Local and Suecial. Our AgentR. Capt. 11. B. W bitewil re or tri tions and take new oi, -'ipt Iortcr Mr. T. ,W. \ie~ at P'rosperity. Mr. T. J. Wilson is authorizc.i j u do the saime at Ridge Road. Court. The Court of Gencral 'essiona will eonvene here next Monday with Judge T. B. Frazer, presiding. There is a pretty full criminal docket for this time, embracing nearly all the offences in the catalogue of crime. We believe there is no murder case. There are thirteen prisoners in jail awaiting trial and quite a number are out on bail. A Notable Lecturer. Rev. A. Coke Smith will deliver a lecture for the benefit of the Methodist Parsonage on Thursday night, July 11. Subject--"The Model Match." Dr Smith needs no introduction to the Newberry public, and his lectute will no doubt be intensively interesting. Tickets will be on sale at the Book store, and at Robertson & Gilder's Drug Store. Price of admission 25 cents. TRY IT, WHAT? "T." Five cents, at )ru, Store opposite Postoffice. B. I. & K. Steam Engine for .Sale. first-class Ten (10) Horse Frick ngine for sale. ('heap and on easy terms. J. P. & T. C. Plut. The Busy Bees. The Children's Missionary Society of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, will hold their quarterly cele ration this (Thursday) evening at 8.30 clock. The programme will consist songs and recitations, with an ad by Rev. W. W. McMorries, and ill be very interesting. The exercises will be held in the urch, and the public is cordially vited. Y. M. C. A. Annual Meeting. The attention of the members of the Young Mens' Christian Association is hereby called to the Annual Meeting of the Association, to be held on next Thursday evening, July 11th. at 8.30 o'clock. At this meeting final reports on the year's work will be made by the officers, after which the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. The members are urged to be present in a body, as this evening's work will vitally affect the work of the entire year, and in fact all the future life of the Association. JNo. T. NlcerotAs, Gen'I Sec'y. Meteorological Record for June. ientemperature, tri-daily, 74.8; ean maximum 83.4; mean minimum ;mean daily range 18.5; highest ong th 19th- lowest 43, on the 1st; est -daily range 34, on the 2nd; daily range 9, on the 17th and 24th, - ly range 51. e r days 3; fair dlays 6; cloudy days wrs . ~aing wind southl. --t on the first. Id nder clouds on the following 4, 5, 10, 11. 12, 28 29 and 30o. ~nbow, 10 and 24. FP#nfall 6.06 incIhes; rainfall for June, 13:-..21 inches; excess for June. 1889, ches. Rainfall for six months, o26..13 inches : rainfall for six ths,' 1888, 31.61 meches; deficiency ti ixionths, 1889, 5.48 inches. W te ~mean 'temperature for June, d was 3.3 lower than June 1888. Uesto e lowest in Junie 1883 waxs 5.;; the kew 0hest in June 1888 was 93. of himi: N umber of days in which .01 inch or fired jiore of rain fell 10. dn't k W. G. PETER.-:aos, hi' Belmont, S. C., July 1, 1889. i BLACKBERRY BALSAM, Known throughout Newberry as SPelham's Aromatic Blackberry Balsam, is the sovereign remedy for Dysentery, Summer complaint, etc. Price 25c. per bottle. Be w"~are of preparations intended to e simulate this well known remedly. s f. . You-can get a first-class turnout at tr.~t C. A. FLioY D'S. A List of the Marriages in Newberry WVill. be presented to the public later. : ri ilow you will find a list of beau 4 tiful bride's p)resenits of which the Book treis crowded. Fine Steel Engravings, Oil Paintings, 2astells, Bronzes, Triplicate Mirrors, Wall Pockets, Brackets. Fine Bibles. atnd Tailet (Cases. We also have on hand a large assortmtenit of ('ro 242 Pianos and Organs valued at....1,9 2,774 Wagons. Carriages ac., valued at 59,285 .Merchandise &c., valued at............ 240,975 Engines, tools, and so forth, also in clud.ing the Newberry Cotton Mill, are valued at $237,460. On the Cotton Mill there is only the t wo mill school tax paid. The value of all monies on hand on the first of January 1889 including bank bills and circulating notes is re turned at $211,.585. This includes the bank stock which is itself $150,000. Value of credits including mortgages and credits over and above indebted ness is returned at $109,025. Bonds not exempt fronm taxation All other property including house hold and kitchen furniture is valued in the returns,.at $220,270. It might he profitable to study these figures by comparison, 'and we give herewith some figures from the return m.ade on first of January 1888 for the fiscal year beginning November 1st, 1887: RETURNS FOR 1887-'88. 1,460 Horses valued at................ 548,625 2.3ti6 Mules " ................ 14,060 4,532 Cattle " "................ 40665 1,9942 Sheep and Goats valued at..... 2,0(5 3,955 Hogs valued at..................... 8,280 1.725 Dogs valued at..................... ,625 Merchandise valued at............I... 4,335 It will be seen by comparing this re turn with the one for this year that there has been a slight increase all around. RECAPITU'LATION. We give below a summary of the two years giving the totals for each year: -RETURNS FOR 1887-'88. Rteal Estate............................* :2,3223 Personal Property....................l. 1M.:9420 Rtailrond Property................. 3i,0 Total......... ............... * :,5192.tuts RETURNS FORl 1888-'89. Rleal E-tate............................ $ 2,3;2s,545 Personal Prop>erty................. ...l,4,230 Rtailroadt Property.....................:1360,900 Tojt i...................... .. .* l,105,6;75 T1his shows an increase in valuiat ion of real estaLte of only $,145, andl in the. valuaLtion of personal property of $206,81 0. The railroad prop)erty- stand:'s the same. The total increase in the valuatio of all taxable property over the returns of last year is $212,955. As the New berry Cotton Mill is included i the returnls of this year it will be seen that the increase ill valuation comes almoast entirely fromi that source. A Card. MAYOR's OFFI~CE. New berry, June 2. The citizens of the Town are earnIest ly requested to cleanse and disinfect their prenmises promptly and regularly withlout waiting to be reported. Thev Board of Health are dloing all in their power to preserve the health of thbe town, but they need aid and co-opera tion. They have no miore at stake than the rest of our citizens. And it is im portanit for all alike, that the town be ke,pt clean during the summier month Els. Thils request is made by the Roard of Health and the Town Council, in the interest of the public health, and it ought not to be necessary to repeat it to reasonable people. G Eo. B. CROM ER. Mayor. Closing out of Spring Goods In order to close out our stock of Spriug clothing, straw hats, low cut shoes, &c., we have mlarked them doewni to cost. WVe mean business, give us a call. MIrNTER & JMIIESON. tf 400) pieces of Sheet Music, old anid new songs, 10 cents a piece. Fo,r sale at the Book store. tf. VA1tIl S AN) ALL ABOUT. T. ..av tim( "* hri.iui- fourth-". .air. t li.meyt' ( n:(oon ha. i signed1 lis po' illitn in the lost(lli "e ant i clerking ing for Stiitlh & Wearn. Mr. J. Epps Brown is now the clerk at the Newberrv Hotel. Tlie County Conimissioners will hold their regular niontlily meeting on Saturday of this week. The Knights of Honor of Newberry have sent : ,5 to the Johnstown suflrers. There has been plenty of rain the past few weeks. Some farmers are cotm plaining, but the crops are still looking well. 'T'ie examination of applicants for the appointments to the Winthrop Train ing School was held yesterday. There were four applicants. The result will lie announced in a few days. Mr. John A. Chapman may be ex pected to speak at 5 o'clock next Sun day afternoon, if not providentially hindered. Miss Hettie Belle Lake, of Newberry, at an entertainment given by the literary society of the Laurensville Fe male College, at its recent commence ment, presided with graceful dignity. The stockholders of the C. N. & L. R. R., will hold a meeting in Columbia n Tuesday next. Newberry township will not be entitled to representation, nasmuch as the bonds have never been elivered for the $10,000 voted. There will be a barbecue at the fac ory to-day given by P. F. Baxter and T. H. Chappell. The proceeds over ex penses will be given to the Sunday chiool at that place. Speeches will be nade by Rev. W. S. Wightnmi, Harry ff. Blease, Esq., and Cole. L. Blease, Esq. There is to be a Republican mass neeting at Helena to-day gotten up by :he Kennedy men. We have been un tble to learn the programme but sup ,ose Frank Hicks who has just re .urued from Washington will address he meeting. The other barbecue hat was announced for to-day at Maj. Jones' grove by the other wing of the Republican party has been reealled,inas much, as the chairman Sam Chappell, has not returned frot Washington. It will be held later when he returns. Henry Kennedy says that Robert Snalls, H. W. Purvis, F. L. Hicks, Berry Neely and himself will address *he assembled Iutltitulc at Helena to dlay. Personals. Ionl. M. C. Butler spent last 'riday and Saturday in Newberry the guest of Coi. C. H. Suber. Miss Leah Foot and Mr. M. Foot, jr., attended the commencement ball in Columbia last week. They were the only representatives fron New berry. Col. G~eo. Johnustone and GJeo. B. (romer, Esq., are attending court at WaIhalla this week. Mrs. A. C. Jiones of ( olumbhia is visiting her father Mr. T. F. Greneker. L. Wb. Jones, Esq1., anid his bIridle reached New berry on Monday. Miss Louise Piressley, of (Columbia, is x'sitinmg Mrs. T. F. Trran~tt. Miss A nnie Cargill, of Columubus,Ga., is on a visit to Miss Lizzie Glenn. Miss Lizzie Rutf'left Tu(esday toi visit relatives in Clinton. Misses Sallie and Lucy Wright are visiting retatives in Laurens County. Early next week Mr. and Mrs. Moody and children, Miss Manmie Holbrook andI Mrs. Sophie Rtedus will start on a summner trip) North. MIr. J. .J. Lane conitempllates visiting the Paris Exposition. Mr. W. W. Hentz and Mr. T. S. Sease have returned hiomle from the South Carolina College. Mrs.31\. E. (Gilliam is spending tile summer at Saratoga Springs. Miss Hattie Wells is visiting Mrs. Dr. East in Charlotte, N. ('. The Postoftie. The postoffice appointment here is still a matter of discussion. All the can didates are still pressing their claims. Whitmire, who has the appointment, s still in 'Washington trying to keep the p)osition. A telegram was received bere ont Monday from Washington stating that Whitmire had withdrawn and that the race had narrowed down to Mrs. Herbert and Mrs. Tunnage. SamChappel, whol( is espousing the e-ause of Robert Moornman is still in WVashington, although we uindIerstanld that he says the outlook is gloomy for anty one to be appointed. J. S. Russell is st ill hopeful. Frank Hicks, who left WVashtington on Sunday says the report that Whit mire hand withdrawn is not correct, that Whitmnire is there straightening up some charges, and that he will hold on to the end. Henry Kennedy says Whit mire knows better thant to withdraw. Si the mat ter is in ucly miixed yet. In the mean tiume Mrs. Herbert con tinutes to dischiarge the dluties oft post inaster. Mr. Russell desires us to say that he did not mean to convey the idlea by his stattemnent in The Heraldl and News of last week. that "hie wa opp osed to negro rule."' that he oh jeeted to their holding otle altogether. HeI mleant to ythat he is ini favor of the colored man having only sucht oflices as he is completent to fill. Minter & Jamieson are opening tup an elegant line of Clothing. rTeir p)rices will be low to suit the times. tf. Wright & J. WV. Coppock are now open'ting~ a -superbi lie of Spring anid Sunmmrer (lothing, selected with special care, which they will sell as low as the lowest. No hiumbug a bout this. Give them a tall or you miay wish you hadi. t~f. All Base ikill (lubs should play with the new seamless Ball. now on sale at the Book Store. 'tf. First a cohl, then a1 couigh, then coin sumption, then death. "'1 took D)r. AXcker's English Remedy foir (onsump I tioni the moment J began to cough, and I believe it saved my life."--WA I TrEa N. WA LL AwE, WVashington. Sold lby P. Robertson. opposite Post office, Newtherrve. Everyoe should see Wright & J. W. Coppock's Un derwea r b efo re plurchas ing. It is as comfortale as orinmeni tal. This i. saying muchb, lbut 'tis true. tf THE GR AT1 Is now going on in order t Next 50 Day. I laving rented the large and spaciou fitted up according to my instructions. all at and below cost. Those seeking ofiered to country merchants. Positivt 3,500 yds. Figured 2,000 " " 1,5010 "" 3,750 " Best ] 2,602 " Good 1,873 " " 1,969 " Best Dres 1,000 " " Apror 2,200 " All Color 2,903 " All Colors Fruit of Loom, : : Good Bleaching, : : 4-4, 7 l I : : 4-4, 5it BOOT 4.5 prs. Wos. Lac'd & Butt'n Shoes, $1 00 4(S I " " l " " 1 J5 36 " " " " l 5( 24 t{ .l { ' s 2(Ni 24 "t" " " 2 0 M1 isses Shoes, from 12 to 2, 75) to 2 'l HATS IN ENDI.En All Goods Mark All I ask is a call, which will convi Those who hesitate are lost. Spool Cotton in Any Number and ( Thanking one and all for their li ber BIG 7 MAIN STREET, About Peniion . The joint-hoard on pensions held a meeting last Thursday and canvassed the list as returned by the State Board of Pensions. The list as first sent down by the County Board of Pensions was approvei by the State Board except that of Mr. James M. Mardis. This list was approved by the joint board. The application as made by Mr. Mar dis was also reapproved by the joint board and returned to the State board. This list has beern recorded as re required by law by the Clerk of Court. The list has been forwarded to the State Board. The checks will be issued by the Comptroller General and sent to the clerk for distribution to the pensioners. As soon as they are received the pensioners can call on the clerk and get their checks. The following is the list of pensions in this county as approved by the joint B oard: Willis R. Jones, Elizabeth R. Lake, Rtebecca J. Hendrix, Elizabeth Sheeley, Caroline D. Chapman, J. W. Tolbert, Henry Boozer, Elizabeth Neil, Mary A. Wilson, N. WV. Gregory, John W. (oimts, A. J. Rankin, C. B. Buist, Nancy C. Aull, Mary E. Perkins, Sn san nah C. Quattlebaumi, Francis Ri kard, George Lester, John N. Bass, Martha C. E. WVheeler, Sarah J. Swit tenberg, Elizabeth Cameron, Rebecca C. Boozer, Martha D. Summer, Emie line A. Bradley, Margaret Wilson, Rebecca J. Thompson, John J. Kinard, Elizabeth Kelley, Sarah Langford, Laura P. Ewart, Drucilla Waits, Mar garet E. Reid, Miriam Hunter, Sarah Gentry, Susannah C. Dennis, Laura Willin gham, Martha E. Kohn1, Nancy Brooks, Margaret Kinard, Matilda Griffith, E. J. Boozer, Lucy A. Lake, Emeline Cromer, Elizabeth Brooks. Baptist Sunday-school Convention. The second annual meeting of the Baptist Sunday-school Convention of Newberry County, will be held in the Enoree Baptist meeting house, on Thursday and Friday before the third Lord's day in July, 18th and 19th. PRoGRAMME. Thursday-Meet at 11 a. mn. Decvo tional exercises. Organization. Re ports from schools read and handed in. Recess at 12 M. A fternoon-D)iscussion. "Character istics of an effieient Sunday-school Superintendent." Speakers: Henry D)ickert, J. R. Irvin, C. W. White, WV. J. Langston. Report of committee on Report of Schools, and consideration of same. Discussion of subjects sent in from the schools. F'ridlay--Meet at 9.30 a. mn. Devo tional exercises. Discussion: "Charac teristics of a good Sunday-school teacher." Speakers: 0. W. L. Spear miani, J1. F. Sanders, J. R. Leavell, C. P. Scott. "The Sunday-school scholar:" 1. Who should be. :2. How study the lesson. 3. Feelings toward and for the teacher. Speakers: W. R. Elmore, E. H. Longshore, Ephriam Johnson, R. Y. Leavell, J. S. Werts. Recess. A fternoon--iscussion: Joys of Sun dlay-school work. Speakers: Joseph White, J. S. Dominiek, John S. Car -.ule, B. F. Corley. J. D). HraciNs, Secretary. Turniy Seed ! Turnip seed ! Buist's New ('ross Turnip) Seeds. Also' Buist's Improved Rutai Baga Seed just receivedi and for sale' at Robertson & (Gilder's Corner Drug Store. She Is "Grateful."~ "I saved the life of my little girl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption ."-M rs. WXV~. V. HAnnIMxx, New York. Sold by P. Robertson, opposite Post office New berry, S. C. A car load of ice just received at the AT REMOV .S. BPS reduce my stock to save freight of mi all Goods at a s store room under the Jesome Hotel My stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, I; en uine gargains should lOose n4) tin: ly no change this time. All goods sold Lawns, standard pri [Pi'ints, Ginghams " Cheese Cloth Velvets and Velvet( DOMESTIC GOODS (ood Bleaching, 7-8, 6 Newberry Cotton Mill Sheeting, 4-4, 6A "t " " " 7-8 5i "t " " " 3-4, 4) AND SHOE DEPAR'] 60 pairs Ladies and Misses Opera Slippers, : : : 50 All these are worth double the price. 6') prs. Men's Brogans at. 1.00, wort h 1 25 6) " " " 1.25, " 165 4S " " " 1.65, " 200 iS VARIETY AT VEF ed Down T Way Down T T nee one and all. So come before you ar olor at 5O per dozen, or Six Spools for al patronage, with continuance of samE I am Yours Respectfu MC NEWBERRY, S. C. The Normal Institute. In response to the call of the County Board of Examiners, about forty teachers attended the Institute here last week. The work began on Tuesday morn ing, 25th, and ended Friday evening, 28th. On the first day the weather pre vented many from coming who would have been present had the (lay been favorable. On Wednesday, and each day follow lowing, the attendance ?is very grati fying. The priucipal, Prof. Morrison, an nounced on the first day that the work would be chiefly for teachers in the country schools, which are ungraded. The primary part of the teacher's work received special attention during the week. The supposition was, we suppose, that if a teacher knows how to begin right with the lower grades, he will have no troube in dealing with the higher. It would be useless to give here alr account of all the work done at the Institute, or to tell all the methods laid down for the guidance of teachers. It is sufficient to say that the instruc tion was good, which is shown by the fact that each teacher seemed very much interested during the entire session. Prof. Morrison's lectures on loca history were particularly interesting They showed to the teachers plainly that local history should receive mor< attention than it does. Miss Bonham's methods of teaching little children seemed to captivate th4 teachers. It is given to but few, how ever, to teach primary classes as well a: she. Besides the Institute proper, there were several lectures in the opert house at night. On Wednesday night Hon. J. S. Ver ner spoke to the people of Newberry or the peculiar and almost alarming state of things which now exist in South Carolina. With facts and figures t< prove his assertions, he insisted thal we have difficulties and dangers t< meet that seldom confront a people He urged that every ohe prepare to air in solving the great problems now be fore him. Mr. Verner is a man thoroughla awake to the interest of this State. On Thursday night Prof. Morrisoi lectured on "Graded Schools.'' H< told what a graded school is, its advan tages over other schools, and als< showed that it costs no more money to run it. A great many other towns in th< State have established graded schools and there is no reason why New berr' could not do likewise. We hope thal our progressive citizens will hesitate n< longer on this important (juestion. On Friday night Hon. W. C. Benet of Abbeville, true to appointment, mue a Newberry audience at the oper: house. On account of rain a grea many were prevented from hearing thui distinguished speaker andc finishe< scholar. Mr. Benet spoke of the refin ing influences of higher education, an< urged the teachers to have their pupil cultivate a taste for readling and study ing the works of great and distin guished men. Mr. Benet is a polished and imipres sive speaker. It would be unipardlonable to fail ti mention thme names of those, who hax ing the gift of song, helped so much t, make the Institnte a success. Withou music any kind of a gathering must b wanting. The thanks of the Count: Board and teachers are due to Mrs Peter Robertson, Misses Manmie Hol brook, Bessie Wheeler, anid Messrs. E C. Jones, Eduard Scholtz, S. B. Jone and( J. M. Kibler, for having entei tained the Institute each morning witl the best of music. It was gratifying to see so~ many< the citizens of Newberry, both tow: and county, at the session each da) By their presence they showed thi they are interested in the work of con mon schools. The following are tb names of the teachers present: Misses Jo L. Jones, Ailee IL1N'S, >ving it. I will offer for the nd Below Cost. in Colum bia, . C., which is now being Kts, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing (oods e in seeuriniir them. (reat inducemenrts C. 0. D ce - 5c, now 3c. ' 8 , " 6-2 10, " 8 81. " 6 61, " 4r 5, ''4 10, " 6 10, " 71 42 en at Half Price. AT M 10l TM VA.3 4,004) yds. Best Checked Honspun, 1 2,500 " Bed Ticking, 15 1,(N0n " (lood " 10 750 " Bed Ticking, : 74 7MENT. 36 prs. Men's Laced Congress Shoes, " at 1.25, worth 2 00 36 " Shoes, " 1.50, '' 2 50 A Job Lot of Shoes, Low Quarter4. Laced and Buttoned, at I: 25 worth $2.00 to t:.50. C'Y LOW PRICiS. erribly Down T T e too late. Ie:te:nher :h :'d adage, 25c. . EPSTIN, Julian, Matti~ . MI-'nt(o!,h. t"ellIe Chap man, iella McCant. F . (E arlington, Sudie E. Pitt. W L ( by, Janie Chahners, Be-_'iia :'i:rn-e Minniie E. Pitts, Lilian (le::. i Teague, Lucy Teague, iu1y NV h:d'., Jo Lang ford, Sallie LaIg'ord, Matttc Caldwell, Sallie PIlgh, Liie W'rt., Nora V. Lake, Anti " onid, A. -. Cosy, Mesdanes s. . todge'. .o,1ic Cutti no, O'range burg, .; .Ie .. I.:og. 1aggie Tarrant, Rev. A. .:. nv:ers, Messrs. H. H. Rikard, Loxingtoi. i. W.Glasgow, J. S. VIeeier. (. !-. - . Fd.-fi.d, Wm. A. Counts, Le.Nigton, WV. A. Pitts, ( A. Milk, Eug.lild, i. A. Boyd. .In atdditioni to these eachI (c1 lege professor was present one lay or more during the week. We hope that the work lone at the Institute may be of lastinug good to common school0 edIue.ation1 in Newberry County. K. A pleasant and Ell?!icientI Rl.edy for all affe'ctions of the StomacTh and Bowecs. Don't iail to provide yourself with a bottle. No fmnily should be without one. Maniu fnetured and for sale at Robert 'on & (ilder.'s Corner Drug Store. Why Wome~n iFnaie. Women lose their b,eautv becatuse colds undermxine their life'. .dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption is anl absolute cur". S-old by P. Rtobertson, New~berry. SPOWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder ne-ver v:r!:s. .\ marvel o purity, strength :en1 wholomenes. More )eonom,ical .hm; thxe. ordiary kinds, and cannot be.soll ~i com 1tio ithl *he mu111 - titud(e low. tes-t, hort weight1 axlun1 or p)hoS p.y owme.:e n..! tewn IUt:.. ., t11 U:- Iv. I prescrib. and ft:lly .O Csin specific forthecorineur, - TO 5 DATS. of this dimssee. 5O~G. H. IN(4AAM. M D. Mdenlbythe we have anld Rig G fom e beoa asals - (MaD. R. DYCHTE & CO.. Cbicago. 11L 1 gr.. $100. Sold by Druggists. W. E. PELUAM, AGENT it l.r . ii. li i *. . .1, ( 1.il la " 1 :tfirs 1. 1'sr.L . of l'terat .lli :(tltani( C. l' uar a . of (,n ville. Advertised Letters. PosTr OFFICE. -XFW$ERRY, S. Li-t of 1ctter- tielt:inid and advert Ander,on. Mr. J... Lester, Mrs, (':tthu Boozer. Miss F ui VeI ri.. (cut.i Benaaain, (arrc Saatr 1. 1.. L"rowu, Jameis tre,(lt C'lark, Rufus ;&tioridley, V. Me. (C Coieinau, Mes. r. RiceThuiy, Ro')ert Colemani, Jane Wnl !ce, Wr. W. (:reenwo,od, Geor;;e Wau,Rex. I.,. I IooMr.Leiiiia tVashin-toll, Miss Jo)lison, Mirs. Adaline Persons calling for these letters will ple; say they were advertised. E. S. HERBERT, P. ai A niie line ~f - arfs for 2Oets to SOc worth 3.5 to 75, a: tf MINTER & JAMIESON. A Sad Story, The child coughed. The miot herra No remedy was near. Before mornit the poor little sufferer was dead. Mors Always keep Dr. Acker's English Ren edy at hand. Sold by P. Robertsol Newberry. Who keeps the nicest stock of Hats i Newberry? Wright & J. W. Coppocll Go and see them and be convinced. 1 Remember that Wright& J. W. Col pock give a discount of ten p(-r ceni from regular prices on all cash sales. tl Reneniber tl:at Joire' Soda Watei Milk thakes. Malto, Fruito, and Io Cream are unexcellect. Call and be rt freshed. ti. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best salve in the world for (uls, Sores liru i.c,s t leers, Salt RTheuni, Fever Sores, Tet ier, c:iapprd Hands, ('hiiblains, ('oruis an( :ill Skin Erupt ions, and positively cure Piles or no pay required. it is guaranteed to givI" erf<,ct sati.f:Letion, or money refunde1 Price 2) cenis per box. For sale by Belcher liouseal & Kibler. MACHINERY. ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, GEARING STEAM AND WATER PIPE AND FITTING BRASS VALVES, WATER WHEELS INJECTORS, PUMPS, BRASS AND IRON SAWS, FILES, CASTINGS. A full stock of supplies, cheap an( good. Belting, Paeking and Oil at Botton Prices, and in stock for prompt deliv ery. REPAIRS PROMPTLY DONE. 0.O1R. LOMBAD & 0. FOUNDRY, BOIL.ER AND MACHINE WORKS, AUGUSTA, CA. I ABOVE PASSENGER DEPOT. NEW SPRI OUR NEW SM~ SHOE3 And Gents' Fi ARE ARR WE JUS1 for the Qua CALL AT ONCE AM TION. SMITH & The "New We areS SHOE! we mak We WE t8 or th t~oa~tI1B rare o that co 30) yds 16 yds worth Boots 1 1Pins 2 In cheape 0 mol of Ne good Ii meres iaid Time~s an"h that w FLOY! D. B. Wheeler's Old Stai Lie 1'reserts in the rr.ost ee ..fo r THE LAXATIVE AND N~R(T . ; ,. U. E Lse -OF THE FIGS OF CALFCO IiA, Combined with th- d. inal - virtues of plarts krw?n to be nost .e:rfic4ai to : . i:-:n.,n system, forniing ai: ag:re alle and effective laxative to pen:a nently cure Habitual Cou..ti pation, and' the many ills de g pending on a weak or inactive 1: condition of the KIDNEYS, LIER AN) 3fWi.L3. It is the most excei'lent ren..ed, v i:nw-n t.> CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bi:icus or Cot.aip.ted -so , HA-r PURE BLOOD, REFRESH:NO SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENOTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is usir-;it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOGIST FCR SX LT3?P ' Tic M CTUR '- ONLY aY CALIFOR IG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 'OUISVILLE, -Y NEW YORK, N. V. W. E. I'ELI1AM, .\Cf.N'T, rANi:w 1xRY', S. C, JAS. K. P. 6OSSANS, W.A. HUNT, JR GOGGANS & HUNT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEWBERRY, S. C. Office on Law Range. G. G. SA LE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ILL PRACTICE in all the Courts of the State and of the United States for the District of South ('aro lina. Office in Mollohon Row, opposite the court house, Newberry, S. C. C OUNTS' ICEJJEBRATEB aRMM CRA1}LE$ Are again ready for the incoming crop. They are unsurpassed in (uality for gleaning. They can now ob tained at my factory, and at Wise Bros. Prosjperity, Summer Bros. New berry, D. Hipp & Co. Pomaria. Cra dles to be repaired can be left at Wise 1Bros- J. C. COUNTs. Lovelace House HJAVING leased the large and cen trally located house, formerly the Fallaw House. I have opened a~ first-class Boarding House and will keep the table supplied with the best the market affords, and I can assure all that the cooking cannot be surpassed. Good airy roomis. I solhii the generous patronage of the local and traveling public. MRS. B. H.~LOVELACE. NG GOODS. LING CLOTHING, , HATS, rnishing Goods FING DAILY. rLY CLAIM lity of Goods. ID MAKE YOUR SELEC WEJARN, berry Clothiers." urto Win R PATRONAGE FOR DRY ODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, i AND GROCERIES. In fact, e a lifetime customer of you. buy the lowest, pay the gaickest I the cheapest. [IR LEADING OARD. next thirty days is oneC of such currence and high importance can safely announce it a chance mes but once in a generation. WE CAN SELL YOU Calico for - - - - $1 00 Checked Homespun for 1 (0O -*SealIsland for - - - 1 00 All-Wool home-made Jeans 25c, [0c. Men's whole-stock Brogan for $1 .75,iworth $2.75 elsewhere ic per paper. Needles, two pa r 5c. 144 Buttons for 5c. fact. everything in our line r than the cheapest wish to remind the good ladies eberry County that we have a ne of Black and Colored Cash which we will sell cheaper than use in the State. LE ! and we will convince you e are in the lead. I & PURCELL