Local and Special. Beth Eden Lutheran Church. Service every two woeks-. second and fourth Sunlays, at I11 a. li. sundaY-seho.i 14) a. Ili. 'W31. A. J ULIA N, Pastor. PostoMfee Hours. office opens ....... -:-. 1 a In efhour t-efore h arrival of trailis per schedule, viz: For Colum bia...................................... . :>2, a Ii F.) Gre-zuviile a:d the west ............ 1 Ilin Ikr CoIULI lhti..................................... 1) : y For L urens ................................ 4 -5 y :n Office will remain open until........... 5 :3. p it Pl s -----................................................ 7 00:W r ARRIVAL ANJ) DEPARTU):E OF STAR 1'('UTE NEW:-.RRy AND uroPIA. Leave onday nd Thursd ............... Akrrive ond:y.. ........... 2 p in NEW1ERRY A'Y ND W T11RE's. Leave Tuesd:iy and Friay ..................: n Arrive Tuesday and Friday.................. 12 m LAURENS ANU NEWBERY. Lv. Tuesday, Thmur*ax- and saturday... 1 p In Ar. Tuesday. ThuLsday :nd Saturday... 12 in R. 1oRatN.P. M1. Cotton Market. The Newberry cotton market as quoted yesterday by 0. McR. HolLes & Co.: Good -Middling . Middling 9 7-16. Low Middling 9 3 16. Good Ordinary S'. "fReceipts for the week S.SS bales; since 1st 'September, 3753 bales. Time Changed. TheState Convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet in Newberry on Noveniber 4th, 5th, and 6th, instead of the last week in October. Distinguished niembers of the organ ization in other States will be present. Hardware Specialties. Fresh new crop Red Clover Seed. Rubber and Leather Belting and Packing, Cut Nails, Horse Shoes, and a full stock Hardware and Builders' Material at lowest prices for cash, by St PEoPLEs & JOHNSoN. loo Bronze Turkeys For sale by Mrs. C. E. Lipford, Ki nards, 6. C. Pastor Called. Rev. Gen. A. Wright, who served the Newberry Baptist church during the summer, has been called as pastor. If he accepts he will take charge on the first of February next. He will continue his theological course until that time. Hettie Bernard Chase. GREENvILLE, October S.-Special: I guarantee Hettie Bernard Chase Com pany superb, and deserves a packed house. - E. B. BLEASE. It Newberry Building and Loan Association. An extra meeting of the Newberry Building and Loan Association will be held in Council Chambers on Tuesday, October 14th, at 7.30 p. m. The stock holders are earnestly urged to be pres ent to attend to important business. J. W. 3\. S1ooNS, It Secretary. To be good natured, you should have plenty of good wholesome food to eat. See the stuck of McIntosh & Todd. Lutheran Church. Next Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, confirmation 'and the Lord's Supper will be administered in the Lutheran V church. The nastor, Rev.W. C. Schaef fer,will preae.i at night on "Christ and the Thief on the Cross." The Sunday-school will meet at 4 p. Il. Ely's Celebrated Turnip seed. We have a large supply. None bet ter. For sale by BELCHER, HoUSEAL &k KIBLER. Curiosities of Nature. MIaj. L. J. Jones showed The Herald and News a few days ago a bunch of ripe raspberries, the second crop this year. He also had a curiosity in the way of a tom:ato. I t resembled very muc~h the head of a hawk, with the~ bill so mluch like a hawk's thbat it might be called the "Hawk Bill" va riety. Call at Proctor Todd's for the Bailey Bros'. Tobacco, 40cts. tf. B. B. Hunter keeps the best Cigars and tobacco anld Fauey Groceries next to Postoflice-. tf Monument to Rev. Sidney T. Riser. The congregation of Christ church, Staunton, Va., have recently erected a handsome monument over the grave of Rev. Sidney T. Riser, who died while pastor of the church about two years ago. The mionunment is pure w,hite marble resting on a granite basc. The dates of his birth and death are carved oin the face, and is beneath the inscrip tion "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." This is a fitting tribute to one who was greatly beloved by the people whom he faithfully served. .Lutheran Visitor. ~ettse zrnard Chase appear at the Newberry Opera c-iFriday and-Saturday next cle's Darling." She was in New iast year; and her acting was the .the season. The Rtoanoke Times ~at cit5 the-house was packed baaring soubrette won new a ihse oodacting was a pplaulded and her (lancing was en ~mes. The play was one - ~ ~~jooable of the reason. ne Na wic calledi inl front of -~~.--- rryO orTohE:lo, s~ - - CorNTY, } I ENEY makes math that se .or partne -of the firmi of - & ('o., (doig business in ~:Toledo, CounIty and Stat ~nd that said firm winll pay f ONE HENDRED DOL e or each and every case of C H that cannot be curedl by the use .ALL's CATARRH CrmEn. -- wor to FRAFK J1. (CHENEY. Swr obef're me aad subscribed in ypresence thlis day of D)ecemnber, A. D. 1880. - r SAL.~A. W. GLEASON, SEA L.Notary/ Pub/, ic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inlterna1l l.y and acts directly- on the blood amid mucous sursaces of the systemi. Send for testimonials, free. F. JT. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. r2 Sold by Druierists, 75.. We ha.e just openit .1 a ver handis' ule line ofl Lampts of all kinds which wve 'op 'se to sell at very low fig.ures. It will pay vou to e'xaineIU 'ur1 Stock before-c barv sider it any tr-oubei to shonw odr g?ood. R OBE RTSON & GILDERI. For Fruits. Candies, (Can ned Gioods and Faney Groceries go to B. B3. VARIOUS A-ND ALL ABOUT. Trhe weather has been delightful for the pasr few days. Rev. E. P. MeClintock will preach inl the Pres byterian Church next Sunday nirht. The primary election for Senator takes place to-morrow. Mr. (eo. A. Langford is Mayor pro f/u. d-ring Mayor Goggans' absence. The round trip from Newberry to Charleston during "Gala week." be gin ning Novenber 3d, will be $3.~5. Thursdav of each week has been selected as alliance day for selling cot L0n. The coiimittee 'will be on hand at Newberry every Thu;rsday. Ie T*ustees and patrons of John stone AeadenV are requested to nieet this Thursdav, afternoon at the Acad e'me%* at 3 o'clock. B'usiness of iunior tanlCe. T%oOrr(w is the day for the pri miarv in thi, ea.UntY to nUiminate a Sen ator. There are onlv Iwo candidates and we will not neetda second primary unless there should be a tie vote. Last )ionday was saledav but it was one of the d-:llest October saiedays we ever saw inl Newberrv. The streets were as quiet and barren as if it had been August or July. The weather was too tine for cotton picking. The town bell will hereafter be struck every morning at 9 o'clock as a warn inz for the cbildren who attend the Graded School to leave home. The school buildings will be opened at 9.10 a. rn., and school will begin at 9.30. We understand that the faculty of Newberry College has decided to recormmend to the Board of Trustees the advisability and feasibility of open ing the college to young ladies. The Bo,rd will meet here the last of this nionth. Mr. John Counts, an ex-Confederate soldier while cutting a tree last week undertook to get out of the way to keep the tree from falling on him and in doing so caught his foot in some brush and fell and oefore he could regain his position the tree fell on him killing him almost instantly. Now that the Newberry Board of Trade has been reorganized and the members seem in earnest and intend to make it a success, we hope to see a quo rum present at all the regular and call ed meetings. The new executive corn mittee wil! have something interesting at every meeting. The Graded schools now have an eu rollment of 23( white pupils and 141 in the colored schools. This does not in clude the school at the factory, which has about 30 pupils and is part of the system. There are upwards of 400 children in the Newberry Graded Schools. The trustees will meet next Monday to elect a teacher to the posi tion made vacant by the resignation of fiss Fannie Leavell. Personals. Iiss Alma Werber has returned from Spartanburg. Miss Lizzie Glenn, of Newberry, is visiting Mliss Hattie Jones at Laurens. Mr. J. C. Wilson, Jr., has gone to Huntersville, N. C., to attend school. Miss Claudia Norris has returned from a visit to Anderson. Dr. G. W. Garmany has gone to Glenn Springs. Miss Hennie Robertson is attending Converse College, Spartauburg. Dr. Jas. H. MIntosh has returnred to New York. Mr. and MIrs. J. K. P. Goggans left on Tuesday morning for Baltimore. Mirs. J. M1. Berry, of Augusta, Ga., is visiting her sister, MIrs. F. A. Schum pert. MIiss E1za Holmes, of Wilmington, N. C., is visiting her brother, MIr. 0. MIcR. Holmes. Col. Jno. R. Abney, of New York, sp)ent Sunday in Newberry, the guest of MIrs. 0. L. Schumpert. Solicitor Schumpert left on Saturday for Union. where lie is holding court this week. MIiss Carrie Kinard, of Columbia, is visiting relatives in Newberry this week. Mir. G. E. Werber after spending a week in Newberry have returned to Washington the early part of this week. 3Messrs. W. S. Langford, J. G. John son, J. D. Cozby, FdI. MIcIntosh and .Jenkins Robertson are at the Citadel from Newberry. Messers. W. 0. Holloway and A. M Smith, of Chappells, and Mr. J. W. Henderson, of the county have gone to WXofford College. MIrs. Harriet Lane has gone to Hen dersonville to see her son MIr. Frank Lane who is quite sick. Messrs. J. R. Green, D. M. Ward, E. B. Blease and G. M1. Girardeau wvent to Greenville on Truesday to attend the races. To Dispel Colds. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy ac tivity withiout irritating or wveakening themi use yrpof Figs. 'OATS OATS. County Raised Red Rust Proof Oats for sale at Floyd & Purcell's. The Three C's. The work on the Augusta Division is p)rogre'ssing favorably. It is p)robable that wvhen .lhe road reaches Newberry, it wilijoin the other roads in building a Quion depot on Pratt street. There is a rbblt that Boyce street wvill be extended to Vincent street in order to have a more convenient outlet to the depots. Thue Blacksburg letter in the York ville Enquirer says: 3Iesr,. nlacek, Urry-h.trt and Hairdin returnedl last 1':ida:y l* 0on thir tripl ove~r thei. Augnta dIiv-ion ofthe Th'-ee C'. -ailroatd. 'They repo--t the wo-i k of g:inias pro:s e.sin:..t lie-y. Ahoit the whjol iilne wi'l be eeady for the ties and:.ai S byv the lirst of Ju1ly net. The Augusta D)ivision has been I0 cated through thme town of Union. The Times of October 3d says: After muchl conulta:tion andl runingiu a lui:m hr of e .j'eronileulral ,lrvey thit ote.;h totwn. 100 enigineem of the TJh-eeL C's road have :-dopted the .ower or western route. j.a%ving iln rear ofth*e P' esbyteriai' chlure: .t tcence thirougi a co, ner u: iw. hou) . . ithence lot w thi e jai Ihnc e nout -th to somie 'init ot the Spa:rt:'nhu'trg inat t~n:in Thiere (:11nt het ti tile Oh cel ion to the t oUte ado'p;ed. as it wil not inte' fe. e with iany p10oie - ivin tilte i'sine- patrt of t:ie toiwi. ann e-ier oach utpon p tvate ie'de,ice pione. ty le". t.ant anly hie,w~een the tw'o ro:ais.. .. ... Tie comitot''s a-e pu,initg the wo k oni the roadt als miiy as poieble. antd the ifia,ies of tihe cmipantiy appa m:to bi le in at11 reeh h,ealthiier cdiio 0than :cted" (oei eelaL NORFOLK OYSTERS! Served every day atdlones' Hestaurant. Meals fur nished at any houir on snort implt~es on the Face I>)n tet ant imure state of the bloodatnd atre lokedi uponi by manny with suspi !t"n A 'kers I lood E!i xirt will re inl re all i mpuiti i ies and h.ave ie comn pl t.n oothi and clear. There is l"t hung that will so> t horoughly bulbt THE BOARD OF TRA E. Re-organization-Election of Oficers-A Good Beginring. The Board of Trade held a meeting in Council Chambers on last Friday for the purpose of re-organizing for another year. The attendance was very good and the interest manifested, if kept up as it should be, will make the Board 9 success and of much benefit to the town. The principi:d busine;s befre the meeting was the election of offleerS. President Peoples declined re-election, as also di Vice-uresident MO-Intoshl. The tTWn nee(,s a great mjany thin,. and these Board of Trade meetin-. i;: the place to meet and discuss them and talk them over. The following olleers were elected: President, WV. T. Tarrant; Vice-presi dent, (. V. Sunner: Secretary and Treasurer, E. H. Aul. Executive Conimittee--W. E. Pel ham. J. A. Burton, 0. B. Mayer, Jr., W. H. 1- un;t, jr. and Jio. C. (og,rans. Railroad Committee-L. V. Floyd, E. M. Evans and S. P. Jw-zer. A Cotton Cornaittee was also eleet ed as follows: V. T. Tarrant, L. V. Floyd and C. E. Summer. The proceedings of the several meet ings of the merchants were turned over to the Boarti and received as informi ation. The regular nonthly meeting will be held on the third Monday night in this month. Burglars in Newberry. Newberry for some time has been free from any burglars or robberies. On Monday night, however, the residences of Mr. J. P. Pool and Mr. J. K. P. Goggans were entered. Mr. Pool had taken from him about $30 in money and Mr. Goggans about $25. The parties entered the bed rooms and took the money from the pockets of the gentlemen named but troubled nothing else. They took the clotning out of the rooms into the halls and took from the pockets what money they could find. They entered Mr. Pool's house through the window breaking a slat from the blind and opening the window. Mr. Goggan's house -was entered in the same way. Both houses had lights burning. Nothing was known of the robbery until next morning. Two peddlers were arrested on Tuesday but no evi dence was adduced against them and they were released. No clue so far has been obtained as to the guilty parties. Something About Lamps. We are opening up an assortment of fine Lamps at Pelham's Drug Store, such as has not hitherto been exhibited in Newberry. This line of Lamps com prise Hanging, Parlor, Hall and Stand Lamps. These were bought by Mr. Pelham while in New York, very re cently, at close prices from the mann facturers. Don't buy before examining our stock, as we guarantee low prices and first-class goods. Full line of Burners, Chimneys, &c., at PELHAM'S Drug Store. tf A Big Show Coming. Washburn & Arlington's Great Wild West, Wild East, Roman Hippodrome and Egyptian Caravan will exhibit in Newberry on Thursday, October 16th. The Richmond Dispatch, speaking of the sho x, says: Whin Mesars. Wa:-hburn & ArlingLion started out this season thiey de,es mined to give time peo ;ie something new. anid they have dlone it.lhe ailge show teA -:t nscp.b- of hohiling 4. (.0 p)eople is the seats are riow l a:.ed ,iil so>on more ae to he aidded and the teut enlarsed. A word o ace' .:ng the liies th:'y~ c. r y. Am lage tenit t the rear ofthe lot wa:s the-r sabl]e, and at finer pi iug lot, of itumal.< was never %eerin A moiomg dhe manytl fe:t:.s of the ciremts is the Wi'd wes exhi:iti'. in witsch the 3?ext imin n .iamns and eo whoys, t.R Dead 0:0od coach, (a gena ine ouire. ud an old ra 'e v. gonl amppear. Th,en he v.no,mi Urothew w o.cde I2 audai' act a.ad ho izointal har fe. is:~ n ot .o be 0o ,:otn'n.Low l'i. in hic. gi ent coni:d tiiiinact: them 3mein'iz: sis er.., on t.ie oubie trepeze: I'.of. H. DeFo, -est's 2erforniing'dogs: the .1rae withz theE: camnele, amd the great side show under the chiarge of Mi. Sidicy Logrenia, are ali features of unusual ner.t. The Coming Season Will no doubt be a fine one for play ng ball. Go to the Book Store and uy your Base Ball goods at the lowest rices. tf. St. Luke's Dots. A Farmers' Alliance has been organi zed at Utopia Academy. The follow igofficers were elected: J. R. Perdue, resident; J. S. Bickley, vice president:; .. WV. Reagin, Sr., secretary ; H. L. Nichols, treasurer; J. C. Dominick, haplain. The past few days of sunshine have een taken advantage of by the farm rs in gai,bering their crops. Corn as ,elt as cotton has been injured by tbe recent rains. Several of our young people have egaged in business at Prosperity. MIiss Belle Hunter is clerking at Luth r & Hawkins'; R. S. Boozer is clerk ng at Smith & Wearn's branch house, nd A. E. P. Bedenbaugh is bookkeeper t Wheeler & Moseley's. ALPH IA. Is Life Worth Living ? ot if you go through the .worldl a yspeptic. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets re a positive cure for the worst forms f Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency nd Constipation. Guaranteed and old by Belcher, Houseal & Kibler. Admitted to Bail. As stated in The Herald and News wo weeks ago habeas corpus proceed ngs were instituted in the case of ason Summers, now in jail under sent ence of the court for five years in the penitentiary, having been convicted f nmanslauhter-the manslaughter be ng the killing of Joan A.Eeeder. An ppeal has been taken to the Supreme ourt. Pending this appeal the exe ution of the sentence has been stayed. The habeas corpus proceedings were eard last week at Union before Judge Wallace. In such cases as this where he sentence is less than ten years the risoner is emntitleod to bail under the tatute and the Judge has no discretion xceptin fixing the amoun t of the bond. 'he case was argued before Judge Wal ace by MIr. J. K. P. Goggans for tL2e State and MIr. George Johnstone for the prison~er. On Saturday night the Clerk of Court eceived fromi Judge WVallace the order admitting to bail. The amount of the ond is lixed at $~>,O00. On Monday the bond was executed efore the Clerk and accep)tedl and Sumtmers was releatsed from his imi >risonment. The following are the ondsmeni: J1. Cal. Neel, H. C. Sumi nrs, Otto Klettuer and Geo. A. Lang ford. Fine Horses. A carload of fine Kentucky horses or sale by J1. 1). SMrrn & (Co. tf Have you road "Looking Backward'' ad "MIarie Ba:shkirtseff?'' 1If not, go o the Book Store and get themt at nce. tf We Can and Do. Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir for it as been fully demonstrated to the peo ple of this cotuntry that it is superior to ll ot he.r preparations for blood diseases. t is a po~sit iv cure for syplhilitie poison mi, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. t purifies the whole system and horoughly builds up the constitution. At Belcher, Houseal & Kibler's. A Child Kiled. Another child killed by the use of ,pitt _r~e nthe form of Soothing svu.n vm>tesgiv ter id yhen they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Bahy Soother. It contains no Opium r Mforphine. Sold by Belcher, Hlouseal & Kibler. Helena Heraldin;A and News Note-. _Mrs. Catherile Pitts went to Columi bia Saturday on a viit to her ilatives. Mr. T. P. Lane caic up Saturday from Columbia to spend a day or two with his family. The young people had a social at Mr. J. D. Shoeklev's Moidav ight. The circle will meet lo-iiigit at Mr. Kibler'. There are three studencits from here to N eW berry (Uol le l ad 1e1vral pupis to the (rl'ded SNoVi. When !hall we have a sehool lrv for the younger child Iren We had the Np ".- r yesrday Of nieetinga frie.-i o .u r l& bI.- - Dr. T'. A. L:t Nr. rC f a(lt-toi ILt 110W Ot Pe: 1o:a, Fia. it ha beel about thirty lsars since last we met, but he has not changd. The bright aid gentle boy has .ir'Ily given place to the CulitU-e.l, 1e-iial ntil l ne doctor I rIS SV'; Feln Ilentaialand bat talion f1,gs which hie ...4av tl the ilit of the evacuation of Ili,:m -d, Ing thenII in chalrge of tIIe ( ' Iiat- hos pit:s. HIe will pre.,-clt im to the State through SentorI emlChiii. Thle laver meetingS will again be hid in the p)Aivate houses. T!ne of mleeting- half-l'as" seven --illd y. IJIht1. As our streets iave no lanii's it was thought best to make the el. wa- ft-r the winter motiths. The met0ig last tSunday night was at Alrs. Ctal's cot tage and it was an intlECeSttg one. Four reutleinel ok part briefly ill the service of tie iouir. Ali:s Sallie Kihler, at the organ, was asistvd in the sing inlg Ly several yoUlng ln lies d an r A thur Kiblei. Tne service was coi ducted by Mr. Sl-eiy. Subject- ;i yer. I Rev. Mr. Bowers closeil the meeting. A cordial invitati.on is extended to all to attend the next meeting at Mr. Kib ier's. SaSs SoraI. sale Day. The Master made to sales on Monl day. The one adverti,,ed was continued to November. The sheriif mlade the sales of land delinquent for taxes. Oie lot in the city of Newberrv as sessed to Lucy Coleman. To 1. 11. Wheeler for $.65. One lot in the city of Newberry as sessed to Wade Coleian. To 1). H. Wheeler for $10.05. One lot in No. 5 Township, contain ing 75 acres, more or less, assessed to Julia A. Whitman, deceased. Seventy three acres of it to C. J. Purcell for $13, the amount of taxes and cost. One lot in No. 4 Township, contain ing 85 acres, more or less, assessed to Mary A. Glenn, deceased. Forty-uine acres of it to S. E. Kennerly for $15.68, the amount of taxes and cost. One lot in No. 3 Township, contain ing 89 aeres, more or le-s, assessed to M. E. Uotshall. To J. N. Martin for $10.28. One lot in the town of Chappell's, No. 7 Township, assessed to E. U. 0' Conor and E. Bailey. To J. N. Mar tin for $7.85. Heraldings From No. G. Rains have held up for a few days, and as the colored people usually say, a dry drouth would be very acceptable now. The corn crop is pretty badly dam aged, and cotton has suilered severely from the rains. A few oats have been sown, but owing to the pressure in the cotton fields, oats will not be sown-as soon as usual this fall. A good deal of sickness in the com munity. Our~people are becoming interested in the Senzatorial race, and each side will fight man fully for their friends. No. 6 has quite a numberofanti-Till man men, but she has not a single vote for .Judge H askell or any inde pendent ticket. We entered the fight like men, got w bippedl out of our boots and expect to st:nzd squarely to the rack. The tax on b!nder twine reduced and the tax on cottonl ties increased. Where does the fr iendly shake of the Western H-ousiers over the dark waters come in ? The writer InIade a flying visit to Walhalla last week; wais vcry much pleased with the town and vicinity, (especially the woinen). WValhalla has the mcst equitable climate in the State, and if her buisiniess men realize the situation she can become one of the best summer resorts in the State. Cot ton arounn WValhalla is about as hune as any in New berry, except it is a later. Mrs. Bettie Hair is visiting friends and relatives in the township. Miss Mary Burton will take charge f the Trinity school ; Miss Mamie Clary, the Smiyrna ; Miss Aliee Brown, the Senu ; Miss F'annie Jobhnstoni, the Cleland schools during the next session. Don't know wvho will take charge of the Dominick and Reederville schools yet. Rtainfatll for September was 8.82 in hes. Mean emp leraIturie 70.3; 1highest 88 ; lowvest 50 ; range :3. It rained 1.24 inches in :; mintutes on the 8th. TELL. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the wvorld for ('uts, Sores, Bruises, Ulcers. Salt Rhieuta. Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hlands, (1hi!blainzs,. Cornts and all Skin Eruptions. and pos:tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is auaranteed to gjve perfect satisfaction. or money refouded P'rice 2.5 cen ts per box. For sale by Robert soi & Gilder. Brood Miares. Fine Kentucky Brook Mares for sale at the stables of J. D. Sutrrr & C~o. tf There would be far less complaint against the whiskey business if people who dring would demand a fine whis key, of..a standard brand, and accept no other. There are many straigh t and well matuzred whiskies on the miarket, but no other stands so high with the medical fraternity, and wvit h coninois seurs, as the celebrated L. W. H ARPEIR WusKEr, of Nelson County, Kea tuky. Tfhe genuinze r. W. HARPER IS so'd only by TrHOS. Q. BOOZER, Newhberry, S. C. FIor rhleunmatie and necuralgic pains, rub in Dr. J. H-. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment, and take Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's SarsaparilIla. You will not suff'er long, wvill be gained with a speedy and1( effective cure. PEPPERiI'T CORDI.AL. A pleasant and certain cure for DiaribwQa, Dysentesy,. Chol era Morbus and all affections of the Stomach and Bowels. Prepared and sold at ROBERTSON & GILDEWS C:orner Drug Store A bsolutely Pure. A cream of tairtar baking powder Highcst of all in leavening strength. L.S. G overn"?n ntRport, Aug. 17, 'S9 I 1.aa :s ew erry c ('nm r amr . in the ('ourt. H1ou1se. onii: yVetober 'a]1. l'n S"even)ty-twouL delegtt Swere pre:-nt, epresntin: tw no ruba!I rI'--Id Vi: li 1i I'FS, I'--ia:l:l: n rlad in*,tesing \'1 - \ ''l en1ru.i: re iri o t 4ea le ',ra oullook :nin finnii! oi;i :Iaainu :-; Ir-r of ; : a: i r AllianCV. ''la i i i : :c e w u l w el haii! enltaeaii :- o o .l ;./m, Th t a :n - h e he aplt'1 ri' i' a'"ana( - v.ith'''~ the :aidrel --: to Ia' rti- eie - o :x e . eral t I -:.i La e i I be co u I . l , i e if wi;-oh w y -.ie:clnn i her h,e\ap r t 1 "h 1 allI:- r h a - h : I :, -. Naeiltt zilid J. 11 '.( I ich Ii:%v-atll a : A 1- ' 1 h 'c.-era ()a~roIa 0. t,1Si va izev. r1.. K0i te. at tie Lut ihlertl pan:: ae I i. WX. R. MItalittt r,'Id !nQ; 'iIa A. WXheeler dat; hetl r o ' C d. A. i:. %*h:eIL - 11 Of raapit,S. C. cprtl her (i, 1-rY11. a- N. T. A. 'Mooert, -'\t. A. .Ih inofAbvle and . iss Carri Adams-. of SepM[tembler 1.'L. iIC), I:%* iaW.N. FIor ies, H erd. :or-e W. !I-.id 1d 'a-ks aMIattie Caidwell, bth of New berry Coui n . . Mr. NN'. L. Lake d(iid ll Newberr on Mon)Iday, October Gth, of coi)sunlip tioll, agc(l 3'] yaris. HeI was thle eld-St son (of our' to,wnsinatil, mr. wV. .,. Y.ake. gs. Anii. Bowman. divd rt th res>i dence of her g'andson, Mr. (1T-s. A.eI Bowman, o haturday, October .5th, aged 8 n years. Mr. H. of Cii.ts RidieAu.er died ot ishome i -No. 11 ownshipon 'rhurs daY October 2nd, i-edl aby ut T. Vears. \orNId'e ube was in est . iable young man, and a good and true friend of ours, an we mb er . re1ret Il death. To his family ard friends we extend our 3vp1at y in teir loUr of bereave beot. Elcc.t.cC Bitters. This rineclW is Iecoddin-4 Ne w nrow an io odpiar LS to neel was pecai meles t-i. AlW IIV IeISCII Eow anric Jdi;d res.sing die sce sozif a wirer gIr.4a.i i. does noat exit .ail it is miia.raieci ito oall that it C;LSik . I at rac y, r cb w; 5 th, alI diieascs of thet L iver ai(I KidnevsL'. wffl re. move pimp,, C ats. ,dt hen. wid other his om(e it. In Nllo. Iv .al( 11 O o. il 1 urI mcan,ICl andhe a'good an ,td tslrue friend o Lu symp a inhi ho.urbi ofbrae ThsC-(a reItly.'aI isa becoming' i o w' 'l knowniti un l o puar as:' toi need noW spcalaV trwn-a i'.'All woua l:ave ueii Eltecythrieb iir aing aiea m on ov p-;se. he ur er on liciner oes not exis 'I!1-tafl t i guaratetl odol hat- it htam e.a: :. iCe rUia'rs wll.e: sall Ilcasest fotfb tl Livr anti K idnys. we0 ill re. : e.a a Paip.ls, Bois, salt. l I e a'l.tlie laaa fromI the, ryste j a ndI' preve tawll aIhe iontipai ion a ndat o:S ion 1ry E'lD e .re Bi e re . L e seisf$ imgu1rate 'ttlie at'let.so CaG:le's Drs o e.ng rem onumar I:uable '?yrdpeedn,frd -y~nrea thatllwi Ar C.II.x warrs, sill out L'I ona.,l 0:e al pl. icirum,io ]iortes< wms a lieurs: he ar:angpie en:. oi:f 3-.E tr garde w11( hmev cor tm:ic the dveriee 1h.elor o' ervarm Mount ,A-tino. ruino evae rofAle.fl aesroi in he la e:.' :ut they te Hao t ote mben :o the Cric:shn w r>c ftose yeuta n woa.VC1:n e pri el for essnd fo1beverWs an aimnt1ys inne the rnks o. f e,oliers and -:aver, saale otte of .rge bo.storlads '1.sv -emarkabwold ben peeda etafr to t,en not ediat:wlbeirAues atria wa aidt in rdte for of)1 a pltrmlar pisony lak"t anof areit and faeed wiocrd ae broas fashluresed the rne niet of the COardens, andl legion-. \It thorsa bynto eta of Alxan ( er0 "witacty inth rigt and ad. ot5o uthemr fteCnhn tre. Foe ethdserenpri evafr sts afn'd fer for aihetsa thiued het rank the seocric an' slave OePof Dr. WesItmoeIns ality Joni wou l: ha beend;as necta toe Iatedeiity pro1sint rion, rstre ste frmpewe,ry dyspepsi, invIisoratedte toabideso th ioera cquern ins. J F. J C.\LD ELL.ISH EREB .andnouncedin tor the tse,natsb enyet prmplyo the KtcPidys,ec ace anduneedrs a cndidae far the ceocrti iation u fof Fighe ente roml rewery outy, aind eie proe c:tabide to hemaic prmy.n Bots ctihe metd truldbceslts ihnt entlycye prproly on the monest Leier and Bowels,llestanes, ss tman eelleant duispes codm ed-i toches and heve adei cure habta cstiaiyrup of Figs is the n 0 ny reed botte its allingve drg gits.Arlable stmcromp:t mh may nto hv ohand w eeil pro-t eft proptdly fromthoe wmo ihetor and Doeebl notacet any soalbstitute.d i te os CApLIFrNIAed FInown. Co bvrp No FAs isCO Co ALe.n. 0 and'8Vbotesby. al lJeadn dOrKug SAN FR A f/CISCO, C A., inmmrntt xv. ... IIEW v2RK. N.K LI AM NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST STOCK OF WATCHES EVER OFFERED IN NEWBERRY. IN SOLID GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVElZ, SILVEROID, AND NICKEL CASES, OF ALL STYLES, H UNTING AND OPEN FACE, FOR LADIES MEN AND BOYS. And if you cannot come in person, write for LOW PRICES. Watches sent C. 0. D. to any part of the country, with privilege of ex anination before paying for them, when 51) cents accompanies the order, which will be deducted from the bill. State the amount you wish to pay for a Watch, as I can furnish them at any price, from the cheapest made up to the finest. E-WELRY fN THIS LINE I KEEP A LARGE - . Stock of SOLID GOLD A ND R-OLLED) PLAT.E IN RINGS, PINS, EAR-DROPS, BRACELETS, SCARF PINS, STEDD)S, IN SETS AND SINGLE, GENTS' VEST CHAINS. LADIES' UEEN AND FOB CHAINS, CHARMS, LO(CKETS, GOLD AND) SILVER TH[DIBLES, CUFF'S AND COLLAR - l)UTTONS, NE:CK LAC:E$, ETC. CLOCKS?~ DIID I HEAR YOU S \Y? WELL, i I have themi now-and don't you forget it-ini rom the cheapest Nickel Alarm Clock p. I have a nice line and at prices ever before sold at in this market. Why buy a clock from a peddler and ay him t wo or three times as much as sell them?~ Save your hard-carned (10!1 rs by buying from me. TN GOLD, STEEL AND RUBBER Frames at all prices. Styles, quali ies and colors to suit everybody, old mnd young, big or little, white and lack. X X X X( X X X *All Goods Sold Warranted as Reresnted. My Experience of :i. ears in the Jlewelry Bu,sinmess enables ne1 to t-ll my custoniers whether an riicle is~ Solid or Plated, and they R EPAIRING. I MAKE A Sl'ECIALTY OF IRE pi, rin Fine anid (Complpicated Watcheis. Cl1oeks and .Jecwel ry, and my rices are as lowest as anyv other first 1ass watchmaker. I doi all my own work, and do not haye to senid it o0l to be done. I have t:he latest and moist improved tools and(l s nothing but ti e b t nmaterial in ny) work,ad e g unt ly I amn able g ive enIt resatisfation&. All 31ail and E:xpress Orders will -k eIl) ro'nyPt atte !tioni. Selectiont aekages of Watches or JTewelry will. e sent to parties furnmishingr satisfac tory references on receipt of order. be cid forO!d Gold or Sil'ver Jpf~ Pn. -AlMAc The Jeweler. WE HAVE MOVED BARGAIN IG HHOUSE To Nos. 168 and 170 Main Street, NEXT TO THE COMMERCIAL BANK, COL~CTM~BIA, S. C.. WE, EPSTIN BROS., AltE NOW PREPARE) TO SHOW OUR LINE OF GOODS TO BETTER ADVANTAGE THAN HERETOFORE, as we have a much better place and two distinct deartments, and a much larer stoek to select from. We are receiving daily our Fall anc. WTinter Stc0]T, consisting of TPje Yej Latest stuis i Dhess Ras1, G-ING-HAMS, .CAIIICOS, AN) ALL GOODS PERTAINING TO THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS. OUR D40MESTIC DEPARTMENT is full up with all kindsof Bleachings. Sheetings. Shirtings, Che,ked Homespun, Cotton Flannel. Red Flannel, Jeans, Cassimeres, Tickings, Hickory Stripes, Etc. CUR STOCK OF CORSETS is complete; and we are free to say that we carry the largest line in the city in the following makes - Dr. Warner's Health, Coraline. Abdominal, Nursing, and in Thompson's Glove-Fitting Corsets: the same also in the H. & S. a very fine Corset. We have the Finest Line of Black and Colored Corsets ever shown in this or any other city. AN ENDLFSS VARITY OF csiery,, G-I V es CLlars, C.ff, nc1].erch3iefA ancd. Unicervests. <:We Offer Mt1e greatest Values in ToW0ls !bo Extra Large Size only 2.5 cents each. Doylies and Napkins the same. OUR CLOTHIG, BOOT fQD SHOE (AL80 OUR FURNISHING GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN) IS IN THE ADJOINING STORE, NO. 370, Where we can show one of the nicest selected stocks of Clothing in the city, and at Prices Which Defy Competition T We are offering great bargains in Boots and Shoes for Men, Wonen and Children. Having bought all our Shoes in the Mid-Summer, before tLe advance in the Leather Markct, which advanced Shoes 15 to 25 per cent., we can afford to sell them at low prices. OUR CENTS' FURNISHINC COODS ARE COMPLETE 1N ALLz ZE xAzTST STYrS Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Hats, Half Hose, Undervests, and in 'act the whole line through. Thanking one and all for your kind patronage, and desiring :a continuance of he same, we remain Yours Respectfully, PS TIN BROS. 168 and 170 lamn Street, Next to Commercial Bank,I S~COLUMBIA, S. . MUSIC PUPILS. REMOVAL. fRS. J. M. KIBLER DESIRES THAVE CHANGED MY PLACE L.pupils in Pianoforte Harmony . of business from the J. D. Cash nd Theory, Guitrv, or Sight-singing. building to the office lately occupied by mnplovs the methods of the New En- Dr). Simpson Pope, on Friend Street, and Conservatory, Boston. two doors below the Observer office, where I will kee on hand a full line JUST PUBL!SH ED of Domestic, ?)vi, New Home, Wheele'- Wilson, adother Sewing Machines, also some of the best makes i short no.ice, and satisfaction guaran Containing life-pictures of the olden teed on all sales. If you want a Sew ime, Biographies, Historical Sketches ing~ Machine, Organ, or Piano, don't f Schools, Churches, ard the College. fafi before purchasim to cal on 300 closely printed pages, handsomely D-B HELR ound.) BY JOHN B. CARWILE, Am 1 9 11 it ani Introduction by J. F. J. Cald- ii The author has been collecting ma eral for the work for the last five --- -r ears. For sale at Book-store of Z. F. mHIS VALUABLE WORK IS Vright, Newberry, S. C. Price $I.50. Inow going through the press, and >ent by matl, postage paid, on receipt will be ready for subscribers in No f price. vember. FIRE CYC ONESAND Besides the original Annals of Judge 'RE YC O E A DO'Neall, this book will contain the TORNADOES. names of all the volunteers who went W E WOUL D RESPECTFUL LY from New berry District to the war wih inform the public that we are pre- Mexico; it will contain the names of >ard to insure property against loss by all from the County who were in, the - ire, Cyclones and Tornaidoes. Confederate ser vice in any capacity Your patronage is solicited, that is, all whose names the compiler BURTON & WILSON, Agents. has been able to procure-with the cas Newberry, S. C. ualties that happened to them; it will contain an accour .a of the heroic death 0ACL Tof Calvin Crozier, who died that an other might live; it will containa jsketch of the trying times of the Re It wvill contain some Revolutionary BARGAINS T ncoeIn scraps of history, not --AT-- the State, or of the United States. It Jt will tell of Emily Geiger and her peril l' * Ious ride. It will contain sketches of ~Iiner &Jaluesol' 5differentscn of the cae ount ofethe scoosecn of the cae ount oBethe I hCdD 0 , Academy, of the religious deno.ina ry Goos, o 9 tions, of benevolent societies, of Miss of changes in business and business bat and Shoe Store. Eret hi;cnt;fayhs.h ______________Itwill co itain some account of War ECLb SPECIAL ATTEN-bewnthSaes toou'LOTHING DEPA RT- Nri h ieaueo h onr ~IE NT. Our line of Business Suits,fogte,btscinsfthtwl >th in Cutaways adScs opie il the last styles, and will be sold at w! erltd oeacuto h mall nrofits. See our line of Prince odtms sse hog h yso Ibert'Suits. Boys' Knee Pants Suits dme,wlbegvn n great variety. Examine our Boys' Ithsbeteaiofhecmlr ombination Suits.toakabokvaulentnyfr Underwear. Underwear. cm- tnadwr frfrnei Never before have we shown you hitrofNwryCun. uch a full line of these goods. You Anasteumrofcpepitd an get any kind you need. esn h ihcpe ogv hi Hat Department. nms ta al a,t r onA \ll the latest shapes as they appear in t UL&HUEL he market.Pblhe,NebrySC SHOES SHOES WeinitOseia attention&to hsbranch oIf our b)usiness. Onily 3A Lr4 TIEIS eliable goods are said( and at very lowv ri'es. You are earn1ct ly mvited to; E INSADBLR, all and see this stock before ma,:kingi ai wrhlase. A MIL,RST IL, MINTER & JAMIESON. sl nti tt.We o u NQTICE. n itk. 'N1Frso IlIOLDING;Wiefrou rcs : il.s. Munt% or demands of anyCOTNG S and~ :nainstN Newberry County, which ad ae not been: prcoent~ed, are required iv law to depo-it the same with theCTONP SE, inder-igned on1 or before the first dayAtbtofire. ' > Novemiber, or that they may be ex Ioined and ordered to be paid at the /p DfAIf'A. mnual mneeling, which will be held on V i PLfIII 7nt~. he 4th of Nevenmber. GEO. B. CROMER, CLMt ~ ~ > Clerkof teBord. Nome Offe anderactyo t hon Seo.rgotten,t.Va bu.pcmn fta wil