pe ci. JAN. 6, 1886. PAPER M. Co 'A (iosprnoec). aae6 p' mayDe ma4eLw lf I c AEW Y THE NEWBERRY HERALD & NEW IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT NEWBEIR1Y, S. C. . ONE YEAR, SIX MONTHS. - 1.0( THREE MONTHS, - - 5( A. C. JONES, Proprietor. The following persons are authorize( to take s'' iption- for the IIERALI AND NEWS : Prosperity-Ernest H. Kohn. Mt. Tabor-L. C. Boland. Bet en-W. W. McMorries. -3iss Mattie Boyd. W. C. Sligh. hore's-W. G. Peter'.on. 4inton-B. H. Maybin. Street-Geo. Mills. n's-B. F. McGraw. ria-J. B. O'N. Hollowav. hool Books at Chapman's. Buist's New Crop Garden Seeds foi le cheap at Robertson's Drug Store, pposite the Postoftice. 1-6 An Eye Opener. The HERALD AND NEWS, with the Charleston Weekly News and Courier as Supplement, for 1S86, fortwo dollars. Meeting of Board Trustees. The Board of Trustees of Newberry College will meet in Newberry tomorrow to consider the question of a continu ance of the financial agent of Newberry College. If it is decided to continue the agency they will also elect an agent. Stationery, good, and at low price, at Chapman's. B. & L. Association. The regular meeting of the Building & Loan Association to loan out the mo ney on hand, will be held in the K. of H1. Hall at 7.30 p. i. (Thursday) January 7th, 1886. J. W. 31. SIMMoNs, 1-1-t. Sec. & Treas. -oint Conference. The first Quarterly Conference of the ethodist Church for this station will be ield at the Pargouage, commencing Sat day, the 8th inst. There will be preaching by Presiding Elder Rev. R. D. Smart on the Sabbath. At Cost for 30 Days. In order to reduce my stock to corres pobd with the hard times and poor busi ness, I will sell wooden ware, crockery ware, glass ware, brooms, looking glasses and cigars, at N. Y. cost. Come one and all and get bargains. 1-6-tf. B. H. LOVELACE. Picture Frames at Chapman's. Religious. Rev. W. T. Matthews. of Greenwood, S. C., will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath, at 11 a. mn., and 7.30 p. mn. The communion will be ob served at the morning service and apre paratory service will be held on Satur day evening commencing at 7.30. A very fine assortment of candy and other.Chris tmas goods at . 0-t f J. S. RUSSE LL'S. The President's MIessage. The President's message is concluded on our first page to-day. We felt that it was due to our readers to print it in full and we have done so. It gives you a good idea of the condition of the affairs of the Government stated in an able and concise manner and is the first message delivered by a Democratic President since 1868. That's What I Say, Go to J. S. Russell's where you can buy goods cheap for cash. For 30 days K I will seil at greatly reduced prices Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c. Also Groceries and Hardware, Soaps, Can Goods and Notions. Call and see me. Satisfaction guaranteed. 12-10-tf J. S. RUSSEL L. Mules M 3ules !! 7We have just received a car load of good mules which we have now on sale at our stables, cheap. 12-ti. J.P. & T. C. POOL. LFamily Bibles at Chapman's. Donations to Thornwell Orphanage. Dear Sir : Will you please allow me to acknowledge in your p)aper the re ceipt of $11.00 from the Lutheran Sab bath School of Newberry, $5.00 from Mr. E. A. Scott, and $15.00 collected .by Miss Fannie May Carwile, all for the or phans of Thorniwell Orphanage. We have cause to thank God for raising up for us such true and devoted friends. They have made glad the fatherless. Faithfully yours, WM. P. JA COB.S Clinton, S. C., Dcc. 31, 1885. Red and White just received and( for eheap at Robertsd;ns D)rug Store, $ite the Postoffice.1 e ew and beautiful. stock of Lamps de"scriptions ver y cheap) at Riobert drug -tore, opposi:e the postofice. 1i>rse, mnie and wagon for sale b J. S. R ISSELL. $ed Down to Cost. 9w i- y our chance to buy ew Year ~nts cheap. At Pelham\: iere are * pretty goods whdi are <. redl for rtheir value, rather thm carry ~over another year. They 'c wor of notice. Call at 0once at I hiam's nspect. sa~broidery Patterns, Stampe at Still Selling Cheap for Cash. 50 doz. best make of Axes at 75 cet cash; but $1.00 if charged. Call on St. PEOP'LFS & JOHNSON. ~Our Teachers' Department. A.~It affords us pleasure to p)resent to ('m1 Freaders this week our talenttei you friend, Prof. C. W. Weleh, as editor o. our teachers' department. He has con. sented to take charge of tihis column o: our paper and we know that he wil \ spare no effort to make it both interest. and instructive. But in order th~a department may be successful it in E 'ery that the teachers and friend: ~ducation of the County give the ed 1their hearty co-operat ion and sup) iuehave no0 doubt, they wil es and1 elastic step, yetfgray It is unnatural, necaess ~sam will restore the blac] urely lost, cleanse from a] :s falling. Don't surrende Various and All About. See ::otice of J:ige of Probate. Te school, :cim;d exerCies on MTitv 'I 'eo;.ie - Jolilhn.a iLe indeOted to ti . !o call a:.d s:ttc. Iead r. Duncan's article on "Tarifi f Relfor'' in anotlhr coluim1. a Several members of our Bar are it Columia i in attendace upon th~e Su preme Court. Ms-rs. Bi-hop a:d Jli:lenh have rent'l t Mr. J. F. Todd's store :ind opened a line i of groceries. l John B. Jones and Jolhnitone e & Cromer, oiler a valuable plantation for ale. Terms ea-v. t There are about 000 delinquent tax payers in the County. The Trea-urer has i=sued his executions. a The Stockholders of the Agricultural and Mechanical As-ociation will meet in tl the Court house on 18tl in-t. * Miller's Farmers' Almnac is not yet q out of the hands of the publishers. Next t week they caii be obtained at this office. n There will a meeting of the Corpora- t tors of the Columbia, Newberry and Lanrens Railroad at Colm:n:bia on Jan- li uary 14, 1SG. a Messrs. Donahue & (;happell have p opened a new store in Mr. W. 11. Harris' a old shop. The front hls received a new q coat of paint ud h:s quite an attractive it appearance. g: There will be a hot supper and oysters at the hall at Maybintoa on the evening t of the 10th of this mouth, for the benefit ir of Ebenezer Church. Everybody is in- i vited. it J. L. 1imnuaugh, Columt .., has made a sweeping reduction in his immense o stock of goods in order to get them oft st to iake room for spring gouds. See his tl ad. in another column. All the barrooms have taken out li cense for anothe - ve-tr. We have only it seven in town, and their revenue has to brought into the town trcasury $2,800, st and into the county $700. n Our M. D.'s are having a holiday n ow. bt As they would say, it is "distressingly w healthy." During last week we were it informed that there was only one per- A son in bed sick in the town, and he was at nearly well. st Subscriptions to our Savings Bank are i comingin right fast and Mr. Pope thinks he will have no difficulty in securing h ,25,000 here at home and i50,000 from foreign capitalists and that the bank cc will be ready for operations soon. The County Commissioners are re- d< ceiving bids for putting cells in our jail to make it secure. Representatives of le two houses were before the Board at their meeting on Tuesday. Nothing ti definite was done, as the Board desire to fr receive other estimates. It will likely m cost from :2,500 to $3,090 to make our tli jail secure. tl: A scholarship is oifered free in the u Naval academy at Oxford, Maryland, to a clever young man from this County d. between the ages of 14 and 18. Appli cations must be in at once. If there u is more than one applicant there ur will be a competitive examination. Ion. ac O. L. Schumpert can give you the in- Ti formation in regard to the offer and the school. yc The greatest consolation to cne grow ing old, is the improved surroundmdigs. which come with age, experience and t wisdom. We arc reminded of this fact by the appearance of the new Seed An-ft nual of D. M1. Ferry & Co., the cele-| brated seedsma~n of Detroit, Mich. (They Ise enjoy the enviable reputation of being~ the widest and hest known firm, in any business in the United States.) Millions M1 of people gardening both for prohit and pleasure, have found ever increasing 01 satisfaction and delight in using their a seeds. Every one desiring seeds of the ti highest type and best quiality, should se cuie their Annual. It is sent free on ap- er MIules ! MIules!! I have a lot of line Kentucky Mules at my Stables, and invite all who desire to buy to call and see them. 1-0-It J1. D. SMITH. to al Sc to et Comnmoni sens will (dictate, and 25 ets. will buy lie best tooth preparation, Wood's Odontine. At all D)ruggist s. o Personal-. te Mr. C. J. Purcell ha- returned to Ne w berry. :at Mr. J. 1). Smith has returned from Ke:tucky. T Prof. A. P. Pifer has retulrnen from a visit to Florida.n Col. TI. J. Lipscomb. of Columbia, wva< in the city last week. I Gen. Y. J. Pope leaves thlis wveek for w a business trip to Boston. p. Miss Eva Atuhi of Edgotield is tot a bi vi-it to relatives in town. Mirs. H. C. Moses, of ,iumIter~. is On ai is visit to lier father, Yr. F. Werber. t Mrs. .Jamis N. Lipscomb, of Colutm- ti bia, is ont a visit to relatives in the city. " Mr. J. C. Myers left Newberry on Monday for Kentuceky, to buy a car load g of mules. hi Rev. 3.M3. Blrabhamn,plreaCher of New berry Circtiit has arrived int our town , with'his family amil cntered m on his 1 work. ti Rev. James Boyd, D). D.. Professor in rt the Thieoloi icail Semnry at Due Wesct, hi S. C., spenit a part of last week with S friends i:: Newberry.a Rev. HI. F. Chrietzburg and family ar rivedl -n Thutrsday. M1r. Chrtietz- 1 burg prieached his initrodnectory sermton T on la-t Suntday in tihe Methiodist Church. hir younil* g frientd TL. B. Grenmeker paid a hi aiyand friends a plea-an:t visitS dutring thle holidays. lHe is now ra*il- c roain~g between Charleston and Au- b gust a.a Mr. A. J. Sproles of Greenwwood, who ht is soont to open butsiniess in our town is here this week. We welcome him and C hope iie may thud bumsiniess in our 1.lace U profitable. t A w'ell known den: i-: like Dr. Thos- t T. Moort' would not endohrse Wood's t Odontine dlit he not know it was a good v tooth prep)arationi. 25 c:. a box, at all e Drtuizgists. 'I t Interesting Experiene.:s. Iliram Cameron, Fturitumre Dealer of Co utmnbus. Gia , tellts his e-xperiiee- itus: "F-or three y- . l have tried every remetdv on the market for stomach and Ijidnev 1isorders,t but got no relie f.until I used Ete'etrie Hitters. Took five t adl m nw cured, and think Electric Bittc r' th itest Ulood Purifier ia th.e world."-Major . I eed,. of West Liberty. Kr.. nsed Eleen le Iiit;ers 'or an old stantdintg lid::ey a *:eetin and -nys: -No- i thing hias ever d4one. te so mouch goodJ as Electric bitrs. Sold at fitty cents at botle by Dr. S. F. Fant.i rAREWELL TO THE NEWBERIs FAIR. HE SENSE OF THE STOCKIIOLDE 'IESENT To (LOSE OUT AND QIT. In response to the call issued by t resident of the Newt berry Agriciltu: nd 31echanical Association about ti ozen stockholders a=:embled in t ourt Hlou-e last Saturday to olvi-' > what sho:ld be (one a- to :m,oth tir. The con=titutioun mkes it imper ve on the directors to hol annual fa; nless otherwie directed by the stoc olders. The fair of 1884 fell short xpenses about O350, and the last o1 -as behind about 100. In consequene 1e A-sociation has a debt of about $~>0 Upon a motion of Mr. Y. J. Pope, M an .Johnstonle was called to the chai ad Mr. Geo. S. Mower requested to a secretary. The roll wa- called, and it was foun mt only about I'S shares were repr ,nted, and as the constitutiol requir( majority of the stock to constitute orum1, and a- there are 300 shares i ie Association, for lack of a majorit action could be taken. The sense iose present was tested, however. The treasurer made a partial stat< cut. showing the debt as stated abovi 1d with only about $10 on hand. Mr. Pope moved. as the sense of tlo: resent, that notwithstanding there wv deficit, the directors be earnestly ri iested to proceed to hold another fai I support of hi motio: he spoke of tli -eat benefit the Association was to ti rulers, and of the pleasure and prof be derived froni these annual gathe. s. He was willing to risk his stoc another eflbrt. Mr. A. Buzhardt seconded Ir. Pcipe solution. Mr. R. L. McCautghtrin1 offered as a nendment to the resolution, that ti ockholders be assessed 20 per cent. o eir stock to pay the debt. MIr. M1uwer said that at a meeting< te stockholders held about a year a, was decided to hold one more fair as st.. and a circular was issued calling o ockholders to exert themselves t ake the last fair a success. The pro; ct in the future is not likely to be an tter than it was the past year. 1 as not entirely in favor of either res< tion, but thlought it was best for th ssociation to owe its stockholders tha ly outside party. It would act as imnulus to thien. If it was decided 1 yld another fair it would be best t Lve the debt wiped out. _Mr. G. F. Long said he thought td been decided that the Associatio uld not enforce the collection of t1 vv if it was made. The President said it had been eided. The mlotio:: and amendment were bot st. Mr. McCaughrin said that it was plai at the Association would fall behin om $130 to $300 each year, and I oved, as the sense of those presen at the directors be requested to pt e Association in liquidation and elo; its affairs. Carried without discu: )n. Mr. D. B. Wheeler moved that thi rectors be requested to call anothl eeting on the third Monday in Jai rv, (18th) 1881. The Association the ljourned. I Your Neighbors That the HERALD AND NEWS sel u each week the Charleston Weekl ews aind Courier as a supplement ich contains twelve pages-sevenit) -o columns, of the very choice-t niew A reading matter, and that it is a rished for two dollars a year. .I Day. Owing to the rain Sunday night an mday moriiing, the crowd in tow.n 0 >nday was not as large as it usually : sale day in January. Still there wer ood many people here, and most C rop)erty sold very wvell. The MIaster sold the following prof G. 1ewhirter, vs. Joseph W. Gore< 0 acres to HI. C. Wilson for $400. Wi. 31. Dorroh, et. ail., Ex'or, vs i Longsh ore, et. al., S0 acres to } Longshiore for $1,350.. Godfrey Leapheart, Ticeasurer, v': ios. S. MIoorman, et. al., 1li acre lot wi to Mirs. IL. A. C. Wickei for $310 o, in same case, i acre lot in townt rs. Iarie W. Mloorman for $105. National Bank of Newberry, vs. F. A hupert, et. al., house and lot in tow Is. MIary E. Harmon for $1,525. Fant & 3fcWhirter, vs. Holloway Hil .:al., 131 aci'es to M1. A. Carlisle ft Eliza Fowles, vs. J. Belton Wert: 80-100 acres to C. IL. HIav'ird for $2,77 J. 3. Gee, Judge Probate, vs. Holl vy Hill, et. al., 185 acres to Dr'. Franc .Setzler for $1,000. The other cases advertised by thle Mia r were withd(rawn. James F. Watkins, Executor, sold 2 res to William Q. Watkius and J. I atkins for $:2,150. i Hot Supper At Fallaw's Hall, Helena, New Yeai git for the benefit of Mis3s Beula eni eker's school was a pleasant succes: th in the supper itself and in its soci: ature. The ladies of the little villagt ith their usual and heavy-handed hos tality, assisted by several from Nev ry, spre'ad a temp)ting measure< eats, salads. pastry, et cetera. Fisi shi and fowl were temptingly and Ia' bly servedl, with necessary concom nts. T1hie fowl was dlelicicus turke: .e flesh, roasted porik and savory hian ile the li-h was the luscious bivalvt ost ap)petizingly stewed. The ladit w.aited"' as only ladies can, while tI mtlemen, in appreciation, looked bot i)py and handsome. Af ter the supp< cere as merry, delightful danuci n le proceeds amounted to about $3 ie supper was the outcome of 31i eula's busy andI practical brain, ar e proeeds are intended to be used pa ing the school house now used 1 r belonging to the ra:ilroad comp ian; ie is an enei'getic workei', as well: capablo and coniscienitions teacher, ar merally' accomllishes what she unde he Request of the Girls. A curious pet it ion was that which w. lhir~ese ii 1733 to the Govei'nor >uth Carolina by sixteen maidens hiarleston. It ran thus: "TIle hum e petition of a1l maids whiose nam :e under'written. Whereas we, ti mible petitionmers, are at pr'esent in eyv melaneholy disposition of miin msidering hlow~ all the bachelors a lindly cap)tivated by the widlows', ai e are here by neglect ed ; ini consequen this, our request is thai your Exet 'ev will for the future oi'der that iow presume to marry ainy young mn: 11 the maids are providedl for ; or' e] pay each of them a flne for sat i-f: on for invading our liberties ; and lils 'ise a fine to be levied on all such bae lors as shall be mairried to widlov 'he great disadvantage it is to us nmai that thme wi'dows by their forwa arriage, do 51nap up the young mien. a ave the v'anity to tmink thieiir mecit i ond our's, which is 'a great impl~ositi u5, who) ought to have . thle prefereml 'his is humubly r ecom men ded to yc xceleney's consid'raion, and he ou will permit mo futh ier insults. A e poor maids, iin duty bounmd, will e3 .he Govei'nor of Sotuthi Carolina att ie this petition was made wvas Rob ohsonl. mtter stop your cough while you can. I nd bye notinnam will do0 it. it is worth hie n~, that Parker's Tonie i th ie best th .own for coughs. colds. tor'piti liver, kidi roubles a.a weak lung. Y ou risk your n waitina. Take it while the:e is yet time PROSPERITY. Miss 3anie Wells has been visit s ing relatives during the last week. :Mirs I. W. Walters, has been viit eing here also. Mr. G. A. Maiett has been sic": for several days but is up again. Messrs. Simxon iheppard and Vir a_ Boozer visited Edgefield last r week. Ihey report a good time and a hospitable receptio by those they W visited. Simon said he wanted to stay longer but could not. -. For the last ten (days our town bas rhad a lar-e influx of visitor:. Some thing unprecendente.l in its history. :1 We are glad to see them but for a s mention to made would require a too much time and would take poss: y bly too much space, but by -this f method we thank them for their at tendance. and money spent. We would ask themll t') come again, to the next hot supper. CI7 I The glory of the students has de parted so have they also; now for six e or seven months hard work. They. e "Shall fold their tents like that Arab, And as silently steal away. k Miss Ella Sease has been employed as a third teacher in Mt. Tabor school. The Trustees have built an n addition and have added also a bel i frv. The school must be situated near the border line and where the u amnaranthiue bowers of bliss are. and people send their children to school. They are right in toto. Prof. R1upp of N. C. College preach ed in Grace Church Sunday morn ing and night. Text for morning sermon St. Luke VII, 17. The hot supper given by the ladies last week was a grand success, ntot withstanding the inclemency of the t weather. Prof. Scheetz seemed to e be ubiquitous during the day and part of the night. The net proceeds t amounted to $83. We hope that the i next time the weather will be fine so our Newbcrry friends may come d down. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. t Miss Alice Crosson is teaching at t. Luke's. She began 'l'uesday. Mr. Thos. P. Slider has paid us a e visit. He is an old citizen of our t- County and is known pretty gen n erally. Mr. ,John Enlow has moved out of i town, to what is known as the Elmore place. Prof. V. D. Simpson and Miss -Carrie Aull havc returned and report ready for work. 1886 enters bright and cheery. t PIIL. 1Sixtet:n (10) Pages for 188G 5 We don't like patent outsides or in sides. we dlon't like stereotypedi maltter,t but we do like to be able to send Our readers sixteen pages of the late;t tele -graphic, m.ate, County and local news during the year 188(0 for two dollars. I 3r. Ta~rrant Testifies, -It is with p)leasere I acknowledge lhe great benefit dlerivedl from the use oft .your "Pelham's Peetoral Syrup" fort a Colds, Conghs, and Bron chial dillienutties. ;I have tried muany remedies but find your "Peetoral' the most elleetive yet1 used], and wvill alwvays keep a bottle on -hand for instant use. 1i THos. F.. 'TanRANT. '.BOOK . OTICES. ' U)scemuber D)orcas is by far the 'best uuimber whlich hlas appearedl. a It has broadened and widened itst -scope considerably siuee tihe begin nin;;, and nowv there is not a number but will furnish useful and p)racticail information to any housewife, no0 matter what her station. SThe editorials are well written; 1 the technical p)art correct and con i cise, and the general literary matter , of the ighest standard. 'rile series of articles on '-Home Decorations," written by tile Editor.1 'are bright and interesting; sensible 1 - and econmical. ~The latest fancy in needle-work1 s is furnished by Madge Illepwoib s Dixon, of London, and the niames' of | other well-knlows writers appear fre r quently onm the pages of Docas. SThe table of contents compllrises: s Lady's Knitted Skirt; Eay's Knit tedI Legging; William Morris' D)e sign for Screen; Crochet Lace; Cro chet IIerring-bone Stitch; Trangle 1Pattern ; Pussian Embroidery ; Cro chet Polish Boots; Appliquie Work; Ellen Terry F"ascinat'r; Novelties for Christmas; Stencilling; Original s Fancy Work; IIome Decorations. etc., etc. D)ocas Mr.gazine, 872 1,road - way, N. Y. e C - e D)eeer :>:]. 18,5, at thet resideince (1 Of the biTe' 5fti.uer, byv Rev. N. S. eC Youngnier, M1r. .Jhin C'. Shbyt, of New-1 1- berry County, S. C., andl 311s- 3innie 0 JBickley, of Lexingotonl County, C.S. LOnl Tu(e-(day mornling t9hl D)ee.185 at half pant nine o' clok G. W. Tay lor of Pickens County was mlarnied to 31ms -Eliza Aiken.i dan'ghter of the Ilon. D. ~Wyatt Aiken' , re presenltative in c ~ re-s fromi thme thir dI(istrict. TI'e wed -d 1 ding was had ait Col. Aiken'~l si aInc landl iln is- chabeilr. hle beinmg at present, ,_ onfined to his bed. 1The Rev. IR. D. Smarnt Sand tile Rev. 31r. Nevile, brothei.,-in-la w Sof the bride, performed] the ceremoeny. MIr. 'Mnd3rs. Taiylor have gone on a weJdding tour to Florida:. Thle gr*oonm is a b)rothier' dof J. H. Taylor and a member of J. II. er Taylor & Bro.. p.roprietors of tile furni tore factory here. '1'he wedding was, of e~ ourse, a very~l1 iple one, 1nd( onlhy a, It few pe-rsons were pre-senlt. 31r. faylor was . accompanied from hl-re by his ,"V Died at the1 residencee of her sOn, MIr. J. C. Goggans, MIrs. Emily Gcgganls inl -othm ro'ir oiie age STRIP TO PROSPERI --THE ADJOURNMENT OF THE GEN EIAL ASSEMBLY. .'T NiW!E11.Y---C11RI1ST.MAS--\EW, YEAR --OTHIEIt M.IATTERS. L't:LUM OFFICE. IIER.ALD & NEWS) January 4th, 1'S;. j Owin: it tli rtth jt=t beI->rc a:ni 'IItiler t:nirunwn'lt of thleLegi-iaturle, [ haVe li -d sending you a lt ter f'r svera i,t:e" , and a thter are afew ilng- I d -ire to nention I ill 1 ak tarlon of voar r eaders for givingth l.'lavett itelis. Oil the t )tnii i.. by invitation, I::e o:np:nicd the IIon. 11. G. Scndday, the enr:! Sceretalay of the State Exceu ive Committee of the Yotnng Ieis bristian Ass ciatioin4 of the State, to re pertty, to attend a public meeting,red for the folltwing (Sund:y) venling at 7:30 o'clock to be held in racc Church, in the interest of the Y. I. C. A. of Prosperity. We were met L Mr. A. II. Khl, who carried us to 6i7 house. We spent a plea-ait night ud tlay. enjoying his kind hospitality. Ve listcled to a 5plendid .er::on on tiday lorining at 11 o'cl ek. lre:uced iv mr. S. 'T. Itiser, a tudnit in di.e uthcraii Theological S intat:ry at New ierry. a young man Oi ii:usual proii e, r0OSperity should be proud of him. 'e ailto attended tlte (Xcrci:e of tl Schoni at the -:aie c :urch at :30 o'clock, preaching at the Methodist ;ureh immediately afterwards, and at iight the Y. 31. C. A. meeting at Grace ;hutrclh. The houe was m-arly tilled. It. cudday', addre-s wa, a very ap >opriate one for the occasion. At the lose thirty-iour uae:( Were enirolled ui ant organiization. and Ihere is every caso: to expect that the Y. M. C. A. of 'rosperity will do a grand work for the -ou:g ie: of that town. The Visit was an exceedingly pleasant tie to ie, and I shall remeiibcr with >ca-ure the kind manner in which I was mited and rtccived into the homes of he good people there during my short t:V. I have never been to a place vhere I fotul mnre zealous Church and ;:nlnay School workers than I found here. The church services were all vell attended, and at the Sunday School it Grace Ciurch on Sunday afternooll hlre were ni.ncty-live perstons reported )resenit, and I thiiik I am safe in saying hlat twenty-liVe of the number Were crown-I ait old persons, twtnty-lice -oting lmlel an1td girls, and the retlailling orty-liVe, children from live to sixteen. commend this picture to the parent, omg people and children of the Sun lay Schools of the State. I returned to Columbia on the night reight. Mr. Seudday on the morning reight. We found the Legislature coIL endin- over the censul, tuition and enitetiary bills, with a deadlock hreatened, but the old, expcrienccl ma ig,ltdors muaaed to puHtl the lnone-y mt of the treaisury for t he beccit of the kill the censiuis bill and adjoulrnL. The most conispiculous wvork of the esont was what thny failed to da, and hue eaius, while there was an effort iade to I eduice expenses. the ap)prop)ria iot was neverthleless increased, at the aml timte I will admit that tIle work of he- caucus and friends of reformi pre ented somte extravaganLc. Dr. S. Pope a- looked upon as the waitchi dog to the loor eading from thieextravag:mtt side f the House of Represent.tves5 through he (olniuitte onl Ways andil M3Iran1 to e StaL te Treatsury. antd never was there .C elort ma:de2 to slip int a phiiti for I aCt mlt wat Ih- s prantg to his feet, with thLe ami ia hr illnnoim I emenIt, 431. Speaker, I Llbject.' Of the othe liprlolnmit mlenL in the Iou11e the-re were IIemphilill atnd Gr-ay lot, of Abbeville. luea, of 31arion, and IcKi5iLk andt Rice. of Union. on the ide oLf thle ecConomfi-t ; andI of t hose not niemblers (Lf tli> caucuS, IlIa-kellI. Simlon on. Summflers, Ficen:, 3Iaher, Aldrichl, chumprt, Brown, of Da.rlington, Par er, Rlucker, Boggs, Senudday, Denntis, u,sel, WV. B. Wilson, Jr.. and J. S. Rt. homLuso, while inIclined It esomewhat ieral, still the~y ate good legisltars ud their contStituetlts wouldl( tdo well to ed them baLck. In the Senate thiere is MLr. Coker, M1r. ;ligh, 31r. Earle, Col. Wallaci. Dr. Iixell, 3Iir. IIowell, 31r. Smythec, 3Ir. ilo. Mi. MIoore, (Lf II:iniptont. 3r. ituer and~ hul r. 31aLuLIn are the moist1 >omitent ligutres. It wvas cotcedted h:t 3Mr. Sligh made the best sp)ieech thiat ,vas mde on either side on tihe bill to -eqjutire the Univ-r..ity toL cha:rge a ttuit iOn en of fortyL dIl,lars. Mr. IIardy diLl ntL lo ny 5jpeakin)g,bult for close at tentionl Lduty IL;d correclLt v-otinug hi w:1s not xeed byV any~ Dne. Tlwe list oI aicts appea:reLd inl our ::llp-. LIemenIt latst week, andiL thw most of theC itls relattinug to Ne wberry ha;:ve beena mbl1i,hled, othber- of a genrali inatire :tp L(car thi weePk. Thle priority lien bill een1U to be thi OnL wvhieb- brin1 gs gre:LIe(r iardihips oti the poor1 man I than any Ahter. It i~ 1n1fortunttate that it should ave .:ts-edl. I spenlt S:t ttrtay andL SLInday,v the~ 2Gth L 27th Ilt., very plIeasanltly in New ).rv-. I totjieh aL numbellr of implrove nent t hat have b cen matde dutring the ast hree year5, and1( it gives me ple-asure o say tha:t thiese extetnd to all the inter -4.t. f the toLwn. Newhterry hias the wealtht :mdt if the pLople will use prop :ly it can do :as welil a- anyt c'Iunty in he State. All th-It is needed!C is hartd w~ork inL e~very Llepartmtll~. Chri-Ltmas paLssed LIry vr qitl ty here. New Year was a beautifulbult qutie!t day. The tngroes c.lebrated it as theL ann11 versary oLf thir -1manh s ''palnon. Busineiss has bee L gLIo Li. 3-C ri-ery & Bro.. D)avid Jonts a:iLi Troup aire offe n barguis in o: tder to nmake rooml for the dry goodi, clLtiig oniL shoLe stocek of Mr. B. F. Grillin atnd is oIUTerin; them at half valuec. andL theL remainder o f h is othe good s at reduceid Iprices. r. JohnI Agttew. a citiz-n of Coltit ia t fri f. Lrty years, a formieLr miayor oLf th CCIty, antd a lar ige hiardwatre moercha:n t, died at iis hom le on the mi-rniing of the 3131t tlt. "The Private Secretarv" and "Willow Copse' am tIe op~era houise thiS week. I s1ppose this m-t h e thle nt-w deal: For Govrio:-, J. L. Cot-er, of Darling ol; Li-utemnant Gov-ernor. WA. L. 3Mandi, of Gr'-envihle ; LAtornev Gett era~l. Jos. II. Earle, of Stunter : A,.iu tat and Infsp)ector~ General, 0. L. Seutpert, of Newberry. I have hieard these names whispered ini the aLbov-e con Has .Made a Mistake. T We think that the General Assem biv has m ade a mistake. The bill should, at least. have required the contract for rent to be in writing and recorded or indexed as at present. The merchants here are very much exerci:el about this bill and claim that it will work a hardship to all parties interested in farming. It i claimed that the landlord is given too much scope without any cheek whatever. Throats are n^de that no supplies will be advanced to the I tenants without the landlord becom ing surety for them. This the land- IC lord will be unwilling to do. It is hard to tell how this new law will operate. We hope it will answer all purposes, but ab the same time we have grave doubts and look for quite a revolution in the tenant system of our Stat.-1bbecille MIoli'um. is _ d : u twell a- dStr _sin- complair.t. If it tends. 1.y impairing nutrition. and de p,.w-ngi ho tone of tr. SyEtC:n. to preprro tha way i.r Rapid Decline. - J - rin2 " / nottd o RE a cc FE . O C. 3 Qnickly and com7ictAy Cur.s Dyspcpsla in al m itaforms Iearthtir,r, Holehin.a. Tanti;g the Gi Food, &c. It ennchcs and punritie the blood, stimu- b lates the appetite, and aids theo :sinilation of food. I REv. J. T. Rossrrr, tie honored pastor of ti:o First Reformed Church. Baltimore, Md.. sy: "Having used Brown's Iron Bitters f. r Dyspep-fa se and Indigestion. I take great pl-sur' in n cam- to mending it highly. Also consid.r it a rlc:: i.. nic fr: and invigorator and very strengthenng." th Genuino has above trademark tnd cr.: t*."i iines on 'raoper. Take no other. Mid rt: ;." 7tri)'tNCHEI>MCALCO' BtALTIMORE. .111. il( LAD.s' HA.t BooK-usoIul and attract v.-. con taining list of ;-rizes for rocip , information ">out coins, etc.. given awry by all dcalers mn redicine, or mailed to any ad.reus on receipt of 2c. stamp. RECKLINC, ARTIST. W. A. RIEChLING, Oppoi:ite Grand Central Notel, Colun- iu bia, S. C. All the latest Novelties in the Art. I invite those who have any lifliculty ill getting a good picture to try lly INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS. 20,000 Negatives preserved. All work guanranteed. Established 12 years. 10-S-im I have jint returned from the No:thelrn markets, and an now opening my GOOD AND WELL SELECTF-D FALL STOCK ri DIAMOND , Y sLVER AND PLATED WAItE, CLOCKS, 1 TABLE CUTLERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTs. All of whichl I will Sell at low cash. Please examine my stock and be con- bi vinced. 30 Watch Repairing a Specialty. 8 ED)UARD SCIIOLTZ, jg 10e-S-3t Watchmiaker and Jeweler. l5 W E W ANT a L. Everybody to examine our stoek of COOKING AND IIEATING STOVES, CROCKERY AND GLA.SSWXRE. M1 I1NWARE AND WOODENWARIE, TABLE CUTLERY. IIROOMs, ETC. Os 'IE BEST to Turning Ploni tl IN THEl CITY. Call and get ourll priceS before buying elsewhere. SCOTT & BRO. Newiberry, S. C. 10-15-3m SEASONABLE GROCERIES WHOLESALE PRICES. Texas Pecans. The lar-gest andt tinest Peean Nuts eve brou1gh12jt to Columibia .4 Nuts in Variety. Jll-t received, at large quantity of Al mods, Bratzil Ntt andi English Wal Butter, Molasses, ( ALL GR.AD~ES OF Inl the' Greentlield Bulilding, next to Cheap! Cheaper!! Cheapest !!! EnvlopUIeS, Nos. 3, 41, 5 and c;, four i parlk- for 25 cents. F.ooiscap,. Bill Cap and Letter jpper. No papr 10 cents p)er quIire. -Ih(k5 " orth $1 and 61,f0 at 50) and 15 TIoy- Books- worth 81 at 50 e. " " " 23 at 15e c. Po.ket Bibles gilt and cla-ped, worth SL15 I 5() atl 1, 4,n0 and '75 e. Box Paper wi wth $2,1.1)0 and 50 e. at 31.50. 50) andI 2~ :eent . Intk.tandl(s w.01 .th2.50. 1.00 ::nd 50 e.j at $1.75, t-0 andi 23 .. - Phloto Albin, worthl 82 at 81,50, 1.00) and t0 e Auto Album 1, 50 and' - .difat dee 30 4t pu4iOtl 'AK NOTE OF THIS iirMc ery & Bro. il oilier superior bargains for t 100 Pairs 11-4 White Wool Blan 0 days. 100 Pairs 10-4 White Wool Blankt th $6.50 at $5 a pair. Secure a p:ir before they are gone. Q5.50 at $4 a Pair. A lot of I1ED CO)IFORT be duplicated for the money. J_V I low figures. In Wool Flannels we are offering a superior a c. per yard. Big drive in Canton Flannels at Sje., 1 let, also white, at Our tables are laden with plain, Brocatel and Plaid D 15c. and 20c. e. and 12he. per vardl. N othiing like them in the market for is at 6}e., 8}e., L:aving comp~etitioni to follow we still push ahead. We o ey. value in Ladies' and Gents' Fine Merino Underwea Inspeet these goods and compare prices. Extra cheap lines in Egilisi and German hosiery Just Open By Express another Large Invoice. 'OSTER'S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES In Black and Colors. Three grades of these Gloves: "William," 5 hook, $1; ce wton," 7 hook. $1.50; "Foster," 5 hook, $2. Every pair warranted. EAD3QUARTERS FOR BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. Large shipments by every s:eamer direct from the manufacturers. LADIES' COVERINGS. Short Wrap. Circulars, Newmarkets. Raglins, English Walking and Jersey ekets at prices within the reach of all. Regu'lar goods, uniform prices, asure. At the Grand Central Dry Goods Establishment,. lic CREER 4 BR 0THER, 10-S-3m Main Street, Columbia, S. C. )olumbia Cash Dry Goods Store We are now prepared to supply the ' ants of everyone, as we -have on hand the most m plete and varied assort-nent of Dry Goods ever offered in the city of Columbia. We defy competition both as to quality and low prices. Common sense will readily explain th. son of this. Goods bought and sold for cash can be -offered to every customer atprloes ich lower than in houses where the credi; system is adopted. The Columbia Dry >ods Store is the only one in the city of Columbia that does business strictly on $assl .sis. hence our almost fabulous low prices of First Class Goods. We maake s a is cDERWEAR for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. We keep on hand a full line of 5Y i)E CLOTHING, all at bottom prices. Always abreast of the times, all the noveties-ofthe ason witi be found in our house. Our stcck is complete in every department, and weintend sell at such prices as will induce customers to purchase. We most cordially invtIe oe . ends in New berry and the adjoining Counties, when they visit Columbia, not to tail to see e attractions andf inducements ol'ered in the Columbia Cash Dry Goods Store. Resmebee at you save at least ten percent. by purchasing from a Cash House, and a dollar saved is a llar made. Come one, come all and be convinced of the truth of our promises. C. F. JACKSON. Manager. -20-I 120 ain Street, ColumbiafSG PiLmos and Orgais From the world's best makers, at factory prices, on easiest terms of payment. Eight grand makers and over three hundred styles to select from. jTA .T Chickering, Mason & Hamlin Mathushek, Burt & Arion, 1ln OSPackard. Orchestral and Bay State Organs. Pi:anos and Organs delivered, freight paid, to all railroad points South. Fifteen days' trial, and freight both ways, if not satisfactory. Order and test your owi homes. Columbia .Music House, Branch of Ludden & Bates' Southern Music House, N. W. TRUMP, Mlanager. Columbia, S. C. Local agents-L. A. Hawkins, Newberry; J. Counts, Peak's; Keisler & onckton, Chappell-, and J. A. Bowles, Upwell. ATTENTIQN PURCHASERS THAT EXPECT TOBTJY WITH CASH IN md i For first class goods and low prices my two stores stand to day without a val in this part of the State. I am well aw are of the short crop and low price of tton. I am therefore determined to make a sweeping reduction in my entire ocks that will eclipse anything that I have ever before done in marking down - >ods5. An examination or my immense stocks will demonstrate the truthfulness this bold assertion beyond the shadow of doubt. My goods are all new and have not en carried over from year to year to get a profit on them. I have determined to 11 everything at New York cost and use the money for something else during the 11 summer,'and for bottom prices see anti beat them if you can: 4 buttons for - - - 5c 2 boxes paper collars for - - 5e 3 papers of needles for - - 5e 3 pocket handkerchiefs for - - c 3 papers of pins for - - 5c 5 corset laces for - - - G 3 balls of thread for .. - oc 10 long shoe laces for - - 4 crochet needles for - - 5c 5 packs of hairpins for - - Some people say I think I can beat this or that in price, but these are stunbling ocks ; read on and you will be convinced. ys. calico, cut off' the piece - - $1 00 95c. D)ress Goods, marked - - 1c yls. very good calico, cut off the piece 1 00 20c -- " - - - 1 . yds. very best calico, cut oit the piece 1 00 1se. " " " - -- vekerHymspn gods.f l -yds -for 1 00 |I Blak ad Colored Cashmeres from auctio vde. Bleaching for.-. -..... -... -1001 40c.reducedto27c.;560c.to33tc.; 424c.; yds. good Bleaching for . - 1 00 I75c. to 50c.; $1 to 72e. yds. very good Bleaching for - - 1 00I Shoes. Clothing, Jeans, Blankets, Flannels and Hatts from the great forced etion sales in New York at less than mlanuifacturers' cost. dies' Coarse Shoes, worth $1 25, for 90 Ladies' Fine Shoes, worth $2 00, for 1 4 .. a- 1 15, for s0 " " " " 1 50, for, .11 a .- a - 1 10, for 75 " Rubber Shoes at 30c.. 35c., aiiq0me a e - - 1 00,. for 65 In Men's Coarse and Fine Boots and Shoes - " Fine ' " !2 50, for 1 90 Ithe reduction is simply immense. Clothing I have marked down to almost half price. n's Suits' - --im S&00to $ 4 751 " - from 5 00 to 3 50 - from 10 001to 5 75I " . - from 7 50 to 5 00 - .. - - - from 12 50 7751 '. - from 9 00 to 6 25 a -- -from 15 00 to 1e 50 " - - from 10 00wt 7 00 a --from 17 50 to 12 50 " - - from 22 50 o 9 75 a ..-tram 20 00 to 11. I5 . from 15 00W to1 "-0 ercoats - - - fromi $ 3 50to $ 2 25 | Competitors tremble when they read these irresistible prices, as they know well thait Flynn n ~iil do just what lie advertises. People living in and near e town will do me a great favor by calling early or late in the day and therebv. (id the great rush thait throng the store from 11 to 3, at the leader of s -D. C. FLYNN. it be c:aued FREE to ail applicants, and to customersot le ,er. without ordering i. it cntaius about i20 pag st ock ) jIstraioC5 pr~t ~cs uaW dt cripti at2 dt Tsabl D. M. FE RR Y & Co., DetroIt, Mlchlgan. BNNS CCAUS LEM ARS,UTN,8.C ~~ FISPPLS,DRIENGS, RIIS POT ATOES, CABBAGES, 7 -AND-ONIONS AND PE 'UTS, R And everything else that a First Class ..N R H ~ Wholesale Fruit H'ouse should have. Country orders tilled with dispatch. 10-22-6m ARRIVING EVERY D)AY BY ENPRESS. The "erald" Order" proi!:y iled for families, BOOK STORE ! id delivered in any part of thte city e of charge. A complete and elegant stock of new Attestore of Mrs. CORRIE GRENEKRR. Mystock will be sold cheap, and I ask ,my fred,and esp)ecially the ladies to call on Also onl han l, an d soldl at reasonable me assuring them of plite attention. Give me a call friends, and see what I have. Many 'iees, either by th- ton! or barrel- of the articles are indispensable to ladies ana wil alo kcoottli:iid:t-ifcen gentlemnen, anldes pecilto Shool Children We wil alo kep on and suflet t w I- wi fnd it to their avantage to call and of ' examine my stock. As an Instance of the tnttity olow prices 1loffer af1rst rate Pen at 50 aboz..L Ior gross. this being 50 under coat. Sera.p Books and Albums frolg 15 ce an oter articles at El G RKRR 'o supply the town nd the surrouind- ij~RN R' gcoutry. NMR~P BALSAM - FR ANCIS IIAIIEiTr & CO., 'h. e poptdar favoate for &ds. )-2-tiNeberry, S. C. *~i~tch ,R~ng AT THE j KTit IERALD AND NEW-' ** *etCuh usY~ You ..,.eo-0 0 o VI' 6 o o 500 ..- 00