Local and Suocia. Our Agents. Capt. U. B. Whites will receipt for subscrip. tions and take new ones at Prosperiry. Mr. T. J. Wilson is authorized to do the same at Ridge Road. i -- Reader, we sell a great many goods. 'Tis true we do not make much money, but we mean to keep in the procession, and don't you forget it. Come and see us. tf MCINTOSH d ToDD>. Rev. C. P. Scott's Resignation. Which was tendered the Newberry Baptist Church some time ago, and ac cepted by the congregation is to take ef feet April 1st. Mr. Scott will preach hit farewell sermon on the fifth Sunday in March. He has received and accepted a call to serve the Baptist Church at Warrenton, Va. Mr. Scott is an eloquent pulpit divine and an elegant gentleman, and we regret that he is to leave New berry. Furnished Rooms to rent. A pply at the Foot house. 4t Call on John F. Speck when you need Spectacles and Eye Glasses repaired. Positively none but the best work turn ed out. Engraving neatly and prompt ly. Call when you want anything i: his line. Key-winding Watchet changed to Stem Winders. tf Illness of Col. C. H. Suber. Col. C. H. Suber was partially para. lyzed in one side on Fetruary 22nd.. It was thought that he would soon recover and be able to be out again, but for the last few days he has gradually grown worse and is now in a critical condition. This will be sad news not only to his many friends in Newberry, but he has a host of friends throughout the State who will be pained at the sad intelli gence of his critical condition. Perfect Light. Electric lights are said to be the most perfect-tbat is most clear and most brilliant. We have not the electric lights in Newberry, but we have the best burning fluids, namely: White "C" Oil, Astral and Aladdin Security. These have never been known to cause an accident. That cannot be said of all burning oils. Without dis agreeable odor, is pure water white and has brilliant burning qualities. For sale at Pelham's Drug Store, 25c. gallon. tf "Daniel Boone." Peck & Fursman's selected company will play "Daniel Boone, the Pioneer," at the Newberry Opera House Friday night, 7th instant. Tuesday's News and Courier has the following about the way in which it was received in Charleston : "The border play of 'Daniel Boone,' which was presented at the Academy of Music last night, is the best play on that subject which has ever been put on the boards in Charleston. It intro duces real Indians and a trick horse that is himself a great natural actor. The audieace was large. The orchestral chairs well filled, the parquette was also filled, and the familly circle and the gallery were packed up to their capacity. . . The audience applauded the piece the whole way through." John F. Speck repairs all kinds of V Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. He has had an experience of 33 years: Noth i ng but the best work done. Fine and rcomplicated work a specialty. tf st. Luke's. A few of us have had an experience with "La Grippe." Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bedenbaugh are still ill. Our school is doing good work. We have always been fortunate in securing the best of teache.is. Now that we have had a snow and a cold spell our grain will very likely be more promising. L. $25,000 worth of School and Miscel laneous Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods to be closed out at New York cost. Address J. D). Pickard, Colum bia, S. C. tf Minter & Jamnieson are receiving their Spring Goods. tf. WE HAVE A FRFSH SUPP~LY OF BUIST'S, LANDRETH'S, AND FERRY'S GARDEN SEEDS. Red and White Onion Sets. Belcher, Houseal & Kibier, Opposite the Post office. tf Amlance County Exchange. A meeting of the Board of Directors of Newberry Co'unty Exchange of the 'Farmers' Alliance was held at Pros perity on Tuesday. A resolution was adopted instructing the business agent of the Allianee to go to Newberry on Saturday of each week to attend to all Alliance matters that imay be brought to his attention. A committee wvas also appointed, consisting of Jos. L. Keitt arid H. C. Wilson, to look after the establishment of a sub-exchange agent to be located atNewberry. Mr. W. D. Hardy is the County ex~ change agent, with headquarters at Prosperity. Beware of Ointmnents for Catarrh that Contains Mrcury, as mercury will surely destry the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, and acts directly upon . the blood and mucous surfaces of t l'e sys temn. .In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. - aSold by Druggists, price 75e. per bottle. Fine Smnoking Tobacco. *We are agents for afine line of Smok ing Tobacco, att Pelham's Drug Store, and invite public attention to same. We have some sample packages which we give away, so that the superior quality of the Tobacco may be tested before buying. Call and( see. Call for sample package at Pelhamn's D)rug Store. tf. Confirined. The favorable impression prodoced on the first appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago has been mxore than con firmed by the pleasant experience of all who have used it. and the success ol the proprietors and manufacturers the California Fig Syrup Company. W. E. Peiham. Agrent. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. Foot's boneyard did a good business on Monday. The County Commissioners have a notice in this issue to road overseers. Joe Himes, a well-known colored blacksmith, died in Newberry last week. Rev. Prof. J. B. Fox will preach at the Newberry Lutheran church next Sunrday morning and night. {Mr. Dudley M. Langford, of Pros perity, has been appointed Supervisor of Registration by the Governor. Cotton receipts at Newberry for the week ending yesterday, 126 bales. Total since September 1st, 15,629. "Daniel Boone, the Pioneer," at the Opera House on Friday night. Street parade at 3 p. in. Rev. C. P. Scott will preach at thc union service in the Thompson Street Church next Sunday night. Mr. Bartow B. Ramage and Rev. Win. H. Williams went down on th;e Saluda Tuesday on a bird hunt. Much of our space is taken ui this week with the annual report of the County Treasurer. Read it and see where your money goes. The case of Robert Moorman for the killing of Schultz will likely be tried at the Court which is in session at Union this week. Don't forget the entertain ment at the Crotwell Hotel to-night by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church. A pleasant time may be expected. Admission 15 cents ; children 10 cents. Mr. Geo. G. Lane has a model of his new car coupler on exhibition in the office of Goggans & Hunt.. We believe it will meet the case. It is worth your w hile to go there and examine it. It is certainly a complete arrangement. The Richmond and Danvllle Rail road has two telegraph operators at this place now. Mr. W..A. Eudy is ticket agent and day operator while Mr..J. F. Anderson is night operator. Mr. H. 0. Henson, of Kinard's, has made an assignment to J. W. Coppock for the benefit of his creditors. Lia bilities about $7,500 assets about $4,500. The surveying corps of the Colum bia, Newberry and Laurens Railroad are now locating the line into the town as ontlined in last week's Herald and News. The regular monthly meeting of the Newberry Board of Trade will be held next Monday night at Council Chamn bers at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. H. Wyse, the new pastor of the Bethlehem pastorate, near Poia ria, will be installed as pastor next Sunday morning at Bethlemen church. The sermon will be preached by Rev. U. W. Holland, D. D. The County Commissioners held their regFular monthly meeting on Tuesday. The work at the Poor House was not let. Nothing of public importance was transacted. Preparations are being nmade to have the new Methodist church at Trinity dedicated on the second Sunday in May. Rev. J- A. Clifton has been in vited to preach the dedication sermon. The "old field pine,'' which grows so quickly and in ~great abundance all through this section, is beginnIng to be utilized, and is destined to be of great value in the near future. Our original forest timber is fast disappearing. This "old field pine" is being used to make paper and is said to make excellent bar rel staves, and we have little doubt that other uses will be found for it. Personals. Mrs. C. Mower left yesterday morn ing for the Northbern markets. Mr. Alex. McBee, of Greenville, was in the city yesterday. Dr. James Mcintosh left last week on a business trip to Florida. Mr. Eduard Scholtz has gone on a trip to New York. Mr. WV. M. Wilson, of Peak, was in the city the early part of the week. E. M. Rucker, Jr., Esq., of Colunm bia, is spendling several days in New berry this week. Mr. F. Anton Sale, of Columbia, is on a visit to his father, Dr. T. A. Sale. Mrs. Thos. Harper and Miss Lottie Pope, of Columbia, are visiting Mrs. Harriet C. Lane. Mr. Antoine Buzhardt attended the State Sunday-school Convention in Columbia this week. .Geo. Johnstone, Esq., is attetiding Court at Union. He will assist in the defense of Robert Moorman. Rev. F. WV. E. Peschau, of Wilnming ton, N. C., was in the city yesterday. M.AH.Kohn, of Prosperity, gv us a pleasant call yesterday. $25,000 worth of School and Miscel laneous Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods to be closed out at New York cost. Address J. D. Pickard, Colum bia, S. C. tf A Pleasant Entertainnment. The ladies of the Methodist Church in the city are making arrangements to give a pleasant and enjoyable enter tainment to raise money for the new church. The entertainment will be given on the evening of the 21Nt inst., in the vacant store room lately occu pied by B. F. Goggans. Among the attractions of the even ing will be a representation of the seasons by popular and charming young ladies. A cake will be voted the prettiest young lady and also one to the most "fascinating'' young gentle man. Refrshments will be served in good style. On Saturday, 22d inst.,dinner will be served at the same place from 12 to 4 o'clock. Let everybody attend and while en ~joying himself at thc .samne time help a good cause. An old citizen of the county says a few drops of Darby's Prophylactic Fluid in the water in which tainted meat is boiled wvill make it perfe.ctly s~vet~iaii. orsa. t Ioic*tsny An Alliance Convenlion. As stated in The Herald and -News inst week a convelnti on of delegates from the ('unItyAillane'5 in the Third Congressi~nal I)istriet wa3 held last Friday at Belton. ;Oonee. Pickens and Newberry Alliances had representa tives in the con vention. The Alliawes of A bbeville and Alldlersu,n nail held their meetings before the call for this coteir-etin was miate, and therefore had n1 rer"ular diele.:lts froni the alli anees prersent. A nermatlent organi7,all'01 was ef* fected by the election of I). J. (. Alexalder, of ()con_ee, ('i:tin:inan, and .Juo. T. )ntcai, of New brry, Secre tarv. The object of the metintlieg was to unite the alliances of the Third Dis trict in the selection of a canidlate to succeed Judge Cothran inl ('ongress, and adopt a platfori and to discuSS the situation geteraily. The plan of those who favored the call of this con Ventionl seems to ie for the Alliances of this District to adopt a platforni of prilciples. and unite in the selection of a candidate who will make the best and ablest cm1npion of the principles therein set forth, whether he be an alliance man or not, and then for the Alliances in the District to support him for Congress. At this convention, however, no candidate was endorsed. A platform was adopted, the provisions of which it is not desired to make pub lic. An executive conlltuittee was ap pointed consisting of one msetlnber from each county in tbe District. Mr. Jos. L. Keitt is the member from Newberry and chairnan of the committee. An other convention will be called when necessary by this committee. A Healthy Growth. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a firm hold on the American people and is acknowledged to be superior to all other preparations.* It is a positive cure for all Blood and Skin Diiseases. The medical fraternity mdorse aid prescribe it. Guaranteed and sold by Belcher Houseal & Kibler, The Court and the Jurors. The Court of General ,Sessions will convene on Monday, 17th instant, with Judge James F. Izlar presiding. The following prisoners are now in jail awaiting trial: Charlie Brown, Brooks Cannon and Ella Jackson, violation of contract; Geo. Benson, burglary and larceny; Louis Boozer, Alice Clark and Hettie Ruff, housebreaking and lar ceny ; Eddie Caldwell and Bachman Rufi, grand larceny; James B. Clary, assault and battery with intent to kill; Mutt Cannon and Bill Gilliam, acces sory to murder; Marion Dawkins, ar son; Ceser Coleman and Clabe Stevens, breach of the peace. Possibly there are others out on bond to be tried at this term. The grand jurors f,r this year and the petit jurors fo)r thiis term have been drawn. Grand Jurors for 1890O. J (Calviu Neel, Joshuat T Davis, Tencth C Pool, Thos E Epin::, Jas. S McCarley, , J D)auiei crooks, Wereiahton l>omnijckwzin v Lyle,, Jacob C Counts, Wmn ettenabaughi, Jno W Dtaventport, Juno.J Aitmicx, Elihu A Brooks, Rt C Perry, W 0 CGoree. (Geo w D)omlinick, Thins L. Harmn,n Jno J1 Kinnrd. Petit Jurors-Firsit Week. Jno t Bease. EJ(adel 31 B Calwell. ...Y.Iicly Alan Bishoip, Jt.F rwr .imuo xB Crooin. .o.I.Mo lienry w Boyd. Ja VCon, Gkeo A Blundrick, hsVileI, Thompson (-onnter, .o iJnis Jose.ph A. Btiihop, .ioS.3lid Burr F Giogganus, Ladr1 utey Nathan B Hiunter, DrrAWig, Win D i-rick. .1MdWelr Wmn E Helcher, .io11Gre. N Frank .Johinsont, WnDlfce Jacob A 31aher, Lte og U P Domintickt, WitrPCiu J Calvin Schumpert, 1 "her W iiEddy aer J ('audnte. I D~onwtJ, Wi. B1 hit ey, I (i UuyCroncr Juio. F. Drome, I ~iit . unezi, Jos. W. Daor, Ii A Cnnost. Jas w Crominir, Win L Boozer. haws K ede Fran Z l Jos aglni, 'fliosJ Matl DrurJ y A Wrighpot, J I) A i re, sold at 50 cents, now sold at 20 cents. IERE, formerly sold at 50 cents, now sold at-= from 5, 8j, 10, 12) and 15. We have cut tb. L\TD G-Il\T 'E M A S. B3E ?OLD A.T COST. EBWEAR. stock and they must be sold...gg be sold at 60 per cent. off of the price. - S ! BLANKETS ! !- - r kets now at 89 cents. Our $3.25 White Blanke =' slauket now at $3.50. Our $5.00 White Blanke. Blanket now at $5.00. Our $10.00 Whites IASK AND TOWELS. at Lowest Prices Possible. Fifty dozen Jet .ESS OF COST. HOES!! SHOES!!! n, in all grades at half price. Don't fail to t T BE SOLD y 1st., 1890. ling GOODS is COMPLB irts, Flannel Shirts, Red and White, Unte. mmed Stitched Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, ';-, te Holiday Trade, also, our stock of NECK; D HATS, always a complete stock on haue;:1 orders . )THE BIG DOrUMBIA, s C cler' 'EEtel eTerome. e ome and its no. use to shiver for ( &- GRE E!B 'OA TS that must be sold, and.will be sol Lt a sacrifice. RCOAT FOR $14.50 ERCOAT FOR $12.00 ercoat for $2.00 or $1.50 if you. prefer.; ;oes up but clothing goes down. . and must sell it befo-e the winter is ovez J nake room for rG GOODS. ' lothing cheap, and if the opportunitybeL.. une. A suit bought from us will be a ever. A dollar saved is a dollar made ,H ATS, CAPS, &C.,& IVE US, A CALL. Wi1nter Stock of Clothing must be sold ILOCI. ci GREElT.~ Stand. BARGAINS ATj & WEARN'SI OR THE |