Local and Special. Beth Eden Lutheran Church. Service every two wi-eks, second and fourth Sundays, at 11 a. in. Sunday-school Iu a. n. WM. A. JULIAN, Pastor. Postoffice Hours. Office opens............. .......................... fi a m Closes-one-half hour befure ti:e arrival of trains per schedule, viz: For Columbia...................... . , am For Greenville aL.d ie We.st............ pi n For Columbia.....................::p For Laurens......................................4. Office will remain open until........... . - , O pen..................................................... 7 ) p m Close................................................ 7 : . y in ARRIVAL AND IAI'AIlTUI'E OF S.TAR 1a.UVT% NEWRERRY AND UTOPIA. Leave Monday and Thursday............... 3 p i Arrive Monday and Thursday............. !p m1 NEWBERRY AND WHITMIRE's. Leave Tuesday and Friday.................. 3 p in Arrive Tuesday and Friday .................. 1: 11 LAURENS AND NEWBERRY. Lv. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday... I p n Ar. Tuesday, Thuisday and Saturday... 1 in Rt. MooMiAN, P. M. Cooper Pianos and Packard Organs. I will sell the above direct from the factory. They are first-class in every particular and have improvements that no others possess. Needs only to be seen and tried to be appreiated. Write me for terms and prices before buying elsewhere. L. A. HAWKINs, Newberry, S. C. One Complete Amateur Photograph Outfit for sale at half cost. Apply or address New York Racket Store, New berry, S. C., for further information. ti Fruits of all kinds arriving daily at McIntosh's. tf The Jalapa Church. The Lutheran congregation at Jalapa will be organized next Sunday morn ing by Rev. W. C. Sehaeffe.r. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. At Cost! At Cost! Floyd & Purcell will dissolve partner ship on Ist January, 1S91. They are selling out at New York cost. tf Finest New Crop Layer Figs at McIntosh's. tf. Cotton Market. The Newberry cotton market as quoted yesterday by 0. MeR. Holu.es & Co.: Good Middling 9 Middling 8- to 82. Low Middling S to S. Good Ordinary 7-. Receipts for week ending yesterday, 586; total receipts since September 1st, 8,663. Floyd & Purcell are selling out at New York cost. Come and be cou vinced. tf Public schoo's. The public schools will open the 24th instant. Miss Mary Boyd will teach the school at Garmauv Academy. Miss Kittie Joues will teach at Beth el Academy in No. 2 Township. Miss Lizzie Gritin will likely teach the school at Galitan Academy. Miss Bessie Wbeeler is teaching at Kinards, the school having opened two cr three weeks ago. Loolc to Your Interests. It will pay every one w~ho is in search of pretty goods to call at Pelham's Drug Store and examine his immense stock You will find the latest novelties;'the choicest selection in style and attrac tiveness. Beautiful Vases; Dainty Cups and Saucers ; Elegant Parlor and Hanging Lamps ; Fine Colognes and Perfumes ; Fragrant Toilet Soaps ; and a host of things like Japane-se Tea Pots, . and Creams Cracker Jars, Water ove and Handkerchief Boxes, &c, an - which make both suitable Wedding ot irthiday Preseuts.Wall at Pelhamn's. , - t f. If you want goods at - - York cost go to Floyd and Purcell. , t f Quick Work. The negro boy, Lige Sarndley, who was convicted onl Monday of breaking' into Mir. Win. Wvendt's house, did not \ have much breathing space between the act and the begin niag of his punl ishment. The house was broken in on November 1. The wvarrant was issued for his arrest on November 5, b~y J1us tice Girardeau. He was arrested onI the 6th. Tried, found guilty and sen tenced on the 10th, and taken to the1 penitentiary on the 11th. Quick work. Sauer Kraut, 10 cents a quart at Proc tor Todd's. - . t Off to t'e Fair. All the regular and excusion trains ou the C. & U. and C. N. & L. railroads have been crowded si ncec Monday with visitors to the Statte Fair. A special excursion train is run every (day on the C. & U. road starting at -. Hodges. It is due at Newberry a! d:35 in the morning aed returning is duie at Newberey at S:30) p. mI. The trains on both roads wi;ll not leave Columbia to-night (Thu rsdayv until about ten o'clock so os to give visitors an opportunity to see the lire works. A g.:reat mlanv niegroes have been on all the trains. At Newberre thle C. &~ G. r.ad had sold 4S86 excursion tickets up to and in cluding~ the sales on Wednsday- morn ing. The C. N. & L. roadl had soild for the same time 150i, maIking a tota! at New berer of e;a tickets. Catarrht Can't be( Curedl with LOCAL APPiLICATIONS, as they cann'ot reachi the seat of the dis ease. Catarch is a blood or conistitui tional disease, and( in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. Hall's (Catarrah cuire is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood arnd mucous surfaces. H-all's Catarrh Ca re is no -juack mteicine. It was re scribied by one of the best phylsicians iln this country for- years, and. is a regnl lar p)rescription. It Iis composed of the best tonics KnownI, combtined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly (on the mucous surfaces. The~ perfect coml bination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimioniials froe. F. J. CH EN EY & CO.. Props., Toledoi, C). Sojld by draggi5ts. p)rice .->c. W~e have just openedI a very hlandsome linle of Lanps of al kiiods wich we *opose to sell at very low figures. It will pay you to exmnhine our Stock before ba:l sidIer it any troule to. sho0w our Dinggist. A (f,iJ. K iIl*l. An.thr..h......d b then2 o CHEAPEST A BIG LO Don"t Fal VARIOUS AND ALL AlOUT. Th cut1jurors:tnd attoneyseii all ,-o tO, iZ !Iv ., c lVzir, hi, wvvk: The Li(4-slatlurv mccts ncxt Tucsltv ne w\teek. Rev. Dr. .1. B. Fox wtti pre.wh in hle Lutherain chur11ch next .1onh11d normazi. -, There has been siome fine weatier for ,ather;ig cotton the past week or two. The officers of court aiverise some valuable lands for sale. )r. 0. B. Mayer. Jr., o.ers his house aind lot in Helena for sale. A valuable house and lot in the town >f Newberrv on the corner of Caldwell md Doundary streets is ol-ered for sale. A new Lutheran church wis dedi "ated at O'Neall inl this county last -;unday. The sernion was preached by Rev. Dr. Holland. There was a large congregation present. The Graded School will.suspend ex ?rcises to-day, Thursday, so as to give ill the pupils an opp)rtunity to attend the State Fair. Beth Eden Alliance will meet on zaturday evening at 2 o'clock. Every member requested to be present. Mr. Henry C. Hoof has bought the ilrardeau house and lot on Vincent street, now occupied by Capt. (. W. Bishop. The price paid was $1,00. In the Lutheran Church next Sun Jay night 1:ev. W. C. Schaeffer will reach on "iaul's Progress." the third ;ermon on 'Scenes in the Life of Paul." A cordial itvitation is extended to the 'ublic. According to a Washington cores :)ondent there are eight persons in \ewberry County who receive pensions com the Federal government aid 5t3 ii South Carolina. The following are the delegates ap pointed by Gov. Richardson to attend the Southern Inter State Iunigration C'onvenition which will be held in ksheville, N. C., early in December: ohn C. Wilson, R. L. -MeCaughrin, \ilt,on A. Carlisle, Alan Johnstone. Floyd & Parcell have thrown there vhole Stock of Goods on the market at New York cost. tf Blue Bells. - - A new and elegant perfutne. For sale by BELCHEt, HOUSEAL & KHLER. Personal. Mfiss Julia Speck has returned from t visit to relatives in Yorkville. Irs. H. H. Beard, of Yorkville, ison m visit to her father Capt. Juno. F. speck. Mrrs. D)r. Perry, of Augusta, Ga., is m a visit to her father M1r. J. D. S. [ivingston. Miiss Eli::a Holmes has returned to der home in Wilmiington,-N. C. Miiss Lizzie Glenn has returned from Svisit to friends in Laurenis, S. C. Miss Lenore Broaddus left. last Sat rday for Baltimore to attend the Bal .imore Institute of Art. Mrs. Lockwood nce Miss Lulakiiller, low of Detroit, MIIch., but formerly of harleston, S. C., is on a visit to her runit Mrs. S. N. Evans. MIrs. Lock ,ood visited Newberry a few years ago old has many friends here who are ;lad to welcome her back. Fresh Currants, Prunes, Nuts, Cocoa mlts, &c., at Minmosh's. Syrup of Figs, l\f Dy )spepsi:t, I mii~ 2st 4inn, Flatuilecyc 2:(iU o!tptol urElt n Ii)told h ' eib, Ho,1 il & Kih4ler~4.C5 Wi Il C :n:ri D .2 . 1 u )c int l'eers i.'.ruption, anBd Prne IdOTMIING9 A.iT rTHJJ T OF GOODS liS1il . G )(ooairs be made upcon the jail-yardi tence, the well. the kitchen and the jail roof and win dow. Tlie Courahouse roof is reported as leak ing, and soicne repairs aire nlee(led upon the iront I, to whielh we call the attention of the Court The Grand Jury calls attent ion to ain a:rgra vaited caise of long smtting, in the lower part cof the coutcity, of basma:dy. A ease aiginst the parties was repo:1,ed at the last Court, but ini tce accsemnce of an imporw.nct witnless, tuie case lay over'. Tue witi-ess has not yet beii biroug'iit befcore vs. 'The lciatter oIf tranii'er' assessen'5l'1. of proipe iy frocin No.1I Townishiip toother town-' sni ps to avccid te cailcroadt tax was repccrted ait .tie last Co .rt aclcal the presiding judge had thce . unity Auditor served with a notice of the sarue. '"he Au'gs tile So lieitorc to take the proper legal procceeedings. Rt. T. C. Hunter. Forecian, W. D). Uhalfacre. F". N. Dawkinas, T. N. Boozer. J. T. DUcicacn. Rt. Y. Leav'en, .i. D). Nanice. R. D). Smith, TI. IR. Workmcan, C. K. Bake.', C. A. Bowmian, J. M Caicmes,. Jr., D. J. Hen Lz. C. B. Bishop. Expenses of the County. At the meeting of the County Coin mnissioners last week the estimated ex penses of the county for ordinary pur poses was made. Upon the basis of this estimat.e thbe County Commission ers have recommtlendced. to the Legisla ture a levy of 3.'. mills to meet the same. The following sho vs the items of ex pense included in this estimate and it may be of interest to our readers: For County Auditor........... S 400 "(Conuty Cowmmissionlers anti Clerk's Salaries...... 800 ""Treasurer's Comn missions.........8:10 " " Board of Etlualiza tion.............. 175 "Jury, WXitness and Constable Tickets .................... 4,000 "(Clerk of Court.................5t.->0 "Sherifi......................... 2,l00 "Trial J ustices.................. 1,000 "Coroner.......................30) "Poor H Ituse atnd P'oor........ 1,00() " epatirs on Roads & Bridcges ,0 " "Public Buildinigs 1,0400 "Books, Stationery & Prinltingt 4(00 "(Conuingenit Expens~es...... 00 WANTED, 100,000 bushels Cot ton Seed at the Oil Mill. Highest cash price paid. L. W. FLOYD, if M'ce'y. Treas. an:l Mana;r~er. smith & W~earn. The new advertisement ill this issue shows that this enterprising firm hav'e a lile stock of clothiing for sale at the lowest prices. They mean what they advertise, anld invite an itispectioln of their good s. Besides clothing, they also have a nice line of gents' furnish i:::ss, hiats, shoes, ail the celebrated Zeigler Brocs.' shoes for ladies. wvhich ihave no superior for dIurability acid beauty. NORFOLK OYSTERS! Set'ved every day atn tohen .c to the uise of the~ Grce:ct Al. tenattre T"ouie. Ift youc are~ trocibc"d with any' ie:eof Kidi ey.s.h.ver' or -: cicneh. ca o 10, or abcrt st-' .t vonc will sucrely unnd relief by c 'e o Eecif Bitte*rs, So;dicat 5Cr. $1 per bottle at lIobetson & Glldet's Drug Store. ~. - SHOES L~EADITO TO BE SOL] ]Endless-.- V'arietO aq[ PRiCO. R P1 BLAL The State and County Election. The result tf the election in this coulty for tate ntuUld Aicunty ollieer. is given belowv. We give tihe total vote for each candidate. There were, :4t one or two precinets a few scattering vot;s. Tihe co)nstitutioial amienldmenvit to) abo ish that section i)f the eistitution which provides for the election of Boani of C(oulty Ciimmissi"ners was defeated by a miaJorny of 24.. Tht vote ()uI this question was very S1o1i. The following is tihe vote fir the di feir ent otlices. lhle Boar1-d of(1 0111t.v ( an vassers has niot Yet Coimpieted its work, but these th;ures will be fouii substantially correet: FOR (oVERNoR. 11. . Tillm an .............................. 1694 A . C. H askell............................. 344 Tillman's majority.............. 1:5u 1.:1 -1ENANT GOVERNOt. E . 1. G ary...... .......................... 1699 W . D. Johnsou .......................... 343 (ary's majority........ ...... ..... 1356 SECRETA RY OF STATEi. .1. E. Tindal....... ........................ 1719 Edwin Harper........................... 154 Tindal's iajority ...... ........... 1 ATToR.N E ;ENEtA L. Y . J. Pope................................... 1722 Joseh W. Barlwell................... 152 Pope's majority..................... 1570 STATE TREASURER. W . T. C. Bates............................. 1718 W . A. Aucrum ........ ................. 156 Bates' majority..................... 1562 CoMPTROLLER GENERAL. V. H. Ellerbe........................... 1718 Edimund Bacon........ ................. 152 Ellerbe's majority ...........:...... 1566 SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. W . D. M ayfield........................... 1714 E. B. Ragsdale............................ 157 Mayfield's majority............... 1559 ADJCTA.NT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL. H ugh L. Farley........................... 1719 R. N. Rich bourg........................... 157 Farley's majority................... 1562 STATE SENATOR. Joseph L. K eitt........................... 1717 REPRESEN CATIVES. Johnt W. Scott........................... 1728 C. L . Blease................................. 1721 V. 1). H ardy.............................. 1716 PROBATE JUDGE. J. B. Fellers....................... 1742 SCH OOL CO3DMISSIONER. Arthur Kibler..................... 1742 COUN L'Y COM1.31SSIONE RS. J. WV. Smith...................... 1741 J.H. Smith......................... 1740 J. J. Kiuard....................... 1739 CONSTIT UTIONA L AM3ENDMENT. No....................................6319 Yes.................................... 371 No's majority.................. 248 The Congressional Election. The County Board of Cauvassers met ou Tuesday and canvassed the returns of the managers for the Cougressional election in this county. The Herald and News published last wveek as full returns as it was possible to obtain at that time. We give this week the vote for Congress by preciticts as tabulated by the Coututy Board. Mr. WV. F. Ewart carried the returus to'Columibia yest erday: JollN- TOL New berry..............Sn0 (ibtsou's ............ Glymiphville...........3 May binton ..............2 Cromer's................lii Jalapa.................10 .Longshore's............12 Williams'..............l2 Dead Fall............ Prosperity..............44i 3 Jolly Street...........12 Pomnaria................10 toal...... 3191 ... Joti ston's mjoriy inthe-o) nt 11,0 7 Wtion.................... 5s god.Hese indocatie'suajeriey all ohe uthe cutytE. praopntiv defto., al oopoistteriy wit.,hv take the form,t eotc.,d alreadyic antciatre dtion i the price ofhi goods. aHe rs-e moriyolie toutery with lare, i re newed activity and enterprise, and a consequent greater demand for goods. To end right is begin right. Hence he places himself on recoi'd in an all-round reduction in the p)rices of his large and superb stock of goods. Thle finest Cheese on the market at Melutosh's. tf Their Busines Boina. Probably no one tiling has caused ielic a g~enra rival of trtie at Rtoiert.soni & ii'dler's Dlrug store as~ their givlrng away to thi ei cutomiers ot so inany tree trial botiles o1 i)r. King's NeLw ifiscvery f or Coiniumpin TLheir tr:ule i's siumply enourinious in this vetl y vatlable article I romn the tact thait it alwave~ eureis andI never dtisappoiints. Goughis. Cozii.. Astlhmza, iro,tchitis, Groupi. awiil ail throat andi lung diseases (luiickly curm-d. 3 on can test it befoie lbutying by getting a trial bottle lree 'irge size #1j. Every bottle Warraulced. - A sore leg, the flesh a mass of disease, yet P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium h) achieved wonderful re suits, tile flesh was p)urilied and the gone got sound, and my health was established, says Mr. James Masters, of Savannah, Ga. P'imples on the Facet Decnote an1 impulre state of the bloodand are looked upoin by many with suspi cion. Atker's Blood Elixir will re move all i mipurities and leave the comn plexion smiooth and clear. There is nothingr that will so thoroughly build up the consLtiti, p)urify and strngtouthle whlole system. bold anti gtuaraniteed byv Belcher, Houseal & 1I b.1r. Highest of all in Leavening Power. lAND Hf r STZTIES D AT SHOR at Lowest Pos 8asu8o to Show I ,OCK & DEATHS. Mrs. Martin, wlfe of MrR. Noah Mar til, died on the -th instant. About 2 o'clock ibis afternoon Jea Ethel, the bright. little daughter of Mr and Mrs. L. C. Moore, passed awal : fter a week's illness. She was oni1 live years old and her parents have tl syilpathy of the community. Thi lutieral services will be held from thi "esidence to-ilorrow afternoon at i'.lock.Coluibia Evening RZecord Nov. 7. ADVERTISED LETTERS. POST OFmeF,.:, NEwIt:nIY. S. C. List of letters unclaimed and Advertize< Novei1er 12, I:,W. Persons calling for the above letters wil ple:ise say tart t ley were advertised. It. MoOa AN. P. M. Arnioid., J 11 Mitell.-11Jamles Bell1.6y. Stepp [2] Patton. Mrs C A Brryv. 3Mrs Lizzie Smith. Hleniry Claton. L B sankders. Bethv C'olemlanl,.Jefrenlonl Sm10th1, Jacob' I)ums, Jeha Spearian, Mrs N M llon ell. John J T:dwell, 3hs Ida Hollie, w B Wilson. Drayton Jack.>n, Mack vest, Rev J A wilson, W F There would be far less complaiul against the whiskey business it peoph who drinu. would demand a fine whis key, of a standard brand, and accep1 no other. There are many straight anc well matured whiskies on the market but no other stands so high with th medical fraternity, and with connois seurs, as the celebrated . W. HARPEI WHISKEY, of Nelson County, Ken. tucky. The genuine I. W. HARPER is so'C Lnly by THOS. Q. BOOZER, Newberry, S. C. A Scientific Wonder. Science supplies us with wonders un accounted. Mlle. Janotha once playec a presto by Mendelssohn, rendering 3,595, notes in four minutes. It is es timated that each note involved thre( distinct movements-seventy-two pei second. There were four distinct quali ties for each movement; so it is fair t( say that there were not less than tw( hundred transmissions to and from th( brain outward and inward every see ond. Science in another field has fur nished C-Mse for wonder. Medical re. search have by bringing together fron: tbe antipodes and blending with loca herbs, given to the world a nhedicin that, while not a panacea, for "all ill that flest is heir to," is potent in arrest ing and eradicating those most general Dr. lWestmo.eland's Calisaya Toui< has been found the peer of all prepara tions in coping with malarial troubles For general debility, for enervatiol and chronic loss of appetite, headach( and dyspepsia, no medicine is its equal It can be had from Robertson & Gilder PEPPERMINT CORDIAL. A pleasant and certain cur< for D)iarihoa, Dysentel y, Chol are Morbus and all affections o: the Stomach and Bowels. Prepared and sold at ROBER TSON & GILDER''S Corner Drug Stor -Buckien's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Sores Bruises, Ulcers. Salt Rtheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns an< all Skin Fruptions, and positively cure Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed t< give perfect satisfaction, or money refunde< Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Rtobert son & Gilder. LADI ES Needing a tonic, or children who want build mg~ up. should take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indl gestion, Biliousness and L.iver Complaints. New Advertisements. House and Lot for Sale. I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC OUT Lcry on Saleday in December, (is1 day), my house and lot in Helena, con taining one-half acre, situated on the public road leading irom Newberry Terms cash. 0. B. MAYER, Jr. Card of Thanks. I DESIRE TO' RETURN MY SIN cere and heartfelt thanks to thos< kind friends who came on last Thurs, day and sent hands to pick cotton foi mec. And also to those who so kindl3 nursed and sympathized with my bus band dluring his last illness. May the rich blessings of a kind heavenly Father rest upon themi and theirs it their hours of sorrow. Respectfully, MAGGIE C. RIDE L HUBER. ROAD NOTICE. O VERSEERSOF PUBLIC ROADS are directed to have the samt wvorked at once, and to make their re turns as the law requires. By order of the Board of County GEO. B. CROMER, Clerk. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clense an beutiiesthe hair. ~-.eve a1s o etoeGray cures cal d i ases & hair. h.g. Lo, reria G.inker asic Ecur.theix, c.h Paintiff.Deblis. Lula e tJones etan , Tae D ie-Ut Nfendants.m ur fr ors LLAT OFSOTH CHOLING cnlaim gais hs. Grenekrsxcui,&c ker, deceased, are hereby notified t< p)resent their claims, duly attested, t< the undersigned on or before the 20t1 lay of Novemblier, 1S890. And notice i hereby given thaf, all creditors of the said deceased are enljoinled and re Atrained from prosecut.ing their claim excep)t in this suit. aG J. B FE LLERS, J. P. N. C. Ne wberry, S. C.. Oct. 22n d. 1890. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder ELY PURE TS BEST I PROFITS. -sible Prices. lur 00s. GREEN. A Minister's Cure. A ,1 i'ER ASIr HIS L(TrLE BOY. CURED OF I oRl.-,TN.,'TE SKIN ISE-:A5ES ]IY Ti- CUT! . IUA RE.I'DiF. Pi:AiSEs TiE IN THE PCi.'T, 11031E AND IN rjiE sTRjEr. For abvit thirteen lar-s I have been trwubled with eezenia or sorne euttaneous disease which0 :ll reinedie. failed to cure. Hearing of the CUTl e1-RA REr IEi. I resolved to g:ve thein a trial. I followe Iilie directions carefullv, and it affords rnic i11iehl 0eastre to say thn. ,efre %%.igtwo bo::es f tie CUTICURA. four enkes of C'Li ;crtA SOAP. Mid Onle bottle ef C(-rIct-IA 1. a-o.v.-r. I wis entirety eured lin adlitioln to my own case, liy babv boy. then about five imlonithisold. was sufTering with what I suipposed to be the salme disoase as mine. to such ai . xtent that his heed was voated over with a solid seab. froin which I there was a coiistant flow of pus which was sick ing to look itui besidtes two hirge tinmor-like kernels on the back of his head. Thanks to vour wonderful (rbrICRA ICE3Ft n:Es. his seup is'per fectiy well.and the kernels have been scattered so that there is only one little place by his left e:., and that is healing nicely. Instead ofa coating of tcabs he has a tine coet of hair. much better than that which was destroyed by the disease. I would that the -whole world of siirerers f:'orn -kin and blood dliseat.-es kn-v the value of your C0-1ICrRA RE3EDIEs as I do. They are worth ten times the price at which they are sold. I have never used any other toilet soap in my house since I bought the first eake of yoizr CUTrcURA SOAP. I would be inhunan, as well as ungrateful. should I fail to speak wel, of and recoinend them to eve ry sufferer. I have spoken of then and shall con initie to pewak of then from the pulpit, in the homes, anl in the streets. Praying that you may ve long. di 14o others the saIeaioniit of good you have done Ie ait Imly child, I remnatin yours gratefwtlly (REv.( t. M. MANNING, Box 28, Acworth, Ga, Cuticura Remedies A-e in truth the greatest skin cures, blood purifiers, and hum r renedies of modein dines. Sold everywhere. Price. (71UTICURA,50C. SoAP. 25c. RFSoLv1,Nr, $1. Prepared by the PdrER iDRfUG ANi) CHE3MICAL CORPORATION, Boston. ";'Send for" T!ow to Cure Skin Diseases." 64 pages, 3) illustrations and 1o0 testimonials. PIMPLF.S. blackhcads,red, rough. chapped and oily skin cured by CUTICURAbo'AP. OLD FOLKS' PAINS Fill of comfort for all Pains, Jnflam lation, and weakiiess of the Aged is the 4*uticura Anti-Pain Plas ter, the first and only pain-killing strengthening plaster. -New, instamalineous and infiallible. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the- sys tem efectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have- made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any -substitute. CALIFORNMA FIG SYRUP CO. S AN FR ANCISCO, CA L, LOUISVILL.E, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. TO RIIT OR IM&~ GOOD TWO OR FOUR HORSE Afarm on Cloud's Creek, six or seven miles north of' Batesburg. For any further information apply to the undersigned at Ridge Spring, S. C. D. W. PA DGETT. VALUABLE LAD ,FOR SALE. 10 9( ACRES OF' LAND ABOU 4 -three miles fromu the Town of Newberry, known as part, of the old Miller tract, well situated on the waters of Busht River, will be sold at once at a sacrifice. Tlatratct conitainlS 2S acres of good bottom land and -18 acres in pine forest, and the balance in line con dition ft)r cultivation, and is a most desirable farmx. There are~ two tenant houses and-a barn on1 the place. Good terms will be given to the purchatser. For further informattion,, apply at The H-ferald and News olie. 100 TUNES To introduce --them, one in every - Conty r Twn fur ni.lhed~ reliable per - - -sons ueither sex) who will promise to Show It. ICRDE MUSC BO "r- . - r wYork city. SIeton lie Bierald atnd News when you write. -~ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM fCeansesnd beauties the hair.j -Prorni:es a luxiuri: growthm. evrFisto Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthfut Color. Cures sca p diseases & hairfl:g .450c,anid 8t.00etDru'gists LI Parker's Ginger Tonic. It cures the worst Cough, w~eak Lun:ts, Deobility, Indigestion, Pain, Take iin in:e. ZOcts. HND ER COR NS.. The oniy sure enre for Corns. S.- aapan .asrug:,or Col & Co)., N. Y. ;NESS & HEAD NOISES CUREDay Iok'NvIsIBLE TUBULAR EAR CUSHIONS.~Whispers heard. Coin eal, 813 fir'dway, New York Writs eerbo of pr,ofsFE. GR AT EFUL--COMFORTING E PPS'S COCO A BREAKFA ST "By a thorough knowb:dge of the natuml~ laws which govern the operations of dige tiont anid nutrition, and by a careful applica tion of the rine p)ropertie of wetll-Selected] Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our break fst tables~ with a delicately rlavoutred beverage which may save us many heavy doctors bills. It is by the .judicious use (4' such arti ele-sof dlio. that, a cos-ttui >n my be grad( uatlly built up until -irmc i nouh 1to resi--t e'.erv tendi-ec to disea.seo. Il antred-. of sub I le rii,ddies atre lIn iii ting t aroun tus ready to attack whe,rever thiere la .t weak point. We mayt escape mny a fatal shaft byv keeping outrsolves wtell fortiled with pure blood ant a prop'rIy nounrished fiame."--Civil Servic. Gaze-tIt. Made simply with ho4llig water or miilk. Sold ouly if half- >ound ~tins, by (,rocers, Ilabelled thus: .JAtES EKPPM & C(., Homa.epathic Chemists, London WATCHES CLOCKS 4 JEWELRY I AM NOW RECEIVING TEE LARGEST STOCK OF WATCHES EVER OFFERED IN NEWBERRY. IN SOLID GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER, SILVEROID, AND NICKEL CASES, OF ALL STYLES, HUNTING AND OPEN FACE, FOR LADIES MEN AND BOYS. And if you cannot come in person, write for LOW PRICES. Watches sent C. 0. D. to any part of the country, with privilege of ex amination before paying for them, when 50 cents accompanies the order, which will be deducted from the bill. State the anionnt you wish to pay for a Watch, as I can furnish them at any price, from the cheapest made up to the finest. jF WELRY. TNITHIS LINE I KEEP A LARGE .1Stock of SOLID GOLD AND ROLLED P1 ATE IN RINGS, PINS, EAR-DROPS, BRACELETS, SCARF PINS, STUDDS, IN SETS AND SINGLE, GENTS' VEST CHAINS, LADIES' QUEEN AND FOB CHAINS, CHARMS, LOCKETS, GOLD AND SILVER THIMBLES, CUfFS AND COLLAR BUTTONS, NECK LACES, ETC. CLOCKS? DID I HEAR Y.OU SAY ? WELL, I have them now-and don't you forget it-in from the cheapest Nickel Alarm Clock up. I have a nice line and at prices never before sold at in this market, Why buy a clock from a peddler and pay him two or three times as much as I sell them? Save your hard-earned dollars by buying from me. I N GOLD, STEEL AND RUBBER Frames at all prices. Styles, quali ties and colors to suit everybody, old and young, big or little, white and black. e* All Goods Sold Warranted as Represented. My E:xperience of 3l4 years in the Jewelry Business enables me to tell my cus~tomlers whether an article is Solid or Plated, and they cant rely upon miy .indgment.____ V A V A V /A V RPAIRING. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF RE Lpairing Fine and Complicated Watebes, Clocks and Jewelry, and my prices are as lowvest as any other first class watchmaker. I do all my own work, and do not have to send it of! to be done. I have the latest and most improved tools and use nothing but the best material in my work, and consequently I am able to give entire satisfaction. .s Allail and EpesOrders wl receive prompt attention. Selection packages of Watches or .Jewelry will be sent to parties furnishing satisfac tory references on receipt of order. Highest Market Price Will be paid for Old Gold or Silver JOHNF SPEC, The Jeweler. Next door to Peihnm's Drug Store. THEPLACETO GE BARGAINS T -AT 1inter & afleS0n K Dry Goods, Clothing Hat and Shoe Store. W E CALL SPECIAL ATTEN to our CLOTHING DEPART MENT. Our line of Business Suits, both in Cutaways and Sacks, comprises all the last styles, and will be sold at small profits. See our line of Prince Albert Suits. Boys' Knee Pants Suits in great variety. Examine our Boys' Combination Suits. Underwear. Underwear Never before have we shown vo such a full line of these goods. You can get any kind you need. Fat Department. All the latest shapes as they appear in the rnq-et. SHOES SHOES We iuvite your special attention to this brauch of our business. Only reliable goods are sold and at very low prices. You are earnestly invited to call and see this stock before making a purchase. Respec.fully, MINTER & JAMIESUNs THERUBYNALOOI1 AND RESTAURANT AT THE OLD STAND OF ILLY W. 1ANT. T HE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY Tinvited to call and inspect our line of WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, WINES, CIGARS AND OBACCO. Foreign and Domestic. For medical and general use. RESTAURANT. We also hAve attacbed a first class Restaurant, where everything the market affords will be served at a'1' hours, day and night, by polite and at tentive waiters. Oysters in season. POOL and BILLIARDS. Also a nice and elegant Pool and BHi liard Hall up stairs over the saloon. Respectfully yours to please, JAMES DUNBAR, Agent. PROF. P. M. WEITMAN, 716 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA, Graduata* Optician. CIVES FREE EYE TESTS for Presbyopia-old sight,-Myopza near sight,-Hyperopia-far sigt simple Compound and Mixed Astig matism-irregular curve of the cornea -=Anisometropia-unequal refraction of two eyes-and Asthenopia-weak sight. Broken lenses replaced while you wait. Repairing of all kinds. Oculists' prescriptions filled. Testimonials from Rev. Lansing Burrows, Rev. Wm;. F. Cook, Rev. 4. S. Patterson, Dr. J. S. Coleman, Dr. S. P. Hunt, Dr. V. G. Hitt, Dr. W. C. Wardlaw, Dr. M. A. Cleck'lew, Robert H. May, Mayor Ker Boyce, Postma ter, Patrick WXalsh, President, "Au gusta Chronicle Co." Also refers to the editor of this paper. NOTICE. DUIRING MY ABSENCE MR. Silas J. McCaughrin will be at my office to receive all monies due me. Parties indebted will please call and make payment. A. J. McCAUJGHRIN. FOR SALE. O NE HOUSE AND LOT,CORNER of Adams and Harrington streets. One Farm of 85 acres, two miles of Newberry. For terms app)ly to CARLISLE & LANE. "Hello! Tom. Glad to uce you, old fellowi It's almnost tea years since we were married. Sit down: let's have an experience meeting. How's the wife ?" "Oh! she's so-so, same as usual,-tlways want ing something I can't aford." -Welt, we all want something mote than we've got. Don't you ?" "Yes: brt.I guess'wantw'llbeifmymaster. I started to keep down expenses; and now LiI says i'm 'mean,' and she's tired of saving and never having anythin" to show for it. I saw your wife down street. ani she looked as happy ass que "Ithink she is ; and we are economica. too, have to be. My wife can make-a little go further than anyone I ever knew, yet she's always sur- . prising me with some damnty contrivance that adds to the comfort and beant~ of our little home, and she's always 'merry as a lr.' When I ask how she manages it, she always laughs and as 'Oh ! that's my secret! ' But I think I've is covered her 'secret.' When we married, we both knew we should have to be very careful. but she made one condition: she would have herMagnle. And she was riht ! I wouldn't do withouti my self for double the subscription price. We read It together, from the title-page to the last word: the stories keep our hearts yong; the 5yslSi of impotatevents and scientific matters k-eps mnsed so that I can talk understandingly of what is going on : my wife is always trying some new ide from the ousehold deatet she make' all her dresses and those for the children, and she gets all her patterns for nothing. with the Magazine ; and'we saved Joe when he was' so sick with the croup, by doing just as directed in the SanitarianDepartme't. But Ican't tellyon hadf" -What wonderful Mar'zine is it ?" " Demoreet's Family Magnzine, and-" " what ! Why that's what Lii waied so bad, and I told her it was an extravagance." "Well,.m friend, that's where you made a grand mistak, and one you'd better rectify as soon as you can. Il take yor 'sub.' right here, on my wife'a accout't: she' bound to have achina . tea-set in ti-ce for our tin wedding next mouth. My gold wat chi was the premium I got forget uip a club. Here's a copy. with the newPremn List for c!nbs.--the biurest thing oat! If yon don't see in it wh::t von want, you've only to write t o the publisher and tell him what you wan,t.whether i: 1.e a tack-hammer or a new c-arriage.and he will ra'.e snecia' t'rmn- for you, either for a club. or for lrtt caTh. Iktter subscribe right off and surprise \irs. Tom. Op:d l i.00 a yeir-will save fifty time timt in six moenth... Or send 10Ocents direcr to the pob!isher. w. gennings~ Demorest. 15 East 14th 5re.t. New York. for ax specimen copy containing the P'remium List." TALBOTT & SONS, MIANUF'ACTURERS, ENGINES AND BOILERS, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, Are acknowledged to be the best ever sold in this St.2te. When you buy one of them, vo are satisfied that you~ have made no mistake. Write for our prics. . . COTTON GINS -- and C{TTON PRESSES, At bottom figures. V. C. BADH/AM, Gen'I Agt COLUMBIA, S. C. Hcme Office Factory, Richmond la. - ~ ~