t Local and Special. t Beth Eden Lutheran Church. r Service every two weeks, second and fourth Sundays, at 11 a. in. Sunday-school 1U a. III. WM. A. .JULIAN, Pa.str.. Postoffice Hours. ARRIVAL AND DEl'ARTURE OF MAiiS. TRAINS. ARRIVE. No.1>.-From columbia to Greet;vUile I 13X y m t No. 14-Froir Greenvile t<>.oiUl:ia 25) P " No. 15-To Lanrells from ColuIbia.. !) p Ii No 16From Laurens to Columbia. 7 :1 a In t No. 17-To Andderson............. 7 49 a Isu No. 15-From Anderson..................... i 17 p Iu Office will be open fromn 7 a in to 5 p rri,; will then open a;ain at 7 p mn and remain open until three-quarters of an hour after Columbia mail. SUNDAY MAIL ON C. N. & L. R. R. From Newberry to Colum bia.............. (5) a in - rom Columbia to Newberry.............. 45 p ri Mail will be open only one.pcIf hour after mall is up and the outer door wili be closed also after that time. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF STAR ROCTE NEWBERRY AND CTOPIA. Leave Monday and Thursday...............:t p m Arrive Monday and Thursday............. 2 p m: NEWBERRY AND WHITMIRE's. Leave Tuesday and Friday..................p p in Arrive Tuesday and Friday ............... 12 IL LACRENS AND NEwBERIY. Lv. Tuesday, Thursday and saturday... 1 p m Ar. Tuesday, Thulsday and Saturday... 12 n R. MooaMAN,. P. M.L Easter Egg Dyes In ten and five cent packages, four colors in each package, for sale at Rob ertson & G ilder's Drug Store. 2t pring Goods. Smith & Wearn are receiving their spring goods. They have an elegant stock, selected with the greatest care and of the latest styles and patterns. Call and examiue them. The New Bank. The capital sock has been subscribed to the Newberry Savings I;ank and a meeting of the stoc bolders will be held on next Tuesday to perfect the organization. Fresh Buck Wheat and finest N ew Crop New Orleans Molasses to be had at McINTOSH. tf Board of Medical Examiners. In accordance with the provisions of an Act of the recent Legislature, Gov ernor Tillman has appointed the fol lowing Board of Medical Examiners for Ne'Vberry County: Drs. R. C. Car lisle, W. D. Senn and C. T. Wyche. - For fie Hats at cost go to L. W. C. Blalock. tf Spring Clothing. L. W. C. Blalock is receiving his spring goods every day, and he has the finest selection ever brought to this ties and it will do you good just to see them. He has also just received a full le of gents' furnishing goods of the latest styles and patterns. The Leading Fertilizer-The Old Reliable Wando Guano. The best guano in the world for all c crops. The Wando Guano proved satisfac tory crops to all parties in 1890 Good results from the WandoGuiano.ii bahe undersigned gatbered in 18'00 23 blsof cotton to the plow. -p If you want to make big crops, buy ti Wando Guano for 1891 from J. J. LANE, St. Office up-stairs over Postotl'ee- tr -~ Something choice, I would recor1- st mend ,my beautifully white Saur , fo rant just received.I tf F. B. M1CINTOSH. las Boys' Suits worth .$2.50 for $1.7-5 for e cash at L. W. C. Blalock's- tf At Sevcsare being held every after-- the n o o a 4 o ' L e n k t h i s e i e s . /n h eee w berry Lutheran church by the pastor, L Re. X C. Iafer- 'The services weld wil beaycontmued next week until Good pre Friday.berr Harrnonvine. Ir. Thos. F. Harmon has completed 00 the sale of twenty building lots on tihe Herr soth side of thbe south fork of Scott's 31r people, siMrahesbi :aogthe purchasers. Some of the fr(rl .uesare Rev. E. I) Sper en Prfromit A P.Butler, G. XY. tarruan Pr. ute Reese and Wesley Simmon's. This .~ aiew suburb contalin< about tern acres, visitI 'with two streets--Cora street and Har- at Bir niJon street. The sale of th lt whoT gregatedJ $1,425- * we ot bor Tt Land-ma Shoes at cost for cash at much ,to N What to Buy' 50on CO P- P. . at Pelhamn's. a suce B. B. B. at Pelham's. i S. S. S. at Pelbam's. Neb Scott's Emulsion at Pejham's Intern German Syrup at Peihami's. ~ Newbe Pelhm's Pectoral Syrup at Pelham's. Rev. Hods Sarsaparilla at Peiham's Lin Pelhamn's Sarsaparilla at Pelhasm' i' Neut Hall's Catarrh Cure at Pelham' s. da Neu Sage's Catarrh Cure at Pelts's -ares Kickapoo Remedies at Pelbham's. to ares Pile Remedies at Pelhamn's as. teet All Remnedies.at Pelham's -isect Buy Drugs at Pelbaiu's. -oH sfan Suits worth $22.50o for .$17.50; worth - *16 00 for $12.06; worth Sl1.5o for $80. Ten i All to be had for the cash at L. W ~ C- Tnt .Blalock's. -tf' received. L.ooking for a nice dish would find All of my, brnght sun dried app)les to their (alt be fo notion. F. B. MINTrosH. tf tture Stort Meeting of County AllinceSoe The regular g~ uarterly meeting of the Soe Newberry County Farmers' Alliane Hrddece will be held in ~the Court IHouae Griidef Friday, A pril .3. The lecturers f all sab-aiane are reqluested to meet the -It County Lecturer at Newberry at 10 \ hti o'clock on the morning of the samet .ou haoe day. Those sub-alliances which have sonttj- hav no lecturer will elect one inrnediate3- eaies *ttr ~ so as to be represented. J alads C. F. Bovi,> Sec'y F. A. N.'C. 'ht st L.ost .in iieav1er Datm. Iper.n, wi t On last WVeduesday aftarnoon Mr. lF keui y G. Spearman's~ wagon loaded with ati aliurel vsonun(lert(ook to1 cross Beaverinoutir than was e'xpected and a he er.O h:etv t - got into it the stream just lifted the lowwh frame and provisions and part of the gaigo wagon up and the whole went dow - -ztore stream. The wagon was~ left i n h n roi to retur creek and after the water went down tromt thoea most of the articles were recovered but w i he' very much damaged. " to ha ou - twho had ouri STATEOF Omio, (Crry oF TrlJald umi LUCAs Cor.Nry, lei i FRANK J. CHENI.Y mlakes oaththtuarilW; he is the senior partner of the lirm , at umbren wa F. J. CH-ENEY & Co., doing busists ne I'n n; io the City of Toledo, Coun{ty and State outr ko aforesaid, and that said tirm1 will r, . luranitum. the sum of ON E H1 UNIDREI 'O- D 101l'tt LARS for each and -every cas i etaon Catarrh that cannliot be cured by the use of HAt LL's CA-r.un CUR-. ' FUANK~ J. C'HENEY. A fir t c:as .Sworn to before mse and subscribted g oild minur a in my presence, this 6ith day of D)ecemn ber, A. D). l18t. aplly at Th'le I A. WV. (;L EASON {SEALJ I Buckie Hall's Caitarrh Cure is taken inter- iThe B.t Salve nally and acts directly tupon the bloodIt urises, 1:2cers, 8 an(i mucous surfaces of the ter, dl~z chrppedn Send for testimonials, free. Pilsytem.ru a F. J. CHENE Y & CO., Toledo, 0 Jive prfect saisj WSSold by Druggists, r7 , c 'n-s I soe. centsepe VARIOUS AND ALL A'OUT. Gen. M. L. Bonham has a card in his issue. Two new ordinances are published his week. Mr. W. H. Wallace is having his esidence repainted. The County Alliance will meet at ewberry on the :d of April. A ticket for mayor and aldermen is .nuounced this week. The County Commissioners adver ise sOlie contracts to let. The citizens' Imleetiig will he held his afternoon. There should be a full ttendauce. We have had some charming weather or the past day or two. Let it con -ontinue. Be sure to secure a copy of The Her id and News and read "The Easter 'he Beiniont road is said to have oime very bad places that very much 1ecd att..nrtion. Mr. Thos. F. Harmon on yesterday ;old sixty bales of cotton to O. Mel. Holmes & Co. at 7.15. Dr. T. W. Smith will locate at Mr. P. C. Smith's, in No. t, for the prac tice of his profession. Mr. E. B. 'Martin, of No. 6, who has been sick for several weeks is still con lined to his bed and quite ill. Ir. Jas. H. Dennis caught a carp that weighed 217 pounds out of Bush River last Tuesday. The citizens meeting will be held in the court house this afternoon instead of the opera house. Mr. J. W. M. Simmons has improved the appearance of his place very much by repainting. Rev. J. B. box, Ph.D., will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday morning. Read the announcement of the New York Life Insurance Company. It is one of the best comupanies. Mr. L. W. Jones' new residence on -Main Street just beyond the old Fair Grounds is a very pretty and attractive one. The population of Newberry County, according to the last census, is 26,434 against 26,497 in 1880, a loss in ten years of 63. The Trustees of the Graded School have received 'the plans and specifica tions for the building and have adver tised for bids. Mr. Frank Mayo will appear at the Opera House to-night (Thursday) as "Davy Crockett." The play is highly commended. The four prisoners convicted at this term of Court and sentenced to the penitentiary, were taken to that insti tution yesterday. The Richmond and Danville people are painting the railing of tne Bound ary street bridge. It will help the ap 4 erd aso reuested the Attor Ji&~sc "e.-n' his asse~ A gEntlenlarl informled us some days go that a friend of his sold a bale of < ttoil at 'linton for which he only re eivred'$.2'5". V Did you say you would like to inspect he finest and best selected and nost t owplete ieof geits' furnishng goods I valock's. - ewberry' Then go to t With ten daily passenger trains com .g to Yewberry, a citizen of Pros ~rity walked from Newberry to Pros i ~rity on last Thursday.not having a ne to wait on the train. a The town council has .purchased a t w road working machine. It was ti ed last week and seems to do good ." rk e will have no more bad 30 eets no0w. The price paid was 5, h5 t i a gurantee from the manufact urer h one year. I t ater Wicker, who was tried and a 'icted of malicious trespass at the fo term of Court, had a sealed sen-ci ee left for himi by Judge Wallace.e thlis term the sentence was pub-co ed. It was two months in the p.i co tiary or pay a fine of *25. H{epaid r tin e,fo r eavell & Speers have a large and duta selected stock of matting. The be a tiest and best ever offered in Neu- beT y. Don't fail to examine it. 16 Tue l.CPersonals. clea -. T. m.Cews of the Laurensville di. Jd was in the city on Tuesday. Cr . S. Land, of Columbia, has Cni in the city during the week. un - enry Knighton has returned We A-lanta, where he recently grad. Th in medicine. .te s Daisy WVhaley has gone on a T~ o her brother Mr. R. 8. Wae n mingham, Ala. W 'y ndur friends of Dr. J. Ward Pelham ThE as been sick for several months, and b .e glad to know that he is very The Improved- glary. Lucy Whaley has returned The w berry from Townville, Ander- Th unity, where she has just closed Browr ssful session of her school. The ober W\eiadensall, of Omaha' Duflie. (tional Y. M. C. A,wa i- wThe Cr last Moday on "a vsit to trust. -. C Scaeter.The< enant (arlington, who arrived battery berry last week, only spent a The 5 wo here arid left on Friday for sault ar on. W e regret that we failed voted n mn while her.e, but we did not The C him to leave. until Saturday. and bat iy joined him in Charleston nature. a.The S New PerfumeThS w Handkerchief Extracts just weaponi The Si CEER, HOUSEAL & KIRLER. ru i the White Chief's Remedies i hc and at 1R. C. Williams' Furni- bill. ,New berry 8 C 4t The fo posed of: ling Delicious for Breakfast- Adam s sweet Corn Flour for Rolls guilty--p stkes, &c., for sale by I a fine of f F. B. MCINTOSH Wm. C: ..... ~ .Ia high a nicer for a gentlemnan than Iguilty. neckw~ear. Minter & Jamuie-. )ick M sorlie "-daises." They are of a h,igh id wil prove "a joy forever." --Peniten e thtein. years. ~i.oo ICw?tr. -Aaron P $1.00 Meard.--penitenut sa,that some evil minde b raice aforethought, mia- co oty ja :loniiously arid with initentgilype us, did take, carry away guy ty fie riate, eithrer voluntarily or a. H.o y,an umibreila, the piroperty ouiltvH or,. and we trust that his * He' at is the honesty of the fel- - Henry H as it,) together with the aT os hvs Coniscience, w.ihi move .- 'I, ti the Sinei, to the~ editorial at4 it itev -(1 But if lie dloes not re- fand ttery.f above menlitioned rewardal re-e or the eapture of thet man lpeiintentiary umrbrella and a returni of :o. 'rehla, with proof to conl To his 11on1o rt we 'aw of t lhe afore.saidj P residing. oun la.t 'Thu r..day mrormi- TIho Gtrnd riy..teriou.ly., and 1. wtlh- fuly report dedge, di..a[>pearedi from I anId reportediar, orns,, '- ly insure the s: rs. andi oi ivel curres arecrs t id itIuary ttes I Thcis cmmt boxre. For s abyRoert- o In the ofiit action, or money re..funded flici~ bx. For niale by Robert... med the o officers. Th~e THE COURIT. fudge Witherspoon's; Charge-Ful Grand Jury-The Causes Tried and the Verdicts Reached. The Court of General Sessions was onvened at Newberry on Monday with Judge Witherspoon presiding. Steno rapher Law did not arrive until after noon, having missed connections in :-oming over from Spartanburg. The grand jury was organized with A. J. Kilgore as foreman and, after the tharge by the Judge, the businers was commenced. The whole panel of grand jurors was present, there being not an absentee-something that does not of ten happen. Judge Witherspoon in his charge to the grand jury said: The constitution and laws of this State guarantee to every citizen his rights, liberty and the pretectioln of his property. You, the grand jury, are the gurdians of the peo ple, and are charged with the duty of seeing that the law is enforced and that the citizens are protected in those rights. This is not a voluntary duty. The law demands your presence. You are to make inquiry into all mat ters coming before you, and to perform your duties fearlessly and impartially. The actions and deliberations of the jury room are to be kept secret from every one except the Solicitor. W\ ho ever divulges the secrets of the jury room violates his oath, and not only that, but often obstructs and binders the administration of justice. You are required to attend this and two suc ceeding terms of the Court this year. At one time the law only required your attendance at. the first term, but now you are on duty for the entire year the custodians of the peace for the whole year. If any of you have knowledge of any violations of law, it is your duty to present the matter to the grand jury, and let investigation be made. The peace of society in this community largely depends upon you. When any citizen has a personal motive and is aggrieved, a prosecution generally fol lows. But the law is also for the pro tection of society and there are some violations which affect the whole com munity. It is the duty of the grand jury to investigate such cases. The law is especially jealous of the public peace. Does it not come within your know ledge that there is a feeling of insecur ity pervading society in every con munity? The fault lies upon the courts and juries, but primarily upon the grand jury, for no prosecution can be had except upon a presentment of the grand jury. If they fail the Court is paralyzed. At one time every one felt secure. It was when the law was rigidly enforced. In this day I fear it is not always so. When men know, the law will be rigidly enforced, they will not be so ready to violate it. . There is a law on our Statute books against carrying concealed weapons, but I fear it is almost a dead letter,and - ' ith the' - the com closs and ti - State a decrease of revenue. But tI the fattaL' by your act h th be d juyd if the law was enforce ifearlessly and at ially, I venture the asserz ,n at this pernicious habit wouks cease t once. You have nothing to do with he law but your duty is to enfore this aw, as any other duty that devolves .poni you. I am talking plainl_Y be aus the i ne.sit for plain a :o lpng as the law remains a dead let -r men will continue thispriiu abit ad make of themselve erlngu orer to do Violence and commit' rder oftht is your duty as conserva rs vot eneut, iler, concealed weapons, your, )ta itentiary four months or King' e f thiirty dollars. epiinie. tvis, breach of trust--no)t & ;i4er, 'lges, breaking andi enter -not guilty. ma.-i, assault and battery The mned to kill, guilty of assault careftuliy c< of a high and aggravated a tut in h enced to two years in th e of stimnulani is also adoJi by far tihe ent or business, lexi ofF ta on every trip a bottle of and p oft Fg, as it acts most pleasantly comp 7fetu onte kidneys, liver is the owels, preventing fevers, head .and other forms of sickness. For in 50c and $1.00 bottles by allTh 2g druggists. on The Men's Suits below cost for the a cokt it L. WV. C. Blalock's- tf a go --. ent. )LEDY-WINKS iet .presen at the Associ began. BOO0K STORE. rbe -publisi . - take j have just opened a fresh This sotueth of Buist's Celebrated Gar- happer ishmien eed. .Remember, it is im- cussion no cert le for you to have a good e a unless you plant good )unish Buist's Seeds have had a suIts ha reputation for fifty odd Pruna 7for soni If you desire that your way. T that att< ng should be always a wsstre; plant Buist's Seeds, and thi sUfl m rs rmagreed t, ifhfrmhave ong 3RTSON & GILDER'S Ta As Drtmg store. ",,e t ----We wi] nted Cre orLa (rippe, enit who r)i. ur adA ertisced druggitt .ayoh Bonghs and olds,'po r con. .ii you are afflicted with, La -n- KI thjis reedy eccording to dlrec you may return the bottl ande Sokn money refunded. We make thi -of t he wonerfuil success of i r t. Til bohettlies fr,-e at Robher.onu boIu trai rug stoee. Large sizei 50e, anid eTIn Roadl s age this n: - -~ Coynier's Si cal fraternity, backed up by3, city, inistani min;iled statistics, 1s a!bnlost and( injurtin earmig that a moderate use ried this ev| ts cndce to long life. It ing on the trea that aii old wiker*1 is around a h best st jl uat that can' be before they ing phiysic:ins recommiiend were walkit. arper WVhiiskey, beas it traick anid i sessed of a supeerlir flavor , and is not offered for sale F'or weak I and thoroughly mnatu red . . Hi. 3Ichf s. Q. Boozer, Newvberry, Ilaster (por< templered, c ros~s, dYpinetic pail! twil ak Hignest of id hearty as tehealthiest da bratcing up, vitatliziig, eoodt Looks. -methan skin deep, e. hatycondition of all the the Liver be mnactive, y*o sook, If your stomiiachi be dis fe a a Dyspeptic Loek and i ecatrieeBted .ou aveaPn I - aodfean.cihv ao winehae )Odtrical andtter vil isthgrat resc Piacte, dieocle oL j sres Pmple, mon.es $oi a ildrs Dompgs In oda ildera. nenne- - -- - - Mamr. Lieut. Garlington Talk About the Indian War and the Ghost Dances. [World, 1M.] Lieut. Ernest A. (arlington, Seventh Cavalry, U. S. A., one of the heroes of the Indian fight at Wounded Knee. South Dakota-aud by the way, one of the victims of that remarkable ghost dance uprising, having received a pain ful wound-is in the city. He arrived last night, registered at the Charleston hotel, and went almost immediately to his room. Lieut. Garlington is in Charleston for the purpose of establishing a recruiting station, where likely young men, pos sessing sundry physical qualifications, may secure the opportunity of fighting for their country in ease vigorous for eign policies ever go that far. Lieut. Garlingtoa arrived in New berry last Tuesday morning at 2 a. in, somewhat tired out after his journey, as lie had been delayed by the washouts in the railroads. From Newberry lie comies to Charleston. lie still wears his arm in a sling, but will be very likely to recover partial use of it. le sufers no p:in from his wound, but is totally deprived of the use of that arm at present. The ball entered the arm about six inches below the elbow, cutting a deep furrow, until it reached the elbow, where it completely shattered what we, who are not doctors, know as the "crazy" bone. It was as if the elbow had been bent so that the hand would be near the neck. All the injured bone has been removed and the bone scraped, so that he is net likely to have any more trouble with it. Lieut. Garlington gives a very gra phic account of the late Indian trouble, and especially the battle of Wounded Knee. He thinks that probably the whole trouble was caused by the "ghost shirts." TheW shirts in question were merely unbleached homolpun, with a fringe around them and a large red spot painted over the heart. The "Messiah" had obtained the paint which was used on the shirts from Nevada, and it pos sessed peculiar properties. If the shirt hung on a tree, and was fired at, the bullets would wrap theni selves in the cloth, but would fail to penetrate it. However, when a solid Indian body was behind the shirt, it lost its efficacy, as was conclusively demonstrated. The Indians when called upon to give up their arms, surrendered three disabled muskets. A search of the tepees was then instituted, which re sulted in finding thirty-nine other guns in about the same condition as the first three. The soldiers then came to the conclusion that the arms must be se creted under the blankets, which the Indians wore thrown over their shoul derh, Upon searching the Indians the sold iers were fired upon by asingle Indian, immediately after which the whole squad of reds fired a volley, and made a break for their tents. The soldiers had been so disposed that they were between the bucks and the tents where the women and child ren were. The Indians were not ex - +o rush to the tents, as that of made. " ~ 'f the soldiers 4th. On the granting of these pri d leges, a charter under our State law " will be applied for, and a joint stocl N rreanany will be organized to be know necessity broughlt iA r Lhn t and Powe en. upon their women and cbija-- v However, the Ildtans havli rushed - othe tents, and as theysconinue tuhe C ire, there was but one ntin edfo the si old iers to do--fire inothen tents for the hot down like cattle. The rens or to Lie former alternative, andresortedito ecessarily killed woe anthrefor in.woenadci There were about two hudebuk 'gaged in the fight, and butre buck tem escaped uninjure J i"" There were abou t fou roso o-C ers engaged, of which abotop tof ho- O ed were dismiounted, and tht twohin -muned he former did brhe aihtt >ke whleg the te pursued those who .~mutGarlnton was wounded near etnor manfght, which lasted apt w alace was not. killed by a taak ansevean 1y suppose, but was tin seoerl places, either of which mu ol are proved fatal. w ets ploughed his scalp md which migh have scp making a tomaawk > hve ben taken eut erirnton sgives.quite a grap- NC saivs that he is rtisied eition~ tp, an does not "hanker after uIt. Garinmgon is a very genial and Res 'n udetures In appe aace ~II a typica slert ei bu five f Teachers' Association. Heral Associeton met at Prosperity Ecz dt a,tutdy $tihswas rather doctor numy,but oftwihstanding this tried a One encourging featu re of th again ig wao ha tere were several care. t .h have not attended the tion since the school session If yo programme was carried out as d.M -ed k ry one appointed to brc art in the meeting was present. raceru oo was encouraging as it is ioo ang unusual for such a thin' o o .The question of school pn brtoiFo t called forth considerable d.s- OilLin , and as teachers often d.isee OLeafin ain kind of punishmenag me Len,'si Janimous consent. It was gei efcive onceded, however, that se ee etve rient, or punishment after in instead of producing good re s an entirely different tenden ry'Geography was discussed Apror ~ ime and in an intelligent sup)erinlt( his subject does not; receive was cripj untion it deserves nor is it al- that I cot dted in the proper manner, nor eat 'estion of holdin0g an Institute feed me. fler was also discussed. All but to no lat it would be a good idea to New Yorl , and the majority expressed time, deci ess to attend, found th ociation ad journed at 12.30~( to account < ew berry on 2d Saturday in during th< nah a co I be glad to see all those pres- seemingly were at Prosperity, and as I began to ers as can attend. K~. joiced to s bot tles, nm3 LED) ON THE TRACK. out, my ap ---t.urned1, aIn< Fate of Two Young~ Ladie,, ig really as if ght of their Pare'nts. and as if I i -----as I can get m& Va., March iG-.-A west- This ger: on the Norfolk and est- nanwm for pt ruek Luila anid Lelia Copper- to refer any '".rning uld escape. Their parents 'That tired, g alotig the road n ear the Iculiar to tressedl t he accident. blood. Now backheneficial effi back, cho pai uselDr. It cleanses ti >us WodrulHaig cal energy, vigor into evt all in Leavening Power.-. .Gov't ABSOWELBe - Po ABSOlllTELY a DEATHS. Mrs. Lou M. Sale, wife of Dr. T. A. Sale, after a lingering illnes died at her home, in Newberry, on Saturday 1.4th inst., aged 6.5 years. ADVERTISED LETTERS. PosT OFFICE, NEWBERRIt, S. C. List of letters unclaimed and advertised March 19, I.S9. Anderson. Franklin Gilian. Ben R',zer. Mrs Kate Harris. Miss LeilaJ l)avi, Mrs. Nannie D il:tnou. Wylie lavis. .J S I'inlno , Roger [Dhutbin..J 1) enn, It G unb:tr. .1 D Sinds. Prestnn '.ihson,. George T Williams. Annie ri:1in, _Mrs (harlottewarner, Reason ilan, Ander York, S A-: Persons calling for the above letters will please s:ty that Inc y were advertised. R . MooRne..v. P. M. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. wh. shr was a Child, she crieei for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Chik.ren, she gave them Castoria. An f(truct:ve CouAned POCKIr ALMANAC and MEMOI:ANU.1I BOOK edvertlsin= bROWNS :RtN BITTERS the best Tonic, given away at )rug and general stores. Apply at once. 4Y ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who ow cu n hand will pro :slfl foot and exceedingly high After we passed Alexandria I to( my seat by the side of Gen. Wa Hampton and asked him if he won talk onve it Politics, as he had ju ure it promptly for atoal caree ies to try it. Do not accept any" CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. Lo AN ux"FR ANCISCO, C A4. -OI IJE Y NEW YORK,N.Y. The only cure for Coughs Ids. and all other diseases of Throat and Lungs, is Robert. 's Cough Syrup. Manufact-. di and for sale at' COBER TSON & GILDER, Corner Drug Store IRFOLK OYSTERSI ervedevery daya/ns of the courts, for sale at The I and N ews office. ma, scalp covered with eruptions proven valueles P. P. P. was nd the hair began to grow agin imple can be seen, and P. P. P. proved itself a wonderful skin 1have apain tul snse or ratigue, ur duties irksome, take Dr. J. Lean's Sarsaparilla. It will ou up, make you strong and rheumatic and neuralgic pains [r. J. H. McLean's Volcanic ment, and take Dr. J. HI. Mc arsaparilla. You will not suffer 11 be gained with a speedy and P. P- P. saves Life. FS WILL LIVE FOREVER. 2inent Savannahian, formerly ndent of a railroad, says: "I >led im my feet and arms so Id not walk without crutches, ,vithout having a servant to tried physiciauns everywhere purpose, and tinally went to :, where my doctors, at one ded to amputate my arm, but st course impracticable, on f a wound Ishad received war. I returned to Savan mnplete wreck, and my case' hopeless. As a forlorn hope take P. P. P., and am re y that after using three llf limbs began to straigvhtenIEEl petite and health soon~ re-111 I 11ow feel like a new man;U I had been mnadeover again, J tol i ive forever-s long tleman will not give his blication, but authorizes us facts, who will apply to 1ours truly, LIPMAN BR~OS. Wholesale Druggists, IProprietors or p'. P. p. -Savannah, Ga. debilitated feeling, sope Tring, indicates depravedIl is the time to prove the ret of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ie system, restores physi md infuses new life and ry fibre of thle body. Report, Aug. 17, I889. Lking~ wder, JOH TMHE. k your un le "Oh, none in particular. d obscure man in a break away fromj 6t favorites usually captures the honor." -. "What do you think of Gov. Camp Y bell of Ohio, Gov. Gray of Indiana ogrssmn Wllam R. Morrison bu bu 'ins wrj cit' On] if y * gair Spr of th~ Comes perien Like You p isn't t, to wri and pu But he's snow ne tain as that is t cspri orS~11 bd beter but come at -- O.K L -FuS-r C0 that is the IHON at K LI EVZRYBODy F8 SPEcK *1 dA~ ~ I NODRAG PREVIL, TOT ONLY IN SOUTH CARO lina, but glorious news comes from all over the Union. Democratic triumph means Tariff Reform and Tariff Reform means REDUCTION IN PRICES. Counts & Co. offer the following goods at cost: ENTIEE STCK OF ELOTHING INCLUDING OVERCOATS, MEN'S and BOY'S HATS, LADIES JACKETS, CLOAKS and SHAWLS AWAY UNDER COST. POCKET and TABLE CUTLERY, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GUNS and BROGAN BOOTS. We have made a BIC REDUCTION IN PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, and in fact the entire line of MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, JEANS, and SHOES. Give us a call, and that right early, to avail yourself of the bargans offered. Respectfully, . COUNTS & CO., PROSPERITY, S. C. A Great Sesation -AT Columbia, S. C. Over the slaughter of 350 Suits, for merly sold at $15, $16.50, $18, $22.50 and p25, at this season of the year. I am determined to reduce my winter stock at a sacrifice. I have placed these garments, giving you a good line to select from, for $10 in cash. This is the greatest offer ever made by any one, showing I mean to dispeLse of the goods if the price will move them. These garmeBts are strictly first-class in every particular. Nothing like it has ever been attempted before. The. public has been misled by such sales, ' -fr is genuine and no hum referred to a cd fttee -aksx upon theterms of the lease to The lessees will take the road and as sume its indebtedns, an&JII.g,.: antee the stockhodr 7 ercetot capital stock, whicih is $7,500A00e. bua H. Inrman, Hugh Inrman, Samjnd my "AJM C Calhouat:.C ,and if you doubt itaf wn pection of these od,ryufly te to some of YurI fred in th fr information of this great sale. y $10 per Suit! You will regret it ou do not secure one of these bar W. L. Kinardi, COL UM BIASC, KLETTNER S ing is the most Slippery season e four; perhaps because it before the rest. In Our ex ce Spring is the Irishman's Flea. ut your finger on it and it 2ere- KL E TT NER wants te a Spring Advertisement t it in big type, afraid if he does, it wl xt d ay. One thing. is cer Spring is uncertain, 'and bis, namely, to wit:3 K1 ttyerrwo wnt iebyr Man' Frints TTNR I8 Wr llEEVYED elGoo PE R CEir-het o ~rseui. Belis, ~rusbeg Cur ce. &kmpIe~ free 'IVrite gruan. ~'i B'way, K. Y. ~S4~ READ lUUhUU ~