VOL. Xccv -. t,s. VO.XXII. nrA's{ES T NE WBERRtY, S. C., WED)NESD)A Y, SE1'TI'EM BER~ 29, 1886 CJNM ra1n Iwon riu J'orhboi. NO. 39 The Professor Writes to a ('itizen of Coltnbla. The following letter from Prof. Wiggins, the Canadian meteorologist. was re:;eived last night by Mr. Eugene Cramer, the Lessee and Mainager of the Columbia Opera House : O-rTAwA, 16th September, 188G. Eujene Cramer, Esq., ('olinbiru. X. C., U. S: DEAn Sin: I have just received your favor of the 1 Ith, enclosing the Associated Press dispach-at least I suppose it to be so-from Ottawa re garding my prediction of the recent earthquake in your State. It certainly gives te great pain that this dispatch should have caused a pnic among your people, as the oh-: ject of my researches has l:een to forewarn of danger and thus assuage and, i possible, prevent hiuns:n suffering. In fact. I hes:tated for a week before making my report to the Canadian Minister of Marine, for fear of alarming the people o' t *te Southern States and California; :miI I regret now that any anntounceetItI, was made till after the 29th inst., forcl unlike a great storm the disastt'si of l anl earthquake cannot be avoided. I knew the earthquake force would cross North America on the 40tlh of August ten degrees North of' the Tropic of Cancer. But this wave has moved Eastward, and, therelore, canot further produce dis"-ster Ot your meridian, though slight shocks may yet be felt on accoun it of the displaced particles reson'tng their normal condition. The greatest strain will occur cn the 29th inst., but it will pass a few degress farther South. After that (late I can perceive no dan ;er North of the equator-at least East of the Rocky Mountains. I fully intended being in Charleston on that. day, but find I will be unable. I may add that the 29th will be remarkable for a great storm over the North and South Atlantic as predicted in tie New York Tribune May 10, 188.1. Very sincerely yours, E. S-roxl: Wi,uINS. -Columbia Re'jister, Sept. 2.1. Luther A. Hansot. Mr. Lutler A. Ranson las done much valuable work for this paper as a correspondent. We highly al prcciate his services and greatly es teem Iiim personally. lie is incapa. ble of any treachery to friend or foe. We have always found hiim truthful, reliable and anxious to be right on all subjects. The statistical antd other information about the up-country of' South Carolina, in our Sunday cdi. tion. was his work, which all must highly commend. It is regretful that there should be any cause of bitterness between such I mntl as 'Mr. RItansom and Mr. B. I. Tillman. We can testify that lr. Ransom was p)erhaps tihe very firt ne3wspaper' cortresp)otndent totit give tr. TIilhtnani wide anTd cotmplittenttary notices. Mr. Ransomi petrsist.ed Iit thtis commend(ationt, whiile \l r. Till-. tman was fiercely assailintg the 1 )e partmentt of' Agricumltunre, with whtiebt Air. Ransom htas honorable aLnd, to a large dlegrec, i ndisptensab)le eonntee thon. Mr. Ratnsomt cri tily hadl great unselfishness, andi bome htimu sell' wvith ex tramord(in ary pat.i en ce and forbearance, IIe gave Mlr. Tlilbinnt ,ered(it f'or pure~ mtotivesJ. iIe exalted ,t he lhorn of' thte Sout,h Carolitta Mloses mmn thea pages oif thte Chirotnicle. We cean well muder'st,and that lie should iOW resent any attacks npton his character made by Mir. Tillmitan, whoii has exhilbitedl rasitness antd hhlnd zeal. Upon reflection, we trust thaf. Mr. Tfilltnan will regret his assault, upon a gentleman whto dleserves well, of' South Carol ina and whlo is jealous of a good name tbat lhe has never, to our knuowledgc, been fait Jess to. We catnot too highly contuntentd Mr. Lnther Ransom to ouri friends as 'able man~ andt( jouirnalfst.-Auntab owv to Bu11( id u a '4)Tow, bout it. bout it. mirove ii. estreets. me rebants. n)ewspapers. to all its offices. hout grmbtlinug. trantgers that inity' to say3 -ir yo at. prov cit. is MAY BNTONM i\ a:: NN. xS. C.. Sipt. 17, 18: :1\1n. I';1wront i: 11, it is a mlanl's routn(ings that tell what the ma 1 mightt very certainly cail mye8l baitckl:woods 1n, and ias such I address umtelf lo the I::1tA1.1) N i-:ws. I1 there is anyl!ing in partial clnsion, Say ia eiarim in havin.g abode isolated fromn the witite it face-n0111y.a semi occasionl U me( with one, and thenl, 0, how glad welcom1e him--hemmed in al. out On every side lby the sable muan. lastly. three great rivers to Cut olf at Limes, right wihell you c want it done Iromn rilway cities towils, then I aiil in it,. Ii a %I miy picesit, halitatio11 rather in mII' f rigyltinaln1my 0%wn wyi1 of tl ing and philosouphisintg, andl it is thIis st.,tudp,iint I mean to speak. Do't think Mr. Elitor, ti Ine1vCe catch ani Opportunity of li ing a thing or two from the bus] ilg onitsidt" w"orld, 1n1 (1o n1ot linderstancld ;1. to say oun' corn buriiled. Not so. W1 hilst, nature done :er part here in givilg Its :and river.', '/",s ho(mu has not g tier donle his part inl keeping wi the proti8grss of the itimes. this is not l ng to last. The pn of t lis section are - all alive oin contemlplatedi railroad, and they i :t i 3ly inean business. I know of two dissenting voices. 'The goo .l clever peOple of MIaj ton and towiship surely deserve graii commodity. Keep stril my 1*elhw workers. Never let at po>rtnmit,y pas. "Inl thle bright COIl of you01thi,1 ther' is 11o SUChI as fail." The ironl h(r"se onl3 111ains ill t he lisl amee. Let her e It wdI n.t, nly increa e the valh Ourprset ,tagltted lnds, but bring about ::(- m:lnl te goi o thing;s. For iii taice the didate inl t)to : --Uis 'uld saw at deln if de rail :ode hail biln !:ere I don't, know whether to tLait seaitlring I pe.wnee as a sliht,4) )tr It) :. ti'bl)ute it to thi(r' ',elnt :at.ti.o. I!mv( ver. two or tire( i' ic' as 1::atte!rs stand, atll" I vote, th1em11 on practical merit bec;lul knew theml to be persevering ers by tilem} OV'eeO':ing the hlart it requires to reach me. The of perhaps. had too ml:uch cl-arily ti pose their horse feed on 11s, kuo 'the corn is out." I hence, the lO a railroad. ie will have the ready, I hope, MIr. Caindidate. h; next t.rIml. ih al:t say' youl? I y the w"ay, shall Brazzlen bridge he re:>uilt on the same or moved farther down? TI'hl a question ill dispute, and one N I consider of great import.ance, hope it will be settled to the bes vantage and all interested will dcr wc H bef)re 1ma;tking their (deci and they should do so without selishi e:is or unbiased aim, bul the best goo1 for the CommuIt Ad vantages and disadvantages sl be carefull,y weighed. Shall i de'cided by a vote of the townsh not? And does not the town ta for 01 t.h iSI bridge as well1 as Anid ii dlecidedi by town'1shipl uihws not the negroP4 hanve a vote wfth the f rechiohiler? From writers vie'w he ils to see hoc can11 lest,- priolit thle peoplle andl em(inity, sent by monvi ng it. C'ounty ' CminissQIers sh1oul qinlt. t.hemlhves5 thoroughly ti1s l matt.or :nni ac t regard(lless< selfish me121urt142. W\hen the raliruo:il andl bridlge wvill be alii right, and1( ton, we i. fuilly Mrl. Ti :ila's plans1 and1( a; manyIi other4 tings1 wihhib we en ilo)w coniv i' e. lie says ~someli p)Iursuit ceitainly need(s hlp, thc somiethuing wrong in it somew and1( it, is very1 p)ossible 1. R. T[il may~ yet, proive this 'ilse )5 indee1 Caipta in llungh i I. F':rluey erri judgmeint, when lie piublh;hied hi maii l(1members4 1awson andi hBra n1ess 1than poIwder umknling. Commniitteinmn lHrawley )1) pubs reply whlieb.: is strong enoiiugh dam1o igin1g.-(Ireei lle Newns. A ('hild lici-~I i aed.ii'ii h:llied ht e id of lie i.hys~e ii: hgv herIi.i Sn irt' Sver1i1.ie,iu and le one "hotill enred' i~ tie disea(liie enlit iiiiiiii.i~i )iiiiii I 'i ,ii. Iii I t 1 Aiiu th t.' , (' h., i .lIn ell, 1885.uui Mil.euousi'Naue :wS. LAV OF NATUlAL PtOVIDENCI ;G. A Synopsis or itev.11.O. Judd's Sernt .LIast. Sunda.v-A Powverful Pre sut I' sentation of an Absorb 11 is, ing Subject. r the will The following is an abstract of AN) seruron on the law of natural prov dceIC (delivered by the Rev. H. ( se- Judd, in Trinity Church, on last Sn our day morning. We regret. that v an's are prevented from producing it c -ling ,tfin, as a discourse of such rat you beauty and remarkable power is n ,tndl cessari ly shorn of much If' its strengi and by curtailment. It was a model t you rhetorical beauty replete with gem lon't of practical thought. and The sermon was based upon th -ord, words of the Psalmist in the 4th vers uakes of the 8th Psdin-" What is man tin link- thou art mindful of him ?" 'rom The preacher felt that there wa danger of either perve'rting or of a at I together missing the lesson of ti now- recent startling experience of on go- ,pCople. That So momentous it Inis. event as the earthquake should I cri is pregnant with some special aignil has cance for man it was not diflicult t land belie ve. Through the popula' igno alto. ance of the principles of' religion an pace of the laws of science, the peop lBut were exposed to the danger of supe ople stition on the one hand and of skel the ticism on the other. By one, thi ac unusual phenomenon of nature wa but taken as a special vi.itation for sih and by another. a mere adjustmtci bin- of natural forces, wholly devoid c this moral relation. The preacher too iing, the position that nature and revel 1 op- tion were but separata disclosures c lexi- truth, and with but a single objec vord viz: the education and discipline < re- men-both, however, being tokens I Inme. Cod's merciful mindf'ulness of hi me of creatures. Nature in itself was im will wholly heneficent-was often aillic inor iv. If' God is absolutely mindf cani- of man.i1 it must he from the stant I ov point of his moral needs. The earl ten.'' was made for man, and not man ff their the earth-and if it does Iot secul not, his temporal, it. must have rclati< rous to his eternal -o)d. The time wf und when natural forces were employc 1 for as punishment for sin. Witness tl sc I overthrow of Sodoim. I,ut now su vork- visitations are reserved fior the gen Islip ral judgment. Until then the swo hers, of retributive justice is mei'ciful ill)- stayed. Said Christ to certain si wing ful cities: "It shall be more tok ss of able in the l.o/',.jl/i)t>tt for Sodo cars and Gomorrah than for you." Wic the the race f'ell in its federal head came into relation with the order lan's nature fitted beforehand for its mor spot, discipline; hecane subject to to is is suffering and death. Ilencefor 'hich nature and revelation were but sep and rate parts of one economy, and a t ad. the phenomena of nature becan pon. morally significant. Some natur sion, evils are available th:rouglh man's i any telligence. Others are beyond I1 for control. Tie earthquake is one nity. the latter; it is alike in kind and pu mold pose with the tornado, flood and pc t be tilence. In itself' it is evil, but und ip or God it is overruled for man's gou ,ay a It witnesses not necessarily to ti the sins of' the individual, but of' tile rac ilso? Tile natural estate of man is sinf vote and( subject to the wrath of Go long llut suffrin, andl even death, is a the poinlted r.~s a corre'ctiv'e of' sin. Tlhi wv it are, ther'efore, niot agents of' the < the v'ine wr'ath, lbut instrutments of mere Tile Thie direct lesson of' these startlia ac. hiostilities of nlatur'e is that God on all-powerf'uil; that lhe is the enemy )f all sin ; that lie loves man and1( is miin f'ul of' his hiappiiness ; that lie wou (t,teach him i the exceed1inug sinf ulnme *Ople (if sin ; would( impress him wl iith t, 11 beC shiortness and1( unlcertainty of lii mome would show himl the impoi(ssibilii retof pre'senit peace and hlappliness, I aniot cause of' the presence of' sin; wou ood often in mercy withhlold from hi turmal present objects of' desire, because re is his disposition to abuse them to I here, own biuri ; would blight his fiel( liman from tihe danger of' wealth; wou ll senld him sickness, as the antidote .:n. pride and lust, iIe rolls the thu ders above man's head andl slhak ed1 iln the eart,h beneath his feet to sh( is as- him that. it is an awf'ul thiing to f: iittee into the hiandls of' tihe living Gec wley. iIe sends calamiities to lLhumbe hi f'or to stir his jity an id st imlahite I hiusi- charities. I le would teach him th Now lie has her'e no continui::g city, a1 lbes a h'ad him i to seek one' to comlie. Wi ho lbe lhe smnites and inf lic ts. (hei sustai andl( consol0es-sets thme how of h14 (on thle cloud, andi tihe c ro ss of pro 1ise oni the miounlt, with the pled5 ii ie that all things--ev4il as well as rigl iniul couIs-shall1 work to)gether' for go l hait of t,hemi that love him. ( lodis 15o( , siiting is soiieti lmes the( surest, tok o~(f his lov'e, for whom lie lovethi chiastenethi, and( scoum'geth every S whom lie r(ceiveth. In the .conomny of' God there e 110e nolivoreennuent of science andl ri elation, though ini a imeasur s' epar'i henaol ini thir ope(rltion,1 t hey3 ieet, ii itu t'hiigher "unity, ini tile religious d iri euip i)lline andu exaltationi of mam ini 1 sonhipto od - the most proni nent ideas of Mr. Juld's address. No abstract can (1o ' justice. Only those who saw and heard him speak can appreciate its beauties, filled as it was with breathing thoughts a and burning words.--Colum1is Rey i. Inter. l- Iteduced TIaxes. e - .. Governments are a necessity but e they are very costly, and, as the Wil. mington Star well nays, should be i made as light as possible. Taxes crush. Federal, State, municipal - Is andl cnlnty expenditures should he N cut down to the lowest minllimum il e point We notice a statement in the U o lostonI Post that the local govern. M t nents of Massachusetts Cost the peo. ple the immense sum of $24,000,000, 'lt s besides an interest account of $5,500,. w . 000 each year. The pople have not I) e watched their ofllcials as they should. 1 r Americat,s are too confiding, too n trusting. Let all expenditures he 11 e razed and where needed to the low. . est point compatible with efilciency. 0 People are prodigiously generous with other people's money. You A ( will find thousands who favor high i e salarik-3 and big expenditures. I f pi . the entire sum expended by the peo. . ple for all purposes connected with s government were properly audited, as it shoult' be, and reported, it ntt would stagger the ordinary mind. l) t And yet this vast sum comes each hr f year out of the people's earnings. t k Honest, economical, eflicient govern: f 1. ment is the talk of politicians and r f the deliverance of party platforms, t, but where do you find it? We have )f not the slightest doubt that it is po3 ,f sible, and without detriment to the m s public interest, to reduce the expen- th ,t ditures of the Pederal, State, county to ,. and municipal Governments of the st i- United States hundreds of millions ni ). of dollars. Wihat a vast saving this a 1 would he. Thlink of this great sum ct >r" einc saved to the people through a ul ", ilecade or a score of years. It would mt o make a coultr"y' rich, this saving i tt alone. lBut how is this saving to oc- w ! cur? Not until the whole people de- w e termine to lnin; it about.. Not un- c .h til they cease to elect men to oflice i e. who are ext,ravagant and wasteful, \ .d and very liberal in exllcendin,g other 1y people's money. The exieniditures w 1. of the Federal Governlit-nt would be tI r. reduced $50,000,000 it' t.he prudent, ti m faithful, frugal men of fi fyty years ago a m were now at the lieln.--Ortengebur i ''ilcs cancl Denocrat, Sp, 23rl. ti ___.. - - - " . -A 0Truly Southern 1, The September issue of the ;l "Dixie," printed at Atlanta, Ga., by 0 a the "Dixie" Co., is a marvel of the " 11 printer's art and is truly Southern in b ic every principle and utterance. The al table of contents comprises articles 0 on Virginia Minerals; the progress of b Is North Carolina as a State; a South ti t' Carolinian's idea of the Labor Prob- f r- lem; Southern industries as applied "n s- to Georgia; and many other contribu- ( :r tions of marked value, besides the A.- war papers and an illustrated article b le on Rice Milling. The principal tl 0. writers arc G. Graham Anderson, of g al the Norfolk and Western Railroad; hi I- Rev. R. W. Memminger, of Charles- P p- ton ; Eugene Speer, Esq., of the Treas- r< '3 ury Decpar'tment, Washington ; Priof. d ti W. II. llabershiam, M. EC.; J1. 1). No. ta Y- lan, editor' of The Miller; ,Jos. M. 'I SBrown, of the Western & Atlantic g is, Iailroad; D)r. EC. A. Gatchell, Chas. ) 01' ECdgar J arvis and1 others. "D)ixice" p (- hasa special plan for supplying our i 1(1 1people with any kind of machinery ss at greatly r'educed pices. TLhose e0 1e who will send their names on a pos- 0 c; tal card andl state just what kind of' U tV machinery is wanted1 will receive a P e- samlple copy of "D)ixie" free. '['le p 1(d price of the journal has been1 redlucedl r "I to $1 a year to all who subscribe " p"lrior to October :31st. A ddress the ~ as "D ixie.'" As a periodical well worth r 5s, double the money charged for it as H0 it is a most interesting journal for h of' all classes of reader.. es (Capt. IF. W.V Dawm~sohn h LI Th'e following from the Augusta ni d, Chronicle has our hearty endorse. a n1. mnent, "D)uring the awful calamity a .is of the earthquake andio the terrib)le 'I at destruction which swiftly f'ollowed g id ini its wake, no man in Chiarlesoni / Ie exhib litedl umore heroic courage and ns suh!!me 'n for'ti tudle th an Caipt. F. W. 10 D awson , edolitor of the News and ii- C'ourier'. llyII' realizing the great caelamity which hw'l befallei. mis city, a it- lie qutickly recogn4~1ized the ni'eessity d >d for spe'aki ng wvords ohf hiop an t d ('n- I vecouremnenit to his aff'righlted' and( b is afilliete'd felIowv ''it ''izen. M~hore I oteni- f' L'n tial than all oither' mifluenices com.- t he Ibinied wais tIbe vo''ice of Capt Daw- (1 mi son, speak inug thmrough the N ews andn ,Courier, to cheer the hiearts andic lift w nup the .hands of his suffer'inig people. w V- I n the gloom and dlesolation which t1 to palled the peopjle of' Charleston, his nF ai >vas the voice that bi'oughit them rays v iT of' sunmshiine and the light of' hope for f: na the fuitur'e. '[rulv hias it been1 saidl 1 that every gr"at occasion bringsy econd Primary Election for Newberry County and fo Third Congressi EI,ECI'ION 'IW CINUTS. 'b1) r11' -l - - - . 1 1 i )i'llto - - .- - -- . ";; 1 0111(1'Shi n - . - . - I; 1:ybint on - -- - - .. . . 1i hI11 111'' H n l 1 l -omt -'sFa tl re - -- - - - "? 1 nlpa l - .. . - - - ; . 21 illain's lore i- . InI 2 'at! F'ail----- -- ..---..--21 1 -osperiity .. .. .. . . :I 21 Ily St('('et - - -- - n a iatt1 - - - - Total - - - - - 277 >bev'\ille' Couty(1 - . 07 li r"oll ('ro 11111 - - - l;57 1 )ttIV Collit vy - - . t. ; 7 :t 1ens Conty - - . .oi\ Toriil - - - - 1271 17 1d in this instanee Captain I-. W. awsonl a1(1 the N'ews and ('Ouriri vC performed a work for Charles n that, will ai lways live inl the grate. S 1 hearts of her citizens."-Or"(rogE. LI r"r, Ti'es <(1r n Dem'r"r. Nep1,. ':7:,. ( Maurry"ing D)rinlcing .'ln. O MIarrying 1nen to relfor th() oiu has 'ver. been a suce'Ss fl I enite rprise on c part, of women. ( irk- are worth ,0 1111h11 nmlla ried to saer(1itiee the.ii" 'lves to beal, Sense into the head of ly mnl on Go(d's 1oo.t)tOOI. Such'l : man does not wenn so ('asily' as a 1i.1. 1t(; will 1g) homiti. nly to'f ,stbI e r >, and then nlot tiill the ot hei plaets 'e closed. A girl will mtarry u ilt a an1, hIopin1g Lthat (,n next, year hie ill be bett,er; bu t the next. yeart hll 1 ill 11e worse. There :are sEt1n'' h,t S lough for all tll giri; t11 there I I) nee'd foi mt'arrying' a drill rd.ii 'emL York Sun. Last week, it our (dlit4rbidlu ns1i e gave expression to an opinio mo its subject., based upon ourIbsrva oil and upon what we have hett 1 id read of'. Since then we find in :anl exchlange 11 Ie above extract. fron the New ork Still, which gives sulbstanttially t te 5111 11inio1n as we did. From ever' source the te'tiltnv 1' history and e xperiellCe poiits. ith the most unerring ( exacttess, in ait one direction Oil thits p)oilt. And all this vast acelttunulati,in F evidence proves heyond the sel. lance of' a shadow of a dout,t that, IC busilnCSS of marrying m11en1 to re- - >rl them is a failure. This is no lere idle fancy, but one of the sad est of truths. Will our girls take heed ? In this road land Lo-day, how many women retl ts i ICere be, theC 1ilit of' whose eyes is >ne0, the founitain springs ofI whose I fe are dried ulp, and over the dark ~ artraits of whiose hearts11 grill sor- . )wV sits, whlile they aire ci(lthed in eYspairI, because115 they' married me1n > ref2Iorml themIi anid hafve fa:iled . hose womlent--martyrs-- b ear thieir I rief ini silence, as only3 women121 can11,( eenusel5 upfon the aitar tey have ~ laced tilemselves'12, anld most,b fearfl I as been tile sacrifice. V We are ple1ading no0w fo'r the htight It and1( best, illteres2ts of our Sonth.-i -n) girls, and we say to themli illallir IC earnestiness ofi wh'ich2I we2 arei' (' able, put, 1no faith inI that!, man51 wvho romlises ibefore mlarrinlge' tat he1 ill formtl. le wvill nlot (do it.. fhe umay ake a shtiow of do(inlg so for1 a titme, tut thle bcesl)1C are thatI aifiter mar1 age hie wvili be worse t,1ha efore(. ' Le~t no( gil who values(2 her'I ownt appiness8, mnarry ai dinIk ing man7 'ith the hope1) of refor'm ing im, fori isapp1oinltmenlt, sorrlow and1( a 1bro(k en eart, will be heri potrtionl if site doejts. TPhe girl wiho mlarriesc a drinikingr dIrinIking,r if nofruk hubn S ilng as$ they btofh shtaii Iiv(e. hese are words of' truth. WVill thte iris tI h warned ? Will they?Ynn A Yelowv i)innier. (eligihtedi the~ heart of' ( )-e:r Wile. nl thte mtidd(le of thte I ibIe was at ir aisket oIf golden rotd, no0w oEl or thei ivotrite flower's itt i:ashionalIe' soi- i '; gvrouped(i abouttt it wire smalb ri " ishies of marigobil senttlred tver th it etwork tabl eeloth, ibueet hi i i -as a1 yeilowv (over I. lTe cItndleis 'ere ye1llod, with yello'w sh ades, awil 4 11 2111 cadeabr'astoo slonl yell ow 1pl1sih bats. Thte ladies, 1 1,' t Iaken to put, the State in sitioto g !rant the aid needed, hto.:c wholt will b e responsible :or" u11h a ;onlition oft thigs will have 1t4 ,rr11,d :a f'ea'flul responsibilit,y ill eedt, nl deep ani loud will be the urses visited on their heads by the tth1al)y helpless sufferers." By all le:s then let the Legislature he invene011(1 et, the matt,er be suh. )ited to the people. We take Ito Lock in tihe report that the people of m n at.e woul rI'fuse to vote fo()r tile leasu re ii, it was Sui mitted t.o theiml. Vo are in f'avor of giving thell ia hance to say what they will do. nless we are very munch mistaken ,1 ti.! character oI the people of Or. n ;,hurgi, wve (t) not think the Icas re Voubt mIleeL wi much ) opposition rt m our peop)le.-()rti(J<'intr Tims m)1 I) tmoc) ra7, Sep. 2:3rl. Th'le I'c"ePee For October has been laid before s, and oifers great attractions to its raders. Sir ,John Lubbock has the lace of' honor in a (disqulisitlin on lie "'Study ofi Scince," andl this is '&ell supporEiItedI in thte next p)aper, oIn l 'ast.eur' 11( am llydrlohia," by Prof. t nkester. One of the greatest ICen e ger' producled iln Amtieri ca, Alex nder' Ilamilton is dlisculssed by A. I. Ilraley (, and tile wel. kn10Wow criie, ('orge Saint.shury, has1 somiethinag to aLy abhouit onet (of the~ Scottish intel 'et ual1 gianIts, (:hlrist,opheCr North, the mmh-dlr ofl$iIh Blcwood's M~agazinte, oblwint SmIit,h's paper)Ci on the "C(~ap al o it,h Li niit,edl States"' will be :iperIs are Alhex. hI. ,1 app's "Some niEoniousi )1 (Xt CofessionIis of D e. uIinicey,"' and a. very readlable paperC y Sop hlie WVeisse oni the great Ger m O hisiani'II, I fItke, wv ith rein is ('ntes of lI erin i from 1881 to 1886. (-1rnon 1I,(e, undt(er theC tead of "P1 eri ot," ontrIi butesa Interestoi notes II I he dIramatfie iln literature and1( art, til thle authLIor of "John11 1 lalifax, ,(enitI(tlea,"' has1 someithing to say it theI al ways suIggestive subject of 1(1ney~. The I poemslt and1 shorter pa ('rs are of marnikedl interest, F. T1. abIL'ave's hialladi of "l1'ausiasiii and leonilc e " b'einhg .'p(ci ally3 noticeabIle. 'Iblishted by 1',. R. I'elton, 25 liond st reet., Nw YoW~(rk. 'iTrs, $5 per il uie MeIr -'Iinh I. l'rof G. S leie's pino m l Orga :10 liiy It , hl iel, l>rst iLal, Corriiec, no(wh-1tge withbil reOah oIf allI. Sent oil 't. S.'-mi . stamp1 for cirCuIIlars to tile .S. It I('i I' ISIC CO., 213 State Chii agm 1ll. 8-iu u,