The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, May 10, 1888, Image 4

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Local and Special. Church Notices. IIAIr1ST-Pev. C. P. Scott, pastor. preaching next sun.lay at II a. iii et 7:4N p. in. Sun n:ty 4eh)1 at :: p. u . Mtr. -1. B. Carwile, sett,r"intentient. 1-rayer mneeting Wetlnesday at -:3!) p. in. LrrnEKAs-R-v. W. C. Scha-ffer. pa-tor. Preaehintr nt-xt .sun<ay by the pas or. at 11 a. Im and 7 4. p. n. sun<ay school at 9:30 a. in I)r. w oiu,tav." Ilouseal, bupesinte:t1enit. Prayer uneeti:g Fritlay at 7:45 p. in. 31ETHooIST-kev. .J. L. stokes. pasto-. Preachin: by the pastor at i a in. a11i ::15 p. in. Sunday st-ool at 4 p. in.. 31r. John W. Chapnan. Jui.tritutentlent. I'rayer neetii.g at 7::15 p. In. .. It. 1 5l 1 ss TEI-: OAS-- Re-v. 1-:. I'. JteCliniock. p-t.tor. .ervice next Sunriey by the pastor at 11 a. m. muniav school at 9::0ua. ut., 3lr M. A. CarliSIe, superiuitentient. Prayer meeting Thurshty- at 7 :1b p. in. Sli-sionary Society w51,dnewuay at : p. in., Mrs. C. .lower, Presi dent. w. C. T. U. Tu _"day at S p. in., Mrs. C. Mower. Presi lent. Eriscou-AL-tev. W. II. liianekel, rector. Service by the rector every third Sund.y at It a. in. aid 4:W0 p. in. 1.ay reatliig by 31r. N. B. Mazyck at 11 a. r:. fasBr:KiAS- . .. S. Cozby pastor. Preaching by the pastor at it a. It. and 7:15 p. in. suniay .ehool at 3::0 p. in., Mr. W. E Peliain, superintendient. Pra) er meeting Wednesday at 7.15 1). mu. Teachers' Arsociation. Notice is hereby givetl that the next meeting of the Association is post ponled to Saturday May 19th, on ac count of the meeting of the County Democratic Convention on the 12th. A. S. SeIErz. Presid?nt. BIooKs C EAI'.-.Mr. R. B. Lyon has a lot of rare and valuable books which he will sell t"heap. Call and see hium at Cofield & Lyon's drug store, and he will take pleasure in showing them to you. it I). C. F lynn (rets his friends and customers this week with an atnnou:eement in The Herald and News. He says he does not believe in advertising but is obliged to give the trade his prices through The Herald antd News. Read them atn( give him a call, Mr. Rodgers is in charge and will be pleased to see you. The best touie for weak and delicate children, and also the best remedy for coughs and colds, is Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites. Prepared by P. Robertson, pharmnaeist, opposite the Post Othice. tf. Writing paper at cents a quire at Hunt's Bok Store. Lady Florence's Tooth and Mouth Wash, an elegant and safe preparation for preserving and beautifying the teeth and stre ngtheninlg the gums. For sale at Robertson's Drug Store, op posite the Post Office. tf. The Baptist Church. Rev. C. P. Scott, pastor of the Baptist church, left N.ewberry on Vednesday morning to attend the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Rich mond, Va., and also a meeting of the Northern Convention in Washington, D. C. He will be absent for about three weeks. Mr. H. F. Shealy will preach at this church on Sunday mornings during the ab)sence ot tihe pastor. There will be no service at night. We Keep B. B. B. at Pelham's. S. S. S. at Pelham's. Hood's Sarsan arilla at Pelhami's. Cutieura Resolvent. at Pelhamn's. Heinitsh's Delight at Pelhami's. All Blood Purifiers at Pelhamn's. But Pelhamn's (onipiound Syrup of Queen's D)elight and Sarsaparilla, for blood disorders, is unlCeelled. tf. P1-:L HA M's PH AHM^t' Fina~l Examination. 'lhe Iinial examiinatioln of the senior class in Newvherry College was comi pleted Tuesdlay. The hionors-anid class standing will be announced iln the col lege chapel this morning. The class numnbers six as follows: Nathan IE. Aull, Edgefieldl County: John P. Glasgow, Newberrv Cotunty; F. R1 McIntosh, Newberry; 'C. .J. Rast, Orangeburg C'ounlty; J. C.. Seegers, Jr., ('oluinbia; anid Z. F. W\right, Newbelry. For Bhise-balls, Bats. Caps, Belts, Masks, Gloves, ete., go to Hunt's Book Store. tf. Everv~onke should see Wright & J. W. Coppo<ck's Iuderwear b efore purchas in1g. I t is as conmfortale as ornamlen tal. This is saying mnuch, buit 'tis true. tf (Go to S. B. .Jonei-' for Seed Potatoes. ti. Wright & J. W. Coppoc.k's line of G.ents' Neckwear is just awfully nice. That is what the ladies say. i. e., the best looking ones. tf Shannon Files,eheapx, at Hunt's Book Store. tt. Good Writing Paper at 4e a qjuire, at .J. W. 'hatpmnan's. Lecture by Dr. A. D. Mayo. The Rev. D)r. A. D). Mayo will deliver a lecture at the Newberry Opera House on next Monday niight, May 14, under the auspiecs of the Newberry Literary Associationl. Dr. Mayvo ha:s visited New berry before and is a most excellent and tiuen$t lecturer. The lecture will be free and we hope to see- a full attend anIce. The& tea(crs of the town andl county arc especiailly invited to bie presenSt. Dr. Mayo is a gtreat wvorker a.mUong teachers andh ini the cause5 of Luthxeratn Ituionii. The Newhecrry Confe-rence of the South Carolina Synod has inauigurated a moi(vemenCt for a mass15 meeting of Lutherans during the stununer at a poinit covenienlt to the people within thebxoundlsof the ('entrall and Newberry ('onferenlces. The iconunJ)jittee met at Nt.-berry last Mlnday, andl adjourned to mxeet aga;in oni May :>:l at Little Mountain,. whole representatives of the other conti-rences are expetedC to co operatte with the commiiittee in select ing the tuime and' place for the reuntionl. -Lutchra \isitor. IA'oi' 11.:i:: ... Russell sells eight cakes of (Colgate's Soap for 2.> cents. ('rockervwarte, trhasw~are, lampIls, boots, slioe5, h'ats. trunks, valises, and a gen eral stock of D ry (Goods and Groceries, all low~ downl for caIsh. G;ive him a trial and1 be contvined'. Satisfacetion1 guar ateedc(. tf Who keeps- the nicest stock of Hats in *Newhxerry': Wright & J. W. (oppock -Go :xlt ad-s t hlem anid be convm'iheed. t f. Don't forget that D. B. WVheeler has on haniud at reatsonatble prices the Do mestic, D)avis a nid the New Home Sew ing Machines. tf Oil, Paints andIx A rt material of every description, at t-. HUNT'S BOoK STORE. VOICING THE DEMOCRACY. Delegates to the County Convention Strongly in Favor of the Primary from Governor to Coroner. The following list comprises about three-fourths of the delegates who will (omlx pose the )emnoeratic con\venttion( of May 12. The clubs have declared almost unanimously in favor of primarv elee tions forall offices, and if the primary is not adopted, they desire two State colveltioIs-the latter to noinalte State otieers. Ti,w.Nsa (I 1. t , 3tEN's ( IL. Jas. lcll'io.h. S. '. i >z.r. WV. T. Tiarran t. W. W. Y. J. Puj e. 'T. S. .Moorrnatn. M.A. Carlisle. W. Y. Fair. J. W. Gary. it. L. .\c(aughrin. A. NJ. Bowers. C. B. Buist. S. Pope. This club favors a primary election for all otlieers, State and county; but in case the State priinary is not adupt ed, the club favors two State (oun\ent tiols. 1"4)t-St EN'S 4LB (>. I.. schutpert. .1. A. Burton. E. C'. Jones. T. E. Epting. J. K. P. Goggans. Harry H. lcase. J. Y. ('ulbreath. W. A. Fail Iw. T'. C. Pool. The club favors a primtary election for State offices; if not adopted, two c oniventions. CAROLINA CLUI. G;eo.S Mfower. .1. T. Setzler. Jno. M1. Kinard. .1. M1. Jehrutone. t; leo. G. tale. 1>. M. Ward. 1. J. Larne. George Johustulr. J. C. Psrrv. W. H. Hunt, Jr. 3. N. Bass. L \ Jones. Ed R. Kingsnore. Frank Baxter. Win. H1. Ithedd. .1. P. Faut. t;. A. Ioody3. \GIl. Johnsone. The delegates were uninstructed; sen tinent unfavorable to the State pri marv. HELENA CLUB. J. M. Bowers. '. W. Bishop. Dr. S. G. W elch. Arthur Kibier. The club is in favor of the primary plan for all offices and one conventionl. HARTFORD CLUR. Township 1. Township X. .1. '. Hair. .art't S. Paysinger. C. T. Paysinger. Willie Kibler. The club favors a primary election for all offices; otherwise two conven tions. TowNsHIP 2-CLUB 1. A. J. Gibson. H. C. Wilson. W. B. Reagin. John Price. Jos. Caldwell, Jr. Eb. .. Chalmers. J. C. S. Brown. The club favors a State pritary; it the primary is not adopted, two State conventions. TowNsHIP 4. J. S. Spearman. Jno. M. Suber. M. M. Buford. George Denson. .1. W. ScotL ('. H. Shannon. J.11. McCarley. G F. Abrams. W. C. Cromuer. John F. Mct'arley. T. W. Abrans. W. A. Andrews. S. L. Atchison. The club voted in favor of a primary election from Governor down; other wise two State conventions. Tov.*NSHIP 5. E. P. Chalmers. D. Walter Barre. Thompson Conuor. Carr W. Bishop. John B. Campbell. W\'. c. Swittenberg. N. F. Johnson. Thos. B. Riser. Win. C.Sligh. Ge. C. Glasgow. (;. W. Ia. Spearran. Jrs. W. i. Johnson. The club voted in favor of a primary election from Governor down; other wise two State conventions. TowNsHir 6-CLVB 1. W. G. Peterson. W. P. Johnson. M. H. Gary. Thos. J. Maitett. J. R. Spearnman. A. P. I)avis. The club is in favor of t wo ~on1venl tions. CLUB 2. J. A. Werts. John W. Rleeder. E. H. Lonshore. E. C. Longshore. DavidPitts. Walter S. Spearmian. The club favors two conventions. CLUTB 3. J. T. D)avis. J1. H. D.rroht. A. J. Livingston. J. ML Work man. Jno. W. Reagin. J. W. Smith. Trhe club favors the primary systeml from Governor dlown; otherwise twoc State conlvenitions. TowNBsHIP S. F. Moon. G. B. Reagin. J. R. Davidson. D). A. Cannon. .. H. Wicker. J. C. Goggans. J. P. Blair. L.H. Boulware. G. F. Long. L. W. Long. The delegates were uni nst ructed, b utI the club is largely in favor of a State primary; otherwvise two conventions. TowNsHtP 9-CLuB 1. J. B. F.>llers. A.MLet. J. 31. Wicker (..Con. A. H. Wheeler. A.. ier C. F. Boyd. J.LVie L.. S. Bowers. .I tuenyr G. A. 3Matrett. JW.PBrw. H. S. Boozer. A.Wye TowNshiP 10JLIYTETCL. G;. M1. Singley. W.BBint Joe W. Werts. R..Ll&gt. F. D Kinrd. N.WH. Stoune. MT T.O C.Lut. 3. A.iih... ibl. A. N.lIOlilt(1 J. L) Wshe-l I)r.G. . Stalr. R. . Stoudemay. Luthe B. Ergl J W1n. D. SBrw. Win.I).Bunric. W.J. BHint T. . Hinad J.v W.liton. J.hA.deieh. te . J.r Hil>p.ut(t vt --\tate ongres.ion. hadly. ty nd N. Faore holin (Cl Statch. e TuheeB Iate.tJo. D.osuper. Wm.RD Bunrick. Apri :J.THez. i tion of Htthn Dvist Churhpp. th ciThen meegtesweeiscd townoiFia viti a-large conresnion and closedty Sndfay.orvolies were htate onvenida cThue, atiatdeof roper it. $ aino th Baptofit wahricha olth bourthlsectionl fteied.ivrAs igting (ltingi thown on riayt wi (ay evrging.pistaitan le 01M SundA. Chlercs wlc.Tere hedonra prec hng horeatrd tihe a tte then hws ae thati timer Tilitta fhslace wasiih ill afryo tet con Kilhed lightightnig.o ay Astruck th onerof the house n Scorn>ert Bassged yars iwast kille b ltnn moring athe ry relatri daveing.His pcor aenth abve facts M. A. Chles' phasete sThere 2wert tiverothe andrenered the beeothiessi he hose aut the same time. Thi itho place. The bespeakn form tioi havler struck the crner of1 the housre. ( hiConelssleld einquhiestoa urdaymrning andvithe jury retundt veditinacodac wt abovefact marke an 1renteredk:te bf bHusness Tea 1put sale byriceB downto tfo patroalls from Btsl Hustomero,k' etis noc. tc.,ger Sn the Jark. te< iannousncenteatewhere. trac Steaf.ord's coing X:1iInk at Huntuf Book Store. tf Tea For Fle, by J.. WJn. Ctl f1l Mare ofathse Oandr Bils, s,atJnock Good, etc.,er. at .3 Jones. t CHepker's.BcwetadOte Memorial Day. It has been suggested that to-day, Thursday, 10th May, be observed by our citizens as Iernorial Day. That at -ix o'clock this afternoon the monu meInt be decorated and immediately afterwards the graves of our dead in the old village grave vard :nd in ltose inout 'elucetery. lThat the following conilnittees of Ildies :uperintenl sneh1 det"orations: _\-r \Iuxt . :x-r-\Ir-..Jas. M4"In1tos,-: \Ir-. (1. L. -clbutlpert, \Irs. E. L. 31 Fall, \Ir-. s. Popt, \irs. M. A. Ca rl isle, )I1-t. (u. Melt. olhnt's. Ali-ses Katie 1 utherford, NatIhalie M.azvck, Stevie ;4)w"trs,'-allie Wright, A\llie C'uzby. .\T (0l.1, L.\E( .vYn> 31rs. L. .1. .Joes. \Ir-. Fanlie N. Bax ter, \I r-. S. P. 1>oozer, Mirs. Wi. Lang fo;rd. Air-. W\illie E. Rutf, Mlisse:- Ahua \Verber, l'atie \lue-, Fannie Hotges. .\T Ih,i- oNT ('1:TItETE -- Mlrs. Johni '. Wilson. M1rs. J1. Y. ('ulbreathl, MIrs. Y'..J. PoplIt, \I1rs. (;..M1. ("irardleau, \1r:-. T. 3M. L.akt, Nirt. .\h;u1 J.+hnstone, \lis-cs 3amie \let ts, Iatitie \e Into)sh, Mattic lec('aughlriii, 0. E. (:arlintgton. We hope there will be a full turnout of the ladies appix itlted( oil the conlinlit tees antd of the citizels of the town and pay this small tribute of remenilbrance to our de:ad soldiers. The Three ('s ieares Newberry. Capt. 0. I. 1t:l.-atnur, the engineer of the Thiree ("s, with his assistants,hias reaeled Newberry and pitched his tents in the pines just beyond Col. Leavell's place within the city. They 11oved their caip on Tuesday froim the river. The line ha., been located from Augusta and with the exception of a few mltiles coinlig out from Augusta it is the sume as the Mitchell line only it is adapted to the standard guage. They were at work yesterday about six miles froni town. It has not yet been decided hv what route or at what place they will coine ill town or where they will go out. The engineers will decide in a few days after viewing the city which is the best place to cole in. They will be stationed here for sonic time. Fromi here on the work will go slow as it will bea new route. We would be ~gad now to see the work of eollstruetioi eonlllen"ed on this elid1 of the road. Pensions Granted. We publish below a list of applicants for pensions front Newh erry County who have ieen passed upon by the State Board and whose pensions have been allowed. There are a nuimber of Others who have not yet been allowed : lebecca C. Boozer, Prosperity ; En eline C'rolier, Newberry ; Margaret Kinard, Polaria ; Nancy Brooks, Prosperity ; Elizabeth Brooks, C'hap p ell's ; Elizabeth Fooshe, Chappell's John M. Counts, Newbery; Elizabeth Shieely, 1rosperity ; Ciroline . Chap mlanl, Pirosper.ity ; Elizabeth ('. Neel, New berry ; M1ary EK. Perkins, Pros pIerity ; Elizabeth it. Lake, Utopia ;M3. 1B. Hunter, Newherry; Mlatilda Gritlith, Newh,errv : 3. EK. Reid, Newberry; Samluel I'. MInfl'tt, Newbierry ; Dru ':lla W\aits, P'rosperity ; Nanlcy EK. DXen, lRoseh or'o; 3Iar'tha E. Kohn, Prosperity;Janiies 31. . ardi, Kinrd's; za IbethI ('aieron(Il, Prlosperlityv ; Susau1 lis Rt. Joines, Newherry ;C. B. Buist, New beiry ;A. J1. Rankin, Newbierry. Merit Rtecognized. Our towlsinan, Mfr. A. 11. Kohin, who hIas b eenl ihe efficient President oif Prosperity Y. Mf. C. A. for mauny yer andi is well-knowvn as an active Y. 3M. C'. A. wor'ker-hiavinlg attended many State (onvent ions-has extcfende to himn the position of Local Secretary of the Wilnington (N. '. ) Y. 3M. C. A., with a salary of $1,000 to begin with. A nother Y. Mf. ( . A. has also extended hiin an offr. MIr. Kolmn hias the Wihniington odfer to leave here, P'rospIerity would lose one of its miost energetic and1( progressive citizens, anid the usefulness of Pros perity Associat ion wouild suffer 'onisid erabIly. Wie trust he will see his way clear to remlain where lhe is.-Prosperity P~res. aind Reporter. Helena Heraldings. The weather is favorable to vegeta ticon. Amiateur gardeners are taking niote of the veterans who are hard at work transplanting cabbage, tomato and potalto. MIrs. Pratt is the 'boss' gardener of Helena. The p)rospects are favorable for a niice suRpply~ of vegeta Iles. Thle Ilower-vards arc radiant and fra gr:nt. Anmd if there ar'e hut fe peaiches (ol the trees, here aiRd there, the apple, plm acnd cherry bidi fair to be supple meitedl lby an inmmlense ldakberry MIr. ( . J1. Zobel has phasedl:5tI the lit betwieen Alessrs. Hohnl an and Shock Iev's residences at Helenai. We believe it is Alir. Zobiel's inltenRtion to buil. Tlhe Helena D)emtcratie club met at the A cademlv last F"ridayv ight. D)r. S. G . Welhch wa:s called to the chair antd lt. 11. ireneker req1uested to act as see~ reteiry. Thie chair btrieily stated the ob, jec't of thRe mieetinig, whereupon a c'om1 m iittee, conRsisting oif Mcessrs. T. P'. ILne, .f. J1. Scott and Arthur Kihder were aplpointedl to nomllinatte dlegates to the coiuntV yconvenit ion. Thle following are delegates: .J. Mf. Bowers, Dr. S. (G. Welch, ( . WV. Bishop and Arthur Nib Ier. .\lternates-3M. J1. Scott, .J. A. G ;lnn. 'Thie club fav'ors tIhe prlimryltR~ biodt y wa n tedi omeie. 'There wvas no ex o.ept tiln to this r'ule. A' a brief dhis ('ussionii of piractticail points, the club ad jourined to mieet againll at the call of the pre'Osidenit. SANS So000. If youii have' orlianlized orI thlink of (iri:m'iinl a Baise Ball (lubt it will be tovu Invantage toi goi to H ut's Book Stor. n gilt lhiir special r ates to1 lIts5e Ball ( lub's. t f. hReemrlk t hat Wright & J1. W. ('oh pock grive :a dhi"ountit of tien per. cent Ho. vs. Now" is Yornt ('4AN'C-tf 'oil iZto to fut' Book Store and1( buty a 5 eent tablet, t hey will give you a meeC lead penil. tf. SIintonl's VrriAuxi-:nt is what you nieed for (Co1st ipat ion. Los o5 (f A ppetite, D)izziness, andl all synmptoms of D)ys pepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents twer hot -le ile VARIOUS-.AND ALL ABOUT. The County Convention meets (n Saturday. Mr. J. Ben Kempson is announced for County Commissioner. Mr. W. W. Riser is announced this week as a candidate for Sherif' Mr. H. C. Suniner is having somec improvements made on the front of his store. There was considerable hail in the upper portion of the county-last Friday The subject of the sermon at the Lutheran church next Sunday night is "Christianity tested by experiment." Jack Whitener, a well to do colored man, died at his home here on Monday morning. Good rains have fallen throughout the county during the past week, and the crops are doing well and the farn ers are happy. The stalls at the Newberry market were rented on Monday as follows: Stall No. I t > Cabaniss & Singleton; stall No. 2 to E. B. Blease; stalls Nos. 3 and 4 to J. B. Daniel. An esteemed friend in the county in forms The Herald and News that the word "lady" also occurs in the 1st chap ter and 1st verse of 2d John. Mr. T. E. Epting got his ari badly cut in letting down a sash in his hou-e the other day. He was letting the sash down when it slipped and his :rmc ran through a pane of glass. The annual inspection of the New berry Fire Department was had on Tuesday afternoon. The machinery and men of the department presented a veiy handsome appearance. We beg leave to second the nomina tion of Col. C. H. Suber, made by the Herald and News of Newberry, to be delegate at large to the St. Louis con vention.-Laurens Advertiser. There was a small crowd in town on Monday and only one public sale made. Nancy Warner vs. Frank Kibler, one and a half acres in Prosperity to Dr. J. A. Harmon for $350 cash. The one ad vertised by the Probate Judge was con tinued to Saleday in June. St. Luke's Episcopal congregation had the pleasure of a visit from Rev. Mr. Tillinghast last Sunday. His ser mons were edifying and impressive. Mr. Tillinghast was returning from the Anderson convention to his home in Richland County. Mr.:C. C. Davis is putting in a lot of new machinery at his sash and door factory here and enlarging his building. He has some fine machinery and is pre pared to do first class work. He is at work now on the Piedmont Factory a large part of the work being done here and shipped to that point. Mr. John Hawkins was brought be fore U. S. Commissioner Reid on last Thursday. He was represented by Col. . L. Schumpert, Johnstonte & Cromer, ad Col. W. H. Hunt, Jr. A prelimi nary examtinationt was waived and he was admitted to bail in the sum of $2, 000 for his appearance at the United Sttes(Court in Greenville ont the first Mionday iln August-J. C. Neel, F. A. Schumipert, I.W. Fant and .J.G. Rikard being his bontdsmen. He left ont Fri day morning for his home in Orange burg. Personals. M1ayor Geo. B. (Cromter is able to le up and( at htis office. Mr. D). C. Flynn of Union was ini town the last of last week. Mr. Harry H. Santuels has been on a visit here for several days. Mr. M. F'oot has returned from visit to his son in Atlanta. Miss Fannie Werts, of Silver Street, is visiting Mrs. T. E. Epting. Mrs. Frank Fant, of Spartanburg, is on a visit to Newberry as the guest of Miss Werber. Mrs. R. B. Lyon has returnedl fromnt vsit to relatives and friends att King. street and Charleston. Dr. Frank Fantt and his friend Mr Feaster, of Fairfield, were on a visit t< New berry in the early part of thte week Miss Julia Cogswell who has beeni visiting the Misses Metts for several weeks returned( to her home in (Charles ton yesterday. We are glad to learn that there is posibility of Rev. Mr. HanekelPs re covering the use of his eye. The trouble is believed to have~ been caused by the breaking of a blood vessel wvhich th< work of absorption will recover. Hallow, Charlie! Have you beet spending the wiinter in Mexico? N aw been to Wright & Coppock's; couldnt'1 esist. tf Early Rose, Goodrich and Peerles: Potatoes at S. B. Jones'. t Cr->q uet Sets, Hammocks, Fishing t-ks, etc., at Hunt's Book Store. tf A fresh lot of gartden r-ced at ti J. S. Rt'ssEL.L's. CoRr e , WHoor ur xo Cot'o Hi and Bronm <t~hitis inuinediately relievedl by shiloh' ure. Wright & J1. W. (Coppock's is thi p)lace to get your Clothing if you want1 to get the worth of your money. t f Base-balls fronzi 5c. to !$1.541, at IIunt': Book Stoie. tf. H you want a first-class Sewing Ma chine, call on D). B. Wheeler on Friend street, next dooxr to D)r. Pope's office. t TH AT H AexING CoronH can be 5( qjuickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. W4 guaratee it. WILL Yor StrFER with Dyvspepsi: and Liver Comnplaiint? Shiloh'~s \ ita lizer is guaranteed to cure you. SLEEPLtESS N i(HJTs, mtade miserahhd y that terrible cough. Shiloh's (Curt is the Remmedy for you. CATARRH{ CURED, health and swee reathI secured, by Shiloh 's C'atarrh Reey. Price .50. cents. Nasal In jector free. For lame b,ack, side or chest, use Shi lohi's Porous Plaster. Price 2.5 cents. SiHILOH'S CouG H and C.nsumptioi 'tre is sold by us on a guarantee. I eures Coinsumlptionl. Many ladies admire gray hair--oi soe other person-but few care to tr: its eflects oni their own charms. The' need not, since Ayer's Hair Vigor re stores gray hair to its original color Sold by druggists and perfu mers. In the spring, hundreds of person suffer from boils, carbuncles, and.-othe eruptive diseases. These are evidence that the system is trying to purge itsel of impurities, and that it needs th powerful aid which is afforded by th use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. {Reckiesr. Shooting. There was some very reckless shoot ing on the street Tuesday night about 9 o'clock, by Mack Rutherford, in a difficulty between himself and Peter Kennedy. They were in the street op posite the store of C. & (. S. Mower, Four shots were tired. One struck a small tree, one went through the store wcindow and through two tin bucketi in the rear end of the store, another glitced on the window sill and the other went down the street. Nobody was hit. They were brought before the council on Wednesday morning, and Mack was fined ten dollars and Peter discharged. Kennedy swore out a warrant before Justice Blease a.ain-t Rutherford for assault and battery of a high and ag gravated nature, and intent to kill, and with a deadly weapon, but on the re quest of the attorney representmg tht State a preliminary examination wa. waived and Rutherford released on hi own bond, with a view to having the matter compronised. 'T'his we take it is a serious charge and should not bt com1promised. It is true, in this in. stance, no one was hurt; but such reek less shooting on the public streets should be punished if there is any law% which can reach the case. The intent, certainly, was deadly, and for sueh characters to be turned loose on tht c-mn lluntitV with so little trouble and inconveniience to themtselves should not be toierat:d in a law-abiding commu nity. Mack paid his ten dollars to the coun cil and is at large. Mack Rutherford has taken out a similar warrant against Peter Kennedy It would seem that both were armed with pistols. We hope that this case will not be permitted to Ie compromised. PROSPERITY LETTER. Mrs. U. B. Whites and Miss Manhic are both sick again. Rev. J. D. Bowles, of Edgetield, wa. in town on Friday last. The town council is beautifying tin market with whitewash. The number of bales of cotton sold it this market to date, 5,Bar. Price to-da 9 to 9.1. The peach crop is very short, but th< blackberry crop bids fair to be veri good, so does the crop of candidates. Mrs. John R. Ragsdale, of Fairfielt County, with her little ones, paid Mrs Josepl Hunter a pleasant visit las1 week. Mrs. Everett and little daughter,wh< have been visiting Mrs. Dr. Harmoi for several weeks, has returned to At lanta. Col. George Johnstone was in towr Monday night, representing Dr. Har mon before the town council. H gained his case. Rev. C. A. Marks has returned fron a visit to Southwest Virginia. He again conlsidIering a second call to th missionary work ini that reion1. Capt. Kinard, of Edgefield, says on of our jolly candidates has already be gun to electioneer Edgefield voters Nothing like deadening timber around a field if you dlesire a good crop necar th borders. Mr. A. H. Kohni has under advise mnent a call to the secretaryship of th Y. M. C. A. at Wilmington, N. C. Wt wvould be sorry to loose this youn brother from the work here, still if h feels it his duty to accept, he oughtt go, and wve will bid hmim God speedi the work for the Master. On account of the meeting of th Demnocra tic convention to be held Newberryv C. H., on Saturday the 12t instant, thc T1eacher's meeting at th place is postponed until Saturday ti 19th instant, when we hope to have full attendance. The programme is a interesting and important one. The Democratic club of Prosperit re-organized last Thursday by electin the following ofticers: Col. A. I Wheeler, president; C. F. Boyd, 1h vice-president; J. T. P. Crosson,2d viet > resident; A. M. Wyse, secretary; J. I 'ellers, treasurer. Executive commi tee: A. H. Wheeler, A. M. Wvse an: J. B. Fellers. Last week our town presented r< markably busy scenes the whlole weel Every day there were crowds, especial] ladies, thi-onging the stores. New boi nets, new hats, newv dresses., new i bons, new aprons, new shoes and ne everything, until the poor, tired, hui gry clerks were only too glad whE night camne on and they could rest the weary bones.. The gentle and refreshing showe since last Thursday have been of inest miable value to the farmers. The whea and oats crop were both suff'erin greatly. Notwithstanding the rain some farmers place the shortage of bot wheat and oats at 25 per cent. Othe even more than this. Cotton will no nmake good stands, though a little lat Many persons could not finish plantin unilth rindid come. Every one now bending his utmo4t energies to r gain what has been lost. "Tms is No CH EsTNUT."-The pros of the pudding is the chewing of ti baig. X ou will find this out by callimi for the "Daisy Cigars" at W. - KinanPds, who sells the "Daisy Cigars exchisively. Has just got another shi] ment. 'Look at his sales increasin every day. Manufactured by Harr H. Sanmuels, 3019 East 59th Street, Ne Yo:k. 4t He Poured out H{is Own Doge. Charlie Whitener went in Cofleld Lyon's Drug Store on Monday an asked Mr. Lyon to give him sonmethin for headache. Mr. Lyon got down abo tIe of bromidia and a glass to give him a dose but some one called his attentio a minute and lie put the bromidia an glass on1 the counter. When lie can: back 'Whitener had taken his ow dose-about an ouniee-andl as tl: med icine co)ntainedC( several ingredien; that are poisonou(ts emecties had to I administered to save his life. He wv: able to go home in the afternoon ani has recoveredl. Excund'on to Greenville. An~ excursioni will be run from Pro perity to Greenville to-morrow, Frida; 11th, the price for the round tripi Prosperity, $1.85; Newherry, $1.8 Chappells, $1.;5; Ninety Six, $1.15. TI schedule going is: Leave Prosp)erit 5.50 a. mn.; Newberrv, f;.E7; Helen: 6.:;: Silver Stree.t, 6.3i); SaIla, 6.4 (Chappells, 6.57; Dyson 7.10; Ninety Si: 7.9 and arrive at Greenville 11.10. R turning leave Greenville in the afte noon at 4.25 P. M. andl arrive at Nei beryat 9.38. _Box Papers, at J. W. Chapman Comet Style," "Bullion," "Charre Edge," etc., etc. Grand Lodge I. O. F. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of South Carolina met in Newberry yes terday morning, and was called to order by Grand Master Gerard Reicke, of Charleston. The lodge was opened with prayer by Grand Chaplain John E. Boinest, of Charleston. The report of the various 'grand was officers read and referred to the committee on the j state of the order: John E. Boinest, Silas Johnstone, Wim. Zobel and Henry Steel. There about 25 delegates pres ent. Another session% was held yesterday I afternoon. The Grand Lodge will adjourn this mornig. Pulaski Lodge of Newberry gave the t members of the Grand Lodge an ele gant supper last night at MeCaughrin's hall. DEATHS. Mr. Harrison Ropp, of Saluda, died April 216, 18.8, aged 73 years. He was a nieiber of the Lutheran church for more thai 50 years. The youngest child of MIr. and Mrs. Wallace Bruce, died on Saturday May 5th,1SS, aged about one year. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry J. Moats, of No. 6 Township, died on fuesday night, the 1st instant, aged I four months. Advertised Letters. PosT OFFICE, NEWERRY, S C. l,ist o letters unclaimed an<d atvertised May 8, 15S1. Alexander, C 2 Low-on, Rev Ben. (4) A mith, . J. Merhants'Col.Agenc Brooks, Florence Marks. Oscar Boozer, T. A. Quincy, Ella Brown, Daniel Reader, T. L. Bird, Miss May Randell, Robert Bellantin,J. Roland, G. S. Barnett. Mrs. Lether Sligh, Ripley Boozer, Wm. Sligh, Joseph Capelin. Isabela Simpson 'm Edwards, Mrs Rova Wilson.James Franklin, Tobe, col'd Woodford C.1). Goldsmith, J. Wion isLla Hines, Julian E. Walton, J. F. Lane, T. N. Persons calling Qor these letters will please eadvertised. d. S. HERBERT. P. M. Tominations. FOR THE SENATE.4 J EFFERSON A SLIGH is hereby anniounced for re-nomination at the 1)eniocratic primary election, to repre sent the people of -Newberry County in the State Senate, and is pledged to abide the result of said election. ID SAMPSON POPE is hereby anrouced as a candidate for the Senlate from Newberry County, and will abide the result of the priary election. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. JEORGE S. MOWER is hereby noDeimate.i to represent Newberry County in the 1Touse of Representa tves, and is pledged to abide the result bof the presry election. MANY VOTERS. OLE. LIVIN GSTOP BLEASE is hereby ansounced as a candi date for the House of Representatives, sultject to the primary election. MANY VOTER.S. O RS SH ERIFF. TIES EORG W . IS ER is hereby nu nomine,d to candesent Newbherryf ti,and i pledged to abide the result h prithearimar Helectilldthn.sto S ith ere annoutnced the pepl cad crdt o theiHsef rgtepsttfour esuec and the derimryt puetimn.r e ~ainMANY VOTERS. CFROR SHER. WTW. RISER fiens ofer. announ. .d anuc i as a candi-aefrSeif an de to abide the result of the piay r primy.ef Newbhas Cllege hen noiin ath'gryeas oldeanetre the peoplean credi tove hroelurgh the warsthu years,bandpeekderetpu him there f i agan.MANY VOTERS. TOHE mn finRds he reb a.nF BO'anouncehi as a candidaefr -lr i dteCo for erkerry Cout,y pledgecti toabdthreuto the primary.eletion Boy left Newberry CollegIwhnIne-. tee y1e arel andtenried the QuitoncJ RiflYe acmanyELa fome andidabery ad setved th rovalh the warwit notunctte attl of canddafr Ceek. CoWembesieakfr subecm te port ofhi 'pmay rendsctho otteony ~ T EREB annunc AmNysERs.a nouned a a-andidate for fClerk S01o th Comisin for Newberry County,jc t the primary election.Iwilntb oaEd ifaremutizentnnuceJ E. SA LDEL isshreb nminate reelctont the office of Sho omsinr erteCombs. inrfrNwe RT(OL HR KIB LER is herebyn ~ )anounced addt for FeI chlfltolla CountyTrsioer, subject to the ri-o prmary election. HEREBYS announc mseeb ana caJ.nonietlaeldidate for teoicountyoo ersuer. tthe wcill abid the result of gthe Primiary Eeto.I ilntb g FOR CO.N W. HMIG~INS. BE. SAEMP is hereby mne . forur-e sctidatote forfc t ofI ty SchoolCmissionern will Nebierrye - FOMONT RASURVOER. HEE announce renmyselfo asa noncd sI canididate forthofcef County TeasuerH il(aie the result of telrllr, JOHN ). BROOrES. .eiili nouce as a adidate for then ~5ole tOIty Conissiner,oadwil ubidet euth ofr thr~elerionr.Sucsfli fi 4thl an solicitanlfy fienubli if .iHaEEcied announce myself acandlidate for the office of County Commissioner, andlpledgetmyselfato JONE . ROKP. R.JONA EDIT RPleas announce it ailnamied for a cnte Cormthe ie oier for N'ounty Cousiny, subject tolthetrimaryVlection FOR COOER.LAE eT h soliciASion herby finds,I a- caniate fr rl it the office of ut rCommrsoner, subject to primaryin E R D J HNA. HANGRMO RE ieeb herueb noiae orthe Coffice si f oner for Newerry County, sub 'eto te wll Dfteopeati otepimr electon.CVTERS. DON'T HE CR YOU WILL E I WANTT T AND MUST HAVE IT,IF LOW have to acknowledge the corn, I am OV even at a big 1,000 yardof WhiteLawn Reinants, e. per yard, worth se. 22,WO yards of Colored ns. Rem ants at':3.1c. pe ryard-w\orth 6;c. There is not help for misfmrtiue 1.e. ieoteh Cheviots (lovni to 11'. Berges down to 15. ges. double-width I) ss Goods down u 1) c. ri White Dress Robes less than half price. THOSE PRICES AR BUT THERE IS NO WIIITE f every kind, slaugiteredi, iteluding V French Lawns. The largest and prt I3roec, open Plaids, canVas. white )rcss (ood.s ever br< surprise about thes< LOW PR WHICH ASTONISH louneing in Swiss and Oriental, 54 inch broidery awful cheap. Silk Glove at 1oe- -woortlh 20,. Bleachi: (ottonlades, Linens, C Napokinis, Serimt of every MAKE A N O'I >arasols, Umbrellas, Shoes, Slippers, Bast hat can be found in a No. 1 Racket Store, :ID 0. FT: THE LEADER AN] 'TIS OURS The Wholesale and Retail - - AN] GROCERY TRADE NE HAVE THE STOCK! THE THE CAPITAL! THE ENER . AND, THEREFORE NoC laim Ihk lead! We [Ike Opj ind under no condition will we b BOSS BUSINESS HOUS Every express brings new styles at :he latest novelties. Despite the geni ,he last month our business has been re 75 per cent. better than we expecte We desire to openly acknowle< thanking them for their past favors, a Future, assuring them that we will eve mnd that they will always find our st best quality and at the very lowest bo quote to you some of our startling, un] so very busy that we actually can Rembemberthat we will not, cann< For cash, and consequently can offer y Finally, in con.clusion, and by wt his one fact upon your mind: Don't We handle Bacon, Flour and course, our prices are much lower tha smaller lots.; in fact, we can offer department, as our goods are all fres COME AND SEE US. FLOYD & 1888. SPIN 0 OuR NW SRIN G0I FOR THE INSPECTIC This stock has been selected with ment of all classes of goods and conta Remember that we keep a First-Class Li and we guarantee to sell as cheap as a First-Class I Our stock comprises all price Medium and Fine Goods. Sole Ager Strouse & Bros. Fine Tail Chas. Heiser's Fix Zeigler Bros. Fine $hoe| We have the mnost Ladies, Misses and Childi WE C'AL L SPECIAL A BOYS' AND CHILD] An Endless Variety of Hi NECKWTEAR II SMITH & THE "NE WBERE I. H. Clinem~ Old Stand, I. FliT,. --WILL SE CALL:-:BEFORI YOU WILL Sa GROOERIE DRY 4 OOTS AN SHOI HND iFMLL LiE OFGOOI8 1M. FOG 'SITATE, E TOO LATE. E~E CASH PRICES WILL FETCH 3T. E RSTOCK ED, :1:1l 1,f11t lalmti sacri tie. 12,OI vards of b-t G h; in to 12 i Remn11ants, !cr. Cheap ai 12.'.,. 17:i bundles of ('ali4,, a:n4 W red at per hulndlt'. 01we mou-t keep kno&;' s. Oriental imarked frm:1 1a ". ito e.. froml )e. to Ise., from 25c. to 12'e. Hambh.:urg Edging and It in lac ti(d t half prie. _'I). Sateenl1 do)wn io 1.:.:-. E SCANDALOUS. CURE FO1 IT. GOODS irtoi, h, I ndiri .a ;I.h n,h and ttiest variety of strilped che "kei d styles and satin tillini1h.e uight here. The only (ood' is the - ICES, ES EVERYBODY. 5. Allover Tanibur"_r aud Swi'- Em s at 25e.--w vorth . l. I t i ry ig, Sheeting. Ti.king. assimleres,'fT,w1"I-. TFrimm11in1'_s kind. 'E OF THIS: Ball Shoes, ani. in fact, evervilig is to be had at CYlN ~N'S, 3 CHAMPION OF LOW PRICES. i! WHAT? Oly GOods, Boos, Shoes OF NEWBERRY. STYLES! THE OCATION! CY! THE LOW PRICES! , THE TRADE! ositiCo! We Defy CcmpetiIioo! udge from our position as the E OF NERBERRY1 id every freight train is laden with ral dullness which prevailed for most satisfactory, and our sa'es d. Ige our gratitude to our patrons, nd hope for a continuance in the r use our best endeavors to please, ock of goods the best selected, the ttom figures. We would like to recedented prices, but we are kept ot find the time to get them up. >t be undersold, as we buy strictly ou every advantage. .y of parenthesis, let us impress orget the place ! Molasses by the car load, and, of a when these goods are bought in you special inducements in this i and bought at bottom figures. PURCELL PBNNK 1888. )D ARIi N W 0PE N OF THE PUBLIC. .care, and corn prises a fall assort is all th'e nLovet ie of the seas~on ne of Goods, [ouse South. goods, but we make a specialty of tts for or-made Clothing, te Shoes for Gentlemen, s for Ladies. c!oplete line of ens' Shoes in Newberry TTENTION TO OUR EN'S OLOTHIING. its, Both Fur and Straw SPROFUSION. Y CLOTHIERS." .. mEwm:nnIII, s. C II., & CO. LL YOU :-Y0 :-BUY. ~VE MONEY! JLOTHING PT IL RIETY STOJRE ,JR.,& CO.