1k ,**k4d tjl'DMAi,Dl A OW I SiMesn Ruaet.-The Uettea, Rise and No. vat .Seres Merhets-.Ta Wholesale ' 'rad,e-Meuey, .Aiehatge aad soart tieS-Catton Stittattos snd Po.--010s. : -: tntg leporte iron other Markete by Tel egraph., CHIAIIrsTOr 8, 0., t TunsnAY NioauT. July 0, '1880. Business has been as quiet throughout the pHst week as It was during the previous one. Sipnents of groceries and provisions to the interior of this and neighboring States have been small, although prices have been main tained. In dry goods and notions, as well as the other branches of the wholesale trade of the lty, the same condition is to be reported. The retailtrade, however, has been steady, and although the summer tniness has arrived, dealers generally do not think that the trade to in as bad a condition as it was last year, Dottoa. The cotton market during the ast week has shown but little changefrom the condt. tion reported last Friday. Thereceiptsshow a considerable falling off, and the sales also have been small. The demand continues lair but light., and only 400 bales of the staple have changed hands this week. We quote the close as follows : Market quiet but tlrm. Middling 9o. The recelpts sales and stookv of cotton at this port during the past week were as fol lows: Receippts. Sale. Stooks. atu rday...,;............., 5 100 7,884 Monday................. 887 100 5,260 Tuesda........... 850 none 5,610 Wednesday........ . 12 none 8.944 Thursday................. 24 100 8.008 Frlday.................... 5 100 8,018 UPLAND8. The r001pt were 45 bales of uplands at this port on Friday, July 2, against no'bales for the corresponding day last year and 8 bales In 1884, making the receipts for the week 848 bales, against 10 bales for the corresponding week of las ear, and 194 bales for Vhe same.week The exports for the week amount to 4,084 $ales against 12 bales for ' the corre. .pondint week of last year, and 1,820 bales br the ame week in 1884. The total receipts at this port from. Sep. "mber 1 to July 2 have been 489,428 ale, against 510,076 bales for the same S_eriod in 1885 and 420,544 bales in 1884, The total exports from September 1 to July 2 have been 480,040 bales, against 491 160 bales for the corresponding period in , and 408,898 bales in 1884, leaving a stook (on hand and shipboard) to-day of 8,918 bales, against 1,408 bales for the Oorrespondlng day last year and 1,120 bales fm the same day in 1884. SEA I8s1ANDt. The market has continued firm, with good demand throughout too week. and ;ales of 1$, bags Carolinas and 26 bags F'loridas have been made. We quote the market fhm at the following quotations: Carolinas, extra fine...............nominal. Carolinas, medium tine.........24a25 , Floridas, extra fine.................24 Flor idas, fin.....-......................23 Floridas, meolum tine...........22 Floridas, good medium .........20a21 The receipts dnring the week nave been 81- begs of Carolinas, no bags of dantees and no bags of Flortdas making a totalof 81 bags against none for the corresponding week of 1885, and none for the same week of 1884. The weekly exports amount to 87 bags against 70 for the corresponding week of 18R6, end no bags for the same week of 1884. The total supply frotu Septemnber 1 to July 2 amounts to 9,23 bags, against 18,E+89 bags for the corresponding period in ',.$f45 and 9,419 bags in 1884. The total exports from Heptember 1 to Jul e 2 amount to 7,015 bags, against 1.4A2 tor the corresponding time last year, an' 0,280 in 1884, leaving a stock to-day, (on hard and shiph8ard,) of .220 bags, against 1,93 7 begs for the corresponding day last year, .and 167 bags for the same day in 1884. Rice. The market for rice has been steady throughout the past week until to-day, when it became quiet.. The sales during the week amount to 1,800 barrels. The market closed quiet at the following quotations: Uommon...,,,,... .............8 a8 1 n............... ..................... a elc0c...............,. . ............44a}{ Prim e......................................... a5 The receipts of the week ending Friday July 2, have been 1,000 barrels, against 286 .barrels for the corresponding week of last year, and 40 tioroes for the same week tn 1884, The weekly shipments amount to 1,000 bar. rels, against 289 barrels for the correspond ing time in 1885, and 207 tieroes for the same week in 1884. The tot.) receipts from September 1 to July 2 have been 50,985 barrels, against 81,154 barrels for the corresponding time in 1885.and 85.178 tierces for the same period In 1884. The total shipments from September I to July 2, have been 80,964 barrels, against 22,800 barrels for the correspond ing time In 1885, and 28,582 tierces in 1884. Leaving a stock of 1.821 barrels to-day, against 1,078 barrels for the corresponding flay last year, and 788 tlerces for the same Say in 1884. The Wholesale Tae OROERIEs AND PRIOVISIONs, Business has been light in grooeries and pro visions during the past week, The quota tpne are as follows: BAco?.--D, 8. 0.11. sides at 6%e; D. S, shoulilers 5240; smoked sidos 7%ce; smoked Sboulders i2c; D. S. butts 5%ea. Hams, din. tn'nid 3 Bo: coice 12a1240. hard 6%4a7o. BU.rrTER.-Oroamery 25o; choice gilt odge Bend Goshen 20c; Western 14a1 70. (JEERE- Sto 12214 per lb. Choc 12%(c, CANDLE.-8s and 68. Adamantine 1 8%. per Ib; parafine 180 to i2o per lb. CorrnE.-Rio Sa11o per It: Laguayra 120. Java, 0. G. 2(10, SUtT(Ana.- 'cllow 5"4c; 1mg lt 6 to (J%: W ex tra C 624 6%Ac; oonfeationers' A 014G64c; granu late jo; cut loaf 7JAj per lb. FLOUR.- -Patent p1 50a7; choice 95 50a6; extra 95. MAOREREL.-NO. 1 blues $6 50; No. 2 5 50; No. 8 94 50, quarters and kits in proportion, IArLr.-&Jarloads 75c; small lots 850 per sack. TonAco.-Comumon 280 to 80; medium 42; fine 48 to 55 per lb. WHrsrxEY.-Common rectified SlalI 85. acodnto proof: choice and fancy brands 00UTNTRY PnODUOR. The demand has been light. COUNTRY BUran, choice Tennessees 200, 3nedium 15a10c. A,ourrY.-Grown fowls, cholee, 93 25a 8 50 per dozen; t,hree-quarters grown 92u 2 50; half grown 91 50Oa1.75, ana onlokons, ? 1 t 82 50. Dmucks-Muscovy 96a5 50; Iu liib h 4a4 50. Geese-Young, 96. .Kens $83. Tur keys 2(00 per pound. 1(00s-140 per dozen. WooL-Weahed 2Oa28O per 11)1 unwashed 17 to 18A,. Cow PEAS-S1 per bushel OTHrem PRODUCrE.--.ewn2 2o, Hides, flint 18B, salted 100, rinoy 000 to $1 per galo. oss, green 10 per ib: black 2ado. Tallow, 0. Western potatoes $2 50aU 75 per barreL, TRUTITA AND VKOw'A BLa, the trade has been fair during the week. We quote: lemons, 97 50a8; June apples 50a S1; prunes 5%a7%c; Raisins, loose Kusoateis I8 Lodon layer $8350 per box; dried apples O0 per pond driod reaches 10a12o per pound; almonds 190 per Ib; pecans 0o per ulrlnalrt 140 per pound- eoannta North relia, 112per bushel; 4rginia, 91 54; Tennessee, $92 50a2 75; potatoes 32 50; onions 91 60 per orate. 84 50 pen barrel; tomatoes 61to 1 25 per orate; oherriesl 76 to 91 per box; peaches 40 to ~75o per orate; bananas, red $1 to 81 25 per bunch; water melons 15a170; mushmelons (la100. LUAU TonAc00. The localmarket for North Carolina leaf to. *bacco has been dull, The prices arc: Boraps and trash.................... 2 to 6 Luge, common danrk..,..,,.........., 4 to 0 Lug., medium..............,..........0 to 10 Lng, brlght;.... ................,.... 8 to 12 Cutters, medium,.......,.,............ 12 to 5 Cut,ters, large bright................,15 to 18 Cutters, extra.............................18 to 25 Fillers, dark.......,..................... 6 to 8 Fillers, bright..........................8 to 10 Wrappers, mahogany, in demand.. 20 to 85 Wrappers, lemon,,..................... 18 to 85 Wrappern, fancy canary........ 45 LME, PLASTER AND UEMEN'r The trade in these materials has been small during the past weuek. We quote: Alabama~ lump limo 91 25.-Georgia lump lime 91 25; Nor tJerni lime pi 85, $1 40 and 91 50, as Sordng to quantit7- caloined plaster 92; Iosendale cement 5165: Portland oement 98 25,GODS The trade in dry goods has been quiet duriDg the past week~ but prices continue * frm, We quote: Jrotvn Goods-Charleston and Granitevillo det4c harleston and Granitoville 7-8, Pp4-4p,'78 o ru ph.., G; Gl * edal,uBic. h,o .4-4 7c; Ten'Strike 4-4, erlrrit o Loo .-8.'jl40; 4.4, 80; #5am 0r - }ltstptii7 Adr , } MONN ..40s a)pwrobat, DOratIo Exareree-Steady; banks bu 7 lng at-1410 premium, selling at 8.164 prenmium, Foxz3on ' Ex0uAxo0z-D11 best OMmer. elat 60 day ight bille sterling =4 84% France, Paris or Havre, $5 20, 8xcURITiEs.--The demand for neourItlee, bas been good and prices have continued ateady. STATE, Bki, Asked.. So. Varolina oonsol, (brown) January and July ...............107 00 108 00 South (,arolina 1)folenoy Bonds, January and July..,100 00 101 00 UiTY. Charleston Non-Taxable7 per et. lids, early maturhies......105 00 107 00 Charleston Non-Taxable lds, long maturities .....................111 00.',112 00 lt0 of Charleston Non-Taxa. ble perot. Bds, Ap'l& Ot...107 00 108 00 City of Charleston Non-Taxa be 4 per ot.4Bds,Jan&July.. 87 00 88 00 City of Charleston Bonds(Fire 1. oan) January and July....., 20 40 ....... 9avannah Now $ perotao-de Feb. May, Aug. and Nov....101 00 102 00 Oity of Columbia New Bonds, January and July........ 55 00 00 00 RAILROADB Bouth Carolina Railway First Mor'geBds,6's,April&Oot,.100 00 100 50 South Carolina Railway 24 Mor'ge Edu,6's,Jan.&July.. 85 00 87 00 South Carolina Railway in. oome Bd, O',Q eJn.&Jul?.. 25 00 26 00 SSo. Carolina alway 8tool (e.....-......g... . 10 00 12 00 Mor'ge Ids,7's,Jan.&July..108 50 104 00 Northeastern Rail road Bonds istMor'ge, 8's, Moh&sept...180 00 182 00 Northeastern Railroad 2d Mor'ge Bds, B's, Mob &t3ept.128 00 130 00 Northeastern Railroad Con sols, 0's January and July..100 00 102 00 Ashle River It. 1i. istMor'ge Bonse, endorsed by North astern R. R., Jan. &July...128 00. Central B. R. of South Caro lina First Mortgae Bonds, 6's, January and July.......105 00 .. Columbia & Greenville it. R. letMor'ge6's,.lan.&Jtuly....109 .0 110 00 Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta R. I. 1st Mortgage 7's, January and Jul............114 U0 115 00 Cheraw and Salisbury R. 1,, 1st Mor'ge7's, April Oct.... 80 00 00 00 Cheraw and Darlinton R. R. let Mor'ge8's.Apri &Oot....104 00 106 00 Oheraw and Darlin glen R. R. Btonds.2d Mor'g,an&Jul 101 00 102 00 Oberaw and Darlington B.. R, Stock, par $50......,... ........ 10 00 ...,. BANKS. People's National B'nkBtock, F100.at......A...200 00 205 00 Fsta ioa.. .,. . . ..200 00 20 00 par 1100 .......................200 00 205 00 Bank of Charleston Stock, par $100..............110 00 112 00 Mo. Carolina Loan and Trust Oomp'y Stock, par *100...... 82 50 85 00 Charleston Saving Institu. tion Stock, par 00............200 00 ....;., HiberniaSavings Jnstitution.120 00 .........., PHOSPHATE STOOK. Atlantic Phoshate Oomp'n Stock par 10 .............. ..49 00 , p1ono hos hate Company Stook, par 100.....................162 50 165 00 E,wan om y Stook, par E 0 ................E ...O...I....i.,............ 100 00 m1 it Phosphate Company, par $100.................................180 00 181 00 Uiarleston Mining & Mann. facturing Co., par $100........200 00 210 00 Gottom statisties. NxW YORK, July 2.-The following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending July 2, 18801 Net reoeipia at all U i. 8 1885. ports during week....... 17.8(0 1,642 total receipts to date.....5,285.338 4,689,811 Exports for the week...... 87,576 25,258 Total exports to date......4,079.097 8,769,330 8tnck at all U. H. porta... 355.015 288.558 Stoch in interior towns... 87,003 19,382 Stock at Liverpool.......... 663.000 863,000 Stock of American afloat for Great Britain.......... 70,000 27,000 The total receipts at the ports from t3eptem. ber 1 to July 2 also to the corresponding dato in 1884 anl 1888, are given in the fol lowing table: 1886. 1885. 1884. Galveston.......695,090 4560,320 589,118 N. Orleane...1,715,08 1,012.549 1,510,045 Mobile............246,243 229,085 252,869 Savannah.......794,207 720,440 651,424 Charleston......406,601 510,976 424,877 Wilmington...3 00,880 91,836 91,226 Norfolk...........559,343 551,138 577,082 Baltlmore..,.... 81,288 58,045 54,640 ew York...... 64,158 09,309 155,667 Boston............170,168 88,217 177,973 Philadelphia. 49,480 51,687 55,298 Various.3.........18,202 828,207 209,110 Total.....5,285,888 4,688,811 4,820,846 The Visible Supply. (3)-om the Blnanetal Chroniole, July 8.) The visible supply o1 oottOn to-night as made up by cable andltelegraph isas follows: The Continental stocks, as well as those for Great Britain and the afloat, are this week's returns, and consequently all the European flgures are brought down to Thursday eve. ning. But to mnake the totals the complet e figures for to-night (Joy 2) we add the item of exports from th Uited States, in cluding in it the exports of Friday only: Stock at 1886, 1885. Liverpool....... bale8.;, 068,000 808,000 London..................... 20,000 22,000 Total Great Britain ..:...6300 9,0 H am burg.................... Biremen..................,..70 6,0 Amsterdam......,......, 7004,0 Rtotterdam....................0 0 A ntwerp....................170 ,0 H avre.....................6,(01.,0 M arse illes ................. ,00 itre ona.................6000 6,0 Genoa......................0,0000 Trieo..........8..11000 79,000 ToalCotienalstek 83500 ,0.00 Totl uroea Stek 10,500 41,8,00 ~ Erop..........20,000 180,000 o Eroe.......400 8200 KVytiBLzi, &., 162a 5. 14000 1...6 9000400 Trior......................77,4090 7007 UToltaContinentas toksy 18,006 3500 Total Eisibe stopoy.1,16,00 1,850,285 tediacorttona anoa frlws Liverpo.................... 494,000 61,000 American afotfor aEn. fo Euoe..........140,000 82.000 Utced States or.. 858,988 288,558 U. interior stocs.....77,400 80,027 U, 8,t exports tody. 1,616 3,500 Total Amiile upply....1.858,108 1,850,085 JAmrlan. rsi,o Ltver pool stock.....1 09.000 227,000 00nonont stock.......230.000 228,000 'aerloaat for Eue- 51,0 8,0 E plro l................ ...... 1 0,000 82.000 To,a ,Eaots today..o.... 14,500 58,200 Total American....1,808,108 1,298,085 taliibl stup..,.1,858... 2,003 22,50001 Th mt noContinental pecs......l750 1 2hi0 wEekpt,aeiben 8,000ae. 0,04,0 The above figures indicate an increase in the cotton in sight to-night, of 3,318 bales4 as cornpared with the same date of 1885, a decrease of 319 085 bales as compared with t,heocorresrnd?ng data of1 1884, and a do. ereao o 00,81 ales co0mpared with 1888. Wrade Noee. EXOrnTs, JULY 5. DOMESTX0. PHiILADET.rruA-P'er sobr. J. B. Wood-1 700 tons phosphate rock. WILMIISOTon, Dan.-Por sehr. Mary E, Morris-054 tons phosph'ate rook. Interior Miarkets, SP'ARTANBURIo, July 8 .-[$pe0ial.1- very little cotton lhas come to market, durlug the psal, week and t,ue market has been very Quiet, with sales of only 10 bates, the basis of prices being 8 'AO for middling., iis reported bore that, a sale of 240 bales has been made * at Enorce during the week, the ~rice being 8%#c "all round.' The qunotat,ione or countr y produce from wagons are as follows: Corn 6 170Oc. Eggs 100. Beat butter 18 to 200, j Small chi ke ens 12140; half- rown 15 to 180, The market is well supplied at present. GR EENVITLE, B. C., July 3.-[8~pe01al-l1-Tue following are the closing cquotatlons of gro ceries end provisiCns for the past, wok in t,he Grenville markets : Butler .............20o Cofle-Choice...1 .................100 P'r1im.........1 o Chikens..101to150 lair...........0 U lioD s...,..........200 Flour-Patent...; 6 00 Bacon,........,.....70 Choice.....,.5 50 U L.atd...............7e o Ex. family....$4 50 El Ham,............12'0 M0lassos-N.O.,.50 Corn.,............700 Prime....,..450 Pens.............750 Fair,...........85o Bngar-HV/d gr...750 Common ....2'io Y Ex.,,white,,,,' 0 Goiden Byrup..860c r. C, yellnw.aMalt. per saok...70o (851 *erwASe iinTrq ees See.) .a . .ONTw LO1sDo1N, July 6--oon.-0onNOlr, money 101%; acc00nt 101 7-10. LonDoN, July 0- 4P. M.--Oonsols, money 101 9-16. Maw YORE, July 0-Noon.-aMoney easy aFn352%. hang, long 4.87;nko1t4.88%. vrotre AND BONDS. saW YORK, July 6-Noon,--0tookm quiet end strong. $t bouds dull and stady. Governments quiet and firm. i'aw XOUic, JBuly e--riuun-Flrml; sales 1.895 bae; uplads 9716; Orleans 0%; Futures opened steady, with sales as follows: July 0 46; August 9 52: taptember 9.41; 00 tober 9.2M: November 9 27; December 0.28. l'.W YOnK, July -11L A. M.-Tie stock market pened at 11 o'clock this morning, and first prices generally showed advances of % to 4 per cent. over Haturday's final fIg In es. There were some few slight further ad vences 3Yade after the opening, but the on. lire market- was weak and Western Union broke suddenly from l70 to 07%. The re mainder of the list lost fractional amounts. OovON. l.VRrPOoL July 6-NOon.-Flrm. with a good demandA; uplands 5%d; OrloAn, 6 5.160; sales 32.000 bales' speculation and or. port1,000; receipts 21,000; Ameri n 8,000. tures qiet and somewhat wea er, with sales as follows: July 5 15-04d; July and Au. ust 51-640d August and nepe.-nber 1-40 teber and Oot-ber 3 11 94d; October and Ii ovember 5 7-64a5 604d; No vember and December 5 4-044; January and February 5 7-64d; September 5 10.04a 5 16-(14d. LzvanroOL, July 6--2 P. M.-Sal of American 0,900 bales; July 5 15-644, sell ers; July and August 515.044, sellers; Au. gust an September 5 15.640, sellers Sep tember and Octobei 6 11-04d, sellers; Otober and November 5 0.040, buyers; November and December 55.04d, buyers; December and January 5 6.640, buyers; January and Feb ruary 5 0 64d, buyers; September 5 15-84d, buyers. Futures quiet. la rooL, July 5-4 P. M,--Business good at hardening rates; middling uplands eC '4; Orleans 5' 5.16d; sales 0 400 bales; up ands, July 5 15.04d, sellers July and August, August and September 5 15.64d" September and Octdber 5 11-O4d, sellers; Otober and November 5 7.040; November and December 5 0.64d, ttllers; December and January 5 6-4d January and February 5 7.64d, buys kisptember delivery 5 10-04d, sellers. Fure closed dull. ATLANTA, July 5-P. M.-Middling 8%o; receipts 5 bales. 3tlOV3ION, NaW YolK. July 0-Noon.--Flour quiet and . Wheat 1 alo higher. Corn ' slo betlef Fork firm at $10 60a11. ?.ard strong at 6,94. NAVAL aroma. LoNeDoN, July 5-4 P. M.-Spirits turpon 25s. NaW YORE, July 0-"Non.-~Bpirits tur. 1 einesteady at 82%o. 1osIn steady at$la Bun, Bloon and Tide. New Moon-lst 5 hours, 6 min, eve. First Quarter-Ath 8 hours, 17 min., morn, Full Noon-15th, i0 hours, 8 min., eve. Last Quarter-24th, 2 hours, 21 min., morn. 1Pew Moon-8lat, 0 hour 25 min., morn. Moon in Apogee-39th, 1 hour, morn. Moon in Perigee-81st, 6 hours, eve. SUN SUN MOON IIYOB JULY. RISES. SETS, A. & S. WATEJ 7 W'dnesday 5..19 7..31 11..58 morn. B Thureda) ... 5..19 7..81 morn. 12..41 9 Friday...... 5..19 7..30 12..89 1..40 10 Saturday ... 5..20 7..80 1..10 2..40 11 Rundey...... 5..21 7..30 1..57 3..40 32 Monday..... 5..21 7..29 2..41 4..41 1iTuesday...., 5..22 7..20 8..28 5..84 Ts LEONEL BULOW & CO., COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, DEALERS IN Live Stock of Every Description 72 QUEEN STREET, CHARLEST ON, S.O. We offer facilities not heretofore offered in this State for securing anid disposing of LIVE WTOCK of every description. Consignments solicited. Special rates to regular shippers. WAYNX A VON KOLNIT, FROVItSION OOMeISSION MERBIHANTMI 147 EAST BAY and 19,18 AND 20 STATE STRnmT Charleston, 6. C. Eefr lb trade the following at iowegi mali B00 boxes Dry Salt 3I'I.Lnim, 75 boxes Sweet Pickle Bellies. 50 boxes Long Fat Baceks, 100 boxes Dr Salt Butta. 75 boxes Dr Balt Bhoulders, 50 boxes Smoked Shoulderi. 25 tieroes Choice B. 0. Canvassed Hams. RIO pcages Eejectg ms, BhoulIderui 50 tieroese.af Lard. 100 esse Pure Leaf Lard ERCIVAL MANUFACTURING 00, GOODLO SASH LW WORK, SASH PRICES, SABH DOORS. BLINDS, DOORS. @ BINDS, DOORS. BLINDS. iTurning,1 Prompt IIMoulding, IIBond for Shipment. ]jMantols.H Prioo List. E. W. PEROIVAL, Goeral Hanager, MEETING, NEAR LINE STREET, CHARLESTON, B. C. OOeB. HACMERl ? SON, MANUFAtffUKnUm :DOORS, BASH, ELINDS, BRACKETS, 0 Good Work, , Prompt Delivery, Fair Prices, 9P I3JLGANT G3ODs: D)O 7ND EARRI.NW3,910, 912, 915, 918, Diamond 1a00 Fins, 910, 912, 915, 918, 120 to 9B75. Diamond,Pa, Chaned and FanoBei 8, IS . ~11I~,i8 2to 5i0, MO 0t OL WATOH5 1 odl Plesl'nO.229s5 o 981 to rrd? 11 5 2 50, 98 to 90, arig,1 8tuda anleeve But n Rolled Glold 2 70t 850; SolId Go01 91,1$1 50, 6 Srf Pins and Collar Buttons Rolle m 1,50 and 750; Solid Gold, 0Is, 61,1$1 50, NeAadVest 0hains. Looketn, Bracelets ~nd Charms, Rolled Gold, 1, 91 50 and 2 1o114 Gold 94 0to97 each. Bab Blbled Pis1010 is, 5~s4 5,75900 and Solid Gold 9i , i 1 7, 922 50,5 and ~8 50; . OLD.IEIAD)l MT[OKB 80 IIVOr lan a10. rA Vinderu at $8, 1iO 912,' 91 , , Solid 1Ivar, ilgr and Itine tong Ballr rr sGand 40c, LaP ins, 75an ; SPOONS, IkRKI 40. Tea SpOons, 750, 91, 1 /50,9$2, SId and ;a Forks and Table Spoons, 1150,9$2, 8 anda 4 per set. But ter Knives, Sugarpon sal SpBon * ouJS n rav 0esatIoe Call and examine goods and priesg. Country as wellas elt orders solieited, and til have ro atteton by S. ~RMAS JB. &BRO, J5WWXdRRS AN'I BILavBmi'E so? xxe rw, . A Poor Workman will Go maoein. jury to a Watoh or Clock in five mine utes than a Good One aan remedy in hours, Such being the case, why not give It to the beat at first, I do not claim to have the only good workmen In the oity, but I do know they rank among the Very Beat in the land, and What is equally as important for you, my charges are only about Ono-Half that asked by others for similar and, in many instances, much inferior work. A statement like the above Is easily made. You can prove the' truth of It very easily by bringing your Watch, Clock, or Piece of Jew. elry to the store for examination and an estimate of expense for repairs wll be given you. All work warranted first-class or no charges made at Mo. ELREE'SNEW JEWELRY PALACE, 207 King Street, opposite Masonio Temple, Charleston. S. 0. SPECTAOLE.-"I. X. L." is the name I have given a now lino of Spectacles which I have just added to my stook. They are a specialty of my own, and to make them popular "ONE DOLLAR" is fixed as the price. I import the lenses direct from France. They are "first-quality Pori. scopio, extra large eye, highly polished, and are the very beat that money can buy. The frames are the best quality of steel, highly tempered and finished, (either blued or nickeled,) extra long temples or side piece, round nose piece, With patent compensating temple joint, which prevents strain and never becomes loose. There is no better Spectacle made than the above, no matter by what name they are called, or what price you may be asked to pay. You can get no better, but may buy very much worse and pay more. Avoid mistakes by going direct to McELtEE'S NEW JEWELRY PAL' ACE and get fitted with a pair of I X L Spectacles. 8TENLING SILVER SPOONS and Forks at: one dellar and ntty cents ($1 50) per ounce has ore. ated a revival in the sale of STERL" ING SILVER never before known in this city, as a customer remarked the '!her day after paying for one dozen t erling Silver Spoons : Mr. McElree, 1 have paid more for plated ones within a year tI.an you have just charged me for SolidBilver. "The longer you live the more you learn." S ILVER-PLATED SPOONS and Forks at the priceu I am sell ing them are as cheap in proper tion as the Sterling Silver. Just thinix of it, lOGi8R' A. A. Extra Plate Ten Spoons $1; Table Spoons or Forks ?2 per sot. These goods are plated on nickel silver, and will wear from live to eight years. BEST TRIPLE PLATE Tea Spoons $2; Table Spoons or Forks $4 per set. These Goods will wear for fifteen years. A cheaper quality of Tea Spoons at 45o and 75o per set,, and Table Spoons or Forks at 00o and $150 per set. Salt Spoons, Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, Flo Knives, Cake Knives, Crumb Enives, Fish Knives, Soup and Oys ter Ladles, &c., from 250 to $2, less than half regular prices, at Mo ELBEE'S3 NEW JEWEILRY PAL., ACE, 207 King st,reet, opposite Ma' sonic Temple. E NAMIELLEDJ IRON CLOCOKS is an exact imitation of Black Mar ble, at a much loss price. You ean get one of the above, with an eight. day siking movement in ite-a cor. root time-piooe-bor BIX DOLLARS AND SEVENTY FIVE CENTS. $0 75, regularly sold for $10. More elaborate decoration, with half-hour strike, French Gong Move. mont, at $7 50, $9 and upward. Handsome Bronze Cased Clocks, with BJronze Figures attached, atvery low prices at McELUEE'S3 NEV/ JEWELRY P'ALAOE, 207King street, opposite Masonio Temple, Charleston, S. C. should be made of certain articles Which 1 am closing out at much less than cost, vist VENETIAN VASES, BISQUE Fl*URES, TOILET SETS, FANCY V A S E S, DECORATED CUtNA, TIRTE-A-TETE SETS, At, BUMS, PLUSH DRESSING OASES, JEW EL CASES, CHINA AND LAVA ORNAMENTS, I NK U T A N DI, LAMPS, &c. A!.flne line of BIL,VER-HEADED WALKING CANES 1or Genta, from $1 28 up. SILVER NAPKIN itINGS, Gold lined, and your initial on them in geld, at $2 each, very neat, at, Moit. R'S NEW JEWELRY PALAME, 207 King Street, opposite Masonic Temple, Charleston, 8.CO. C A""'A"E" AT CO"T On exhibition at 254 King street, under W averly House, the following vehicles, made at Amesbury, Mass., first-class in every particular, and only sold at cost of making in order to keep the factory running and the workmen toget,ha r during the dull saaaon, ONE CAIBRIOLET, Reversible seat, for four persons,; tsull leather top and side eurtains, mud-fenders and lamp. IVgular price 9825. Coot 9225, JUMP SEAT OAIRRIAGEI, For two or four persons, full loather extension top. Regular price 1250. Coat $175. With buggy top 9185, PARAGON ROAD CART, The Neatest, Beat, Easiest Riding, Bafesi Two-Wheeler In the market. No horse motion and no weight on horn's back. If yciu want a "Two4 Wheeler" examine thiu one, Itegulat priot a150, ot 1110a: j NcJ,OT, AIlS a 00.9 COARLESTON, I. O. SUMMER CLEAIRING SALES. DRESS GOODS. In order to close out as quickly as possible the remainder of ourstock of DII13S GOODS we will placo before our customers this week some rare bargains. Remnants of Dress Goods will be sold at half price. "nvate Cloths, Albatross Cloths, Etamine, Wool iBatiste Crazy Cloths, French Ba teens choice dinghume and Lawns. 1,n0i Gyardh desirable Colored Ginghams wily O4o, worth double. RO pieces Canvas Cloth In Uream, White, Pink and Tans, 100 per yard. One cMe 86-inch avas Stripes at 250 p sr yard, worth 853c. Fine French Flannels for Ladies' and Chil dren's Taylor-made Suits reduced to 000, regular price $1 por yard. - SILKS ! SILKS ? Our extensivo line of BUMMER BILKS marked down to cost and under. If you want a cheap, handsome and durable bilk now Is the time to secure a bargain. We oiler rich Black Gros Grain bilks at $1 per yard. We oiler rich Black Gros Grain Silks at We ofer G uint's Fre Dye Silks from $1 8'% per yard up. Greatest Bargains in Black ilks in the city. Send for samples. Last chance to secure a fine Pongee Silk Dress Pattern of 20 yards for $4. Only a few loft. WHITE GOODS I WHITE GOODS! Largest general stock of White Goods in the ct. pecal attention is directed to the following : White india Lawns at 10 12%, 15,18, 20 25, 80 and S0, guaranteed the best value oflered in twenty years. .100 pieces Victoria Lawn at OV%v, worth 80. 100 pieces Victoria Lawn at 80, good value for 100. 100 pieces Plain Muslin at 0%, 8, 10 and 12%o, each number worth 20 a yard more. Fiane Colored Mull. in Pink, Earu, Oream, Black. Blue and Oardinal, Our price Is 15o. a yard, worth 250. Endless variety of Hamburg Embroideries in all widths, direct importation, cheaper than any other house. Balance of our stock of White Lawn Robes (about 60) marked away down to cost.. Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gentle men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. Large variety and low prices in Ladies' Jersey Collars and Ouffs, Rituohings, Velings, Gloves and Mits. NEWPORT SCARFS. Stylishly Mounted PARABOLS. EUN AND R&IN UIBRELLAS, All this season's Goods, at very moderate prices. NEWPORT SCARFS. MOSQUITOES I We are in a position to put up one hundred Mosquito Canoptes por month. Bend In your orders early. Price $2. MOSQUITOES I Having a resident buyer in New York the year round our customers are assured always of the finest selection and lowest prices in the market. Parcels of $10 and upward dolivered to any part of the State free of charge. Mail orders receive prompt and careful at tentionr. McLOY, R10A & 00. R. READ & CO. JULY ATrRACrIONS! Having completed our annual inventory of stock, revised and make down several lines of the same, and received many new ones, we are prepared to olTer our Friends and Patrons unusual Att,ractions during WHITE LINONS AND) DAO0A3 beaut-izuily sheer and fine. Another lot of our muchl-talked of sheer, wide India Lnns. Extr a values, at 12%e and 150 per 50 PIECES PERS[AN L AWNS wonderfully sheer and fine, at: 20, 22Aj and 200 per y ard, VICTORIA L AWNS 100 t We have placed upon our Cheap White Goods Counter packages of these Lawns to close, which we are offering at 100 per yard. As the quantity of thin lot is limited, our friends are advised to call early. These Lawns cannot be duplicated at, the price. BUPERIOR WIDEI BATISTIU, (84 inches Wide.) II naranteed fast colors, in now designs, at 12A~o per yard. CR01019 COLOSSED BATISTES, 82 inches wide, at, 100 pOr yard. PA CiFIC AND) MANCHESTERI L,AWNS, full width, at 8 and 100 per yard. * PA OIFi" LAWNS, first choice, selected patterns, at 12%e per LAWNS AT 5o PElt Y ARD!i These are in well-assorted colors and pat terns. Perfectly fast, colors at 50 per yard. In addition to the above our Lawn Depart ment contains many choice novelties, sueh as French Printed Lawns; Printed datin Plaids, &'avoy Checks, Plain Colors in French and IPacitfic Lawns, Sateens, Bllack and White Lawns, &co. UR.liM GOODS. All Dress Goods will be closed out during July 1, at, prices really advantageous t,o pur chasers. M edim weight Dress tGoods, ada pted to Island wear; also slightly heavier materials, suitablo for those contemplating going to the mountains, springs, &o., of the up-country. EMBROIDERED SUIT&J. A few fine Suits (in boxes) remaining of the large lot bought. by us early in the season at much less than actual value. These goods will be closed out at very re (luced prices. MT180ELLAZqEOUS GOODS. Silk and Lisle Gloves, Rosiery, SWiss Flouncings, All-over Swiss Embroidery, Oriental Laces, Fans, Parsols, Summer Silks. Coruets. Undervests,iRuchings, Travel ing Ulstrs. Jorseys, Shet,land Snawis, &c, New tioods are a t,il~l being received by us, and will be during the bummer, by every steamer. 3, K. READ dr 00. S. 11. ULAUSSEN & CO.'U PATENT MBA.! 13110W UNWIERSALLY ADIJI1TED to not only have steed the test of public epinioni, but it has taken the lead, About T!Hauu THou 3AleD LOAVES MANrUwAoIUREcD DAIL.Y, Og thos hot using we simply ask a trial. A fact not generally knew 't MAILLARD'S CANDIllW iro retailed by us at prices within reach of .Quick Bales, Braali Profile, outr Motto, J. 0. H, QLaAUSEN A 0O% 14o .4*4a , .4 GEATEURPEN MWW ?maltrosand tePlOi eea h oe f1iN1H o3tur1utegfl year,H 000 VNA AND FIND MANY MORE GOs Oee4 JIAND THAN Ml-YECTvD. We need the room for our GRE~AT EUJIREAN IMPOR~TATION MAMMOTH UARPEr PURVHAl3Ef3 and are preparc to give to our thondandn oa patrone and the publit In geeral the bene. nlt of our anooesstul year. A GEAT JULY DIVIDEND 0M OYAN AT KOIIN, TU1tC1lGOTT1 tt BENEDICT90 Every dollars worth of Goods have beel marked down 0 and 60 cents on the dollar, which i much cheaper than any other honse can purchase them and place the before the public. 80 strictly Indopendent, and pnrohso where the UtodH are the lowest. OOM C AND 8UE OUIt S 2 98 o.l oout F ult o loe ro ri 24o 8 umner elkd. 139o 4Colored India ies. 4% e Colored iak wronads. e8o Ia1vy fima Ors (irfin rilks. 98o Aet Qualit} tnk (na Uil Shilk. ib9 antra Fnle Quaity Porod Uros Urain Bilks. 91 8'7 French I mbroldered its. o2 20 Extra Fine Quality 1Cmbrotderd T and , Algh Novelty Combination Suits. leFrnhIlatliatea. ie 4.4 Coiored Organdies. 8' o Now Desigu' 7.8 Colored LVLns. 8 and 12o Bombay UrIuocled Irs.ok er . (i2 and Bc Freno and German Dress rng hame, . 694c~ ilest (Zuality 4.4 Sea Island ahirting4. 119 and ; 8c Nice Quality Parasol. 3, and $1 21, A Pure all Milk Parasou. '48 and o 118, An extra ine patin ara 17 and 21c dathinguyt hlannol. 12 and lec Large Itusalan Bathing TowelDm.. TO NV L4. (1, 0, 12, 15, 11), 22o Finest Towels in the 80t and 48n TAke No.d Qale Damask, 48 and 080 7-4i Line. mnTal 75 artd 98 8-4orI Bet aiy. Gra al 50 and 00 oine thek olanfo abo ca. TLDCES, 5,28, ~.10,2, 150,4an 2 centand up, DTED BW18, 2,48 0,810, d12% icontanu L70 1- Frat 12of Joe ot 2110-4ih ofalcompett,iont 10 and 2 pe cetrdionday1- oFetihBb, 28 WE 5 elAt Tle JmaER 48 mand bu8nes 7- ie Gra al 'A5 aou08 8ust4 isnt to cary or able houmssrmk. Sao o nte,a te We ave0o marke downlah fo le cang: F5, La, Caps2, 1, 2,5 csand 5p 14,er 10, 8, ento .Spo ato 0 Dre8s,utton at l2, ce, 0adu.Pa Btonsat I21.o tob lot.rdze.Lais Lo 2y at 50, 5,n 80 portd gp.oors.1 92 110-nch cometoet pat 080 anaI 80 ecnou-tt Mosrpto Nttin48, 10 to d er ent, Creutio on Frech. b 40et. s5FaeBd Busl t$ 8 Also ne Jo ALot ongran Creaa,h FTheeGoodsonku tgo Ts uriston rs,el not t caryevr. n Gooxtro onre SeParson tog anter, s ethe Aousoe husn.o thratclso We have aret on the ollowing: Fie .ao Ca F,1, 2& aB,'s, P,hi-ldrn' rel oos tnd ,40oen 600;nt Cors0 e Coars and der ant at,0 24 4h8r0. nyDr o h Sae