The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, October 18, 1888, Image 3

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ecia1. t otices. P. Scott, pastor, preaching z. iYa. m. and 71m) p. n. sun. ,:1 :30) p. mn.. Mr. .J. L'. Carwile, ident. Prayer niecting Wednesday i,. m. -.THERAN-Rev.- W. C. Schaeffer. pastor. .-reaching next. Sunday by the pastor. at 11 a. m. and 45 p. m. Sunday school at 9:34 a. m., Dr. W. G ustave lousen1. buperintendent. Prayer meeting Friday at 7:45 p. in. METHODIST-kev. J. L. Stokes. pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. in. and 7:15 p. m. Sunday school at 4 p. mn.. Mlr. John W. Chapman, Superintendent. Prayer meeting at 7:15 p. M. A. R. PRESBYTERIAN-Rev . E.P. McClintock, pastor. Service next Sunday by the pastor at 11 a. m. -Sundas school at 9:30 a. m., Mr. M. A. Carlisle, Superin-ten<dent. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:15 p. i. Missionary Society Wednesday at 3 p. In.. Mrs. C. Mower, Presi dent. W. C. T. U. Tuea,.ay at 5 p. in., Mrs. C. Mower. President. ErIPCoAL-Rev. W. Ii. Ianckel, rector. Service by the rector every third Sunday at 11 a. m. and 4:30 p. in. Lay reading by Mr. N. B. Mazyck at 11 a. m. PRESB2TERAN--ReV. J. S. Cozby pastor. Preaching by the pastor at I a. in. and 7:15 p. m. sunday school at 3:30 p. in., Mr. w. E Pelham, Superintendent. Pra.yer meeting Wednesday at 7.15 p. in. Our Agents. Capt. U. B. Whites will receipt for subscrip tions and take new ones at Prosperity. Mr. T. J. Wilson is authorized to do the same at Ridge Road. Mr. Joel W. Itiser will receive new subscrip tions and receipt for old ones at Ponaria. Fire in the Country. Mr. W. W. Davenport, of No. 7 Township, had his dwelling-house burned on Saturday night, 13th in stant. The fire wos caused by a de fective stove chimney. His loss is very heavy. No isurance. Well Selected. - -Remember that we have just added to our stock, i)ress Goods, Notions, Gent's Clothing, &c. New goods all through at low figures. Call and ex amine. W\OoTEN & McWIRTER. tf.I One car load fresh Rock Lime on hand at $1.35 per barrel, at Peoples & Johnson's. Coal ! Coal! ! I will keep on hand a full supply of Red Ash Egg Coal. Give me a cah. SA B. JoNES. Lime. Received this day one car load (10) barrels) fresh Lime; liirge barrels and best quality at S. P. Boozer's. 3t County Farmers' Association. The Newberry County Farmers' As sociation will meet at Newberry on the first Monday in November, to elect officers, and also delegates to the State Convention to be held in Columbia sometime during next li,onth. Cook Stoves. Our stock is now complete, embrac ing the very best qualities. Prices and Stoves to suit everybody, from $12.50 for a No. 7 Complete Stove up to finer and more expensive ones. Every stove warranted at S. P. Boozer's hardware and stove store. 3t Supervisors of Election. The United States Circuit Court in Charleston has appointed the following Democratic supervisors of election for Newberry County: Silas J. Mc Caughrin, E. L. Chalmers, David N, Thomas, Moorman Ruff, Charlton Cro mer, Melvin B. Chalmers, E. H. Long shore, William W. Wallace, Frank Schumupert, Geo.. G. Lane, John C. Halfacre, John B. Crooks, Ed. R. Hipp. Luck in a Lottery. Mr. Boyce B. Hunter, of Newberry, held a twentieth ticket in the October drawing of the State Lot tery. His ticket was numbered 73,946, -which drew the second capital prize of $100,000, and he will therefore get the sum of $5,000-one-twentieth of the prize. The drlawing took place Octo .ber 9th, andl on last Monday Mr. Hun ter forwarded the ticket through the National Bank- of Newberry for col lection. R.emember tha.t WXright & J. W. Cop pock give a discount of t.en per cent from regular prices on all cash sales.tfi Confcctions, Cakes and Crackers al ways fresh at S. B. JONEs-- tf Very fine assortment of Breech-load ing G uns, Gun Tro ppings and Anmmu nition for sale at unprecedented low prices for cash, by Peoplea & Johnson. 4t T. M#. C. A. Notes'. The members who attended the ."o cial tea" given by the Ladies Auxali ary last Thlur.".iay even ing have another link added to tile chain of pleasant recollections of the Association. About 60 members and friends were present, and every one seemned to enjoy very much the p)reparat ions mra~de to gratify both taste, and sightz, and ear: The evening was enlivened by good music, interspersed with short responses to "toasts" to our work. On Thursday evening the meceting will be for menCf, 1'nId a talk will be made by a m)emi r; sub'ject "Tact." The meeting Suind:ay afternoon wvill be conducted by one of our young law yers, and a good time is anticipated. Let us go out and hear thenm! State Secretary C'oulter will pay us a visit next Tuesd.ay. J3. T- N. If you want a first-elasa Sewintg Ma chine, call on D. B. Wheeler on Friend street, next door to Dr. Pope's oticee. tf~ Two Good Gins. We have two sp)lenidid gins in good condition and ready to gin for all per sons who will kindly bring tus their cotton. Clean seed and a good turnout of nice lint. Steam Press. 2t. DoMINICK & LovELACE. Hallowv, Charlie! Have you been spending the winter in Mexico? Naw, been to Wright & Coppock's; couldn't resist. tf Turnip Seeds. Turnip Seeds. Ruta baga, Early Fiat Dutch, Red or Purple Top, Amber Globe, Yellow A berdeen, Mammoth Globe, Golden Ball and other varieties just received and for sale at Robertson's Drug Store, opposite the Postoffice. Please remember that we need mnon ey, and call and pay what you owe. 4t PEoPL.ES & JOH NSoN. Good Paper at 6.5c a ream, at J. W Chapman's. Shannon Files,ehieap, at Hunt's Book Store. tf. "Have you read the latest novel'."' "No; wvhat is it?' "It is 'The Quick or the Dead,' by Amelie Rives. it is on sale at Hunt's Book Store.'" Read it. tf. The best~tome for weak and delicate children, and also the best remedy for coughs and colds, is Cod Liver Oil, with Hpphosphites. Prepared by P. Xoberson, pharmaeist, opposite the Post NEWSERRY'S GRANITE. The Best and the Prettiest Stone in the State for Building Purposes-A Fortune In It. - Fb Time and again we are reminded that 12% the granite which abounds in New- be berry County is the best and prettiest in the State for all practical purposes. wi The granite now being used in the TI Government building in Augusta is E. being furnished from the quarries ini this county, by Messrs. Leavell & su: Speers. to The first stone on the building was laid last Thursday. The Augusta eh Chronicle has the following about the granite Newberry is furnishing: ele Foreman 3MeMenamin says the stone used is from New berry, S. C., and is as fine as any he ever used in the number Co; of years he has been in the business. "It is almost too hard-at least the 'el stone-cutters says so-and it is very severe on their t'ools, dulling them in a sal short time," remarked a hystander, who was watching the skillful attack of the workmen on the roughened 3 edges of the small squares which will da go into the walls. The rock is granite, of a darker an<i at bluer color than that of Stone Mfoun tain. The 'grain is much closer. Fire u glints from the blows of the tools con- liv stantly. A large and valuable portion of the ni granite in this county is contiguous to tor the route of the Three C's:Railroad,and Ge here is a fortune when the railroad is rei completed, the cars used to bring us to coal and Western produce can go back with a load of our beautiful, solid gran ite. The Northwest and the great ha Mississippi Valley have no granite de- ne posits, and this class of stone is always th in great demand. Newberry will have bu the advantage over other sections of' the State. whose systems of railroads lead to the North, where there is an op thu idance of granite, while ours leads un to the great Northwest, where there is to) no granite. of Now is the time to go to work, so that the granite will be ready for the Li West when the road is completed. pr] Let a company be formed with front Tt 25,000 to $-0,000 capital to get out the tic granite. ph _.elena Heraidings. Mrs. J. M. Bowers is on a visit to her Ih mother, Mrs. Sparks, at Columbia. ru Mrs. Dr. Strother, of Datesburg, paid ho a visit last week to her sister, Mrs. Dr. m: Welsh, while on her way to Walhalla. an Mr. and _Mrs. John Sligh were on a to brief visit to Mr. and Mrs. Cromer a lie few days ago. a I Dr. S. G. Welsh has returned from a GI flying visit to the "hall of the gods." .Mr. T. P. Lane,- recently returned m from abroad, is off again to-dry for laz Charleston, with a lot of cattle and el mules. en Mrs. Ann 'Milligan has opened a little school for younger children, at M er home. "The cry is, still they conie!" Capt. N Pitts is bo(u)yant! Mfr. James 0. M1eredith, jr., is accept ably serving as conductor of the Lau rens Railway freight train. d We were pleased to meet our genial young friends, Mel. Chalmers and be Haskell Wright, in the village last Sun- pa day afternoon. Epicur~es tell us that the persimmon ne and the o'possumn are ripening fast. C< A paper h?s been drawn up and signed by a number of citizens, request- da ing the management of the Columbia re and Greenville Railroad to give street car rates betwveen Helena and New- le berry. We trust the petition may be te granted. It will be a great favor to the public, and partichlarly to the citizensrr of Helena, a number of whomx make s daily visits to Newberry. Some of them are patrons of the road as merchants and others as travelers, while some are cli poor bread-winners who would like to T. take advantage of an occasional ride. The distance is a mile and a quarter, fr and five cents tallies with the tariff of rates. As the trains stop at both places br there will be no inconvenience-simf ply to gather in the nickles. Baggiesi and Wagons t At low lprices at Schumnpert's Em- y porium, next door to D, B. Wheeler. p 4t -A Prize to Purchasers. To every' one that buys a suit of clothes with other goods to.the amount a of M.,A: wey will give a watch worth ti r>.00 free. I g hm. M1INTER &Z JAMIEsoN. S-tfor's Copying Ink at linut' ar Book Sore. tf. lo Is Life Worth Living'. Not if vou go through the world a dys peptie. Acker's D)yspepsia Tab)lets aren a itive cure for the worst forms of Dspepsia, Inidigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Gaur'anteed andl sold by N P. Robertson, opliosite Postoflice, N ew berry, S. C. Wriirht & J. W. Coppock's is the bi place to get your C'lothiing want 01 to get the worth of your mioney\. t f Cr' qutet Sets. Hlamm ocks, Fishing- B takl"s, etc., at Hunt's Book Store. tf. st MIore of those Oxford Bibles, at J. W. Chapman's. b 1)on't forget that D. B. Wheeler has is on haiid at reasonable p)rices the Do mest ie, Davis and( t he New Home hew ine M1achines. tf H Schoon BooKs cheap at Hunt's Book Store. ~ tf People Everywhere Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Renmedy is in ev- B ry way superior to any and all other pr~eparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is C magic and relieves at once. We offer i on a sample bottle free. Remiember, tI this Remedy is sold on a positive guar antee. by P. Robertson, opposite Post office, Newberry, S. C.(1 For lame back, sie or chest, use Shi lo's Porous Plaster. Pice 2~> cents. Box Papers. at J. W. Chapman's, S "Comet Style," "Bullion," "Charred Ede" etc., etc.a cl I will sell all my stock of summer B woos for 20 per cent. less than cost. I if I). C. Fl'rss. ID W.ond(erful. am It is wonderful how J. S. Russell ei can sell 10 cakes of soap for :5cts., and al groceries, dry goods, boots, shoes, sr crockery-ware, glass-ware, tin-ware, t hardware, and other things so low a down. .Call and see for yourselv es. tf t CATAREH CURED, healtband swee 01 breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. .Price 50 cents. Nasal In-1 cator free. si i . VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. The cotton market yesterday was oted at 85 to 8; for middling. Don't forget to prepare for the State .ir, which will be held November -1(. The attractions this year will on a grand scale. L'h union service iext Sunday night l be held in the Methodist church. e sermon will be preached by Rlev. P. McClintock. L'he railroad authorities have re ned work on the spur track leading Langford's cotton warehouse. Zunday was a beautiful day and the urclies were largely attended. i he list of managers of the general tion for the precincts in NewberryL unty can be seen in our advertising umns. aj. Jno. P. Kinard, auctioneer, will I a house and lot in Helena next eday. Cancy Bailey, a colored woman fifty urs of age, died in Graveltown Tues y night. - t missionary meeting will be held Mt. Pilgrim Lutheran church next n(iay. Several addresses will be de red. he Newberry Rifles are drilling at ht on Courthouse square, prepara y to inspection by the Adjutant neral. The military spirit has been ,ived in Newberry in earnest, and is be commended. :'he Editor of The Herald and News beei confined to his bed by sick ;s for the past week. He has not' ?refore, been able to meet several 3iness appointments in the county. is now convalescent. verybody in Newberry should co rite with President Peoples in his tiring endeavors to build up the n. Attend the meeting of the Board Trade on Friday night. Jr. T. C. Pool who was elected first iutenant of the Newberry Rifles, for vate reasons, has declined the office. e other ofiicers accepted. An elec n for first Lieutenant will take ce on Friday night next. dr. C. C. Chase has leased the Mer ints Hotel and will succeed Mr. y in conducting it. Mr. Chase now is both the Merchants and Windsor tels. He has Mr. J. R. Thackam as wager-at the Windsor. Mr. Thack has been at the desk long enough be well known to the traveling pub ,and is a most competent assistant as otel man.-Spartanburg Letter to eeuville News. rhe County Teachers Association 4t in the Female Academy Building t Saturday and reorganized by the tion of the following officers for the suing year: President, Juo. P. Glasgow; vice esident, Rev. A. J. Bowers; Secretary, rs. A. J. Long. The Association 11 meet again the second Saturday in >vember. . Personal. Mr. Eduard Scholtz returned Mon y from New York. Mrs. Hulda Barre, of Greenville, has en visiting relatives in Newberry the st week. essrs. Johnstone & Cromer, attor ys for Senn, are at the Spartanburg >urt. ir. Jas. K. P. Goggans left yester y for Edgefield on business, and will urn Saturday. Drs. WV. Q. H-ouseal and Jag. M. Kib left ye sterday for Spartanburg to stifv in the Senn case. iss Mattie McCaughrin returned esday from Concord, N. C., where e has been sp)ending the summer. Ir. Abner Durham, of Fairlield, is. yrking for his brother-in-law, Mr. F. Harmon. Rev. H. F. Shea1y returned Friday >m Savannah. Iiss Mary Mayes is on a visit to her other, Mr. J. T. Mayes. Lady Florence's Tooth and Mouth ash, an elegant and safe preparation preser-ving and beautifying the h and strengthening the gums. r sale at Robertson's Drug Store, op site the Post Office. tf. Certificates to Teachers. The teacher's examination resulted follows: Nine whites stood, and cer iates were granted as follows-Ist ade-2 males, 7 females. Twenty-four colored applicants stood .d certificates were granted as fol ws: 1st grade-3 femnales; 2d grade 'emales, 3 males; 3d grade-2 females, males; failed to pass-3 females, 4 ales. Who keeps the nicest stock of Hats in ew berry? Wright & J. W. Coppock and see them and be convinced. tf. Wright & J. WV. Coppock have got a stock, and they are going to sell it give it away. Mark is. tf A full stock of general Hardware, ilders' Material and Cutlery now in >re and at greatly reduced prices for sh, at Peoples & Johnson's. 4t SLEE PLEss NIG 1-Ts, made miseral e - that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure the Remedy for you. Writing paper at 3 cents a quire at unt's Book Store. Fresh Oysters ! Fre4h Oysters !! Are now being served in all styles at n Jones' restaurant. Base-balls from5c. to $1.530, at Hunt's :ok Store. tf. Everyone should see Wright & J. W. >ppock's Underwear before purchas g. It is as comfortable as ornamen I. This is saying much, but 'tis true. TAT HACKING CoroH can be so ickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We Lar-antee it. You will save money by buying your hool Books at Hunt's Book Store. SCHOOL CRAYON.-Having bouglt large supply we can afford to sell Leap. Call and examine at Hunt's ook Store. tf Pimples on the Face note an impure state of the blood and e looked upon by many with suspi >n. Acker's Blood Elixir will remove I impurities and leave the complexion aooth and clear. There is nothing at will so thoroughly build up the nstitution, purify and strengthen e whole system. Sold and guaran ed by P. Robertson, opposite Post liee, 'New berry, S. C. Meals served at all hours and on .+r noie a Sam Jones' restaurant. WORKING FOR THE COMMON GOOD. The Board of Trade Holds An Important Meeting-One Still More Important To-morrow Night. THE THREE C'S' RIGHT OF WAY. At the meeting of the Board of trade, held Monday night, 0he special coninit tee on Rail Roads reported, that the price for the right of way, for the Three C's Road through the town, had been agreed upon, with the exception of four lots, the owners of these lots, viz: .no. R. Leavell, E. S. Coppock, M. A. Carlisle, and Os Wells, declining to accept the offer of the committee, which leaves the matter open for adjustment. The connittee was instructed to correspond with Mr. Black, the mana ger of the Augusta Division of the Three C's, in reference to the matter, and to report the result of the corres pondence, to the Board atan adjourned meeting to be held on Friday night of this week. The railroad authorities are waiting upon the people of Newberry to decide the matter of the right of way. They are anxious to let the contract for the Augusta Division, and will do so as soon as the right of way is secured. Let there a full attendance Friday night. NEWBERRY- TO BE ADVERTISED. The report of the special committee on advertising the town recommended that the Board issue four thousand copies of a pamphlet of twenty pages, giving a brief history or sketch of the towp and county with a full descrip tion of all their resources; and that a committee be appointed to attend to the proper and judicious distribution of the pamphlet. The contract for printing the same is to be given to the lowest bidder of the printing offices in town. The conunittee's report was adopted without any change. A Recognition of Merit. Dr. A. P. Johnstone left Anderson on last Fride y to assume the professorship which he has accepted in the dental de partment of the Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tennessee. In this con nection it will be proper to quote the fol lowing extract from the Dental Head light: "Dr. A. P. Johnstone, of Ander son, South Carolina,-was elected to fill the important position of Demonstra tor of Operative and MechanicalDentis try. He is a gentleman of recognized ability, and possesses in a high degree those rare qualities which peculiarly fit him for the place." The Doctor's many friends in Anderson regret to have him and his interesting family leave us, but at the same time they ap preciate this recognition of his merits and wish for him the greatest success in his new field.-Anderson Jouriial Oct. 3. Death of a Veteran Conductor. At 11 o'clock last night Captain George E. Isaaes died suddenly at his residence, corner of Marion and Taylor streets. For the past three months Capt. Tsaacs had been comrplaining; in fact, had been incapacitated for work, from a throat trouble, but on retiring last evening he did not complain of feeling any worse than .usual. Before his wife, who was in the room with him, was aware of the impending dis solution, the Captain gave one long gasp and expired. Capt. Isaacs wvas the oldest railroad man in the service of the Columbia anid Greenville Railroad; he had been con ductor of the road every since its or ganization. He was about 70 years of age, and leaves a wife and several childiren, all of whom are married. Register, 17th. PROSPERIITY LETTER. Number of bales of cotton sold dur ing the week ending Tuesday Oct. 15th is 372, against 661 last week. The downward tendency of the market has caused the offerings to be light. Price to-day 82 on a basis of Middlings. Fan cy cotton 82 to 8?. The editor and readers of The Herald and News will please exeuse us for not writ ing~ a letter this week. We do niot feel like writing. Our house is a house of mourning. The Angel of Death has visited our home, and he claimed our loving and gentle Mamie as his own. God has called her away to her eternal rest. Her passage was calm and peace ful across the rugged Jordan. The Savior was with her and she dreaded it niot-allI was calm-no struggling with the girm monster-no dilation of eyes not a cortortion of muscle, but with folded arms the voyage across was per fectly calm. Truly Jesus can mlake the dying bed as soft as downy pillars are." Mam'ie has left us, but we do know that our loss is her eternal gain, and we can say, not our will but thine, 0 Lord, be done. HERALD)INGS FROM NO.6. Splendid. wveather for farm work. Cotton crop very poor. Oats arc being sown, and I thiink a heavy crop will be put inl. Mr. John S. Floyd will move to Wal halla about Christmas. W. G. Peter son will move to .J.S.Floyd's place. WV. P. D)avenport will miove to W. G. Pe terson's place. Mr. R. K. Reeder has bought a part of L. W. Floyd's home place and is building on it, and intends moving there before Christmas. Mr. F. H. Dominick has divided his Tribble place into seven tracts and sol d it to the colored people. Our schools will open the 6th of November next. Miss Mary Burton will teach the Trinity school, Mrs. M. H. Clary the Smyrna, Miss Beulah Compton the Reederville, Mr. K. D. Senn is now teaching the Bush River, and I suppose Miss Ellen Sheldon, of Tugaloo, will teach the Dominick school. I think they are a set of as good teachers as there is in the county. October 15, 1888. TE:LL. A Safe investment. is one which is guaranteed to bt ing you satisfactory results. or in case of 'ailure a re - turn of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumup tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case. when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest. such as Consumption, Infiam nmation or Lungs, Bronchitis. Asthma. Whoop ing Cough, Croup. etc., etc. It is pleasant and areeable to taste. perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at Cofleld & Lyons -Drug Store. I Court in Spartanburg. [Correspondence Greenville New SPARTANBURG, October 15. Court of General Sessions convened iorning, Judge Kershaw presik Congressman Cothran is in attend as of counsel for George S. Tui charged with the killing of Met: t foreign laborer. It will be ren bered that Turner was tried for homicide once before and found gi rf manslaughter, but on appeal to Supreme Court, he was given a trial. Turner is the owner of the gerville cotton factory, and his cas< attracted a great deal of attention. trial is set for 9 o'clock to morrow n ing. The Senn Murder is another pr nent cause. George Johnstone, of berry, is here representing Senn. the call of the case he requested judge to pass it, and it is not ku whether it will be brought to this term or not. The case has continued already a great many ti while Seni eats the people's foo the jail, until the public have be< tired of it. Hazing at the Citadel. CHARLES'rON, October 1u.-C Kennedy, a son of General Johr Kennedy, is reported as seriously i the Citadel Academy, and his brol in-law arrived last night to look : him. Cadet Kennedy hasn't got yellow fever, as there is none here him to get. The report generally c lated here. that he has a bad ca hazing. Nothing, however, coul learned about it at the citadel, anc report may or may not be true-pi bly not. It is difficult to get infoi tion on the subject. Cadet Keni will, however, probably be grani furlough, and expects to be able t turn to the academy in a week c He is a "plebe," having entered academy October 3d. Hazing is pr< ited at the academy, and should turn out to be a case of hazing t will be trouble among the older ca< Another Pension Veto. WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.-The P dent has v.etoed the bill pensio Mary K. Richards, on the ground the pension bureau has reexam her rejected case since the passas this bill, and decided to grant I pension on the ground that the foi rejection was an error. The President commenting on says: "With this action of the per bureau I concur. I therfore, ven notwithstanding persistent misr sentations in similar cases, to d prove of this bill upon the ground deserving beneficiary will receive, der the action of the pension buret much larger sum that she wou such action was superceded by amount of the proposed statute in behalf." The Eight-Hour In Force. WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.--It stated at the postoffice departmen day that the eight-hour system for ter carriers was in force all over country, except San Diego, Cala., ghany City, Pa., and Jacksonville, Tellow fever causes the delay at latter place; while the other two l not perfected their arrangements. Thirty-Third Degree Masons. WAsmINGToN, Oct 15.-The sup: oouncil, Thirty-third Degree, Sco Rite Masonry, for the southern j diction of the United States, met to-day. Among those in attend are several members from Jalpan Hawaii. The Third on Record. WAsHINGTON. Oct. 15.-Mrs. Ad Bettinger, of Lincoln, Neb., was te admitted to practice before the sup1 court of the United States. She is third woman lawyer admited to] tice in this. court. Her predece have been Mrs. Belva Lockwood Mrs. Gordon, of San Frahxcisco. Every wife and mother in the e try should know the great valt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, as a blood pur It gives tone, health, and. strengh~ the vital organs, corrects all irregt ties, and expels impurities fronm system. Young and old use it. Pric A Common-sense Remedy, In the matter of curatives what want is something that will do its while you continue to do yours-ar dy that will give you no inconven nor interfere with your business. a remedy is ALCOCK'S Poxous I TERS. These plasters are purely table and absolutely harmless. reuire no change of diet, and ar afieted by wet or cold. Their a does not interfere with labor or ness; you can toil and yet be< while hard at work. They are so that the youngest, the oldest, the delicate persons of either sex cai them with great benefit. Beware of imitations, and do n deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for ALcOcK's, andI let no e: nation or solicitation induce yout cept a substitute. Cnour,Wroom1NO Co~car and]I chitis immediately relieved by Shi Cure. Merits Win. we desire to say to our citizens, thb years we have been selling Dr King's Discovery for Comsumnption. Dr. King' Life Pills, Buck.len's Arnica salve and t ric Bitters, and have never handled ren that sell as well, or that have given uniiersal satisfaction. we do not hesit guarantee them every time, and we ready to'refund the purchase pr,ce, if factry results do not ftollow their use. remedies have won their great popu purely on their merits. Cofieldl & L Drggist.s. Caution to Mothera. Every mother is cautioned ag giving her child laudanum or pa-reg it creates an unnatural cravigm stimulants which kills the mindo: child. Acker's Ba by Soot her is spee prepared to benefit children and their pains. It is harmless and coni no Opium or Morphine. Sold b: Robertson, opp)osite Postflilee, berry, S. C. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspi and Liver Comxplaint? Shiloh's lizer is guaranteed to cure you. Shannon File, at J. W. Chapm Flynn is again with us and p have gone down with a rush ; w~ goes to show that he means bus this time. Full stock of White Lead and and other Paints at Peoples & J son's. Wright & J. W. Coppock's li1 Gents' Neckwear is just awfully That is what the ladies say, . e lest looking ones. Are You Skeptical ? If so, we will convince you that Ac English Remedy for the lungs i-s ror to all other preparations, an< positive cure for all Throat and ] troubles, Croup, Whooping Cough Colds. We guarantee the prepar and will give you a sample bottle P. Robertson, opposite Postotlice, berry, S. C. ali.i SmIton's VITALIZERa is what need for Constipation, Loss of App .zziness, and all symptoms of pepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents pe: t-----e. ~' MARRIAGES. October .'kd, 1SSS, by Rev. W. J, .]J Lan.gston, MIr. Thos. R . Workman, of The New berry County, to Iiss Mary Atchi this soi, daughter of Mr. Jas. L. Atchison ill. of Laurens County. ane -ner, DEATHS. Mkia' Miss Miamie 1L. Whites, daughtcr o: th Capt. U. B. \hites, of Prosperity died on Friday, 12th instant, in th( th 22nd year of her age. new Mrs. Mary L. Wilson. mother of Ir Fin- W. M. Wilson, of Newberry, died al has Peak on Friday, 12th instant, aged 7 The years, 11 months and 16 days. torn Advertised Letters. n1i- Po"T OFI(':. NEWRaRRY. C. C. ew- List of letters unclainwd and advertise< At October 16, SS. the Brown, "Miss Fannie Livingston. Nancy C. own Bradburn. P. N. lenwick.Mis Amand; trial Cromer. William Spence. Miss Mallie eiCook, Mi1ss Allice Teller, Latitte nDavis, Izeake walkeT. Miss Vena rnes, Edwards. Miss Sallie Wilson, George (2) d in Johnson. Miss Fanny Wilson. Miss Delfay Kinard, Melvin d) Wilson, Miss -Mahale: Persons calling for these letters will pleas, say they were ad vertised. E. S. Ii ERP.ERT, P. M. Oil, Paints and Art material of evi description, at D. tf. HUNT'S :OOK STORE. at Glennl Springs Water, just received her- and for sale by case or bottle, by P Robertson, Pharmllacist, opposite th< for postoffice. ircu- Good Writing Paper at 4c a quire al sebe J. W. Chapman's. the hoba- A CARD. - I CAN now be found at the store o1 edya .Jos. Manni, Newberry, 8. C., and :ed a am prepared to show my friends a full o re- line of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, No r so. tions, Toys, etc., at remarkably low the prices. Din't fail to call and see m( thib before )uyiig. this 2t ~ J. T. SETZLER. lets- NOTICE. OFFICE OF CoUNTY COMMISSIONERS, resi- Newberry County, S. C., Oct. 2, 1888. Qing ITOTICE is hereby given that all that I persons holding bills, accounts, oi ined demands of any kind against thf ,e of County, which have not been presented er a to the Board of County Comnissimners mer are required to deposit the same wit: me, on or before the first day of No. this vember, so that they may be examined sion at the regular annual yueeting of th( ture,- Board on the 6th of November, 1888. ?pre- 4t. GEO. B. CROMER, Clerk. isap that u n- I~ OP~ the her - This way a minute if you please. Here are as some facts for your care ful consideration. We Fl a r e surrounded by the stocks of Merchandise ranging from $10,000 to $15,000, but the ~Ro uss System 0%e IS WINNING RIGHT and ALONG side of them! Why is this thus ? a. .ISimply because of the da GREAT ADVANTAGE the- OF THE CASH SYS. and TEMV. We are daily adding ofnumbers to our LONG SLIST OF CUSTOMERE "and our BUSINESS IE e Si- GROWING at a RAPIt RATE, the effect of omu e"e New -Method Such Now it is left witt: you. Will YOU join the rhey ranks of those who art timarching under th( bui CASH BANNER, or wil pur you struggle on undes use the debt-bedraggled tbe colors of the credin ila- army until you fail it o ac a the unequal conflict? is daily sending some of thi " resistless bargainIs obtained bj Elec- him with the REiDY DOLLAR edies "a Call early be fore they are al aa,d gone, for they go out as rapid. rit ly as they come in, anad yeOt may be too late if you delay .is REM2VEMIBER .THI orc, RACKET STORE. te for! lal COuOK & cureCAR WILE ita an's. rices' '.1'RAOE MARXK".~ Oil, ohn 4t COBIOiE with GEAT REACTING POWM THEY ARE AS TRANSPARENT AND CO1 e_ of ORLESS AS LIGHT ITSELF, nte And for soft ness of endurance to the eye can ,tenot be excelled, enabling the wearer to rea< tf for hours without fatigue. In fact, they ar Perfect Sight Preservers ker's Testimonials from the leading physician In the United States.:;overnors, senators, leg .upe- islators, stockmena, men of note in all prm 1 is a fessions and branches of trade, hankers, met un~ chanics. etc..evan be:iven who have had thei ani~ sight improved by their use. ition ALL EYES FITTED, free. And the Fit Guaranteed by Ne COF!ELD & LYONS, -Newberry, S. C. you These glasses are not supplied to peddlers a etite, any price. Dys- A. K. HAWKES, LbOt IIIOLESALE DEPOTS ATLAST~ GA AUSTLN,TEXAS INEWPALLAN I We are not bragging 1 are prepared to show the FINEST, FULLEST STOCK M E NS', BOYS' AND CHILDREI SHOES, HATS A EVER SHOWN UP IN We expect you to put c and we are prepared to j claim. FIG RES IRE THE FIRS Therefore come and see I con.vinced that we LEAD I !SMITH&1 . THE "NEWBERRY B. H. Cline's Old Stand, - DON'T HEI CR YOU WILL B! I W.A.]TT T~I AND MUST HAVE IT,IF LOW F I have to acknowledge .the corn, I am OV E even at a big ss 1,000 yards of WhiteLawn Remnants, I 1 1ac. per yard, worth 8c. .yd 22,000 yards of Colored Lawns, Rem- 1 nants at 3 c. per yard-worth 61c. 1 $1 There is not help for misfortune, ai 15e. Scotch Cheviots down to loc. ( Berges down to 15c. 1 20c tc. double-width Dress Goods down I to l:5c. rifi WhiteDressRoUies less than halt price. 1 2 THOSE PRICES ARI BUT THERE IS NO C WIIIT E{; of every kind, slaughtered, including Vi French Lawns. The largest and pretl Broche, open Plaids canvas s white Dress Good s ever brov. surprise al ut these LOW PRiI WHICH ASTONISHE Flouncing in Swiss and Oriental, 54 inches broidery awful cheap. Silk Gloves at 10c-worth 20c. Bleachin Cottonades, Linns, a of every k MAKE A NOT Parasols, Umbrellas, Shoes, Slippers, Base: that can be found in a No. 1 Racket Store, i: D).. O. ~B-' THE LEADER AND 'TIS OURS) The Wholesale and ReIaiI I -AND CROCEaRY.TRADE WE HAVE THE STOCK! THE S THE CAPITAL! THE ENERC AND, THEREFORE, We ClaimtIhe Lead! We Like Oppt and under no condition will we bu BOSS BuSINESS 11O01I Every express brings new styles ar< the latest novelties. Despite the gener the last month our business has been are 75 per cent. better than we expected We desire to openly acknowled4 thanking them for their past favors, an future, assuring them that we will ever and that they will always find our sto& best quality and at the very lowest boti quote to you some of ourstartling, unpr so very busy that we actually cann< Remnbenmber that we will not, cannot for cash, and consequently can offer yoi Finally, in conclusion, and by way this one fact upon your mind: Don't fo We handle Bacon, Flour and 1M course, our prices are much lower than. smaller lots; in fact, we can offer y< department. as our goods are all fresh COMIE AND SEE US. fLOYD & I WILL SEL CALL:-:BEFORE: YOU WILL SA GROCERIES DRY4( 'BOOTS AND HfOE A9 I HLL LINE OF L OODS Il t . FOO'i * :-'-~~- - RNTER GOOBSJ when we say that we ND CHEAPE8 OF 'S CLOTHING, ND FURNISHING GOOD THIS COUNTRY. ur claim to the test irove every point we TND FINL TEST, or yourselves, and be N OUR LINE. MIEAR? CLOTHIERS." NEWBER.Y, 5. SITATE? TOO LATEE E ASI-_ RICES WILL FETCH IT. :' RSTOCKED, andmust un3osia-X crifice. ?,000 yards of best Gingham, 10 to & Remnants. 9c. Cheap at 12 73 bundles of Calico and Woreclat ;er bundle. id we must keep knocking. riental marked from 10c. to 5c., to 18c., from 25c. to 12jc. Iamburg Edging and Inserting: eed to half price. )c. Sateens down to 12e . SCANDALOUS. UR0 FOR IT. toria, Bishop, India Linen an- = iest variety of striped checked y yles and ~satin inished ght here. The only Goods is the 3ES, S EVERYBODY. Allover Hamburg and Sw . at 25c.-worth 50c; Hoisery , Sheeting, Ticking, simeres, Towels, nnmmgs ind. E OF THIS: Ball Shoes, and, in fact, everything CHAMPION OF LOW PR[,1NS. WHAT? ry Coeds; Boots, Sh 6 OF NEWBERR' TYLES! THE LOCATION! Y! THE LOW PRICES! THE TRADE! Silill! WYe Def fflj@pIiiii lge from our position .as the [ every freight train is laden wit.. al dullness which prevailed for mnost satisfactory, and dur saler e our gratitude to our patronar d hope for a continuance in the ' use our best endeavors to please, yk of goods the best selected, h. om figures. We would like ecedented prices, but we areket: >t find the time to get them ap be undersold, as we buy strctl y every advantage. of parentliesis, let us impress rget the p!aae ! olasses by the car load, and, ot when these goods are boughtia.. >u special inducements in tha - and bought at bottom figures4 'URCELL H., & CL0 L YOU - -:YOU:-:BUY. yE MONEY. LOTHING~ ,oD__ ~ ~ - ~