The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 12, 1887, Image 4

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~two Local and Special. Embroidery Patterns, Stamped, at Chapman's. A largo supply of school book&. just ocoivod at Caston &t Iunt's. 0-22 1 -|C Secretaries of societies call on J. W. t Chapman for Record Books. 0-8 s t IIandsome Photo. and Autograph Al- L bums at Chapman's. 2-17-ti j Splendid lot of Blank Books at J. W. >? Chapman's, and cheap too. 0-9 C Old Iron, taken fron the jail cells, as 2 good as new, for salo cheap by 3-31-tf. J. S. RUsSELL. f. Ct Full line School Books just from the s publishers at (hapnan's book store. 1t Sold at publishers' prices. 0-8 E Caston & llant will give you the very tt lowest figures on text books. Don't buy t1 iil you see them. 9-22 No rent, no clerk hire enables me to e sell at bottom prices. b 3-10-tt J. S. RUssELL. A large spl)l)ly of glass ware and ci ockery ware iep at . 3-10-tf J. S. RUssELL'S. The llest. tI Switt & Colrtenay Parlor Matches, ' Coat's Spool 'I'hread, Mason's Blacking, A Campbell's Baking Powders, Choice Ih Vinegar, N. 0. Syrup, New Mackerel, I Lard, Sugar, Rice, "tc. A new lot of Dry Coods, Boots and Shoes at 8-18-ti J. s. RUssI.L's. J. W. Clhlpnman caln please the most a ecotnomical buyer of Books and St atlon ery. Try him. - Qunininc', Comnpound Cathar"tle l'ills and ot her Family Mledicities at ft 1-57--t f. J1. 8. R Uss L L's. For blank books, coimposition and ex crcise books, pol"ket memoranidlms antid t account books of all kinda, call on Car ton & lIunt.. 9-22 Caston & linnt keep the largest stock of small and family bibles, gospel hynis (1 and all kinds of song books in the city. " Cive them your order. 9-22 - ---++ ___- hi Christ.mas carls, a handsome assort- d lmelnt very ceap at Robertson's )rug Store opposite ("ihe l'ostollice. ti -- - + -- - It 'I'he (1benpest line of Clri;tmas pres ent' ever placed in this market are to n be fonll d lit Robertson's Drug Store op- tlI posite t 1e Postotllve. 0 E. P1: Roe's new book-"He Fell in Love with Iil Wife-," at CASTON & IiUNT's. If you wish a Writing 1)esk, Work Box, Odor Case, I)lressiug Case, Satchel, Scrap Botck, Card Case, or any kind of , Toy Book or standard work call on Cas- i ton & llunt. If you wish school books, slates, school bags, school sta tionery, &c., at rock bottomi prices, call oii Caston & Hunt. 1 Most Excellent. .1. .. Atkls, Chief of Police Knoxville l 'Te011i., writes: ".My flitIly Mind I nro bene. l Ileiutries of your mlost excellent mtedicinto, Dr. Iitllg''s Netw I lsciovery for cot1taitultiol; hav.' -itg fortual. it, t1 ibe all that1 yonI cla11111 for it, deosIir to testily 10 its virttal. My friendis to I1 whout I illave recomiIiItnedeI It, praise it lit ~ eIvery oppoiIrity."I3 D r. King's New Di1s covery l'or Conmswhmptiott 1s gitaraniiteed to et1i CotlgIhs, t,'is, uirneli ttis, ASthlina, I Cr0111) and1 e3very nifToot(Im of Th'iront, Chiest a 1111(<i Linga. 1'Thil nlottlcs Free at. (kiold & .LyolI' Drig s1ore. l.arge Sizo $1 00. 'i-28.IL. Miller's Almanaies for 1887, lit CASTiON .P & lIUN's. 1-12-If SI As a1 pilylc hus5ines5 tranilsaiction, we read lIen. II. Clinie's aidvertisen' it ini 1< tis we ek's i"sue. 1t. E' Mr. A. J. Kilgore, chah mI:i, reqiuests ai uls to state that a nmeeting of t he Boad1 b of Stena urds of tihe Newbeiry circuit of ti the Methiodist church will be hld in the ti ci retilt pairsonlage on1 Tueiisday, January1 18thi, ait 11 o'clock a. mn. "11i'i'' Convent loll. C Th'ie Farmeurs' Convenition of New- IP berry counity' will meet at Newberry r Cottrt house on Saturday, the 22nd ini stanit, at. 11 o'clock A. Aii. 2t doilN C. (Gou.:ANs, Secretary. J i1eaitling Circle. Tihe inlitlal step towards tihe formation of a1 readling circle was taken Tuesday niight at Dr. S. 0. WVelch's residence. It was a p)leaQanltly' informal gathering of a few ladies and11 gentlemen. Dr. Welch reaid sev-eral choice oxtracts fronm E'nglish history, lifter wh'iichi the t.oples were dliscussed, and( each oneC thirew a ray of l ight upon the in terestinmg sub jects from his ownI reading and reasoni ing. The next meetig ulliii be at Mr. R. II. Grenieker's. Pbersonl' I Mr. Charlie 1 dipfordl, of Kinards, spent Mr. Robert Moormani is fillling the Auditor's apiniOt.Iients in tihe counllty. this week. Mr. WV. TA. Tarra nit has gone to Green ville on a1 business I r.ip. Mrs. W. W. Houseal is visiting her i daiughter, Mr's. J. Q. W~erts, at Orange burg, S. C. Mr. and Nrs. Rt. 11. Burton left New berry oni 'iTesdaiy, the Othi inst., for their hiome in D)obey vi lle, Arkansas, little Ilessic Sligh going with them. Mrs. S. Monitgomlery left for Top)eka, Kansas, onl Thursday last. Mr. Wmn U. Lyles, of Columubia, was5 in tihe city on Friday last. Mr. A. W. 'T. Sinmons has been quite sick for several daiys. Priof. Win. Welch hazs beeni elected a member of the Y. M. C. A. of Columbia. Mr. Samiuel Ray. of Blairsvilie, Penn sylvania, with ihis wife and dauighiter,- is on a visit, to hils son-ini-law, Prof. Holmes Dysiuger.. Messrs. John P. Fant and C. J. Pur cell, after spending a fewv days ini time county, have returned to the city. Miss Lella G. Rives has retuirnedi from a three weeks' vIsit to relatives and frIends Ii9 Charleston and Columbia. Messrs. Sam B1. Jones and Proctor *odd,1 who have been sick for several y aroet t again. (P4UR 11OUNS A'ND"A IEXO 2-Af hEBIt THAN WEV t 3Woltu. rho Sunday News at Newberry on lronday at S.t5 A. Hi, The reenwood Ltoute a stucceess. Iii arrangingv with the News and Courier 30mlpany to forgish i1s a hundred cop es of the Sunday News to give to those f our subscribers who preferred It to lih Weekly News and Courier, the plan of ending iW via Augusta mnd Greenwood o Newberry suggested itself to us as the est, and we saw Captains Williams and Ldams, conductors of the local freights, lid arranged with them to bring the ackage from Greenwood to Newberry very Monday morning. We Intended begin with the issue of December 6th, but there was no paper issued that ay. On the 2nd lust. the package was ont to Greenwood, but the agent of he 0. & G. R. R. (who has kindly con anted to get the package for its and and it to the conductor) expected to et it at the train on Snnday, when it rns sent to the postofllce, consequontly ld not reach Newberry until 3 o'clock t the afternoon. This week they came trough on schedule and enabled us to lace the news in the hands of the pco le of Newberry four and a half hours irlier than ever received before except y wire. For this they are indebted : 1st. To the IIERAL) AN) NEs. 2nd. The News and Courier Cotpany. 3rd. The agent at Greenwood. 4th. The conductor of the local freight. We acknowledge our indebtedness to tcse and hope that our plan may con nue a success. In this connection we -ot Id remind our readers that the lER LD AND NEws claims to be the pioneer t furnishing the latest and largest mount of news early and cleap. i1ERAlbD)INGs. In town-mensles, snow, rain, sleet nd 11rmingham fever. Read Cline's new advertisement in -day's paper. h'Ite directors of the Newberry cotton tctory nret on the 8th instant. Newberry has been a wet city for the nst week. Sleigh riding is becoming a common Ong in Newberry. Mr John Vickcr has moved to his lace in Brooklyn, near Mr. L. M. Speers. ''he city council gives notice to-day r the levy of lire tax for (lie present Lar. The families whose supply of wood id exhausted had a hard time of it aring the late disagreeable weather. The directors of Newberry Bank held teir annual meeting in the bank build ig on the Iithi instant. Mr. John G. l'iester and -family have oved from Hielena to their plantation in te country. The factory, on account of a scarcity r coal, closed for two days during the List week. Marshall Wallace (col'd) says that lie Iled twelve partridges at one shot with musket on Saturday, the 8th instant. The IIERaALD AND NF:ys, the Sunday cws and the D)aily News and Courier ,livered free at twenty-live cents per eck. There'was a pleasant little tip of the ght fantastic toe at the residence of :r. Jas. F. Kilgore, in ielena, on the ight of the 7th inst. Rev. Win. II. lIan"kel will ofilciate at L. Luke's Episcopal Church next Sun ty. Divine services at 11 a. im. and 4 ,mi. At the meet iug of the Building and oan Asso'ulation, on the 7th inst., thie ontey was bid( off' by Messrs. D. WV. TV. ibler and J. W. Whitenat 33. Mr. 1). W. T. Kibler has moved from te Hlalfacre house to the Gist place i'ar Mrs. Baxter's, tand Mr. B. 1B. IIun r itnto the house vacated( by Mr. Kibler. We understand that there is sonic talk running a sp)eelal daily train from rosperity to Columbia. .If so, let uts iggest that they start eight miiles higher p tand iluuie Newberry. There was no service in the A. R. resbyterlan Church last Sundlay, owing the ind(l=posltioti of the paistot, Rev. .P. McCliatock. iIe ia still onfied his room. Ha:rry Camupson had his jaw broken iid lip badly lacerated in a stiowballing etween hilm andl Totm Foster. It is said mat Foster rolledl a rock upl in a ball and irew it at him with the above result. A considerable excitemenut was caused ni TI'esday morning at the Newberry otel by one of the guests, a druminer, ualling to the p)orter for a lire as he tassed his r'oom. The guests occupying )omis neatr his rushed out, to be greatly isappohuited. The A.uditot's appolntmients for this tnd next week are as follows: atintary 12th, at Giy mphyllie. "13th, at Col. D. A. Dickert's. "14th, at Pomaria. "17th, tat Chtappells. "18th, at C. 1'. Spearman's. " 19th, at Detad Fall. ''The six months 01ld daughter of Mrs. boore, of Factoryville, d id of sufifoca huni on Tiuesday mortning last at 5 'clock. Mrs. Moore, its mnoi.u r, was ii and knew nothinig of it untl hier at ent ion was caliled to it by thie laidy with vhomi she was living, Mrs. Meddlin1g. Joronxer Bass held an inq(uest, the jury 'enderinig as its verdiet, after hearing he testimony of Dr. Garmany, Mra. dedldlin g and( Miss Della Meddling,, that he chik1d died of accidental suirocation. Messrs. 11. 0. Henson and John A. No'rts tappliedl to the County Commis loiters, at their regular meeting on ,'esterdlay, to be released from the ofil -iah bond of James Y. McFall, Clerk of he 'Court. We understand there are itreadly several applicanits for the place ni case of a vacancy--among the tnum ier Messrs. John M. Kinard, W. D. [Iardy andi R. B. Lyons. Mr. Khaard served for sonme time as D)eputy Clerk, rind is the step son of Capt. McFall, the presetnt Clerk. Pierco IP. Langord1lu Inmuc. "County Clerk C. E. Reid this week appoitnted P. P. Langford, formerly bookeeper for Jos. A. Kemp to the oillee of deputy coutnty an(d district clerk' Mr. Reld is to be commended for the whsdlon of this applointmnent. Mr. Lanmg ferdi is well known to the hpeople of WlchI ita county, as an affable, courteous gentleman, anud a man of flue business qualifications, and Is call to tis newv trust will meet thte uilversal approba tion of the p)ublic. Mr. Langford has muade scores of friends since lhe h as been a residenit of the Falls, and the varions positions lhe has held with different busd. ness firms both in this city and Hlarrold have been illed with credit to himsell and thue entire satisfaction of his em ployers. Ile has ever proven himsell a sober, safe and thorough going busi ness tian of unimpeachiable integrity, and accomnmodlating to a fault, is a fine clever ponman e es mi neiitly iitted for 4te duties ei the position lie has been called to oooupy, and taking his fidelity to the Interests of those in whose ser vice he has heretofore labored as a guar anted for future faithfulness, we con gratulate the people of the county In having so capable a public servant as Mr. Langford." The above is clipped from the Wiclita Irtrald published at, Wichita Falls Wichitaedunty, Texas, of December 2nd, 1880. We are glad to hear of the success of our young friend and former towns, man. Our Newberry boys are bound to go the top wherever they go. PO1SI IN THEASHES *What the Xt. Lebanon Shakers Found--Incdont in the His. , tory c,fa (ul;'t Conim unity. ' The Mount Lebanon (New York) Shakers are a quiet com munity, secluded from the fret and worry of the outside world. They are widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. The Shakers believe that na ture has a remedy for every. dis ease. A few have been found the rest are as yet unknown. Many were discovered by acci dent. Others caine to light as the result of patient experiment and research. Nervous Dyspepsia is a com paratively new <isease, growing out of the conditions of modern life. It is a joint affection, of the digestive organs and of the nervous Eysten. These two were formcrly treated as sepa rate ailents, and it was left for the clear-sighted Shakers to prove that the basis of this terrnble and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digcstion and nutrition. They reasoned thus:-"If we can in duce the stomach to do its work, and stimulate the excre tive organm to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat ters which rcnaih after the life giving lenents of the food hiavo been absorlbe(l, we shall have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were right. Knowing the infallible power of Shaker Extract (Seigel's Syrup) in less complicated though s i m i1 a r diseases, they resolved to -Lst it fully in this. To leave no ground for dIoubt they prescribed the remedly in huaidrcd.> of cases which hr.d been pronounced in curable- -with perfect success in every instaml( ,mere their directions as to living and diet were GCrwpulouly 'J iollowed. Nervous iDywM-pa and Ex haustion is a pecularly Ameri can disease. To a greater or less extent half the people of this country suffer from it both sexes and all ages. In no, country in t lie world are there' so many insane ay'lums filled to overflowing, all resulting from this alarming disease. Its leading sympton .3 are these: Frequent or continual head ache; a dull pain at the base of the b)rain; bad breath; nau scous eructations; the .rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach ; flatulence; wake fulness and loss of eleep; dis gust with food even when weak from the need of it; sticl;y or slimy matter on the teeth or in thme mouth, especially on ris ing in tihe morning; furred and coated toug:ue; dull eyes; cold hands and~ feet; constipation; dry or rough skin ; inability to fix the mind on any laibor call ing for continuous attention; and olppressivo and sad fore bodings and fear3. All this terrible group Shaker 1/xtract (Seigel s Syrup) removes by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functions of digestion and assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen thme system are sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (the ashes of life's fire) which unremnoved,-'poison and kill, are ex-telled from the body th1roug~h the bowvels, kid neys and 'skin. Thme weak and prostrated ner'ves are quieted, toned and icd by the purified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments, blessings and power, returns to the suf ferer who had, perhaps, aband oned all hope of ever seeing For the IftAaL AND isWi A Plea for Prohibition. NEWR8RY COUNTY, 8.0 Jan.10, 1887. Mit. EDITOR :-I think that the frient of prohibition should let themselves 1 heard from as often as possible. VV are patriots and as such demand a Pica Ing. I don't mean that so-called patt'lo lim that men lay claim to for polltleal( military positions, nor that which loot no further than the bodily and tempt ral interests of miel; but a patriotist that sighs for the answer to the petitior "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be don on earth as it is heaven. ' Not a p triotism that calls men to repeatin rifles and machine guns.-but sencs me and womnen down upon their knees an to the use of peaceable weapons for tih defence of the right. We are in a contest of right agahus wrong, and, like the pretcllers of righl cousness in the early days of ChristJai ity, we Qt ht to say, "We can not bi speak." Tat the liquor trafile is wron is sanctioned by a "cloud of witnesses. The time was when whiskey was sold a any location; then the law said it mum not go closer than the distance of a mil to a church in the county. It was fui tier restricted by allowing only quat license, and next it was driven out c the country into incorporations. 4 hn does this say for whiskey ? It ay plainly that it Is unruly and mustb placed where it can be managed with policeman's billy and a calaboose. Th law (I care not whether it be National State or municipal,) has raised the Il eense. What does this mean ? Th same thing, in meaning, that a perjure says to the offerer of t he bribe : "I ca not swear for you for $25, but pay in $500 and I'll go on the stand for you. Tihe goiernment plainly says, "er cagnize the fact that this isan iniquitou business, but if you'll pay uns enoug we'll let you carry it on." We will not go into the devote homes and pull out the besotted me and hollow-eheeked women and cowel lug. half-naked children. These hay been brought to the public gaze enougi You can't touch a whiskey man's heat with this kind, only to make him pou out a torrent of curses. Put piety o the stand. Make faith, hope and lov kiss the Bible on this thing, and they'] tell you, without a blush or tremor, ' w never got at that business." No I th whiskey man cannot ask God's blessin upon his cause or his traffic. Who eve heard of a bar keeper having famil worship? We want to put down wron and establish right. We pray and wor for righteousness to cover the cart) Some of the dwellers in the town c Newberry want us to skip them. W cannot give you the go by. You ar our town. What effects you effects u: and vice versa. Let me say in conclusion that proh bition is coming. Men need not le0 around and get up the weak-kneed pr< hibition towns who did not have ith grit to stand up and see the thing out t prove that it will not come. This prove nothing against prohibition, but it Is poser for whiskey men. People wh are looking to the God and Christ < righteousness lire working this movc mint. We are praying for the convel sion of bar keepers and drunkards an vot lug when we can get the chance, c petitioning the Legislature, and askin our God to smile on us and our work I putting an end to the sale of whiskel We extend to all a hearty invitation t come now and join in the good worl that they may not in the end be foun among the vanquished, but wear th victor's wreath. I trust that what I have written wi not In the least irritate any man. have not written in a captious spirit t all. I am the loving friend of ever man, but a foe to wiskey selling. .JALAPA. We had the largest snow thnat h: been in this country for a great mat years. The graIn crop is undoubtedly dan aged greatly, especially thne oats. TI wheat cro1) generally wvas sown late au the grain was about germinating whoi the freeze camne, which placed it in very dangerous conidition. All of our farmers have plenty of lI boners for this year. Laborers wej more p)lentiful this year than usual. Measles in nearly every family. Son families have from three to five cas< down in bed at a time. I have ni heard of a single death yet. WVe sth to the old remedy for tmeasles-hot tea and plenty of whiskey. Mr. W. E. Merchnant is ini bedl ye sick with measles. Mrs. WV. E. Merchianit met with a ye1 sad accident. While leanIng over tl banisters wvith her baby In her arms sl lost her balance and fell to tine oroun sprahnning lien arm very badly anti brea ing the baby's thigh. Dr. Clark is in v'ery bad health-n able to practice. Mr. L. WV. Watera andl Miss Sall Cannon are sufferinig with felons. One of George -Reeder's (p. e.) chi dren, while playinig wvith a loaded p1st received a very severe wound in t huand. Mr. John Glynph lost a flue minI suipposedl to have (lied from old age. Mr. Frank Z. Wilson has moved to 1 new hnouse, tine Keller pla1ce, which bought some time ago. W. C. S. G AI,.L MA N A CA DE MY. Our school dId not open uintil 'Tun day, the 3d. Out teacher, Miss TTelen Hlodge spent Chinstmnas wvith lier uncle Jefl. Brown tnid was detained by the suo bunt canme out on Tuesday andI open school with a good num ber of punpi considering the bad weather. C school continues to increase. Some improvements ill be made tIne school yard as soon ,as tine sn< melts. Mrs. S. IH. Fellers and children atte dled thie infair of her brother Mr. lien Kibler, at the nesidence of her fati Mr. Adami Kibler, on tine 5th. A dlog and a chnickeni are all we hnn heard of breing lost by the late freeze. J. J. U If You Want a Good Art 2elo Of PLUQ TOnACCO ask y*our dealer "Old Itip." .Advertised Letters. PosT OFFleE, NEwnnniY, 8.4( List of letters uncltaimned andt adtvertl Jannuany 31, 1si7. Adams, David ?Jathnews. P. Dl Butler, Tonny N eal,J Frank1 Dooxer. Pivee Pearce, P. WV. Byrd, Mary, Itussojl, itza Brown, Aflece Scott, Georigo Brigan, da andters, T. it. Chrtistie. Joseph Smith, Liz.a Castle, Israel - Spearman. P.L.. Coleman Sanm'l F'. Smith, P. J. Couts. d. ii. Sttgh '. B. Davis, Annanda 811gh Miss Salti Etchelberger.A bhy 8.tgh Gilbert IIenderson, Cooper si g, (1, B. ,Jones, Francis Sims, Ella ,Persons calling for these letters wilt plc say that they were advertised Miss Mamie Wells, of Nbwberry, hias returned to her home after a pleasa t s visit toor town. 1e Miss Mary 1tauc,l of ,l gofleld, Is Svisiting fnd anc} re)ltivpero r. Mr. . .eutpot an aminy bave t. moved into.the SInglty baduse, occu'pld r by Capt U. B. Whites. "The hbuse is Ssuffilciently large and commodious fotn . two small families. Mr. W. II. Dickert will take charge t: of Prosperity Hotel this week. Much e success to you, Willie, in your'new bust - nes. Miss Mamle- Whites Is ill with pneu n monia. We hope she may speedily re d cover. o Farmers are entertaining fears for the safety of the young oat crop. t John "T." Johnson, of horse aind bug gy notoriety, who, in his meanderings . over in Georgia, tigured conspicuously in the business with Heggle Bros., has returned to the vicinity of Prosperity. Rev. W. B. Elkins (Baptist) will soon t locate in our town. We welcome Bro. It E. e Rev. J. A. Attaway (Methodist) has entered upon the discharge of his duties . in his new (and we believe the ilrst) f ield of labor, as junior preacher of New t berry circult. We wish this young s brother abundant success. e Mr. G. G. Lane and wife ~Ili soon a begin. the arduous, through pleasant e duties of housekeeping. i, The young folks of our town have - been having "quite a uice time" sleigh e ing. 'The horses driven, were minus the r jingling bells, but within the sleighs were belles whose merry jingles were e softly wafted on the floating icy breeze. Our enterprising young druggist, Dr. Norman, and jeweller Fisehesser, are s practicing a rigid ecnomy. They have h formed themselves into a mess, and cook, eat and sleep in the rear of the d store. Wonder whilh one washes the a dishes. The "narrow gauge," between New e berry and Prosperity, Engineer Drayt . Kibler and Conductor Ed. Jones, con t tinue to make their schedule regularly, r notwithstanding the ice and snow, a though son:etimes they have a very e quiet way of leaving town. 1 The snow, the beautiful snow, has en e veloped everything with her broad ex c pansive wings, and the king of winter g reigns supremely. r In consequence of the very inclement y weather for the past week, business has g almost been suspended, still a few bales k of cotton are coming in, and the nuim 1. ber now aggregates 5215 bales. f Again we are called upon to chi onicle e the removal from time to eternity, one e of Newberry's oldest land-marks. Ma thias Sigley, of Jolly Street, died on the 16th inst at the advanced age of 90 years. I- le had been In feeble health for a k long time, but finally succumbed to the . grim monster death. e The Y. M. C. A. of our town are doing o a most noble work. During the past s year they have litted up an elegant a room with suitable furniture and in o structive reading matter. The majority of of young men of the town have con nected themselves with the association. This is right, young men, it will greatly d tend to elevate your moral and religious ,r character. You have the prayers and g assistance of all good people. u1 M. L. W. o When you want Stoves and Tinware, or Repairing, Roofing or Guttering done, e go to Scorr & Bno., Main St., New 1 berry, S. C. It I -~ y Jan. 5, 1887, by Rev. Z. W. Beden baugh, Mir. J. C. Cromer and Miss B. C. DeHlardt-both of Newberry county. Dce. 29, 1880. at tihe residence of the Mrs. Elizabeth Barre, near Lexington, S. C., by Rev. S. S. Rahn, Mr. 0. HaIti as wvanger Rawl and Miss M. Ella Hlopkins'. y At tile residence of the brides father, WValhalla, S. C., Wednesday evening, i-December 22, 1886, by Rev. J. Stock, 1). me D)., Robert T. Jaynes, Esq., to Miss .d Mattie C. Steck. n Novembe~r 23, 1886, at tihe residence .1 of the bride's father, Rev. W. M. Grier, D. D., by Rev. WV. L. Pressly, D. D., as Ssistedl by Rev. J. Boyce, D. D., ReY. J. .C S. Moff'att, of Charlotte, N. C., and Mliss Jennie M. Grier, of Due.West, S. e C t At tile residence of Mr. J. J. Noville, Waihalla. S. C., on Wednesday morning, sDecember 29mh, 1880, by Rev. F. M. 'Morgan, Mir. Jamnes 0. Strother, of .. Edgefleld county, to Mliss Minnie 0. Blair, formerly of Camden, S. C. d, At Factoryvllle, Jan. 8th, 1887, of k- measles and pneumnonlia, M1rs. Henrietta Yon, aged 20 years. Hecr renlins were ot interred at Rosemont Cemetery Onl Sun day at 12 o'clock. le Mrs. Eliza Boozer (lied at Factoryville on the 5th inst. Her remains were Eent ii- to Prosperty to be interred at tihe ceme 11, tery of St. Luke's ohurchi. lhe On the 10th inst., Mir. Mathias Sing ley, of Jolly Street, Newberry county, e ; aged 90 years. lis Stricken With Blindness. he A Kalamazoo (3Mieb.) Trelegraphl Re. porte*r gves tile following statement of D)r.-C. Francoise, the wvell known- vet erinary surgeon of that city, in reference to a case of blindness. 'rie Doctor says: "Four years ago last spring, lit.tle SWillie, tile four year-old soni of Mir. Peter DeWitt, a relative of mine, residing at 'that time at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, wvas .taken wvithm the measles. Theia disease struck in on him, and the poor. ls, LITTvLE FELLOW WAS LEFT BLIND. ur "Distingumishedl phlysieians in Milwan kee and Chicago were consulted, and on said that nothing could be none for im, iv and that, blinded thius early, he w~ould continue sightless durhn hi entire life. mn- Wile at Hot SprIngs Mir. DeWitt had ry h)eardl thle S. S. S. remedy, manufac uer tured at Atlanta, spoken of very highly. H-ow it happened I don't kcnow, for S. ,. Lve S. is not guaranteedl to cure blindness; but by some happy chance it was do .cded to test its eflcacny in Willie's ease. By the time he had taken a bottle and a hlalf his eyes had so far recovered that for lhe could( play outo of doors. A fter taking ,four bottles hie was completely Cured, ils eyes st'emed perfectly sound, aund have continued so ever since." "hu"ere, Willie, Willie, come here" shouted the doctor suddenly, to an ac tive little boy dressed in knickerbockers, who was plyig in thle street. "This is Willie DeWitt. Is father used to be a railroadl condumctor, but lie Is out WVest now on business, andl Willie is staying with tie until lie gets back, Hie goes to the East I venue school every day, and never has the least trouble with his eye a sight. See, his eyes look as well as yours or mine." on Blood and Skini Diseases mailed free. *SO Tura SWIFT SPEC~IFIo Co., Drawer 83 .- Atlanta, ia. l-12-l' This .r wOr never vares A arv of fenica than thieordin kn da04 not be sold in comtpetition wit ,themglt of low test short wofght alum or 'phq owior. gold only inane. RtOYALE IN G IS - ' Powman Co..106 Wall at.. N. Y. - 1131'2y, New Advetisemaen." Special Fire Tax Notie.. .CouNCII: C1IADMBEft8, : - ; January -12th, 1887."" : Notiee. Is hereby given that the 4th ant,. ' nual Special Fire Tax of one, mill.on,al' real and personal p' erty, ,as as es ed, for fiscal year 18867 as levied tmn6r Speeial Act of the Legislature of S: O,. must be paid between -the 15th day of February and. the 1.5th day of March,' 1887. By order of Counnl. -iJOtIN S. FAIR,'c & T.T. . .N. 1-12-4t.- - "Queen" Coffee-Pot. G0 or more mien,in Newberry.County who now hardly manage to live can do well selling the "Queen" Coffee Pot. Y' will sell the "Right," for -Newberly' County at a bargai. For partleulars address me at Columbia, S. h., P.O. Box, 3,7. L. R. NlAR.STIALL,, 1-3-4t. STATE OF SOUTH 'CAROLINA, NEW'BERRY COUNTY. By Jacob B. Felers, Probate Judge. VIIEEAS, pc O O r n a n R u f hlath made suit to ine to grant himi Let zrs of Administration-of the ierel t etate and efeets of Mrs. Jeanette A. Ruft, de-.,, censed. These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and sugular the kldred an, creditors of the sakhl Mrs. Jeanetto A Ruff deceased, that they be andi appear be fore me, in the Court of Probate, to b^e held at Newberry bourt Iouse on the twelfth day of Jan'y next, after puble ation hereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore b why the said Administration should not be granted.._ Given under my IIand this 28th day of December Anno Domini 1880., J. B FELLERS, J. P. N:.'. 12-52-2t. HUGHES' L NGBE 1COUDlY t By Jaco Th.a Fnl ung Trobe suas CoughRES, CoMs 00sthm a Uhuhisie,t made;mtitt n ornt hc. -e r o Adebyin u;ist, s.f h Prcere esa t., and eAet r. JeaNS NetC . RREunS ceatice. hse herey'gherene to ceos Andtnn trois, l Gad inar Ttees-nd athe eae, that Teday and Wpearnes dore ofeac wekiurn the m Pobate, tof Januar and Fwerury, 188,se ostet twarlfor eayinn Jan niin ater An..hi catio herof atsI reuire in theaw.e t 2J. B. FE LTERS, J. P. N.C.. DLI[0 NGC DAL 8VLVER3PAT EMEDYR Pocke'lot and L!Tble, Culery AD1 EUARDL $0OR0TZ,RYN No ue yilDwber,ss. c7 . 1-1oti. FRES. F IOlSH4 & COYSRORTERS del71--3iOveed to ypr o hvit re chargee. pics, ierbyhe ton xeors Adrio-. We willo~ Gaas, ep'onehand sot quatry of ch wee ug te tsof Jandh ua*r und n cobutry.187arse Tu ers as qIrdbylw tf W . B. HUTAR, JgP.NC BhAMON9~Ne@erry,I, WachReparinyou ha Spca.y A rivndailyb epesa Ors prmlty l6~ for famigies mo