The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 13, 1886, Image 3

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and Special. NESDAY, JAN. 13, 1886. iMe.pda moen co2a s. TE NEWBERRYHERALD &NEWS IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY C AT NEWBERRY, S. C. ONE YEAR, - - $2.00 C SIX MONTHS, 1.00 THREE MONTHS, - 50ii A. C. JONES, Proprietor. r The following persons are authorized to take subscriptions for the HERALD AND NEWB: S Prosperity-Ernest H. Kohn. Mt. Tabor-L. C. Boland. Beth Eden-W. W. MeMorries. C Utopia-Miss Mattie Boyd. Jalapa-W. C. Sligh. Longshore's-W. G. Peterson. h: Maybinton-B. H. Maybin. it Jolly Street-Geo. Mills. Gibson's-B. F. McGraw. Pomaria-J. B. O'N. Holloway. School Books at Chapman's. Stationery, good, and at low price, at Chapman's. Family Bibles at Chapman's. Embroidery Patterns, Stamped, at Chapman's. A new and beautiful stock of Lamps of all descriptions very cheap at Robert- n' son's drug store, opposite the postoffice. w 9-24-tf Blank Books of all sizes and ruling at Baston & Hunt's. 1--t. St Onion Seta, m Red and White just received and for P sale cheap at Robertson's Drug Store, T opposite the PoGtoffice. 1-6 fo Buist's New Crop Garden Seeds for sale cheap at Robertson's Drug Store, . opposite the Postoffice. 1-6 3o An Eye Opener. The HERALD AND NEWS, with the Charleston Weekly News and Courier as Supplement, for 1886, fortwo dollars. The Narrow Gauge. PI Mr. Goodrich has $30,000 subscribed a1 up to our last report and still they come. w As soon as the amount reaches $50,000 w the stockholders will be called to meet and organize the company. In the mean time let~every man, woman and child Pr along the line subscribe to the enter- C< prise.-Edgefidd Chronice. hi Tell Your Neighbors That the HERALD AND NEWS sends tic you each week the Charleston Weekly th News and Courier as a supplement; pl which contains twelve pages-seventy- hii two columns, of the very choicest news and reading matter, and that it is all furnished for two dollars a year. pr ar' SIxteen (16) Pages for 1886. We don't like patent outsides or in- sh sides, we don't like stereotyped matter, but we do like to be able to send our readers sixteen pages of the latest tele- PC graphic, State, County and local news duigthe year 1886 for two dollars. At Cost for 80 Days. tic In order to reduc'e my stock to corres- ha pond with the hard times and poor busi- th ness, I will sell wooden ware, crockery cr1 ware, glass ware, brooms, lookin" ta glasses and cigars, at N. Y. cost. Come one and all and get bargains. 1-6-tf. B. H. LOVELACE. rel A very fine assortment of candy and as other Chris tmas goods at tr< 12-10-tf J.5S. RUSSELL'S. Magazines, newspapers and the cheap 5~ Libraries constantly on hand at Caston re & Hunt's. 1-13-tf ta That's What I Say. Go to J. 5. Russell's where you can . buy goods cheap for cash. For 30 days ' I will sell at greatly reduced prices Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, di< Trunks, Valises, &c. Also Groceries of and Hardware, Soaps, Can Goods and Notions. Call and see me. Satisfaction th guaranteed. re 12-10-tf J. S. RUSSEL L. w A horse, mule and wagon for sale cheap by J. S. RUSSELL. a~ Se~ m Semng Cheap for Cash. - C 50 doz. best make of Axes at 75 centss cash; but $1.00 if charged. Call on St. PEOPLES & JOHNSON. re _____________ - if Religious. er Rev. Dr. Davis, missionary to China, e will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyte- bc rian Church on next Sabbath at 11 a. in., e~ and evening atfl.30 o'clock. He will also deliver a lecture on Mis- P sions at 3.30 p. mn., which lecture will be profusely illustrated with maps, curiosi- E L, ties, toys, &c. The public are cordially invited to is attend all these services.z Meeting Board of Trustees G Of New berry College was held in the 01 Lutheran Church oni last Thursday to take action in regard to a financial B agent for the College. Rev. J. Steck, w D. D., who had been the agent for some time had resigned at the meeting of the l Board at Lexington in October last, but but was requested to continue to act for the balance of the year. His resigna- A tion has been accepted and the matter c of elect ing an agent referred to the standing committee. His report showed $1,262 as a- total amount of cash col- C lected, and books valued at $1,293.63, t and unpaid subscriptions amounting to $794.50. Dr. Steck also resigned his chjair in the faculty as professor of History and Political Science. t Sixty Cents Worth Seed for 253c. Thirty-six and S0-100 dollars worth P of seed were destroyed at Pelham's S Drug Store a few days ago, to ti freh oes.It is a source of satisfaction q . oeeygardener that now he can in- t vethsmoney and get his money's wot,while years ago, uder the old i~ system, garden seed remained in the stores until t:hey were old enough to ti vote. Buy Landreth's fresh seeds at p Pelhamn's. 1-I3-tf. c Th eCBucidenm's Armca Salve. Ioes TeBs'S.dvre in the world frCt,Srs Brubses, Uleers, Salt Rhenum, Fever Sores, Tet- g ter, Chapped IIands, ChIflblains, CornS, an 1 all Skin Eruptio.ns, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to gve y ee aitcin or money rfue cent pe box Fo sae byDr.S. -9 larlous and AU About. Picture Frames at Chapman's. Abbeville County has six newspapei Read Mr. Ed. Scholtz new ad ln tl sne. .Of the 401 congressmen, 285 a iwyers. Letter Pads with bldtters, at Cha lan's. See notice of Cloud & Smith in anoth )lumn. Mrs. Broaddus has moved into t1 ist House. The Methodist Church has new hea ig stoves. A car load of negroes passed up tl )ad last- Thursday bound for Arkansa The largest and most varied stock 1 tationery in town is at Caston & Hunt The jury commisioners are, at woi rawing the jury for the next term i ourt. Sam Thompson, col'd, of Helena, ha s hand frozen so as to be unable to ui for several days. The Speaker of the New York Houw Representatives wears a spike ta at while in the chair. Mr. Thos. F. Harmon has moved int e house bought by him on sale day o undary Street, in front of Dr. Ruff' Never judge a woman By the number of her shoe; Never judge a christian By the rental of his pew. Caston & Hunt have jus: received w supply of School Books. If yo ish any book published call on thei Mr. Harvey Gaillard and family hav oved into Mrs. Boyce's house on Prat reet, in front of Mr. T. S.- Duncan's Mr. D. W. T. Kibler and family hav ved into Mrs. Halfacre's house o: 7att Street, lately occupied by Mr. Ab mague. Mr. Jone's fish pond is frozen ove r or five inches thick with ice ani veral of our young men have been en ying the moonlight skating. Try Level Best Flour, five dollars pe rrel, at WHEELER & MOSELEY's, Leaders of Low Prices, 1-13-tf. Prosperity, S. C The examination of teachers tool ce last week. As the board of es iners have not completed the paper cannot give the result before nex ek. Mr. Hora, of Atlanta, Ga., has jus en $10,000 to the Superannuate< eachers' Fund of the South Carolin oference, to be paid at the death o wife.-St. Louis Advocate. . Dr. T. A. Sale will resume the prac. e of Dentistry soon at his old stand ir a Mower Block, where he will b mased to have his friends call to so n1. 5even editors are members of th( ~sent House of Representatives. They Boutelle, of Maine ; Barksdale, oj ssissippi; Haynes, of New Hamp. re ; Pulitzer and Merriam, of New rk; and Scranton and Swope, of nusylvania. (he women of Wallon county, Ga., ye made a forcible example of prac able prohibition by burning up and eking to pieces an illicit still whic] :ir ons had been frequenting. The isade against contraband liquor has een a remarkable turn, led by femalt ~uiators. Remember that the Auditor is takinj urns of property. Do not fail t< ess your property. It will savy >ble when you go to pay taxes, an' sides if you do not make your return per cent. will be added to your las ;urn and you will soon be rich on th t book. There is a Providence that our ends rough, Rew them as we will." This is not punctuated as above in on tionary of familiar phrases, but mos our readers will perhaps recognizi e superior truth of our correcte< uing, if they compare its philosoph, th their own experience.-Columnb cord. Our tire department fias guarde< ainst the cold and by keeping th< gine room well heated has kept th gine and truck all in readiness to re ond to the alarm of fire. You ma: t easy, if the boys can just be waked the alarm of fire should be given th' gine is all in trim.. By keepinsg th gine room well heated the water in th Uik:r has been kept from freezing an' erything is in readiness. ersonal. Mr. Tom Cook is now with M. pstin. Mrs. 0. E. Johnson, of Mt. Pleasani on a visit to her father Mr. S. P. Boc We had a pleasant call from Mr. J. C arlington, of the Laurens Advertise1 last Wednesday. F. P. McGowan, Esq., of the Lauren ar, called in to see us last week on hi ay to Columbia. Mr. Thos. P. Slider and wvife, of Al uta, arc on a visit to Newberry. Mi ider was a resident of this county son ~ars ago, and moved from heret tlanta. He was for a number of yeal >nnected with the press. Rev. R~. D. Smart the new presidin der oi this district made his first vis Newberry on last Sunday. Mr. Sma: ~rved as pastor of the Methodist Churc are for fwo years and has many frieni ho are glad to have him preach it iem. We regret his first visit wasi i midst of such weather. Mr. Clifton.. the new Methodist pasto reached his lirst sermon to his peop unday morning. They had gone o1 trough the rain to hear him, and can way charmell by his earnest manly el nence. He is a genial, whole soulgel eman, and has already taken a stror old on the hearts of our people.-Spa rnburg Hera ld. Rev. W. W. Daniel. the new pastor i M. E. Church, arrived last week at reached his first sermon to his ne iarge on Sunday last, making a favo ble impression on his hearers. M aniel is a native of Laurens Count rzaduated from Newberry College 79, and has been in the ministry thr ears. Last year he wvas stationed< 1e Fort Mill circuit in this- county. Mrkvi71, Enqner The Cold. On last Friday morning we had a con .s siderable fall of snow which was fol lowed by a rain and late in the evening tl wind began to blow and it :was stormy C nC during the night. On Saturday morn re ing everything was frozen and the wind 3 still blowing. No thaw took place du- a P- ring the day Saturday. The thermome ter on Saturday stood from 12 to 14 all C er day. On Sunday morning it was said to have gotten as low as 3 degrees above r( e zero. On Monday morning it stood 6 O degrees above zero. The branches u around town were frozen over all day I r( Sunday and Monday. It is said to have b been the coldest weather known here. ie It is too cold to do anything, and in fact tc s* business has been on a stand still here Df for several days. It is death to printers. h: 9. The type in this office were frozen to- tc k gether on Monday. It is too cold for >f the editor to leave the stoye, but the tl paper must come out. The water froze 1 in the bucket in the Judge of Probaste's b( e office, something that our present Pro- af bate Judge says has not occurred since he has been in the office. C1 e Mr. A. G. Maybin lost a fine Jersey calf from the cold. n A" o Our Exchanges. fo n Quite a number of changes have-taken p, s. place in the State press with the new A, year. w: THE CHURCH RECORD, so Edited by Rev. W. D. Kirkland, has pr been discontinued, and Mr. Kirkland as- w a sumes editorial control of the Southern pr a Christian Advocate. ca u Mr. J. R. Gossett retires from the EASLEY MESSENGER, W e and Mr. T. W. Condon succeeds him. ha THE ORANGEBURG TIMES AND DEMO 1. CRAT e has been enlarged to an eight page pa- wj a pa.4.d the bt e 2.- :. MARION STAR in has also been enlarged in the same way. w r THE BAPTIST COURIER Wi l comes out in.a new type, and Mr. J. M. - Scott retires from the m< M'CORMICK ADVANCE. Mi r And there may be other changes that we have failed to note. We hope all are Bt for the best for all concerned. ag Not the Oldest. We would say to our esteemed contem porary, the HERALD & NEws, that while Mr. James Gauntt has lived to be an old t man, he is not the oldest in the County. Mr. Abram Moore, who resides near Prosperity, is now in his 90 or 91st year. tei In speaking of the venerable Dr. Ruff fif, f and Mr. James Gauntt reminds us of our boyhood days, when we used to visit their families. We have known these gentlemen ever since we were a wee in 1 little fellow.-Prosperity Reporter. At the time we made the statement th: we had in mind Mr. Abram Moore, but sti were not sure about his age, but were un der the impression that he was 81 or 82. We yield to him the palm of being the c oldest man in the county, and hope he nih - may live to see many more years. thi us di: -All ladies who value their appearance i use Wood's Odontine to preserve and fO 1whiten the teeth. It keeps the gums mi hcalthy and renders the breath pure and. sweet. 25c. a box at Dr. Fant's, Rob- a a ertson's and all Druggists. 1-13-1 wi wi Effects.of the Cold. ho The extreme cold has had a.' most dis- m: astrous effect upon the menagerie of ou Master Eugene Greneker. Saturday its Smorning last he discovered one of his.,th pets, a beautiful little Guinea Pig, frozen stiff and dead. Fearing a like result to fo another of the same kind, he removed it nc sto the house and carefully bestowed it mn away. On examination Sunday morn- se ing it was found that this one also had s rsuccumbed to the cold, and was dead. On o SMonday morning, to his great grief, his o Spet alligator was also found stiff and Sstark. Thus in the lapse of three nights Sthree of his pets have found the weather Stoo cold for them, and have gone to the di Shappy hunting grounds. It will be some time ere this youthful Barnum will be d able to recover his loses. tri - A Mean Thing. SA great newspaper reader was out hunting recently, and a storm coming e up he crept into a hollow tree log for of e shelter. After the storm abated he en- le; e deavored to crawl out, but found that di d the log had swelled so that it was im- a possible to make his exit. He endeav- d ored to compress himself as much as possible, but with indifferent success. . He thought about all the mean things BC he had ever done, until finally his mind th , reverted to the fact that, instead of buy Sing his paper like a man, he was in the fc habit of borrowing from his neighbor. ai . On this he felt so small that he slipped di , out without an effort .-Columbia Record. Pelhami's Pectoral Syrup. s~ This invaluable household remedy is f 3 worth its weight in gold. It stands un rivalled as an expectorant remedy. So t- long as everybody uses it and is willingg r. to testify orally as to its real merits, e e what is the use to publish certificates ? n o We don't recommend it in place of any s< s practicing physician, it cannot, nor can h any remedy supplant the doctor, but when the doctor is absent, nothing acts t so well for coughs, colds, croup, &c. ti e Price 25 cents a bottle. 1-i 3-tf. d ha is ti yr Ask Dr. Faut or Robertson if Wood's p n Odontine is not one of the best selling b tooth powders on the market; this evi dence of its merit is incontrovertible. tl r, 25 cts. a box at all Druggists. 1-12-.1 p a- Meeting District Stewards. n We are requested to state, by Rev. R. r- D. Smart, Presiding Elder, that the Dis- c trict Stewards of Cokesbury District C ofwill meet in Greenwood on Wednesday. d 20th inst., at 7 p. mn.1 W Miller's- Almnac. *r- Miller's Farmer's Almanac can now r- be obtained at the Hera':1 Book Store. Y, Price ten cents. 1-13-tf s It will not disappoint von. It is the best e article known for purifyig the blo". and t Sbuilding up the health and strength. For 25b years erysipelas broke out in blotches on my I' .- face. I found no cure until I used Parker's js Tonic to years ago. It is the medicin for I me.-E C. . 1-3-3m PROSPERITY. Mr. G. S. Merchant has moved intq ie house lately vacated by Mr. E. P. romer. During this cold blast one side of the aptist Church was blown down. It is concrete building. The board of incorporators of the olumbia Newberry and Laurens R. R. eets to-morrow in Columbia. This ad is looked upon as the coming road the State. President Pearce of Col -nbia made special mention of it in his port to the Board of Trade oi C.-lum a. Miss Jessie Epting is visiting her sis r Mrs. W. W. Fulmer. The Ht. Pilgrim Academy will soon ve another teacher. The school seems be booming. Miss Fannie Cannon has been visiting e Misses Boulware. The corresiondent of the Observer has en sick for several days, he is up am. Mr. M. X. Kinard preached in Grace iurch Sunday morning and night. The Y. M. C. A. will have a public eting Sunday night in Grace Church. .1 are invited to attend. The officers r another year for the association are -esident, A. H. Kohn; Vice-President, S. Scheetz; Treasurer, R. C. Boul. tre ; Secretary, E. H Kohn. The as eation begins a new year with bright ospects and much to encourage it. e would ask for it the sympathies and ayers of all those interested in the use or who have children to be saved. Mrs. N. B. Wheeler and Mrs. J. M. heeler are much improved- They ve been sick for sonic time. [ast Friday night was a cold one for person to stay out of doors when he s compelled to do so by circumstances, .t for one to do so when he could stay doors is still worse. Several citizens re frighted that night by the high nd. No damage was done here. Ur. McLane the section-master has )ved into the house lately vacated by -. Enlow. From letters received here Rev. J. E. sshnell is getting down to business ain. He writes very encouraging ters back to his former parishoners. Ly he prosper in his new field. PHIL, JALAPA. Cference of the A. R. Presby ian Chrrch on Saturday before the ,h Sabbath in this month. We had a good snow on last Fri y. It would average about three :hes. Last Saturday was the coldest day it has been for many years, and it 11 continues cold. I have heard of a great many ickens freezing on last Saturday ~ht. There has been more moving among Scolored people this winter than ual. Nearly every farmer in this imme ste vicinity has laborers enough his farming purposes, but I hear ich complaint of scarcity of hands other neighborhoods. liss Minnie Reed, of Laurens, o has been spending Christmas th the Misses Chalmers, left for me last Monday. I think she ide quite an impression on some of r dudes, from the number that vis d her while down, and also from number that came to see her leave home. One of our dudes could t stand to see her leave, so he >unted the train and said he would a that she got home safe. I can't y whether he will come back single double. JAN. "It Will Not Do." The News & Courier has suddenly scovered that there is imminent .nger of the negroes regaining con >1 of the State and proposes to let the danger by reorganizing r present scheme of State govern. nt and proving for a large number representatives of property in the islate. It is all well enough to sguise this revolutioinay scheme as shield against the negro, but it will ceive nobody and will cetainly not ceive the poor white man whose 'uality before the law right it retens. This census matter has revived and red the issue between up country d low country. However we may slike it, there is no possible evasion it and it may as well be faced. The up country has been fighting r the interests of property in this tate since the war. It contains a 'eat body of small property own -s, the class on which taxation falls ost heavily, and its'press and repre statives have incurred ridicule and stility by their persis.tent demands r economy and low taxes against me extravagance of the low country Imocrats, who have called to their d radical senators and representa yes t.o foist unjust taxation on the eople. The. low country has been alding power in the legislature an ie democratic convention by its black opulation. Now that the up coun y white people have gained enough break that hold, this property sue is sprung. It will not do. It may as well be dropped now. What's the miatter with Col. Mc rady's eight barrelled election ma ine!? H as it slipped a cog, or does need oiling ?--Greenville News. .An End to Bone scraping. Edward shephard, of Harrisburg, Ill., says: Saving received so much benefit from Ele -Ic Bitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering amanity know it. Having had a running >re on my leg for eight years; my doctors ld me I would have to have the bone raped or ieg amputated. I used, instead, iree bottles of Electric Bitters and seven axes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is ow sound and well." Electric- Bitters are yld at fity cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Ar Lea salvo at 25c. per box by Dr. 5. F. Fant. 1..13t MALARI1 nes the system from unko causes, at all seasons. St usees. BRW 0. & . L.KER IS C LH "ITtNONI qGod, wavTe Irect maad ,c DZrss Iater lt ? "itr,!e. Lt ck of Enry thw no cicii. C~~ias o r9es, o tmtng t t10.0 doers wt biue tho inth.ciuwe bcnd All,orders prt ly attnd to (::t !-1f r ir l i ~:' ..;*~ Tnh.ur C. & E. L. KERRISO] S0 and 82 HASEL STREET. CHARLESTON, S. STOKSTOE! -AND - Fancy D y Good " MIGNONERY 3 Button Kid Gloves, $1.00 per R Preparatory to purchasing Sp Goods, we have recently made s large reductions in the prices of Dress Material -AND OTHER WINTER GOODS. Caswi order , amounting to $0.C over, ill be delivered in the cofn free of charge. AllB orders promptly attended to. C. & E. L. KERRISOI 820-1y CHARLESTON, S. .The "Herald" BOOK STORE! A complete and elegant stock of r FANCY STATIONERY. At Rhe store of Mrs. CORRIE GRENBK My stock will be sold cheap, and I ask rends, and especially the ladies to cal< me, aesuring them of polite atten1on. C me a call friends, and see what I have. of the articles are indispensable to ladies gentlemen, and es pecially Ito School Childi weo will find it to their advantage to call examine my stock. AS an instance of low prices I offer a first rate Peu at 50a r gross, this berny 50 under cost Books and Albums rom 15 cents upward. Many ottier articles at l ike low prices. Nov 9 4t -MRS. CORRIE GE.NEKE HEL F ISAND OiiiCrdes, rompttilled Porfaml Hand deivered iotn anykets,tBlankhe asor onotande andsl at ot reas< beprices.hrb h o or barrel.S We ~~'illPals kepoanda roprit Thquant y msinesa metn supl Tesday,an the 19throst wing counrdh. onrcfrke Henderso Fewerry,fr n y .4 HE AD KP.GAN S,E JOT FICE minisratords, Envelopes, Trusnes VsthingCiars ntatiTues,a andgTh Cayogu Paphlwet duriefs, monh Receipts andrcuar, ates, howe apat shor emnoi and n thetrir J.eprce. AFLLRS C. .NS BEW NED IN E ! will award inethed cotrac PeoresJ Heson Ferry for neviu nice hre give tow Execntos, opthe fiuiresso thTes and yers anuar atl ndebruilay, 1886 payru nuaetn ao mrequred ber unti. payB.PELES, JOHNSO 1-6-3. Allto isdute to eples ha soo allstil idebed will ake pw< Woncae. Ndevoredt hercpe ntl paHu.O E PLESD HATIS Order Solcied Repe DESPORE| RECKLINC, ARTIST rnd W. A. RECKLING, Opposite Grand Central Hotel, Colun bia, S. C. All the latest Novelties in the Art. I invite those who have any difficult in getting a good picture to try my INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS. 20,000 Negatives preserved. All work guaranteed. Established 12 years. 10-8-1In - PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the popular favorite for dress ing tehair, Resterngt: color It whengray,nd preventing Dan - druff. it cleanses the scalg, . stops the hair falling, and is -sure to please 5oc. and $r. sizes at Druggists. The Best Cough Oure you can use and the best known preventive of Consumption. P>ARK ER's ToNzc kept in a home is a sentinel to keep ickness out. Used discreetly it keeps the >e pure and the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys woring order. Conghs and Colds vanish be - fre it. up th health. . Ivf yo suffer from l>ebili' Skin Eruptions, Co"-, Athma, DysCpdla. kidner, Uriniry or NIFiale ComoMaints. orau:y aiorkr of the Lungs, S !mach. uwels, ;l1od cr Nerves, do 't w it iil you are .dek in bed, but UIe PAuxa's Tom c to-ay,; it w'.:l i;.- yo ne fc and . - r1!SC0_ O., XY C. s ,- Iruggi:ts. L AV+-. 1ying$ - e W E W.A.N7 so Everybody to examine our stock of COOKING AND HEATING STOVV., air. CROCKERY AND GLARSWARE ing me TINWARE AND WOODENWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, BROOMS, ETC S. THE BEST Turning Plows IN THE CITY o r try Call and get our prices before buyinj elsewhere. 3 SCOTT & BRO. Ne wberry, S. C. 10-15-3m ew C.BART & CO.4 CHARLESTON, S. C. ER. ,ny . The largest importers of Fruit in th, dve South. Offer for sale a well selecte< any and stock of een a APPLES, ORANGES, the box BANANAS, COCOANUTS, rap LEMONS, NUTS, . DRIED FIGS, RAISINS, POTATOES, CABBAGES, ONIONS AND PEANUTS And everything else that a First Clas: Wholesale Fruit Hoiuse should have SCountry orders filled with dispatch. 10-22-6m SEASONABLE GROCERIES -AT .WHOLESALE PRICES. ity !Texas Pecans S The largest and finest Pecan Nut ever brought to Columbia. ble ent Nuts in Variety Just receivedj a large quantity of Al monds, Brazil Nuts and English Wa] nuts, Fresh and Dried. Butter, Molasses, 3 - ALL GRADES OF GIIO0ERIES AND PROVISIONS TS In the Greenfield Building, next t Muller & Son, Columbia, S. C. 10-8-12m. J. S. ROBBINS. and aes, % t aks, ens, a- - r. O?1886. - lf bta hlEE al7lanu an otomnensol hei all, e.peeiarEyto Narke Gard?nce end asrit. tn, D. M. F E RRY & CO., Detroft, Mlch.g~i. >mg ~Cheap! Cheaper! - Cheapest!!! Envelopes, Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6. fot Ad- packs for 25 cents. and Foolseap, Bill Cap and Letter paper. 20Ocen Ls per quire. of NoL' paper 10 cents per quire. stBooks worth $1 and $1,30 at 50 an d ant Toy Books worth $1 at 50 c. cPocket Bile gilt and clasped, wort '$2, 1,50 and 1.0( at $1,50, 4,00 and 75 c, _ Box Paper w".rth $2, 1.00 and 50 c. $1,50, 50 and 25 cents. Inkstands w@ith 62,50, 1,00 and 50 hn- at $1,75, 50 and 23 c. take Photo Albums, worth 82, 1,50 and lose at $I,50, 1,00 ar.d 50 c. and Auto Albums worth $2, 1 and 50Oe., p at 1,50 anid25 cts. ou And other articles it like reduct SIrates, at 'dec30 4t HERAL 1D BOOK STORE. NNOUNCEMENT -OF S &EDMUNDS - - - S. C. ber's surely blast ~mods and forests bare." te wants of the future in FOR MEN D Hd S bment is full and C pee I' ND I108 WORTHYOF A Steamer thro :tfully, SPORTES & L*- -HI uperior a tels atSe.1 Mtel andPild white, at n in the market'f 2e -push ahead. We e Merino UndIw s. Extra cheap lines in 3osiery Just r Large Involee. TED KID G4 these Gloves: "W11m,"s c, $2. Every pair warred ITS, SHOES AN) et from the manufacturers. IVERINGS* Raglins, English WalW= a" legular goods, uniform p -y Goods Establis BROTH Main'Street, ColtntM, ry Goods of everyone as we have on er.ofrered uLbe 01sy of i. common sense W18 msa be eared,o. eveY yitem Is adopted. The mhia that d6e-badlnew hrst Class Goods. We en. We'eenhAi i abreast of tem., omplete inevwd to purehase. We When the VigitL..r :olumbiaDre"Ah D= from a Cash ]oundimur ed.ot the truth of our ACK80OT. ry plices,'ohdses4 trmw4i dred styles to seletA Hiamlin iWdAk.AA md Bay StateO s aid, to all,rR pit ys, if not satisfttery. 'Southern Rude Honse .TRUMP, erry . Counts, eak' STO -BUYWITH C s my two stores stand to ware of the short crop Ake'a sweeping reddeti' 2ave ever before done 14 acks will demonstrate th$ a oubt. Mygoodssare altieM ce of , proton them.- *hame ntire he money forsomethngli- ownl l beat them if you can: *ness 2 boxes paper collars for 3 pocket handkerchefae 5 corset laces for --- . 0 long shoe laces for - 5.pacts of hairplan for* or that in priee but theseise 5c. Dress Good;ma*d-.., sc. -' nack and Coloed. Cahbmeres 40c. reducedto7C.:50c.tQ 35IO4 7.cto 50e.; s ode nels and Hats from the a afacturers' cost. ~adies' Fine- Shoes, woth , " Enbe Shoe at 1 In Men's Coarse and Fine he reduction Is sinplyw t half price. " . - from~ - . . . rs these irresistible pdf6$ advertises. People lv ing early or late.In the da !rom 1 to3, at IEesdtir patrons with land s11deM for our spring stock aund 2r march shall be upward Establishment. ic Und at 25 cents. An elegant Is d display of Night Dre educed prices. Childre a Uub. at 49 cInspe N COVEB yards best standard calicoes ginghams, at S* cents, .A good 10.4 brown 1to 25 cents. ETS!! BL heavy. 100 Grey ~lankets. reduced from $1.50. 170 ) Pairs of Fine White Bian QARTMENT Ssoiled, at85 eents, 9Iceeni worth 60 cents. 25 pair al :, now at 39 cents. Our sO ~y Red Damask, at 38I, 4ad idkerchiefs, >er pair. Elegant goods at 30 aue we are showingin corsets S' FURNISHING BOOK00 for spring stock. Fine suits ries that will suit men of limited cost. e propose to sellatgreatly reduces 4, anug TAKE Will offer superior bargains for the 100 Pairs 11-4 White Wool Blanke 100 Pairs 10-4 White Wool Blankets Secure a pair before they are gone. 4 A lot of B3ED COMAUFOIRZTf ]FL A ST : In Wool Flannels we are offering a S 25c. per yard. Big drive in Canton Flant Our tables are laden with plain, Broca 10c. and 12jc. per yard. Nothing like the Leaving competition to follow we still Ladies' and Gents' Fin Inspect these goods and compare price English and German I By Express anothe FOSTER'S CELEBRA In Black and Colors. Three graded ol "Newton," 7 hoek, $1.50; "Foster," 5 hool HEADQUARTERS FOR BO( Large shipments by every steamer dir LADIES' CC Short Wraps, Circulars, Newmarkets, Jackets at prices within the reach of all. I m-asure. At the Grand Central Di .Mc CREER - 10-8-3m Columbia Cash 10 We are now prepared to supply the wants complete and varie assortment of Dry Goods ei all competiin bot as to quality and low pricm n o t o b d old for cash much lower than in houses where the credit a Goods Store is the only one In the city of Colo basis, hence our almost fabulous low prices of UNDZRWEAR for Gentlemen, Ladles and Childi MADE CLOTHING, all at bottom prices. Alwayi season will be found in our house. Our steck Is e to sell at such prices as will induce customers friends In Newber and the adjoinn Lonies, the attractions and Inducements ffered i the ( that yo save at least ten per cent. by purchasiN dollarom made. Come one, come all and be convID C. F. J. s-20.6m PiU]nOS Ma From the world's best makers, at facto Eight grand makers and over three hm SI AChickeringo, Mason & PIANOSPackard. Orchestral Pianos and Organs delivered, freight p Fifteen (lays' trial, and freight both w: in your own homes. Columbia .A Branch of Ludden & Batei N. W Local agcnts-L. A. Hawkins, Newb Monckton, Chappells, and J. A. Bowles, U ATTE1 PURCHASERS THAT EXPE( hand I For first class goods and low price rival in this part of the State. I am well a cotton. I am therefore determined tom stocks that will eclipse anything that I goods. An examination of my immens,e st of this bold assertion beyond the shadow of 4 been carried over from year to year to get I sell everything at New York cost and use I dull summer, and for bottom prices see anc 144 buttons for - - - 5e 3 papers of needles for - - 5e 3 papers of pins for - - 5c 3 balls of thread for - - Sc 4 crochet needles for - - 5c Some people say I think I can beat this blocks; read on and you will be convinced. 30 yds. calico, ct ofth pic - $10 I2.0 yds. very good calico, cut off the piece 1 00 ii Checked Homespun,v gOd for yd fo 1 0 22 yds. Bleaching for - - - - - 1 00' 5G yds. er good Bleching for - - 1 0 Shoes, Clothing, Jeans, Blankets, Fla auction sales in New York at less than ma Ladlies' Coarse Shocs, worth $1 25, fo 9 u u u " 1 10, for 75 - a ' 1 00, for 65 ~'" Fine " " 250, for 190 1 Clothing I have marked down to almo. Men's suits - - - rrom $SOOtO$45 -from 150001 55 4' . . . - from 17 500to 1s050I " . . - trm 20 00Oto 14 75 Overcoats - - - from $ 350 to $ 225 Competitors tremble when they read too well that Flynn will do just what h the town will do mc a great favor by cal] avoi4the great rush that throng the store D. C. For the coming week will interest his Shoes and Clothing. We must have room additions. which we will refer to later. 0 The Pride of our Ladies' Cambr A good Chemise at 25 cents. Drawer with six tucks, at 44 cents. Sec our g'ran Children's Slips and Dresses at greatly r this week at 50 cents, worth $1.25. Another Lot of Gloves , LOKSAND FI t 5,000 yards calicoes, at 4 cents. 4,000 to clean q ut the stock. 2 cases checked d Graniteville i shirtings, 3t cents per yard cents. Best 10-4 bleached sheeting from _BLANKETS! BLANK Our stock in this department is still each. 100 Pairs Grev Blankets, at $1, Blankets, at $1.88,'reduccd from $2.25. 9) damaged, worth $S, this week at $5. LINEN DEl A splendid sale of White Spreads, slight3 $1.25. 100 dozen Doilies, at 33} cents. now at 19 cents. 50 pair Table Damasi -Damask at cost. See our line of Turk< 100 dozen towels at 10 cents, worth 15 cel Hosiery, Gloves, Hla A good Ladies' Stocking at 5 cents ] cents, now at 19 cents per pair. See the s CLOTHING.AND GENT The stock on hand must go to make room~ prices. Our coats for men and boys at Our stock of boys' clothing at New Yor Shoes, Shi .The stock on hand now of winter goods iv All parties ewing us will k1iixM SJ.1L. Rin