Local and Sipecial' THIS PAPER j. " otl"n r ; AdverrtaingThur (tO.pes.wo Wvrtn Con tra tn l)yuiunado or It iN NEW Coftit. Chitrehl Not.tees. ltAPTIM"1- -I1ev. C. P. s(,"1. p1:It or, alt>:-nt :ii 'rm t.. niniy sthoo1lit 1:311 p. ni., it. .. R. Ia rwile, upttj tt Intt'ntlt nt. Pt rt t t in:c S'eolnesclay itf s p. n . .t!Ti 1 Iti AN- - '-iO. A. It. Ni.lnekin. juii'r. 1'1ronchtnK_noxt Nnntlny by\ t111 1' 4 tttn 11 It. n1, ti Itya 4('1t l tit !t ",I , t , Nil-. (:t"n1'Cr 1t Cromer, S1tapt-itnl t ntt 'nvyrr tt"t I ing) Wtinesdhly at S p. m. 1\ll'T'Iolisr -Itev. 1I. 1-' I hll itrh", -r . 1,:10 4o-. 1'rtnlhin. h1 hl ist ssr It l 11 :. u. I. I tun" t:ay, Stinty Isisil t 2 . 1p i . \1 ".hb,lt w. ('Iipj m l t , :Ilt rtii n lr 11. I'r:tyt"r tits t'lilnl I . I'sil tr tiItl.\N I juslor. st'rvir ' tlit\t s:Itelf s 11\ l I' , r f'I nt 11 n. mt. tiunl:lt s o al ;ts :. : .. \I J1. A. (' lrti. Sup~rinlt'tl t . I'r:ayt't :n,e Itii'n ln c l th "yt s p.lu 1i1 t,:s - ary 'tsif W ee't"4lnt'rteb at :t p). in . Ir.. 1 . It.w .r. 1'rr" tent. 1" . i . T. lj '. " (It\ v :11 :, I. ini.. 1 rs,. Mlower. l'rv,1i !t'n: 1'I'Ie t t l..-"Itr\ w\ II. linnekrl. trr:t,r. s v hv"t' It\. it re It,r fverv Illrth in nsl 12:2 1II t. i n l -:ts . Un I,f\y rellin,r b it . N . e 1t. Ml v i i.t 11 n. l. 411ty i lhot11o li I.3v .. 1221 ' ".W . 1 l1 l': hlhtntt. nu ertillnt lrnint. l'rnyp"t in t ing weat'ltashlay lit s . mit. W\ A\ N I I ---'toInfrtlrr:It'' l+t . se S lmpl anyoll\ k.in ul, atu 7:1 ileetl- (I,I-r 100 also (old ol lection of ttahlpt. . 1. It. (-O l iIN . '_2 1 22 h Il,,.tre't (har le n I. ('. Anl t"legant line Of re"atly in:alt' tchttb-j oug j lit rece(''i'E'il at .1-2 1-1 f. Nl I N1'1 1 ( A 1 , \ 1 1i (t 2 N . A\ lar'gt' supp lly of rihool btooks .iiu-l 1eeived at ': lon \ I1 nt's. - ' ieretaries of sOCitit (all (n .1. W. (halolarn for lecord MIuks. 1 . 1 A fret-h .=ly1 of sl rontg At jpl~ :ail W hile IWlt: V'nl("gars for Salo ('i-.-t :11p Robet'-stln's I)ru14 itort" (tppo.oil+ the plost ollit'. 7- 1-2. I1l ltlsoun' P'holo.:tlu A u\ltt:(I:ra.ph A\ bun111s at Chapunulal'r. il -1 Splltll(ibl lot Of 1huik Itoi 1ok- at .1. WV. ':ti pnlan 's, I1, chcal oo. l -( Ol Iro t:1k', 1 11n frolI ih j:ail S,. :s |gv -ll -.; i. .:l . " .l hl'ss 1., .1. C . stonl & 1111 will give you the ve'ry low"est. li(n"Ies oin texLhooks. I)i 't lll til y'oul st'tt thetin. f 1 -22 NO rent1, no t"lerk: hirc I:les lint to Sell t t 111(11 1ice11 . 3-1 - f .. S. o g - I . ' 1 e-,. ,l''ill Iegt' School Ai.;k juI: t frtttl Ilhe' 1b11 2(lisburs at ('hap Ii af's bIook storve $nhl a. t huublihers' prit t -. :Ia I f y wll i-h .sChool h'..ol: slat - l1h l h ;I , t2 hool -1aliot ry. t ., at rt rk b otlI I Iprirt , t all on ('a t< t\ h i st. Will i sep (222 h:t 11224 .\h11 :Ie W hI t \\h 1 A sh ('al:11 1111-i g sea- n. I ) r"stl .I -I- "lit.. eI't. I'r'itt", rren-onalll. 9 ' -1 I 1 . .\ .' 'cr- TT. (',.;al I l :t , i... Inilt" 1a wel as o uo:tsbiiii , ut it thl, t 12 h11 I , : ': tl. '1'I a n111 tSer1atev'I' -ll * brushl , h:cal ('1l w\ ith W1'om l':. () ,bitt ii,' al l you will h:m-. whtite. - u1il 1 : th.. -5 . *t . a tbt\.t all tlu gi- I I4lt.br iC:1er 2 [i:llIo ttis S : 12 12f.-:, S'odgr hhuihe, Coipt i in28 :121 i 1. accoun hook off allC t kintN. P ROSP E RITY. l'I 1 lwn is Iiv'ening 1 p conts'tlerably; 't11 444 4has com11111men 1 . t colmle; the m rt' uns arre sy mlarkinglr; up) new goodts, Ie'ting e':alyV for the fall trade, and Iver} h11in,' se1ls to be putting oni a bt1i1t'N; iike appeadarance. Nir'. .1. 1'. I1owe1rr, returnel Comle hat 1nh y from at visil to (eorgia. Says hie lik., lite ontry IS Ot, there very inuch, ,Nir-. Nanr.y Y'olnl; an.1 Miss Younl I":1111 willh h1im to Visit, relatives and frit'l: in: iir native home, South Caro lin1. i'..1. '. toyd and Mr. J. B. 1I'ller- also we'nt. to Georgia to attentd Il''Ie,tery of fe A. R.. Church. 1tr. I I. 1. lionIknight, h:s about11 bought a li f(ro Ni. L. S. lowers, just oppo. .i:t' Mr. It wers' across the R. R., and et'p ; tt bild oln. Wot somebody (lI-, f--low\ " - itl, : I let i tus build p our Ihe thief whO stole Mr. Geo. ]m.. Nrick;'s ltrie was arrested last week in' .Nerst: ntl taken to Lexington jail, blutit 1111 tntit be had stolen anothecr ht-te' 'ear Johnson and role ifa to A lIta : :tti Wal ab'outt to sell it when he una: a'rc,t1<1. Mr. 13um1lrick recoverc11 bIII h'rs. The'1l hor:se thief spokenl of is i 1orell olnanl from Ed1'etield who had Ill teahig sc'hool in Fairiell lr. .)lh ll J e. Chapelam b.w NI ur. )twn R1(I'lit Mondayre a peacet 1(14niey Mr l).leun I111. Wheeer. eiudier siittiig h 141 .fIis bow wsopacd t (iv oun nttlisn o. Wohetnd tose throaly 444u4' ahe't exing4t . II. ~ *J TI '4'-' Ditheri ist~ sCtill' previlingcosin CXorritst lost Whihtle soni' Rufus4 Oi4th i last week.t4:1 di EglelICicny le srs.e Lthero &t Langfordu arel having ar newtilcel putii' up C. iteietor, uite' loinen1 Itly andt neatsy arranged.patt thee- hwestre lookrs tluitet andil sub 51lantial os iel is comet in. t'ucee ati,the ol workigte 13 tofe Ilbeifin ourli eli.e G. W irofam homies ondaythi wtith heu ifever, btwet are)IC glad( t sayj hleli< eing all i'htegi. oe sayse te work fofsreyn i. gr ongahead.l' 1Theyi' ~i aret ows srvein ie eg beeenCe luia gl llroad R41tiver.lt Mgie...ll tM'rlt. e 'e Sliih, of 1( a., 1isO1 tn li liit toe his brother, J. A.ny' tlgh.It1441.3.M' Mr.'sth Ri'e died Monda nightssa le'ing a14 hituhn lad 1 sevea1hidren, t Niclutiligl alpirk of Mwins abou A. onr 8 ouh'rdeeap'iefi'Ilt est sympathy. B. W.'oJ. it'leer ant Gt5 rovi Acaemy te lingla etries i f whchee ehltu' ) r o 14th in1'14G,44 iS situated ineO4t Edgt.eh County,z'eh% t wo Inulte' frtni Gatie'sery atelIeo'eend in1 the icini't i f St. Mark'se Church. Tee pr'ingt'ta, i'M. A . Ce. Mitchl,144 ander 41Teaft''ot exrie eeireditabwerto the the lee ateres(ng t o th oczse who't were1 spect14 ato an let ils4tnerb es. he forenoo ad ei dialges b''y the emb'tltle oi te of bautiullyhouIIie and poset4(ea( li4it' 'c l teir' ewasile a aede tolMagc it u. 2. PricipalA. C. itchel's pie or i litig O'ert t hi' olit ve ' it 1 (hotil; An1 te 'lco anttn'er'd fo t Kte'li+ t here', Where late the vid.'e of revely vwss ld IIItrk ! tle elt'erm4l th1t stoe'i': 1'arh h anl uh'ilt wit hso:le., are rife; 'rert'1 mIt1l hriekl1 s ihe iet-e br1oii', As'tr--u lmln niourtab , 11 le il life. Dh'ath, Ilike a pIllgrint rolltal 11he ile 0r rini htnpedl abonl l it eIlwthli way, l':r.t'1 wrtI i 1 II u lherinig -41m1l1t, A.; tgonly eent dyi face'N 1lay. Oh t l! how " 1i1hi. tle' 'oa':1 of nointltt>~. ltt son tihe greatest gnivel wh t tle .\id IteYwh a n-:rt Ithe braII\t. how ito ('imtlt''t',, in the II.Ios of 11lhat hillotwy ntigli, .\mbill thy elbithh- walk- true to le 1 1 c it l t rlie 1imm11orllit roste' I - t pill, grantl and bright; (1, city hv th% sra, no elemntI t-an1 n11,r thy 'nthles fait'. M. Ru A. 11V.ANS. TlIt' 'eg t' +Meilnal4 tadldatew. The t':andidates for t'ongress in the third district. photy iIn t10 Court Ilouise Ilas( 'T'uesday'. County ('liirina, ,1. K. 1. Goggans ealled the assetmbly to order and Y. J1. Pope, ECsq., introduceed Col. It. 1 . Sim pson, of A ntite'rson. Ai. Sip son spoke at some length and was fol lowed by Col. tGeorge .lohnstone who was introdluced by ,1. K. P'. (loggans, E11. The sIlte gen11tleitnt t llltl 11t'o dined ('apt. .lals. N. I,ipseomb. Th'le spt''ec's Of all were Weli rect'le'Ved. '.l'ho vie'ws of cateah of (he candidates on the leadling euestions of the day have been fully set forth in the ne(it'spapers and reference to tihen is uin necessary here. The crowd ill attendaicet: was not so large as was expected but the Court IIliuse was comfortably filled. CU.Lismb ascrltdMi',heNw Lipsecmb wais ser~enadied ai.t the New-. berry Hotel in the evening. 'lt''id, September 19th, 18S0', by Rev. II. F. Chrietzherg. Mir. Joseph E. Glenn and Miss E. B. Tribble, all of IIelena, S. C. Ativett'ti I.rttterw. Postr (m"Ic:. NEWi-tnY, 4. C. .ist, or letters Unleblitiell an I 1t mlansys ex U'cited, fronl 10 .Im. t It 1 ' . t. I amtill s SItplled att t Ii abo-l .11.n-v; sntili'int t o stplyIS the ow l n 't 1Ind ,11. rr'o li1n, coiunti-y. '[Ce or'e 111en (VI',y evey:ay (rom 0 I. in. to 10 .tm.;lsIhIys fromu 9 :1. in. to 10 a. m., mucl from t, 1 . mI. It'l 7 p. Ins. Ice liilidts or salt'. Te'irm s c:It .., ^'." 2--:I- f Newberry, S. C. The New D)tr FiIim OF UO11EI) & JYONS A1t the Atore Iately . "octnliued by-,Dr'. anul, have oi luid a IrsgI' ' trck 6,f Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles, [,AMP (oOI)- IN (.IAT A r IETY,,. iItAPS, bl'ICIES, (I(.\Its AN) TOBACCO in fact everythin'; I-ittally found i a lirst-class bf Ahier, rV Ilinrinburmg. III.. Hnyl' af IIvin raceigveda Na inu mch ba''gaefit fromi E.E t ie lIft aera, I frol it gwy neaI , to let 'rsferhg Iaat kntow It. I fasve h i a runninl g oro -h aln my rt eight y4ars; any dIoctors to ada m o I wouw have to hnaava 'hoi bDone ft(rl pea or lUo Mn tia ted4. I16. ta, I nela,, nd.tre i ottleis o~ Ele otIal Jliters amad iaeveni btoxe. lieken',q Aankoa SR lya, anid may laig is noaw Honnd aned . well-" Eaaaonri itt--r4 are Hohel at, ifty cents ar bottle, andl linckiena's Arnica Salvo lit 2e - ter box ut Vennt & ryo.' n....tr.m