The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, May 29, 1890, Image 3

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Local and Special. Our Agents. Capt. U. B. Whites will reeei pt for stbscri p tions and take new ones at Prospe-rity. Mr. T. .1. Wilson is authorized to do the same at Ridge Road. Beth Eden Lutheran Church. Service every two wf+ks. second and fourt h Sundays, at 11 a. i. Sunday-school 10 a. ini. \V'. A. .JULI.N, Pastor. Postoffice Hours. Office opens..................................... 7 . n a m Closes-one-half hour before the arrival trains per schedule, viz: For Columbia.....................s 2 5 a in For Greenville and the West............ 1 io p in For Columbia................. 2 .; p in For Laurens.................................... 4 45 , i Office will remain open until..........., a3 p in Open..................................................... 7 0x) p in Close................................................. 7 ; p in I. \Iast . 1'. J1. The Crozier Monument Fund. The Crozier Monument Fund has now reached the Sum of $238.6). The books of subscription will be kept open one week longer. On next Thursday, June 5th, at 10 o'clock, in the Court House, a meeting of the subscribers will be held to make arrangements for carrying out the purpose of the sub scriptions. All who subscribed to this fund are requested to attend. GRAIN CHADLES. JUST RECEIVED. The Celebrated 14-Finger Grain Cradles ; Senn's XX Grain Cradles, at low prices. s PEOPLE8 & JOHNSON. Buggy Cushions. $1.25 and $1.50. At F. A. Schumpert's. it New Perfume. Crab Apple Blossoms is all the rage. We have added this fine odor to our list of Fine Perfumes. Try it. You will be pleased. BELCH ER, Hot'SEAL & KitlIEE. Commencement at Leesville. The Commencement exercises of the Leesville English and Classical I nsti tute, Rev. L. E. Busby Professor, will take place on the 5th of June proximo. Rev. Dr. G. W. Hollana, Prof. W. H. Sharpe and Hon. M. C. Butler will de liver addresses. Gen Butler will ad dress the people on the "Issues of the hour." The Society Contest will take place on the evening of June 5. "Tusuta Pudding," fresh and deli cious, loc. per package, at tf McINroslr & Toi.s. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures During the next two weeks I will make a special reduction on Pictures. Those wishing to ornament their par lors, drawing rooms, &c., will find it to their advantage to call on me during that time. Yours, tf Z. F. \ r(:HT. Newberry Huildin:g and Investment Coin pany. A meeting of the stockholders of the Newberry Building and Investment Company was held on Tuesday night in Council (Chambers for the purpose of organizing. Nearly 800 of the shares of capital stock have been subscribed. About 625 shares were represented iln the meeting by proxy and in person. J. 0. Peoples was made chairman and EC. H. Aull Secretary. The only btusiniess transacted at this meeting was the election of nine di rectors. The followmlg gen tlemen were elected: 0. B. MIayer, J., J. M. .Johnistonie, L. WN. Floyd, G. G Sale, WN. E. Pel ham, 0. MIeR. Holmes, Geo. S. M1ower, T. C. Pool, S. J. W->oten. Another meeting will be held the second Tuesday night in June when the directors will subinit a constitution and by-laws for adoption by the stock holders. There are about 201) shart s yet unlsubscrib)ed. If any persons desire this stock they can get it. MIr. G. (3. Sale was app)ointed to receive and re eeipt for the first iustallment of stock. Crosse & Blackwell Pickles-Mlixed, Gierkins and Chow-Chow, (at tf Mclrrosn & Toi>'s. Keep Cool: Keep) Cool:! Pelhami's famous "Argoy Soda Fount is now the place of attraction, and during the hot wveather will quenlch the thirst of the thirsty wi.h finely flavored syrups. Trry Peach Syrup. Try Wild Cherry Syrup. Try Coca. Cola MIilk Shakes, 5c. glass. tf Helena Heraldings and News Notes. Mrrs. Elizabeth Summier and MIrs. Mfartha Setzler, of Pomaria, are visiting Mirs. Thomas Cromer. 3Iiss' Sallie Kibler and MIiss Nellie Coates have retturned fromt visits to friends in the county. MIrs. Caroline Pit ts hIas retturnled from a visit to Colmbia. The circle will meet to-night at ir. G reneker's. Rev. A. J. Bowers will p)reach in the chapel next Snuday afterniooni at ha:lf past 4 o'clock. The pulic is cordially ivited. Tile farmers ought to be happy now. Corn and cotton are boomintg. The re cent title raini has soaked the clay sub soil at last, and no0w capilary attrae tionl will nourish anid qluicketn vegeta tionl wonderfully. As a farmer frietnd said the other (day, " Cotton is two weeks ahead anld looking better that it has for a numtber of years." SANs SocTI. Deafnes~s Can't b,e Cuxred. by local applicaitions, as they cant1J reach the diseased port iont of the ear. 'There is only one way to cuire D)eaftless, anld that is by constitutionlal remledies. Deafness is caulsed by an inflamed eon (ditionl of thle miucous liniing of the Eustachian Tube. When thlis tube gets inflamed vou have a rumibling 50ound( or imlperfeet hearing, e'nd wheni it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the intimmation (call be takeni out and1( this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be det stroyed fonever; nline cases out of tell are caused by c'atairrh, which is nothling but an inlflamiedl coniditioni of the mlucous surfaces. W\e will give Onle JIunIdredI Dollars for any case of Deafniess (caused byv Catarrh) thlat we cani not cure by tak inlg Hall's ('atarrh Cure. Send' for circuhars. free. F. .J. CH ENFEY & CO., Toled(o, O. gg'$old by dhluggists, 75e. stall No. ' I have opened business at Stall No. 2, Newberry M1arket, and will always have the~ehoicest mleats on hanld. Sat . W. Yi. 3t.LLER. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. A mieetiig of the County Alliance will be hleld here next Mondav. We invite attention to a card of Mr. Ed. Scholtz in this issue. 'Ihe Newberry Rifles will have a plume drill on the 9th of June. The census enumerators will begin the counting of the people next Mon day. Butler W. Nance, a young colored man from Newberry, was admitted to the bar in Columbia last week. Messrs. J. P, and P. C. Pool have been awarded the contract for making three million brick for the Clemson Col lege. Rev. J. C. Furman, D. .D., of Green Ville, will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning. On account of the inclemency of the weather the annual inspection of the tire department was postponed to nex1 Tuesday afternoon. The union service on next Sunday night will be held at the 'T'lompson street A. R. P. church, and the sermol will be preached by the Rev. J. C Furman, D. D., of Greenville. Next Sunday will be Children's Da at Smyrna. Preaching in the mornin, at 11 o'clock, and in the afternoon ar address to the children by:Geo. B. Cro mer. Rev. Dr. Holland will deliver the ad. dress before the literary societies o North Carolina College on 3d Jun( and on 5th June will deliver an ad dress before Leesville English an< Clasical Institute at Leesville. The South Carolina troops at the un veiling of the Lee Statue in Richmon< this week have been given the first pc sitic,n from the fact that South Caroli na was the first State to secede fron the union at the beginning of the war Mr. Harry H. Blease, Harry T White and Wmn. A. McFall were ou driving last Saturday afternoon and ii passing the residence of Mr. M. A. Car lisle the horse became frightened an< threw horse and buggy in a ditel about four feet deep. Mr. Blease ha< his left arm broken at the wrist. The others were not hurt. A young man named R. L. Thomp son, flagman on one of the C. & G trains, was sitting on the side of a trestle between Pornaria and Peake'5 on Monday afternoon when the Lau rens train came along. He thought and so did the engineer, that there waE room enough for the train to pass with out striking him, but the last coacl was wider and struck hint knocking him off and seriously hurting him. Personals. Mr. C. C. Davis went to Greenvill< on Tuesday. Mrs. L. A. East and little daughter, of Charlotte, N. C., are visiting rela tives in New berry. Mr. John T. Nicholas, of Greenville spent a few days in Newberry thi wveek. Miss Harley Hurd, of Stratford. Con n., is visiting friends in Newberry Mr. L. C. Singley, of Prosperity. spent Saturday night in the city. Miss Lucy Bowers returned last Fri day from the art school, Baltimore. Master Coppock Speers has returned fronm Davidson college, N. C. Dr.,and Mrs. E. E. Jackson, of Co. lumbia, spent several days during tht past week on a visit to friends in New berry. Miss Laura Whialey left Tuesday t. attend the reunion of students thit week at the Thornwell Orphanage Clinton, S. C. lDr. W. E. Belcher left Monday on: a visit to Virginia. Hie wvill attend thE Lee unveiling at Richmond to-day and then go to his old home at P~eters burg, Va., and return to Newberry ir about three weeks. Mr. WV. H. Eudy has resigned as tel. egraph operator at Newberry and wil lea' e next Monday for Columbia, where he has accepted a place in the Western Union office. Mr. Eudy ih a very efficient operator, and New berry regrets to see him leave. At Harmony, on Sunday last, w< learned a fact which caused us a pans of real honest sorrow: That Prof. . Fleming Brown, of Johnston, woul< leave our county between this and fall and go to live in the town (if Newber ry, where he has been called to assum< the prinIcip)alship of some prominen local educational institution. Whez such people as J. Fleming Brown and his wife leave our borders, then we art sustaining a loss not easy to be re paired.-Egefield Chronicle. The Building and Loan Association. The menmbe-rs of the Newvberry Build ing and Loan Association are hereb: notified that the .57th assessment will b due and mutst be paid Thursday Jrune 5th, 1890, and that the Board o Directors will meet in the Knights o Honor Hall on Saturday, June 7th 1890, at 8 o'clock, p. mn., to sell th money oni hand. J. WV. M. SrMuross, it Secretary. A Sparring Exhibition. Layton and Brady, two p)rofessionia boxers, will give an exhibit ion at t h Opera House this Thursday evening Layton is a native of Florence, S. C T[he Augusta Chionicle says the exhi bition in that city was one of t he grand est sparrinrg exhibitions ever seeni there PEPPERMINT CORDIAL A pleasant anti certain cur< for Diarthwta, Dysenitely, Chol era 3Iorb)us and all affections o the Stomach andi Bowels. Prepared and sold at ROBERTSON & GILDER'S Corner Drug Store Bucklen's Arnica Salve. lThe netst Salve in the world for (Cuts. Sores ntruies, Uleers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chappied Hands. (ilt>lains. Corns an< allI Skin Eruptions, and po~sitively cure Piles or no pay required. It is guaraniteed ta ~ive perfect sat isfaLct ion, or money refiundet Price:25ecents per box. For sale by Robert son a: Gilder. The most delheate constitution cam safely use D)r. .J. H. McLean's Ta WVine Lung Balm. It is a sure remied; for coughs, loss of voice, and all throa and lnroum,,h1. PiOSPElITY LETTEIt. It is suff'eient to say that the Pros perity Investmllent antT Improvement ('onipany is not idle. They mean busi ness and only business. The men, not only in Newherry County and in South Carolina, but everywhere else in the United States of America who wage the irrepressi ble conflict between town and country will in the end come to woeful grief. The two are inseparably connected, and the two are mutually dependent upon each other. A live, enterprising and prosperous town, makes a live an< prosperous country, and vicc versa, and the man or men who endeavor to carry town against country and coun try against town .a-e certainly not working for the upbuilding of the towi or country. We are constitutionally opposed t< boycotting. We don't think it right, wi don't think it nanly, and we don' think it Democratic; but just now right now, we are inclined to boyco Harrison, Wananaker and MIcKin ley with all their protection tariff, al of which we know little about, and w think we'll boycot politics in all of it nonessentials which occupy such : prominent position just now, and w will calmly and serenely run the Pros perity Hotel awhile before trying t run the Kimbal House or the Ponce di Leon. Some men can keep a sral boarding house, but they can't run big hotel. The closing exercises of Prosperit i High School will take place June 13t1 and 14th. The rains have been general an beautiful, and in sonic places they hay been destructive to both lands and th young crops. Civil Engineer Perrin has made th survey for the Y. be tween the C. an< G. road and the C., N. and L. road As soon as this turning arrangemen is completed the Anderson train wil start from this point and return instea< of Newberry. We are sorry for yot Ed. Mr. and Mrs. Fed N. Calnmes are thi guests of Maj. P. E. Wise and family Mrs. J. B. Traywick and little Kat< have gone on a visit to relatives ir North Carolina and Gaffney city. iRev. T. 0. Keister and family ari billed for this place to-morrow (Thurs day). He will preach his opening ser mon on Sunday, (D. V.) The measles in Staunton Female Col lege, Va., precipitated the commence ment exercises, and our Misses Eunic4 Sease and Carrie DeWalt have returnet to their homes. YUBE. There are times when a feeling o lassitude will overcome the most robust when the sy4tem craves for pare blood to furnish the elements of health an( strength. The best remedy for purify ing the blood is D)r. J. H. McLean' Sarsaparilla. Mulberry Democratic Club. In response to the call of the comr mittee democratic citizens of No.: Township met at the residence of Mr John C. Lane on the 24th May to re organize the " Mulberry Club." 6: names wvere enrolled. Permanent oflicers were elected af follows: C. F. Boyd, President; H. C. Wilson Vice President; Jos. L. Keltt, Secreta ry; B. F. Cannon, Treasurer. The p)resident then appointed the following Executive Committee: Thos. WV. Keitt, T. B. Leit zsey, F.W Higgins. The following resolution was unani mously adopted: R?esolecd, That this club approve the action of the March Conventioi and endorses the nomination of B. R~ Tillman for Governor. Thle next meeting will be held at Mi T. WV. Keitt's, on June 28th, unles: -called together earlier. Jos. L. KEITT, Secretary. Mt. Zion Dernoeratic Clni b. At a metting of citizens of Mt. Zior section a Democratic club was organ ized with the followintg officers: Pres ident, ID. W. Kinard; Vice-President Jno. A. Graham; Secretery. H. C1 Ridlehuber; Treasurer, Dr. G. i Setzler. Resolred, That this club endorse B3 R. Tillman for Governor and will d< all in our power to secure his nomina tion. 2d., That we meet on first Saturda, of each month at 4 o'clock p. in. 3d., That each member conside himself a committee of one to bring out every D)emoerutic voter. 4th., That all be urged to look ul their registration certificates or re-reg -ister. Total memibershi p, seventy-five. H. C. RmIItnCIER, Sect'y. Salumda Dots. We have been having plenty of rait r and "general green" has made his ap f pearance among "king cotton," and ii some places has the advantage. Some of our farmers are offering ii per acre to get their cotton chopped oun Beden baugh Bros., are remodeli n their thresher. A considerable quantity of wheat an -o.tts is being cut this week. TIh1is is th farmiers' busiest season of the year. Miss Viney Stockman, of Mt. Pil grim, returned home Saturday. afte having spent three weeks in this com inunity. The St. Luke's Democratic Club wil meet next Saturday evening at o'clock. WVe have heard ever since we wer.e little plow-boy that whenever your ea burned some one was talking abou you, and if that be true, surely Capt Tillman's burns all the time, as i name is about the second word farme] speak when they meet. There neve was such a determination among fari mers as there is now. The opposin factions are endeavoring to reconcil them by telling them that there is n] use in being so en,thusiastic about Till man for there is no other candidate i the field to oppose him, but you cannc( make them believe it; they are unde the impression that there is being sorm one brought out secretly, and probabl; will not be announced until the cot vention meets in Columbia, and the are determined to be prepared to defer the candidate whcever he may be. A 'on.sieitious Officer. It never occurred to the (lerk o ('ourt that an extra term needed to ie advertised, his attention never having been called to the subject, and thern being in the order for the special tern no mention of advertising. He felt however, that the omission to adver tise being the ontission of an otiicia dUty, thougl unittelntonai, ie wa: under obligation to correct the error as far as possibtle. When, therefore. Judge Iziar de cided on Tuesday that the Court wa: "no Court" at all, and that le wouk not sign pay certificates for the juror: and constables who had beenl in at tendance, the Clerk determined to pay the entire amounti, $145.>0 out of hii own pocket. This seems right hard, e-pecially in view of the fact that it is beyo<nd que tion there would have been no Cour anyway-no jury trials, because tih jurors were all let of on their own Ie tition; no equity Court, because of i h uncertainity as to its legality (it otlte points. So that, as a matter of fact, al was actually done that would hacv been done had the Clerk advertise4 the special termi. The jurors who have b een compelled by the venire, to attend ('ourt two day ou"ht to have beenl paid, of cour-se But it appears to us that MIr. Kinar' ought not only not to be exp 1eted I sustain this loss, biut ought. 1t1i to i alloweu to do it-especially as ther would have been no court anywa. e The only remedy. we suppose, is a Act of the General Assembly rein bursing him, and we feel quite sure th people would approve such a Ilueasur B heartily. It is hardly necessary to add that th above is entirely of our own motion and without the knowledge or conset of the Clerk.-Newberry Observer. Union llee!ing. The following is the programme the Uiion Meeting 11if tie 41 it Sectio I of the {eedyliver Assocat ion io be hel at Prosperity, begitning Fr:day bef~r the 5th Sun(day in .1une: FRIDAY. J1 NE 27Tnr. Morning Session.-lo o'cloek-Or ganize. 11 o'clock-Introduetory Ser I mon by Rev. J. S. West. Afternoon session.-3 o'clock-I)evt t votional Exercises by F. N. Calinmes. Discussion-The Sin dav-s(chool: 1. 1 1 Model Superintende nt--.I. S. I)omi I nick, Geo. Dickert, ). .\. Swindler an others. 2. A Model Teache-lter. .1 S. West, C. Swindler, J. A. Cromer P. B. Sligh and others. 2. The Object e to be accomplished-Rtev. W. .1. Lang ston, Reuben Davidson, F. N. ('ahnte - Lyles, Wn. Sparmtatn and others Adjourned at 5. o'clock. SA o'clock-Sermllon, by Rev. B. F ('orley. SATUtAY, JUNE 2ST11. Morning Session.-9 o'clock-Devo tional Exercises, by J. A. Cromer. Discussion. 1. The worth of Furnmai University to the Cause of Ctrist-Rev W. J. Langston, Y. J. Pope, Jno. I - Langford and others. 2. Are we DoinF - our Duty Relative to its Endowment S-.J. K. P. Goggans, W. H. Hunt, Jr. 1 J. S. Dominick and others. Adjourned at 121 o'clock. Afternoon Session.-3 o'clock--Dis cussion: 1. Home Missions-TheTerri f tory, the Work Already Done and th( Prospects-Rev. J. S. West, J. M. Ki nard, Brady Dominick, Mike Wert I and others. 2. State Missions-Th( Territory, the Work Done and yet t< h e Accomtplished--Asa Davis, Lafayett, Johnson, J. T. Duncan, Warren Peter son and others. 3. Foreign Missions The Work Already Done, the Terrn tory, those Engaged in the Work, th Work yet to b.e Accomplished-Rev W. J. Langstotn, J. R. Spearnman Jared .Johnson, J. M. Smtith and others Adjourned at 5A o'clock. Si o'clock-Sermon by --. SUNDAY, JUNE 29THr. 10 a. m. Devotional Exercises by J R. Leavell. 11 a. m.-Sermion by Rev. WV. J Langston. Nowv, brethren, comte and niake thi meeting a success. If your namei not ill the programme, conic..anyhIov and say somiethintg ini the interest o the subjects to be discussed. Frater naIlly, H. T. Sumrrr. Just received a fresh lot o Glenn Springs Water, which wi offer at the same p)rice, bly the case, that is asked at the Sp)~rngs andl we allow for. the empty bot ties returned. ROBERTSON & GILDER. tf Corner Drug Store Merit Wins. we desire to say to our citizenis, that f() *years we have been selling 1>r King's Ne' Dtiscovery for Comtsump,tion. D)r. King's Nel tLe Pills. Butckle:n's ArnicaL Salve and Ete< .tric Bitters, anit have never handled remedlie that sell as weln, or that have given sue universal satisf-iction. we do0 not hesitate- t guarantee them every time, and we stan readty to relund the purchlase prie,. if sati, 'factory re'suts do not follow thetr use. Thes remnedies have won their great popularit purely on their merits. Rtobertsona & GI r dler, D)ruggists st. Luke's. Mr. T. J. Hunter has left us. W are sorry to lose hitm, but wish hir success in his newv field. Quite a number of our people wet to Zion Children's Day. All wht went to be benetited and have a leai ant dlay were fully rewarded. It is to be hoped that all our youn people who are ntot consecrated Chri: tian workers, will begin to work f< 1our Master. To-day He calls. It is sad and lamentable fact that somec 4 our boys are not what they ought 1 be. Politics is the popular topic, even o our Lords' day church mietmbers has e been kntown to sit and stand arounl the church door discussing ptolitic: issues. "liemember the Sabbath da r to keep it holy." The prosperity of our country d pends on a wise selectioni of a put Iand hor.orable mtan to be its ruler. >L. M\r. .Jacob (G. RufI carn now tbe foun a at Mceintosh & Todd's, where hte wvi r be glad to see all his frienlds andt fornit tcustom t ers. -- tf. - Faults of dilgestion cause disorders< s the liver, and the whiole systemt b s Comes deranged. D)r. J1. H. Mcant r Sarsaparilla pierfects the ptrocess digestion and assimuilationt, and tin ntukes pur~e blood. e Rememiber that .John F. Speck do< o all kinds of Watcht, (lock, .Jewelry an p pectacle work. F'ine work a spt e ialty. ly. t If you are in need of a pair of Spe r taeles or Eye Glasses go to- Jlohn J e Sp)eck's. ly. Spectacles and Eye Glasses of a kinids and prices at .John F. Specks. 1 If health are worth any thinj tand you are feeling out of sorts an tired out, tone up your system by tal har~ Dr. J T-. McLan's Sar..narilla. The War.lhou-e hmcratic Club. A neeting uf the recently organized I)eniocratic Club was held in the Alli ance Warehouse at Prosperity on Satur day afternoon. May :4th. The committee which was appointed to draft a set of by laws made the fol lowing report which was adopted: This organiztion shall be known as the Warehouse Democratic Club of Prosperity, S. C., No. 9 Township, Newberry County. The purpose ot this organization shall be generally to carry out the principles of the Democratic party. and especially to advance the interests of the 1armers' Movement. The regular meeting of this club shall be held at Prosperity on the second Saturday of each month at 5 o'clock p. IM1. The President, and, in his absence, the Vice President shall preside over the meetins of this club and shall have - power to call extra ncetings when the a s:Ine shall seenm advisable by him, or r when requested by three members. The Secretary shall keep a list of the i:a:es of all members of the club and i keep an accurate account of the pro eciedings of iach nreeting, and shall have charge of all books and papers s pertaining to the club except such as .ual pertain to the office of treasurer. The treasurer shall have charge of all the monies which shall be contrib e uted to the club, and shall pay out the e saine fur such purposes as the club by votu shall direct. That the following order of business - be observed in conducting the meetings e of the club: e 1. Called to order by President or Chairman pro tem. e :2. Reading minutes of last meeting. :3. Unfinished business. t 4. New business. 5. For the good of the club. n. Adjoirnuent. '1'hat the President shall appoint two ,f conniuwittees. An Executive committee to consist of three niemnbersand a Can vassing Coninittee of seven members. The duties of the Executive Commit tee shall be to arrange for place of meeting, to provide speakers when the Club shall decide to have a public meeting, and to perform such other duties as they shallrbe instructed by the club. The duties of the Canvassing Com mittee shall be to solicit membershin to L the club, to prepare suitable voters of - the Democratie voters of this territory, and perform such other duties as shall - be required of them. These by-laws can be altered or am ended by a majority vote of the mem bers present at any regular meeting. 'The following motions were passed : That the various clubs in this Town ship be requested to send committes of - three each to meet at Prosperity on second Saturday in June at 3 o'clock p. m., to .apportion representation in the ('ounty Convention. That the County Executive Com i mittee be requested to call a County Convention at an early day to reorgan ize the Democratic party and elect an " Executive Committee. That the Democratic Executive Com rnitte of Newberry County be re quested to publish the new constitu tion of the Democratic party in New - berry County in the three county papers at least one week before the meeting of the County Democratic convention. 3 That the resolution requesting the County Executive Committee to call a convention and that the resolution in regard to printing new constitution be published and copies forwarded to County Chairman duly signed by PresK'ent and Secretary. The two committees appointed .were: Executive Committee-F. V. Capers, Chairman, Jno. Fellers, A. A. Nates. Canvassing Committee-J. L. Wise, B. B. Schumnpert, J. M. Wicker, N. H. Young, D)r. C. T. Wyche, G. A. Cook, Dr. A. F. Langford. The committee appointed to confer with the other committees is--W. D. Hardy, G. G. D)eWalt, J. C. Counts. -The club has now about 70 members. E. J. BRoWNE, Sec. Caution to Mothers. Fvery mother is cauitioned against giving her child la udanum or paregoric; it creates an unnatural craving for stimulaiits which kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is Sspecially p)rep)aredl to benefit children andl cure their pains. It is harmless amii contains 1no Opium or Morphine. Sold by Belcher, Hlouseal & Kibler. Have you read "L~ooking Backward" and "Marie Bashkirtseff?" If not, go to the Book Store and get themi at once. tf Save mo ney by buying goods at New York cost prices of J. D. Pickard, Co iumbia, S. C. tf EntItled to the Beet. All are cntitled to the best that their money will buy, every family should have, at 0.1ce, a bottle of the best fam .ily remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading dIruggists. r .finest display of Spectacles and Eye t Glasses ini the city. Call if you need 'any thing in this line. E.yes carefully fitted with the best glasses to- be found. ly. 'Scrofula is an impurity of the blood which p)roduces unsightly lumps or swelling, which, accumulating in the glands of the neck, causes painful run ning sores oni the arms, legs or feet, e which develops ulcers in the eyes, ears or nose, often causing blindness and deafness. Take P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium.) It has t prov'ed itself the most remarkable of all blood piurifiers. A Healthy Growth. Acker's Blood Elixir has gainied a g firm hold oin the A merican p)eople and is acknowledged to be superior to all other prep)arationis. It is a positive cure r for all Blood and Skini Diseases. The a medical fraternity mndorseand prescribe >f it. Guaranteed anid sold by Belcher o Houkal & Kibler, Advertised Lattere. U Pos-r OFYeE. NEwBERRY, S. C. e List. of letters unclimed and advertised Brown. Thomas Lonr. Miss Eugene dBugg, L. F. Long, Ebbie Coats, Mliss Minnie Muniroe, J. ;. (4' Douglass, Will Mci tt, itaznome Davis, N iss Narner sly. Fed Wi mire, C. WV. e Persons enlling for the abiove letters will please say that thiey were advertised. 1t. MOORMAN, P. M. r II .POWDER A bsolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A miarvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More d econom;ienlI than the ordinary kin ds, and cani n ot be sold in competitoon with the multi tude lo,w test., shiort weight alum or phosphate powder. Sold only in e:,ns. ROYAl.. DEATHS. Mrs .Julia A. Herndon died at her lome ;n Cokesbury on Saturday 24th nst. $he was the mother of Mrs. J. S. Fair a:-d Mrs. L. W. Jones of New )errv. Mr. .ames Teague, a son of Mr. C. C. reague, of this county, died at Green ,vood, on :'th inst., aged 19 years. Mr. George W-. Martin, a son of our ownsman, Mr. J. N. Martin, died in Sewberry on Monday, 26th inst., of ,onsumption, in the':;d year of his age. Chus in the past few months two of our >romising young men have been pre naturely called hence by that dread lisease, consumption. Both in the )rine of young manhood. I N 3EN'OYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottle.3 by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, XY. NEW YORK N.Y. W. E. PEL,HAM, AGENT, NEwERRY, S. c, CANDIDATES COMING OUT. Earle and Bratton in the Field for Gov ernor-Comptroller-General Verner will Run Again. [Special to the Greenville News.] COLMBIA, May 24.-It is announced iere to-day on good authority that At ;orney General Earle is seriously con iidering unanimous requests from per ions throughout the State to enter the leld for Governor. Friends of General Bratton here also itate that pressure on him is so great bat he will announce himself next peek. There are rumors that several >ther candidates will soon show them elves. Comptroller General Verner made a ipeech before the Democratic club at Darlington, yesterday, in whbich he de dared himself a candidate for re-elec ion. He came strongly out for reform n the mannier of the government, but nsisted that it is cleanly administered it present. THE THREE C's ROAD. augusta Is Anxious to Have the Branch from Newberry. [Augusta Chroniele, 25th.] Never has a railroad been projected that will result in more real, substan tal good for Augusta than the Charles on, Cincinnati and Chicago. Nor has there ever been a line jotted >n the map with our beautiful, pro gressive city as its terminus that had behind it a wealthier or more powerful company. They have already in operation four or five hundred miles of road, and every foot of it is not only laid with steel rail and rock ballast, but the en ire system is equipped with the cost iest and most improved patterns oj rolling stock. The Augusta division will open ui probably the richest section of Sout1i Carolina, give this city the benefit o1 the inexhaustible timber and mnineral resources of North Carolina, and at the same time form by far the shortest ine from Augusta to Cincinnati and the West. The Three C's company are building their road from Charleston through to Ashland, Ky., a distance of over 0C miles, but tbey also wish con nection with Augusta, and afterward iltend constructing another sterpi to Port Royal. The gentlemeu interested in the completion of the road are wort I more than $25,000,000, yet, for the pur poses of further extention, they art desirous of interesting English capi talists. For this reason alone they desired that the people of August: should in some way express their ap proval and appreciation of the enter prise. Yesterday this wa done by mean of an enthbusiastic meeting at the Ex change. President J. J. Doughty, Mr. Z. WV Car wile, Maj. W. T. Gary and Maj. J A. A. West spoke very eloquently o the Tbree C's and the benefits to be derived by Augusta from its construe tion to this city. It was clearly show: how increased business arid greate possibilities would be op-ened up fo Augusta. The situation was quit thoroughly explained, after which 31aj West introduced the following resulu tions which were unanimlously adoj ted: Resolved, That we welcome th Charleston, Cincinnati- and (1hicag railroad to A ugusta. Resolved further, that we pledge this great enterprise a cordial and sub stantial support. Resolved further, That copies of thies resolutions be forwarded to the pri dent of the Charleston, Cincinnati ami Chicago railroad, and also be furn:ishei to our daily papers with a request tha they be p)ublished. The meeting then adjourned. Even the most vigorous and heart people have at times a feeling~ of wear: ness and lassitude. ToX dispel this fee: ing take Dr. J1. H-. McLean's Sarsap: rilla; it will impart vigor and vitality No need to take those big catharti pills; one of D)r. J. H. McLean's Live and Kidney Pillets is qjuite .sullicien and more agreea ble. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to b; in: yo sat isfactory results. or in ca.e of 'ailure~ a rt turn of punrchase price. On this sale plan vt: can b)uy fromif our adivert is.ed hin;;.ri-! a b.o:i 0f Dr. lKings New Di.scovery for ConsuI i tion. It is guaranlteedl to bx ing rele in ever case. when used for any aiYeetin of.I Trai Lungs or Chest. sneh as Conu OZStL ion). 1In tharn mation or Lungs. Bronch itis. .\-tlhma. w h ,op 11Dg Cough. ('roup. et c.. etc. I I- its;Ikat an< agreeable to taiste. perfect ly tar. a nh ea a[ways be depededhE upo;~n. Tli jal bottles fre at iRLibert-on & Gilder's Drug store. S2>,4NJ0 worth of School and Misce laneous Books, Stationery and Fance Goods to be closed out at New Yori co>st. A ddress J. D). Pickard, Columi hia~ S. C. tf 3O FOR THIRTY -WE ARE BOUND And if Price and Quality vil For CASH Only-No ing this si BI_G SPECIA.Lj E rn new and desirable Sprng Goods of tb from the cheapest to the finest. We will'ofler for the NEXT THIR -o-CONTEMPLAT. We will sell 131 yds. Fruit ", " " 15 " Good S " 221 " Mediu " "i"t 24 " Shir " " 16 " Stand: " " "23 " Good 2,000 yds. Standard Lawn 2,50+ " Best Prints in da 1,500 " Fine Satine 12.c. 1,000 " Best French Sat 5,000" White Checked ] In Plain White at the sam One case of 2,500 yds. Best Dress G Our entire stock of Fine Dress Goo (Great value in these goods Immense value in Women's, Misses' a Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs. 100 I Cutla at 10c. .25 Doz. Ladies' Underves Dry Goods Stock at 23 per cent. discoun OUR SHOE DE We Will sell 120 Pr. Men's W " " " 121 " Women's of;' .i " u And all grades of Ladies' Misses and 72 Pr. Men's Laced 60 " " " )60 " " " 69 " " " All worth 75c. to $1.00 a pai Genuine Hand-St . OUR STOOK OF In Nobby Styles is complete, at very Ic Window, all this Spring sty worth doubl Gents' Furni. Such as White Dress Shirts, in all styl Shirts- -for Quality and P3 The Finest Line of Neck Wear in the Not having the space to enumerate a1 have to ask you for an inspection and tc Come soon or send your order. Thanki ance of same. We are yoursI EPSTIN B] D8 Main Street, C -UNDER HOTEL JEROM1E. Happiness and Contentment. I Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dys pep)sia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Constipation and indiges tion, and niake life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 253 and 50 cents by Belcher, Hlouseal & Kibler. For ai safe and certain remedy for fever and ague, use Dr. J. H. MIcLean's Chills and Fever Cure; it is warranted to cure. - A Duty to Yourself. It is surp)rising that p)eole will use a common ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills are a positive cure for sick-head ache and all liver trouble. They are small, sweet, easily taken and do not grip. Sold by Belcher, Houseal & Kib ler, opposite Postoffice. Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress after eating, can be cured and pre vented by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney l'illets (little pills). The Coming Season Will no doubt be a fine one for play ing ball. Go to the Book Store and buy your Base Ball goods at the lowest prices. tf He who is feeling miserable, suffer ing with D)yspepsia and Indigestion and often times with dizzinass, would do well to take P. P. 1*. at once. P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassiumi) will cure you and arrest the disease in its incipiency. SREY.SAMP.JONES SREV, J.B. HAWTHORNE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT eDR. KINC'S The following is an extract from a letter writ ten by the Worid Renowned Evangelist: e"I returned from Tyler, Texas. on the 12th -inst. I find my wife has been taking Royal Germnetuer to the GREAT UPBUILDING or Iher physical system. She is now almost free from the distressing headaches with which she has been a iA RT YR for twenty years. surely tit has done wonders for her ! I WISH EVER Y POOR SUFFER ING WIFE HAD ACCEss TO TH AT 3MEDICINE." Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, Pastor First Baptist church. Atlanta.GCa., was cured of a long stand in g case of Catarrh. His wife had been an in valid from nervous headache, neuralgia, and Srheumatism FOR THIRTY YEARs. scarcely Lhaving a day's exemption from pain. After taking Royal Germetuer two months,.he writes: "A niore complete transformation I have never witnessed. EVEET SYMPTON OF DISEASE HAS LDISAPPEARED. she appears to be twenty years roun ger, and is as happy and playfuli as a healthy child. wve have persuaded many of our friends to tak e the medicine, and the testimony of all of them is that it is a great remedy." cDr. King's Royal Germetuer Is a boon to rwomen. It huilds u p the stren gth. Increases the appetite, aids digestion, relieves them of the tcause of disease, and insures health. It is an infallible cure for Rheumatism, Nen ralgia. Paralysis. Insomnia. D)yspepsia. Indi I estion. Palp)itation. Li1ver. Bladder and Kidney I iseases. Chills and Feve.rsCatarrh.all Blood and s,kin D)iseases. Female Troubles. etc. Prompted by a desire to reach more suffering upeple, the price has been reduced from $2.50 to $l.50 per concentrated bottle, which makes one g-allon of r,.-diO'ine as per directions accompa n ving each b.'t tl'. For sale by the SATLANTIC GERMETUER 00. Atlanta, Ga. 'ad by Drurgists. If your Dr,ggtst can not .-lyyou, it can be sent by eXpress. J send stamp for full particulars, certif - cates of wonderful cures, etc. FIRE, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. WEI WOU.LD RESPECTFU:LLY rinrth public that we are pre Ipared to insure property against loss by ~Fire, Cyclones and Trornadocs. Y our patroniage is solici ted. BUItTON & WI h-LON, Agents. DAYS ONLY. TO SELL GOODS-. I do it they are bound to go. Goods Charged Dur ile at the STORAE AR.G-AINs e latest styles and patterns in all grades TY DAYS unparalleled bargains in aOs and Hats ING A MOVE-o of the Loom for $1.00 Bleaching " 1.00 mn " ' 1.09 ting " 1.)0 1.00 ird Prints " 1.00 " " 1.00 C 55c. worth 10. rk cotton (S 5c. worth S. worth 14i. ne 25c. worth 35. aw's from SC. to 25. e value. ingham Sc. worth 10 and 12 . ds at 25 per cent. off. . We defy competition. nd Children's Hose, Corsets, Gloves, oz. Men's Collars. 4 Ply Linen, at 10c. ts 10c. And all goods pertaining to a PARTMENT. hole Stock Brogans (? 75c. " " Poiken " (5e. Button Shoes 98c. Laced " 98c. Eine Button $1.15 Children's Shoes at very low prices. and Congress R $1.25 "{ " " 1.50 "' " " 1.75 " " " 2.00 r more than price quoted. :wed Shoes $3.00 STRAW HATS 1W prices. 500 Straw Hats thrown in -les and nobby shapes, at 50e. e the price. thing Goods. es, Night Shirts, Undersh irts, Flan nel rice we are Headquarters. City from 10c. to $1.00- Fine Goods. the Bargains and the Goods, we will see all that we offer in this speelal sale. ng you for past favors, with continu espectfully, ROT HERS, How Will They "Gee and Haw" Together? [Greenville News.] Our ably and fearfully edited con temporary, the Charleston World, edi torially announces Cooel Gary, of Abbeville, as a cawriidate for Attorney General on the Tillman ticket and plat form and calls on him to take the stump in Tillman's behalf. The same issue of the ably and fearfully edited contemporary, however, has a long in terview with Col. Y. J. Pope, of New berry, in which there is nothing much perceptible beyond very distinct symnp tonhs that that estimable gentleman is a candidate for the same office on the same ticket and platform. So we sup pose he will be called on to take the stump also. Exactly how he and Col. Gary will gce and haw in double har ness we do not know, but our ably and fearfully edited contemporary will doubtless discover and enunciate a basis of harmony. Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, .ugly spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tumors, unhealthy discharges, such as cat.arrh, eczema, ringworm, and- other forms of skin diseases, are symptoms of blood impurity. Take Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Sarsaparilla. $25,000 worth of School and Misce I laneous Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods to be closed out at New York cost. Address J. D. Pickard, Colum bia, S. C-.t Dyspepsia, distress after eating, sour stomach, loss of appetite, a faint, all gone feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, heart burn, all relieved and cured by P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Po tassium) It will regulate the sys tem, gives an appetite and makes you well. PERSONAL Not being able to meet the many readers of this paper face to face, but having a matter of the miost importancee to lay before you one and all, I head this article "Personal,'' ini the hope that you may give my words the:same careful attention that you would doubt less grant me if I were able to call upon you. WH AT 18 IT ? Let mie tell you. It is ini regard to the p)urchase of goods in my line, nec cessary for your conmfort and happiness. My stock is a large andi varied asseort met of goods of all grades, extending over a seale of prices which enables every visitor to find an article to their taste in quality and value. You will find these goods cut in the most fashion able styles, in Sacks, Cutaways, Prince Arthur and Prince Albert. I want you to remember that thbese goods are made up with those patent square shoulders and guaranteed to fit as well as custom made clothing. When you come to my store ask to see the Double Breastekd Round Cut Sack, the latest and nobbiest cut of the season. GENTSTFURNTISEING. This department is now filled with the most elegant line of goods I have ever shown. Underwear in all weights and at all prices, from the cheapest to the finest. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs purchased of me will not only be of the latest styles but extra in finish, make and strength of material. HAT DEPARTMENT. I am showing a first-class line of goods in this department, consisting of all shapes and( colors. I have a full line of medium and fine Shoes, Trunks and Satchels ini endless variety. If you can't come and inspect my stock, write me and I will try to suit you. 1ML L. KINA RD.