Local and Special. Church Notices. BAPTIST-.ev. C. P. Scott, pastor. preaching nexL Sunday at 11 a. tn. and 7 -0 p. m. Sun. cay school at 3:30 p. m.. Mr. .1. B. Carwile, Superintendent. Prayer meeting Wednesday at7:' p.m. LLrHEaAN-Rev. W. C. Schaeffer. partor. Preaching next sunday by the past or, at 11 a. m. and 7 45 p. in. Sunday schoul at 9:30 a. - in., )r. W. Gu- tave iouseal, uperintendent. Prayer meeting Friday at 7:45 p. in. 31-TIoulsT--1ev. .1. L. stokes, pastor. Preaching by the pas:or at 11 a. in. and 7:15 p. in. Sunday school at 4 p. in.. Mr. John w. Chapman, Superintendent. Prayer meeting at7:1Sp. In. .t. It. PREsi- rEIuAN-Rev. E. P. 3cC;intock. pastor. service next Sun.(X) we will give a watch worth 5.00 free. liii. MINTER & JA IIEsoN. Returning to Newbrrry. Mr. Thos. S. Moorman will return to Newberry to-day, and will be in his office ready for business from this date. He has been absent from his business here for some time on account of sick ness in his famlily and the death of his wife. His little daughter, who has been quite sick, is much improved. For lame biack, side or ehest, usc Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Price 253 eents. Base-balls fromt 5e. to SI1.50, at Hunt's Bot k Stere. t f. Everyone shouid see W\righit & J. WV. Coppo~i~ck's t..nd erwea r b efore purchias ing. It is as comifoirtable as ornamnen tal. 'This is satying much, but 'tis true. tf For a good qutantity of Tea call on t f. S. B. JoN Es. G;lenn Springe Wat er, just received and for sale by'cose or bottle, by P. post (Alice. ivtnn is aii.:iin w~ith u..m :md pri'cs have gone dvr.n v, ith a ush ;which goes to sh~ow that he metants adsiness this time. t!. A1ttemiipt at inrg.lary. On 3Monday night Lineie BrtryU, colo:red, made an atte2ityt to enter the re iece of i:r. Thes. F. Harm~non. It was about ia. mn.. at:tt the nise5 awoke MIr. HIarmona: and wh'n lbe lookedl ont of his windowv he saw her coming on the p)orch. ie wen oUt pind siheshowed and scrateihed Mr. Hatrmon's hand aind armn e,.,'Ideraly. Shte was arr.sted and lodtted in jail. Su-:i-:i';E-s Nit.nJTS, mladef. misrble by that terrible co;.h Shijloh's ('tre is the Remiedy fo you. Writing pf:per at 3~ eentS a ure at -Hunt's lBook store. Go'vi Pape t de. a reami, at .X. Shannl ion i ,-,( ha p, t HIunt's Book'j Store. tt. "Havie you rea he latest novei:' 'No- what is. it'" "I is 'The Q~uick 01r the dea'. hy Amenlie ives,~ *lt is on1 sale at H?uait's hook Store." Readl it. ti. L.adv Floee's~ Tooxth and1 Mouthi WAash.'un eleganut andi' safe prepiarton1 for preserv ir andt beaut i 'v:n. ihe. teeth and s nihen'! ingi I aie gums. For Sal'e at I ooe ds.on' D)rug .sto'e, oip We'athier Rtepol is. New erry sh1ouldI receive the weather reports, andi we are glad the miatter has been called to the attention of the .Board of Trade and taken in charge b,y that body. The Herald and News spoke of this mtatter last year and tried to in terest our people in it, but nothing was done. Now that the Board of Trade has taken hold of it we shall have everything arranged in a aborr wvhile to receive these reports. Sc!root (Univox.-Havin~g bought at large supply we can, atfford to sell chieap. ('all att exanne at Hunt's Book Store. t f F'or Base-hoall-. Batts, (Caps, Belts, Nasks. G..love.., t., go to Hunt' B look Store. tf. Sam .Jones is now furnishing ce (Creatm, Soda Water and Milk Shakes that is unexcelledl. WVe know it to be true. Oil, Pa:inits and Art miaterial of every de.scriptioin, at t f. H uNT's BooK STrORtE. Ice Hous eni z-uunday's S to 9 n. m tf. S. B. .JONE W..vorv Sm wili'itht Dyspepsa and.ei ive iit n - ' II ~ . ' hlh Vt1 - Gooden Writ i n'. Pa; r at 4" a qutire~ at i)'. W.Ca n. .B Victrh (4i !!and at re. nabl pA rices the D' - and. t.:Newa Homes J*ew The Tax we Pay. Our County Auditor has furnishe( us the following figures whieh. may in terest our readers. We give the tota amount of taxes to be collected this fal in this county and the purposes fo which they are collected. The rail road tax is for the townslhips that havi voted railroad subscriptions. The pol tax is to be added to the school tax, a it is applied to the support. of the corn i mon schools: State Tax............................. ,4 2 3 County Tax.......................... 11,677 N Scool Tax........................... 7,785 2 Poll Tax............................. 3,3 l; 0< Itailroa'l Tax........................ 1.52S TLIZER is wvhat vo1 need fo'r (Const ipatin, Loss of A ppetite Izz.iness and all sympntois of Dv pepsi. .. rice 10 awil 75 eents per' bot tie. Cno:rl,WiIonoI'N C(r Ht(i mnt; Bron chitis inmmediately relieved by Shlilohi' Cu:'e. T.or !Ha(KIxo ('or(;fir nn lie si qucl cured by Shiloh's Cure. WX guar'anse it. AlIr. F"'ed. A.Shmet has1 miove< into M;. M. A. CaVlsle's house oi Adams 5 -e'(t. 31r. W. F. Ewart has mioved into th hoause on1 Caldwe" Strieet, va:cted b: Mr. 2'chum pcirt. Sir. lD. 31et:s has~ moved i:do: Mr Lake's house next to Ai;. .Jno. A. Cha p Irad. \r. Wmn. P. IHouseal wilh moive to d:y to M-. Lathrop's house in Brook lya, eo iveient to his new house upoi which wvork willl be commnenced a once. Al". W. H. Huit, J:.., wi i begir holise-keeping in tihe ihouse on Calhout Street. ocupied by Mr;. H-ouseal. Th'le best tomei for weak and delicat< ehihdren, and ailso tl-e bes. renedy fo, cougrhs and coldds, is ( od Liver Oil, wit] Hypophiosphiites. Preparedl b y P' Ronber'tsn, phiarnuigeist, opp.,inte. th Post Office, t f. ('A'TARRH ('rRE:D, hiealthiand swet breatth secturedl, by Shiiloh's ('itarr'l Rteedv. Price 511 cents. Nasal In Who keeps t he nicest stock of Hats ii Newberrv? WriLht &J.WCppc Go andl see thiem and be convinced. t f "tafterdin's ('opyin!g Ink at Hlut Wright & J1. W. Coppock have got: hipg "tock, and thiey are going ton selli o' rgiv'e it away. Mark 'ihis. tf He Shot Himself. Mr. IRichard Coleman. a citizeni o Edzefield County, living near D)ysoni shot hims~elf thirough the heart with: shot gun on Monday, 17th in-t. I-I had just finished dinner, and leavii his~ flylld at the tab ile got his gun an< plac(edl the miuzzle of the gunl on hi heart and s eated hiimiself in the windov and pu-.hed ol' the~ t rigger' withI a yarn wa. s of ngood' f:uilyx ami a abu ~2yas lie leay'- a w.ife uma sev'ralilren. I Ie hasl be~en dlespndenli'ht a time mind was~ cll'ered iad he w:,s impel.liec to this ritsh act while ini a state c ,-iontia.- mental danmnt. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. I Thieves robbed Mr. B. M. Dennis of - fifteen fowls one night last week. r Mr. D. W. Hicks is buying cotton in d Newberry th.s season. He has his t office at Davis & Gaggans store. Newberry College opens the the fall Session on next Tuesday. The prospect P is, encouraging fora full attndence. There are several places in the village t at the factory, we are told, that the t Board of Health might look into and have the sanitary condition improved. i It is a matter of importance to the tovii. An old citizen says if the wind blows 3 froni the north on the morning of the { 29th, (Saturday) between daylight and P sun up we will have a hard winter, if it v blows from the south the winter will be s1 mild. Bishop Howe. of the Diocese of South r; Carolina, may be expected in this par- ri i-dav for the Univer.sity of Virginia.t Mr. M. Foot,. .Jr., left on Monday fort *Newv York. 1Mr. Raphael Footc has gone to Chair leston to atitend the Citadel. Mrs. J. S. Pinkushon ,who has been on a vist to her fathier, Mr. M. Foot, has returned to her hiome in Chiarleston. Mr. Chas. A. White, formerly of Co.word, N. C., bur now of Columbia, spent a day with '"our boys" this week. Mr. A. Urq1uhiart and D)r. .J. G. Blackt have bceen in Newberry several dlaysi obtaining the rights of way for the|] Three C's.= Prof. C. WV. Welch and family, Mrs.1 L. C. H uniter,Mr. Clarence Hunter and I N r. Rob't. Welch, who left here t wo - weeks ago for Texas, v:ere delayed sev-t ldays ini Louisiana .on account of the quarantine o,f Texas against that St:.te. Prof. Welch, being acquainted 1 v. ith the president oJf the State Board of Health of Texas, mana.ged to get t The Rtailroad and the Wasbouts. t For two weeks past the trains andl amails have been very irregular to New Sberry. On Monday the up passenger train from Columbia ran un as far ast . yson,whlere the passengers and mails 0 - were transrerred and the train returned to Columbia. The train from Green- 2 -yvile met ethe Colunibia train at this 0 - place and rewurned to Greenvilie. 'We iwent up on this train to Dyson aiid re-J t turned. The track in nmany places is st ill only a temnpor:fry arrangemenit, and the train had to move along slowly andl carefully, as if feeling its way. Att many of the ditches anid small streams the tiling and masonry wvere washed away. At Saluda the old store house that .ood on the river side of the rail -road is half a imile below, i'm Mr. Pitts ~ pasture, intact, and several of the other buildings there wer washed around aiid moved. At Chappell's the nmarks ~ on the depot showed t hat the water was. - at least six feet deep over the railroad track. But it seemis that the highest water jI and the niost danmage was in anid I -aroundi( Dyson. M:'. S. M. Walton's store and goods were carried down in thme field for half a mile. His goods all damaged but his house still together.I 1Along side the store is a box-ear whicht twas lifted from the track. Several others that were on the track were lifted off the trucks and turned over. The covered bridge across the creek was turned over; this, however, was caused from the falling in of one of the rock ~ piers. It was at this place that the transfer was mnadc. The water at this place mus.t have been ten feet deep on the~ railroad track. The crops5 along~ thec riv er anid creeks is a total loss. IIt i hou.ghit the~ trains will run thiroughi to-dlay. Hilo bw , Chiarii' Hlave you beeni ipending the w.inter in Mexico? Naw,~ beeni to Wrigh1t & ('oppock's; couldn't a Srsist. tf 1 1I Boys, N'ow is Yorui CrANCE.-If yo go to H unt's Book Store and buy a l ed talt, they will give you a nice ledpencil. tf. I The Three C's and the Right of Way. The managers of the Three (s rail mad have been in Newberry for several ays, trying to obtain the right of way drough the town of Newberry. and, in iet, have been over the whole line from lack's to Augusta, for the same pur ose. There seems to he but little rouble, except in getting in and out of he town of Newberry. The line sur eyed some time ago, entering the >wn in the rear of Col. Leavell's resi enee, and runni ng through the factory illage and under the Columbia and reenvilie railroad near Scott's Creek, nd up the Creek, passing in front of Ir. E. S. Coppock s residence. through en. Pope's and Me. 0. S. Wells' laces and coming out at the brick ards of Messrs J. P. and '. C. 'ool, eims to be the route preferred. This is an expensive route to build a tilroad, apart from obtaining the ghts of way over the land. The ifnimnum cost of getting under the olumltia & Greenville railroad is i's mated to be S12.-500, and possibly tuel more. The railroad managers do at desire to spend but $1,500 to obtain Ie rights of way through this route. hey cannot be obtained, it seems, for tis amount. This route will likely lace the depot just in rear of the ie county jail, or somewhere in that cality. This will make it convenient the business portion of the town. This being the situation, it was mought best to lay the whole matter fore the Board of Trade, and a special teeting to consider it was held on Tues iy night. MEETING OF THim nOARD OF TnA DE The meeting was a full one and much iterest seemed to he manifested in this tatter. The chairman asked Mr. It. ,. McCaughri to state the ol eet of le meet'ng. Mr. 1cC:.ughrin had resent a map of the proposed route irough the town,and also a map show ig the whole l'ne o: this road. The fi: st thing to know was, is t!..s the )Lte the "itizens of the town prelcrred trough the town. He thought it the est location. The railroad authorities not being illing to pay more than $1,501) for the ights of way to obtain this route will ie community raise the Ibalance, and so how? Mr. McCaughrin read a letter from Ir. Johnson, the general manager, in rmtich he stat?d they were ready to con ience work at once but would do noth ig until all the line is located and all be rights of way secured. The sense of the Board was t:aken nd. it was the unanimous voice that he route indicated was the one desired. The mate" was pretty thoroughly iscussed, and on motion of Gen. Y. J. ope a committee of three was ap o'_lted to confer with the railroad au Lorit'es and to report to the Board. The allowing conmmittee was appointed: ;e. Y. .J. Pope, Mr. W. T. Tarrant and )r. Jas. Meintosh. Thle committee re i:ed and after wa'tinig on D)r. Black t the hotel, reportedl that he did not hink the railroad authorities would nerease the amount of $1 ,500' in order o secure this route. The report was reeeivedl as inuformia ion and the conmmitte continued, and he whole matter was p)ostponed'~ to .nothe -nmeeting of the Board to be held an.Fridlay n i-;ht of this week, when he conm.ntt se will report more fully as o what cani and is best to be dlone. It is thought it wilh cost about 8:?,t.O(0 r 83,000 to secure the rights of way brough thte town for this route. The~ >roposition of the railroad then is to pay .bout one half of what it will cost 'a btain the rights of way thirouigh the ovn. The whole matter will conie up ie.'ore the Board of Trade at a spcijW neeting to be held to-miorrowv (Fridlay) ght. It is hoped all the miembers will u:n out. Mr. Y. J. P'ope stated that Dr. 31ak said he thought in about si.x reeks they will have secured all the .ishis5 of way and work would be comlI neced immediately t hereafter pro de:i they had no trouble in getiting brough the townm of New berry. Of IER M ArTTERs. MIr. Rt. L. McCaugzhrini thotught New erry ought to have thie weather reports ,id moved that this matter be referred o the proper commttitte. It was referred o the Executive Committee with in trut:onls to report aS sooni as practica A Special meeting of the Board wiil ie bie'l on to-mo)rro)w (Fr'day) night, .t wni:ehl time this r:.il road mrat: er anmd he report of the speeial conuan it :on dvert-sing will comne upI. TIhe special commiitee on adlver g pponued at the last regular mieeting is opIlosed of Jo'u1 O. P'eoles, WV. 1H. ohnsone and 0. MelH. HlOhn1e5. Speelal Prayer. N r. Editor: The instan t, earnest. tin i ed and imnportuinate prayer of belie;els hould be that the Lord of the harvest elds would quicken the imiud and eart of the people and bring them to realizmng sense of life's duties and to n ackniowledgmient that God's p)rovi enee is not simply general ini its char eter, but that it is also permissive and pecial in its tian ifestations. We are catholic in prayer, and herein ground for spirit ual unity. The increasing volumte of pulic- and rivate calamtity is appalling to the Ioughtful student. In confessing and abandoning our spe iie, individual sints, and throwing our los away, we should, as we have the rivilege, pray for a special dispensa on of divine elemuency and conmpas Though "the day is far spent," it is ot yet too late to retrace our steps from n incline plane of levity and laughter Sthe midst of real danger; from folly nd dissipation; from evil speakmzg and etraction, and from strife and internal issension, that we may deal justly id "speak the truth every man with is neighbor." Let ais pray that He who' "hidletlh the id in the hollow of his hawd" many ep back that devou rinzg elements hich threaten a shortage of bread, and c.uke tihe pIestilencee now dlesolatin'g C many homes. That the enriinmg d enripeninug rays of the sun may inger upon the harvest fields without etriment to the general health. And then from grateful, t';ankful earts may "prayers and alms go ul) as memorial to heavelL" The Race for Solicitor. Ic has been impossible toget full turns from the election of T uesday Solicitor is this circuit between 0. L. Schumlpert. of Newberry, Mr. Stanyarne Wilson, of Spa hibt We give the vote in Newbe by boxes and it is complete cept Maybiinton and Walton. It w: li,-h t vote. We learred late yester< afternloon ihat Sellulilpe rt's nu jo! in l'nion w-as 167. III 'partanhltl,g twenty-ni ne ciict give Wilson a majority of There were 1:; mo.'e boxes to hear f. in Spartanburg. but the total vote of these boxes would not be more than We have nothii'g definite from L rens at all (xcelt Laurens Court Ho and C(linlton, w hich give St"hunpel mlaajurity of " 4. As far as heard from Sehumpe majority in the Circuit is 669. His el tion seems assu red. Voh: IN Schunl ert. Wi N ew ' rv .............. "_L G li:t>on's at ..re................. :il ( Siy in :IV ,' e .................... Is M ay i i i'i........................ ... ('ro': e 's Siore................:1) J aa ................. ............. .~ a L.o". . ,ares st-e... .... -" 4 w !iau.' Sto'e.......... ... 1. Ie:iad F:il......................... :l P.o.pc ity ....................171) 9 .oll1y Street.................... 15 lit Pornara ........................ 4 " W alton ................................ . Total ..........................9d35 102 RxI)GE ROAD AND CANNON'S CItEI Th'1 e cotton is opening rapidly a picking is on a boom. There is a gr demand for hands, and the price picking is gettilig down pretty line. the present prices for cotton the far ers are payiug one fourth for gatlh lu1g. \'hat is the matter with. Juo. C. V sont this week? W1hV has he become enthused? Oh. nothing--but it's a ) We reget very much to learn that M. L. Kinard has met with the miis1 tune to lose all of his cats but 12. you have had such bad luck, Luth come over and we will give you a fe, Trhai.ks, Mr. Editor, for your corn tion il last issue of an error madc, my report of the indignation neet held at Ridge Road oil the :th inst: Luther M. Fe!lers was chairn of the mleetit, and not L. Fellers, as I inadvertently stated. '] latter gentlemlanl was not at the ui ing. lie will pardon me for the n take as it is hit ily purpose to nmisi resent facts. J. A. ). Kihlr will represent Paul's congregatiol. at conference, I.Jcfl'erson Quattlebaum that of Ri Rload. The Women's Missionary Societ: St. Paul's church will rive a picnic Saturday before the first Sabbath next month. There will be sev ! speecies in the interest of misa work; also a joint-council meeting the evenig and -preparatory serv on Sabbath following. The conference communion on 6 bath next will take the place of regular fall conminlut:'.n at Ridge R church. An opporiunity will be gi to any one wllo desires to unite v the church. There was a very goOd conigregali atRige Ro:ad chtureh last .Sabjia afternoon. Rey. .J. A. S!igh preacht mio-t excellent sermon whicih was tetied to with miarked attention. are proudt to state that t he manage' the L1ithieran V isitor were presenit, I 31r. Eibi ni H. Aell miade a very ft. ble talk to the conigregau ionl in shou the necessity of every~ Ltitheran fan subscrib ing to The Visitor. Conme ag gentlemnex, we are glad to have with us. We mIie some1 improi~vemenChts ini .Jolly Street sectionu in t he wvayofhbu ing. MIr. (G. M. Sigley has ad munch to the a prearanice of. his dwel L'ivingston is buildinig a newv d well -Politii:.. ail some la w-suits have I the( iMsue of the daiy for' the paist mnc or two. We have always heartld1 the third tip was:t (oit. Yesterday wo tip the prima~ry, for a while at ie This hais und'l.ubtedly heen one of mlost enithu.4iasilICei campaigns that < ha ppened in Newb.eirry Counuty, niot (.epmnlg the campl1aigni of '7; indsi. of) te peopile have b)een taxe suc la extent from pOlities that needl ret. I think everyiiiing has 1 mad e plain~ before the p)eople. aind Ither' av on 11 at this timei would p abh- do m.> re harm than good. The noo't that the plaos of the prin should be ebianged. buxt aLs to advi: howt we Cannolit say, butt I amt satie there could be a way found to l; down so inuch confubjil and diss: IxER.LDING.S F.t()M NO. 6. Our cot toti crop is badly damag.ed much of it has rot ed ini t he burrs1 the l '.;s is about 2') per. cent. C'ottm p)i)cking~ has begun at We are nearly one month b ehinud, every one will:haive to sc atch or. Frost w ill cal chi us ini the cotton u:t , omne of our people aire preprrin); sow Oats. Wheat, o):.5, rye anid '>a ought to be sown extensively this The hay crop) is prehy good and eratl miowers are be.ing run in the to ship. kept up regularly at Trinity andl i: Thie ( .htonl gill 1w Vill cOinilll run th:s we!ek andi i;:ollev will sool inl cireab,l;i.on. but the mos).t of it pass i-1 he 0 tand oI f thle meireb:~ ior supplies fturnish;ei. Have we a i.iunity 8:ardi of H-ea If we have not, Ought not tiin Lt Ia tutre apipinxt thle physicians of county a Board of Heialthi? tiid thiem 'bave ourh branches and cr( lou.santd trash andii the water can't h1 a free ruta, conisequtlyt we have el and fever all the fall. Trhere is a s ute on the subhject. andl( the C.ou (ommnissioner's somnetimiies issue an der to have the creecks cleaned out, it is never enfor'ceud. Let the Le lature app~om the phys;eians a Boe of Health and give them powe~'~r to h the work doine, andii let themienif( the law and we wihi have less chills ever in the fall. TELl Sept eniher 24, 1sss. When the system is debilitated disease, it shoubi be strengthbened t renewed with Ayer's Sarsapari This medicine inivariably provs it: worthy of all that can be said in favor. Sold by druggists and deal in medicines. Price SL. Six bot t!es, When symptomis of malaria appe in any form, take Ayer's Ague Ci; It will prevent a devehopmient of germs of dlisease, and eradicate th from the system. A cure is warrani in every instance. More of those Oxford B3ibles, at J. Chapman 's. Your Opportunity. The fall crop of chills and fever swmn require attenitioni. Never wo mnaey trying all ui:anner of huttii when a tho roughiy r''hiale and efi eiouis renwudy is within the .very re; of all. We refe to Pehhami's (cert Chill and Agrue Specitie, a1 r'emdyv whc imlic)lfit contidee luav placed. This~ pepairat ion is ever cieasinig ini piopulr ity, atnd is now up in two sizes, 50cts, and $100~. Beu of countcrfcd-, re ti>2 ' te Editor Herald and News: -o .1 Plea.- allw ,%v ine1 sp ace in " your valuable .ud lpep(r i write a Short )i((c to the farm rg. vr- "t Ne wherry County. rry I i Il h- at the f~llowing iplaces on e. the tteS Iuentioied tiOr the' purpose of .org : zmiiiiig tarilels' alliaiwes in this la m rt,ii y. Everybody is respectfully in vited to he present at each of my ap poI)intment!li. I will say to the niay readers ofi 15. your pap er the tarmers' alliance is no ol political organization, it does not inter a fere with the political or re!igious.prin ;m ciples of any one, the object of the or au- gaiization is to improve the present ise condition <>f the agricultural class of -t a people, mentally, morally, socially and !i nan '-i:il y. ."s 11t is ve:y evident tht agriculture is cC- the bas of all permnanelit prosperity. All of hei professions have their organi zatto~!. and 1 do not see why the farm on. e's should be censured fir organizing to aileviate the oppressed coindition of the cotIyt' at large. All of the Southern states. anl almost all the Northiwestern states hay be.'n organized. 1 an very tvelh gratitied 1o say to your many readers that I have met with a great deal of encouragenent-in sone sections of the county. I am fullilling my appointments and A explaining the benefits that wilL be de rived f; o(i the organization, and in that ud way I will get the subject agitated. at I wi it to say to the farmcrs of Cro for mers store that 1 regret very much that At I Wat not able to Iteer 'ny appointment at that place. I will inake it convenient er to nieet then sonic time soon and hope 'il that I niay be able to get an organiza so ?tion at that place. ).- Gibson's, September 27, at 3 o'clock I1. p. 11. or- Wahon's, Set)tetber 2S, 3 p. in. As l'oniaria. Sptember:.9, : p. m. er, .olly Street, October 1, 9 a. im. v. lafaere's M111, October 1, 3 p. n. ee- St. Paul's Church, October 2, 9 a. m. in Mt. Tabor Church. October 2, 3 p. Im. S E ':xcelio" School. October 3, 9 a. m. nt. I.ocut (rove, October 3, 3 p. m. an O'Neall. October 4, 9 a. n. St. Luke's. October 4, 3 p. m. 'he New Chapel, October 5. 9 a. ll. et- )eal FaP, October 3. ' p. n. i1.5 - am's tore. Octob.:' :a. 9 a. mn. en- 1 .'i)ihviile, October 1;. :' p. i. - Trinity CUnurci, October 8. 9 a. in. t Bush River, October 8, 3 p. mn. .apl , ( )ctolber $, 1) a. in. ' roi1er's Store, October 9, 3 p. im. .lge 1oT. R. JIFFAR-S, Organizer for Newberry County. Sof .DEATHS. ral ('h)a,lie Bruce, a little son of Mrs. G. ion . I'rvsock, died near R. Luke's on in Thursdhiy, _0th instant. ces 3l!ss Clara Pichie (lied at the factory on :aturday, 22d instant. aged about 20 abyears. our ,Lad - --~ .". . Advertise: .. ter. ..th Poir Omei I-, N.wn.:aR. S. C. io n .io o k s . 3 1 i. s E u n a i n e d . a s I io ae. 3is:- .\Myov lC c,~1is.'o dI a l:o' on. JIa.no's Lei,Ctuoe l is- car< I. Jamont' 1. teitu, n. C' !ow"ll. . .. .1. C- ,ie le .L Deval. Ana.zi ' e ce.T cld s of i~u'd. Mis. o J Pone,3. Ms oti iiid i'uleo'. JoJ.s,ie rs. anerva yii.d. Jaiiis Ro,'eviston, Wm. iag (:llivit.Anitw tae. MIge .L Ht itEd:,'. Robe . R s Prt. Miss Ltie o J al~iri. I"akJ. sWlonAru - Gain'.i. lien.inn'iy Id G:yn theyd.r Jaertsd de]i 1Gmfer..flF.R. PS. lilfrde,ac. lio k.i lis P li sotber. Maggi 4. -br.Rc 1u er 1s n i thryeMrgn sq cld- sa they wr Raertie 'tiNGPIE fur-. -.L~. mob re is TI-:Y AJRE AS TRIA NSPARENT .AND COI.e .alry (oR Li.:: A S Ll(;l[T ITSELF, iiig tied ..indt for soft ness of e'ndeorance to the eye can not b' exoolled, enabilinag the wevarer to read cep for hto'urs wit i'.ut fatigue. In fact, the'y are tis ' Perfect Sight Preservers. Testimaono1ils fromt the leadinr physicians inl the (nited Staites. goernors. senlators, leg isai'aorssockmen T, menci of note in all pro - o'irsionsi and branches of trade, bankers, me .tchan:rc,.etc.. c:m be givent who have had their ALL EYES FITTED, Ank sd the Fit Guaranteed by ch- COFIE LD & LYONS, rle O h'el~s Ne wberry. S. C. - Th se glssesare not supplied to peddlers at any price. A. K. HAWKES, wn- rEA1J D T :\ ATANT, 'A.: at 4 S tEVOLVElt1s. S-nd stamp for price ist to JOHlNSrTON SON, will Havec' yo'C*- - -. - ..tfniUs PAR . --.o%a. It iis ,us ec - - ' - :: .d fur aol! :::: . . .. n n' ri.th etm l. . .:M . '' geroTt.T -.,a s thle anddhon.--- .t. let - - - -ith PARKER'S I aHAIR BALSAM I .Y Cleanses and beautifies the hair.I I ~~ Promotes a luxuriant growth. I tt- Never Fails to Restore Gray1 Prevents Dandruff and hair fa.ln or- ' 50. and S.00at Drursts,. but 3. MARVELOUS EEMODRY SDISCOVERY. Ia. Any book learned in one reading. elf | indt wandring cured. its speaking without Notes. ers| Wholly unlike artificial nystems. -|Piracy condemned by Sin preme fiourt 6-|Great Indnceementq to correspon~dehnce claes. ar, Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Win. A. re. Hammond, the wor'd-famed Specialist in . *e Mind diseases. Daniel 4 reenleaf Thomp em- post free, by ed Prof. A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth A ve., N. Y. .EXHAUSTED VITAL.ITY THE SCIENCE OF LIE. the great Medical Work of the age on Manhood, Nervou.s andi Physlcal Debility, Premature ilDecline, Errors of Youth, and te theuntoldmiseriesconsequentI Is, thereou, 300 pages 8vo, 125 ea- prescriptions for all diseases. l('lt Cloth, full gilt, only $1.00, by .. a i n mail. sealed. Illustrative sample free toaflyoung in and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Na-I -.tional Medical Associatior.. Address P. 0. box 1S95, Bston, Mass., or Dr. W. . PA mRR grad utsnte of Harvard Medical College, 25years'practice re in Botn who may be consltad confidentially. It Specialty, Diseases of Man. Office ~o.4 Bul~nchst.. NEW FALL AND'V We are not bragging v are prepared to show the FINEST, FULLEST) -STOCK MENS', BOYS' AND CH1LDREh SHOES, HATS Al EVER SHOWN UP IN We expect you to put o and we are prepared to I claim. FIRES IRE THE FIRS Therefore come and see f convinced that we LEAD Il SMITH & I THE "NEWBERRY 13. H. Cline's Old Stand, - DON'T HE CR YOU WILL Bi I WA]ST T~ AND MUST HAVE IT,IF LOW F I have to acknowledge the corn, I am 0 V E even at a big sa 1,000 yards of WhiteLawn Remnants, !: 5c. per yard, worth Sc. yd 22,000 yards of Colored Lawns, Rem- 1 nants at 3kc. per yard-worth 6-c. I slj There is not help for misfortune, ar 15c. Scotch Cheviots down to 1(c. I C Berges down to 15c. I20c. 20e. double-width Dress Goods down I to 15e. riti< WhiteDressRobes less than hal; price. ''( THOSE PRICES ARE BUT THERE IS NO C WIIITE of every kind, slaughtered, including Vic French Lawns. The largest and prett Broche, open Plaids, canvas st white Dress Goods ever brou surprise about these LOW PRII WHICH ASTONISHE Flouncir.g in Swiss and Orient:l, 51 inches t)roidery awful cheap. Silk Gloves ,at 10e-worthi 20c. Bleachinj Cottonades, Linerns, Ca" Napkins, Scrim TI of every k MAK A N OT Parasols, Umbrellas, Shoes, Slippers, Base that can be found in a No. 1 Racie Store. THlE LEADER AND 'TIS OURS The Yihal8sle anid RetailI - AND CROCEtRY TRADE WE HAVE THE STOCK! THE S THE CAPITAL! THE ENERC AND, THEREFORE, W'lClaim thd ead! We like Oppi and under no condition will we bu. B6SS BLSIESS llO[S Every express brings new styles an< the latest novelties. Despite the genei the last month our business has been are 75 per cent. better than weexpected We desire to openly acknowleds thanking them for their past favors. ar future. assuring them that we will ever anerd that they will always find our sto best quality and at the very lowest bat quote to you some of ourstartling, unpi so very busy that we actually cann< Rembember that we will not, cannot for cash, and consequently can offer yol Finally, in con3clusion, and by way thi on fat uon ourmind: Don't ft We bandle Bacon, Flour and I course, our prices are much lower than smaller lots; in fact, we can offer y< departmenit, as our goods are all fresh COdE AND SEE US. FLUiD & I UI. FliT, J WILL SEL *CALL:-:BEFORE: GROCERIES DRY 0 BOOTS AND SlOEd M. F0019~ BIG MONEY!!i0a CLEVELAND ~ arrig ox. Refor n d Poicy, &, , monpI b est work, apply 'juick and make $:200 to $5&0 a ___ pit. - TINTER fOODS hen we say that we_ ND CHEAPEST OF I'S CLOTHING, f (D FURNISHING GOODS THIS COUNTRY. ur claim to the test,' rove every point we F AN~ D TES IN A or yourselves, and be - 9 OUR LINE. IEARN, CLOTHIERS." - NEWBERRY, 5. C :' SITAT a TOO LATE. T]E CASII RICES WILL FETCH IT. R STOCKE D, and must unfoa erfice. >,000 yards of best Gingham, 10 to I2 Remnants, 9e. Cheap at 121e. 3 bundles of Calico and Worsted at er bundle. d we must keep knocking. riental marked from 1e. to 5e., fro to 18e., from 25c. to 124e. [amburg Edging and Inserting sac :ed to half price. c. Sateens down to 32ec SCANDALOUS. URE FOR IT. toria, Bishop. [itia Linen an I - iest variety of striped checked - yles and satin finished "ht here. The only Z'oods is the 3, S EVERYBODY. Allover Hamburg and S ssF En=' at 2c.-worth 50e; Hoisery , Sheeting, Ticking, simieres, Towels, rinmmngs md. E O F T I-IIS Ball Shoes, and, in fact, everythink s to be hadat CH AMPION OF LOW PRICES. OF NEWBERRY 5 ITYLES! THE OCATIONM? |Y! THE LOW PRICES! THE TRADE! isitnl! e Defy Ccmpellieel dge from our position as thie GJF XE Mt EIHY I eve'ry freight train is lsden with a! dullness whih prevaited for most satisfacte -y. and our sa!es e our gratitud~e to our patronsd d hope for a continuance in the use our best endeavors to please, ok of goods the best selected, the :om figures. We would like to ecedented price~s, but we are kept >t find the time to get them up. be undersold, as we buy itrictly i every advantage. of parenthesis, let us impress rget the place ! [olasses by the car load, and, of when these goods are bought in >U special inducements in this and bought at bottom figures. PURCELL H.,ra UC. L YOU -:YOU:-:BUY. !LOT HING OODS___ B AD VALIET T.wi WANTED at once to suppiy Teu Ks with the oN(LY Ofieisj iHve of ETHURMANJ< ,veland:exquisite steel poita tc'on~ rort,uznmens~ IWUBBARI BRtOS, Ph - ~ '~'