A. C. JONES, EIITOR. ( 4l C/7', . . C. w IDN 1I)AY, OCT. 6, 1886. at the Nuwspapel r Adve"r THIS PAPER ~onfinllhIdl bli .... ...... tI1sing AKt"ley of Illessry. . W. AYER & CN. our utiorizvd agets. D IMcI 04 AEO'E sNTATr 'TZC'lVi 1't'. J1O1IN 1'EI-.1 I11 0IAI{I-MON. ot Clarcrulon. ,1 - :'1 I:NANT-,o\v-:tN( It. W I,.AM .L. MAU1.IIN, of (.0IuO lvillt. s1.:CR1:',TA\IIY of sTA'T;-. \. %ACII L1I'IN li. of H(ersiinw\. ( I PC Iit.\e\ li.:1tAi. W1. 1. (STONIIP!Y, o ' Bernel lc T'1I. t . A. I l' - . ,:t.\.\ 'l. I I. 1 \ Itl l , of n:u-nwll" .\ I ti i1-I I 'IP , of .umerl. Ier l: . I TI:. (l at-:l' 1I- o'.0 IPW P . S. A (E l lI1L 'l, of A bheville pll. 1,. ilt.l .JNIA. l S. !t\1'0l1'(51118. ,\'. \V. I( Ti:t.. 1'I '1IAbe ill:lt lii ptili t l H g.' .i:l.NTAT ii' *lpC. ~ I A (n. 1. ' l'"ll'A. - I{. t h I P I 1 "ot"'1I .t'tth . 1. (' i: I A ,. E :ICS , .'t lt t . )<1 I ,. (l"0' .)\ iS ' l I ': .\t'I1Tl. W. .p~ W. ~Ilt\iil-:AL . P* . Pt( P ' \ TP. ):As it'll-:-i. P )r . A . I C aPli t' W: I 4Im trtng lt f t :ottl il .t-\''r " o\n-.tV 11'J t 11 . 111 ,-t. r. o i Po Ih ' ' lt,t se1 t \ l, _ ,gxi colore r,( "tha,t w il ,; hi \' tlll ll' r it.. :tI' y u fort on 1 o la a y;.,tiar. a tt. Th tepeo lhno r tra N gate to Introduce Mr. Powderly was a mistake. They claim that they only want to give the negro anl eqIal position with the white l:tborer anid yet tik man was selected on account of his color. We submit that this was an injury, both to the orgaiilzat ion and the negro. It is impossil>le to mnake an inferior race the equal of ia superior by forcing Iiini ipon tlemu :tiid to put this id;ea into the tl,inc1 of the iegro does ii im an i: ijustice. The colored people Shoultd be encouraged in every legitimlate way, bnt the ttiure sue eeSs of t.he negro race will in no wi.e >e belefit ted by the false idea of his right to be the egc11nl, socially, of the white pie'tille of our coulintry. W1'hit they need is to try and elevate th'ir race by teach ing them to depend upon their own ex crtionS for eiducational tial inig by hard vork, ini 'parate s'"ho;'ls, sepatate tinr"ehles and separate orgatnizations of every kind, strivilg to emllulate the vir tn.'s of those around them, at to uerit. the approval of the best euie of all races. The uan who woull encourage the uingling together ill a social way, of the negro with the white man, does tlie ne gro inlinitely iore barntI than lie who woutl a>k thetn to sell their rights for gain. 'he Knights of Labor will do well to let the social feature alone. So cety itself will regula;e (his. 'ill! ( IT . ANNMUr ns, M. D. Elberton. Ga., June 16, 1880. 'Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tin.E Swi.r SP'EcFric Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. 10-20-1c Commeircial Warehouse. R. M. ANDERUSON, Manager. F lIMERS AND MERCIIANTS, SENiI) 'S YOUR COTTON TO SELL or store. Few bales or many, send it along. We will get for you very best prices. Store at small expense, and procure advances when desired. Address R. M ANDERSON, Manager, 10-13 Col mbia, S. C. Opening of the Fall Campaign loi the clothing trade has begun at the Emporitnt of Fashion with a large and well selected stock of clothing for men, youths and boys. \Iv counters are full of choiee suits of the very latest styles, :ui my patrons will have no trouble in making their selections, as this stock is vomplete in every department. The patterns this season are more conserva tive in colors while there are fane3 che viots in fancy colors and patt&rtis, most i made in double breasted squiare cut sacks. One button eutawavs are the ra_e for bu iness and walking suits. I have other styles. suieh as Prince Alberts :nl single breasted square cut frocks in -liag.nial-. 'hilp cord, cork-screws and grani:e -. 3y cat:tway suits in worsteds, eork <.rew, whip cord and ca-simeres are btautie all made and trimned equal t.) any custom made work, and will ruara ;ec they will tit iust as well; in fact in somne respects the appearan!e an md g'ncral get ip is superior. The tim has come when gentlenien have stipp.1 pyin these abulouns prices for c':-t.ltni mt1 illtlts whel they can ha; . t u. of t l'e a il made uit imi A1u:na ad I do tl-t get the credit of =el.it:g n. . - an Ainve tig"ation is made th(-y tak'- it for granltd ihat Mr. so and h:a-l ;'hat suit mtt .:. ordler. The mp'I'n--: made in readly made -.-"nin f.'w years has been .Ar . t.A trimmig~ 'a:1ul cut " f _: r:,. - .-y v -.,:-iv," a Rre"at -:' of t -.elal ea :-n -'- inAA- 6f the~ ihter andi .- - foot-w *' ear to Imoot this~ '4 l-i, aur' giurateed anid - - I ~- IAA'.ow (iou a large - -ir': in th.. -to'k are * A%'k o,ver .Just Returned J4. EL'JItY, - . d' prvunptiy - ? -' m y sk, Eduard Scholtz, A ~i V Ebgl4,A A I'T~ S.)k~hK 2n ~e; ! :-O', i y rj ' r , S , A- r<- :-jv A. ) j iiAtAN &l'ZLAIt, A Tjhi J',a)l d of I AAl. A . of A'AIA;h Iejyy) Ab iA . . IhA)A) on A,;; ndAJA:Ay Ih i n-t J d AI U., 4Ua'Ih J5A'AA Ar f tAAi- u. y A 1 thi A bA TihllOblAS S. t10)J(.bAN., N iJ W , vl.u.u-mv & TO ALL WllOM IT MAY CONCBRN, We now announce that our stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. Is complete in every respect, superior to miy stock we have ever had. This is maying a good deal, for it is generally 3onceded that no one has ever surpassed us in quality, style, or otherwise. In fact it is often remarked that WRIBIiT d COPPO0K KEEP THE BEST GO0DS. I hile this is admitted, there are those, who prompted by selfish motives, would sup plement this remark by adding, "but they sell them higher," to this we only reply that we will in every instance give as full value for the amount charged as any living business can do. This is our promise and we will make good the same. It is a source of gratification to have our goods and our conscientious representa tion of the same thus complimented by those who have tested them from year to year for so long a time. We respect fully invite an examination of our stock and values. Yours, WRIGHT & J. W. COPPOCK, 9--2 2-cf Mollohon Row. Notice. Application will be made to the next session of the general assembly of this State for a charter for the Chester and Newberry railroad. 9-8-td STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEWIIERRY--IN COMMON PLEAS. Christopher C. Colbert and others vs. Mary E. Black and others. By order of the court herein, dated 5th October, 1886, I will sell, at public outcry, before the Court House at New berry, on the first Monday in November, 1886, all that lot of land in the town of Newberry, and County and State afore said, containing two acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Miss Eva Dansby and others, and by the public road-continuation of Harrington Street -leading from Newberry to Helena. The property will be sold by a plat thereof to be exhibited at the sale. 'IERMS.-The purchaser will be per mitted to pay the whole bid -in cash otherwise, one-half of the purchase mo ney shall be paid in cash, and the bal ance, payable at twelve months with interest from the day of sale, by a bond and mortgage of the property. SILAS JOINSTONE, Master, Master's Otlice, 8th Oct., 1886. 10-G-4c. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEWBERRY, IN COMMON PLEAS. George G. DeWalt vs. Ellen Livingston. Foreclosure. By orde"r of the court herein, dated 1!1zh Febrruary, ISS6, I will sell at pub lie twtry, before the Court House at Newvberry, "in tihe first Monday ini No. vemr,r IN', all that tract of land in Counaty and State aforesaid, containing tfitt-ich acres, more or less, and bound ed' by lands of the estate of John Living s:00. decea.sed, Jacob Livingston, Mrs. Frances Kinard,! Mid. Siagle'y, Bud and Nora Piester, anid others. Trimis.-The purchaser will be re qu!red to pay one-half of the pulrchase mowcey in cash, and to secure the balance, p.ayable at twelve months, with inlterest from the day of sale, by a hond and mortgage of the premises, and to pay for all papers. SILAS JOHINSTONE, Master. Master's Off1cc October 6th, 1886. 10-0-e. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY--IN COMMON PLEAS. Wmn. Langford, et. al., executors, vs. Maria L. Brown, et ai. By ordler of tihe Court herein dated 5th .Junue, 1880, I wvill sell at public outcry, before the Courit House at Newberry, on the first Monday in November, 1886, that lot of land lying ini the town of New bierry', ini the said county and State, coni taiinhg one acre and( fifty-three 0on4 hiundrediths, more or less, fronting on thme new cut roadl (continuation of Har rinigton street) 'otunded by the lots which were i nmbered 1, :i and 4 of the real es1ftte of thme late JTulIius I. Smlithl, de HI .AM JOHNM'TONE, Master. Master's 01110e, Oct. 0, 1886. Sheriff's Sales. HTIAT1E Ole SOUTH CAllOLINA. COUfNTY OF NEWBIEltiY. .Ja~ob, 1. 14ellers, Probate Judge, vs. Joel it. Blier, lay virtue of ani execution iasund ini the abiove stated case and to me1( directed, I will sell at Newtslrry Court House Mouith Carolina on Monday, tirst (lay oi No'vembe er, 1886, the following described propesrty, to wit :All that lot, tract or o the County of Newwberry. in the State ab)ovemninecone by lands(1 o1 i)avidi 1. Hubher, T1. (1. Cromner, Jacot Cromler andui oJther, conIlttiningj two hin, dJredI aIErem, moere or isew, the~ sami( eimng thei traict o)f ilml coniveyedi to Joel II iielleir by Johdan.J. Carringtoni, Esq,, a; Mberlft' of Newbelrry Couenty, timder or der; of the Couart of P'ro;am for New lberry C~oiunty, dated lifthI thety of NovemI ber, A . 1I, I 873, ieviedi onl aS the~ prop iy of Jo el I,. Ielier. oni ';red~it of I. wv/e mnonths, wvith interes from day of sale, ,eeu redl by b1nd am mor,tgusge of piremuises. Prehaser ti pay6 for aple!rs. W,. W. HKitiiJi, II, rf. 4 tiheri l' 0 Ol1bv, Oct. Othl, 1884,. For Salo. 1 '<'iarsy ouiI-h)IildJing4, al1so Ia wmuEst 'e si ')re J,ouie s ize 71) X Ab, with imiall StAE? Y of gIenra IDerc~hln,li1e, Tihes un~1ibi ar ii op ara;~tsLively IC w and4 st.ioik in gEoE *t order, anI d la siilt'id o 'ihn ie oi' lhfI C. & (. &, B. lo a pjroJxpveron portlo ofNewherr7 County, ')oeRssion glge' anla er No,vembetr lIt, Corvre 3E2 M.FOOT,JF AT FOOT'S OLD ENB FIRM!I NB1 Go there and look for yourself. have a full stock of such on hand. C from the Northern markets. We ar us a call. Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots, Shoes, H Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco and Furn Yours to please, M. FOOT, FALL IMPOR' -OF Desportes& I coLUMBI.E We are now opening Novelties in Foreign and Silks, Box Suilts, Trimmings, I Hosiery, Underwear, Nol -ALSO--.. Boys' Knee Suits, Boys' E FLANNELS, BLANKI SHOES AND HATS FOR White Goods, Shirtings, Sheetings, Plaids. Duel Window Shades, Curtalt !?'Goods by every steamer-all marked at botl Desportes 4 1 At the old "Shiver" Corner, ILEADElR OF01 OW Is now ready to otrer a large and new stock a Notions at, the lowest prices ever offered. It w and prices before they make their purchases in Renmenber we sell only for cash and will not sure to get the best bargains from the COLUMBIA CASH BR' 120 MAIN STREET, CO: 0. F. JAOKSO Consider th Eiegant dress-stuffs 33c. per yd. We lov -ticketed in whole-soul E'nglish-speaking that I Until to day you have never seen thi worth for your money. Whatever other may be, drop in and see ours ! WV have ag erous whatever-you-may.need-supply; but w others is the prices at which they are sol( give you substantial, not empty thanks. 1 going to tell it to-day, however-Kid Gi bers-all colors. There is news, too, in un< so is the underwear. We have worked to b~ much-neglected branch "underwesar"!i But wear another time, when wre have more tim4 fraught with comfort or cold to you and ye proach it until it freezes. We cannot pass whatever you or your children shall need fc -In coarse, middling, fine, extraordinary contemptible is absent. We cannot think, we have to sell. Will you not make us thn Have we told you enough about handkerchi know less, and get humbugged? We are sa for less money than some of these merchant Jerseys are lively; livelier than ever. Oh-e How strangely cheap I!! BEN. H. New Good& R. D.SI Successor to Cloi h il annonnne without heaitltationi to my *that Iiinow have the. hat DleOtUl in ofI ~ ( FuirnI.hin iiG oodn yet ElIret the pep -I hinve just re,tundom the Nort for cash, anid now, hnlvi, no4 onlel in buisi -with, I propone" IA nell us ow na9 ansy mnai a A n 'iegantI line~d o f.trono &. uro,'n k (uft,hwaiy nviad Hnek Hulta, nt thes lo,wsut pri A||styen f Zl lr uro.'n Hhons f'or J1amsen Mnn $1.00 tIhpoe,, aut sty ns. a town.. (Oheinyg llhens and II ats in, abtanduu n.n STAND. S GO'fhJSI Low prices, please, we lur stock. is new, fresh e your old friends, Give ats, Trunks and Valiea, iture, Fresh and .Now. il. CO. PATIONS MmIndB ., S. 0. Domestic DsA s Goodas, Velvetr, luttonis, etc., also Lions Bric-a-Brao Ixtra Knee Pants. .TS, OLOTNS, THE MILLION. ms, Osnaburgs. Poles, Truks, VsUse*, Satchels. tom figures. dmund#, Main Street, Columbia, S. C. PRICES, I Fall and Winter Dry Goods and ill pav all to call and see the goods this city.I let a customer leave us. You are G OODS STORE, LUMBIA, S. C., N, Manager. s Matter ! e to bang them up In the papers, 33c. per yd. for such a dress as e hundredth part of ais -much eople's notions of dress-stuffs rand stock of domestics; a gen. hat makes It the grandest of all j l. For your loyal patronage we ['here is Dews in gloves---not ves-5 hooks-'---1,00--.aII nuna. derwear. The weather Is ready, etter, and we have bettered this we will talk to you of under ,; more weather. The subject is ur children; we d'are not ap. , however, without sayitig,. that r comfortable wintering Is here -all here; only the trilling anid much less tel rof all, the hosiery k of selling you some to-day? oes already? Would you rather illing linen handkerchiefs single a pay by the hundred for them.j y oo-ey i how-pretty they* are !! CLINE. Goodul! ud & Smith. friends and cutomeeenrally lothing, Shoos, Hats a Gents' n of Newherry Coynty. iernm markets, where I bought low no~sS with me to divid~e thme prodte lin the State of South Carolina. Iline Taior pI~ado Clothing, In l,aes.4 'lhe iuiest lot of Tr.anke in the . S1MITIJ, The "Newherry Clothier."