The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, August 07, 1890, Image 3

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Local and Special. Beth Eden Lutheran Church. S-rvicevevery two w%*-1k,,sen :mdi fiurtli SNI:iy. at 11 a. rl. suidI:tv-whoo' l 1 . Il. W '%. A. -:1r...4N, l'at.r. Postotlee Hourr. 11lice opens . ............ ... - VO a I Clhxe-aflour bt-olk! Uw :arr Iivatl o trains per schedulv, viz: For Colu mb iat........................... .......... . :5 a 1 For (reenville a d the We s ............ I i For Colutibia..................................... :> :., F or L rure s ....... .................................. . . Oltice will reimain ope i" ........... .5 1:, y s A p e n .................................................-... -, n C io st'............................. ............. .......... -, o h. Mo .0.' , 1-. A. Good Tobacco at Proetor Todd's 25 For Sale. An S horse power portable Engin< for sale cheap. For prices, &c., appv at The Herald and News oflice. :;L. County AlMance. Thie County Alliance will i.:et at New berry on A ugust 16i,at 10 o'clock U. m!. J]o.. L. K i-:r, President County Alliance. To be good natured, you should liav< plenty of good wholesome fod to eat See the stock of McIntosh & Todd. The First Open Itoll. Mr. Thos. F. Harmon brought it two open bolls of 'cotton frotu his farn near Newberry. County Emc-cutive Committee. We have received the following written on a postal vard, froin W. 1) Hardy: Members of the Deo:eroati Execu tive Conmuitt-e are reqluested to ineel at Prosperity on Monday, August 1i th at 1In, a. Il. V. . 1 A 1ny. Chairmian. Call at Proctor Todd's for the Bailey Bros'. Tobacco, 40ets. Itf' Alliance Pienic Hartford Alliance will have a pieni on August 21). The public is cordiallh invite(, and request-d to bring btsket4 Prominent speakers will be present, tc speak in behalf of the o:der. B. M. PAYSENCEl, (". M. B. Ers G;. D.LATno, vM. K:I;LE.,R, E. L. HAYES, Committee. Wanted An energetic nn who unilerstand.s clothing or tailoring to represent us in Newberry and vicinity, as sales agent. Splendid fall and winter assortnIIt now ready. WVanaunaker & Brown, Philadelphia, Pa. The largest clothing and merchant tailoring house in Amer ica. 2t Ely's Celebrated Tu aip Seed. We have a large supply. Nhne bet ter. For sale by BELCHER, 11OUSEAL & N The Enterprising House, Universally known as The Newv YorlF Racket Store, operated by Mrs. .J. N. Godsey, has been nmoved from the ok stand on main street, next dloor tt Wooten & McWhirter, to the new store house just finished by Mr. R. C Williams, which is half of a square ur: .Main street frorn the old( stand. Mrs. Gdeisop)eninIg upl a larger stock oi goods than ever before, andl the public wvould do well to exanmine her goods and hear her~ prices before nlurchasing elsewhere. Mrs. Godsey t.ianks tht public for their p -t -onage in the Past and solicits the s-unte in the future. 11 When youJ~ want good che.; p Tobacc< go to Proctor Todd and get that at 25e per pound. tf New Uniforms,. The Newberry Rifles received forts niew uniforrns ysterday froun Phila. delphia. They were sent to the R[ifles by order of the wa Cepartmient. The uniforms are the Enite-d St :tes regula tion pattern, and( were obt:Iinlld or! South Carolina's proportion of the ap p4ropriat ion foir the State 31ilitia. The Newberry Riules will leave it: their new uniforins next Tuesday fot the summuer encarntptnent at Hentder sonville. It is nolt ce'rtaini how mans~ men the Rifles will 1:' ke to Hendersoni ville, hut they hmope t > iake a good showing among the 'her t ra:Ils at the entainDruent.. Cotton Seed Oil MlitJ. At a in 2ting of the D)irectors hel 4)r Monday, T. M. Ne-I was el 'ed Vie' President, and G eo. S. Mower, attorney. The order for the engine and boiler wi p)laced. The BIeck Aultomnatic enIgimne w'e punrChasedl irorn the Taylor ML.tnu facturinig Comipanv, of Cht:unbersbu rg. Pa., and the Iboiler was boutt froni the Milburn Machine Work~ :, Mern. phis, Ten n. A lot has b) :n tnurch :4e frorn Henry Kennedy for S40n, con tonn 1aer:- fronit:n 0 on t he rail road and CaldIwell Sti vt. Cont racts for the buildings w~il be let this w--k It is expected to hove the mit in oper ationl by the first of N%overniber. Acquittal inx the senn Case. Sl'ARAnt-im. S. C.. August 5. The jury inl tihe Sellni antd l>liL!and east retired shortly befo re seven o'cloc*k after remiaininig out aLboutt hal f an 1hmn1 brought in a v'errieit of atqu:tt LI. TIh<t case hrs occuied t\Vwo days.--Sp(ecia to Greenville News. [David N. Senn and Helena I'o:and were triedl for the killing of MoseiIh Senn, the wife of the formiuer. Sent and his wife and the wornanLt J4d:land were travelling with a watgon arid thxt tragedy wa enacLtedl on! thle road foum years ago. The part ies were convyicteC aLt a fortner trial of the case. Au :appeu. wats taLken to thle Snu)~mine Cou4trt anid a1 new trial obt .inIed, wh ilh etr'Is inl an atcqunittal. The c:1se has cosit tihe(ii iont\ of Spartatthurg, the co rre'sonden1t ol thbe News and ( "urienr est irntates, frioni $2,(N00 to $2.50a'-not inceludimng the recent trial. ?'he dlefenldanits w~ere represetnted by Johnlstone & ( rornelr 0) New berry.] W\e ofher One Hundred D)ollars re wvard for atnv ease oft enLtnrrh thiat can-l - not he curedl by tatkin~ Ha:ll's (tarrl: Cure. do, 0. WIe, tile untder-signed, have kniown F. .1. ('heney, fo th le last 15 vear-s. and1 believe h]im ptIerfect ly 1h onable inl at ale to carry out anyv obliga ons math 110 byv their firmi. Toiledlo. 0. W\aldinz, Ninnaoo &k\ t Mrin, WXhole sale D)rugzist<. Toledo 14). Hall's ( atarrh ( ure ista inte41r nlally, acting directly upon01 tile bloo( If you a)re ini neeid of a pair of Spe1-4 tail-s or i; latsses go 1o .1. hn 1: Speck's. I'y. Foir Evetrybody11. Pianos and41 Organ,s at low prives :n11 First cla1-5 Singintg School0 s taiught See mle or write' for pa1rticlars. rf L. A. H.\wms.N5 Ncwhecrrv. S. C. The idvalks in Newherry i inu n i p11.1-e-; artnr_ a ill nci.d o)f work. Thr !.ill N a harb' ru t ahl touEr uamnt at ii happeli-- onWendy A\ugust -1 31sr.W. 1. fit-rbert andl Th-;. IL. Adiallis will give a barb. eue at topia onl -atirlday, Augulst 9. I >r. ( -. W. Ho (Mlld r-tur-1 dt TW' day* fr11)1 a trip to flaralson, ( ;a., inl the inter ;t of -Newberry Collc-ge. Mi .J. N. (Godsev haizmoveved lout of tle New York Iti(ke:t SUre to Wil lialin's new builinl oi -NI;lai sireet. Wmteni& lW N irt r iave rcnted the storer n latelY OCCUpitd by 31r- . Godsi ev, :ld will use it for a furiniture IIon. E. B. Alirray, of Anerson, is a~iotu.o d this week :s a candidatt for. Olin-Ss frmll this district. Sherill' W'V. W. I tiser gave a private barUni1*lle tv his frielils (it vesterlay at his pl'iit:atioi ill .N(. 4 TowI\Vnlfi p. Mr. B. I. Lov(-tm is agent for the ElihpLe Portrzdt 01"mpanyi for enllarg inl,- pictures. Ail. ncxt w eek. A numiber of persons from this comi tY are at Spartaibrg tii!s week as wit nes?.es inl the trial of Dave Seni a:un Hfelenla B0oland. The Union servives will be held inH the I t aptit church next unlay night and tihe sermonV will be preahed by Rev. E. P. NeCCHtock. Rev. Dr. Cozbv has been given a va cation bv his congregLatiol and there will be no regilar preaehin-Ig in the Presbyteriaa Church during his ab sence.: Mr. -. B. .Joies, of Newherry, hs b-in tdrawni as a petit juror inl the ITni ted Stal-s Court, which inl ?ts on tile i'Ourth Mon(lay ill Noveniber next. ). B. Wheeler hl:w,- moved to tile stnrero,r inl the Po(Il buiil.lHng on 'rit.I -street, formerlv occupied b I Dr. S. Pope. lie will :to(] pianos and or "als to his sCwinl.- IllaChiIe bsineSs. .ee his ad Verl isemen-1lt neXt week. Show cases are sonethin-g every merchant needs, and as the Atlanta Show Case CO., Atlanta, Ga., are mak inlg special ollers. good only thirty dlays, we woulI advise every one who is int -rested t-> write them at once. Cheapest and Ir--t Show Cases made in the United States always oil hand or in:lae to or'er oin short lotice. ir. John 0. Peoles alis returned fro!u tile allounitaills. Mir. Geo. A. Afoody ls a vaeation and has golle No;rth. Mr. A. Af. Bowers went to Glenn Springs yesterday. frs. M,arv A. Evan s oi a v'sit to Columbia. AIiss L,izzie G r:li i has returned from Edgefield. Col. and Afrs. W. H. Hinit, .r., are spending some time at Glienn Springs. M1r. J. Z. Salter has returned from a trip to Edgefield and A'ken. Capt. J. W. Gary went to Glenn Spriigs last Miss Aileen Broaddus has gone to Glenn Sprin;s. Mr. amnd M.Jas.Y. Culbreath went to Glen1 Sprion last Tiiurs.ty. Mr. .J. Jeff. Lane went to Glenn Springs on 'Monday. 3Mrs. Jno. R. Spearman, of Colum hia. is v:sitinLg her father, Col. J. R. Leavell. Mfr. and Mirs. T. J1. Mfikell and Mirs. Satrah Mikel., of Edisto Islandt, are visiting Mir. H. C. Rtobertson. MIr. F-re'd A. Sale, of Columbia, rep re-senting! the 'Etna Life Inisuranice Company, is spending a few (days ill thle city. Mir. W. Mf. Lane and Mfiss Mfattie Hen:derson returned from New York on MIonday. Mir. E. Cabanism and family left Tues day OH a visit to MIr. Cabaniks' father, at Shlelby, N. C. Prof. ('. W. Welch and f-an:ily left yesterday on a trip to the Lexi~ngton Fork andi other portions of the State. MIiss Laura Blease left Tuesday on a visit ) f:ends and re1htives in G reen ville. Rev. .1. 5. ('ozby. D). D., and Miisses WVillie Cozby and Fanni:e BaxtVr left yesterday for Glennl Springs. Mir. J. P. Pool returned i'om Hen dersonville on Tuesday. MIrs. Pool will remain some time yet. Mir. W. H. Wallace, of the Observer, has returntetd frm Glenn SprinJgs. He is mucnh i mmproved imn health by his trip. Mir. W. H. Millr, whlo has Ir en Onl a1 visit to) his damrhter, Mirs. TI. Q. loozer, has r'tu:rned to his home in (Columnbia. \l rs. Boozer accompaniied hin, a:itl will spenid several (lays. Cal)mair;n Appoi01 nmentsi. WVe give below theC appointments for e:tmunpaigni rn:eet ings ftor lhe coun::ty, yet to bte held, :tili also tIhe dlates andI [>laes of the ConIgressitonal appoinIItHienti for C (INTY ATo n:T. Townip No. 5, .Jahla, A urrust 7. T own-.hi p No. 9, P rosperity i ounZg's G'tove i.Aurust S. ITownsh.i lp No. S. I t min. August 9. Town h.lip No. 1n, .Joly Street, Au "-a t I5 TonhpNo. 11, J. C. and WV. L. T ownship No. 7, Wi Iian s, August T1wnhi~p No. (, Longshor %,August TownsrihipI No. 1, New berry(at igh~tt l, Each I townishuip iru(etinag is to be pre sidedt over byv the ruernbt-r of the Ex eetive ConanI)iitttee of that townsh5lip). iclken- .August 9 ;\Walhalla, August I2 Andtersonli, AuLgust 1;, A hheville4, Au ust I ; Newberry, August 21. 1Remembuter that Johin i. Spee(k doeIs all kilnds- of Watchi, ('lock, Jewelry and Spmecttle work. Finle wor.k a~ pe e-ialty. ly. The Comning Season buyi youtr I ase Bnll gloods at thle lowest -r Cota -Cola at Peilham's. t "Cca-Colda renews thle vigor of t lie in telleet, an:d relieves in:ental exhaustion, rendlerin:g the flow otf thioulght mr<r eas andI t lie rI-:sIoninIg power mor~e v*ig (trots.,iorluiets to iinenit:l c-learness andt activ ity, freedlomi from fatitrue and of lie largeI citi s of tIhe Soth hias:1 take a pit:1It iontt tile very front oif all th' lt':oimng :uni me.,t p~lotular soda founain' beve!zres.' Diae lies in onbuI lsh ior th e weatk; a feeble consltitution 0 is ill :shi1pted to eznt-ouniter a1 in:tIhiriouis atmoitsphetre andI -.udd'e: ch anmges of? eierneratulre, antd the least robnust aie usuaIly t lhe 'asiest vitim. D)r. .1. H1. .\tl Lns Salrsapa mill-iwilliv-e tone.,vitalityandisi reig.thi t time entire botdy. John1 F. SpI eek hais thle largest anid in -.tdilpi-i oIt f Spectacles and1 Eve antly ihing ini this line. Evxes catrefuilly i: d w'itht theO best ghis5Les to tte fouml. 'i I \. The Cioty CampaiL:11 Opened. Thle re"Gular ('u-iy (':tnipaign as, or <iertl i the E tiai1Cmtntte speed on-1:i. atra0A atadlington's i ( .2 % T swlhip. '.tlie edit:r of The Ileraid anil News w%enjt dowi to .' aid hear the niwhitie put in )peratioi. 'ile atteildaie was small anLlld tle elthusiasil was less. lin fact, nio one SeeTned to be interest"d v l n much onle way (i the other. The candilahtl sp,ke, but there wa- not a particle it applause given any speaker, and the voers appeared altogether iiidiflerent. Whelither the at':] all have their minds inicade li. (I whether they are tired ()f all th.-- turimloil aini strife we have haid within the I)enimratic party for tle past two mionths are (uestioIs we will not answer. ('ol. E. S. Kt-itt introduced tile ,peakers. Mmo. W. ". Beniot, of Abbeville, a eandfidate f-or ('4nigress, who had been inl the oility ffor a day or two drove lown an imade a short talk. As his tilite was Irmited he did linot enter fully into a usion of the Alliance cate chisim. 'Ir. Beliet said lie % as not a farmie.-le was a lawyer. but that lie liad been identifled with the farmer's mov4wellient 1*roI its inceptioli. He had prepared the hill.s accepting the Clem S-m blql -t and establishing ('lellsoni ( 'ulhle anil li:l fought for them in the L(e*shiture. le was the first nian in this State to delliand a St-ite priia rY. As to the Alliance catechism he said lie only had time to sneak of a part of it and he would taKe up the sub-treisury scheme. He said that one of his oppolents, Mr. Norris, who endiorses the bill en tirely, goes beyond Mr. Polk, McCune, and others who are at the head of the Alliace. The present hill contains principles they favor. That is as tar as aliy one OUlgt to be asked to go in the support of a measuire. He sai I he was irl entire syiipathy and accord with, and could muost lie::rtily endorse, the pu ses and pinciples of the sub treasury bill, but the present bill lie cmihl not eidorsv. iin its entirety. I le had not tili- to discuss;, tile causes which had hroi-hit about a demand fir some such legislation. The legisla tion inl Cogress for the pIst twenty or twenty-five years had been ill the ill terest of the money power. Usually the prie of the erop is fixed before it is nia(te. There was need of more monev. The value of the crop:4 is about seven bil limis dollars, and the available mtioney to h1ai(fle or move it is Only onle billion dbfllars. le imentioned one objection to the sub-treasury hill. Ili section 2 it 1)r( vidvs that every "owner" of proauce can use the warehouse just the same as the producer, aild this would let in the nioney lenders and cotton buyers with the producer. He did not see how the warehouse would be any benefit to the poor farmer. lie was in favor of a bill that would put more imoney in circu lation. The monley in circulation should be increased four or live times what it is nlow. When Mr. Benet iad finished, Col. Keitt introduced tile County (andi dates. Speeches were made' by Cole. L. Blease, E7q., Hon. Geo. S. Mower, Mr. Jno. W. Scott. candidates for the Legislature, and Capt. -Jno. F. Banks, Mr. Arthur Kibler and Mr. F. W. Hii , 1uidates for School Coi nu1isioner. The bar,ecue was very good, ..nd the profits from the diner, we under sLand, go to the school ill that comm nitV. We heard during the day that there wouldl be probably two or three other candindates out for the Legr islatture, but we pres-rne they will Lie aennounced iin due time. Tlhe crops ini that section and alongr the road fromi Newberry there are very file. TI' l RI OGE Ro0AD1 MlETING. On last Thutrsday we attended a bar hectue at Ridge Road, in No. 1t) Town shin, given by Messrs. Wilson and Bobb. Tfhe canldidates had been in vited to be present and talk to the voters. The editor of The Herald and News was asked to inltroduce the specakers, which lhe did. Tfhere was not a full atti"ndance of candidates. The voter s gave good at tention to the speakers, but there was noenlithusiasm, andc they seemed very indh "'erent. -Speechies were miade by .Jno. WV. Scott anid Cole. L1. Bllease, candidates for tile Legislature, anud Dr. C. T. Wyche, whuo said lie was not a candi dlate, andc Arthutr Kibler arnd Jno. F. Banks, can tdidates for School Comnimis sionier, anid .J. H. Chappell, candidate for Auditor. The barbfecue<dinner was a good onie, ando we enjoyed it very much. Both these lilcetinigs passed off pleasantly. A ineeting wiu held on Tuesday in No. 3 Townlship, on Wednesday at ('romiers, in No. 4, and( to-day' thle meieting will h;a at .Jalapa, No.~5, to nioi(rrow at Prosperity, and Satu rday at Itopia, in No. S. The n:eeting at Prosperity promises to be nit:resting. Several of the Con gressionial canLIdidlates, we understand, arc to be there. In fact, we uniderstandl speeches are to he mlade to-night (Th ursday) at Prosper'ity, by Hon. WV. C. .Benuet anid R1ev. Jf. A. Shigh. arid possibly others. It is probable tuat more interest will attach to) the Couinty Campaign after this week, as the eaucus at Prosperitv next Monday wIll have decided th'e maatter for one 01r two pirospectiv'e leg islative c'andidlates. The timie is short. Only t wo weeks i'rom? to-morrow before our first prinma ry election is to be held. PEPPERMINT CORDIAL A pleasant and certain cure for D)ianiluea, Dysenitet y, Chol era Morbus andu all affections of the Stomach and Bowels. Prepared and sold at ROBEIRTSON & GILDER'S Corner D)rug Store. TO THE PUBLIC. )Owing toi c'nt inuied advancie in thle irice of Iee, and thle unset tled con o il ion of the Iee iniarket, I am abso lately f r'cud toi cdvanclie the price of ice. I al-.o earnestly beg to assure myi pa t roins t hat I wvill exert every effort to suipply themu at the lowest isossiblde price. '1':thly, no' one tlhi'm' has C:eusied -iuch a i-4,ral ival oif ra' le ae. tRo)elsOe & .:r's i Dug 'lore as hijr o1v;.ig a~:way 01 ofe IDr. 1 is New~' mscvery, lfor onusumnpt ion I *ir' r:tue ia snaplv eo:mnious in this veri Ivalual:'c :i N ile treinl t lhe i,et that it aclways eiur, and neveru *;i-oninjits. Conirhi. Col' Is. A ' burnchit ic. Croupr. amiu all threoat arit' lunzi in-es, 'Uiek y cirul'u. You can test it iltii.h" 1v riby Cl iin. a I rial i ,i iCe free air!'e 3:z. I1. l':ve'ry bol Ie waaetec. A l)uty to Yourselft. It is SuIrpr'isinug that peole will use a scure a valuable En:lglishi one fo;r the sanije monu1ey'. Dr1. Acker's Enghlishu pills are~ a p)o.s;f;re ('ure for sic'k-licad ache anid all liver' trotule. They tare sm:ll. swect, ''asilyv takeni and do noit grip. S 'ld by ihlher, Houseal & Kib ler. 'ip h1osite Poislofice. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures D uring the next twvo weeks I will make a special reductionl on Pictures. Iluhose wisinnlg to ornuamnlt their par Ior's, drawing r'ioms, ke-, will findi it to theuir advanutare to call en mec durin' that time. Yonurs, Stf Z.F WmT. Helena Heraldings and News Net. MNlr. and Mrs. (o. Rolpp have r' turied frinm Walhalla. IMr. and Mrs. C. J. Zobel are vi-itin friendsat Butler's, in Edgeh('Woufnty iiss Ernmna B zhardt, of I1 os wick, ( a., is on a visit to her ant, Mirs. Etuma Halfavre. Nliss Georgie Hipp, of Laurens, ii onIt a visit to Miss Ada Siocklevy. Mr. L. K. Vance, of Colittbi., wa onl a visit last w( ek to his sister, M rs. Thos. Cromer. Miss Av la Jenkins, of Peddleton, i* visiting her aunt, Mirs. (;aillard. Ir. Wns. Welch, of C4jUlubia, aftr spnding a wek with his parelits, left for Saluda where he wih sIelti tle summer. Miss Carrie Strother, who ret urnel to the village for a few days, while w. the way to her home at Valhalla, had a pleasant party of her Newierry friends to call on her by moonlight. There was one, who would have hc:-n deligited to have met her "by moon light alone." Miss Carrie h:s 111an. friends and admirers. Two of Edgetield's ebharin-ig citi zeus, Captain and Mrs. Charlton, 1iill a recent brief visit to the mospitable villa of our neighbor across the line J. Y. Culbreth, Esq. They were r-turn ing from (,lenn Sirinlgs. Mr. James Nix, of Georgia, is st.q.. ping for a few days with his kinsman, Mr. Win. Pitts. Mr-. Noah 0xiier, of Greenwood,a..-d her brother, Mr. Arthur Bowen, of Georgia, were in the village 1;t week. Mrs. Oxner had not seen her brother since early childhood. MYr. and Mrs. G. M. latcilhtte, of Spartanburg, are speiviinu a few dav with their relative, Mr. M. J. Scott. A roaring sound the other nihit - thought to be wind bWy *smre :i d an approaching train by Ohvoh... it) have been a territiv rain at, ha ills, .falapa, ete. Bridges were datrigeti. the earth wiashed tilt and 1i1any we're afraid of injury to the roof of I heir houses-so heavy was tile downiiutir. The singing circle will nicet at Mr. Scott's residence to 11iglit. The Sundav-school and prayer-teet ing were well attended last Sumniav. Mr. W. F. Wright iade a very inter esting talk at tli- prayer meeting. Let us be patient toward all men, and polite politically. The right of private judgnmeit and the liberty of conscience were established as livit., principles long ago. Let us riot go back ward. S.N Sol-tf. NOTES FROM EXCELSIOR. Miss Alma Wheeler is visiting reln tives at Saluda. Politics is getting lively and the can didates are moving around. School has a good attendanc:. of pU pils and is moving along nicely. Miss Lora Nates visited relatives at Prosperity last week. The recent rains have brightened tip the crop prospects considerably. Po tato patches are also pronis;ng. Miss Sallie Kinard, of Ridgeroad, is visiting relatives in this neighborhood. Mr. J. S. Werts and family, of Saluda, visited relatives in this community last week. Mr. Werts informed us that the crops around Saluda were very good, especially the cotton crop. Owing to the illness of Mr. James ). Kinard, lest week. his school at L.he Gallman Academy had one w-'ek's va cation. School opened again on Mon day morning. Capt. J. A. C. Kibler called out his hands last week and put his section of road in good condition. We haven't s"en a county commissioner on our ror d] this , .ar, but the road is kept iln good condition just the same. Sr (tA. TURNIP SEED! TURNIP SEED!! Buist's tulrnip) Seed are famous throughout the South for their great purity and fine quality, always cer tain to grow. Always ask for Buist's Seeds and1 take no other. For sale at Robertson & Gilder's corner Drug Store. if. SECOND DIsTRICT C'EN5t's. Anproximna'e Flguren of the Several C'it;em in the Olistrict. [Special to Charleston WXorld.) Anln.N, Aug. 1.-The followinig is an app)roximiate list of the recent census of the nine county townus aiid townl ships in the second district, given by Mr. Delivan Yates, supervisor. They may undergo soIeI chanigee in the ofli cial count at Washington, but wi' I be found substantially correct. As Edge field C. H. lies witfin two townships, its population was rnot brough t out here anid cannlot be known until the Wash ington oflice mak"e' itS report: Aiken township, incwluc ing Aikeni C. H., 4,491. A iken C. H., 2,:164. P ickens township, Ed.eefiel.:1,b::4. L-xington towvnship, iincludinug Lex iniZtonr C. H., 2,4158 Winnsboro towpshiip, F~a irfiel county, 2,48. Newherry township, inicluO'ng New. berrly C. H., 4,881. Newber-ry C. H., .':,0:14. Union t owniship, i nclu .1ing 'n ion C. H., I 100. (Chester township, iincludi ng ( hester C. H., (,954. ('hester C. H., 2,71n2. York towrnship, includinhg Yorkvil't C. HI., 3,240. Yiorkville C. H., 1,554. Colunmbia township, incellud'ing (Ci. lulnbia city.;1S,403. Progress. It is very imiporiant in t his aige of vast miaterial progress that a reimedv be pleasinrg to the triste an I to thle eve 'ailv takenr, acc-eptable to the sti'machr andi( healthy in iN nilature anid eflects. P'ossessingi these (Iialities, Syru p of F'igs is the one perfect laxative an'd most1 gentle diuretic krnowin. W. E. Pelhiani,Agent. P'imples, boils and other hunions, are liable to appear wheii thne looid ge-t hatedl. The best remedy is D)r. Mc Lean's Sarsaparilla. People Everywhere ('olifirmi outr stattelienit whieii we sity that Acker's English iR-rinedv is i'n every way supeioir to any aiud cli itheri pr1eparationis for lie Throatt end Lu ngs. In Whoop:nig (Ciugh arnd ('roup~ it is iiagic andiw relieves at oniice. Wet ollii you an samp lle ibottle free. Itemember, his Remiedy is soild 011 a poitsveiy guarantee at Beleher. Hou,mseal & Kib. Ier's D)rug Store. H-ave you read "Lookiing Backwardl arid "Marie Bashikirntseflf''' If not, g' to) the Book Store anid get themiu at once. tf Epoch. The transitIon from long. lingering amo nanful sick ness to robust iheallh m-trks ani epichi in the health or the indiividua:l. Siteh a remarkable event is treasuried in rte mzem ory' ahi the argency whe-rebyv the good health: has been attained is gratefully blessed. hi-nec it ist!hat so much is heard in praise ofrEiertric Bi'ters. So many fe-el thiey owe their resto ration tohealth to the use or the Great Al terattve ronic. If you are' troubleid with anv idiseai- of Kidneys. Liver o stomach. of lonhr or sh'ort standing yon will surely lint relief byv muse or Electric Bitters. sol. at 50'. $1 l)er biottle at Robert-tin & Gilder's Dirug Stor'-. DEru s. Alr. "ilivhol Pratt, formerly of New yd da t Brook-viile, 'iss., a few fr. Javob Wicker, of Walton, died n Thur-zdiy, .lly ist, aged 7: years. Daisy WelI, tihe daughter of M:-. and .1 r-. R. A. Welch, died oil Friday, ist instant aged 1n years. .lobert Kibler, omi of Air. ano Mrs. IR. . Bryant, if f rangeburg, died Saturday. i ih-tant aged one year and two rulinths. Mrs. Ilann:ai Iftinierson. mother of Mrs. J. 11. AM. Ruff, died at the resi d(ce 1 of er da ughIter, Alrs. Rutf in Newberry, on -it inst.. aged 74 years. he had Le ('ntin.:d to ner bed for :14)Ut tvlo ye:ars. Two )aily Paper4 for Spartanburg. Seagraxm::;, S. C., .July 3o.-It lc)oks as if Spa,rtaniUn bur will have two daily papers. \. solid coripany has bCeTl fortIlled, si-lit for a Collililission nlltier the imie of the Spartanburg 'blishing ( Minlp:myV. lThe caPital is n, d a dii he porporators Joseph WValker, 1). E0. Convers,e. W. E. Bur nette, S. .1. Simpson, W. A. Law, John H. 3lt gom-ry and Jolti B. Clev lainl. Stflicienll stock ha.1s been sub scriibeiu t1n4.r the "tablishlment of the paper and the town has not yet been canva.ed. Thle paper will be de voted to the interests of Spartanburg, and the editor will be Mr. J. Conway Garlington, of Laurens, an experienced lewspaper man. At the smitle time the stock of the Herald is being doulded under their present charter, and Mr. Jones will issue a daily in adition to the weekly paper now issued. He secured the stock that lie askel for. It is not appa rent that two paiprs can sueeved lvre. but the war is wa11gll. [Slieial to) NewV. 1nd Curier.) SIPA ).Nn:lSO , .\gsT 1.---'or ser eral days it lIwkdt as if i hee would be t Wo dalY paprs hele. but t ile two colil panics c:ue together yesterday and agr,eed ti un1*e til start the Dailv I ferald at an early day. J. C. Garling ton and W. .1. Jones will be the asso einte editoli. Corns, Wart- atid Buniong Removed qiickly and surely by using Abott's East Imfian Corn Paint. Hair aill goll .elp covered with eruptions, and pains in all of his limlbs, a dreadful case of disease, yet P. P. P. remained master of the situation, a cure was aficeted, and the patient, the marshal of 'Monticello, Fla., says his hair has grown out. and that be is a well 1111ia. This cure spread far and wid, and niow the drug stores of Monticello buy P. 1'. P. in large quan t'tIes. Caution to Mothers. Fvery mother is cautioned against giving lj:r child laudanun oi paregoric; it creates an untiatmral craving for stimulants which kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by 1eicher, Houseal & Kibler. A Healthy Growth. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a firm holdI onl the American people and is ackniowledged to be superior to all other p)repairationls. It is a p)ositive cure for all Blood anld skin I)iseases. Thbe medical fraternit y mduorse and p)rescribe it. G uaranlteedl aInd soldl by B3elcher HGuseal & Kibbier, Di;gnity of Human Nature. "I do nlot dream," said William E. Chan ning, "when I speak of the divine capacities of human nature. It was a real page in which I read of patriots and mlortyrs-oft Feneloni and howard, (of Hamlpdenl :mld W\ashlingtofl," The dignity oif humnan nlature should make tus all guardians of thc vivifying spark, eveni if thle law of self-preservation were nlot stronlgiy implllanlted in every onle's breast. Thbis, thenl, is why, espe cially iln mlalarial districts, no Anmeri can homie should be withotut a bottle of IDr. W\estmnoreland's Callisaya Tfonic In its formiula are concentrated the revealed remnedies that research has discovered to tile student world of hmedicinle. To( the depresse5d, enervated and debilitated, and( those suffering from chIronic ailmencIts and blood affec tionls, it thle boon of the age. It cani be had from, lRobertson, & Gilder. GENTIxIx E-I have suflered for years wvithi a kinld of Tfetter, or break lug otut all over my body, and at times these small pimUples wouldI teriniate in boils. Wnile traveling in the South last year I had occasion to try a bottle of P. P. P'., wIch was recommended to meI by a friend, and to my surprise it hlped)C( meI so muchel that I got six bottles more, and after taking the full conItenIts, I felt better thlan I had since the begiinning of iiny trouble, and while I hlave no( symlptomls of tile disease re tturninlg. I am still using the wonderful blood mleiine at intervals, and am fully sati:,fedl thlat I will be entirely cur-el of a dise:ise that for fifteen years hlas troubled me. I cannot express my gratitudle to you for so1 wonderful a benefactor as your P. P. P. (Prickly Ashl, Poke iloot and( Potassiumli), I am yours truily, .IACAT P'ETE1tS, TIravelinlg -alesmnan, Savannah, Ga. Many people habitually enidure a feeling of utin ide, because they thinik they have to. If they would take D)r. .J. H-. Me LeanI's Sarsaparilla thlis feeling of weairmess wo'uldl give place to vigor andu vitalit. ADv)1ElTis El) 1.ETTEIIs, of l-Iiers unehltiietl :u inidvert ised luan.o.lleury .h-nklus.\Arlher 4 -airl weI I, 3.' s I 'h:m:aJI.uns i nuk ney . .. lnon, ilis% .\inr:n .1 ikins, I'barle I'ox. w~ ini. II. 3Iieg neen, NeisonI Chir;. .1. (. i iwI:ie1 rs. Ao naI lisher. Pur. wV w. Th:urkon. nI. I . Ii;ruen. 1: M1:w411 sn H t liL t icks, toh :w& ' V l llir I. Mii ooIn.1.., 1P. 3M. IIapp1uiness- anel Cuint-ent ment. ':annot0 go 1hand1 ill hland if we look onthe Ida i14rk side Itf every lit tle obf stacle. Nothling will -ii da:rken lite and make it a lurdent lu , i> yst 1psiaI. Ac-ker's Dyvs plepIsa Tahu!ets w ill eureIc I he worst form of Dyvsputlsia, (Coni i t itin and14 indiges tion1, :and1Il ta- li fe-: a hppiness and lea&~sure. oli -..'5 an 5111* cents by Ilcheri , II ius al &\ Kler.IL 1OYA~ AKIN0 POWDER A bsolutely Pure. A '-reaml of i rtr .i ingI1. p)owder Highest of all in leavening strength. r S. 7 iw :r a a la Iiiport. Anfj. 17, 1839. "A BLACK LIAR." Sensational Scene at the Hampton County CampaJgn Meetliug-Candidate Tillman Tigorously and Directly Denouuced -Nearei a Row Than Ever. LFrom the News and Courier report of the Hampton meeting on Friday.] Tilltman was in the midst of his talk about an aristocracy. lie was being plied with frequent queries. which, to :ay the least, gave hini considerable an noyance. He was not in the best of moods, and by personal and often abu sive answers showed that he had a somewhat high temper. Hecalled his interlocutors "bull yearlings," sug gested to them "they had no sense," asked that they "shet Up if they had no dec--ney," told sonie one lie was "a jackass," and used a number of other remarks which showed a feeling alto gether different from what he has dis played at other meetings, and it had no good etlect on his auditors. Tilitian seened to take umbrage at some of the first questions asked hin, which, lie said, were directly personal. H- was asked by soni one towards the outer edge of the crowd: "You have talked about peijured nit, how many of them have we here?" Tillman: "You know thei as well as 1. Why do you a:sk?" Voice: "Who are they? I want yuu to name them." Chorus of four or live: "Who is the man? Name hini." Tillman: "I'll nanie all nine of them." Reaching to his vest pocket and drawing out a slip of paper lie said: "Here is where I keep my bullets." Tillman started to read the list, and called out distinctly from his notes: "Biernan of Oeoiiee, Buist of Charles teon' "Voice: "We want the nano of the Hampton man, not the others." Tilitman: ', Whie I get to hitmt yoU won't know the difieence to-1iorrow.' Continuing Ihe list, Ie read f lie nane of Byrd, of' Williamsburg. As sooll as lie niellt ioit'-1 l w .le 11:111le of loore a 11ai was SPelt 1o1) it lt ! he front, pushing his way through the crowd, from an entirely dill'rent direc tion to the person who had asked the question. He came with his hat wav ing in one hana and his right hand clinched. Advancing boldly ::id with a detiant look came NJr. A.P'.Youmnans. Looking Captain Tillman in the face he hurled at him this epithet, as well as could be heard in the confuon: "Captain Tillman, you are a liar, a black liar. You can't prove the charge of perjury. We rammed the lie down your dirty throat at Ridgeway. You lied then and you knew it. There was a rush for Mr. Youmans and the stand. Mr. Harrison cried out: "Tillman you area liar if you call General Moore a peijurer." Men caugh t hold of each others coats, trying to pull them away from tile front of the stand. There were hurrahs for Moore, and pandemonium pre vailed. It was like a storm ready to break forth in all its fury. In the very front of the crowd were three men who were especially demon strative. They were the Hamilton brothers, all of them rabid Tillmanites. They waved their hats and frantically swore that no one should touch Till man. One of them weighed about two hundred pounds and his cries were uttered with terrible violence. An other of the brothers was so enraged thas he was pail with anger. But there were others who were equally as angry. Chairman McSweeny rushed to the front of the stage and 3 elled ouit: "Gen tlemen, I beg you, for the honor of Hampton County, to keep quiet." The request fell upon deaf ears. T1hen he ap pealed again. "I beg you to keep quiet. For God's sake don't let us have a row. Hush a minute. (No response.) For the sake of the ladies who are here, for the women whom we all honor, keep quiet." The! crowd listened to this appeal, and it had its effect. Fr'iends of Mr. Harri son had caught both of his hands and led him out, of the crowd. Mr. You mans was pushed back into the crowd. He had said wvhat he wished. The Hamiltons and others wvere around the stand, and the said Tillnmonicon yellow striped legislative candidate was'stand ing beside Tillman. Captain TIilIman had made no reply to Mr. Youmians except "I can prove it." As soon as lie could obtain any thing like quiet he went over the sanme ground on which lie has based his charges lof perjury. In addition he said: "But why should these men take this thing up? General Moore is my friend. I met him this morning and shook his hand us a friend. He said nothing to me about this miatter, and if he did not resent it I do not see why these men should have done so. I look upon General Moore as a p)ersonal friend. What right has a man to say I took the lie at Ridgeway when he knows he lies. General Moore is a true man, and I be:ieve he sees hiserrors now." Bucklen's Armca Salve. The Hlest Salve in the world for I'utis. Sores, lirnises, Ulcers, Salt Rhleumi, Fever S,,res, 'ret ter, Cha:pped llandics. Ilhilba:ins, i 'orns and all Skin ErptiLons, and positively cures Piles or no pay requir.-d. It is guairanteed to give perfect sat isfacetion. or mon)tey refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sate by Rtobert son & Gitlder. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50e and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S AN FRANCISCO, C AL. LOUISVILLE, XY. NEW YORK, N.Y. GINS? GINS1I The Lililil (lii al[ Cola8l8 J. N. MARTIN, AGENT. GOODS TO BE CONVERTED ITO THE HARD CASH ON AND AFTER THIS DATE. WE ~EPSTIlT ~BROS. Will sell our entire Stock of Goods in the store room under Hotel Jerome, consisting of a choice stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AT AND BELOW NEW YORK COST. NO HUMBUG, WE MEAN BUSINESS. To close out our fine stock of White Goods in checked, striped and plain, OUR DRESS G-OODS,i SATINES, GINGHAMS, CA LICOES, BLEACHINGS, SHEETINGS, TABLE DAMASK, NAPKINS, TOWELS, HOSIERY, CORSETS, GLOVES, HANDKERCIIEFS, LACES, EMBROiDERIES, BUTTONS. DOMESTICS. TCKINC, JEANS, And all goods in the Dry Goods line AT NEW YORK COST. SIORS For Ladies, Misses, Children, Men, Boys, Youths, in endless varieties and grades, in all sizes, to be sold AT NEW YORK COST. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS In all the lines common with FINE WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, WHITE UNLAUNDE RED SHIRTS FANCY SRIRTS, FLANNEL SHIRTS, UNDER WEAR, HALF HOSE, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, CUFFS, NECK WEAR, STRA W HATS, ALL TO BE SOLD AT NEW YORK COST, DON'T FORGET THE Bi 7 STORE FOR GREAT BARGAINS. EPSTIN BROS. 58 Main St., Under Hotel Jerome, Columbia, S. C. NlEWBERRY COLLEQE,GRN IETALOTL NEWBER RY,sc.OLMA, S. C., EX' T 'SESSIOM OPENg OCTOBER 1, s t helret,tli tect,adh .a 1890. (lsia adPhilosophical Cours-duigtep tyerben ho uhl er.cireparty Deparment under the mostrnvtd eoee n eitdwt Tota epnse for session of nine months: - TALY AC TPf krepartr Dpartment, $14 Busines Course wil require the dor four monthsanofesidcm tsorheao studies $60 to 890. Send for Catalogue to lgtadar apeRoso is (U. W. HOLLAND, PH. D., D. D). or o n odBts lvtr President.&cCuinunespevsoofM. AT COLUMBIA, S. C, mriaaeofptng. ?RADUATE COURSES. UN-W SEES, B . OT Uder-graduate course for degrees-Poreo. Mngr 3 literary and 6 scientific. Also sorter ______ --- and elective courses. Professional 9 corssinLw,Phrac,Veterinary TLBT O S equipped laboratories; four shops and IAUFCTRIS miodel rooms; new infirmary. Tuition fee, $40 Der session; other fees, EGNSADBIES $20 (including infirmary fee, covering SX IL,GITMLS medical attendance, nmedicine, etc.). Table board, $10 to $12 per month, Aeakolde ob h etee Room renlt free. Total expenses, in- sl nti tt. We o u cluding fuel, lights, washinlg, books, oeo hm o r aife etc., about $180. ta o aemd Session opens first Tuesday in Octe- noms-e ber. Entrance examinations held thewrt fo ou pic. p)receding week. J. M. McBRYDE, Prc-ident.COTNIS LLLND) OWNERS ARE RE Aquired by law to remove fromV.CBAHMGe!Ag, thle runing streams of water on their lanids all trash, trees, ratfts and timber, CO U BA S.C (luring the mionth of August in each HoeOfcaidF to, iho year. GEO. B. CROMER. V. COLUMBIGRAT. . ROYTALL GERMATE, and Df'rs inducloermet r theacom sodaton eof3a itsatns Has acimous, curig htan a hr med pRepams onfis flnr t anordCo BtsEevor Ac dughteuer perisiordn of Mrs.nt E.E.ast ated of Lokous Pontmc and te, omkoutel Montin, en Thel roubltr oes. b titatn tion Johwns of hisnt patc-rndt meri a shar cotnf pandage.e caeo F .M FarGERS of . P O Tlat t: M angr I u~~~red fack ln redg to the bes ever 4 r~s. in .Pe,fAthi n t . hnyo b uya inei 14 ter, yut r te catsfed hr i Gemthat free he m hi ad fu noimieake A Wdatght r o ur rcs.o Alna mt bottom higres Oh LY PE RFE~1 V. r. Lei BADHtt Atl, Gn' hAg. I~,~rjALL A~'~ IUTjI%I* HoeOfeando Factotry, rticho n Cler B. C.a C.eue.I bidsu t n FOR SA LE BYhelhFowekwenclksbok 0. B. W HEEL ER, els sabodprfe n nivgr NSEWBEREY, S. C. laatt aeaslmnd ihu maeon.. allno.edc,ams pr _ __ ROYAGE RME o. TUERLGA x T.- ono at r S KR iu.SSinFWmSn