L X I CT S$.0P i N I -. -------------- -- - flolb r VoL.. R oN i os. NEW BER RY, S. C., WEIDNESDAY, JULY 7,1886. A..JONE ___ ___ ___ ___ __-VEwN.Ss.naowk,L 7,1883.rubllshora " imlJroprietorH. N fl 2)7 THE CONOGRSSION.A RACE. THd NPtoese and Banner" Interviews M Benet. 'Mlf. -Benet being asked by th P Os and Banner if he had any o1 jection to define his position with rc gai.:to. the Congressional race, ri plitd: "None-In the world. My positio ls,tOt -,dif eult to define. Perhap thWl" t way to do so will be to sui iItU'ito, you the following letter writ tefl to -Judge Cothran when I firs heard his name mentioned as a prol able candidate : ABBEVILL,, 28 May, 1886. DiAR JUDUE CoTIiUAN :-It wa my Parposo to call to see you thLi evening or in the morning, but ! finl you Pe-4o hold court Ill Sumter thi week, and must suppose you wil leave home for Verdery or Green wood this evening. If that be co can I see you before you go ? I de sire to know whether you are f candidate for Congress or no. heard your name mentioned foi the first,4ime last Monday evening in Columbia, in connection with the Congressional race, and I have ha< no . opportunity of discovering eithei from yourself or your friends oi mine whether the report is well founded or no. I tell you frankly that I have beer waiting for Col, Aiken's withdrawa to offer myself as. a candidate. 'his has been pretty generally understood among.my friende in Abbeville Coun y 'and the other counties of the hird District. Now, that he has publicly withdrawn, I shall at once announce myself a candidate unless you are a candidate. If you are, then I will not allow my name to be used, but, will in the pub lie pfn$s-state my determination not to NqO for Vongress. "Thiai is my position; and I nat uitally wish to know yours; and to know it at once, for there is no time to ho lost either by you or by me. Hence my desire to see you. You will kindly let me know if it will suit you for me to call on you this eveing, and at what hou.', Ir l: con AA'$ -.0 .you, you will kindly oblige n;Iiy answering this note and tell ing e whether you arc in the field or .no. Yours truly, W , C.1li;vt'l, Heve -is he re>ly i Mi DEAR Ra. I31'Nr :---Your n9ie of".this date has just been hand edt me, and I am just in the act of taking the road for Greenwood to catch the night train for August:) on the only open way to Sumter court. I have been greatly importuned to hopome a candidate for Congress tin thle Aietriot, and have the natter inder consideration, It is not in - *line, nor would I seek the place. poso, however, to reply to one t numerous letters that I have received at an early day, perhaps this week, after getting to Sumter, taking the ground that if', withOLt solioiation on my part, 1 should be chosen for th6 place, I will not de line it. I wouIld have been glad to have seen you before leaving home, and have hoped during the whole of this es(past~ $o Irnye geen Mr. 1 'lkeu and. yn1rqe If enltllter of' my friends but bave not been.ale to (do so, .1 havse. had to make up) my ilnd as far as,It is made up for myself, with the aid of my homefolk only. Very truly yours, Two days afterwards Judge Coth LM)Wme thfolowin o etter toM. Tnkbe o.Anersn, ili was pub11 lished in the Anderson Intelilgenoer. SuMTrII COUa-r Ilovar, S. C., May 25, 188(6. J. L. Tribble, Esq., Arnderson, S3. ('. MY DEAR SIR : I have y'our favor of' the 18th inst., addressed to me at Abbeville, In replying to sundry eI gf'1IIIe (Igpopt received within 19 pst two months, J havwe er pujsued myself as being content with -the offieial posftion whlich I niow hold. -These communicationis, howaver, have been alddressed to ini. dividuals. I now feel called upon to define my position clearly to tiie pulb lie, It is well known to my friends , bIP4 ayfi 1Wyer rqqught or (des ired pitidaT office of' an'y kind, A pub lie ofice is a p)ubl ic trust, and one who holds such, to some extent at least, surrenders is ight to choose. Regarding it, further, as a thiing neither, to be soughlt nor declined, I have only to say if the p)eople of' t. pn[gsgiongl Pistlioi, a fter tile $fvemeof omy neighbor and friend, Cl...Aiken, demand my aeivices as his successor, I do not feel at liberty to decline to serve thlem, always bearing in mind the dlistrulst that I have of my own fitness for the posi io@, contentmenlt with my present ofile, and knowledge of tile fact tbMt thero are others dlesiring tihe qe ig ' i1espion'Who are yecl1 (quali Sfp.r al Itlt requirements.' ery respectfully' and1 trulyv yours. J. S. COTHRAN. I wish the .J udge had been more explicit. A s ily friend, neighbor r-" anld fellow-townsman, I desired to know his position; for from the first I determined to make no contest o with him. It is impossible to find >. out in these letters whether the Judge .s going to be a candidate or not. As for me, my position is simply this: if Judge Cothran does not run for Congress, I will.--Abbeville Press und Banner, JunMe 30th. 5 The Narrow Uau{ge from Newberry. Messrs. Phifer, Spearman and Duncan, a committee from No. 4 township, Newberry County, visited t our town last Tuesday, to consult with our citizens about extending the proposed Augusta and Newberry Narrow Gauge Road to this place and on to Charlotte. At this time a strong effort is be ing made to run the road to Spar. tanburg, via Glenn Springs, and un less the people of Union arouse them. selves rind take prompt action in their own behalf, in this important matter, the road will surely go that way. There can be no doubt that t the feeling in Newberry is decidedly to favor of the Union route, and ift we show a decided interest in it, it is more than probable we shall secure the road. .The committoe alled on all our business men and freely and candidly e placed the matter before them, and we were much pleased to hear them say, just before leaving, that they 1 were highly pleased with the en. votragement th,ey had received from r our citizens, and they felt more con fident than ever that Union would ofier such inducements that this route would eventually be decided on, We are wedded to the route from I Augusta to Charlotte, via Union and i York, fOI we believe it is the route b that will benefit us most and give the ti greatest security of success to the c road. As we have said before, Au. ti gusta ani rhmrlotte ofler two import. C ant imark; ; and outletS for passenm. gers and freight, and of themselves would contribute more to the traffic d of the road and tho genoral business along its line than any other points a could offer to a railroad passing through this part of the State. le. sides, it would be mgire independent t of othcr railrods and would cross, it a important points, all the roads now controlled by the Richimond and Danville syndicate in this State. We would prefer a broad gauge t road. as it wouli give us a through P line without "breaking bulk," and d i sa.ve the lelhly and expense of trans. d shipping goods and passengers; but, a on the principle that "half a loaf is c' better than no bre:d at all," and ap. preciating the neceasity of economy in the first outlay ofI money, we will J cordially amid earnestly give the ex. hs tension of the Augusta and Newberry q Narrow Gi auige road, through Union C to Charlotte, all the aid nd on. hi eolrageitlett inl ur. power, believina with the North -or West, 'for there Cn tihe desolating effect of' a disastrous wi war was not felt as in the South. ad T1hec Nu:th of' to-dhay must be juidged by3 the Sout,h of~ twenty oy cycg (en mc~ years ag<. TV is then the wye get a th( goouh ideea of what has been mccom- mn p)ilied1 in the redemption of a coun- ed try from what looked like hopeless r-es rimin.-Munuthetuert U))5 iORd.n .I IRICJIMjAN)'S PR(jSPEI''Y'. A Candidate for Lieutenant Governor -Ilot Iace In tie TIhird District. COLUMBIA, S. C., June 29.-Six months or more ago your correspon. lent predicted that 1ion. Jdhn C. Sheppard, of Edgefleld, would be Governor of South Carolina during 'he year 1886. Some knowing peo )le ridiculed the idea, but from seve al little intimations thrown out late. y it is gradually dawning upon the ninds of the people that the predic ion was not made solely for my 'amusement," and it appears now hat the prophecy will be fulfilled. aol. Sheppard is in the city to-day. Io will make a most excellent Chief Iagistrate, and although he may ossibly occupy the position but a hort while, he will discharge the diu ies with dignity and to the perfect atisfaction of the entire people. Hon. W, L. Mauldin, of Green ille, will be a candidate for Lieu enant-Governor. He is the preseit +enator from this county. A promi ent up country editor and politician uforms me that "things will be ively" in the next Democratic Con ention. The upper counties have ot had the representation in these onventions to which they believed lieniselves entitled by reason of their )enocratic vote, and they intend to ,troduce and advocate resolutions >oking to a correction of what they egard as an injustice. The Congressional contest in the 'hird District gets warmer and more iteresting daily. Abbeville and lewberry both have two candidates i the field, and Anderson one, leav. Ig Oconee and Pickens for the chief attic ground. Each of the five ac ve cdudidates is endeavoring to se ure his own delegation and is put nig in his surplus time in the two )unties named. Court opened here yesterday, udge Aldrich presiding. The Judge elivered a very instructeve charge the grand jury on their general ad special duties, and an interest ig lectt,re in the u;caises producing 1e present depressed conditioi of 1e farmers of the State, holding that is due chiefly to the large produc on of cotton to the exclusion of od crops, and the credit systemn pre uling, and not to bad legislation or ie administration of' the laws. lie lid a glowing tribute to the solen. id services the lawyers have ren. 3red the State and discountenanced I efforts to array one class of our tizens against another. It was al. igether one of the most remarkable mrges ever delivered to a grand ry in this State. Judge Aldrich s lost none of the fire and clo lence that so distinguished lim in Lrly manhooc, and he speaks out S upinions as boldly as when his mrt was invaded by the armed ene. ies of his county he commanded the lerif' of Barnwell County to adjourn e court "while the voice of justicc stilled." Mr. A. 1B. Williams), ihe editor of' o Gr'eenville News, is in the city r the first time in two years. HIe 'ould come oftener and get ac ininlted1 withl the people or this part the State, especially the public Doeers. Mayor Courtenay's little "b.Analet" r tihe Governom'hip nieems to havec ed nut~i aimultaaconsly with his (10. LItQrtr to 1Europe. It lasted until reaohcd New York. Generous >b) Hempll has pubH3hled a let?ter >m the Mayor lately, written just fore he lef't Charleston, but 'this is doulbtless'done to let tile "bym wn easily and( pr'event an explosion. Colonel Johi Peter llichlardlson, eti. Jnhin 1ratton, Colonel WV. C. iler, Colonel 11 W, Edwards, Colo 1 0, 83, McCall, Colonel A. C. IIas I1 and1 sever'al others are no0w men med0( as possible n)ominees fol' the >vernorship. Either of these gen. men would give tile State a wise, nservative and1 prlogressive' g(igi . ration. Giov. Th'lompsi,ona aIppiontmenmt to 3 Assistant Secretary3ship of the easury is the top)ic of(discussioni in 3 hotels and 0on the streets to-night.i le opinion is unliversal that no0 bet. I -selection could have been mnade I the l'residbent, andt Siouth C!aro a appl)reciates the hionor, co4nferred on heor so disVtiuishced amnd p)Opu. [t is fortuinate f'o' thme State that( Iv, Thiompsonm will be suicceded inl( ecutive chaiir 1)y one so thor'. hily erinippedO( for' the e'xactinhg du-1 s of the high pos;itioni. Mr. Shmep rd is a sp10lenid represen)tat,ive of ~ rohina's young D emnocracy, anld lie a I give the State a wise and inst ministrationi. ''t n t.li generail rejoicing, lichlandl ' dest,ly congratulates himself on C fulfillment of a p)olitical prlophecy ( do so long ago that it was reogar'd then as a mild guess at a f'uture Il t.--Ricklund in Aug'usta Chkron 'un 3 0ths. AtrTIlulR KIILEI, EDITOlt. We quote a part of an essay, on teachimg Elementary Mathematics, by David C. Barrow . "Save a good student for the last and go over the whole lesson with him, after you have presented each portion carefully with other members of the class. This I think most important. In one class was a cool, clear headed boy who never got excited when I questioned him, who always kneR his lesson, and who, as well as any ooy I ever taught, could be used to wind up the recitation successfully. I told his father once how I used his son, adding, he was the best scholar in the class. 'Well, now, that ac counts for it,' said the father, 'he has complained to me of that very treat. men t,' and my reply was, Mr. Barrow has nothing against you, I am sure.' I begged him to tell the boy that it was only my way of showing how much I thought of him. When you cannot get a member of your class who cannot be thus used, go over yourself in a general review, and pre sent the lesson as a whple. 2. There are some subjects so difll cult, that it seems well nigh impossi ble for the average mind to grasp them at once. For this reason I sometimes leave a subject, after hay ing tried my best to make it clear, and failed, until progress throws fresh light upon it. This I know is opposed to all rules for teaching mathematics. Never go on until each step is understood is the rule that was given to me. I soon found that I rQached the end if I ad hered to that. I know, too, that the Work in my own mind, when study ing a new subject, followed no such law as that. I learn clearly at in tervals along, and by and by the intervening dimculties are removed. I understand that this is the great dif'erence between private study and teatching, viz., that the teacher is to remove these onery difficulties; but I unlerstand as well, that I must be guited inl my efforts to illumine the minds of those whom I teach, by the process which now my mind under. go!.. BI31ckstoie advises his young students of the law againgt discour agenict, adding, peradventure at some other time, in some other place, it will become clear. 3. I have found that it frequently assists the understanding of a difm. cult demonstration to put it in the form of questions and answers. I know you may consider this childish, but if it will help the understanding, why reject it? The explanation of rule for extracting cube root I some times give in this way, and agree with the class to ask certain ques tions, in written work, as suggestions. 1. Why arrange as for division? 2. Why take root of first term, for first term of root, &c. 4. Allow the use of memory as a means, not as an end. I know it rank heresy to say memory to some teachers of mathematics, if not to all *-.-still I say it. I have so often had boy3s say, 'I can't learni this unless I nmnmorize it.' Now they tink that this is a good reason for niot study ing. I tell them, well, you memoriae it and I will make you understand it. I violate immemorial usage then, as before, because I have noticed how miy own mmi works." Rtesm ofT"iravel for Ti'echers Atteniding State Normalu~ Iustitt. Red uced rates of travel have been r)ffered1 by the railroads in the State oni the following terms South Caro lina Railway1 Charleaton & Savan. nah Railway, Atlantio Coast Line ftrom Charleston only), Charlotte, LDolumnbia & Augusta RailroadI and branchmes, Columbia & Greenville R ailroad1 and leased lines: Full first alass fare going; return free on pre senting to condluctors certiflcates of ittendance from this oillce, Atlanta & Chaotto Air Line, Port Royal & Augusta Railway, gsa& Knoxville Railroad, weeniwood, Lauirens & Spartan mnrg Railroad, Atlantic Coasti 4iune (except from Charleston): Regular fare going, return at rate of mne cent per mile; certificates of' at- 1 endance from this oflooc to entitle each ers to purchfase return tickets at ate namecd'. Tihe roads composing tihe Atlantic 1 onast Line in Southi Carolina are the Vilmington, Collumnbia & Augusta, %orthl-F,astern, Chieraw & D)arlington, I Theraw & Salisbury, Central of S. C., ;eorgetowni & Lanes. At the Female Ac-idemry on last ( ~aturday was m1(t ao well attended I s it m.ighmt have or should have. een. E4nough, however, were p)resent r) make tihe meeting interesting. j tiss Octavia Garlington read an ssay3 on1 "geography," and AMiss I syrilia Huthierford read one on "the 'sacher aIt pl1aytime.'' These sub acts becing very interesting it was a ioughmt best to wait until the meet- a ig for a full discussion of them. y ''he association decided to hold a meeting of three days, commencing 2nd of Septemberi when we expect all teachers to attend. Come to the meetings of the association, teacher. Don't let trifling difficulties keep you away. It is your duty to come. Remember also that there is a column in the H1EiRALD AND NEws which you seem to have forgotten. The Politleal Problem. "It makes us tired" to hear men forever pretending that farmers are imposed upon in the administration of laws. We hear men continually talking about those who are "opposed" to farmers. We do not believe that there is an Intelligent man in Lau. rens County who really would, if he had the power, do aught to injure this class of citizens. Who can be benefitted by poor crops? Is it the lawyer, doctor, merchant, teacher. carpenter, blacksmith? Who is it ? No; you may look in vain for those who seek to injure farmers. Men differ as to what political measures are for the good of the country, but the real question after all is to place men in office who have the good sense and sound judgment to decide these questions intelligently. We are opposed to any class of citizens making political nominations. The Democratic party has adopted the primary election system of making these nominations, and any conven. tion "suggestees" in the field will necessarily defeat the spirit of the primary. The Democratic party as an organization, allows farmers and every other class a voice, and we believe this organization is amply sufficient to meet the demands of the times. This being the case, we do most heartily oppose any political organization that seeks to supplant democracy, whether it be farmers or republicans. If the )emocratic party has failed to redeem pledge!; if it cannot make nominations by the mode adopted, then we might join some other political organization. When farmers' clubs assemb'e they should discuss agriculture, and when they discuss politics, it should be done in Democratic club. Farmers can discuss politics, and should do so; not as farmers, but as citizens as Democrats.--Laurens .Advertiser. Do Our JudgeM Wink at the Crime of Murder. We see it stat.ed in the newsppers that there Is still no trouble for mur derers to get easy bail. Whether the fact that bail is now furnished to nearly all mutrdercrs who apply, has anything to (10 wilth the great number of murders that occur in the State, we are not pre pared to say with certainly, but we do say that we believe that the Judges are Indirectly responsible for the failure of our juries to punish men who commit murder. The fact that i Judge will grant bail in any amount has a tendency to defeat the ends of justice, but when a Judge will grant ball to a red mnded murderer who ought to be banged, that officer commits an offence against the public peace and dignity of the com monwealth, and we think he Icnds him self and his official influence against law and order, and for the protection of the miurderoums elenment. Our Judges never fall to lend their offieial Innluence toward meeting out punlishmenmt for the theft of a cow or a hog, but wnhien a murder has beeni comm)ittedl our Judges seem exceedingly kind to tihe criminal. They unlock our jaill doors for thenm, and by their oflcial act, create a sentiment In favor of thme mnan who has comnmitted the highest offence known to the humani or the d(i vinc law--that of murder. It I.s useless to expect juries, even if they are properly selected, to do their Llut,y, as long ats the Judges (10 whatever lies In their power to excuse the muir Georoums criminal. Thelm example of our Judges, andl the act of our juries, hans taught us that it is less dhangerous to kill i pig, thanm It is to kill our neiglhbors. Unless our Judges cease to lend their nfluence in behalf of munrderers, we iced not expect to see thme law enforced. -A bbeville Precss and B)anner, June 10. VA UGHNSVXLLE. Miss Fannie Wells, daughter of Vir. George Wells, was married to aLr: Lafayette Adams on tihe night >f tihe 25th. Mr. Wells and wife cnew nothing of' the marriage until he next morning. Miss Fannic nade her escape through a window a the report. Elopement seems to >c coming in fashion. Mr. J. Y. Matthewes spent a few hays at his father's in WVilliamnstoni ast week. His father has been sick, >ut we are glad to state that lie is veil again. WVe learn that Mr. Fed. D)omminick mas built a temporary b)ridlge at the Yrork(man bridge on Little Rliver. Mrs. Glussie Keizier is quite sick I vith billious fever. The report of the death of Mr. I). I ~. Crow is not true. It was his< rother, Mr. James Crow. Wife (Sunday night)-Where have ou been, ,John? Jlusband-een t' sacred concert [stening to (hic) sacred music. Wife (sarcastcally)-Yes, anti r rinking sacred beer and whiskey, t nd smoking sacred cigars. If there re saints oni this earth, .John Smith, t ou are one of them. Thu following coinmunications wore in. tended for last weok's issue, but woro crowded PROSPERITY. Crops are beginning to look better after a few days sunshine. I hear several say they are not in as bad a fix as they thought. It is a little amusing to hear farmers coming from below here, about eight or ten miles, saying they thought they were in a bad flx until they came up here, and seeing our crops they consider their crops good, but they must consider they have red lands while we have sandy land. Mr. John A. Enlow brought a very flue cotton plant to town Saturday 26th, it was above knee high, having a great many shapes and blossoms; he s.ys he has an acre of just such cotton. Mr. Jacob Bedenbaugh brought a cotton blossom to town Monday 28th; he says lie has the best crop in the county. In the absence of Rev. C. A. Marks, his pulpit was very ably and accept. ably filled by Professor Voigt, of Newberry College, showing very con. elusively that godliness is gain, and his earnest appeal to young men to enter the ministry, I hope may be the means of directing sone young men in that course. We also had the pleasure of hear. ing addresses delivered to the Y. M. C. A., Sunday night, by Rev. J. C. Boyd and Rev. Cowan, of Chicago. Rev. J. C. Boyd preached at Pros. perity Church Sabbath morning, and tev. Williams of the Baptist Church preached in the Methodist Church in the evening. One of the saddest burials I think I ever attended was that of our young friend Eugene Hunter. He was Just entering the bloom of youth and very promising, being cut off in life so suddenly apparently doing well, be. sides, eating supper, and died before midnight. lIe was a scholar of the Prosperity high school. When the grave was illed, each class-mate came forward and placed upon his grave wreaths, crosses and bunches of flowers, showing in what high esteem they held him in his life. The fain. ily has the sympathy of the entire community. We were glad to see Prof. C. W. Welch in our midst Sunday, also glad to see his lady who came down Saturday, visiting her brother Mr. J. H1. I [lunter. She returned to New. berry Monday. Mrs. Robertson came down on a visit to her brother on Monday. It also gave us pleasure to see Mrs. Geo. II. Waddell on a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. I. Boulwarc. Miss Wells is visiting Mrs. W. A. Moseley. Mr. If. E. Bouknight was the happy man last week. It is a girl. Another rain Monday night. R. .J. W. MT. TABOR. Mr. Monroe J. Epting, of the The ological Seminary at Newberry, de livered his first sermnon at Mt. TIabor on Sunday. It was well prepalred and universally praised -by all who heard it. Politics in this section is quiet. Very few candidates are known, and there is very little expression given to those that are expected to be in the field outside of the Congressional race. Capt. J1. N. Lipscomb has a host of strong friends and admirers, and is decidedly the strong man in this section. T1hose who know him best are loudest in p)roclaiming his fitness andl merit to rep)resent the whole people0 of the Third District in Co,ngress. In the death of Mr. W. Franklin IIouseal this commnunity has sus. tainied the loss of one of its best and most useful members. His was in. deedl a brilliant mind. Without any educiational advantages lie, by dir5t of hard study, arose above his aver age fellow citizens in intellect. We Linderstand that at the time of his :leath he was enlgagedl writing a so. ries of articles to appear in the New. berry Observer, entitled "The Annals >f the D)utch Fork," and we are con ident if lie had lived to complete hem they would have been highly nteresting. IIe was in his sixty. nixth year, and leaves many relatives md friends to mourn their loss. ion. J. A. 1Slighm was taken quite Iick oin Sunday. A little child of Mr. Jlohn A. 3lheely's, Jr., has malignant dysen ,cry in a severec form. Crops are growing nicely now, and ~armneru are beginning to be masters >f the situation. A farmers' club is to be organuized n this section in the ncar future, "Where are you going, papPa?" .ked one of our young ladies at inner Saturday. "To the club meet rig," was the reply of the fond pa ent. "0, I'm so glad we are going a have bee f." The fruit crop) is large but seems r have a tendency to rot when it b)e ins to ripen. L U. n.