WRI!-* A. C. JON ES, Pub. and Proprietor. A Farnily Paper Devoted to Literature, .1iscellany, News,ArctueMaks,i. "OL-. xxii. N W ER,S. C., WEDN-ES1DA-Y, FER-AY,186 THE HERALD AND NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT Xewb'erry. 3. C. TERms.-One year, $2; six mont 8I; three months, 50 cents; two monti 35 cents; one month, 20 cents ; sing copy, 5 cents, payable in advance. txpirations.-Look at the print label on the paper; the date there( shows when the sub;cription expire Forward the money for renewal at les one week in advance. Subscribers desiring the address their paper changed must give both tl old and the new address. TERMs OF ADVERTISING.-$1.00 p square the first insertion, and 50 ets. p s uare for each subsequent insertio A square is the space of nine lin of solid brevier type. Notices in local column 12jc. per li: for each Insertion for one month, long at inch rates, w:th 25 per cent added. A reasonable reduction made for a vertisementsby the three, six, or twel ontbs. Let the Truth Be Told. What General McCrady says i his letter to the Greenville New touching the census embroglio, i true, and emphatically true. Cha leston, so far as her Representative in the House are concerned, or an expression of her people is concerne6 is in no way responsible for the fai ure to provide for making the enu Meration required by the Constitt tion and the codified law. The cry of "up country" and "lo, country" in this matter is a gros piece ot unscrupulous demagogism There is no truth. in it. The lov country, as General McCrady truti fully claims, is not chargeable as section with avoiding the'command of the Constitution iii this matter t serve its own political aggrandize ment. Every bill framed for th purpose was framed by a low coun tryman, and among the most earnes advocates for obeying the Constitu tion to the letter and taking the enu mers.tion commanded were low coun trymen. Nor was the Governor in any waj responsible for this dereliction. He expressly recommended in his mess age to the Legislature of '84 as fol lows: "It is provided in Article 2, Section 4, that the enumeration of inhabi t,s of the State for the purpose of ikning the - RepresentatiVes be made in 1875 and in every tepth year thereafter. This enumeration should, therefore, be taken the next year, and I recommend that such ap propriation be made as may be ne cessary for the purpose." This is as clear as language can put it. Now, as to the earnest advocacy of low countrymen in this behalf, we remember well being in the House when this matter was under discus Fsion in 1884. The house seemed at first demoralized with the idea of the heavy expense involved in taking an elaborate census, and, if we mistake not, refused to accept the bill report ed towards that end, although that bill held in contemplation the Fed. eral aid promised. But finally a less * expensive bill, looking to an expend iture of something like twenty thou sand dollars, was passed. We re member Mr. McCrady's earnest speech advocating an obedience to the Constitution, cost what it may. He said there was no other way to have a regular government. With him it was not a question of will, but one of solemn obligation. What did the constitution require? He then r read the provision and said no ration - al mind could fail to see that it re '.quired an enumeration to be made in 1885. What did the oaths of memn bers obligate them to do? 1He .'en read the oath and said he felt the binding obligations of that oath, and he was free to say that he would pre fer that Charleston should be repre sented by a small delegation that all would admit to be legitimately hers, under the organic law, than to have a large delegation the legitimacy of which was questioned. He was sure the small delegation under such cir-I eumstances would exercise a better and larger influence. Mr. Hutson, of Hampton and other low country men followed in the same line of thought. But when the House passed the census bill in 1884, it was killed in the Senate. W hen Senator Mauldin, of Greenville called it up, Senator Maxwell from Abbeville moved to strike out the enacting clause. It is true Senator Smythe from Charleston opposed the bill, belittling the Con. stitutional requirement, which, lie said, might be construed any way the members might choose to take it, and that the census would cost a great frdeal to little or no purpose-to giveI Sone or two counties in the State a little more representation than they now had. The bill was met in the same way by other Senators oppos ing it. Senator Moody, for one, dis covering the astounding fact that the Con.stitution itself was unconstitu tioal. The motion to strike out prevailed by 19 to 15. We have been at the pains to take this vote as we find it in the Senate Journal. Those voting l to strike out the enacting clause were: ! Lp Country-Bieian of Oconee, m Black of York, Coker of Darlington, Maxwell of Abbeville. Moody of Marion, Munro cf Union. Wallace of D I Richland, Wingard of Lexington. Woodward of Fairfield-9. Low Country-1-Benbow of Claren i. don. -Buist of Charleston, Byrd of s Williamsbrg, Howell of Colleton, e IzIar of Orangeburg, Moore of lamp ton, Reynolds of Beaufort, Simmons of Berkeley, Smythe of Charleston, e Youmans of Barnwell-10. For the motion: Up country, 9; low country, 10-aggregate 19. Those opposed to striking out the n enacting clause were: Up CouAry-Bell of Aiken, Bobo of Spartanburg, Clyburn of Lancas ter, Field of Pickens, Leitnerof Ker s shaw, McCall ot Marlboro, Mauldin of Greenville, J. B. Moore of Ander son, Patterson of Chester, Redfearn of Chesterfield, Sligh of Newberry, Todd of Laurens, Talbert of Edge field-13. Low Country-Smith of Horry, Williams of Georgetown-2. Against the motion to strike out: Up country, 13; low couotry, 2-ag gregate, 15. - Now, if up country and low coun try had anything to do with it, why were nine up countrymen found vot ing to kill the bill? We see that . there was a difference of only four in the vote; and if even-the three Pied mont belt Senators, Biemann, Black and Maxwell, had voted for the cen . sus bill of the House, the vote would - have stood: for the bill, 18; against, 16. And if the nine up country Sen ators voting against the bill had voted with the thirteen up country men sustaining it we see 22 votes for the census bill to 12 against it, even allowing all the low country Senators to vote together. How vi ciously absurd it is to talk, then. i about the defeat of the census bill being the work )f the low country when we see that about half the vote killing the bill was an up country vote. Put when the House found their I bill (efeated and no appropriation f had been made for the enumeration, whilst some members thought it wasI useless to contend further with the co-ordinate body in opposition, there were yet those who advocated taking ~ a recess and coming back to insist ~ on the legislation necessary for mak ing the enumeration. 'We find that the v-ote in this behalf ~ stood : For the recess, 33; against it, 46. Let us see who these thirty- ~ three men were who were willing to P come back in January, '85, and fight t it out for the constitutional enumer ation. We call the names from the c Journal of the House as follows: I Upper Counties-Messrs. Ansel of 1b Greenville, Clyburn of Lancaster, c Graydon of Abbeville, Mason of Spar- C tanburg, Simpson of Laurens, S>nith b of Spartanburg, Thompson of Spar- a tanburg, Williams of Greenville, 0 Stanyarne Wilson of Spartan burg-9. n Midland Counties-Messrs. Aldrich h of Aiken, Brooker of Lexington, rt Hardy of Newberry, McIver of Dar- te lington. McKissick of Union, McMas- ti ter of 1Richiland, Pettigrew of Dar- n lington. Pope of Newberry, Ray of le Rlieblandi, Ready of Edgefield, Rice T of Union, L. F. Youmans of Rich- se fand--12.w Low Country Counties-Messrs. p: Baxter of Georgetown, Harvin ofn Clarendon, Hutson of Hlampton, Lee bi of Snater, Macusker of Georgetown, b< Maher of Bnrnwell, Mears of Char leston, Mitchell of Beau fort, Padgett. eC of Colleton, Richardson of. Horry, ft Robinson of Beaufort, J. W. Sim- m mnons of Orangeburg-12. o Here, then, we see nine votes from * the upper counties, twelve from the bI midland. andl twelve from the lowT country counties, making up this for- c~ lon hope for saving the enumeration ri and apportionment at any hazard. t With these facts of record, what shall " we say of the unscrupulous cheek of P1 those who would now raise a cry 0o against the low country for the failure e~ of that which simply failed for the to want of up country votes. Pish ! e* This is of a character with some ru more of the stuff which is now being M voided on the people of the~ State._ th Colu&>ia Register. m The damage to the orange inter ests of Florida as a result of the I 9 freeze is estimated at $-2.000,000. ur We run for office and our friends an manage for us and spend our money, ev and behold we cometh out badly Wc scooped and crushed financially. wJ ~t A Georgia Farmer. Mr. Robert Rood is a youtg far mer. Thin browned, all fiber, slow and easy of motion, self-reliant and independent-he is a fine type of the young Southern farmer. "The earth is a gold mine," he says, "to any man that works it dil igently." It has certainly proved to be one to Mr. Rood. In seven years he has made over $40,000 in farming-not by speculating-for he has lost $to. 000 by that method. But by the pa tient tilling of the earth, and the slow transmitting of sunshine, rain ani sweat into corn and cotton. The story of his work is significant, and it may be improving, so here it is in paragraphs coaxed from his own lips. '-My father said to me about seven years ago, 'My son, I'm going to die, and I leave $6,000 in honest debts that you must pay.' In six weeks he was (lead and I took the planta tion in Stewart County on the Chatta hoochie River. I mortgaged the place for $4.000 and went to work. I darned my own socks and patched my own clothes as they wore out.. When I went to Eufaula I put a bis cuit in my pocket, and when I got to town tied my horse to a rack and 4 saved hotel bill. I ran a plough myself, leading the way for my hands. At night I lit up the forge i and did my own blacksmithing, learn ing as I went. I never left my farm2: a day- and slept only six hours a ight." '.That must have brought sue- s ess ?" "Of w;rse it did, as it would have t brought it in any other business. n two years I had paid my debt and v ad money in bank. I have made in* f Dtual money over $40,000. This is b ny poorest year and yet I will clear f< >ver $3,500. I would not give any y nan $5 to guarantee me $3,000 a a -ear on my ten mule farm for the a iext ten years. Farming is the n afest business a man can engage in t f he goes at it right." s '-What are the rules by which yon tl rork ?" f( "First. I raise my own provisions. tL now have 1,000 bushels of corn, y ,100 bushels of oats, 800 bushels of a: eas and 400 gallons of syrup now w or sale. I raise much of my own r( neat and would raise it all except tr at my climate is too warm to cure . I never saw a man who did not p< ise his own corn that made money w~ n cotton. I never saw a corn raiser c< at wasn't a prosperous farmer. b: ou can often figure out that you cc an buy corn cheaper than you can f ise it,' but that is only on paper. b: ~orn-raisers prosper-the others fail. bi y cotton crop is always a cash .ur- sl lus. I make my other crops carry pr e farm. at "Next to raising my own coraI, I st >unt personal attention to business. - sow ev-ery bushel of oats myself, cause I never found a hand that uld do it right. This fall I worked even hours a day with a three peck Tl sket on my arm and sowed oats of ead of twelve plows until the ends pl f my fingers were bleeding. In aking syrup I got along with four hc >urs sleep in twenty-four, and the b~ ~sult is perfect syrup. I superin nd every detail of my farming as is. Every back strap of my har- t ~ss has a bag of moss sowed under W ather to protect the mule's back. bread wouldnt do for that sort of o ~wing, as it would rot. Iron wire ori uldn't for it would rust. So every d is sewed with copper wire. I An A ver had scald back or a piece of oken skin on a mule since I've bil ~en farming. -f '-Next to a personal supervision is f onomy. Nothing is wastedl on myg r-m. I have 120 tons of home- co de manure composted now, and e ton of composted manure is cal rth three tons of guano. Not a w de of grass is burned on my place. at with the refuse of my sugar do ne even is turned under and en- a hes the ground. It is small things t make or ruin the farmer. My kn ighbors use two or three sets of so wlines a year-mine last me two un three years. Every night I 'il 'ery wagon on my p)lace using cot- ea 1 seed oil. Once a month I have firs ry axle cleaned and the old oil me bed off. This saves my wagons. stock and crops are all protected gn same way. The poorest house on tirr r place is the house 1 live in." der "How about your labor ?" pat "Better than slaves. I pay them - a month, half in cash every Sat- si ay night, one ration and allow par h hand a half acre for potatoes at d an acre for corn and allow them ry Saturday afternoon. They irk because they know I know it not ien they shirk. They began steal- ath ing from me. I slept on the ground every night for three weeks, bagged three of the thieves and now I am safe. When they are well I make them work and when they are sick I give them medicine from my own hand. In short they know I watch them and they work." "You find the life a happy one ?" "The freest, happiest, most iude pendent Rfe in the world. I have not been sick a day in eleven years. When I lie down I sleep. I ask ,o man any odds. My broad acres are there and they are exhaustless. The best bank a farmer can have is hi land. Every dollar he puts there is safe and will pay him interest an principal. Many farmers sell their cotton seed. This is robbing their land. I buy cotton seed, for with acid phosphate and stable manure it makes the best fertilizer. The far mer is the one independent man." "I can not understand," Mr. Rood ent on to say, "why a young fellow ill stay in the city and clerk at a 5mall salary with no future when a .armer's life is open to him. No nan could have had a much worse tart than I did. Now, in spite of narkets, weather or anything else, I :an live a free man's life, with iealth, open air, exercise, and at the md of every year put from $3,500 to )5,000 in the bank. This is not hiance. It is certainty. And there s nothing in me except hard work, tention and a little common sense. f fifty young clerks were to go to tewart County to-day and farm just .s I do, each one would reach the ame result. It is no experiment. t is the most certain of- c'ertain hings." And away the young farmer went rith a gang of friends who had called or him. Why may not he prove to e a type? Why may not there >)low in his foot-steps a race of oung farmers, sturdy and self-reli nt, with smooth brows, clear eyes nd strong arms ? Why may they ot come to the rescue of our sec on1 from the domination of western moke-house and cribs, and win for ie South amid their corn rows a iller and better experience than 1eir fathers fought for twenty-five ears ago ? There is plenty of land ud more to come. Mr. Rood started ith 2,000 acres which he has al ady cut down to 1,200. He con acts his arabla once every year. [ntensive farming," says he, "is thei >licy of the future. There is oner ar cry under which the South can >mmand the situation. That is a I ile to the acre, full corneribs, a big >mpost heap and home on -ther rm !" Frankly now hasn't this oad shouldered young fo'rmer, with s steel-like sinews, this untroubled eep, come nearer to solving the1 'oblem than those cf us who, aiming ~ glittering heights, are fighting and umbling along the uneven way. Atlnta G'onstitution A Pslan- of Life. t There is but little in life to live for. t ie world is a hollow mockery full a troubles, trials and bad piano a ayers. 11 We go forth in the morning full of h pe and come home at night full of .d whiskey. We dabble in politics and bet all r wealth on the leading man, and s e other fellow getteth elected andt U are left to mourn. We marry for wealth, and our girl'sa man assigns. We deny ourselves many things in a :ler to lay up some cash in the bank, d the cashier fleeth unto Canaan. id in an evil bour when we dream C t of it the merchant presenteth a 1 for our wife's ne w bonnet, and the ~m and the stock goeth under inort. ge to pay it.y Woe unto man ! Of how little t asequence is his joy. ,a [n fancy he is full -of colic and ' ~nip, and in youth he goeth aboutg Lb a thorn in his heel,. [n the evening of life he lieth t wn full of rheumatism, aches and ~ e-bilious pills.W The places that once knew him "I ow him now only by the promis. T y notes and accounts he has left sr paid. And this is the end of man. HI [n youth he dances into the ring h: ;er to knock somebody out, but the it, t thing he knoweth hc is orna- es nted with a black eye,.h Lie cometh forth in black raiment is I a standing collar, and at noon e he goeth about with one suspen. ke -and with the seat of his pants H ;ched with an old sock. th 31e carrieth a torch in the proces- hi n, and whoopeth it up for his ti: -ty, and behold the man who staid dc home is appointed to office. th uch is the career of man. h >o! in an hour when he dreameth m of it, a breechy mule kicketh him se wart the center, and he dieth. in Truth Stranger than FicLon, The experience uf almost cvery man has coivinced him of the truth of the old maxim that "truth is often stranger than fiction." We read with interest of the bloocurdling adven. tures and hair-breadth escapes of the heroes of romance, and though im possible they may sometiims appear, vet there is nothing which the im agination of the author has invented that has not been accomplished in real life. Woniers never cease and strange things are continually hap pening. The trouble with many of us is that whatever we cannot under stand, especially things which seem improbable, we are apt to receive with distrust. If you try to explain to an unlettered man, who haq spent his life in ,he backwoods, that the water lie uses by abstraction or loss of heat becomes solid and by heat is converted into steam, and that it is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen two measures of hy.lrogen gas and one of oxygen gas -and that oxygen is an electro-negative. basifying and acidifying elementary principle, and that hydrogen is an aeri:orm fluid, extremely inflammable and fatal to animal life, he is very apt to tell you that you are a fool; that water is water and has got nothing but water in it. The analytical chem.ist, how ever, knows differently in spite of all the unlettered man can say to the contrary. W h;at is true of the unlet tered portion of humanity is also true of the better informed majority who are not inclined to superstitiou. They must have substantial proofs of very phenomenal happening before they will believe. In this practical age of science aad evolution the ays of miracles with the masses ave passed. Nothing but a proof ke that which Thomas of old re eived when he put his fingers in the rints of the wounds of the -Messiah rvill satisfy them. When a statement is made through he paper that a certain person has ecovered suddenly from a certain lisease that has baffled the skill of hysicians, the information is cer ain to uc received with distrust, and he few who acknowledge their belief n it will be set down as superstitious anatics who will believe anything. hose who will not believe the state nent, because they cannot under tand how anything outside the regu r laws of nature can happen, are tional sages in their own estima on, but really ttiey are not very un ke the backwoods boor who will ve it that water is composed of] thinp- but water because he has ever hIad an ocular demonstration fits analysis. Just at the present time there is ~uch excitement manifested over e "boy preacher" of North Carolina, ho1 was suddenly stricken blind andi hose sight was restored in a strange anner. The boy claims that his ss of sight was of divine origin; at he knew it would happen and 1 at the restoration of sight was a iracle. His sermons are described being remarkable, and with but tle if any instruction in music he s been known to perform on the gan with great skill.] For fear of being regarded super ~itious, we wi'll not state p)ositively< lat this an-d other phenomena are I iracles, but if they are not miracui- I s exhibitions of God's power, what e they ? Will some of the materi istic p)hilosophers explain? It ill not do to say they are not true. t he evidence in this and many other C ~ss of the kind is too convincing. 1 d why can they not be true ? Isi e arm of the Almighty any weaker v )-day than it was nineteen hundred s ears ago ? Cannot Hie who created p e world, and the sun, and moon, a d stars, and starry systems, and t: o even created us, made our eyes, s ive us sight and hearing, take them h 'ay and restore them? Certainly n se who refuse to believe this are a ore irrational than those who are tl lling to believe. Some will say, V 3ut God dont work in this way." n hat's just what the back woodsman h s about water. How do you know h dont work this way? What proof h ve you got? You have never seen ' Neither has tihe backwoodsman b er seen water analyzed, and until ti does he will never believe that it l.1 composed of anything but water. w God has declared that whosoever p eps His commandments and loves te m with heart, soul and mind, and si n asks anything in his name, to I such will be granted. The Chris- n n who does not b'elieve this either ni ubts God's word or does not believe re t He can do what he says. Per- ir ps, if the doubting Christian will li ke a careful examination of him- ni lf he will find that he is not keep- IE , God's commnanlments';amd if not, p the graces and promises, of course, cannot apply to him. Because many of us are weak and fall into divers sins, let us not say that God does not do what He has promised. Bec ter for us to be thankful for the bless inugs which are daily bestowed upon us than to question the powersof the Onipotent, whose ways are past finding out.-Columbia Record. The Census Again. Those Legislators who defeated the appropriation for the Census, (lid a far groator amount of mischief, thain they probably thought for. Be Sades thle bad effect of shov-ing at disregard for the Constitution of the State, and the aot of monumental in justice to many counties, by tius de priving them of equal representation in the 'Vgish;ture, they have stirrld up a very strong feeling on the sub ject in many sections. T'his subject is agitated every week by the Press of the up-country es pecialy, and the discussion waxes warmer and warmer. This feeling, bitter and strong, seems to be get ting sectional. We do lot blame our brethren for crying out against this wrong, for we sympathize with them. We are sorry however to see any thing like bitterness manifested. Tne question will not down, though, and as the next caioaign draws near, it will become more and more interest ing. It will no doubt be a very dis turbing element in the campaign, and whatever of bitterness and dis cord it produces, the Legislature will be to blame. It will be made an issue in the next State Democratic Convention by those counties that now consider themselves defrauded out of their just representation in the Leg islature. Those counties that now have an undue representation in the Legis lature will have an undue advantage in the State Convention in nomi nating State officers, and in determ ining the policy of the Democratic Party. The same thing will be felt in the Congressional District Conventions. To illustrate how this thing will work, as matters now stand, we will say that Charleston will have in that Convention 28 delegates, while the two counties of Spat tanburg and Ab beville combined, which have about twice the population of Charleston, will have only 20 delegates. . This is altogether unfair, and the people of the up-country are not ~oing to submit to it tamely, from present appearances. We would rejoice to see this bitter reeling allayed, yet, afteF all, are not hie people of some of the counties somewhat to blame in this matter romi the fact of their sending an en irely new delegation to the Legis ;ure almost every term ? These 1ew men have to contend, to their great disadvantage, with men who 1ave been there before and have been ;rained in Legislative work.-Surnter 4dvance. !n Editor Unmasks--His name ' not Henley but Hearn. The last issue of the Wadesboro' c ntelligencer, says the Charlotte Ob- t erver, contains a three column ac- 1 ount of the life of its editor, who t' ias heretofore been known as S. W. lenley, but whose real name is given c .s Sperry W. Hearn. His story con- b ensed, is, that he is a native of Tap iabannock, Va., and began life in 1: hat town as a compositor in the office o C the Ese Gazette. Hie fell in s ove with a school girl and after pay. i ag her attention for some time. he I ras snubbed by the girl, who be- i towed her favors upon a rivail in the 1. erson of aNortherner. Hlearn made 1 n attempt at suicide, which was frus -ated by friends, and after vainly ti eeking to draw his rival into a duel, li e decided to exile himself from his it: ative town and people. He slipped li way from Tappahannock, assumed 3 ie name of S. W. Henley, and after q -andering about for several years, fi- 5, ally drifted to Wadesboro', where e, e established the Intelligencer, and y ad worn his mask successfully until fr e revealed his romance last week. y 'he people of his native town had t! elieved him to be dead for a long it me past. This revelati'n was part- n rbrought about by a controversy D hich has been waged for some time ast between the Times andl the In- tc ~ligencer and was published to fore- o all a publication in tbe Timnes. Mr.p earn has evidently endeavored top ake a clean breast, and gives the B ames of many Virginians who can be h4 ~ferred to by the incredulous. Hay- in tg thrown off his mask and revealed k' s whereabouts, Mr. Hearn an >unces -his intention of shortly pay- ct ga visit to his old friends in Tap- sc shannnn1r Fighting the Inevitable. The most startling thing in modern history is the stalwart way in which England, the Mother Land, has re sisted the progress of civilization. In spite of all this, however, the growth of Democracy in England has been sure. --Henceforth," says a well known writer, "England is Dem ocratic." She must be. The tide has set in that way with all th3 warmth and steadiness of the Gulf stream. The electoral system ha-3 been growing for centuries. Tb last reforrm has increased the voting constituency forty per cent. Rotten boroughs have been cut off; titled de peudants retire,!; public education has becn moving the right way. Legislation upon internal matters grows more enlightened, the policy of foreign invention gives signs of becoming more guarded and conserv ative, and the church question is fast toning down into lines of common sense. All of England's political in stitutions are improving, and as Mr. Andrew Carnegie wisely says: "The child now lives who will see every English speaking community living under institutions founded upon the extremest views of the rights of man, as formulated in our Declaration or Independence, with. out a vestige of privilege from birth, without king or aristocracy, without united church and state, without great standing armies, unhampered by primogeniture and entail, with equal electoral privileges * and equal districts." Indeed, if w2 except legislation upon Irish land, which is only justi fied upon the plea of "necessity," it would be difficult to point out any change made in the laws of Britain during the past twenty years which is not in the direction of republican prac tice. And why should not Irish land be liberated? Why suffer feudalism to linger there when liberty reigns everywhere else? This is the last lesson which England learns, and in fighting against Irish freedom she is simply resisting another cne of those reforms to which she must finally submit. What has England done to Ireland? It is difficult to pass over the arraign. ment by O'Reilly, which the Chroni e has already alluded to, in a cf rent magazine. In the twelfth en -ury England invaded Ireland, pros erous and happy under King Bre 2an, and reduced the country. Her ~esources were confiscated, her laws lisregardedi and her courage wasted. Finally, the alliance with S.cotland md the liberation under Edward Bruce. Another century, IrelandI >rostrate once more, gagged and nanacled. Irish law framed in Eng- ~ and-"all rights reserved"-schoolst Lnd churches thrown down. Another undred years-the reforming pro ess under Henry VIII.-the bullet, ope and the slaveship. Seventeenth entury and still the deathless fight rish growing weaker, English strong- n r. Cromwell makes "peace and si- c ence"i i reland at the sword's edge. I 'hen came an unexampled atrocity in ' be name of "civilization;" four-fifths p f the entire island, every acre held c y the native Irish, who were Catho- , ics, was confiscated and handed over b o Cromwell's disbanded army. This g ras the beginning of the Irish land d uestion that Michael Davitt has ti een hammering at for years. p The eighteenth century found Ire- d mnd in the depths after six centuries f wasted blood and scattered trea- d ure. Then Grattan gets the Irish parliament and Ireland, according to ord Clare, advances unprecedently 1 trade, manufacture and agriculture. te nglish -merchants demand that Ire- m md be destroyed as a competing ower. English landholders, always a: 2e crowning curse, cried out, "our $: ves and religion in danger." Cas- m ereagh buys out the Grattaa Par- A ament. TI's rebellion is crushed, it obert Emmett hanged, drawn and hi uartered. "Then Ireland lay down at her misery, even God had appar 2tly forgotten her in the night." 'ext, Daniel OConnell won the er anchise for the Catholics. The 1W oung Ireland of '48 was put down, H ien the famine wit h thousands dying C< the soil. Twenty yeare later Fe- th tanism and the rule of the Royal OG ragoon. What is England doing for Ireland C< 4-day? Fastening upon her the grip gs the alien landlord and loading her L ~oducts with high rent. Closing her gi >rts by discriminating in favor of Ce ristol and Southampton. Checking S< ir political and commercial advance th a thousand ways; for England a! iows, as John Boyle O'Reilly says: lis "Every ship going through an Irish lis mnal was in danger of forgetting the in amthern English ports, Bristol and of yuthampton. Every mill built on en an Irish stream' would ded the profits ofLancashire.- E of coal or other mineral dug int land lowered the prices I i ham, Sheffield and the Black* If the Irish farmers' children get work in mills and mines shops, their earnings would, their parents independent of lords, and rents would have i lowered. It~was clear that I advance must be stopped, on would become a dangerous or and democratic example 'fr Britain.-Agusta chroxicle. That Census Matter. We have no hesitation In that we think the Legislature mistake in not providing for the census. Nor in saying" inequalities in representatia to be corrected. But we fal why this failure on the put Legislature to discharge itb should be made the grotirdo casion for inflaming the one section of the State other. Unhappily there in the State afeelingof"up-j and "low country." deplored and healed-suha mented. In the di census question, it strikes is immaterial whether thi "low" country prevented thk of the proper law fore; mandate of the Consti . i matter of fact, MjOr ley in his letter to tho' 'he Medium shows that46& )ers from the lower oodftp* 2o more responsible for th ire to pass-the census bill .rom other sections. This sectionalism we think* leprecated.. The inte ection of this comin u lissolubly bound up with -4 very other section. nony in all their relt1W nore to the public adii ickering and theinces nity. A frank, free and emd ion of this question isMg M riew of carrying out the ive to each eomty,-..I ion to yhich it is endtie4&! nts and schemes .o epresentation upon a b rty and population, ori sanner than upon the 4bitants, are ialse in s of the essence of the ur form of government thatba ,nd infiuence of every et otential in all public aftra 1 f every of r citizen, wh toperty be measured bya irs or by thousands. ~p ne this question amust be7 nd it will be one of much' ae next session.-4betilt New York Jtte , The New York prosecutb ey is working like two crnvict Holland, the lavi,' the sawdust The" Davis, who is a sl rofessional swindler, is cited at all. Even if as indicted, he would e convicted. He has the enuine money which wak' ecoy. There is a little te rounds that is very ar aint. A man who ha! icted said to a prominent "I know I've not got -n efense, but Eve got momne~~ "How much have you "I've got $10,000." "You will never get 4nt ntiary as long as yod'".. uch money." The lawyer was right. It was ter the lawyer had ngie 10,000, and the accused had " - oney that he got justice - s long as "The" Davis has is no use thinkingabu m,so the New York torney thinks.-S The Confederates - t House this term heeler, of Alabamf .) Forney, of Alabamna~ ax, of North CarolM e Senate they arb-n eneral Maxer, of'i9 , 'althall, of Misissipp~ ckrell, of Missouri; G ~n, of Alabama; Generglgi uisiana; General Mahoa%n nia, and General Reanmc irolinia. South Carolin h >uthern State with two - e Senate. She hasGetirl id Hampton. General .8 tms known as "Cerroi 4ordo"3 ins, recently representedKn the Senate, and General81s, Georgia, was suceeded )y io ronwn.