The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 27, 1886, Image 1

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Cs.~~~~~~~~- JOE,Pb.adPoricr 4 a iyPpeDvtd oLtrt-e es : IVOLA. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - mm i R F? S.C ,W II,- =SA. oJP DE VERALO AND NEWS. PUBLISHED FEVERY WEDNESDAY AT Newberry. S. C. 4mm.-Oue year, $2; six mont -,-O rmonths, 50 cents; twomonti cents; one month, 20 cents; sinp 5eents, payable in advance. -z._;ZphvAons.-Look at the print Sen the paper; the date there, wa when the subscription expir the money for renewal at lef ne week In advance. Subscribers desiring the address paper chauged must give both t and the new address. _',imu op ADvmTISrNG.-$1.00 p gijere the first insertion, and 50 ets. p for each subsequent insertio A square is the space of nine lin brevier type. Notices in local column 12jc. per i each insertion for one month, long i.,1neh rates, with 25 per cent added. kreasonable reduction made for ii ments by the three, six, or twel nths. THE FIRST STEP. - ZPEOPOSED NEW RAILROAD--CO MIA,NEWBERRY AND LAURENs.. The first step in everything, if we means a great deal in the a l,enplishment of a purpose. This scnliarly the case with a railros rise dependent upon comm tubscriptions. We must moi nake things move. The Colur b Newberry and Laurens Railwa dsa -very liberal charter. T1 is allowed to organize wil ,'z.OOObonafjde subscriptions.. Ti people immediately at interest, vi Richland, the three Fork Towi Newberry and Laurens, si t 100,000, and if among thei they cannot raise this small sum, might as well be accepted ai, once f a lost charter. But it is too valuab] property not to attract attentioi For the present P90,000 wil! keep oE hundred convits at work for tb ear,with $2,000 to spare. At sixt -cents per day for hire ar d food, W see an expenditure of $18,000 for tb eree hundred days. TMs hundre convicts, well used, should grade tb thirty-eight miles air line from her Newberry within the year. Th ceossties, at 4,300 to the mile, put o bed, at30 cents to the tie woul cost $1,290 per mile. Forty to steel -ail would call for 70.4 tons t the mile, which at $35 per ton laid o the road shows $2,464 per mile. Thi shows $3,654 per mile for rail an ties. With convicts the grading ca be done quite possibly for $750 pE mile, and by allowing $150 per mil for such slight struictures as the roa requires, we see per mile : Grading and construction. . . .$ 90 Crossties.................1,29 Rail........ .... .... .....2,46 Total........ .... .....,6 This shows a total cost to Ney berry of $276,852, and with $30),00 for bridge across the Broad we se some $206,85.2. * There is no reason why an inch < Kroad should be lost from here t Newberry. Western builders az willing to pay $35,000 for every mil saved. This is the.standing order t engineers. Should we allow but ha this sum for our roads it would pa the road to expend $140,000 extra I save eight miles of road from here 1 Newb3rry. We see it stated that the preser Newberry and Laurens road can I incorporated with the new line. TI old road straightened can be reduce to twenty-eight miles in lengtl This work, and relaying the ror with forty pound steel rails shu cost some $80,000. The next step should be to get ti Greenville and Laurens road sL' scribed to the system, securing to tt Central system the same rates at accommodation at Laurens as ti new system would enjoy. Then fro: Greenville to the North Carolina lin via Pickenis Court House, for Frani lin, N. C., we would have some thirt; eight miles of road, with a costi round numbers of $300,000. W would thus find a road to border 1i1 of some 140 miles, with an expend ture of $600,000 in round numbersi addition to subscription value of ti two links incorporated into new lin From here to North Carolina ti five counties and three Lexingt' townships immediately at intere contain not less than 150,000 inhm itants and $25,000,000 of assessi values. A subscription of 21 pl cent. would give $625,000. The di tance from the North Carolina lit to Franklin by an available route twety-five miles. This link at average cost of $15,000 per mi would call for $375,000. Some: per cent. on $25,000,000 of assessi values would amount to this $375,0( -exactly. The route can thus be ce ried to Franklin, N. C., at a cost of million of dollars, or exactly 4 p cent. of assessed valuation of Sou Carolina counties and townships interest, in addition to stock of NIe berry and Laurens .and Greenvil and Laurens roads, which would I something like $400,000. Frankil to Knoxville is some ninety miles I TeiAnessee river and Maryville lin h3 This would possibly cost son is, Ple $720,000, which, with Tennessee an North Carolina subscribing $500,00 D would complete the line from Colun 's- bia to Knoxville as follows: LSC Mile of Columbia to Franklin .......... 16 Franklin to Knoxville .......... 9 er (,r T otal ...................... 26 n. es But it is claimed that this rout can be sh-ortened twenty miles b er taking a route across the Smok Mountains, by, we believe, the Fr: zier river route. This would reduc the distance from Columbia to Knoi ville, say to 240 miles, at a cost of Columbia to Franklin. ... .$1,400,00 Franklin to Knoxville .... 720,00 Total ............... $2,120,00 11 Leaving $220,000 to be made u: c- in individual subscriptions or kep is as a fixed charge on the system. Ad Now let us see what this new rout LI- means in competition with the Geoz re gia and Atlantic route. Find it: MileE 'y CLattanooga to Charleston ...... 441 ,e Chattanooga to Knoxville.. 110 Knoxville to Columbia. .240 e ColImbia to Charleston. . . 1P7-48 We see here a competing line evei - with Chattanooga. But it is 51. miles from Knoxville to Chiarlestoi via Atlanta, and by the Franklih route it is but 392 miles, going roun< e the Tennessee bend and by M& connection. This shows a saving o 1. 0 126 miles, and comparing it with thi Asheville and Morristown route w< see a saving of 34 miles, and with th< shorter route from Franklin we set a saving of 141 miles on the Georgit e 0 d route, and 49 miles on the Asheville But with the road finished t( e Laurens, and operating with road, e converging to that point, we see road from Greenwood to Columbi. d 88 miles against 84.3 by the Green dn vilie railroad route. From Green ville to Columbia 102 *mles agains 142.5 by Greenville railroad. Fron Spartanburg to Columbia 101 agains s 93 by present route. Take it all in all, the Columbla n r Newberry and Laureus road come. e into the field fully prepared to tak( ee d care of itself. Should the Cumberland Gap and 0 Chicago route ever come into activ4 0 operation, the new road would tap i 4at Pickens Court House, with th: shortest route from thence to Charles 4ton, drawing through the heart of thi Stat~e, and making at the same timi 0a close connection with the Centra esystem at Laurens for Savannah ani at Columbia for Wilmington, with:a saving of some eighty miles on thi Georgia route from Louisville t< Savannah, and of ninety-five mile, e from Louisville to Wilmington. e But as a route reaching a coal cen tre this new road would put Colum fbia 255 miles from coal, Newberr' S217, Laurens 187, Greenville 153 against Columbia 394, via Augusta o Greenville 298 by Atlanta, Lauren: t 324 by Greenville, and Ne wherry 35~ iby Laurens-showing~ a saving o eColumbia of 139 miles in her coa d transportation, Newberry 135. Lau rens 135 and Greenville 135. W< 'see, then, that the Columbia, New d berry and Laurens means busines every way, and only wants $20,000 t< put the ball in motion. We canno believe the people of Columbia, thi Fork, Newberry and Laurens wil dhesitate in putting their shoulder t dthe wheel without delay. And leti be understood that the subscriber become the stockholders and mnanag, their own affairs. At all events, le us begin the work without delay olumnw Registr,19th. e One of the excuses for killing th census rmendment to the approprit tion bill in the Legislature is thati was a rider. We heard no such argu lement used when an appropriatio: e. was made for the pay of an "assist eant professor of agriculture" in th nUniversity. This was in effect era tating at new office and providing fo -hip pay. Why did those men whi (1who were. so jealous of "riders" intei pose no objection? There is no at sswer that can be mnade.-Abevil eC elium;. ni"There is a story told, I think, c le1 Drs. Chalmers and Stewart, wb, Sargued ou the street corner on somn iknotty point of theology with Scea 0tish pertinacity, until it was time fo .r- them to separate, when one of ther a remarked, 'You will find my view er very well put in a certain tract,' c th jwhich he gave the title; upon whici Bt jtohiS8urprise, his Antagonist replie( le Farming as it Is-Was-May Be. >e - n CAUSES OF THE PRESENT DEPRESSION REMEDIES. ly . Editor Chronicle: We ask a can ie did and unbiased bearing in the d statement of a few facts. To some, our views may, on casual survey, be i- displeasing, but bear with us. The picture, though dark in one aspect, s. has yet a bright side, rendered the 5 more striking by contrast. It is 0 with a sincere desire for the amelio - ration of the conditioin of our class 5 'that we make this presentation of a ,e few unaeniable facts as to the status y of the average Georgia farmer of to y day. - We deem the present a most t- favorable season to attempt some e change for the better. We would, in the opening, put the question, "Of what real weight or influence is the 0 farmer of to-day, as a class?" You 0 answer-we vote-"Yes," and in - common with every Arab on our D streets. Apply the only true test ,p that of finance. What is the farmer t in the financial world? As a class, almost a blank. And yet agricul e ture is the great industry of our sec tion. Why is it thus? Don't an swer that the tiller of the soil was doomed to bear the sweat and bur 3 den of the day. The curse is uni versal. It seems, however, as if the farmer of the south is trying to make Fa monopoly of it. There is a reason, however, briefly given in the fluctua tions in the price of cotton. Hoping that it would stand at a good figure we devoted all our time and capital to the staple. The vast west, with its virgin soil gradually opens, at tended by a great increase in yield without corresponding demand, prices fall, our land the while ridden of its fertility by the wasting system of cotton culture, until at last we have an average yield of something like 1-5 bale to acre, with 81 cents as quotations for middling grades. With these figures before us, it is a useless waste of time. to state our condition. Poor, wasted, reduced soil; wretched, tottering cabin; slow, bony, antiquated mule; a few head of cattle and swine, if any at all, that cast no shadow from leanness; half filled or entirely empty barns. With such for inspiration no bard of our south-land can ever sing in the strains of Scotland's son: "With joy unfeigned brothers and sis ters meet And each for other's welfare kindly The social hours, swift winged, unno ticed fleet; Each teUs the uncos that he sees or he' rs; The paients, partial, eye their hopeful years; Anticipation forward points the view. The mother wi' her needle and her shears, Gars auld claes look amaist as well's the new, The father mixes a' wi' admonition due." The rural hearth, proverbially the abode of peace and plenty and hap piness is, alas, too often but the scene of squalid misery and almost despair in our fruitful sunny land. The very comparison with cold, bleak, barren Scotland should stir our blood and arouse us to a determination to turn to profit our rich heritage of sun and rain, soil and climate. Few coun tries are favored like ours did we but avail ourselves of our natural advan Stages. We know our statements ap pear paradoxical, but hear us out. -Just here we would ask you bear in mind that we are discussing the con dition of the farmer; we have not to deal with the financial state of our section. We are not attempting an answer to the question, " es farm ing pay?" If asked, 2might re 1 turn an affirmative answer to that Squestion, but would retort, "Whom does it pay?" Look at the wealth, 3 yea affluence of every country town as compared with the poverty of our t dilapidated country homesteads and the answer is given. Why this great difference? Why is the producer poor, the middle classes wealthy. To answer briefly, we exchange too much, attended as it always is by t friction and expense. We raise too much cotton. I have stated but one 2evil when I mention expense incident to exchange. Another that ranks Shigh is the necessity for rotation. It is contrary to the theory and practice r of all scientific or well directed agri culture to grow the same crop succes sively for years together on the same -soil. The perfect system would b)e a change every year. I don't discourse on the price of cotton. its over-pro duction, &c.; that is too vast a ques ftion; its culture extends over too D wide an area. To say that we could 8 get as much for five as for six mil -lions bales would be a waste of r breath. We will be more than grati a fled if we can show how the cost of s production can he materially lowered f in our own section. The answer is ,~ in the adage "Live at home," and by ~so doing meet the demands of com mon sense, nature and political econ omy. By so doing you lessen the expenses, and so the cost of produc tion. If we are tedious-bear with us. It is our sincere desire to offer our mite to the betterment of our condi. tion. We are of the claMs. Every blow given-if such any of our re. marks be deemed-fall equally on our head. Let us be led no longer by the deceptive sophism that so much cotton means so much net cash. Your children, your land, nature, economy protest its fallacy. Follow ing the present system we will soon er or later learn to judge our indebt edness rather than wealth by the number of bales we make. Do you then advocate no cotton ? By no means. After making a bountiful supply of provisions for your family and stock bend every energy, strain every nerve, to make every lock of the staple you can. Then will we have a "Land of equal laws and hap py men." We hear the whisper of many to the effect that the story you tell is old, hoary with age.. We will attempt to make some specific suggestions to relieve the generality which always falls unheeded. We cannot he as specific as we should like, owing to the fact that circumstances govern cases, the best mode of procedure varying with every change of condi tions. In general terms, we would say that we should always look upoti cotton as the most expensive crop on the farm, requiring vastly more hu man labor than almost .f, noL any other. We woult strongly advise the large sowing of small grain wheat and oats-time of sowing to be determined, in a great measure, by the seasons, of course. Safe to have oats in before the middle of Oc tober; if not then, by January. If seasons favor put some in in August. Try and get at least ten acres sown to the mule before Christmas. Sow, say, four acres in wheat tothe family in November. Manure both these crops as far as you can. Don't sell your cotton seed, but put them on small grain. Economy points to ma nuring of grain in the South, rather than cotton, because iG is broadcast cheaper than drill manuring; further, the certainty is much greater of an increased yield both in bushels of grain and in vegetable matter, which our soil. above all else, needs. I know your oats have been killed. So have ours. Whose fault was it? Yours, generally. Rushing after cot ton we neglect the sowing of grain at the proper season, and it has barely time to sprout and show itself above ground before a killing freeze carries it off. Especially is this true in lands long run in cotton and so divested of every vestige of vegetable matter. Did you ever note that grain is rare ly killed after corn? So when you, by rotating, incorporate vegetable matter in your soil, you will rarely, if ever, have grain killed. '-To them that bath shall be given, and they shall have abundance, but from them that hath not shall be taken, even that which they have.." In general then, we agree to sow 15 acres to a mule in oats-4 in wheat may be con sidered too much-had better err on this side. We have then made pro vision in the main for food for mule and flour for self. According to our conditions we can supplement the provision crops, with peas, sorghum or cane, chufas, ground-peas, pota toes, a few acres of upland and bot tom corn. The peas, chmufaus, &c., are for the hogs. Every family should raise at least 600 to 800 pounds of meat. This we can do at a nominal cost. We know cholera visits us oc casionally, but not often, when prop er attention is given. Sorghum is es:hausting, but is a large and cer tain yielder on almost any soil. The seed are worth as much as corn on poor land. Several neighbors could have a mill, which is cheap, together. The early amber cane ripens in Au gust, before the cotton is ready for picking. If you have natural advan tages of pasturage keep some good stock-cows and blooded mares both will pay if properly treated. Sow half an acre in drill or broadcast, if the land is rich, to mule, in corn for forage. Supplement this with all the hay, fodder and peavines you can save. Be sure to hQve an abundance of long food if you wish your stock to thrive. Can p)lant peas after your grain is harvested, and in the fall you will have a fine stand of oats on the ground. Think what a cheap crop this is. Oats will cost us about 15 cents per bushel, and yet we have given as high as 60 cents for oats and $1 for corn; thankful to get it at all. You may object to oats, owing to the fact that they have to be harvested at the busiest season of the year. It in%ier feres with the working of the cotton. Learn to say : cotton interferes with harvesting. When we learn that le son we will be a more prosperoi people. With very little difficult we can prepare our land for the real er. A club can buy one. Use yot brood mares for this purpose. Li the mares rest. except busiest ploN ing seasons, spring and fall, an while harvesting. The colt will mor than pay for her food if you make i and von will have her when, withot extra help, you wouhl suffer. A ftf due attention is paid to food crop! devote your time to cotton. You wi find that you can work from 20 to 3 acres in cotton with prospect of fror 6 to 8 per cent. or more, according grade of land. With barns well filled. bountift provisions for man and beast an eight bales of cotton to your credi in bank, certainly this is not a pic ture of starvation, nor are the fact overdrawn. What I have said ap, plies especially to the small farmex Think or, it. It is no dream of : wild visionary, but the sober reflec tions of common sense. Let us resolve once for all to bi no longerin the hands and power o another. Let us assert ourselves a our class should and have a Heaven born right to do. Let us be indus trious, frugal, thoughtful, indepen dent. If so we act, po3terity wil call us blessed, as our class will thei not only be the sinew of the Nation but a most important element in thi world of financo. Then will we hav a head in a Cabinet minister-we wil no longer ask but dictate terms. The Effect of ElecLing Bad M en. There is, and for some tiLne pasi there has been, a wide-spread com plaint of the prominence of dishon esty, both in politics and commerce. of glaring defalcation and malfeas ance on the part of persons in po sitions of trust-of sinister legisla tion. where bribes, direct and indi. rect, are given. and received, influ. euce and votes bought and paid foz in money. That there are some grounds for such complaints is gene rally admitted-and why is it so' Simply because a majority of th( people elect bad meii to office and a, long as they continue to do so thes( results will follow. The public con science needs to be awakened-fully and keenly awakened. Our safety as a peopfle does not depend simply on our intelligence and virtue in har moniotus combination ; and so long as bad men put b)ad men in oilce-sc long may we expect bad results tc follow. Then there are instances where good moral men-professedly Chris. tian men, manifest glaring inconsis tency by pleading and praying for s good government and good rulers. then turning around and voting for notoriously bad men. A case ini point: We once heard a Christiar denounce a candidate for office, a sober, upright man, but denounced because he was not prohibitionist and the same minister sustained thE opposing candidate who was a noto rious drunkard. The secret was thE drunkard was of the preacher's party the opponent was not. p'ie ! upot such quibbling and trifling !-St Louis Advocate. Interesting Record. An interesting record is that o: severe droughts, as far back as th< landing of the Pilgrims. How man) thousand times are observations mad< like the following: "Such a cokc season !" "Such a hot season?' "Such wet weather !" "Such higi winds or calms," etc. Read the fol lowing list, showing the number o days without rain in the Summer o each year given : In 1621, 24 days. In 1741, 72 days In 1630, 41 days. In 1749, 108 (lays In 1657. 75 days. In 1755. 42 days In 1662, 80 days. In 1762, 123 days In 1674, 45 days. In 1763, 80 days In 1688, 81 days. In 1791, 82 days In 1694, 62 days, in 1812, 28 days In 1705, 40 (lays. In 1836, 24 days In 1713, 46 days. In 1871, 43 days In 1728, 61 days. In 1875, 23 days In 1730, 92 days, In 1876, 26 days It will be seen that the longes drought that ever occurred in Americ was in the Summcr of 1762. No rai; fell from the 1st of May to thme 1st c September. Many of the inhabitant sent to Englanid for hay and grait Some of the brethren of the pres can not get over that census matte: It seems that if the counties entitle to additional representatives woul elect men twice as able as those con ing from the count~es with an ove: plus, the inequality would be somn what remedied. This is electio year and it will not hurt to try th~ plan Carot~taSparait s I Senator Butler. LS - Y A COMPLIMENTARY PEN S~KETCH OFONE )- OF SOUTH CAROLINA'S SENATORS. ir - t The New York World of Sunday prints a standing picture of Senator d Butler and says: Senator Butler is e certain to become very prominenut in ' the debates of the next two or three t years. le is one of the ablest and r clearest-hcaded men on the Demo cratic side. le has never taken very much part in the debates, but yet has spoken often enough to show that he has unusual powers as a de bater, whle he has that aggressive quality and steady courage which is so necessary to make a successful leader. He is very quiet and gentle in his m.nners. He is one of the best bred men in the Senate. He ' wou:d never begin a quarrel, but - would be the last man in the world to run away from- one. He has had a number of very sharp tilts with Senator Edmunds in the executive sessions cf the Senate. It is said of him that he has held his own very well against the savage thrusts of the keen-witted Vermonter. The Sen ator is very nearly fifty years old. He was educated as a lawyer. He lost a leg in the war of the rebellion, where he rose to the rank of a Major General in the Confederate army. He was one of the earliest of the Southern men to accept the results of th ar, and has always been a conse, ative. He was one of the few 'hite Democrats in South Caro lina who opposed the black code, which his State Legislature adopted soon after it was readmitted to the Union. le has always been a peace maker between the warlike factions of his State. Through partisan mis representation for a time he was emade to appear in the North as a leader of the whites at the Hamburg massacre. Yet, it was clearly shown afterwards that he went there only after the fighting began and in the interests of peace. Through his per sonal efforts alone, a great many in nocent lives were saved. The Senator is very courtly in his manners and is one of the most ac curately dressed men in the Senate. He is very fond of social life and was a great favorite with President Arthur. The latter was always anx ious to have the Senator among his guests and was more ready to pay him attention than to almost any other representative of the South. The Senator for a number of years was a very warm friend and supporter of Mr. Bavard. Now Senator Butler does not go to the State Department and wou not unless officially re quested ,. (10 SO. Secretary Bayard lost this good friend last summer through a nervous fit of irritation, in which he saw fit to lecture the South Carolina Senator like a schoolboy for something he had not done. There was a remarkable coinci dence of events in the lives of Jeff. Davis and Abe LincolQ until each approached the climacteric of his public career. They wcre both born in Kentucky, Davis in 1808 and Lin coln in 1809. They were both r; moved from their native State in childhood, Davis being carried to the Southwest and Lincoln further on to the Northwest, then so-called. Both of them began their political career at the same period, in 1844, Davis being then a Presidential elector for Polk, and Lincoln an elector for Henry Clay. Both served in the In dian wars of the West, and both were elected to Congress about the same time, 1845 and 1846. And lastly, in the parallel, in the same year, and almost on the same day, they were both called upon to p)reside over their respective governments, Davis as President of the Confederate States and Lincoln of the United States. -Lou isville Courier Journtal. Of course, journalists and printers are sup)posed to know the full value of printer's ink, and to make the most out of it. The timie has come, -however, when people in general ap preciate the importance and advan tage of advertising. The man who is too modest to let the world know something about his business and tthe inducements which he can offer a to the public to trade with him is in fallibly certain to have very few pur chasers. Competition is one of the s great agencies which give life and .spice to the modern busy world. It I works great good for buyers, and it I self gives rise to new industries and :- furnishes employment to many. But : when men begin to run races with y- each other, woe to the man who is itoo dignified or too lazy or too mod test to quicken his speed.-Aikeni Journq4l and Rev,iew, 20th. "Can the Reader Tell How it I Done?" The monopolizing companies an( combinations of this country, in theb haste to be rich have gone on, and on, indulging their grasping propen sities, oppressing the agricultural and laboring interests until they arc now about to overreach themselves. The high tariff for which they have so persistently contended and which by some means or other, they have succeeded in having maintained, is now working out its legitimate re sults abroad as well as at home. France and Germany have already established retaliatory tariffs on our exports of pork, lard, etc., and England talks seriously' of put. ting a tariff on our beef and bread stuffs generally. England believes in free trade, but does not believe it should all be on one side, and thinks relative measures perfectly justifiable and proposes to act on that principle. The constantly increasing'supplies of meats received from Australia, and of wheat from India, make England more and more independent and of course better prepared to adopt such measures as proposed. Then she at tached upper Burmah to her domin ions. Tle resources are varied and abundant and it is well known that one leading reason for desiring that country was the abundance of its timber and the apparently exhaust less supply of oil it could afford. A railway is being constructed by which this oil may readily and quickly find its way to the coast and thence to any desired port. This oil will be landed on the Pacific coast of this country and compete with the Ameri can productions there, and thence by means of the Canadian Pacific be able to supply all the Province of Canada. Because of the monopolies of the mines and the railroads, English coal can be, and if reports be true is now being delivered on the wharves of New York and Philadel phia, at a price less than that deliv ered from the Pennsylvania mines. Facts like that ought to open the eyes of the people. If retaliatory measures should be adopted by England, in regard to ex ports of beef and bread'stuffs, ic will work a great hardship pa-thr-wheat growers and cattle raisers of the West, a class of people, who, whatever hap pens, find no tariff for their protec tion. yet many of the,h in their parti san zeal will persist in electing men to Congress who are pledged to sus tain the very tariff that oppresses them. "They lick the hand that strikes the blow." A free people who thus indirectly support the op pression which they suffer, deserve no better fate, nor do they deserve pity. The power is in their own hands, let them use it, and free them selves-else cease their complainings. One or the other they should do,' for the sake of consistency, if for no thing else. In the language of Mr. Story in his Ode of Salem, let them: "Cleanse the Augean stable of politics, Of its foul muck of crafts, and wIles and tricks. Break the base rings, where commerce, reeks and rots, Purge speculation of its canker spots," and all will be well. How is it that Congressmen can lire expensively, in costly houses with costly furniture, and costly living every way, on $5, 000 a year, and yet accumulate large fortunes ? Or State Legislators ac cumulate considerable sums above expenses on a per diem of four or five dollars, and that only when the Leg islatures are in session? Or City council-men, with no other business, support their families in style on a salary of $300 a year? Can thA reader tell how it is done? If not let him guess, while we pass on.-St. Louis Advocate. Above the Law. Like ancient Gaul, the S. C. Uni versity is divided into three parts, the Citadel, Clafiin and Columbia. Section 1041 of the General Stat utes provides that the number of pro fessors in the University (plainly meaning all three of its branches) shall ntot exceed ten. This law has been contemptuously degraded and defiantly violated. The law is not worth the paper that is wasted in printing it. The trustees seem to be above the law. If they can violate its provisions with such temerity, i it just to punish small offenders? An~ "assist:mrt professor of agriculture' at Columbia is to receive $1,700 pei annum. There are not a dozen stu dents in agriculture at tlat college The idea of having two professors tc teach the dozen is preposterous. The legislature, however, is in some de gree- responsible for this waste o: money.-Ab)beville Medium. Runragt* Philadelphia, tod&k. that anybody can rn and started one. - change, and not himself in newpaper duced some ot his same. Of coarse that-" was bound to sncceed. connected -with it *a ew about journalism; b t that? Anybody can bez_. and a manager of a,pew he has to do is to board free eat free lunches ad,ibi theatre on free passids the railroad cars, go-to Saturday and draw hie that the cashier. payse". He dreams about. M4 night and Auds them in under his pillow. ready for-the printer.,-_, and assistant editors himself.: They ave#o asything. A. newyser daisy thing for tboseW& been initiated inoia This is the -ture,.but there is a. The legitimate editor that nineteen hours ..t four are required for r frei passes,, it is,trae often he can find time, and they are geuerauy.a74 -- ble." Invitations to-sep ner often come wbene petite, or when the - printing-departmentint a large supply of - - When he contmenes - torial on which-he - himself, some one isU on important business -r' talking until the'1e4. as he intended, har paper must be Rpid - matter, and be m t how. 'He must furnisi rice torial each day, endre down subject or not. -- ne difference to the he gets it or 1; data from; with legitimate rials or they Wil He must know wha the paper aswell This knowledge filling of the of rejected mn people who know bw paper. The PhilaIepi -- ducted entirely' gj ---- know how to cluding the May& ought to have known' anybody else, lived days or nearly three - "It tasted of life's Refused to drink-the Turned its little hesa Disgusted with thets( It cost those "wfo run a newspaper" - services. What the Ook i% other expense will have not learned asy --~ sympathize with y&. his friends in the - The loss we know the~ but the grave will ati dead and the TrbnA peaee. It takes a bdy learn a trade, but -- editor and run a ne_ and in the ground. cord. Will Up-Country be Required to Sit ii Gallery? The question of the Charleston's doubler see' to be creating a throug'out the State. As - have obseved we think the ls osition of Charleston to e further representea?!;in bene "wealth and inteigne'~ meet with any consider - favor among the poor wt. the up -country, who have and but little intelligeic~ d ies seem to be a gresaty " poor white trash of the should have as much - those elegant preople o try who are so cultivat-d It is time that the - were beginning to r~ Those city folk magg - and intelligent" that hT even want their ~ sit on the same floor e Assembly with -- horns. ,We are now of those aesthetic -oc' low country to propose of a gallery for, tbhe of up-country poor bcp. cratic members need not ated by the touch of the -- country delegate'.