 to $395. Planters and Matchers $200 to $1,500. I sell the most complete line of Saw Mills and wood making machinery in the State. V. C. BADH AM, Gen'I Acr., COLUMBIA, S. C. Home Office Factory, .Richmond,. Va. rHE UNEiRIGNEDRWOULD Pie thak. ils. i'ueparetothe gendu dwelings, storerooms,dele an ter work in his ~ line. Prients F~t r ayone andfwor garathed . HRE .. CRlaOMERa.P. IOT. Q.Q -BOOZIER -E I.NEBR ATGED --UL .Lrespern ifr tha Enera b-r Offthtere is prpaewbaeny.imte THIS8 LNE OR ESUTI0S EO -EVFLEFRED ALSFNELN TIONAND--H ALNE ARFINE LINE SThos. QO Iaeac.er: GOGGANS & HUNT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 'NEWBERRY, S. C. Office on Law Range. R ICEUMOND A ND DANVIILE RAIL ICOAA COMPAY. COLUMBIA ASVD GREEVJ.LE Drvis%x. PASSENG.R DEPARTXV.T. Condensed Sebedule-In efect July 5. lb1. (Trains run by75th Meridioa time.) No. No. No. No. No WE.STBOUND. 3 i. 1 17. 7. 1'9. 3A !AMMP MAMU Lv Charlestol....... 5301............. ...... ........ j 640 61.-...... ..... . ...... Lv Columbia.. ......... 11 101 15....... 6 00'... Union......12 38; Ar Spartauburg ...... ........ 155!...... ..... 0 ................ ........ 3 6:. ..i........ ........ Sauda... ........... ........ 341 ........I........ -... Flat Rock 4 U.............. .. .... Henderson ...... 4 22....... ...... Asheville........ ...... ... . ....... Hot Springs........ .......i 6 4 . . . Lv Paint Rock........ 0 ... .... Morristown......... 7 15 ..... . ..... Knoxville ....... ... ....... 8M ..... ....... IA '.fM Ar Cincinnati.......... . 10 1 ...... ....... Lv Prosperity . 1 ...... 50 7 ...... Newberry-... 0 40 12 57 .9 074 .. Clinton........10 55 ...... ....... 9 08....... Ar Laurens... 10 5 ...... 9 451... Ar Ninety-Six ......... 2 15 ...... ........ ...... ........ Lv Ninety-Six......... 2 35........ 10 ....... Greenwood......... 2 5u. 10 45 ....... Ar Abbeville . .. ...... 4 0 . 11 5. Lv Abbeville.... ...... 4 10......... 12 15-. Lv Belton............... 4 2 .. Pelzer. .... 4 42..... ...... ....... 1253 Piedmont.......... 5 00 1 10 Ar Greenville.......... 5 40;.. . ...... .... 1 45 Anderson ......... 5 A8.......:12 50 . . .... .. Pendleton 6 ...... ....... Seneca..... Lv Seneca .... 7 5.. ...... Ar W ahalla.......... 8 25;....... ............... Atlanta.. 121 ! ....... ....... ....... EASTBOUND. No No No. No. ro. t 4. 16. 18. 8. 10. IAMIPM PM;AMPM Lv Walhalla..........945. ... Seneca............10 1 . ..I.. Pendleton..........1 1 ... .... Anderson.........i.. 3'f;.... Greenville....1.00....... Piedmont...... 411 Pelzer.............. . 428 Ar Belton................ ...400. Ar Abbeville............1 .... 5 . Lv Abbeville............12 3. ..5 Greenwood.....143....6 Ar Ninety-Six......... 2 Lv Ninety-Six P M .... Laurens....... .......- 620. Clinton..-.. 6 00............ 1[ - - Ar Newberry.. s 40 34 ; Lv Prosperity.........400....1i Lv Cincinnati ........... . Knoxville,........... .. A,M Morristown ......... 9 Paint Rock......... . 1. . Hot Springs. .12 2. ........ Asheville ........... 2 ...I Hendersonville.... 3 81. Flat Rock... ... 3 16 Sld.-. 3 4 . . Taluda................ .... 1 7........ Tryon.. .....4 0.... Sa.tanburg ...... 0 Ar union ............. .. 69 ... Ar Columbia..... '5. ) . 50 Charleston......... 9 30 .2 . . ....... ...... Trains 7, 8, 9, 10. 14 14, 17, 18, .2, 43, Daily excep Sunday. Pullman Sleeper on Trains 15 and 16 betwe.n Charleston and Cincinnati, Ohio, via Atlantic Coast Line, Columbia, A-9heville, Paint Rock, MorrLstown, Knox. ville, Jellico and Junction vity. J. A. DODSON. Superintendent. W. H. GRE&V. General Manager. JA& T1 52 ...... A... ...... 4e28 D. C 2.DWE..... 5P0s.. Agt. ATLAIC COAST LINE. Wilmington. N. C.2 May 31, 1. FAST LINXE Between Charleston and Columbia and Uppe South Caroliva and Western. -North CaroUina. CONDENsED SCHE.DULE. Goi.nG WzsT. GOnqG EAtST No-14. No. ze -NO.5&. No.567. t 5 . .m .am tam 5 18 61 5f.v....ChwlestAn..A. 1250 . ... 710.7.... ...a.e... 1117..[ 5... 8:15 57 3..S4te... 1007 80.. 100 105 r 4..C 00il...... 1 708 ... 32 " ... ...nsbo 0o...... 419 .. ... 45 .. h s......81....... 32 ..5 .... .1 " ..kil... " 25.............. .. 73 " . ...c.te . 822 .... ........ ...3 ..kH... "261..... ......... 63 .. ...lote . 165............ ......25..r.Neb41r....... ............ ........Grenwoo...... ............. 9.."L ur... " 0.... ....... ......."Andeson. ...... ........ ....3Grenvill...... 9 410..... Chr00tn.....A9b3ev2l5e.........23.......... 1rain 7,8".p.a,ta4,u17, 1852 3,.Daily. except Suda.HPuendeSlepe 3n01 n 15oand tr6n betweenCharleston and Cnm-ai Ashvile PantRok,Mgr.istown,nt. J.A OprtDSONDB. Chainerlan, eie frSC.RiWay o. RE,GnrMngr JASLL.TALsR en',Pss..Ague2,t.41 PASSENGR D PAMET. WWlmingto.UN. CD,ily) F1,E18HT BetweenmChaletotad2plmbi andUpp Soaauh.Crolna n Wester Chpnorth 7pmaro!lna. toittlemoutana.3mp 112am 7 10s7e45t" ...Lae...... .. "p 117 9p3 Ar 857" ..ume......p " 10pm 82 10r00 10 05Ar.Cb.... ...Lv 9 m 70m pmo 101m -5p .......ins ...nb...03a " S1s..... Little.4 2 Mut...hse..... ..a " 25 p.... ...ro.sperit.yorv1e... ..1am 44...... ........b730r"..Lnat.... ..a " 4 0pm.... ........ 5 n4...Roc... 1.....m 25pm.... to .. a6 fro " Charlson,e....... a an55 t..... ......... 12 57 Ar..... Newberry..L 32..... ...... 5ute noic "Adersn.....e":18..... ....a.... arl55 "...Sata bur0p" 5300...... .......a4den"..Hedrsnile" .1 .... Due... Col17bia......sevl... " pm 0..... Soeid tCoai a.etwenC ae .34adplm bDueSC.lubiT.1M.EMBSO, m.n10as.Agnm 0peae by Als wih. ChaloterClumbia Recive for us C Railroady saetrio. ndfo Commncing bths rody tohen fomn sChad le anll beyndb fetran evngCal WES 1 BOUNDwthRihmn (andily) leal Paser tL.......... takeuppr:n AtCharlesns. th......e...f...N4 47opkm Lite alounitCar... n andSavnna ros lrid........3 9pm at new ro ........l5 poit WmtadSuh 8 0 alpona ot adt C. M. ARD, Gne9al00nager assn~ to ositions 2W Caplgu A r lin on............. 6t 5po 1