Local and Special. Church Notlees. BAPrls--Rev. C. P. Scott, pastor, preaching next Sunday at 11 a. in. and 711 p. in. Sun day school at 3:80 p. mn., Mr. J. B. Carwile, Supirintendent. Pruyermeetbig Wednesday at 7:3s p. in. LUTHuEaAN-RE'v. w. C. Schaeffer, pa-tor. Preaching next Sunday by the pas:or. at 11 a. m and 7 45 p. in. Sunday acho.l at 9:3u a. K, in., D)r. W. Gustave Houseal, , uperintendent. Prayer meeting Friday at 7:45 p. in. METHODIST-RLev. J. L. stokes. pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. in. and 7:15 p.in. Sunday school at 4 p. in.. Mr. John W. Cbapman. Superintendent. Prayer meeting at 7:15p.m. A. R. PRESBYTERIAN-Rev. E. P. McClintock. pastor. Service next Sunday by the pastor at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 9:3u a. in., 11r. M. A. Carlisle, Superintendent. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:16 p. m. Miasionary Society Wednesday at s p. in., Mrs. C. Mower, Presi dent. W. C. T. U. Tuesday at 5 p. in., Mrs. C. Mower. President. Episco?AL-Rev. W. IL. Hanckel. rector. Service by the rector every third Sund-'y at. 11 a. m. and 4:i0 p. in Lay reading by Mr. N. B. Mazyck at 11 a. i. ?RESBYTERIAN-Rev. J. S. Cozby pastor. Preaching by the pastor at It a. in. and 7:15 p.m. Sunday sclo ol at 3::10 p. in., Sir. W. E Pelham, Superintendent. Prayer ieeting Wednesday at 7.15 D. in. Store for Rent, Now occupied by A. J. Sproles. Apply to J. J. LANE. 3t. Fresh Crop TURNIP SE]D, at PELHAM'S. A Big Time! Where? At the grand mass meet ing and barbecue at 1). C. Boland's August 25, near Little Mountain, given by Ztills and Boland. 4t. Who keeps the nicest stock of Hats in Newberry? Wright & J. W. Coppock Go and see them and be convinced. tf. An Ice Cream Festival Will be given at Smyrna parsonage next Friday night, August 24th, for the benefit of the church. All are invited to come and enjoy themselves. More of those Oxford Bibles, at J. W. Chapman's. t_ Remember that Wright & J. W. Cop pock give a discount of ten per cent. from regular prices on all cash sales.tfi Confections, Cakes and Crackers al ways fresh at S. B. JONES. tf. For lame back, side or chest, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Fine Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, etc., Bass' Pale Ale and Guinness's stout Porter for sale by It. ILEY W. FANT. Good Writing Paper at 4c a quire, at J. W. Chapman's. Y. M. C. Assodation. There will be meetings, for men only, held in the rooms on Thursday at 8.30, and Sunday at 6.15 p. in., conducted by members of the Association. The service is short and is pleasantly inter spersed with short talks and hymns. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and a warm welcome. Come around! J. T. N. Flynn is again wvith us and prices have gone down with a rush ; which goes to show that he means business this time. tf. Box Papers, at J. W. Chapmian's, "Coniet Style," "Bullion," "Charred Edge," etc., etc. flIf you want a first-class Sewing MIa chine, call on D. B. Wheeler on Friend street, next door to Dr. Pope's office. tf Wor::h Knowing. That Allcock's Porous Plasters are the highest result of medical science and skill, and in ingredients and method have never been equaled. That they are the original and gen uine porous plasters upon whose repu tation imitators trade. That Allc ek's Porous Plasters never fail to perform their remedial work quickly and effectually. That for weak Back, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Colds, Lung Trouble, Kidney Difficulties, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Liver and Stomach Affections, Strains and all Local Pains, they are invaluable. That wvhen you buy Allcock's Porous Plasters you obtain the best plasters made.* Democratic Club Meeting. The Mt. Bethel Democratic club will meet at Mt. Bethel Academy, Saturday August 25i, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to the County Con vention, and such other business as may come before it. A. J. GIBSON, President. E. L. CH ALMERS, Secretary. Croq1uet Sets, Hanunocks, Fishing tacklos, etc., at Hunt's Book Store. tf. BOYS, Now IS YOUR CHANCE.-If you go to Hunt's Book Store and buy a 5 cent tablet, they will give you a nice lead pencil. tf. For Base-balls, Bats, Caps, Belts, Masks, Gloves, etc., go to Ht.nt's Book Store. tf. Sam Jones is now furnishing Ice Cream, Soda Water and Milk Shakes that is unexcelled. We know it to be true. tf. Glenn Springs Water, just received and for salt! by case or bottle, by P. Robertson, Pharmacist, opposite the post office. Ice House open Sunday's 8 to 9 a. mn. S12 to 1 p. m. and 6 to 7 p. mn. tf. S. B. JON ES. WILL YoU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's 1 its lizer is guaranteed to cure you. The Executive Committee. A meeting of the executive conmmit tee was held on Tuesday. There was a full attendance of the members. The managers of the primary election were appointed. The list is published in this issue. The following resolution was also adopted in regard to negro voters Swho have become of legal age since the last general election: Resolved, That negroes who have ar rived at the age of twenty-one years since the last general election shall not be allowed to vote at the Demnocrat:c primary election to be held on August 28, 1SS, nor at the second prinmary elec tion to be held on September 11, 18&s. v Florence's Tooth and Mouth an elegant and safe preparatinn for preseringi and beautifying the teeth and strengthening the gums. sty>r sale at Robertson's Drng Store, op p ;ite the Post Office. tf. SCHOOL CR AYON.-Having bought a large supply wve can afford to sell cheap. Call anid examiine at Hunt's Book Store. 'tf 0I~ Managers of Election. Newberry-R. H. Wright, Jas. K. Goggans, M. A. Carlisle. Gibson-J. 0. Turnipseed, John Brown, T. W. Hutchinson. Glymphville-J. Monroe Wicke Stout. N. Henderson, Moormau Ruff. Maybinton-Wm. Lyles, B. F. Ha kins, W. D. Hardy. Cromer-W. C. Cromer, J. Claytc Abrams, M. A. Renwick. Jalapa-J. W. D. Johnson, Melvi B. Chalmers, W. C. Sligh. Longshore-E. C. Longshore, Jol W. Reeder, John H. Williams. Williams-F. G. Spearnian, W. V Wallace, P. H. Koon. Dead Fall-Thos. S. Blair, J. ] Davidson, D. A. Cannon. Prosperity-J. M. Wheeler, D. N Langford, P. E. Wise. Jolly Street-Henry Stone, Marti Strouse, G. M. Singley. Pomaria-P. M. Derrick, J. D. Sube Thos W. Holloway. Walton-Sam'l Voox, J. Dan Crook% Thos. M. Hen:z. Stafford's Copying Ink at Hnul Book Store. tf. Shannon File, at J. W. Chapman Good Paper at 65c a ream, at J. Chapman's. Shannon Fies,cheap, at Hunt's Bo< Store. tf. "Have you read the latest novel' "No; what is it?" "It is 'The Quick the Dead,' by Amelie Rives. It is sale at Hunt's Book Store." Read it tf. Don't fail to read "The Quick or tl Dead." For sale at tf. HUNT'S BooK STORE. Everyone should see Wright & J. - Coppock's Underwear before purcha ing. It is as comfortable as arname tal. This is saying much, but 'tis tru tf Sad. Mrs. L. W. Long, the wife of N Latimer W. Long, has been adjudg< insane and was taken to the asylu yesterday morning. Mrs. Long h ten children living. Mr. Long ai family have the sympathies of I many friends in this sad bereavemet A Card. During the heated political strife should not be forgotten that Pelham Pharmacy is the place to buy dru and medicines. Sticking plaster, arni and other seasonable goods always < hand. Here the defeated candidate in find solace in fragrant havanas; he the successful ones can quaff off mil shakes and so-da-lightful waters drinks "that cheer but not inebriate and here the weary voter may rejuv nate his energies and rejoice in tl purchase of a bottle of Pelham Strengthening Bitters. Largest stock! Lowest prices!! Poli attention!!! A hearty welcome is e tended to all, at 1t. PELH A3'S DRUG EMPORIUM. A Big Day at St. Luke's. The St. Luke's Farmers' Club a have their annual picnic the 30th i stant, at St. Luke's church. Hon. George Johnstone and Mr. Jr C. Goggans have been invited to ma addresses on subjects pertaining agriculture, and have accepted. The public is cordially invited to present and to bring baskets. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what y need for Constipation, Loss of Appeti Dizziness, and all symptoms of D' pepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per b< tie. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bro chitis immediately relieved by Shilo] Cure. THAT HAcKING COUGH can be quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. X guarantee it. 3Missionary Tea. There wvill be an entertainment Mrs. Ruff's residence on Thursd evening, the 23rd, beginning at 6 a: closing at 10. It will be given by t Juvenile and Woman's Missionary E cieties of the Methodist church to ral unds for the education of a young la of our own State who is prepaIing to as a mnissionary to China. All w wish to help in a good cause are invit to attend. Admmission, 5 cents. good supper, ice cream sherbet a: other nice things furnished at reasc able prices. The band will favor with some select music. CO3DIITTEE. Turnip Seeds. Turnip Seeds. Rul baga, Early Flat Dutch, Red or Purl Top, Amber Globe. Yellow Aberdet Mamoth Globe, Golden Ball al other varieties just received and for sa at Robertson's Drug Store, opposite t Postoffice. Oil, Paints and Art material of eve description, at tf. H UNT's BOOK STORE. Wright & J. WV. Coppock's line Gents' Neckwear is just awfully ni< Tht is what the ladies say, i. e., t .est looking ones. ti Hallow, Charlie! Have you be spending the winter in Mexico? Na been to Wright & Coppock's; coulda resist.t An Inventive Youth. Little Willie Brown, a lad of neai 14 years, from Newberry, is on a vi to his relative J. WVade Anderson this place. WVillie is a remarkable b and at this early age has proved hii self a mechanical genius. A good jo is told on him. A few days ago ji before he left home, his father put hi to work dropping peas, and before had finished, he had constructed al used a pea-dropper, which is a curiosi but works admirably. He is now work on a cotton chopper, which m yet revolutionize the cotton growi: business.-Laurens Advertiser. Wright & J. WV. Coppock's is t place to get your Clothing if you wa to get the worth of your money. ti Base-balls from 5e. to $1.50, at Hun Book Store. tf. D. C. Flynn is in Newberry and I slaughter of prices is genuine. He selling everything ridiculously low. doubt he is -.2termiined to sell out tI Writing paner at 3 cents a quire Hut's Book Store. To Rent. i. comfortable and conveniently sit ated three-roomed house. Terms ear Apply at this office. 11 Wright & J. WV. Coppock have gol big stock, and they are going to sell or give it away. Mark fkis. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. P- The health of Newberry has beel traordinarily good for the past yea Good rains have fallen during past few days and the crops are loo r, well Messrs. Cook & Carwile will begin the "Racket." See advei ment. Il The railroad authorities are pul In a spur track fron) the freight dep Langford's ware house. n The town council is building a foot bridge on Boundary Street u . the railroad bridge. A lady walked sixteen miles last t. urday to Newberry just to get a b of Pelham's Strengthening Bitten E. her husband. The young folks had a pleasant " enjoyable dance at McCaughrin. on Monday night. They expect to ] a German at the same place to-nig The union service will be held ir ' A. R. P. church next Sunday n The sermon will be preached by W. C.Schaeffer, of the Lutheran cht Several of the candidates addrt the voters of the factory village on s. Saturday night under the light of V moon. It was quite romantic. The primary election will be ,k next Tuesday. The agony will so( over, and some of the candidates ,, be happy and sonic will be other >r The managers of the primary n tion will please call at the ofi - County Chairman W. H. Hunt and get the boxes during this we e not later than Saturday. The old gray mule that has (lone vice for the town council for the 7 twenty years died in the harnes s Tuesday. She was about twenty a- years old. e. We invite attention to the adve ment of Dominick & Lovelace. are using two of the gins they advc r. in +heir business and know the d qualities of the gins from experien m The Newberry band has r as enough money to pay for their nei id struments in full. We have one o is best bands in the State, and they Lt. a fine set of instruments. Mr. Thos. M. Lake's little dauF . broke her arm just above the wrisi ,s Monday in a fall off the bars. gs bone was set by Dr. W. G. Houseal ca the little girl is doing well. 'n All the candidates who have Ly signed the pledge to abide the resu re the primary election are requested k- so at once. They will find it it hands of county chairman. W, e' Hunt, Jr. le Mr. 0. MeR. Holmes will bui handsome cottage on the lot in re te Mr. R. L. McCaughrin's resid - The material is being put on L now. Mr. C. C. Davis has the t.aet. The street leading through main street will be wvidened and iproved. . In a thoughtful and satis:ying mon Sunday morning by Rev. 4 Schaeffer, at the Lutheran churel ke "the heavenly recgnition," the s ter happily said, in closing, that was a thought he would like the b gregation to take with them: while there can be no doubt ti "sha'l know each other there," u question that should concern us sis, "do we know each other he >t- That there is not enough of the: of kindliness, sympathy, fraternit: love among Christians here b n- That we should learn to know other better now. so The best tonme for wvea.t andl de Ve children, and also the best remned; coughs and colds, is Cod Liver Oil, Hypophiosphites. Prepared b) Robertson, pharmacist, opposit( at Post Office. ad For a good quantity of Tea ca etf. S.B.Jos se Don't forget that D. B. Wheele on hand at reasonable prices th< mestic, D)avis and the Newv Home go ing M1achines. ho - ed CATARR1r CURED, healthand A breath secured, by Shiloh's Ca .d Remedy. Price .(0 cents. Nasa -jector free. us SLEEPLESS NIGHTs, nmade mnise by that terrible cough. Shiloh's is the Remedy for you. a- The Mass Meeting at Newberry n,The meeting here on Tuesday Id very well attended and passed off Le ant ly. The barbecue dinner by M hGreen & Riser was; a good one. rain in the afternmoon interrupte< r me.it'ng somewhat and Messrs. and Shigh did not get to speak, v' was a .little disappointment to son e Col. Hugh Farley, of Spartan he and Mr. Stanyarne Wilson, of Spa burg, candidates for solicitor, m speeches. We are glad to bave w, gentlemen with us, and will al t welcome them, but in this race C< L. Schumipert, Newberiy's faa son, will be given a solid vote for yitor, and if there is a second rae' exp)ect him to be in it also. of TIlE Tr)URNAMENT. ay After the speaking a large numi n- persons went out to tIhe tourna ke just beyond Maj. Jones' to see thm ist by the knights. Fourteen knight m tered, as follows: he N. P. Abrams, J. P. Fant, XM id Keith, John R. Mathews, S. P. M, ty ley, E. L. McIntosh, J. H. Suber at H. Shannon, 0. P. Saxon, C. H. ay non, J. R. Scurry, R. H. Wearn, rg Riser, Forest Riser. The first prize was won by Mi R. Keith who took all nine of the lie in the three rides; the second nwas awarded Mr. C. H. Shannon, the third to Mr. Forest Riser.. t the riding the knights and the e assembled in tile public square an. Keith crowned Miss Bessie Whee squeen of love and beauty; Mr. Sha sselected Miss Mattie Phifer as maid of honor. anud Mr. Riser awm the distinction of second nmaidI of I at to Miss Mary Hone. Clean and Sha -p. u- I am now selling Grindstones v. Soap very chleap. I want to go to YongK and will sell a>oods low dow~ the next -30 days. Gect the best anes Oil at 15 eents a pint or25 cu itquart at .J. S. RUsSEL: P. S. Cheap pants just received. Personal. i ex- Miss Mary Burton is visiting I r. in Anderson. the Mrs. Kaminer, of Lexington, king visit to Miss Lillian Glenn, at E: Miss Lula Bishop is visitinz soon tivesand friends in Union. Miss Mary Bishop is visit! Laurens County. ting Mr. L. M. Speer was on a 1 ot to Anderson last week. Mrs. J. Mann and children it new turned from Glenn Springs. p to Prof. T. H. Dreher has returi Newberry. Mt- rs. F. N. Baxter and Miss I >ttle Baxter are visiting friends in S1 for burg. and Prof. W. C. Dreher, of Bosl [al spending a few days in the cit week, visiting relatives andjfrie lave t fessrs. I. L. McCaughrin ant the tobertson have gone North o h.ness. Rev. Miss May Haltiwanger, of I. rob. tol, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rea-in. ssed e last Rev. John D. Mahon, of Che the C., is visiting his daughter, Mrs F. Harmon. held Mr. Willie Durham, wife am >n be dren are visiting his sister, Mrs will F. Harmon. vise. Messrs. W. T. Tarrant, J. W. elec- gomery and T. Q. Boozer left Ne e of last Thursday for the Northeri kets. ek Dr. Holland, Mrs. Holland an Hattie Bittle leave to-morrow for Va. Dr. Holland will return in ser ten days. past p on Col. 0. L. Schumnpert is four Spartanburg. His address unt the primary election, 4th Sept . will be care Windsor Hotel, S [hey burg, S. C. rtise Mr. Louis N. Rodgers,who is ood charge of Mr. D. C. Flynn's lar. ce. in Newberry, paid Union a sho iade last Monday. Louis is a No. v in- and we are glad to know he is p f the ing.-Union Times. bave Mr. G. T. Reid and family, of pells, Newberry County, came I hter halla last Saturday on a visit t last tiyes. Mr. Reid has since 1876 The prominent and successful mere] and Chappells, and for several ye also been extensively engaged i1 not ing. We hear he harvested i Lt f ninety bales of cotton from to do acres of land.-Keowee Courier. the The Board of Trade. H. The regular monthly meetini Board of Trade was held on 3 ld a afternoon. There was a very g< ar of tendance of members. mce. Mr. S. P. Boozer for the cor e lot on highways and railroads mad con- bal report, stating that his con from had been before the county e im- sioneis, and that a public ro been ordered opene'd from St. ser- church, leading towards Ne Mr. co nsiderably shortening the d 2, on Mr. G. B. Cromner was asked eak- some information in regard to ti there ent road law, which he did, s con- the defects in the the law, and tI that trouble the commissioners hi t we securing the roads worked uni the present law. most A committee of three was api ~re?' to make a rerport to the next pirit as to what changes were neede< and road law so that the matter low. brought to the attention of our each lature. The following is thec tee: J. K. P. Goggans, J. M. Kiul icate 0. McR. Holmes. y for The chairman of the executi ith mittee was absent and no rep teready. tf. Mr. J. 0. Peoples, tihe pr urged the nmembers to be active 1 on ing after the interests of tile to' ES. to keep up a lively interest Board. r has Do- The Health of Newberry. tfw D)r. 0. B. Mayer, jr., presiden Newberry Board of Health, swee mitted the annual report tc tarrh Cromer. From this report wve i I In- following vital statistics: Deaths during the year, 32 13, colored 19. Cureths during thie year, 51. Thue population of New berry -The death iate, then, is only ,the thousand-a remarkably 1< wsWe copy the following fr< )laMayer's report: "The accompanyi ng report c ssr' and deaths occurring in the The Newberry, S. C., from August 1 the to August 1st, 1888, is respectfu Pope mit ted by the Board of Health. "It is the pleasure of the I hich call your special attention to ie- ceedizngly low deathl rate which il urg, In forty-seven American and rtan- European citiesi in 1872, the dem was lower than nine in only nade them. Denver, Colorado. these "This exceedingly low death ways our town has no doubt been du >. O. sanitary measures which have .operation; and proves bow ni orite advantage is to be gained fi olic- proper use of hygienic measure we "The Board of Health whi< just gone out of office have congratulate themselves upom should feel conmpensated for wl labor they did to procure and >er of the health of our town. ment "Very respectfully, tilt "0. B. MAYER, JR., M. President Board of Hem s en- Newberry, S. C., August 1st, R.. ~Car- DetofJh otei -V John Crotwell, a well knov han- universally respected citizen o E.ville County, died at hishome ini ,township at twenty minutes . o'clock yesterday afternoon. M% ris well was a native of Newberryi prz been a resident of Gr"enviile f< ande years. He had only recently r, frfrom a trip to Texas, accompai ero his brother, J1. Alfred Crotwe ler cotatdtesee rn died while on the trip. He wx nanon sixty-t wo years old. His brot] telegraphed for last night b Lrded Ferguson and will arrive to-day Lonor the body to Newberry, where it buried to-morrow.-Greenvilk( 19th. and If you desire to possess a b NEw complexion take Ayer's Sarsi n for It cleanses and purifies the bk( Har- remioves blotches and piniples, nts a the skin smooth and clear, anc s. it a bright and healthy appi Take it this month. a PROSPERITY LETTER. riends H. H. Blease, Esq., and Judge rv H. Blease were in town on Moe is on a Miss Ida Devlin, of Due Wes [elena. visiting Miss Mary Boyd. Mrs. Eliza McKellar spent Moi ini town. Mrs. G. (. )eWalt and family returned to their [ionie from Walli isit to The health of t he town is very and fevers are at a preniinin. ve re- Mrs. Mary Johnson and Miss Kibler, of Newberry, are visiting ed to .1. A. Siipson. The young people had a socia anie Tuesday evening at Judge H artan- which was quite a pleasant affair. Judge is a widower you know. on' The writer may now he found, y this will he g!d to see his many frien< A. I. Kohn's cheap dry goods, gr< l H. C. and fancy goods store. u busi- Prosperity and suiroundings are dr% and parched up. Below us exing- have been good and crops are (. B. but here the crops have, and are suffering fearfully from the dre ;ter, S. and intense heat. Thos. Mr. J. B. Edwards, of Due who has been elected 1st Assista: I chil- Prosperity High School has ar Thos. and is about his work. The so opens on the 1st Monday in Septer Mont- We hope to see this school open wberry and be liberally patronized. i mar- the political caldron has quit b< and is now seething. It looks d Miss times like the old thing will spri Salem, leak and burst anyhow. Political about is being added every day and thi po; just trembles and seethes tow in quivers, but we have a hope thal i after tension will stand the strain unti ember, 28th inst., when she will be allow yartan- simmer down and cool off. We will bet red apples that 1081 now in are not absolutely necessary to ,e store nate a candidate for the House of et visit resentative, in Newberry County 1 man withstanding.there are only five c rosper- dates for the place, and there mm jusi 1800 votes. It is true that 901 majority of 1800, and it is also tru< Chapl- in this case it is possible, not ho 0 rea- probable, that all five candidates o rela- receive more Lnan a majority of th been a iant at votes. In such contingency, the rs has of the primary are plain and wise farm- provide for the nomination of the candidates who receive the hi est year number of votes above the majorit eighty number of candidates can effec real majority of 1800 votes. No on be nominated without receivin of the votes or more. fonday On last Sunday evening our u; >od at- quiet town was thrown into cons: ble excitement, which continui amittee grow in feverishness and intensity e a ver- late on Monday afternoon. imittee Wade H. Suber, who had been ommis-. old Uncle Abram Moore, had id had =missing for a week. On Monda Luke's 13th inst., he came to town with werry, -oftotton for Mr. Moore. He soll istance.: cotton, got the money and si to give |home, but never reached there. e pres-! driver, Lawson Counts, a negri bowing that he had left Mr. Suber in ie great Mr. Suber did not put in appea ae in and the negro was questioned der the closely, and his answers becor variance, and it was found that pointed had been sc2n ty different part neeting wagon on the way home, still he i in the reached home. Soon suspicion p< nay be to the driver, Lawson Counts, as P Legis- foully dealt with Mr. Suber, a ommit. vestigation developed sutficient ei statGal evidence to secure a we er, and for his (Counts') arrest. Henry a brother of Wade's, swore out a ve com- rant on Sunday evening, eht art was Lawson Counts with the murt Wade Suber. The warrant wa sident, (cuted about dark on Sunday in look- Counts safely lodged in the guard vn, and Lynching was even spoken of, so; in the was the circumstantial evidera to prevent anything going wrc strong guard was placed arouz guard house. On Monday a large t of the of good men was organized to las sub- diligent search of the whole co Mayor aro)und where the murder was sui ake the to 'have been committed. The tended to corroborate the ci'-eumst whites evidence already attained, ant Trial Justice feltj jnstifled in commn Counts to jail oii charge of in is 3,500. The commiiitment was written ot; nine to negro tied and put on the La w rate. tra in, when a miessenger arrived mm Dr. authentic in formation that Wade had turned up at the Windsor H< f births Spartanburg. The train had stai own of the bell rope was pulled anid the t, 1887, stopped, anid Counts was takeni 01 lly sub- released. He felt happy, you be :oard to not qeite serene. Had Suber the ex- "comatable" just then lie woul< shows- have fared very well. This case fot how misleading circunmstantial th rate one of dence can be, and to what badr it may lead, and it is ad mitted I rate in that it was a case of e?xceedingly en in circuimstatiil evidIence. The c real brought it on by his lying befor om the suspicionl was attached to him, ar Sthe disappearing saddenly of two nu onegroes, wvho from the beginning i, and sup)posed to have been his accomj iatever The negro finally told the truth, o [rotect of it, which was Lhat Suber did ri the wagon to nearly home. in a D., .pine thicket or woods-there he g Ith." said he was going to Spartanbt 1888. Laurens, and told the negro that ever told it lhe would comie bacl kill hiim. The negro alleges tl the cause of his lyig. Trhe negi n and --a good reputation. It is now said ~Green- Suber is insane. BeC this as it 0, Neal there is mystery surroundini of two whole affair. Suber had conimit1 r. Crot- crinme whatever, had a goodx reput )t had could have left as a gentleman or many ever it suited him, and the1i tc 4urnied awvay in the night, for he evidentl med byaround untilnih,wt 9. l, and proceeds of the bale of cotton,i ich he "everyday fodder-pulling clothes' s about lhe had a trunik fall of good clothc ir was there was no trouble to get. eer y John has a strange and inexplicable a to take an cc. The ordeal has ben w ti. :ough with, the niegro is eXOue Nw,Suber is al.ive, amid politics ha Inight and (lay's rest. So mlot? it autiful I pIarila. | The best medical authorities ack od, and; edge the value of Aver's Pills, aii naking scribe thenm with the utniost giving dence, as the most effectual reme arance. diseases caused by~ derangenments Istomach, liver, and bowels. 77 1>. The First Bale at Prosperity. PROSPERITY, August 22.-The firstf Har- bale of new cotton was sold here this day. evening by T. J. Boozer, to Luther & t, is Langford; weight, 430 pounds; class, middling; price, 10 cents. Yr1E. iday NOTES FROM EXCELSIOR. At have Cotton opening rapidly. I ha\ The barbecues will soon all he over, oo, the 28thl coming on and the candidates 1 A1 getting happy. X. p Lila Mr. J. E. Long after spending two 9 Mrs. weeks with relativts in this comilun ity has returned home. 1 on A few of the young folks in this see- Bei ir s, non enjoyed a social meeting at Mr. J. tl, The H. Crossoi's residence on Friday night to 15 last. and Ira, a little son of Mr. aird Mrs. J. S. is at Werts while playing with a hoea few >cery days ago received a slight wound on the head. The wound was not serious still but a little painful. of e rains Some party or p,arties have been in :ood' the habit of visiting the Academy still building at iight and carrying oft ught books and writing pens besides other mean nets they have committed. The Vest, rogues manage to get inside by break at of ing a pane out of the sash and raising FioU rived the latch. Such persens should board :hool a while ill the Penitentiary. iber- The Excelsior School will close on well, Friday evening. Mrs. Birge has been teacher of the above naied school iling during the past ten months during Para onle- which time she has used every that ng a means in instructing the young fuel and tender minds that have been old comnmitted to her care. The clos and ing exercises will take place on her Friday evening (24th) commencing at 1 the about 4 o'clock so as to make the occa Ied to sio'i more pleasant and enjoyable. The public generally has a kind invitation votes +o be present at the closing exercises of iomi- he school. We would also be delighted Rep- to see tl.e Editor of The Herald and not- News present on this occasion if con- C I andi- venient. iy be On last Friday we had the pleasu.e is the of attending the closing exercises of Mr. W E that H. H. Rikard's school at the O'Neall vever Academy. On arriving at our place of may destination we found a goodly number e 1800 already assembled and the crowd kept W rules increaseng until a large crowd had as and seinbled to witness these delightful ex three ercises the exercises being conducted and ghest in a shady grove near the academy y. No bulding. The pupils all assembled at t the the academy and at 10 o'clock were e can marched to the grove where a rostrum the g 901 was fixed for the speakers. The exercises the were opened with prayer by the Rev. are ually Dr. G. W. Holland of Newberry Col idera- lege after which followed speechea and thal ,d to dialogues of various kinds the speakers futu urtil being introduced by Rev. Holland. and After the exercises were through next best with in order was dinner and after about fif- quo been teen minutes the table was filled with so y the the best of eatables, just such a dinner Ren 1 bale as the good ladies of the O'Neall see- for< d the tion can prepare. After dinner was. :arted over with the audience re-assembled thi1 rhe to their places and an able address was sand delivered by Rev. Hollant on educa- cou* town. tion, aiLer which the young~folkanx- smn ance, joyed themselves in social plays while *~ more the old folks gathered together inCO ne at groups and talked over their youngF ies on plimenting the excellent music fur neve,. nished for the occasion by Mrs. H. H... inted Rikard on the organ and Messrs. An aving drew Kinard and Samuel 3Morris on1 the ad in violin. Thus passed away a pleasant '. reum- andc enljoyable day-a day that will not rrant soon1 be forgotten. SIG;MA. Suber, HERALDINGs FROM NO. 6. , war- - Rev. Thomas Leitch will p)reach at trgng Trinity next Saturday and Sunday. F er of The nmeeting at Smyrna (Presbyteriani)F s exe- church is being protracted. There was ,and one baptized at. Mt. Zion last Sunday, and one to be baptized the first Sunday js.in September. me: arnd On nertbbed another at Bel- Rei ,admont (colored) church last Sunday,and mg, a another shot himself accidently d the through the hland with a pistol. party Mr. John S. Floyd. has gone on his and imake annual trip to the mountains. . ome1 one attemplted to break in the untiy house of W. G. Peterson one night last posed week, but were scared off. result Rev. Langston's buggy harness were antial cut up one night last week at Bush Mei 1 the River church, and two taps were taken ittby, off of Mr. Vernon Wilson's buggy St Swheels. The lash is needed andl will be arder- applied if the guilty parties can be it, the foL.ld out. Z .ureus Crops have implrovedl during the last Z t wthl week, but we can't mxake anything like ubra full crop. FELL. Sbr August :20, 1888. I et- MARRIAGEs. train At Newberry, August 19, by Rev.W. f and C. Schmaeffer, Mr. James Luther Wil t, but liams and Miss Josephine Koon, both A beof Newberry, S. C. I I not At the residence of the bride's father,N Augus 15, 1888, by Rev. WV. A. Julian, ho MrH.Monroe Wicker and Miss A. I evi- Tommie K'nard, both of Newberry esults County. y all At the Lutheran Parsonage near St. .rong Mark's church, Edgefield County, negro on the 1.5th of August. 1888, by Rev. J. j. D.Bwe,Mr. Jno. M. Aull and Miss -- e any Sarah F. Smith, all of Edgefield Couai d by ty. other -* were Advertised Letters.I . ~ POST OFYFIeE, NEwBERRY, S. C. >hees- List of letters unclaimied and advertised r part August 21, 1888. de~Brandhuber, J F McEvoy, James P donDavis, Miss Dartha Sutt e, B s dense Edwards, Miss Saly Sanders, D)avid Eagles, Miss Julia M. Sligh. John ot off, Gailiam, J F Sterring, Jesse [ Grdner Stanmore Thomnas Miss Jeonie if he Holconmbe. MlssAnnaBThbom pioni, Mrs Leah Hire, Miss Sarah tTrquhart, A C and Howaid, A J., Esq Wise, Albert sasHoward, A R.,Esq Weinsteir. A bram Persons calling for these letters will1 please that say that they were advertised.5 may, E. S. HERBERT, P. M the . Are You skeptical?t t oif so, we willeconvince you that Acker's aton. English Remedy for the lungs is supe svhn- rior to all other p)rep)arations, and is a >steal p)ositive cure for all Throat and Lung v a troubles, Croup, Whooping Cough and - Colds. We guarantee the preparation i, the and will give you *a sample bottle free. n his P. Robertson, opposite Postothice, New 'when berry, S. C. hat County Convention. I taimly ppear'- A oen~Itioni of the D)emocratic Par on tvfor the County of Newberrwilb raed hld at New berry C. H., S. C.. on Sat .e'urday. September 1, 1888, at 11 a. mn. d one for the p)urpoise of electing~ delegates to - be. the Mtate Convention, anld for the aE. transaction of such other business as may comeC before the convention. The nowl- severatl townships will send up their, d pre- usual rep)resentation. con fi- iBy order of the Executive Commit dv for t ez. of the WV. H. HrUNT, JR., Chairman. E. H. AULL, Secretary. ON'T lIES CR YOU WILL BE WAl\TT T ID MUST HAVE IT,IF LOW PRI e to acknowledge the coin, I am OV E RS even at a big sacrif N) yards of WhiteLawn Renmants, 12OO r yard, worth Se. . d ken 4)(i yards of Colored Lawns, Ren- 173 at ~.ic. per yard-worth ;4c. I1 per There is not help for misfortune, and v Scotch Cheviots down to ite. Orier LLs down to 1.e. 20e. to ioub,le-wridthi Dress (Gxxs down Hain rifi'ed iteDressRobes le- than halt price. Ge. THOSE PRICES ARE S BUT THERE IS NO CU R WHITE G ery kind, slaughtered, including Vicori Frenchli Lawns. The largest a;nd prettiest Broelic, open Plaids, canvas stye white )ress (oods ever brougii surprise about these (o LOW PRICE NHICH ASTONISHES icing in Swiss and Oriental, .54 inlches. Al l,roidery awful eceap). ' Silk Gloves a t 2 at 10c-worth 20. Bleaching, S (ottonades, Linens, Cassim Napkins, Scrini Trini of every kind. M AK A N OTE uols, tlbrellas, Shoes, Slippers, Base Ball can be found in a No. 1 Racket Store, is to THE LEADER AND CR L'IS OURS!I The Wholesale and Betail Dry AND - MOCEtY TRADE O HAVE THE STOCK! THE STY PHE CAPITAL! THE ENERCY! AND, THEREFORE, T CIaim th Lead! We like Opposili under no condition will we budge BOSS BUSINESS IOUSE ( Every express brings new styles and ev latest novelties. Despite the general < ast month our business has been moc r5 per cent. better than we expected. We desire to openly acknowledge < king them for their past favors, and I re, assuring them that we will ever use that they will always find our stock < quality and at the very lowest bottom te to you some of ourstartling, unprece 'ery busy that we actually cannot f ibember that we will not, cannot be :ash, and consequently can offer you es Finally, in conclusion, and by way of one fact upon your mind: Don't forge We handle Bacon. Flour and Mola *se, our prices are much lower than wh 11er lots; in fact, we can offer you artment, as our goods are all fresh an WZAND SEE US. 188. SPIN DPI )R THE INSPECTION This stock has been selected with care it of all classes of goods and contains a nember that we keep a First-Class Lin we guarantee to sell as cheap as any First-Class Ho Our stock comprises all price good li and Fine Goods. Sole Agents fo rouse & Eros. Fine Tailor-3 Chas. Heiser's Fine S igler Bros. Fine Shoes ft We have the most conmi dies, Misses and Children' WE CA LL SPECIAL ATTE BOYS' AND CHILD RE] Endless Variety of H ats, ECKWTEAR IN MITH &'V THE "NEWBERRY HI. Cline's Old Stand, - L FEET, JI JODSAT LOW CA LL:-:BEFOR E:-: OU WILL SA' ~ROCERIES* DRY qiI IOTS ID SliOEi ~F~CTR2NI'I A FuLL LIE 9F Lt00DS KE M. FOOT ITATE, TOO LATE. CESWI.L FETCH IT. TOCKED, and must unload ce. yards of best Gingham, 10 to 12 mnants, 9e. Cheap at I24c. undies of Calico and Worsted at undle. 'e must keep knocking. tal nwrked from 1ic. to Ze., from11 Ilc., from 25C. to 12:e. burg Edging and Inserting sac to half price. .tens down to 1De uANDALOUS. F F)i IT. QOODS a, Iskh >p, In.iiia tinl-n andl variety of "triped checked and satin tinished here. The only His is the EVERYBODY. over Hamburg and Swiss Em .-worth -50c; Hoisery heeting, Ticking, eres, Towels, omgs OF THI: Shoes. and, in fact, everything be had at AlMPION OF LOW PRICES. WVHAT? Goods, Boots, Shoe F NEWBERRY. LES! THE OCATIO'J! THE LOW PRICES! HE TRADE! o,! We Defy Competion from our position as the F NEWBERRY. cry freight train is laden with ullness which prevailed for t satisfactory. and our saes ur gratitude to our patrons, ope for a continuance in the our best endeavors to please, f goods the best selected, the figures. ~ We would like to lented prices, but we are kept nd the time to get them up. undersold, as we buy strictly 'ery advantage. parenthesis, let us impress the place ! sses by the car load, and, of en these goods are bought in special inducements in this d bought at bottom figures. A1II NOW0OP OF THE PUBLIC. and com prises a full assort-. .1 the novelties of the season of Goods, ise Sounth. s, but we make a specialty o? nade tiothing, b.oes for Gentlemen, er Ladies. >lete line of s Shoes in Newberry NTION TO OUR. q'S CLOTHING. Both FR\and Straw PRO FUSIO N. WiEARN, CLOTHIERS." NEWBERRY, S. C L., & CI. YOU-. YOU:-: BUY. 7E MONEY! [OTHING )@DS___ AND VAISE4 PT IN A VARIETY 8TODJ JR.&OO