0, ELBERT H.AULL, EDITO. ELBERT H. AULL, Proprietors. WM. P. HOUSEAL NEWBERRY, S. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1890. THE STATE ELECTION. As stated last week the election in this State, on the 4th inst., was the most quiet and peaceful ever held. Not a disturbance of any character is re ported. Upon this fact we may con g-atulate ourselves. Not that we feared any serious trouble, but during the whole of this year we have had a most esciting campaign and many people did not know exactly what to expect. The negroes behaved.admirably. They recognized the fact that this was a white man's fight, and, as they had no ticket in the field, they attended to their daily business and did not bother with the election. Very few of them turned out to vote at all. Another fact, which is a matter of congratulation, is the success of the regular Democratic ticket, by an over whelming majority. This is evidence that the integrity of the party is main tained and the white people of the State are going to stand together. Judge Haskell and his ticket take their defeat in good spirit and accept the result as it has been declared at the balot box. The vote polled was very light, not being muh over half the Democratic vote of the State. Exact figures can not yet be given and will not be ob tained until after the official count is made. The total vote, however, in round numbers is about 50,000, of which the regular ticket received about 40,000, and the Haskell ticket received about 10,000, making Tillman's majority about 30,000. Now that all is over, we hope to see such action on the part of both factions as will get them back together and that by the time another election comes around we may present an un broken and united frout. Let the past bury the past, and let all of us look hopefully to the future performing our parts manfully and as the duties present themselves in the present. There is no use arguing and disputing over what might have been. If we look back too much at the rocks over which we have stumbled we may get a much harder fall over some rock just ahead of us which we cannot see. Then let us keep our eyes to the front ever pressing onward and upward. Six out of the seven Democratic Con gressmen have been elected by large majorities and it is thought Col. Elliott is also legally elected. The thing to do now is to go to work and develop the resources of our State and keep her moving forward in the march of progress. There are great things in store for the, South and there is no better place in all this Southland than within the borders of South Caro lina. THE GREAT DEMOCRAT!C VICTORY. The Democracy has swept the whole country like a tidal wave. It was an uprising of the people. The Demo cratic party is the poeple's party, and the people generally mean business. The next Congress will be so largely Democratic that the Democrats will have a quorum, and some to spare, if no Republicans are present at all. This throws upon them a very great responsibility, and they should be con servative and make no mistakes, for the big battle is to be fought in 1892. According to the figures of the New York Sun the Republican party has never been so small in Congress since it assumed that name in 1S54, as it will be in the next Congress. In thirty-five years of its existence only once before have there been less than 100 Republi cans in Congress, and that was in the Thirty-fifth Congres, to which 92 Re publicans were elected in 1856. The party started in the Forty-fourth Con -gress with 108 members. This year 94 Republicans have beed elected to the Fifty-second Congress. Never since the Republican party was organized has either party contcolled the House by such a majority as the Democrats will have in the next Congrress. "In the Forty-third Congress the RtApublicans had 198 Representatives. In the Forty eighth the Democrats had 200. In the Fifty-second Congress, according to the latest figures, there will be 23S Demo crats." This is the fist time in the history of the government that so great a change has been made in the political complexion of the House by a single election. The Democratic majority w21 be something like 144. The Alliance in the West played an important part in securing th's large Democratic majority. In Kansas, for instance, the Repub lican farmers made a square fight against the Republican party and im bibed the princip)les of Democracy, and a legislature opposed to Senator Iugalls has been elected. McKinley, the author of the tariff bill, has been defeated. The results are glVious for the Democrats every where. It is an uprising of the people against a government of monopoly and tyran ny. It is an-uprising-of the people for the inauguration of those principles which are in the interest of the people as against combinations. These prin ciples are found and taught and brac ticed- in the Democratic party and hence the results. The people will turn aside from any political party and throw it overboard if it begins to inijure the business interests of the country. We trust the present election means a burying of sectionalism and old aui mosities and prejudices, and that the whole country will begin an era of un precedented prosperity. Hon. ('lark Howell, of Atlanta, ea., has been elected Speaker of the Geor gia Legislature. He is only 28 years old and possibly the youngest man ever elected to such a position. He is also managing editor of the Atlanta Constitution. He is bright and brainy and we have no doubt will discharge the duties of his responsible position with credt: and honor to himself. THAT UNION DEPOT. We thought that by this time work would have been commenced on that union depot that we are to have at Newberry in the near future. It is very much needed. The accommoda tions are not what they ought to be. We understand from the officers of the C., N.& L. R. R. that they are ready to begin work on the union depot, but can get no answer from the Richmond and Danville folks as to when they will be ready to co-operate. We can see no reason for delaying this work, especially when the Richmond and Danville folks need a passenger depot as bad as the C., N. & L. Then it is due the traveling public and the city of Newberry that we sfiould have better accommodations in this line. We hope these two roads will get to gether and put up at an early date a union depot that will be an oinament to the town and a credit to the rail roads. We agree with the Spartanburg Her ald that if Miller has a majority of the votes in the Seventh District that he should be given his seat. If the Miller ballots lack a fraction of an inch o: being the legal size and had the wore "For" on them, which was not techni cally legal, still we say let him have his seat if he received the most votes. The Democrats cannot atTord to imitate the Republicans in unseating members or not seating them on such technicalities Let him have his seat. The Verdict of the Coroner's Jury In the Hornsby Case. (Special to the News and Courier.] COLU31MA, November 8.-The coro ner's inquest into the murder of Miss Florence Hornsby, which was ad journed on Thursday, was resumed it the city this morning. The dlibera tions were held with closed doors in the solicitor's room in the county Court House. H. C. Kraft was the only witness ex amined, but his testimony elicited n< new facts in the case. Considerable time was taken up in discussing the testimony heretofore adduced, an< when it was proposed to render a ver dict one of the jurors, James H. Bald win, declared that he would not sign it unless the prisoner, Wade Haynes alias Dute Hagood, should first be brought before the jury for examina tion. The other jurymen manifested no particular inclination to see the prisoner, all being agreed that they were already in possession of all the facts necessary upon which to make ur a verdict. Mr. Baldwin however, re mained obdurate, and the coroner, upoi the request of the jury, called upot Sheriff Rowan and asked that thE prisoder be produced at the inquest The sheriff, upon the advice of Attornel General Earle, declined to bring tht prisoner out of the jail. Thejury ther requested the sheriff to permit them t< visit the jail and examine the accused there. This request Sheriff Rowan de clined to grant unless so ordered by th( Circuit Judge. Mr. Andrew Crawford, who repre sented the solicitor at the inquest, gavE it as his opinion that the evidence which had been adduced was sufficien to warrant the coroner in commnittini the accused upon his warr-ant, ever without the formula of a verdict. Sheriff Rowan then informed the coroner that the Attorney General hat stated that it would not be necessari for every one of the thirteen jurymer to sign the verdict in order to makei lega', that the signatures of twelve o them would be sufficient, and the coro ner so informed the jury. After some further deliberation the following verdict was finally rendered "That Miss Florence Hornsby came to her death at the hands of Wade Haynes. Signed: John Stack, foreman Geo Taylor, W. D. Stack, John Lorick J, B. Dent, Arthur Smith, Warrer Smith, Levi Koon, John Nates, Johr Folk, H. H. Dent, W. R. Sbhull." The prisoner was then regularly comn mitted for trial at the next term of the Court of General Sessions. About twenty-five or thirty men whc live in the neighborhood where the murder was committed came to the city with the jury and remained in the Court House yard during the progress of the inquest. All of them, however, appeared to be peaceably dis osed, and no sigPs of excitement were visible. It is a striking coincidence that about six years ago Caleb Hagood, the father of the young negro who stands charged with the murder of Miss Hornsby, committed a criminal assault upon a lady of Fairfield Couoty, for which crime he was taken from the jail at Winnsboro by a mob of infuriated citizens and summarily put to death near Woodward's store at Rockton. The Richland jail was guarded again last night by sheriff Rowan and his special deputies. READY TO BACK DOWVN. A Rtepublican Organ in the West Recomn mends tha Immediate Modifleation or the McKin'ey Bill. CmicAGo, November 7.-The Even ing Journal, for many years one of the staunchest .of Republican papers, in the course of a dBuble leaded editorial on t be political situation this afternoon, says: "What now shall be the Republican party's course? Simply this, that it must live up to what are its real prin ciples. The McKinley bill must not stand unchanged. It must be modified in almost every feature. A national caucus of the party has been held its leaders must obey the dictates of the caucus. There is no .occasion for delay until a Democratic Congress has as sembled, and a Republican Senate has given assent to the changes required. The Republican party is the party of the people and one of reform within it~ self. It has now its opportunity." Sad. (Obse-ver, 6th.] Editor Aull, of The He.aid and News, lst $5 on the elect ion. He was standing on the seet about the bulen boa:d on Tuesday nizlh.. watc-hinug tne eturns w,,en a live dol la, :>ill woced i ts wa." out &: hils vest pocket and( fe' I somzewvhe'-e on ?te street. when tne finder lea.ns i .e'ong.s Io an edio: he will no doi,~ ma- e hastens :estore it to t he disconisolate owLne -. :his edito-- didn't lose any !!ve dollar bill 0n .ue eItecuon, because-we:l, for Mie best of reao)us. We beg leave to offer ot' - condole ice to our eseetued cont emeporary as fo'.ows: 'Tis better to have had and lost Than never to have had at al. We appreciate the kind words of sym pathy anld condolence of our esteemed contemporary, but they do not restore our $.3. This editor does not often bave $-> long enough to lose it., arnd that is what made it so hard for us to bear. And nobody has started a subscription to help us out, but thanks to a good fortune, we found our $5 just where it dropped out of our pocket, and we are glad the Democracy is safe. St. Luke's Dots. Mr. T. C. Lester has purchased Boozer Bros. gin, near St. Luke's church. Messrs. Drayton J. and Chester Tay lor have purchased a tract of land in Edgefield County, and wvill move on it this wioter. The following were recently elected eders of St. Luke's church to serve for two years: W. D. Boozer, (3. F. Long, J. B. Fellers, R. T. C. Hunter, J. A. Bedenbaugh, A. M. Monts. Six dea cons will be elected on the fourth Sun day in this month to serve for two years. ALPHA. November 11, J$~('. Jlaster's Sales. STATE 01- SOUTH CAROLINA. NEWBERiRY COUNTY-- C) T OF COM.mON PLEAS. Thomas F. Harmon, in his own right and as Ex'or of fary E. Harmon, deceased, Plaintii, ~against F. W. Wa-ener & Co., et al., Defendants. OF THE COURT IN this I will sell at pllbjlierutcry before the Court IHouse at Newbery, an Saledav in Decenber next, the fol low ing real estate of which 20arv E. Haion died seized and pos5s!Ssed, si a uate in sail Conity 1:d State, posss siou to be given 14t January, 1., '1. 1. That lot of "arl in the town ot New ber:y, containing one acre, mo--e or less, and bounded by Boundary and Drayton Streets and lots of Mary E. Warner ani others. :2. All that trat of land con tai I ng One Hundred and Seventy Acres, niore or less., and bounded 1 lands of 0 Geo. U. DeWalt, and other lands of said tes tatrix. by Kinard's Ferry Roala and by Bush River. ,. All that tract of land containing One H undred and Forty-nine Acres, more or les-, and bounded by lands of F. H. Dominiek, Geo. (. DeWalt an ot her lands of -sai< testatrix and by Bush River. 4. ..11 that tract of land ct,ntaining One B-un ir,d and Five Acts, More or less, anld bounded by lands of William Langford, Estate of W. A. Cline, W. M. Lane and tru;t estate of Mrs. Mary A. Wardlaw, and separated by public road from lands of F. I-. Dominiek- - this tract v ill be sold in smial ler par eels. Plats of the farm lands will be e\ hibited on day of sale and in mean time may be seen at the Master's ojilce. TEln.%s: One-third of the pu'rchase money in cash, and balance on a credit of twelve mouths with interest from day of sale, to be secured by bond of purchaser and a niorgage of preises sold, with leave to purchaser to antici pate his payments in whole or in part. Purchaser to pay for papers. SILAS JOHNSFONE, Mastir. Master's Office, 12 Nov., 1890. S PATE OF SOU-TH CAROLINA. NEWBERRY COUNTY-COUR'I OF COMMON PLEAS. Catherine Coats vs. Joseph E. G'eun and others. Foreclosure. By ORDER OF COURT HEREIN I will sell at public outcry, before the Courthouse at Newberry, on the firs1 Monday in December, 1S99, the follow ing lands of Joseph E. Wlenn, deceased, in one or more tracts: T%wenty-three Acres, more or less, bounded by Bush River and lands of Jas. 0. Meredith. E. P. Lake, 6eorge Leonhirth and estate of W. A. Cline, deceased. TEr.Ms:-One-third of the purchast money in cash, and the balaice in twc equal annual iustalluents, with inter est from the day of sale, to be secured by a bond of the purchaser and niort gage of the premises, with privilege to anticipate payment. Purchaser to pay for palerls. SILAS JOHNSTONE, Master. Mfaster's Olice, 7 Nov., 1890. STATE OF SOUTH CAPOLINA COUNTY OF NEWBERRY-IN CO-MMON PLEAS. Wm. E. Boinest, Administrator, vs Mary 1.. Boinest et a1l. Partit ion. BYORDER OF THE COURT, will sell at public outcry, before the Courthouse, at Newberry, on the firsi MIonday in December, 1890), al! thai parcel or tract of land, in the Cotunt) and State aforesaid, containing Sixty two and One-fourth Acres, and boundet by Cannon's Creek, by tract No. 1 ani lands of Mrs. E. A. Boinest, this t -ael being No.:2, and set apart to the estate of John B. Boinest-and will be sold by plat thereof. Tsa.uis:-The purchase'r will be re, quired to pay one-third of the purchasE money in cash, and to sectire the bal ance payable in one and t wo years, wvitl: interest from the (lay of sale, by a bond and mortgage of the premises-witlF leave, however, to the pu rchaser to an ticipate payment. SIL AS JOHNSTJON E, Mlaster. 3laster's Of Tice, 7 Nov.. 1890. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTrY OF NEWBRRY-IN COMM3ON PLEAS. George G. DeWalt, Plaintiff', atrainst Thmomas R. Workman, as Assignee of Preston Brooks Workman, and Agent of ('reditors and Eliza J. Re der, Defendant.. B Y ORDER OF THE COURT herein, I will sell at.publipe out cry, before the Courthouse at New berry, on thre first Mfonday in Decem ber, 1590, all that tract of land situate in saidl County' andl State, conmtai ning Three Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of or for merly of Mary E. Cooley,estate of Ssan (A.Satterwhite, deceased, B. F. G riffin. R. W. Atchison, estate .James 13. Chap pell, deceased, and F. H. D)ominick. Terms: One-tnird of the p)ureh]ase money to be paid in cash ,the balance payable in one and two years, with in terest from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premIises, with leave to the pJurchaser to atnticipate his payment in whole or in part. Purchaser to paiy for papers. SIL AS .JOH NSTON E. MIaster:. Master's Office,.8 Nov., 1890. STrATE- OF SOl'TH (CAROLINA COUNTY 01" NEWVBERRY-lN COMIMON PL EAS. J. Simeon Bickley, et al., Plainititls, against Sarah A. l'ekley, et al., De fendants. Pa tit ion. B Y ORDER OF THEl- COURT, here'n, I will sell at public out ry, before the Court House at New berry, on the first alonday in Decemn her, 1591, the real estate of Samipson Bickley, deceased, situate ini the State and County aforesaid, con taining Nine ty (tf0) Acres, more or less, and h'onndedl by lands of.J. C'. Schiunmpert, Mrs. Liz zie Schumnpert, J1. ('. Donmniek, Abe Hall, J1. P. Blair and others. T:rtys: One-third of the putrchalse money to be paid inr cash; the balance payable in twelve monthrs,with interest from the day of sale. secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage (of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papiers, with the privilege of paying entire bid in cash. SIL.\S .JOHINSTONE, Master. Manster's Ollice, 5 Nov.. 189. STATE OF SOUTH ('AROL[NA NEPWBERRY COUNTY-COU RT OF COMIMON PLEAS. Josep)h Caldiwell, as Ad minist rat or. &ec., of TlhomrasWilsonr Cald wellI, de-censed, Plaintiff, agrainst .Jamnes N. MIartin, as A dm'r, ke., of Geo. Blair, deceased, et al., Defendants. B Y ORDEiR OF COURT, HERErN dated Dxcember 7, 1sS7, I wifl s'il, at pub Ilic outery before t he Co u rt Hiouise at Newherry, on thle ;Erst. Mon day in Dcembi!er, 15: , all that Tract of Land in said County and State con taining~ Twenty Acres, nmore or less. anid bounded by hads ina posses-.n of Martha (C. C'aldwell and A. J. Gibson, the same being the land whereon the late T. W. Cald well resided at the rue of his death. TERMS: The purchaser wvill be per mittedl to pay the whole bid in cash, otherwise one-third of the purchase money will be requtired in cash and the balance payable in twelve months, with interest thereon from the (day of sale, secured by a hondi of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for pap)ers. .SILAS .JOHNSTONE, Master. THUE CAPT EI:E OF CO'NGRESS. The Deruocrats Will Control tie Next House with 144 Majority Less titan 100 Republicans Elcted. The election for representatives in the fifty-second Congress, which meets in December, 191. resulted in a superb victory for the Deniocrats. The Re publican majority of 21 in the Fifty first Congress has been overwhelmed and the Democrats come to the front with a majoritv of 144, if not more, as the official count in several districts will probably increase it. The Republicans will certainly have less than 100 men - bers. The tDemocrats will have solid I delegations from fifteen State. In the Fifty-first Congress they have solid delegations from five States. The estimate below is based upon that of the New York Times, which was made two days afLer the election. it I:as been revised according to the latest dispatches: FfytntFiftv-%econld Alabama ............ I A rl:a n sas............... I Californ:a ................ 4 Colorido ................. . 1 Connecticui.............. I D>elawa-e .................. Flo -ida....................... Geodaho....................... Idaho........ Illinois..................... - 1:; Jnd:aa,a ................... I) 1 1owa ......................... I K en. ocI:y ................ 9 2 ]1 1 j,ouis'aua................ 5 1 6 Maine....................... 4 M aryland.............. ... 3 ; Massach aset ......... 2 1 3chiga n ..................5 ' nnesota.................5;52 M 'sisoJPi ............... S is sou i:.................... Moa tallat .................. Nebraska ............... .... 3 Nevadi.... ......... .... I I New HanioNh:re. ..... 2 New Jersey.............. 3 4 5 2 New York.................. 15 is North Caroli ua ........ ; ; No.-t u Dakota ......... Onio .......................... 5 16 i1 Ore:on ........... ..... ... I Pennsvivana........... 21 1 Rhode Islaad........ . ... ... South Caro ' ,... ; 1 Sout'a Dalo a ........... Teunessee ................. Te -as ........................ II .. II .. Vetmont ................. 2 2 V :n :n* ...............4 11) .. vr n .. ...... ..... Wei2~. 4 ... wiscolls;l........ .... 2 7 8 1 Wyom ng o......... . Total ............. 15 5 Whole in rn ber o:' meni be ................... . Democi n .............. ........... Repo'blican ......................................19t Democ a civajo ity .............. TE DECM LAUDADIVS. The Peop!e Called to Prayer and Thanks givin--. WAS1INGTON-, -Novemiber 9 -Tihe following,%was issued to-day: "By the President of the United States.-A proclamation: By the grace and favor of Almighty God, the people of this nation have been led to the closing .days of the passing year, which bas been full of blessings of peace and the comforts of plenty. Bountiful cornpen sation has comie to us for the work of our minds and of our hands in every 'department of industry. 'Now, there fore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the 'United States of America, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 27th day Iof theipresent month of -November, to .be observed as a day of prayer and thanksgiving, and I do invite the p)eo pi+pnthat Ay to faca firom thecir labrs,to ee intei:cusoe house of wrshi an ...on nred jog rattud an prietoorbeei cen Crato fo th 1ih:lsinsH has ivento1u asanto adivk Sig aconinunc ofHsprtcio n grcefo te utre Imentoy felow-itiensth prvlg frmm berin thepoor hoeesan orw f5ul. untosetmy andandcauedFifty-sealn fiftenth BE . De.RO. By the Pesid.nt JAMS . LANE,Serear ofSae Pro. ibr, he ret Wit ChIe . Hasreurnd o Nwbrr and .a 1JAL1TIIIJI~ll... l O FOR SALE. W EW1L SEL ON1RAS1N Wymtr g.......... ...h/ ifr ,to se Rep , b ut glorinu news................------- c m fro mlo e r he 'a ion .................... Thep mepeCanse tori Prerm Tands Couidnt ofe the otelStaes. nation av ost: t hecosn ormNs and oY'Su as, vr LdEmn ofAindustry CLOAKS there POCreby aon TABLEay CTER5hdy tak g N and d nietep ple uotha ay aocaefo h MLabrsNteY, inRteSS accuse houeANf oSbi and SH Oni ES. r hasiven a call a tatihan early, ing ai coiuael of His bprotectionad fuspltflly "Intsimn whrefF have here aob tEUnte Stter, toninieatxed.Don atsth Mity of Waringt, this8t a of oemaneboer, ineased,on Lod 18i0, credr of the -nepaendencesaof the Crnierdecaed, ae henrebd re Byure the resdendtabiht.rr Jst G.eBmads. beorethatof Sat hiof.eoio A bef the atnWhite Ch f DHcelrebre toNeber ad a bcosLted frOfhargOE Materd.t Mstergetableire,medies, 1890.Lveac Maste)s Sales. SYATE OF SO1I'i CAR0LINA, NE XVBE 1Y (OV'1Y--EN (COM 310N PLEAS. (. B. Caldlwell. a-; Administrator, &kl., of Jo-;eph Caildwell, deceased, Plain titi'a-ainst AngelmiiaC. Caldwell and othe*r-, Defendants-. Coiml I nt tj Sell Laand to Ail in Pav menat 'f Decbts, &e. IN 1".ANEGFT ORDER of hi., m,r. Jud;ge W. ii. WIallace, I wil s.-li at .ublic outery, at New LrrV 'aurt lo1:%e, 0n 3oiiday, the fin-t d (ay of DL-Ceuicok, 1i, to the h ighet bd ' 1er an pcl1. to be fixed hv 'u:mmissioners, a11 te reial estate o: JoehCa!d weil,eea,d in N'ew berry County, excej-t the Brooks place, orvupied by F. W. Higgins and hi mie a( except also a tract to embiace the residence of said decuased, and re served until deterfiirmation of home stead claims. Plas will be on filelat the _Master's Olie, and will be ex hibited or day of sale. Terms Of :le :One-third cash, bal ance of purvhase money payable in one nad two yian., with interest from day of sale, al secuLed !y bond and muork gage of prenises, with leave to antiei pate ImVIirents. PUrchaser to pay for papers. Si LA - JOH NSTONE. 'Master. Master's Ollice, 8 Nov., 1,,90. STATE 0F SOUTH CAI:OLINA CO'NTY OF NEWBERPRY-1N COMUT Oi COM310N PLEAS. The British anti American .,ortg,age CompanlyL; iIitedIPlaintiff against 3oses Spearman and Jaies . P. (oggLIs, Defendants. Conipjlaint for Foreelosnre, &e. 'IN PUSUANCE OF THE ORDER of His Honor W. H. Wallace, (Cir cuit Judge, I will sell, at Newbeiry Court House, on Mondziy the first day of December, 1 S9:1, at pu.lic outcry, to the highest bidder, all that tract of ;an in Newb;erry County, containing One Hundred and Fifty-vight and 'll ree-tenths keres, more or less, boun ded bY lands of John A. Werts, .John W. eeder, Willis Spearman and others. Triims o'* SATA::-One-thid of the purchase money to be paid in catsh, the balance of the purclase on a credit of one and two years from day of sale, with interest from day of sale, to be secured by bond of purehaser and mort gage of the premises, with leave to an ticipate payment in whole or in part. ,ILAS J1OHN,TONE, Master. Master's Olice, Nov. , 1_90. SATI'E OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY "OF NEWBERRY-IN COM\_ION PL EAS. John 31. Kinard, Adm'r. vs. Eloise 31. Brown and others. -))Y ORDER1 OF THE COURT . herein, dated 7th October, 1890, I will sell, at public outcry, before the Court House at -Newberry, on the First .'onday in December, 1890, the real estate of Jefferson E. Brown, in the county and State aforesaid, as follows: All that lot of land in the town of Newberry, containing half an aere, more or less, and bounded by lands of Mrs. Sallie E. Broaddus, Caldwell Street, Johnstone Street and Nance Street. All that other lot of land in the town of Newberry, containing one acre and seventy-seven hundredths, more or less, anid bounded try lands of 3Irs. Mary Glasgow, Wright Street, Br'ook lyn Street and Cline Street. And all that tract or plantation of land, in the County of Newberry, con taining eleven biund red and seven acres. more or less, and bounded by lands of Thomas WV. Abrarms, land formerly owned by D). RI. Phifer, deceased, the estate of John MicCarley, dec'd, and Solomon Hargrove, deceased. ggThis tract will be sold in four separate par eels, by p)lats thereof, to be exhibited at the sale. T1Eits:-Purchasers will be required to pay one-third of the purchase money in cash, and to secure the balance, pay able in one and twoyears, with interest fromo the day of sale, by bonds and mortgages of the property, and to pay for papers. The purchasers of the half acre towni lot will be further reguired to keep the dwelling thereon insured for five hundred dollars. SI1L.ASJOH NSTON E. Mlaster. 3laster's Olliee, 5 Nov., 1ha10. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF' NE:WBERRY. IN C03DION PLEAS. The Natioinal Bank oIf New berry, S. C., vs. Wise Brothers et al. Foreelosure. B Y OI)DER OF COURTIHEREIN, dated 19 .July. 1890, T will sell. at public outcry before the Court H-ouse, at Newhberry, on the first MIonday in Decembler, 1890O, all that tract of land n the County and State aforsaid, eon faining sixty acres anid a fourth, more or less, and bounded by landls of A 3foore, Joe Gray, Elizabeth Long, .. M7. Wicker and others. TEaMrs: Th.e purchaser will he re quired to pay one-third of the puirchase money ini cash, and to secure the pay ment of the balance in one and two years with interest from (lay of sale, tby a bond and rmortgage of tIre pIremlises. Purchaser t' pay for papers. STILAS J0 H1 NTS(ON E, Mfaster. MIasters' Ollice, 4 N ov.. 18!;). STATE OF SOUTH (CAROLINA CuUNTrY OF NEWBERRY--IN CO31310N PLEAS. George G. DeWait, Plaintiff, against Elizabeth Garl!mran, D)efendant. BY ORDER OF THE COURT herein, I will sell at public outcry, before the Cou rthiouse at Newberry, on the Ii rst MIonday in Dlecembter, 189!0, the followinrg real estate of Elizabeth T r"ct No.I. of I le Hiomie Place. coin taiing One Hundred and Sixty-Six 10I bh -ures, miore or' less, and bounIdedi by Tract No. :2, lan ds of.J. B. an d L. Q. F eller, Mits. Fannie Neil aind Tract No. 4, of the .Jonies Place. Tract No. 2, of the Horme Place, con taiing Ninety-T'hree c!G; acres, miore or less, and bounded by Tract Nos. 1 and :3, landls (If J. B. and( L. Q . Fellers, S. A. 31. Fellers and Cannons Creek. Tract No. 3, of the i-omec Place, con taining Eighty-Six andl one-half (88i) acres, more oi' less, arid bouindled by Tract No. 2, lands of J1. (alvin Neil. (. L. Sense' amln Cannonis Cr'eek. Tract No. 4, Jonets Plaice, contain'.ng. Forty 4 acres, mrore or les-, and( hourndedi by lands of Mis. F"annaie Neil and Tracts Nos. 1 aiid 5. Tiract No.53, J1ones Place, cointat'inig One hiundrred and Twenty andl one fourth (12'l) acres5, more or less, and bounded by hands of 31 rs. Fannie N eil, estate of .Jamies Moore andO TIracts Nos. I arnd f6. TrIa('t No. (;, Jlones P!ar. COtainingz Sixty-Five anid one-lhalf ()5)) acres, mo're or less. and b,utnde ry lan uuds otfi 3lavbini 3foor'e, MIrs. 'an nie Neil anid I Tiraets Nos. 5 ai 7. .... ITrmet No. - . Jun.'. i.;a't, corani. Eighty-Five e:i'!n'-half 5 ao es more or les, awl bounided by lands of 3Mavb in 314ore, Thomcias Eppjs aind Tract No. G P'lats of thes' lands will be exhibited ou d-2v of sale. TmE>ts-One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the bal lance in: two eg1ual annual instalments, with interecst from the day of of sale, to be secured by a bond of the purchaser anud a mortgage of the premises with privilege to the purchaser to pay all cash. IPurchaser to pay for papers. SILAS JOHNSTONE, Mfaster, astae Ofice, Nv .4th, 1890. Probate Judge's Sales 4TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 4'OUNTY OF NEWBERRY-IN PROBATE COURT. iary U. McGraw, in her own right, and as Executrix of the will of B. F. Mc( raw, deceased, Plainti, against Alice R. McGraw and others, De feIdan ts. mnplaint for Dower and to Sell Real Jstate in Aid of Payment of Debts, etc. B ORDER OF COURT HEREIN, I will sell at public outery at Newberry .>uArt HfuPsc, on the First Monday in December, 18,10, all that tract of land >f which Be4njaniin F. McGraw died ,eized and possesed, described in the ,omplaiut as the Home Place, contain og One H undred and Sixteen Acres, uore or less, and bounded bv lands of A. J. G3ibson, Thomas W. Keitt, Eliza Harris and 1-1. S. N. Crosson. Term- : One-third of the purchase money to be in cash, the balance in two equal annual instalaients with in terest from day of sale, with privilege to purchaser to pay the whole of his bid in cash, or any part of the credit portion in cash, and if not all paid in cash the credit portion thereof to be secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay fQr papers. J. B. FEL L ERS, Nov. 1;, 1891. J. P. N. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEWBERRY-IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. John M. Kinard, as Administrator, &c., of Benjamin H. Maybin, deceased, Plaintiff, against Elsie M. Maybin and others, Defendants. IN PURSUANCE OF THE ORDER lof the Probate Court for thre said County and State, dated 7 November, 1890, I will sell, at public .outcry, at Newberry Court House, on Monday, the first day of December, 1890, to the highest bidder, all the real estate of B. H. Maybin, deceased, embracing One Thousand Acres, more or less,. in tracts to be designated by commissioners ap pointed for that purpose, plats of which will he filed in the said Court and ex hibited at sale. TERMs: Onc-third of purchase money to be paid in cash, the balance on a credit of one and two years from day Of sale, with interest from day of sale, and secured by bond of purchaser and mo:tgage of premises. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. B. FELLERS, J. P. N. C. Nov. 7, 1S90. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEWBERRY-IN PROBATE COURT. Cornelia G. Greneker, as Executrix, &c., Plaintiff, against Lula M. Jones, ct al., Defendants. Complaint to Sell Land, &e. BY ORDER OF THE COURT herein, dated November 8, 1890, I will sell at public outcry, before the Court House at Newberry, S. C.. on the first Monday in December, 1890, the real estate of which Thos. F. Greneker died seized and possessed, situate in the Town of Newberry, S. C., containing One-half of One Acre, moreor less, and bounded north by Friend Street. east by Adams street, south by the Metho dist church property, west by Caldwell Street. This property will be sold as a whole, or in parcels to be determined on or before day of sale. TER~sS: One-third cash, balance pay able in twelve months, with interest frorn day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the prem ises. Purchaser to have privilege of paying all cash, and to pay for papers. J. B. FE LLE RS, J. P. N. C. Nov. 8, 18&0. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUN TYOF L AURENS-IN PRO BATE COURT. John Y. Thompson, as Administrator, &c., of Jane A. Chalmers, deceased, Plaintiff, against William A. Chal mers et al., Defendant. Complaint for Relief. BY ORDER OF COURT HEREIN, I) will sell at public outcry at New berry Court House on the first Monday in December, 1890, all that tract of land which .Jane A. Chalmers died seized and possessed, -containing One Hun dred and Five (10.5) acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Ebenezer L. Chalmers, William A. Chalmers, Lizzie M. Brown, J. C. Spence and Mrs. Happy Kinard. TE.rS:-One-th ird cash, balance on a credit of one and two years in equsl annual instalmnicts, with interest from day of sale. Credit portion to be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers. A. W. BURNSIDE, Probate Judge Laurens County. SSheriff's Sales. ST'ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. James N. Martin vs. Thos. F. Harmon. YVIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION m the above stated case, to me directed, I will sell on Monday the tirst day of D)ecember, 18 A0, (Saleday,) at New berry Court House, ini said State, at pulic outcry, to the highest bidder, witlhin the legal hours of sale, all the rights, title or interest Thmoma., F. Har mon has or may- have in One Lot of Cotton, estimiated at Thirty Bales, muore or less. Levied on as the property of the above nanmed Detendanot, to satisfy the execution ino this case together with all costs and disbursemenits thercin. Ti :ass 01: SA LE:-Cash. W. WV. RISER, Sherff N. C. Sheri ff's O0 Tice, Nov. 10, 1890). STATE OF SOU1TH CA ROLINA (C0UNTY OF NEW BERRY. B. B. Frazier, Plaintif, against Wes siger & Derriek. 13BY~I ORUE OF AN EXECUTION in the' abov e statedl case. to fle directed, I w ill sel! on Tuesday, ihe second day o f December, Th9o, on the premises of Weinger & Derrick, at public outcry, to the highlest bidder, within the legal hour.- of sale, all the righ t, title or in te rest that WVessinger & Derrick has or amay havet in the following described mroper ty, vi z.: One Steam Engine, Saw-Mill iid all the Ii:;tures thereto belonging. Levimed uponl as the property of the dbove namred Defendants, and will be sold to satisfy the execution in this ease. and also all costs and dlisburse mients therein. Tf:?ors o1r SA r E:-Cash. Wl. WA. RISER, Shieriff N. C. Sheriffs Office, Nov. 8, 180)0. TATE OF SOUTH COROLINA COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. YVIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Jme directed, by A. H. Wheeler, Es. freas-urer of Newberry County, I will *ell, on Miounday the first dlay of De emfber,l1890, (Saleday,) at Newberry '.nrti- Houim-e, thle f 'llowing p)roperty, )z*Oe L ed in the Town of (Ahapells, 1, onlhip N~o. '. assessedl to Moore & TEirMs OF SALE:-Cash. Purchaser :o pay for pampers W. W . RISER, Sheriff N. C. Sheriff's Office, Nov. 8, 1890. NOTICE. I T IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT1 iTrustees of the Free Public Schools f New berry County open their schools >n Monday November 24, 1890. ARTHUR KIBLER, G. G. SA LE, Cn nntv Board of Exarniiers THE LARGEST STOCKI! THE BEST GOODS! |THE LOWEST FRICES! ~ IS WHAT YOU WILL FIND AT SMITH &WEARN'S REMEMBER WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOTHING, MEN'S, LADIES', SHOES, and HATS. CHILDREN'S and and FINE SHOES GENTS' FURNISHINGI F GOODS. A SPECIALTY. THE BEST SCHOOL SHOES FOR GIRLS AND BOYS IN THE CITY. SMITH & WEARN, MAIN STREET, NEWBERRY S. C. Branch Store at Prosperity, S. C., CHESLY H. CANNON, Manager, BLALOCK & GREENS EMPORIUM OF FASHION IS NOW THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION. H AVING PURCHASED SRICLY FOR < I 13 LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS THAT EVER CAME TO NEW BERRY, WHICH IS NOW ARRVING DAILY, WE OFFER THE SAME AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. OUR STOCK IS IMMENSE And consists of everything usually kept in a first-class Clothing Establishment. WE iNVITE AN EARLY- AND WREPEATED. VISIT To Our Store and Inspection of O G_ Our Stok Will Be Reple every few days. To merchants we ofler some speA, ead 15 to 20 prcent less than current prices in New a eCitly. when you buy your goods of those who iuy and sell on long time Respect'ally submitted to the .ade, B9LAILO 6 REEN. THE EfiJI-IE 14jjNOTICE. T WEN TY- JE. come forward at once arid settle either with me or with my attorney, 0. L.. Schumpert, Esq. CONSTERNATION OF 'COMPETITORS! MOWER SURPRISES OF jJSTOMERS. ATTO0NEY ATAW PLEASURES O BUYERS' WILL PRACTICE IN ALL. THE COURTS. WONDERS -TIMES. NEWERRY, S. C. ;BENEFITS TO ~NE AND ALL. EliOfc inl P. 0. Buiiding . 0. K LEt T NER, 1REMOVAL. THECHAPIOWARIOROF I HAVE CHANGED MY PLACE THE CAMPIO WARROR O of business from the J. D. Cash - bauilding to the office latel ocupied by BREAKS THE RING and two doors below~ the Observer office, BREAS TE REORDOF AL -where I will kee on hand a full line BARGAINS E . ER OFFERED. Wheeler & Silson, ad A s.............T States for the District of South Caro 1 Fi'sE LIE UAINDKER- lina. (A CurS.....--.-------~ Office in Mfollohon Row, opposte the CA 1KEs BEST TJoulTOP o1. court house, Newberry, S. C. 21 LowF P ..................... JIAS , K. P. 608 NS. W H, HUNT, JR 2 TIN D)IPPERs .. . . GOGGIANS & HUNT, EL.~ N FRi nEl)LT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 2BO\ES CONCENTRATED NEWBERRY, S. C. 2BoXE --.-- .------ OHA ice H. Law Range. ____ 21 BOXES BEST SHTOE BLAK A R BLEAE. COLE. L. SLEASN, LBs. soDA ..... BL E1RSE &BL E RSE 2I1.(J A Attorneys atLaw, 2"I B~ISeiOTS Newberry and FProsperity, 2. C. YES ! WE ARE BORN TO BUSINESS TILA ET ER ANo AND Es J. S. RUssELL IN LO OUR EFFORTS WILL TELL I fr 2ct;one b nt Do not cry an:i weep for chances, c.;Si .p~i~T .rod .5 ets 2 small or Chances that have passed awiay, Homespun 5 ets per yard; one quart Raven Opportunities neglected- Bl!ae'. larniess Oil 2i5 ets; Moass.-5 ao - Crasp the chances you have to-day. god .Ac an peiddN J Ue ner alo, Call at once and secure the D"ti"a"a Hardware, Etc., al aboveJ. S. RUSSELL. BARGR AINS STATE OF SOUTH{ CAROLINA - COUNTY OFLAURENS---INPO 4 BATF.COURT. u IillH Wl10T Johsi Y. Thompson, as Admistrator I llihI ~1EL~OME&c., of Jane A. Chalmers, deceased Awaits One and All. P'is"W int illiam A.. cha Complaint f.or Relief. RaSPECTFULLY, LL .PEESONS HOLDING ~' claims a.gainst the CSate of Mrs. 4-~ TTE EL NR Jane A. Chalmers, deceased, are hereby required to render in and establish the . samIe, before this cour t, on or before 0K E T E 4th day of December, 1890. The Poor Iani's Friend. Probate Juge WLaurNSCoty4 - ~ _ -.