The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 07, 1886, The Weekly News and Courier, Image 5

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^' J t ; !' : .flsrrX. TSED TNT 1803. CUALESTON, S3. Co, WEDNESDAY MORNING., JULY Is, 188a. i'IE]131CNS .L AT EST T TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. IEb.TBDAI' Ji4VL M3M,42.W DO1.GU8 1N VA410TU&tPL:ERS,. * er chtets a11*54 -VbL r Upen t1*s Smae# i tth .ofJalyroceualon. noIAgo,ruly 6.-Yefterday the Amer ican 'flag was tired on by Anarchists as it was flying over a procession li the liotiwestern part of thg oity. ' Thu -flg oarried- y a procosion of-Norwe. gq .min I,be North .side. .They yore ond efr. ..ay to,a piento given by .the 3Vorwegian 3aen gerfest, At one point-wherethe sidewalks were crowded with people tron in tie crowd d bud,enly drew their revolvers .and Ar@d:;direetly at.tho .ag. Six-,bullets 'w@tjhrough it. JilZi Nelson. was hit In th neck by a spent ball, .which in. rilete .aslight flesh wound, The margq ink Norwegians started at a double. qui,gh k lding :ther.tars . and .Stripos proud 'l aloft. .Several bullets,whizzed past t em and they were - much alarmed, fearing another riot like Hay mnarket. There .wore no -police in 3ight. The processton made a rapid march to the park in Jeflerson. The affair was reported to the authorities. Who Ponatno Vetoec. WAsHINOTON, July (.-In the House to. Jay Mr. Tautbeo, of KonLucky, called 'up the report of the committeeon inva. lid pensions upon the veto message of the Iresident on the bill granting a pon alon,to Carter W. Tiller. Ho disavowod any purpose of criticising the Prosidont In the e.ercise of his constitutionsl right, or of raiaing any war on is methods or style in the veto of pensIon bills. He thon proceeded to stato the facts in the otsn to ;show that the President was aotiug under a nisapprehension when ho based his veto on the ground that the claimant was not' dependent upon his son, on whcse .account, the pension is claimd, Xor,eupport. le also quoted from. ail davits to-show that, while it was true tbat:tho.son was borne: on the.rolls as a deserter, ho was t>t the time that the charge was made against him contined as a., prisoeor .in Andorsonvillo prison. "'le admittod thatthe President had actod bonestly upon the facts before hint, but pinco the veto additional facts had cono to ight,-showing young Tiller's hospital records at Andersonville. Mr. 'Warner, -of Missouri, inquired ,wether these additiopal records had not J)eenaecessiblo to .the President. Mr. .Taulheo replied that the records were accessible to anybody who would tako the trouble to go to the war depart ment and search over the musty prison records of the Confederacy, but the President had acted on the written stato anent of the adjutant general that thoro was no such record to he. found in his ofQice. Subsequent to the veto the ro cord. was found, but the veto could not be withdrawn. Mr. Beach, of New York, suggested that it would not bo proper for the house to override the veto on the strength of faca which the President did not have before him at the time he withhold his approval from the bill. The proper thing to do was to introduce a new bill. Mr. Matson moved that the further consideration of the matter be.postponod until Friday next, aud,for a fow 'no. =epts there was much confusion in the ball, Messrs..1\Matson and Willis vainly endeavoring to stato the reasons why they;deslrod post ponemeut, and the Ro publigans ,lemaud ing.i,wmnodiate action. The motion to postpone was agreed to. yees -117, nays 113. The morning hour having boon. dis pensed with tho House' want into com mittee of the whole, Mr. -Iammond in the chair, on the gonernl delloiency ap propriation bill. oseate. The Senate. took up the bill to secure to Cherokee freedmen and others their proportion of certain proceeds of lands. t Senator Ingalls, from the committee on Indian affairs, reported a substitute for this bill. It appropriates $75,000 for the purposo and direots-how the amount _shall be -distributed. The substitute a greed toand the bill was passed. Sonate then proceeded to considor endnents to the river and harbar The first amendment that was tioned was the item appropriating 00,for the purchase of t,heSturgecon isay stit.Lake Michigan ship canal' and harbor of refuage. fsenator lIngaIls made the point of order that the paragraph wvas now legislation. This was not a hill to buy canals, it was geeal legislation not connected with Randall'i Tarti Bill Unfavorably RAa port. The ways and moeans committee to day ordered an adverse report to be rnsde.on the Randall tariff bill. M1r. lKelley moved to strike out all but the Administration features of the bill, (Mr. Hewitt's p revisions.) but this motion wvas lost, although MIrr- Iowitt voted.with the Republians. Reed and IUiscoek were absent. A Anotion waus thsn made to report the entire hill1 adversely, and upon the roli being called all t.he Doemocrats .voted in the afirmative, carrying tt1o. motion. TLhe0 Rtepublicean Jt)Vmbers abstuj id fromi voting on the ground that the bill cn't ainied mintorious features along with objectionable previsions which could niot ho disassociated under the rmotion. Mr. Morrison wvill prepare.the adverse report on the bill, while thie Rtopabilicans will not make a report. Thbe comn aiitte itso authorized Mr. Breokinridge, of K entucky,.to re port adversely Mr. ind hay's resolntion declaring it to ha the at nse of the Houso that the r' on tobacco should he removed. A latIroadl Suit. ALESXANDIA, VA., July 0,--In a suit pending in the United Statos Dis trict Court of Virginia, tie M'idlandi Itaailroad Company vs. the Alexandria and WVashingtona Rail road (Jomn fy, thIe object of -which wvas to pilaco the nus or the accident at l'our-mile Run en the Alexandria and WVashinigton Road onI '19tyd6f. February, 185, .Judgo *Iuighi 1)as dism)isd'S( the petitioin of tho Vir grinia Midland Roand, holding that the Alexandria and Washington Road could -In no wise be held respons4ible. He dons riot decide as to the liability for damnages * s between f.he P'ennsylvaniei Railroad Company aind the VirginIa Midland. Sp,rendi et the tOlera hIaly. Romi, July 0.--In the last 21 hours there have bmen 10 now cases of cholera end 10 deaths from the disease at Urirn disi, anid in the romaincieurof the pro vincey 290-now cases and 71 deaths. 1'The Wealth~ of New York. NnW Yoa.K, J uly 5.--The b)oardl of elder xneh met, to,Oay and reeOived from tbctr board theIr report. of the vatnu.Aoti of reaml and personal estate in this city. The raport i:r/s the foit vaination of.real estato.her.i personaul propsrty this year isa,2l027,'at, en ir.ortueO over laat I care of d.A1,:J,1355. Wreckeud ,onthe Florgida (last. JACII4SVJym., K,A.. July 5.-. rann,. Ur,ft afenta, frofW U'edar Keys e.tys: "fr, Itig re J;tt an,UPt,. H:aaour' of fe'gi Elvtte ;from (Il enadh t Uiladelphia.- wa.s tleV 'n dO 1OI of anow he Ilight of-the Both t1ltio. tie Jest all her rigging5 heals and dieca lead. A marin., nr. ve el' L hei tomorrow. Tnre brIg 1ies Ia Ma4rID's MBN1N 00vxo1Z. Whe County- Depaoratto Conventton Di ecdes 3m Favor of Primaries for -BDth Vounty and ongresuional ileottons. (dpeotaI DApaZo7 to Tle Rew and Ooir,3 hdlRION, July 5.-'The Democracy of sarion-County met in convention to day. Major J. M. Johnson called the convention to order and- requested Mr. J. I)..1dontgomery.and,Mr. W. F. Clay ton to act as temporary secretaries. The temporay . of lcers were unanimo tsly elected permanent olloora of the con vention. The .convention was called to elect a central lomooratic executive .cominit tee ,to determine tbqL manner of soloot ing candidates for of9ftin the coming campaign. and, to.oleot the SState .and ,Congressional conventions. The present efelcent executive com mittee, with Major J. M. Johnson as chairman, having..-served for a number of years, asked to be relieved from the arduous -duties of their positions and that others be elected in their. stead. A committee, consisting of one delegate from. each township represented in the convention, recommended the election of the following as the :membors of the executive committee for the next two years: J. P. Davis, chairman; B. R. MiullIns, J. Q. Blue, J. W. Johnson and Geo. A. Norwood, which reootntnenda tion was,adopted. The mannor of selecting candidates came up for discussion, and the primuttry plan was adopted by a vote of 108 to 53. Th question had been agitated in the county but little, there having bnon ia (lisp o(itiou on the part of the hithlerto convention advocates not to oppoie at this thne the effort to bring about, the .'tittsry plan. The convention almost ttnnimously adopted the ro)olution to coinucltlt the olection on tho n'tjority -1)ptttmt. A reitolution was also adoptod lav'ring, so far as Marion County is conerted, the no.mi>,tation of Cungross nr en from this ( istrict by primary clec tion. 'i he following were elected delegates to the State Convention : N. S. Glbon, J. C. liothen, It. Murchison, J. I1'. Staf iotd, W. J. Montgonery, E. A. Bothwi, W. IT. Ellorbee, J. G. Blue and Dr. W. Ilarrell. The Congressional delegation is as fol lows: T. C. Crawford, .1. F. Botlea, R. Cause, S. Whitofoord Smith, W. W. Iiethea, T. C. Gregg, C. J. McPhorson, B. It. Mullins, W. W. Sellers, Jr., and ). W. MbLaurin. With reference to nominating candi dates for Congress by the primary plan in this county, Marion is in favorof the .same, and has instructed her delegates to vote in the convention at Florence for It, but should a majority of that con vention decide to nominato by the con vention system, she does not proposo to withdraw and vote her choice by pri mary. The convention to- day was har monious in all its proceedings. Every tow nship of the county was represented, with the exception of Poo-Dee. The Damage by the Floods. TheOutlook for the farmers is gloomy indeed. The incessant rains have dam. aged tho crops bcyond hope of future iecovery, especially on sandy and bot toim lands. Last night there was the heaviest rainfall ever -nown here at one time. The cotton and corn fields, where water has never boon known to stand holbye, aro rnrrowed with deep gutters tloocted 'with running water. Croeks and branchos have been converted into large streams,. and bridges in nearly :eve"ry portion of the county are washod away. There seems to ho no prospect of an abatement. While Iam writing there Is overy indication of another cloud burst this evening. The Groat Poo-Doe is booming, also the Little Pee-Doo. !')J 4 J BiVAL T L IDBMO AOVY. E4 s4gxt of ,ho Elevena 1elegatea to the 5tato,a 1nuiand by tho 5a'ruers Club--il. .tcUardloa the F*vorito for Governor. {-peof. : Di)ttutlh to Th Netws and Curttr.l A tti;v)rr,l:, July 5.-The Farnors' Club met in t.he Courthouse bore to-day, end ncmtinated the following dolegates to the State Convention: .T. E. Bradley, L. M. Moore. J1. l Morrah, J. E. Brown Ice, ). W. Watson, W. 1). Mars, David Aiken and WA .1T. Cowan. The convon tion theni ad journed, and the.Domnoeratic ('oitty Club was immediately called to ord'.r by the vice presidlent, John E. trefdley, WV. C. lioniot, the chmairmtan, heirg attbsera on account of the death of his little .son. The follow ing dologato's wereoeotod to the State Convention : L,. M. Moore, V. WV. Watson, J, V. Bradley, J1. U. M zc well, . . Brownl)ee, D)avid Aikoen, W. 0. Bradley, J. .1' Morrah, W. Domr) WV. TI. Cowan, 1I R. HOmplhlll and W. C., lhnot. Alts ..ates, A. 11. Wanrdlazw, T. Ii. Thornpson, Li. W. WhIte and F. A. Con nor. I have seen oight or the delegatos, and they 'X press their p)reference for Col. .. P. Richardson for Governor, but reservo the right to change should now mon comfO otut or now deOvelopmeOnts occur. The oth~er four 1 have iboon uniable to soo, but from what I can learni somie of thaem sic,also favorable to the canldicy of Cu). Richardson. IfOX'AM FIAlO SUMr'fcA, 115kh' School hiutiattsag Darte,-Prize Uhi-BJrne. nail Miatters. My~peal J),spatchz to The News andc Omrer,t) stni iu, Ju ly 5.--The school building of the inmter 11be o. chool0) was burned. thbis n.oring about 2 o'clock. Them loss tnmunlta to several hundred dollars and is ptt iully covered by inusuraince. Th'le lit e is a u~pecd .to be inaconxdiary. TIhe long deferred prize (drill of the Sunter Light Infaintry will tako~ place to-norrow nxight. '1lTh prizes, four of which will ho awarded, are to be pro Senrtedl by blesars. Marion Moise, P. (1. Jiown and II. F. \Vilson. A tin cue will also he awarded to the poorest drilled man by M1r. 1). B. Anderson. Tbe Sumnter Baso Rall Clnb wont to ('olumibla Ibin morning on the Cost Line train. With the exception of thu batltery, which is, however, rop;ulary tiytied for the season, they will play purtly a home clu'o. Gaumos will be phiyed to-day and to-morrow. UCheA-FAJUIITA'IRK 0.AU1U r. An Amnsing Scene h,a the Sabuirbs of 141'AaOetjphia,. PlT.A,AET Irr .Juily5.--Wilo-i ack figh-t waIs in .progreos in a ioid In the extretio southern portion of the city to day, forty c-ity policeimon, with Ofh 1ori of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anilmat, rushedu up=m the scoro antd ('apturred twenty--seven mue. thirteena game cocks andi( a q uan'tity of paraphernalia. Thore Was livelv so.un o erinig across ilds when the omneirs anths their npperaraneno, t,ut very few escnpod. Oz:o (hiOcken Jay dead in the pit. 'Tho pisoneia w(ro taken bofore a mii trate, who flned three of thomn, the prin ci m,l', $201) eachl and costs, and the rest $10) eachi with costs, 10ight of the mon could1( net rah-e tho amunit rc(quitrel andl were sent to prkiseon. A,ielegrazm Irorrh Shelburne says that the cdllector of cuAtonas, under lustrne'tins freot Ottawa.hbas tnpourd a fineof 8100 each en tite anlved Portland motleoneru. Tue Lines hawao not t. han pan. A CARNIVAL OF BLIJOD. sOUR ZVBD.TRB IN T1l ,' S AM IN TI R1AE D A1'8. A Fight to the Deatl Between Wwo Neigh borling Farmers In Edgefleid County-. x).eubt -Barreled Shotguns the Weap one ised. (ftecfal Dispatch to The News and Cburfer.) TrBlToN, July 5.--Uharles Anderson was committed to jail yesterday, oharged with the murder of John Hobertson. Both parties were highly raspeotable white farniers living in the Mine Creek section of our county, some twenty miles northeast of this place, where the killing occurred.. tome two months ego the parties had a falling out on account of the s:ook of one trespassing upan the land of the other. This hostile feeling has daily inorlased until It cuininated last Eatur*ay in the kiling of ono and the serious if not mortal wounding of the other. The parties met, it is said, by arr.ionent, armed with doublc- barrelled shotguns loaded with buokihot. Tee decensed irst saw ate antagonist and immediately fired upon him, two sho's taking cflect, In the head. l'b. crtson lushtd upon hit onemy and ills. cbarted the content3 of his gua into his body, almost tearing It to pieces and oa'islag instant death. The prisoner claims th' the iuceting was.acoldental and that he nott Fiilcly in celf-defence, whilo i is said by 1nnadieore Rodgers, an eye-witneas, lp) wbc,so afiidtvit the warrant was based, thnt Hotertson was the agkresor. ltobartson is suffering greatly from his wonuas, aod ap ps sihe>r>ion is cttortained that, they will pinvo fital. If not the laatter wIll rcoalva leili investigation in August. y1)' It U.NE2r'J tC1 AY.I..LiTURDAlf, PclPt t Ilev.h F.videace i3efora the Vro. tesA Jlty that Sies Cux'cily Walked utl- 1ehiid UIteedly mad Ciot him la the Bock. (tipeoal Dispatch to The News and Courier.) BAMaiEnO, July G.-Jeflorson Blokes was forc man of the jury of inquest over the body of John A. 3teedly. The following evidence 'wis given before the jury: Jacob Rentz: "1 was at Hunter's Chapelon the 4th day of July, about 11 o'clook. Emii CoL.elly csmo into the church, passed down the aisle till she got ncar where i3teodly was sitting, when she shot him. seodly got up and move d1 towards t he door and Slis Can nelly followcd with her pistol presented at him. When 8tedly got to the bottom of tho steps t, tho church he fell his full length on his face. I think lie lived abot, ton ininutes; did r,t speak after be was shot." J' es Carter: "I was at Huinter's Chapel on.' ly 4; saw Emma Counolly cone into thC nurch through the front door, next to tho coad. Bhe went in tbe direction of the rcent whoro John Stoodly was sitting; had her t.rms folded; dropped her right arm and I raw ihe.plitol in her hand. She raised the pistol arad flied diro' tty at 13teedly. Steodly got up and went in the direction of tie door. Errma CcnnelIy followod after him and sntipped her pistol twice beforoSteedly got to the beck door of the ohurcp, anta when she was about. s'x feet from the doorJ. B. Hunter and Lawton Connelly eaught her and took the pistol away from her. rteealy livel about five or ten n nut.a after he got out of the door." Dr. J. V. 13oCgot mndo the post-mortem ex aninallon and found that btocdiy had been sit in the back, the ball entering ne.,r the uppl r anglo of the scapula on the left gido, pnf;rg bt,wceu the thud and fourth ribs in a downwtrd direotioo, about t,wo foot to the frc n1. of the abdomen. The ball was thirty. eight calib'o and wai out out about two inches bolow and the samo to the left of tho un bil'Icus. iiss Conl;elly returned to her Loen this .venir, r.nd will rc nmtn thero, if not nt lertcd by the oficors of ths law, until next wiesl, when Court convenes at B.trawoll. lhe did i.ot hke the 'dea of helug contlood in jail, a:.d for this reason concluded to wait until Court. meets, when sh: wilt poba,bly dcniti;d trial. 11 is said thatsho s.tys that the imme into cause of ih shooting wa' a dirt.Z black gtirtd letter written to har a fewv days ago by~ bteediy. Ilhli Co.noselly D)ccifneg in Pa%h. (,t.p'0ct iai.atch to The ?".z. a oW. CI.uher.) her father,1 istoppingMa th& D)owilag 11029o. )iy aidyice of her attorneyst, lessrs. Bkienor & W itanius, she decl'.nes ti mtke any stato monts. You conld no'. t eli by her m'uers ar-d appenranace that ther indi was the disluclbed about aything Sheowil retanto Ai idway this aftce o-m. Bh'i voluntalily p'o horsclf .1;to the custod.y of Trial Jtttle> .Hunte r, and will not bo Imtprison>d nntil the reituli, of the coroner's iuqtuest is known. futse Conselly Returns ileme. ( Spcital Dispulchs to 27ce .News andL Cour ler.) AlInwA t, Ju'1ly 5..-Miss Emma LConnoeiy, I be young la'dy who shot J. A. BiLedrly at the rhurch, waco carr led to Batrn well to-d sy and b)rough tt back thift evening, ats there is no comtolet mont. made for her yet. Tno catise of the hoting tva a very titlgar letter wtvhi tetedly had written to her brother atnd her telf', an.d the slandorouc and dtmnlgr.g ne poitr, )o cir culat ed abot her. S3he obtined thepie-tol withot the knowledge of any of the family. Yea dict of the Coroner's Jury., i,Apm,tf,c I)twarhl '.l The Nbws am;aCua, tJ'o 'dayer c,'John Watuedly, weut te l3arawvall hti1ornhx:g in (coimp'any 'with he,r rf.thor, andt g"rrenncend to to uthe:it.hes. iShe was in go;id pirit and dlid not, to ha tihe lesst exclie'd. The ecauso of the shoeoing is cup1 e:cd to I). tho reportAt ciroulasted by Sitedi:y, rfilectig upon the honoer of Miss Connelly, but rumors are atteot to ihe ofllact, that cer tain lettors, whioh have not, yet, been madtt ublie, may have been the imiinedlato causc. The inquest, was held by Jiu tice D,. J. lIowe ihis morning. T..he verditot Wal. that 11. hc0ired es*incae to his death fromt a inti ilhot Wolled litlIltd by Miss Iomm't (Jon DeIly. Q.tu!ct reigns at HntIer's Chapet, ndt pullo sunient, to be with Misus 'ion nelly. The affair isi very much regrettMd b)y t,be tier du of bell) part,ies. ifime V/y an Abboville Negro itervedl As.oilher whio Mleddleda with it WVfe. (r7mal30 Dispo(ch to Thee News aml( Cacrtur A aiva~a nnast, Juliy 5. --Thls mnornin J. it, be fome daty t,pencer Citrant and 11.31ry Alit i, iboth coloredi, had a dtlkrui!,y a'rmni Dt'enececc's wife. In tho aitorcation UAuxrao cut. A lien in the rIgtt itle of thisr.eek to r,e. I rg lbr'jugulanr vein nti penetra,tiu ,u n' Into ihe right lurig. A llen died timn af:er wat dr, s.ra d tihe deputy shari ii, who wen t, l,e arrcist Cot tran, foundi him h,,wingc. At anona as Col luan was informed that hi, was wattcd he wilirgly followed the doputty, andt cq" Ic 0g. d in Jail. Hie did not kno M tha,t .l!on v':t,n dc ctd wbtr.n foundi at wor-. it, la .ji iiioten that C.X.iran ated ini sei lf,ue. A eronial from Mout.icetio, it., says: "4 faTner- med Wildam, residing in Unrit.y towuphip ini this county, yestorday mur-. deri'd his wife andai than triad to commit fatieide. le will probhablh din.'" MJACED 2.. P10 B WITR HX.Y Nis S'he Fate of a EIalf-Brood Idlan on th " Nerth Carolina Border of Marion County. (bpeotal D(apatch to The News and Courter.) BEIparavIL,, July 5.--On Saturday eve ning, about 8 o'olook, Zach Qulok was killed by Wheeler and Allison Jacobs, brothers, be. Ing out in Afitcen places with knives. The murder occurred at the house of Wheeler Ja cobs, In the Sand Hills, nepr the State line. All were drinking. The coroner hold an in quest yesterday and both tho . Jacobs were arrested lat night and lodged in jail this morning. Quick was a peacoabto and quiot man when sober. All wore of mixed blood, white and Indian. .TWO BROTIRBS KILLBD. A Desperate Affray with Shotguns In Oeergla. DALTON, GA., July 3.--Nows comes here from Union County of a terrible tragedy in which two lives wore lost and a third is suspended in the balauco. In Ivy Log District. lived two brothers named respectively Roll and Washing. ton Whitmore. Rol had recently uar ried a yourg woman of the neIgh borhood named Miss Hughes. Provious to his marriage he had led astray the fifteenyoar-old daughter of Marhmn IJartncss, a neighboring farner, the ro suit of which was a child born three months ago. The young wife desirod to raise her husband's child, and for that purpo obtained it from its mother. ,ast wcek NIs I-artness becamo anx. sco her babe, and it was fl.'ly cltrricd to her by the senior i1rs. Whit more. -Once more in her uossosroen sh refused so give it, up, It was at this juncture that the twin brothors, aralig therecolves with shotguns and knivos, determined to recover the babe by ioroo. Their fathor vainly ondeavorodl to rt3 sin them, but on they pushod, reaching the JIartness hono, push ling lrs. Iartness off the veranda, and nnhing' a forcible entrance. The girl'u brothers, Harvey and Efi Hart nose, inet them with a volley from their F.botguns. Washington Whitnore f.ll lug dead at the titst shot. Tho fight ho cautegenoral, nistolsand knices playing their pert. 1ell Whitmoro was In tho act of stabbing Ed Itartness whel;n Iarvey .rartness sent a fatal bullet through him. Ed Ilartuoss had, how over, been so soverely stabbo that his death is looled for. le is literally out, to pieces. ]larvey liartuess, while not so severely cut up, is nevertholoss In a desperato condition. Ie is now under bond for alpparaneoin Court if hoshould recover. A YBDEURR TO TAilMA IVY. Yxseldent Oklveland'a Patriotttc end S,taf aestive Letter. EW Yonxt, July 5.--The following is the ]'i esident's lotter to tho Taumuany Society : EXc1tTIvr MANetox, W A51 I55'eoN, Joue 28, L85,t. .1Ton. P. Ilenry iugro, Grand 8aohuu -.My Dear Fir: bly publie duties bore will nro vent my with the nomtuors of Carm many Society on the fifth day of July to celelrato the birthday or the tepuulle. I should ho very glad to join these who, on that cr-ion, will "renew their pledges of nevetion to the -prinliplea for whtoh tlho fathers of tho liepublic fotught." Theso rin ci plca had no relation to perronal~cavat te or ambitious sehenes, but were adopted and chlz lthod isecaueo their onforoeriont prom iFtd prosperity and greatness to a free and victorious poqple. For tlhcso principlcs the fathers of the Re. pubie fought in the full hope ad expeos tion that. their descendants and ithus3 who shoula occupy the fair land transmitted by thcn would also in unseltish pridoaud no. ble patriotism foster the principles whic'.t hnd umade their Government free, and a etti. zr1.ship which had made thoircountry great. .in the dIscharge of the solemn trusts laid up(n us is found the only guaranten of the rcnziltiion of all that has been promised us r cur form of , glvernmnont. Tho daug:r arising fren tho Jack of watchfultiess and vigilance is ever preutnt-, and nuni- can rtartly threaten to chotko tho growth of pat riot Fe tUntime-ni. ii tls then most fit and proper that the cilo bi>l-:1on of a dJay which icspir: tnurh notto tLough's.and on an occasion whioi suggu:ls such lolt.y eentt.ents, our p'edges to the p incipics of our fathers shonhitl ho ar d si.toroly renewed, and our love of ec ut,trr ho revived and strengthened. Yt.urs very truly, 1'EmT ER D)A O N TIAZA TUfR F. Am; Immense 'Xhroma WVitumsa n sthe iaos nit Blonmouetth Pam-tr. IJooEMOU'ili PAtK, N. J., Junly 5j.-TIiero wans a very large attendancea at the races toi daiy, estlimiatedi to be larger than has over wh-ited1 this course. Tuo traclr was fast, and thec s'arting very good. Fut. race, thre-quatters of a mile, Pon,itaa fIrst.. Little' M inch secoud, Thackoray tatrd. T'moe, 1 164 t'econd rieco, for two-yeamr-,.idse, thireo-(in-tr it 01 o a mile, Lie .11nivo ufrst. Anlu:3 tsecad TIhird race, o3re mite, Clhart y fIrst, lBAlana uconnd, Joe Cotton 1h,md. Time, 1.43. Fourth rto,~ for tulee-ye',r oldt, 010neid a hlIf Ishes. 1nspectot it. (ace (ilto secondi, F'ith i000, one and a quatrter muiles, i"avor tIh--i, tijlimiatuint second, i'mntlo thIrd. Iiixlm uIncO, 5even-&it-ihth of a tile, Mls.l limtly tirst by ai longi b, iI-ch socodd, AMtt iC third. Time, 5.51. 1i,e Oitcags Race. t' liIIA(lf, July 5 .-Weather fIne, butt quito hot. )aiug lirM1-clan; t.ime very fitl, and bt.t,Jondauico larger than evEir seens on a race tisck in thit country. E'vcryt.hing petstd oil wit hout, snelderit, nut-ti tits bsteopioubeado, in wh oh il. Ihaly wats.llghtiy inunred. 11, was rcr retted! that, sverai huras foil, as It, would (i ierwvaso have beeu ai one race. - trot, t acte, three-quartters of a mI1o, we n, Ira Kabrido Scond, 'Troaant, Iub-d. Tim e, 3.17. I- eond infce, one moils antd n. half, Voivito wnBuchanan scond, Myrtle third. Time, Tuhi d race, ene rnile and a ritnrer. iEd Corrigaen won, Putre ltye second, t311vor Uloud thild. Time, 2 09D. rrnrth race, one( mile. Vlrgte lIIen.rne win, lit lisnthus ac:nd, IIandy Anudy t,hIrd. l'xtra uace, otte mile, Rto'lere won, .71m IFvv r-ccondI, Boottslack ihird. Time, l.diIi4. Flil- 35e, thre*eurths of a mailo hoa,te, bc-'t thre o in fIve', first, Gleaner wv >l, Al:co iecon.d, Fouerctyn Pat third. Timo, 1.'ih. k?(0m6 iir-at, (Oleanomr weln. Alien sic on5, Sonve,rti 140ls! thl'd. Tir:ue 1,13. 'hird lta', (Gle,.nt-r w'or, Alice second, Mao:oiga Fat- thIrd. Time, 1.5 Ex ra race, bitAepleche.e0, full crturse, Wet Ii Jetoni won, i{t)rr t.'aoore seuandt, (Juantl. h!A lUh O. T H R 1)(A 1'i.4AJ A Ifl. '1 Iii /.mnunt etota a f tho !Lsvnter Or.rt.meni of Virginia, F1 F.IDYiftl5lml Wi, V'A., Jelly 5. -Truo at ri. gMt Ia o? 1the auct.e:r VirgInIa oar; men Itook pRaco hern to-da-;. Tho wa] a. laerje at It.dancoe, lbut not i no rish of i. t. 3 cr. 1l01i0 rat-ln,g JIlloft In thu rnoratr,, mortIly he twee', locatl animals. The regitta took in thle afItca,son. J"l,slt eic, for foott-oare-i shell.', the P'otomese and a nls.lpmu, a min u an a hLm,f, the foromor won by t wo longtho. lie erd rr:ee, fHtalo Sing~'i. a rmile ant a hiill, Thomanse Armret of t.rndrlokrgr, 1,5at it.]J. Vo(rgerty, j,f No)rf'Lc, nmy ttiree leug, . 'S hIrd reece, ontoldo inlet' 8 A. Kea-naey, tf Wmu.t.hir,n, t,eat hALiet, of irredormern. bnm rg, b) ocen ouogthb, I isot taic. ltto heauvy wetIj h's or ltQesAi9.490 raot ka bI.e tine ihe ht, wig~n ej, of th.i it,spm hanmmnoci,s byj tlght ledtgIhS. A feet, riac,,ol tive-right.s or a muile in the moernin,g bet.ioo W. e). IIazutd, of 1Frod erlelrehnrq, ands Prof. Meig.s, of Wasb.ingan, resuhed ia a vyce,y for the farnor by t,hree i -ot. THE DAY THAT NEVER DIES. nOW T$E sOUaT 'n W4 Qi . CT.ED AN. C1B.LB rON. A Gsneral loliday all Over the Clty-" Nutmerons UlUouareon to si e.eashore and the Ceuntry-Parade of the Colored Troops-Univernal Jolltfloatten U(der a slasing Busn. Mon day was a typical eston Fourth of July go far as the weather was concerned. It was hot, but with that peculiar. patriot,o heat which inoammodes no one on :snoh a de f and with a delightfal southwest broe,. blowing ready to cool -one .otrthe 'moment thore was danger of sunstroke. The day was a little -late in arriving, and somehow the ceolbration teemed to be also late in coin menoirg. The venerable and sable professor who superlulonds the tintinnabulation of the belle ue?mod to have overslept himself, as th;e firet.notes of the grand lutroduotory overture vais not heard until the sun was high In the heavent. As lato as 6 o'elock In the morning the streets presented a deserted appearlance. The maricot people were slo v In g;ett-ing down to their stalls, a'd the voic1 of the flirt raw shrin'eu fiend was no heard In the stircein uittl nearly 8 o'clootr. Ac( tho dtnyadvanced, howevor, the towa ct tmed to awakeu. The colored people, ar ra .d In their loliday toggory, and the N. U. M. C. In th-ir bright uniforms, oamo out, and by 10 o'ctcei the atroets wore full of paopio. 1cnry plhcen cf business were opened !n the morning and tihere was quite a brisk trnde along KCirg street. in the after noon, howover, nearly all these storon woro clo td. Flags were displayed on all the pub. lie buildings, and all the banks, ratiroa. of. t1ics rnd publio otloes worooloocl and the of. liccrs and olerksgiven holiday. Whileovery. body rcened to enjoy himself, and while thoi,e was n abrunclauce of fun and atnuco went, therolwns very little druitkenness or disorder to be seen upon the streets, and the art eta by the police wore conlinod to peruns sccused of itivial rlle:ncus. Upon the whole, ire day was very creditably spent by (7tlarlea ten and the strangers within her gates. 2'11 E CEL J31 A T ON IN 0OLUMi IA. Clepo of Bminess andl a Large Attendanco at the ]Unit Ball Grounds Consiltute the Ubhse vance of the Ray. Tlln 1EWa AND CounRIl I UnsAU, 103 MA iN l'r., CoLusr IA, July 5. The lational holiday ha been very quietly reltbraltd in ColumbIa. The Fotoral, tiate and county olllcos wore olosed, as wore the banks, an:d In the afternoon nearly all the bubnet r:s hnubt' followed suit. Tuo orowd of coloted vililore was very much smallor than iattl, but as usual their deportmont was ex cellnt. Abort the only public entertainment of wh ich tihe city could boast was the base bail gtnie at. the oltimbla Association grounds neth t en the Columbias and the Butiers. 'T'ie laraest crowi of the season occupied the eI tnd s1and, which -was thre-quartors futt, and the proportion of paid admissions was gr( ater tlun over before. The evening was p,lensaint, and the 1peetators woro treatod to a lin ;t'niet. The 8umtora played three pro irsiona,r--MeCloskey, formerly of Cittn bls, pitchtr; Andrews, cateber, and Koons, lot merly of Charlraton, third baseman. lh- nma rio was of the varloty known as pitchers' fgaines, neither teain batting well. Tne Colunmtlas knew MlCloskey and showed nervousnos when they stopped to the plate. A little less temorailzation when they faced .eu culol Iy. loule. have. saved thor the game. But even with the same naioter of base hi ts they would have won but for noed luck. In th e becouc! 1ning, When two of the visitors in et-tn tLre t ot, a muf' by togan as 1fet1 an dt anothor error let, in ,hroo runs 'ir iuter. Aiter this Inniing the Sitors in \ r t.rcertOed In tronetig tio plat. Io <t'.:le, " .; t+ an up-h le gale, souring ltre ru s Ill il:lc@ Jimin s. On the lrhiti luttin , y, it 11 I h ,y barelt 2 till and 1wo Out-, Fo rde aunt a h t ri r Ig;'I in. Knoou'i hau(is. '1t ftume wus tlet nlostet yt, playeri on thr at g.roundel. Tho Cottnalas aulo halos dn r1 t";! O iiudo tower (tro tr ht tuo c e,: (I s, it ptlayed II bad lukoc. Ti.. I tlitt.: score st:tutta for itscl1: COLUM iUA 3. A. I. 1. 11. IT. 1. o. c .. t .., . .......... 6 U t 1 V. tut I tu , >e, ,. t. ........ 1 2 u u 0 1. J 'tv ir r .............. (1 (I i; I 0 Se 1 tlr.l;8, '2................ 4 O I. 8 1 O t;v, y 1atrI, i . I............... 4 1 ( 1 () ( E .rle, 1. 1................4 1 l) (1 ) Si'lde, .................. 4 1 F rt f t , I.................. 4 U 1 t0 A3t. t. .. . .. P.O. A . . Mctusli.yp. 3 ( 1t ia 1 i)hVit . I 4 (3 (3 1 0 ftoin,J. I). ( 'A 3 0 0i AlArCIt, 11. 1 1 16 1 2 J,lt.nar, ........... 0 2. 2 1. 2 Ti t itd ..............1 (3 2 1 02 1 ~inuA..,. .. I1. I0Ti P.1 A. 0 T otr.3b..........5 2 278 2) 1 ....a .f........... C) 0 10 01 1 0 i-oran, ., ........ 3 1) () 0 ( A-i.drienR U.......... 1'iLha 1 10eJleo 112 1 tIt ext bvo.. ......4 7. 1noi 0 2 u01n-t;r t. 1......... ral, l(0o0 0t T otitlo.......... ......5 4( 7L27 20. Col to (in .........ti will 1 0oo th 1 1 0-e . Ilt->unne .........1 3 0li 0 0snti 0 ( 0 0 i.y viiirfeh itn i bloUtumbi 1,rqCt lttero it e g.iit! uot Out- tyiesol M uto sit the, li t t on buiso -,:e tjlum btla 7. onimtr ona. i.~f wot it.- It' ft,e Kooiin..ioa To hta1. h litii UiCotlula 7, Sumter ivl b,Li to lou.o lin-erogi to Onttgain. Lan A at rli(e Fanerin, MCofke .l~nso 'th oqoltnl will/0 moetsh wttt4c.or. 1(211in t hegnal'tulato rt Ind te toniof Iiernoitn att 1 4 Th closoch o.o-ajioy'f gam dI d6s rto 10 etitrth' Il0 sto they out70 i. pV'(itc aglr1,t nd trowgh, ton e a fin lit-n. ColTe pubio 1-hould garepd ta theyi dtoi t o duat)0:tiputl tr:naistnlaon o a gtoll fin1 tt.en l h i i. 'l-ho t locals tr l n norei pm i.e otals. yth.aOt.d the no tt,he s1.tly ietie to rr0~ tood tti , rid bfato til Icrtdt 600ra arte treg,t, the 1cl, or:e v hir nlh M.a shr relforemenit. N,tt h. a.1 A. 4aVgIt, Ie tnerin of dy OWtozdwl of ukolt 'ey oadta n addresatIn bd.I I loie els eladn Of renusmB ftbe ot dayo"id lit lb nexti Iworer IL w,l e en trniipedaud of 19ita In t c.lntlemn of urn. A rland in Co(t(lton wh . 14 d gMtart,rod VIu p-eat.t, t) her n eha fir o:c.ihratio oft'vol thoman g ui Wal tod.tVt t ileo t'et,0 U:tagel was rted4-i ro in the ouitu) ittady grit oll oakl it ae ratmptt ferot I tioi fror 12.bor- 1,1ti oer tho iopst. aerd -itr tly tit tie vo the train.anud raft.o - theI indles 5ro riyed the pmiool((oa ire (rinid by thet. irsden, who,J cat>re wr- , aftte cihot. are- s inad lMr.r.oltilg tie ainl lii,tn.Iiery olial drs ne admir Mle r,1. Ii o. i.t olrtr tOCOo ' ',iIn t rafen o rullcers fo to onun yrer het i n;hxt in3oror1, wa eiuntreredllo po andl dd'.uled in theeo of r. J.t olA ie."a tv.proldet J.rW. Mofar one. pesntn 'Mklr n l'rarnri.f.r v.hbu te as o f ledkhs onLay."wti ispatkno n Col. U. St. 0. Binkler, on "Worlan Heaven's last thotugh beat gift to man. Capt. J. 3toney Yorcher, on "P'rogresuive agrioulture." Ur. J. O. Wjgglna, on the Holly Hill 8001st Club. Dr. J. L.1. Gilmore, on the "Medical pro. tession." After the speeches, Rhich were flue and -in excellent taste, were conoluded, t,ie crowd by degrees began to disperse, the people iQav. !in in wagon, .bg eon..horsobao*. .&o. Btit no appreciable mnution was medo'ln the vest crowd until the ,trains 'had carried away the first and recond-contilgente, and when the last train loft thiszembryo town.of holly 1111 was by no means; deserted. The members of the club have-evory reason to be proud of the stecess of this seventu annual co'ebration, and their friends will surely not soon forget the pleasant day they have been accorded. TIIE .OUnRtR IN ORANGIr3UR(C. A Gante of Buse Bait Letwena SnmInar vf1le and the Home Club the Feature of tlhe Day. t(tIeotul Dtspal&h to Th News and Coarier.) OnAniolnuno, July 5.-There wtas no pab Ito coleblatlon of the 4th of July hero to-day. Most of the stores closed after 12 o'olooand business was very generally suspendet dur Ing the afternoon. A large iitmber of our oltizeus turned out to wltnesu asatme of,baso tall beiween the Orngobtig U lnb and the Suutnerville Club. The gaie Was quitespir. lltd a:d enterta)ning, and resultou in a de olded viotory for Orangeburg, thosoore stand ig tiR followts: Orangoourg 11; humtnervillo Ii. .ltilords, pitcher for the Urangeburg Club, struek out 10; a with, pitcher for Butnmor ville, struck out 4. 'i:ie feature of the ganuo was the fonl t.tis taken by Way, o ither of the Urangoburg 0lub. 1.ND.EJ'.ND;VCI: DAX IN 1At.ACON. QTio Vttwecssfuil Speculation of the 'utrlio Libeary on the PeOple'a PaltriotIsmi. (tpccfat Dfsptch to 27 tYCWS (mttd 0bt1ter.) blACo, July 5.-The colobiatlo of ludo eitdcnce Day litro tc-oay, tudol th ,tu:. ptCe cf the Macon l'ublIc .ibrary, w.,s the monwt cwtclive and imposli over c:r Oc<d In thn history of this city. h'nlly 6,000I couplo from adistence Joined tiv'.h our cltlzers in the clesbration. Among ttto 1nany f(aturucs of tho day woro the revisng of the Ulcolaration of Independuoc:o by Attor ne-y (,otoral Clitord Audoniou, an old-fash. tost.ct Isec barheone, a tournamuent.of k ulghts with limco aud sabre, aquatlo sporln, binyolu racea, foot races, buidlo racea, stosr races, lantastetls, wheelbarrow rartnns pig onisos, &o. It was a grand day, grandly ooaorvod and financially very sucoessful. Tho library clear d culte a smug amount towards their new bulildrg,which will be orootod soon. The Atlanta und Macon base ball clubs played t'hiiltIon games morning and afternoon bMfoto .immense audiencos. The morning gatb resulted in a tie, the scoroestanuding 10 .10, at the end of the .10th inning. Tao ntternoon game resulted 11-i in favor of Mactn The same clubs will play another oil hi Lion game to-luooow afternoon. IILE .OURTH IN TZHE ISIRIT UITY. Basannlah Contentns Ilexatelf with Eour stens and a YatUt Rtace--As Attempt at Suitcide. (Apccfal Dispatch to The News and O(brier.) SAVANNA1H, July 5.-Tho day was quietly colcbrated hero. Various military and soolal orgunizatitn enjoyed oxcuralous to sub buiban places of resort. iusluiese wasgon c:rally santpeudod. At llontyoniery the Hn.vannali Yatt ()Inb had a re"gatlta, which was lauely attondtd and ancce-slully sailed. The W11nning boa.ts were, in the lltst, class the Litfri-a protdt was entered by the (lanoe; forirtl-olasa, tio (erirudo, and fifth class, the Unaeys. This morning li. h. Fowler, of Nova notta, fo)niarly atewatd of the 13ritlsh bark alte Aa,ody, siot himKolf In a sailor hoarding bouseun liouston street. lie hwd"bsietk on a kpre.O. 4nd was oit of imoney. He was not fatally lijured. 1tECURSTit U( ;',D R1U lMON0. Indelnndence Day Cutsbateut wilh Iaoro Etat t1 ua for lany Veae", 111t 11>1 . 1v 'A., .Juy 5.-Tue Yaurttih was ceiboated more Ient rilly ttau for mt tuy 3 nrn. A great lItany business houet w ire elcted. b'RO mlfany I'ltb1leoll1iCe3. I,,ccu ,imig anid ti1OJicst were numerons. 'ito Otortr' military of Iichls1na, rintiorcwt ty con plIks Ir"fr i Norfolk, l'sittsi itltb, f st'tra bt sg, Fr*ti t tt .tt.urg, I,yachbarg santd \\'," sit. 11111ttn, 'W thIi t.wo tnndast,r iueto, ptradt e- I be rut .+ dn t h"n l'roonsoded t.o tit h1usto lair g.a,11.., w bcro a bhal btattlo wa- fou;gt la 11:0 p) L4 :nce of a very lulgo crowd. I.ate In tibe afternuon aernor O/fizhugt, orcortt;d by hii stoll in full sultator., ttenit to tihe grounos and reviuved the troops. '1h,o tloverl,or made a speech, in wholi ho 6Et1:e in o,mnpllinentar tond congratul ..tory termts of the colored i!I Itia of ,he rtoW. A I iho Conecuerate ldu-tra ilsoo an til ery Sautto wvas firod aind lisero wass silit10 i Ii' ssr.ant JIlillcnon. PIrl 14 carney l'ost, (i. .a.1., b~yrelh l&t inviationtI fr ,tho it. hi. I I. Ctin1 l Conifo 'OrAd Vult ranms weret presI TR11''. LOR iA)JI.UV'N (10 11A M. A Tansstaniy )D eoat,tlion--Senator wn enra tidelNshis lisObby. Ni AWYm J1 sily 5i.--The leoutrth was cole btrated here to-day with tho tustual noIsy di eonstrations11 bi) nnintg Hi t. a early hour of l thetornzinzg. The weiatheOr wa: Iin1.htlough wasn. The display of flags and hunting iii 1he t'ity was uiilversal. Trio exahanxgoQ, Cou r I , Ft dorit I butiId iugs, oanemmzhouso amid wholatlastorcu were all eI'to.1. A very lni ko Itind (Inth stlal ol assietulafge attended Sth, vokltin at Tii amnxaoy rLii to.diAy. Tho~ chelo 5.pot(lorsI~ were conator Vano, of No rth Carof ha a; Congreiszsan Bamnoi1(1 J. ,lasflals, of l'enatastitl ; J. liasidolplm Tuckerto, Of Vlrginia, . anit (Iongrossmana ManA doo, of Noiw Jerey. Henator Vance t'ookc ocicasionli to 50(core civil servIce refornti as uns lI era.esrat o anid unnotst,lsthtioal, lils re ksh being ent.hutsiatically recutived. PF~liLA JiLI P H I L JIE,lPHIZA. No F isa -iaah er or Pistols --Piople 1Esjoy T aer a e ci i en hdenaanly arnd (iuetly. 1'IllitI551A, inly C.- Indeopcenon J)sy waot Cntlioly gfie to Oiijoyinien, by I' thtdelphianis. All business houses and fat s A a ero cose~d, aind the stroots In tihe bua-intss portIon oIf the cIt,y wore almost on tIsoly dearsen. tirt,orowds osf poopiosponit, iho diay In thet par k, and the steamboats and I,i alload t rahins Wee erowdoad wit,h exocur l.tent,st to nolgbboring towns in No w Jersey, Det latwuro and irennsyvauntsa, A sotab.e feuaturo of the day was thse greaf, notrr,b)er of private plonio prttla in the p)ark, en Jndopendenco hay customn which has l.r on 2 apidly growIng here for savorali years. '151 he sny (i'a proclamnation, forblidding t,he uIhr g of pirtls anmd crackers, was strictly (lbl 4 rVE di, and thie numbeihr of "powderaol de.t a" beocr tCd to the pollco wore very fewv, a.d niot oe ralarm ixof lire was sont to ht fire depa.rIIment dutring the day. 1-IltflWOREtN IN WI'AnLIINGTOR')2. Thse Dr,y clfosed witht a Grand Pyrotek-.. ittal JDIspjlay on te Monumsant WAss5IrNovoN, July r.-Inepenidence Day was celebhrated here very quIet,ly, The de part nensts we all closed, andi all busin fes hoee ge theIr ciorks holIday. The asso c11 tIton of oldest IuhabItants met in accord sluret with theIr tisual oust tm, anad aftor lIs ten Iing to the reading of B ho Doolaratlien of Independence and singi~ng the ftarMpanglod Jiannuer, elcted ofillcers for the enetting year. Thls evening thaero was a display of fire workrs on the muonumnent grounds, witnessol by fully ten thouqftnd people. Three Fatal decidtents an Iarnmapoili. J?'iI,ANAI'oTus, July lI.--This-has boosn a fasil Fourlh, rathougih the.casualties, halve ntt been even remieol y caused by the ole brEatlon of hte dAy. Edward [a. [1Aimer, a young maxn alillioted with eptiOpsty, fell front a freight tr ain 1I, a fit and received fAtal in juries. Fred Kellish, a farmher, drove into t he river to WaAsh hls waigon sla wai' swopt of' B,y thseouirrentandi drown e. 3. 1). (On nor atoppsed ont. of the way of a amorninig itin on one track only t6 be krnocked rnur -t1e wheels of of one approachhlug in arn oppo, alte direction. andi was jsilled.