The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, June 23, 1886, Image 4

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Local and Special. THIS PAPER u? at?e THE CHAN(E OF GALE. (Special to the HERALD AND xEws.) CoLUXEIA, June 23.-The change of gauge on the Columbie & Greenville Bailroad ant' rbinches will be made on - -r'iues(ay, July 29th, except on the Spar tanburg & Union branch which will be made on Saturday, July 20th. Mail and express were forwarded through on the Spartanburg & Union Road on Monday last. Regular travel will be resumed on the 28th. Thirteen car loads of steel rail for the Columbia street railway are expected on Friday next. A. C. JoNES. Dress Making at d Ladies', Misses and Children's Tailoring. Garments cut by the glove fitting style, giving perfect smoothness and elegant fit. Draping in latest styles by Mrs. S. A. Riser & Co., Main Street. tf. New straw hats just received and for sale at bottom prices by J. S. Russell. 5-20-tf. "A stitch in time saves nine," and a bottle of Robertson's Fever and Ague Cure taken now till keep the system clear of malaria tie whole summer, for sale at his drug store, opposite the post ofilce. tf List of Petit Jurors. The following is the list of petit ju rors for the July term of court, which convenes on the 2d Monday in July, the 12th, Judge Hudson presiding: Dominick, Henry P., Nates, Ander son A., Boozer, D. T., Wallace, John A., Moats, Henry J., Hatton, W. T., Garlington, M. W., Reighley Meredith, Workman, P. B., Cannon, J. Harrison. Wicker, Wm. M., Glenn, Posey G., Welch, Robt. A., Griffin, Geo. P., Hart man, Jas. W., Wells, Geo. Y., Banks, J. Rush, Harmon, Jno. H., Renwick, M. A., Maybin, Frank E., Swindler, Jno.R., Watkins, Wm. Q., Wise, Allen G., Aull, Geo. B., Sligh, J. Earnest, Gray, D. L., Suber, Jno. J., Mayer, Jacob A., Koon, Wallace P., Buzhardt Hamp E., Wal drop, W. W., Thomas, John, Lominick, Frank L., Sims Jno. P. (p. c.,) Reagin, G., B., Duckett, Jno. C. Boots and shoes low down at 3-10-ti. J. S. RUSSELL'S. Fishing Tackle at Caston & Hunt's Old Iron, taken from the jail cells, as good as new, for sale cheap by 3-31-tf.. J. S. RUSSELL. For blank books, pocket books or any kind of books call on Caston & Hunt. Birthday Cards at Chapman's book store. 4-14-tf. No rent, no clerk hire enables me to sell at bottom prices. 3-10-ti J. S. RUSSELL. Quinine, Compound Cathartic Pills and other Family Medicines at 1-57-tf. J. S. RUSSELL'S. You can get a baseball from 5 cents up o .$1.50 at Casnon & Hunt's. tf Have you read "Ben-Hur?" If not. you can~buy it at Caston & Hunt's. Stationery, good, and at low price, at Chapman's. Newberry County Institute. l Newberry is one of the few countiess in the State that has a permanent organ-3 ization among its teachers, with regularr meetings at which are discussed educa tional matters in general, and particu- e larly-those bearing directly on their own ~ interests. That these meetings are con- I sidered helpful by the teachers of the ' county is clearly proven by the fact that I more than fifty per cent. of them attend a each month, although it puts them to a considerable expense and trouble. Thet way to get good positions is to qualify for them, and to do this, teachers must 1 avail themselves of every opportunity to gain experience and broaden their views. Newberry is taking the proper step to C obtain a high rank as an educational fi county.--arolina Teachter.y Baseballs, Bats, Belts and Masks at Caston & Hunt's. Embroidery Patterns, Stamped, at Chapman's. A lfeautiful line of Eirthday and Re ward Cards at Caston & Hunt's. t d h 20 pounds rice for $1 ato 3-10-tf J. S. R USSELL'S. t4 Handsome Photo. and Autograph Al- a bums at Chapman's. 2-17-tf Pickles in barrels and bottles at 3-10-ti J. S. R USSELL'S, Number of Delegates. We are requested to state that the du clubs from No. 1 Township are entitled gi to the following representation in the el County convention: Old Men's Club 16 Ti delegates; Carolina 15; Young Men's 9; A Helena 3; Hartford 3; Colony 4. a For general literature go to Caston C & Hunt's. if they have not the book ,T you wish they will get it for you in a , few days at publishers prices, bE F'loss, Chenillesh Arasene, &c., at hc Chapman's. 2-1 7-tf os we A large supply of glass ware and nc crockery ware cheap at 3-10-tfJ. S. RUsSELL'S. an A nicee lot of good speckled peas for to sale at JT. S. Russell's. 5-26-ti. an ______________op For cleaning the teeth, ask Cofield & Lyons, Robertson or Pelham what be they sell mostly. They will tell you t Wood's Odfontine 25 cents at all drug- "51 g)st.e. hai ritdto it soon." Don't cheat your ehowinway. Your hair is growing thin- "' n;Z a d more lifeless every day. Save oth it s original color, softness and ikt rker's Hair Balsam while me Brieflets. Maj. C. H. Suber left last week on a business trip to the North. Trains are at last running over the Spartanburg and Union road. As the 4th of July comes on Sunday, which day shall we celebrate? If you can't dance go to Ben. H. Cline's and he will teach you how. The weather for the last few days has been like the fall equinoxial storms. Trains on the C. and G. road are once more running on schedule time. The Democratic State Convention meets in Columbia on the 4th of August. The railroad boys are happy. The pay train passed up the road yesterday. Miss Mattie McCaughrin returned home from school at Charleston on last Thursday. Mrs. A. C. Garlington, Miss Octavia and Harry have gone to the country for the summer. Our city is about deserted by the col lege boys and girls, as most of them have returned to their homes. Union services will be conducted at the Methodist Church next Sunday night at 8:30 p. m., by Rev. S. L. Morris. The surveying corps of the Augusta, Edgefield and Newberry Railroad which started from here last week has about reached Saluda river. The Governor offers a reward of $75 for the arrest of the person or persons who burned the residence of the late Dr. Thompson Wilson, of this county. The beautiful sight of twenty-nine open night blooming cereus was wit nessed by quite a number of young folks at Mrs. Mower's store on last Friday night. It is reported that a colored man by the name of John Williams was killed by one Lewis Mayes last week, near Walton, but we were unable to obtain the particulars. Rev. S. L. Morris, of Trenton, S. C., will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at this service. We have received a programme of the commencement exercises of the South Carolina Institution for the Education of the Deaf, and Dumb and the Blind, at Cedar Springs, to be held on Wednes day, June 30th, at 10:30 a. m. Revs. J. A. Sligh, C. A. Marks, S. T. Hallman and-Messrs. P. E. Wise, J. B. O'Neall Holloway, W. P. Houseal and A. H. Kohn have gone to Roanoke, Va. to attend the general Synod of the Lu theran Church. The question of con solidating the Lutheran Church South, and the permanent location of the Lu theran Theological Seminary, now at Newberry, and other matters of interest will be considered. Our Columbia Advertisers. JACKSON, at the cash dry goods house, has the Boss unlaundered shirt for fifty cents. Order a few of them and you will get more. He also has a choice lot Df white and colored lawns for ladies' dresses, table linen, doyles towels, and a full line of domestics. TRUMP can fill your order for any style or price piano, organ or musical factory prices, and carries in addition to these an elegant stock of nillinery and notions. DAvIs, the carpet man, has mattings, window shades, window curtains, mos luito nets-complete, lace for curtains, sloth for covering furniture, cornices, poles, and a superb lot of wall paper. r'hese goods are new and the latest de signs. Send him an order. EPSTIN has all of the leatding styles n summer suits, drab, etc., light cassi ner, diagonal, serge, seersucker, linen. Also, dress suits, gents' underwear, nackinaw manilla, light, stiff, and other rinds of hats which he will sell you at very low figures. Order from or call on im when in Columbia, and tell him we sked you to call. and we will insure ~ou a bargain. We have worn his cloth agand know whereof we speak. RICHB~OURG's is the place where your yes . are dazzled with sparkling dia oonds, gems and beautiful jewelry, adies' gold pins, earrings, bracelets, ratches and chains, silver tea sets, silver itchers, casters, spoons, knives, &c., lso, the best makes of pianos, organa, nid other musical instruments. This is he most attractive store in the city, and ; will pay you to drop in when in Co imbia. Then we come to the substantials: R0BBINs has got the bacon, flour,I orn, sugar, coffee, lard, butter, &c. to 11 your orders with. If he has not all on want, step over to LorncK & Low ANCE. Call for the Organization of Farnm ers' Clubs and Election of Delegates. to a County Convention. By authority vested in me by the I tate Convention of farmers, I hereby 1 squest the farmers in the county to g ueet and organize local clubs and send s elegates to a County Convention to be c2 eld at Newberry C. H., on the 24th day i: [ July. The local clubs will be entitled Il Sone delegate for the club and one a Iditional delegate'for every ten enrolled t embers of such club. c R. T. C. HUNTER, U June7th, County Organizer. t elena Club Meeting. The Helena Democratic Club met Fri- " ty night 25th for the purpose of reor- I Lnization. The inllowing officers were 1: ected : President, J. F. Kilgore ; a reasurer. B E. Julian ; Secretary, 0 rthur Kibler. The Club will meet rain on Wednesday night for tle pur- Ii se of electing delegates to the County t< mnvention.B It he Reception. The commencement exercises of New rry College closed last Wednesday gi ht with a reception at the colloge in hi nor of the graduating class, and as v4 nal it was a very pleasant affair, as ts evidenced by the fact that they did pi t disperse until the "wee sma' hours." 3M Again to the front, Robertson's Fever in d Ague Cure. One bottle warrantedl thi cure the most obstinate case of chills d fever. For sale at his drug store, u! posite the postoffice. tf m fo ~o catastrophe is greater or more to pr deplored than the premature decay of to teeth, use Wood's Odontine accord- ml to direction and have sound teeth. cents a box at Cofield & Lyons', Pel n's, Robertson's and all druggists. nu ________tai Flughes' Tonic did me more godthan all er tonics or quinine toehr. It acted Fo a charm. Several famie here recoin-I The Ball. The ball, under the auspices of the Mistletoe Dancing Club,on last Thursda3 night was a big success ; although in the afternoon there was many a sad heart and disappointed look in the city, as 3 heavy cloud rolled up, and it waz feared that we were going to tve a repetition of the big rain that we had for commencement ball two year. ago. but soon the moon and stai-N came out and we all knew tht we would not be disappointed. <The Newberry Hotel dining room was just comfortably tilled with the club and its guests, and it was the opinion generally expressed that it was as enjoyable and pleasant aflair as was ever held in our city. lefresh ments were served about1 o'clock hy our able caterer, Mr. Sam. B. .Jo;es. MT. TABOR. And still it rains. Mr. Monroe J. Epting will hold ser vices at Mt. Tabor next Sunday in the absence of the pastor. Quite an amount of sickness in the neighborhood--mostly dysentery. I)rs. Wyche and Sease are quite busy admin istering to the sick. Next Tuesday, the 20th, is the day fixed by the commissioners for the railroad election in No. 9. Don't forget the day or let the busy season prevent your voting, but step right up to the polls and give such a rousing majority in favor of the road as to leave no doubt in the minds of outsiders that the people of No. 9 know a good thing when they see it. Remember that when you vote the small amount that is asked in this town ship, you are investing your money to realize at least 100 per cent. interest. Mess-s. Sheely & Boland are doing up this section with their threshing machine. Grain crops are unusually poor. Rev. J. A. Sligh left on Monday for Roanoke city, Va., as a delegate to the general Synod South. This meeting will perhaps be the most interesting that this body has ever held, in view of the fact that during the meeting a diet will be held with delegates from all the Lu theran Synods South, with a view of uniting into one body. The proceedings are looked forward to with mich interest. Sam Jones said in ene of his sermons in St. Louis : "If you see a fellow run ning and hallooing, you know that is a hit dog. Let him alone. If he is not hit, what is he hollowing for? This Ian guage seems to me to be applicable to a certain newspaper correspondent who signs himself "Quiver." If he and some of the other farmers that he speaks of as being bored to death with the gimiet of advice is not hit, why. does he i:eep up such an eternal whining and hallooing. I had thought at one time there was some hopes of his obtaining a high po sition, but since the college board met last week, and in their deliberations for got to mention his name, that hope has faded into oblivion. No one now, since his description of himself, pretends to doubt his ability as a physiognomist, and it looks as though he may be come a phrenetic if he keeps his brains overloaded much longer. Now, Mr. "Quiver," if you will par don me for boring you with a gimlet this one time, I want to tell you that' there is a placid contpntment in not knowing too much. That is why I am so quietly happy. When the dazzling fact 1lashes upon you that this world has upwards of a hundred thousand people in it, and is a little over one hundred and fifty years old, is a little over ninety-one miles wide, and has one mountain a size larger than Little Mountain in it, and men, while they may not be any bigger than Goliath, are still able to carry more slings, perhaps you will be content to continue planting cotton and the "goose pond" bottom ini corn, and(l makinig the West your smoke house and crib, like a good practical farmer that dlon't like the gimlet bored too deep. L. C. B. JALAPA. More rain, more grass, uimkes the negro hoc fast. Farmers this bear have their full share >f.grass, and some, it seems, have~ more :han they will be able to get through wvith. The rains still cnntinue, and to :lay (Monday) we are having an East wvind with a chilly rain which is very nuch against the growing crop. Cotton on sandy land has turned red, mnd dying out to a bad statnd. The red and cotton is' standing the wet spell lery well so far, but don't be ~rowing or flourishing as it should be or so late in June. The corn crop is Ine on red lands, but on sandy land it s turning yellow, and if the rains ~con inue one week longer, it will be im >ossible for the sandy and low lands to nake a crop of corni, for the low lands tave been too wet to be replanted. uince the late freshet all those that were tot overflowed have been too wvet to be vorked, and the grass and weeds have bout become master of our most fertile oil. What will be the result, we will nly have to wait and see what the near uture will bring forth. Wheat and oats ave beeni harvested, and tney have een wet for the last two weeks, "and in yeat danger of being lost by rotting and prouting while in the field. This is one f the hardest years on the agricultural- ~ it that was ever known. T he farmer as only one thing that can console him t present, and that is, lie is satisfied _ at no more grass can conic up in his rop until he can get out what is already p and growing luxuriantly. I don't link that I ever saw grass come up iicker ont land thani it has since this h 'et and rainy spell commenced. , Tranquil Church has been re-covcred n hich improves the looks considerably.g understand that one good christiana idy of that church had it (lone and paid u il the expenses, which was about $7 t s $80. Mr. J. Isaac Campbell's aligator that as sent to him by Dr. Folk fronm George wn, is now prowling otn the banks of eaverdam; so fishermen, you had better ok out before you sit down to fish. n George Glasgow is very sick. The early fruit is rotting, and the 'ape crop, which promises to be the rgest for this country, is also rotting q0 ry fast. F The Tranwvood school will have a ci enic on next Saturdaiy, 20th inst., at C r. James Bowers? plauntationi which is ~ar the school house. The editors are vited to be present and participate in - e expected enjoymients. Our Demnooratic club will meet on Sat day evening at 4 p. mn. I hope we iy have a good turnout, as business of P portance will lbe submitted to the club li r action. It is very important for w cry good and true Democrat to be su esent, so as to express his op)inion as what will be the most hottest and triue ethod of electing our Congressmen. - 'he editor of a Pharmaceutical .Journn.Ifn , troit makes the startling disclosure that A' een thousand children are poisoned an i.lly by the use of Soothing Syrups, con ng opium and morphine. To0 facilitate the uceess of teethng. nothina is safer than ] 'man's Cordial. Try It. PrIce 25 cents.Sl sale by W. E. Peiham. r. L. C. Stephens, Ajackville, S- C., says : lie -man's Indian Worm Pcltets do the work etnanly. lOem.n P. VAUGHNSVILLE. Misses Golie and Susie Garrette, to of Vaughnsville's fairest daughters, hal returned from Willianmston, where the have been attending college. We ai glad to see them back home in the blooi of health again. Misses Eva Golde:, .Fannie Mathi, and Matsie A tehisonl spent last Saturda eve with 3rN. C. A. Brook-. Mia Mary Atchison is Vi-iti:ig rel:tiv< in Laurens. Mr. .James Larkin is quite sick, and is doubtful if he will.recover. Dr. A. N Tally is attending him. Our young do< tor is very su cces-ful and never gives u his cases as long as there is life. W hope he will rai-ze our friend, Mr. Larki The Sunday school of Soul's Chap< meet, every Sunday at 9 o'clock. Cup J. N. "Jen lkin-Z i. superintendent. Th Capt. makes a good superintendent. W trust this year much good will be accon plished by the Sunday school at th above place, and that many may b brought to the knowledge of the s:tlv: tion of their souls. Mrs. Gussie Keizier is spending awhil at her mother's. Vaughnsville has one farmer who hta enough corn in his crib to last him ne year, besides what lie will con:ume thi year, and he has not an acre of bottot land on his place. Mr.,John S. Brock is the man. Mr. C. W. Salter is teaching school a this place and has 18 or 20 scholars. H will continue the school the entire yea as the public school begins in Octobet The patrons are very much pleased wit] Mr. Salter.- He opens and closes hi school with singing and prayer. We are having a great deal of rain, an some of the farmers say the grass wil take their crop, others say let it rain a least two or three times a week. Uplan< corn is looking very promising, cottot and other crops are also looking well. Miss Mollie 'T'. Barr is now at Mr. M. M Barr's, her nephew. Miss Bettie Brooks is spending a f-v days at her cousin's, Mr. J. A. Hill. Capt. J. G. Jenkins has the fines piece of corn, we venture to say, in New berry County. Advertised Letters. POST OFFICE. NEWBERRY, S C. List of letters unclaimed and advertised June 2:2nd.1ss6. Arnold, J. B. Kinard, T. E. Arnoll, Alice Livingatone, Hattie Boozer, C. F. Lane. J. J. Boozer. T. E. Martin Sallie Cockran, Emma J. Parker, Geo. Dickert, Rosie Sligh, Mrs;Joe. Firm ,John Sligh. Wm. Griffin. G. P., Suber, Mitchell Hill, William '2) Warner, Nancy Jackson, Wz sh Williams, Fannie E. Johnson James Whitmire, J. W. Persons calling for these letters will please say that they were advertised. E. S. HERBERT, P. M. Died. At her residence in the county, Mrs. Sophia Neil, aged about 83 years. New Advertisements. PROCLAMATION. A 4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. WHEREAS information has been re eeived at this De'partmnent that on the 20th da~y of March, A. D. 1880, the resi dence of the late Dr. Thompson Wilson, in the County o,f New berry, was burned, and there bemng reason to believe that the burning was an act of incendiarism, Now. T HEREFORE I, Hugh S. Thomp son, Goverunor of the State of South Carolina, in order that justice may be :lone and the majesty of the law vindicat ad, do hereby offer a reward of Seventy Five ($75.00) Dollars for the apprehien sion and conviction of the person or per ions who committed said act of incendi mrsm. [N TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand and caused the Great Seal .of the State to be af fixed, at Columbia, this 1ath day L. s.] of June, A. D. 1886, and in the one hundred and tenth yearof the Independene'e of the United States of America. HIUGH S. THOMPSON, - Governor. By the Governor, JAS. N. LIPSCOMB, 6-23-it. Secretary of State. Carolina Democratic Club. Pursuant to the call of the Chairman *f the County Democratic Executive ommittee, the members of the Caro ina Democratic Club are hereby notified o attend a meeting of their Club on ~uesday, June 29th 18861 at 8:30 p. mn., 2 McCaughrin's Hall, for the purpose of Borganizing andl electing delegates to be County Convention July 3rd 186. L AMBERT W. JONES, Secretary and Treasurer. Call for Township Meeting. JALAPA, S. C. The Democracy of Township No. 5 is ereby requested to meet in club at alapa at 4 p. m. on Saturday June 26th ext, for the purpose of selecting dele Ites to a County Convention to be held Newberry C. H., at 10Oa. in., on Sat rday, July 3rd, The club is requested meet promptly. - J. W. L. SPEARMAN, Chirman. J. B. CAMPBELL, Secretairy 6-23 NOTICE. EMOCRATIC CLUB No l-TOWNSHIP No. 1. All members of this Club are re mested to attend a meeting on Monday th inst at 5 p. mn., at the Court House. r the purpose of reorganizatiod and1 acting sixteen delegates t , tihe County >nvenition, meeting on July 5th, prox. < JAMES MCINTOSH, Pres. C. B. BU'IsT, As't Secretary. Staunton Life. Desi'rable plans ! cheap rates!! safety!!! ~rsonis desiringv iinsurance upon their es at a co,t -slow as is compatible th safet y may save, money by con Itiog with thme undersigned. 912 have carried 83,000 for two years. C. D. LOWNDES, ' 1' MARKET, STALL NO. 10, 'EWBERRIY, S, C., )ealer in Fresh Fish and Vegetables. t ad a specialty. Couintry orders so-a Lted. Address, Newberry, S. C., or xi 0. Box 32, Columbia,n. C. 324-9m j Af re' i ROYAL . I SP0wDTER Absolutely Pure. This rowder never varies. A marvel < 5 purity, strength and wholesonrrvoe. Mot economical than the ordinary kindt, and Car1 not be sold in competition with the nnitituil of low test, short weight alum or phosphat e wder. Sold only in cans. RoYA. AKIX r OWDER CO., 10Gtall st.. N. Y. Ice Crean I ICE ICE!i Ice Cream at the N'ewberr" Ice IIous; every day, Sundays excepted. from ( t a. m. to 10 p. m. Families supplied a short notice on reasonable terms. In abundance; sufficient to supply tiu town and the surrounding country. Ic< House open every day from 6 a. in. to I p. m.; Sundays from 9 a. m. to 10 a. in. and from 6 p. m. to 7 p. in. Ice; for sale. Terms cash. W. H. HUNT, Agt. 2-3-tf Newberry, S. C. The New Drug Firii OF COIJB & LYONS At the store jtely occupied by Dr. Fant, have on'hand a large stock of Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles, LAMP GOODS IN GREAT VA!IET. SOAPS, SPICES, CIGA RS AND T'I1ACCO In fact everything usually found in a first-class drug store, and they intend selling at wholesale and retail price to suit the times. Prescriptions filled at all hours. Call and see us.. COFIE LD & LYONS, Snecessors to Dr. Fant, 6-2-3m Newberry, S. C. -Jewelry, Clocks, SILVER PLATED WARE, Pocket and Table Cutlery, EIGEA INSTRUERNTS. Watch Repa ring a Specialty. EDUARD) SUHOLTZ, Newberry, S. C. 1-13-;f. 00L.MBIA 3IAHINE SHOPS. NEAR UNION DEPOT, COLUMnTA. S. C. Tozer & Dial, mnanufactuirers of Flour and Grist Mills, Saw Mifll and aill kinds of foundry work in Iron and Brass. Agrienitural and Stationary Steam En gines. Repairs of all kinds promptly made. Estimates and bids will he made for any work in our line on application. First class work andl fair price-. Excti f A. I. DIAL,. o Excti fGeo. L. Dial, Survivor o Tozer & Dial. THOS. B. LEE, 3-3-Cm Manager. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, NEWBERRY COUNTY. By Jacob B. Fellers, Probate .Judge. WHEREAS. James Y. McFalI. :as C C. s', hath miade suit to me to grant him setters of Administration n i will ani-] iexed of the dereliet estate andl ell'ets >f Henriettai Bro: ks. dle"'eased. These are, thzerefore,. to) cite and ad nonishi all and singular thet kindre'd and reditors of the saiid IIen rietta Brooks, leceased. tha:t they b and appear be ore mec. in the Court of ProbIate., to be ield at Newbirr, Gionrt Hious' on the ixth day of .Jul:, next. afte'r pubIli ation hereof, at 11I I)'clock in tIhe for0 toon, to shew~ cans', if any- they hae rhy the said Adinist rat ion should not e granted Given und'r my Hand ibis 25th dlay f May Anno Domniini 1881. J. BI FE LLElmS, .r. r. N. c. Bucklen's Armnca Salva. The Best 'lyde in Ihe world for Cuts. sore, ruises, Ulcers. Sal: Rhleuim. Sores. Te t zr, Chapped Hlands. Chiliblains. Corns. and Ii Skin Eruptions. d os.itivelyv cuires plie', .,a erfect sat:iaction. oneyir" r'i:-mded". p rice '5ceents per box. F sale by Dr'. -. F ant. 12 1; I iIps reahe a< t at last rm uL.d you ti,:: lt: time ci:e(a :in cl m:e in mn en:ru in. W7 y ! v",: . :f he greatest': whe :at tiie ppirnse. We W:n in:1: :i in aie- th i rrvest they do Bl::c! ami Biul, or Drab D'I!5ers; for just The e ar" tte most comfortable suiYlWil clot hin fr : hi saon of the year. Bebrs, the :bove mentioned goods I kavtnef other .tyl tIf goods which are equall'rns c, om t>ht b Now. if you would biiwil Mc;;e : '"Oii So1,' cone and securlwn. a c Oo s;i of cloth s. If you should norare e a full sift I will call your attentio' ye a ful? i?:- of Seersnekers in Coats ania es:- fron 1.;5 to 67.50. Also, Plail t) p Slk Warp. Silk Serge, Miohal! be e Silk Coats at $1.50 up t--a . Tit-re i no excuse for not keeyo1 ogi~ ceoouring the hot weather, ahd-a the p:ies I an o'ering these ho! w(e'tit-r goods. You will find it necessan .O suppl yourself with Lide Thread, or Balbri. gau tr Ildit Gauze Undervests. Alsu, Drawers, iia!f hose and Neckwear_f fac , everything that is light and co e fortable. Another item I had almoj e forgotten, that is necessary to an outf and that is a Fine Low Quarter Shoe. e a Goiter if preferred. You will find stock of shoes for make and style c not be excelled. The material of whi thrse sho:"s are made are Calfskin, Ms e Kid, Pebble Goat and Kangaroo. Thj are acknowiedgedi to be comfortable at well made in every respe''. There is one a:ti_le uore to comple an outfit. and that is Hats. You w iud an elegant assortment in this lin of Straw and Fir. in soft and stiff Ha The coolest hats for hot weather are t Manillas, Mckinaws and Cantons. E sides these I have the Bombazine Ven. lated IIats, al,o the Brown Linen He imets. which have been so popular in t past seasons, and find them more so t se:On. Just received a beautiful line of ti Puritan Silk Umbrellas, a long felt d to those who -e then. Every umbree i- guaranteed to wear better than Gloria or Silk, or other brands. If desire one call and see them, you ea hc'p but like them, for they sell thbr1 selves. I,1spectfully, M.L.KINAR~ 2-24-tf COLUMBIA, S. d GLENN SPRINd SPARTANBURG COUNTY, S. C. Within two houi-s drive of the ci Spartan burg, over a picturesquelt road. Open to vi-itors, May 1 to Octobc First class daily hack lines from !anburg, making good conne nections with all trains. Tel.-phone ltncin operation to Spartar Daily tmail. And for the conven; of guests there is a post office in the A :ood,livecry stable at the spring.~ In addition to the hotel proper, a s three story building, with neatl{ pointed bed rooms, parlors, i roomsi, billiard room, dlining roo room. c., the!re are eight cottae Ia long piaz,za in front of each enclosing a beautiful lawn. And -dition to these another bidlding beenl comnicered, with twelve forrahle,w wel ventilated. A goo:1lband has beeri'secured -ia-en, tin'! dancing or other 4 atricail, prog.ressive etichre si)!ia hees, &c. c., arc enjoyed~ Bord at *iprivate houses can ted w iht free atcct'ss to the spr. payinig to the proprietors of the IThe' minerel water is unsuirpase 1For rates~ of board, prices of wa other pa rtiei lars, address the prop. SIPSON &-SIMP Glenn Spritngs, Spartanburg Co., 10-1 FLEX.iRs,e MEATS, GRAIN,M FTLURS,. GRAIN, MEATs. F GRAIN, F FLOURS.'~2m MEALTs,s FLOURs, ~ MEA'Ts. * GRIAI. F LOt. RS. *LL To HUNRE t NEW STOCKd UECEI TD AT THE CARPET ST ORE OF J. IL. ]DA VIS, (Om.1cIn3A, s. C. Also0, a~ full lne of Wall Paper, border:ng atnd Ceiling Decorations. One Ilu4ntred ditTerent sty'les of Vi"dow~'i hs, mounted on' best prn Fixtures. from Fifty Cents to ve. Dollars~ a W,Xindow. The usual fine selection of Body russels, Tapestry Brussels, Extra rThtree Fly and Cotton Chain arpets, at prices that will compare -iaymrket in the States. IfKyou are in want of py of the L v ae rils al rcorres ou with J.IH. DA.VIS, ?.17.15 A Cobui , . C.n