The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 07, 1886, The Weekly News and Courier, Image 13

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OVA 0*:UT~ftX6XX.j OZ*NA?JGONIO, 'y RZlR6.W.pfTgjp5Ql1g, )t ,Wuoseetdpge t the Luathieraa General yinoed at 1t'oahke, Va,.No Ueertatla ISua do1 the Qlusdel of Dtvoe. s ; ,oA1ooxa, VA., June 25.-The Syitod eon ehed on Friday norning. Prayer was oftered by the Rfev. it. W. Petrea, of North Carolina, The report of the action of the Diet, with reference to the union of all Southern Lutheran 8ynods in one general body, was read by the Rev. D. K. itlbert, D. D., and was considered by items. The re port eliolted a spirited though pleasant dt+ uesston,and was finally approved. Alithough widely different views were held and main ta1ned by the speakers, the ver greatest barnouy and good Will provailed and the vote was unanimosu except that the Georgia Synod delegates did not fol author. zed to go Into the now body contemplated until further inattuoted by thelr Synod. They 'vill, at the earliest possible day, become rnebers of the new body. The bynod provided for the taking up and carrying on, by the new body, of all the en te'rprist of the (leneral Synod, M nd for thme tsan erof all the properties of the Ueuoral S3ynod. The Synod took a recess, and the Diet, was calle d to or der. The~ aetion of the t3ynod 'yes reported, and It was resolved to enter at once upon tho organization of the new body. Tho vote was taken by Synods, and the secretary deolared that the union was unanimously formed. After thorough oonslderatton the new body was obristened "ne United tynod of the Etvangelical Lutheran Church in the outh." A eonmmitteo was appointed ,odraft by-laws for the Rovernment, of the body. The Ueveral Synod mnet again on Katurday morning to finish up its litusioss propa.s. tory to merging this Synod Into the now body. The 11ev. J. N. Derrick and the Rev. J. J. Miller, of the Mteslssppl Synod, were excused for abEence from the present see alon. A very interesting letter from the Rev. W. P. Swarts, taissionary to India, was read, giving a most encouraging report of the woi k in the foreign field, where we have thirteen faithful workers, with printing office and other important appliances ftr inirion work. A committee was appointed to define and report to this body the legal process of die Solving this Synod and entering into the now body, to be known an "The United Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Ounroh in the Sonth.' The following was adopted : Whereas, the formation of a more general organic union arnotg the Evangelicat Ltthe. van Synods or the 'utth, under the nroposed name Of "The IJoited ynod of tne Svaugoti. eal Lutheran Church in the 8ortl," has bien lortmally approved and concluded upon by both the Diet, no v reconvened at this place, and also by thie Uenerui Synod; and, Whereas, it, I essential that a formal or anisation of aaid new body be erooted bo fore this General S.3 nod can ra'ely transact the busines proper for It to conol tide and dis pose of: Therefore, be it Resolved, That this body do now adjourn until 12 o'clock to day to ona'lo such mel bers hereof na may so destre to attend a meeting to be hold in thles honse at 11 o'clock to-day for the piurcoso of otteoing such orga nitation. The ryr od then adj-urned. The Diet .ae then cated to trderiand also adjourned when the formal organization of the now body tvas begun. The ttev. 1). M. Gilbert, 1). ) was called to ihe chair, and tho Rev. K. T, horn u as oppoin ted scoretiry. The roll of Synoda was called and the dPiegates to the new body were enrolled. The ther. D). M. t iburt, D) D , was Urnantutooaty eketed presidort, wittl the 1(ev. F. W. 1!. Peohan, vico pretident. Tne liev. A, L. ('rome was lcu"-od secretary, and Cett. W. A. Parrier. treasuror. A ccinmittee was then -.npointed to watt on the Diet to secure all pzp.,re betongting to ihal, body. to that they n',y he ptt,hshod with the proceedings of this U,ited Synod. The pre.idunt, and arcretary of t1i Syo,l were directed to ofilotaliy notify the 01ea,rtt S3-nod, Soutb, that, was renularly orgu ized and ready to receive all papera and brsiness in their hanes ready for this hbdy. Thie United $ynnd ihcn adjournod aubjeat to the call of the president. At 3 o'cloatr, P'. i., the General b.ynod was caled to order id prayer was offered by the Rev. W. d. liowmn.,u, U. 1). The Rev. P. M. Moses rdtd the report of the eoinittee on the renort of the preeidentt of the Gniral Synod. Tut ru por t wee duly considered and adopted. Tne report suitably referred t. oar pronlatug n,eiotIn 11tid. cur g eat, nerd of more laOor rta. s.nd to thu auruest desire for general union amoig our rynods. It wan .taoIttdi 'I hat 0i te will, .rr,onn:l fainl a is of gratitude to Almighty t-3-hd, and dovont thtnkrgivirg, that we hers aaknowleage the itatig of tis utnan, and fervently pray that the ntrt co)'tumtlmnt ott may be a blAas ing to this church aa redouu1 to th, glory of His unme. Tbe special attention of th9 GOenerat Synot was directed to. the lr-'.in' onstorn in cer 1lain p.rt,ione of our 0lei o)t Idisertnlrsat"ly gantiag divorce, whtch enh'omn is evii, a,1a only evil continuialy, anid ) ilulivocanlc of no uncertaiu sonud was ashen at ttlu hamts oi this body on GUIs ,iubject.. The following w as art opted : RESolmd tnfl,hat. i- he doliberate convic. lion of this bod y t hat, save for the ono Sori o. trl cause set for'ik in Matthew 5, xx xtt, dt v(,rce cannot hes eiltmately grattd, and that the innuocent t vorsm'i no dIvorced, and no other, cani be Mctitur, y manrried aftin. )tored, 'That we Ih. 'by nrge our mints torts to i.erforsn the rito of am arriage for into one eD without conisolenltously and fnlly saC,s fyir'g thernsteives that the parties applylng are not dIvorced p)ersos, or that, they are dl II~jVorced according to God's requiretnent, as above recognizeco, sincre othe: whoe the mar riege would be adutlterons and per se nuliland Void, af, con trary to the instltut,ion and coin Y10of GodG. T 9n eral Synod Stouth now transferred all of [[1-en terpri ie-s aunt um:.inlshed bnsIness to the niew Mynoo an d wras thsen it,self mnerged in to that tcdy. The ie, then met andt rout Sitriliar actien; sto tnat neithier 11l0 lSant,tiern General Synod Sont.h nor the ilet hae any fr.r tiher existence, except mu tee Untitd Synod of the Evangeltoal huthjranim (Usnorc in tile Mouth. t5enerai Sntltaitonm at t3te Uniona-.tDo quent. Sinday School and MttastioaarF Adtreasea--Rtintle Bta.rness of time IIOAN(3Cn, VA., Jnne 25.-Thme fifteenthm convent.Oin of thme Evangolitcal Luneran GeneralI tynod tionth was convened in Iroanok.suty, Va., on June 23, 18110. Six fi'uods wo're fully replresentedt, with a most feasin g as tlendan*e of clerIcal arnd lay vIsi tore. Tbherc were ailso reprosentatives froma the Tennessee and Hoelstoni iynotta lone:lug to a unicn of thbse bodlra win this general bodny, they beIng at pretent independent ty0(odP. The retIring preO-det, .1-hae Hv. W,V.110o'. man, D). 1D., preacht:d inc opening sermon hiom Str. John, xyii. 21. Thme reve end gentae. aMan is too wod and favorably knfova tim the (Amy by the Sea, andi in the state ofsnth Lsarolina, to need any eulogy fromu rae; auftice It to say the d iscouroc wai a very ii 'o ott.irt,, andi fully itust.atnedin the dlostOr's ripn-tatiri. as one of the ablest ptulpit orators in thmo Sonl ih. Them Sy nmod h:ali conm imunlon followed the sermon. The ftey. h1', W. E. P'osemttn was elected pedete 1ev. W. U. Sohaeffer, score tay nd Capt. W. A. Harrier, treasurer, The report of them retirifng prneHidlent waMt fnJl of interest, anid vinlei suggestions, and brought to the notIce of the Synod the Important. ssmue to be met at this meeting, the tinion of all n'ui h,ern Luthnleran Syno<is tn one body, a consusmmation devoutly to be ptrayed mor. Moanoke Ct-y deserves a pasing notice. Yonr yearsa ago the oily cattld clai m only 80(0 in habitants wit,h in taxable property of $00. (100; now the cIty niubors (,000 inihahi tantis with $8h,(000.000 taxable promerty, ex teniive mrin ing trterstl and very vainable mnachine op)eraitionse. 't''he city is noted for Its bumsiniess energy, Its womnderful-. success and progr-esa in alt the Industrial arie. it,s hc it htuineeand its advantages for pleasmure Seekers aned hight-seers. lii Mark's h.ttthcramn Chnroim in which the S:eSsions of trie Synod te heid, is a very hand 50n,0 structlure, Well stilted to the nes or a plate of worthi p and does great credIt to the are:hitect, build,s'rr, pastor and people; and with so alte arid eliient, a worker as t,he R1ev. J. E1. Buahneli time c<.mtinu'eit prosperity --of the congregation is an aesnmrod fact. The basis of unltoi proposed by attoulthern Lutthleran Diet h,ld In Smalsbury, N. (3., In Novembeir, 1885t, was presented and ap proved, and a committee of one minister and one layrnan of each Stat,e Synod re pro. Rented in the (Generai Synod, to confer with the delegations eleet to the i)iet toe bo non Vened at 10 A . M. to-morrow, was appotutoed to arrange the details of a nion that shaeli prove sat-tafactry to alt whio are lnterested inthe unifi cation ot our 8ont.hern Church. The R-ev. 8. H, lIarnitza, of Des Moines, [a., Dresched an interestinug anmd most edifying *serrnon at ight, from Matthew vi, 10-21. The Synmod met on Thursttay morning and after some preliminary b'i ness gavo p taos to the Sorithern Luttheran D)iet, which body iet and entered at, once upon the con aiderationi of the businmess clatiminog its aten-ti tton, The Rev. A. J1. Brown, D. Dt., presiden t of time Diet-, called the meeting to order and a eB~r was offered by the Rev, J. HawkIns, Dr. Brown reported that all the Somthernt Ltheran Ilynodes, except pEherhap the Georgia and Misslssippl Synods, had Adopted the propose d plan of union and ex preAMed the earnest hope that all outr dlonth. eihl Byneds would soon be united in one keneral body. The docor said:m "If I read ARight the manU at1 thi me. tha htand ot n a pray and trest at ay lift it 0loses aia the oonvlotton f the Divine guidance and il - lig should not only inspire our hearts wI devout feelings of gratitude to the Great Bead of the "hurcth, but should cheer our hearts and stimulate us to still greater efforts to consummate the union so auspi o,ously begun. A brighter day has dawned upon us. We seem at length to have reached a poin t in 1he history of our beloved ebhurch in the South, for long years divided, alien ated, dlilraoted and cripple ' in her ener gies, and retarded in her prog. ess, at which we may, without the compromise of prinol pie or the sacriflee of any proper feeliug of Elf-repect heal all our ivielons, harmou. ize all our discords and give anew and pow ermu irmpulie to the cause so near and dear to our hearts." ne The Di)lt appointed a comtnittee to onnfer wihe the committee above referred to, and then adjourned subject to the call of tne president, at such time as this committee In ready to report. The (eneral Bynod met at 8 P. M., and after some discussion of the reltminaries of the contemplated. union, tIe Rev. Q. W. Winner, of the tieneral Synod, Nort.h. was iniroduced, and in a most beautiful address presented the fraternal regards of his Synod, which Northern body contains a memb)r thiu of .t85,000, and has a record of whloh it which it may feel justly proud. The Riev. Bi. M. 1'chumaecker, D. 1) re re senting tlia General ('ounoil, North, wlo a rnembership of 251,000 communtoante, and embracing in its fold many of the auest divines on the continent, was also Intro duced. Ho addressed the Synod, and In elo quent and touching words referred to the growing desire for union among all the Lit. theran bodies in America. and expresyod hia joy and earnest gratitude at the fact that most Pleasing progress on a common servIce oolc led been made, giving assurance of final Rucees. President, P'echau. in his usus brautiful and Chaste style, suitably replied to those clerical gentlemen. The Synon, on motion, then bogen the on. sideration and adoption of the common ser vice bock, pending which the Synod ad journed, to meet to-morrow at 9 A. M. Arranging tle Business of the Union. IoANron,c VA June 28.--As the General syrtd South had a seminary fund to dispose of hofore all the detaIls of union oould be de. clared legally compiete, thIs body had a final meeting to receive the report of her board of trustees. The report was rendered and adopted, and the new Synod was asked to confirm the boavd. Sty special nation tho General Synod made the new Synod her Mesal succesgor in all respects. The Rev. SylIvanus Stall, of Lancaster, Pai. author cf a most valuable year booe, was tretented to the Synod and made some vary happy remarks. All the legal matters of the General Hynoi Pouth being declared completed, tio Synod was mergf d Into the United Lutheran Synod in the eonth, which body was called to order and proceeded to busiuesg. An aparopriate rayer was offered by the Rev. A, J. Brown, Inasmuch as the Georgia Synod has pled ged herself to abide by t,ire actIon of ihe the Gerneral s83 nod South, and sinmuch as the General Synod has been merged into the Urited Synod in the South, it was declared to be the senEe of this body that the Gorgia Synod in an integral part of the same, where nlon the Georgia delegation exprosse(l her willingness to be seated as members of the United Synod. The object so long and do vontly pra3ed for is at last attatued. All Lutheran Ny nods in the Honth are united Ina t1o ieneral body. No longer will tie Lu theran housle be divided against itself. The committee on mileage reoommendod that the district ESynnds ho urged to pay the travelling ex pcnses of their delegates 1o tit and subsequent sessions of the United B. nod. 'Ihe rocommeudation was adopted. Savannah, Gs., was chosen as te place of ext mee lug, and Thursday .before tee 4tht Sunday in November 1887, the time of mieeting. Pgjer mention wad made of the in vroved appearance of thne Luthem.-n Virifor, the geod wor k being accomplished uy "our church paper," and the valuable servico done the church by Henkel & Coa, New Market, Va , In tho publication of important historical and dootrinal works. The literary institrutions of the church received due at tention and were ioported in a flourishlng cor d it ion. Ti'~ committee on missions repirted, and the iuit.ed Synod in adoiiug aaid rep)t Ptuwed the care of the India anit.u w-i k, and pledged itself to suppo!t tt:c Rev. W. P. h'arriz, 1 he misalonary to India of 'he Gene. .l Synid. The Augisisi, Ur., in!.tiun wars received under the fostering care of this Synod. ond the miesslo< board direo!ed to ruise $2 513,0 to be expern ed by the directton of this board. A committee was appointed to prcpare a plan std solicit aid for the estabitatument of n home for disabled miniiters, toreporl,at the next imee.tinc of this body. A committee of one from each 9ynod rep resentei1 in this body was appointed to pre pare a plan for the esaablishmn,ot of a central iheologicalr seminary, and to report, at the next n eeting of this body. Various tieme of business were transacted, but of no sp"ois'J interest to the general erea r, and the tynod finally adjonrned at 11 o'clock P. M. Whe P1issionary Werk. IIOANoRiC, VA., June 26.-At ter a beanitifuil srvye of song. reading *'riptures and prayer by the Itov. Prof. C'ox, the ) ov. W. CS. ScIchitfser arnose and, in hiSa pleasant style. Iu troduced ilu the v. hearge n'b;oll, D) D , of .Fmnnsylvaniar, the first spceer of tle eye nuing, Dr. S choli sai d: " WRhave in IndIa 250,000 soulestwho need thbe Glospel oir Jhrt,, andr wno are ignorant of k1ts stavlut po wer andj iii entea. Already a. usobte work has been per formed. Uring forty-four years we have had thiri -three rmissionary workers in the India field, We now have ten American and nine ty. four nat.ive workers, making one hundred and fonr devoted laborers in that vast fIeld, with already a membership of 8,500 and 8,500 others in process of Onariat. tanization. so that we now have 12.00(0 sonls under Christian Influence. WVe have 120 Bunrrday-sc,hoolu, '7,000 scholars, 118 literary Sehools, 147 teachers, 8,000 pupils, 141 boarders in the boarding sc'hool, one high Mchool with 284 pong ron in it, and are engagecd int the estabi igrnent of a college. arnd strnnary. Towards this enterprise we have $6,000, at hook depot and a publIshing houso With) thirteen men employed. Tne on the soil of .Indila we are firatly piantsn~ the banner of te Cross. It is our duty to carry t he Gospel to the reglone beyond. In very touching words tihe doctor ref erred to tire labos of the Luther-an Churchi of this South hand in tIhe india field in connection with the Northern Wing of our C .trati 'ad coid : "Th.e ort h ansi South joiL haudat in ndiai'' He then closed witht a mnst, hum pr essivo appeal to all to contribuite liberally to the re at work oft Paving tihe heat.hen, The Ihey. J. 0. Zimmrnermnan, of York, Pai., eddreestd the large auideance on tihe suuject of hron.e missior.e rend chrurch extenion, specialsly curs huesizing the latter. lHe said It was a canre of joy o hirm that,he er,mrd meet ith hia houthrern brethren in Synodical coniiern'ton. Tire two great objects nowy Sa1tin lithe attentIon of Christlan piopie mare So carry the Gospel to men at home and to~ tbeea its foreign mands. The claims of the hu(iithen and the vstnessa of t,he milfssion fiek we i re dly considered. The field is the r.on ld, bt as a churoh we hiave agreat ork I r An er tea. Imigrants are constantly com. Sr,g to us', tand they look to us for the bread of iu ln tire eansuage of their fathers. Besides rIhe 96f0,(( 0 Lutherans who bow at euraitars tt1erer are 1,2t00.000 children coming to uts in on.e grand army, and these must be trained for (hriat.and 1-eaven. As a church wre have a mission of vast importance. We pie ta tihe cause of church extension because ..t isi a Satfe and peranent invesstment of the ( hourch's money; because the Goshpot g givers permanemncy to our institutIons. WVe I!eed the caruse of church extension for our .. count mt)y 's isake a, d for ChrIst'sentre. Th e Rev. 8. B. Stamp liz followed with a very fine addret-s on the subJect of Missions. He taid : 'MI lips must be wreathed in flame Vh latncin tell the posselbilities of missionj work," and for half an hocur her : '-e close stteo of iho auidience while hesihowed thse gre at need of homne missions. The i p, rtarce of woman's infinenco and work in tl~ be.sihonr aause nd the duty of tire Church i to go ire Jee us's name with the Gospel to alu On e of ire most pleasing features of tire eveniir g was a solo, "One suetly solemn tlhotnglhr,' by Cot. E.'E1. kPorilook, of Rtoanoke tity, Vss. Education in Marlbroro'. ItrEENE'cTvYrLLE,,June 20.--The Marlboro' Educationsal Boceicty held its annual meet irtg yestrdaSy arnd elected P. L. iHroeden, D). Li. McCall, T. E, Duidiey, U. M. Weatthorly ar d J. 1F. F.veret ,as trursiees for the next t,wo P. i.. Bre-eden was stubsequently elected president and 1. E. lindloy scretary and trm asrurer of tire board of t,rustees, and ftI was resolved to proceed at conce to establish n graded publi c ischo an d for t,huis purpose s sanmitice wart appoiuted to adoit, subh i.etip pions There is not mucih probability of c failure, anad as lire society has fine butildlngs 1 we Will dourbt'ess soon haveexcellentschools,. Bleasts Io Huaman 14orms. liEA UForT, June 20.-Cases of criminal es asaut. upon the persons of litt,le colored clii- h dren are becoming painfully frequontamrong n conomed offenders. To-day the second in stance or a disgust,ing crrime has been 'te- - ported, sooming from the county where a - sitnilar offence wss committed seome weeks ago. The children were between 8 and 12 years Of age. The dlfenrderei have been f caught, and af0 2nlpr)sonO4, Both are groyWR d yon men. with Loss of Uair, GOlgdalar Qwelllngs, Ui. oErous Vatches In the Throat and Moath, Abeesses, Tumors, Carbunoios -ilotobes Sores, tcurvy, r asting of the -Kdneya and UrinaryO ans, Dropsy, Enwmta, Debility Chronc lheumatism, Constipation and Piles, aDd most diseasen arising rrom an im pure or impoverished condit,ion of the Ulood, are speedily cured by the OUTrOunA RESOr. varNT, the new Blood Purifner internally, as Fist 4d by CUTIcUtRA, the grea lkin Cnre,aud CUTICUNA 1OA1, an exquisite Skin Beautt fler, externally. 13UROFULOUS ULUER9. James E. Riohardson, utomhouse, New Orleans, on oath, says: " a 1870 borofuloNeu Ulcers broke out on my body n.ill i was a mass c-f corription. Everything known to ibn medical faculty was tried in vain. I be care a ntore wreok. At tima could not lift my hands to my bead, could not turn in bed; was in constant pain, and looked upon life s it curpe. No relitef or ure in ton years. In 3680 ESI heard of the Cutioura Renioaes, uod tle m, and was perfectly cured " Sworn to before U. 1. Coin J. D. Crawford. ONE OF THE WORST CA ES. We have been selling your Cutloora Rome. diee for years, and have the first complaint . t-t to receive from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of sorofula I ever saw was oared by the tme of five bottles Outioura Resolvent, I tlcura and Lutlioura doap. TeSoap tak is ihe "cs o ' here s a nedicinat soap. TAYLOR & TAYLOR, Druggists, Frankfort, Kan. VARI00iSE) BORE LEJG3. By wife used the Cutioura Remedies for a f-ore leg. caused by varicose veins, with on. liro al.d perfect satisfaction. Mrs. John Ftaberty was also cured of a sore leg of long at r.dirg by the same treatment. JOHN M. OOPERI, i)ruggtst, Glreonaeld, Ill. CUTtOURA REMEI)IL.S are sold every where. Price: Cutloura, 50o; I uticura loap, 25e; Cutlcura Resolvent, $L. Pitepared by the POT Dr.t, RUG AND OH EMICAL COMPANY, Boston. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." Pimples, Hlackheads. f3Ain Blemishes and Baby Humors, use atilora Soap. AURAN T11 tiostof the disoases wlich afflict mankind are origin. ally caused by a distrderod condition of t Io L IV E R. For nl complaints of this kmd, such as Torpidity of the Liver, Biliousness, Nervos DytspopFia, Indigos tion, Irrogubrity of thd Bowols, Constipation. Flatu. bnoy.- Eructations nnd Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called iIeartibrn). Minsma, Malaria, Bloody lux, Chillo and Fverr, Brunkbono Fover, Exhaustion bofore or +;ftor Fevers. Chronic Diar rhtea, Loss of Appetito, Hetadachlo, Foul Breath, Irregularities incide ntnI to Females. Bearing-dowt bu""t SA _ jlld f LIVER, STOMACHa nd BOWELS. It changes th coinloxixim fromn a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, h ealthly color. It. eutirly removos low, gloomy snirits, It is ono .>( tho BEST AL TERATIVES and PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and is A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICEb'S AURANThh For sala by all Druggists. 1'rico t.00 par bottle. C. F. STADIUE I, Proprietor, 14Q $0. FRONT' S"T., Philladelnhti-. Pn JROWIN , MULSE, Dr. H. BAlER, Wholo t;ale Atents for Charleston,,. 0. A WORD ABOUT DATARRIs "It Is the mucous membratie,that wonder 1ul rt-miifluiid envelopo surrouudihg the doll. cztc tistuec of the air and food passages, that Canturrh rzal:es its stronghold. Oncoestab )ithed, it t,ats into the very vitals, and ron. dars life bat a long--drawn breath ofrmniory erd disease, dulling the s-ense of hearing, tram melling the po wer of spe 'ch, destroying t he facunly of smell, tainting the breath and s lilling the refined plen,sures of Iraito. Insil 10us1y, by creepling (on from m. stin 1)1e cold in t he head, it ssaults line nuem bransouis lining find CatOlops the bones, eating i.nrnugh the delicate coats and causing inflamm-uton sioughing and doa.h. NothIng ahort, of totad era dication wvill scure health to t,ne patient, and all allevIates are siinply procra,tt,inq,ted sutll'rJI ,leadling to a faItal termluation. BA.NI'OleD'B RIUAL CULLE, by inhala tion and by internal administration, has Dover failed; even when the disease has made irightful inroads nn delicate coOnt,itutions, hearina, smell and tae have been rcov er ad, and the disaease thor'ouglnly driven oat," tlA>FORD'S IRADIOA[, C E c~ioOnsista of ono bot tle of the tsadical Cure, one box Ca term hal Solvent and one Jamproved I,nhater, eaty wrapped in one package, with fall di POTI'E.I DRIUG & CH EMICAL (3O., Bloston, hrt.P1ains, Numbn,esa, Lameness, Sore ness, )iaeking (Congh, Ih>ilictilt Brert.hlng. Afslhron, Plenuriy and Iuflammation of the lr ciortslMuscles instantly relitved and as isted to a speedy care by that now, original and infaliwbe antidote to pain and inflarn pation, the CUTlICilR&I ANTi'-PAl N PL&S.' [I'CR. At. drnggists 2ncc; five for $1; or post 'ge fre of Poiter Drug andI (nmeal, Co., S.LEWIS SIMONS, CIV.IL ENGINEECR AND SURVEYOR, 42 BnOAr) tTIixEET, .IHARLESTa'oN, H. C. Will gtive attention to general EN&f lEER ING and BUJRVEYINGo, also prospect ing for Phesphiates. Will furnish Plans and Ipeoc flcat ions for Buildings and superintend ho const.ruction of the same. Owning ox tinsively the entire papers of Jolhn A. Mi bel. Rt. K. Payne. R.Q,. Pinckneoy. John 3iamond, Wmn. Hume and imone & Rowe, 'urveyors, together with a three-fourths in-. erest in the Forcoll & Parker papers, hasg peolal facilit.ies for relocating old lines, (.PRMERST WaterWhels Poria10bill~ Islillsteos andi Mfill Sluppliesol alt kinds. Imrproving waLet powers a speolaity (however * . Smal ll s warrantpd to make 'best table meal. Prices greatly reduced. Write us and * , yeou wilibe a sirprisied at our low ofprices for anything aboute a mill - .A.AeLoah &r.Atlana.aa' LOCAL AGENTS WANTED FOR THEl NEW DO~MIC WEEKLY. Fu .'f un, Sense and Nonsense. T wo i)ol. are per year, with Dictionary free. Liberal dnduemnents. Send 5 cenls for sample. Ad. reins Comic Weekly, 14 Ohambers ct., N. Y . 4 J. J. COOAN' 54 PAINTING AND REPAIRING ROOFS. All work gilarantead. Oflice 5d Washington street. Telephone 9. - I PTT STRLuT. CJharleston, H. 0. 'rprietora Remiey's Point Pot,ry Yards. Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahmas, White nd Brown Loghorns, Charleston Poultry AssooIation ICxhibitIon ur Birds were awarded firat, premium, s'rer gfrm0to2%ont ..row,Judge. I IDESI MPROVE ROOTBE3ER, )fl of a delicious, sparkling and wholesome overage. Bold by all druggIsta, or sent, by nail on receipt of 25 cents. C. E.JIR LES 48 N. Delaware Ave..Philadelphia, 1a. STOCK OF FINS (lUt4S, -. bought at a elosing out sale of a large rearm importing house, to be sold at a re noti f r eet.Bond for Prioe List a .BC E sanssaast,reet. IOULDINOs, TURNINO WORE, SuROL4. WORK, &o., &c. TONWUE+ AND GROOVE 1WOI1N(} AND All Styles of Weather-Boardingl AND PLANE%D AND WORKED LUMBER O' ALL DESORIPTIONs. ' Write or call for Prices. M1IL3 AND YARD, LYNCH STRIEET, AND BALESROOM1, 20 and 22 HAYNE ST., Charleston, S. C. E-. 3Em. WLl .a.X-im. ANGOSTURA BITTERS. An excellent appetlzing tonic of exquisite flavor, now used over the whole world. Unres Dpepsa, Dlarrhoa, Fever and Agno, and allndlaorders of the Diges1 ive Organs. A few drops impart a delicious flavor in a glass of obampagno and to all summer drinks. Try it, and beware of counterfeits. Ask your grocer or dru git for the genulno artiole, nanieoturod by Dr. J. (4. J3. 1IEGERT d& SONS. J. W. W UPIERMANN, Sole Agent, 51 BROADWAY, N. Y. THE INCANDESCENT, THE BEST LAMP IN TRE WORLD. 80 CANDLE POWER. O. W. STILES, Shows and Soils them at 163 MEETING ST., CHARL.ESTON, S. C. COOKING STOVES CHEAP. Marble and Slate Mantels. Korosene Stoves, (all styles.) Refrigerators, 0001. era and Ice Cream Freezers. Stylish Toiletto Sets. Pumps, Load and Iron Pipes.: Sheet Lead, Sheet Copper and Zine. Wood, TIn and ;.0ranttewaro. . Hos& nud Hose Reels. 18 BROA I) STIR ET, Charlagtonq H. 0. VEGETABLE CRATES, PLAHTEING LATHU, DRESS1:D AND UNJ)IRE3ED LUMER, SHINGLES, BRICKS, WOOD, d KIN DLJNG IJLOCK3 at 95c per Load I) livered. For sale at Lowest Pricon at C. J. SCHLEPEGRELL & SONS' F.Tk:AM, HAW AND tLANI AI1i.b Offices 528 RIng and 37 Line stroot. Solo agents for Augusta and Dolaiglo Jrilk Yards. POTATOES FOR SEE)' POTATOES FOR S3ErE D POTATOES F~OR SEED I 1300 Barrele Choice EARL~Y ROSE. 500 H-arreta Choice Peerless. 30~0 Unrrels Beauty of Heobron. 100 Barrels Ouodrich. 100 Barirels ifnow flake. The above are all guaranteed Xtraight .'fe Stock, wIthout. Mixture, In Round IIood llar uLJ. Sono;I quotations to IIOTD BR.OTHERiiS, 105 EAST SlAY. CHOICE OLD WHESKE:E MILD, MELLOW, AND DEUCIOUS Tho poenlinr mn'dlein il i qniitie of WVhiskey distilind fror th pn. i grw iih o Ryn ini i un renwe Vle of t ie. 1 n, l. ie'v 11: t~iIh . otn of i tt nc a very igh~ pw,.ition 'unong IV 5to i||| tm lhUiipn anicirn|'""" Old Reserve Whiskey, - . $18.00 Ulnrivallmd IUpper-Ten Whiskey, 15. 00 Brunswhk Club Wiskey, - 42.00 i f yin cennot nhinein theseW Whddi. fr()fn your Gre. c'r, w'owall,.1 e o t' s ok raticJ. .. I<m Acired Le. tAer, or Pr t Oiike~ Moe y O rd er, or 1.O.D. if diesirotd; tl .ivc la .11tre ).ir tiiI l e l. r t e i* 'lnrg an. b,y f iTht t" rilny l.:e rt <-f thee tl. H. (pro'inld). For EX('iet.tlN('u . JP 1I''TVand, EVEN A 1'hN,e iieet, i t staturni Ilivor nutd tino In ntI ,a et tiu a i er oe t I er reLlanL a our (expone.e.( Oorrcespondenlo Pleicid H.& H.W. CATH ER WOOD SNEW ORK OFF~lIfI -If; MUeTJ' WJ.IAMi ST. ONLY BOTTLERS OF BEREGLNER & ENGEL'S BUDWEISS PHILADELPHIA LACER BEER. The Rost and Purest, in t,he World. JPANUFAOTURJHa8p OF LIODA WATER, SA RA P'ARLI LA AND (A[NL*tIc A1Jg. Rtemember that above HEERSi are ilottled by.ats exolesively, and you cannot buy them Irom anyone else, JAMES COSGIROVE & SON, 67 AND 50 MARKET STRRCT, ______ UhrAnRLaTON, . . D AM &REMRRT fTOVES, MAGT4A. GNTI FEDICH LEAD AND lEON PIEPE, SUH T LEAD, JOPl.AR AND ZINo, RoONOLIi TINe, TINWA aN. All kinds of Plumbing Work, Rlooflirg. t ering and TIn Work g6n orally promptly at. elided to by the most eareful and experi. noed workmn. USE Ui4DMkfis A DALIOIOUS ! A SOLD EVERYWX3 IECKER'S SEI MAKES DELICIOUS BREA READY FO FOR SALE D To purchabers in Charleston and vloin buying in the city, the subscribor ofrors, privilege of FIFTEEN DAYH' TRIAL and l.NTRUMENT1. The Special Agenoy 0 BTEINWAY, BAZELTON, E M E R H( ANI) These Instruments are oi1bred at loi the advantage also of hearing and tostl stead, therefore, of adding to the Cost of i livery in Good Order, Free of Chargo, Home Patronage. Every Instrument v unsrt'saotory. OIttANi in overy style a Catalogues. HENR' cha. rleomto3m P'ais. ESTABLt KING ANI) BE) WHITEWASHINC P A 1I -ARE NO The many facii1ti1s for doing this nli which we offer the Material, loavos no antces of your House. We have MI and outside work, ===.a I walls, and READY-MIXED PAINT.S Stock of the leading brands of English a OIL1 for all purposes, HIJtU 311E, GLA we have a largo and; varied Stock to sol possible prices. CHARLE WILLIAM SH STOVES '1IN '#A Kitchen and Stove Utons A large ahbortment of (COOKINO TOV IScnd for Cuts and Prices. 128 MEETING STREE~T, Dl P. 0. BOX 410. PIA NOS A FJR W O21C1.'0 .E New PIA NOS from $210 and upward, Iustruct,ion Book. New OHGIANS from p24 and upward. great, saving in prices, Writ to us for Bern SAMUEL T HE CHARL E! 284 KING AND E HOLIDAY GOODS! Choice Lauyer Itaistus, per box..$3 25 to $4 Rai sins, porilb.....18, 15, 18, 25 and R ai sins, boxes..............1 00 to 2 Curranta, per lb...... .......... Cit ron, per lb................ Lemon kee, per lb.......... Orane Peel, per lb......... Almods..........t o P'ecens er lb.......................10 to N ix ed utI4, per lb....................,. CThoice Drie d Figs, per lb.........2 to) Choite Dried Figs, per box........0 to 1 Evaporated Pears, per lb.............. Evaporated Peaches, per lb.....,....... Evapor ated Apri cots, por lb.............. Evaporat ed Apiles, peor lb...,........... Mala ~a Grapes, per 1I.................,, Crane erries, per quart,.................. Ful1l Assortument of' Liquors at EF- Keep a sharp lookout for Nx~w A~ Drayasge Froof Paokcii STONOPHOf C HAR L I E;i'Ai WritA to the Domi 0. S. PIl1 F. BROTHEF MACHIINISTS', ENGINEIERS' AN AN R03. Woe CHARim [T'Z .... .. ii t 3R EAEFAST DIBSI. [E I E IN PAO AG1S,-e LF RAISING FLOUR D, BISCUIT, LIGHT PASTRY, &o R INSTANT USE. Y ALL GROOIERS, L. I\T O !, In C1O,icT = " -E.A-ra . - Ity Who desire to encourage Home Trade, b1 at modtrato prices and on easy terms, witl* 01 the following APPIOVED AND UFALIABLI orn prises N FIHCIZA4 AND GROVESTEEN tQUARiin UP2 RI(lI'L~s. vor Prices than can be obtained elsewhere, witia ig the quality of Tone before Purchasing, In4 ray lug Insurance, Freight, Unpacking and De. all theso extra expenser are avoided in seourldg var ranted for 0 years, to be exchanged If foun nd sold on same torns, 1end for Priees am Y SIECLINC, = C:W-tc%1 MRmio Exo.z Sit ED 181 LU FAIN STREE TS. ,KALSOMININCI -A ND I T I N C W IN ORDER. us of work, and the extremely Low Pricos at ox cuse whatever for negleting the appear.. LX WELL'S P1EPA1JwED (YM1'sUM for Insido FINIS AND KALSOMINE for tinting of all shades. in addition to our regulat ud American WHITEI.EAD, ZL[NO3, OOLO1g ' and a full line of PAINTEItt MATEliA, sot from, and olrer the best goode at lowest S TON, S. C. E PHERD& GO.g [AM DErAEIR118N ES kNv TINNRS' SUPPLIES. i1s and House Furnishing Goods. ES at. WholeraJo Pricem, lE DORF SOUTH OF HIASEL,A CHiARtL ETON, 8. 0, N D ORuAN. )M TH Ec o mt a r, In eluding a good Stool, E!mbroidered Covor aug HI EIGHT PAll), tNo rnIrr w h al FPight amnd gaat Ha WILSON, STON TEAPOT, 3 O EYSTREETS, HOLIDAY GOODS Preserved LUlngor Wh,ole p0ta4 $3, M Imoti hOc., pots 4 15 Presecrves and J,a",--mrosso & Bilack, Well, in ghmidH .!ars-viz: Jtasphorry, 10 Plum, Htrawberry, (Goosehorry, Blaalk 10 (urrnt, JIed CUrrant anh Green 0Red Currant, Green (Gago, Goosoborry, 0 Cr2~m & ";imlgoi j"a."" -arin 0 l d e, glar.A jarn................1 Castel & Ilrownm's Marmalade, 1 ihb R trots.,....... .... ............1 ro Cooin Wu,.e, per* gallOmn..... IwetOder, por,m gaiion..........1 Tabiile 1M ines~ for theas HiaI&ys. o COURaIEn deiPe1~,rn)Nn (or nertsix ogks Fg14re B9amrpleu I os PH ATE CO., S T ON, S. C. A HIIEI)1870. mea ny for part leulars. CHER, 8 SOR TO I HOOD &~ CO., r1 ER IN D~ PHOSPHATE SUPPIESJ?, BIAR TRO1N D 01LS, * ing~ street, S TON, f, 0,