AUGUST, 1885. _ MJ T W! T| F S - I -- 1 i8 2 3 I4 5! ; 17 | 9 1011 12|13 14I15 16-7' 18 1:20121 22 :23 24j25!26'27|2 29 30 3i -1- I WORDS OF WISDOM. 'Tis but a short journey across the isthmus of Now.-Boree. The greatest of faults is to be con cious of none.-Carlyle. Presumption is our natural and and original disease.-Montaigne. What we learn with pleasure we never forget.-Alfred Mercien. The heart has always the pardon ing power.-Madawm Suetshine. Enjoy present pleasure in such away as not to injure future ones. Setneea.. Pitch up,Dn the best course in life, and custom will render it tbe most easy.-Tillotsoin. Give what you have. To some one it may be better than you dare to think.-Longyfellow. The innocence of the intention abates nothing of the mischief of the example.-Robert Hall. Any man who puts his life in peril in a cause which is esteemed, be comes the darling of all men.-Em erson. There is nothing as sweet as duty, and all the best pleasures of life come in the wake of duties done.-Jean Ingelow. Have a purpose in life, and having it, throw into your work sch strength of mind and muscle as God has given you.-Carlyle. On the diftasion of education among the people rests the preserva tion and perpetuation of our free in stitutions.-Daniel Webster. In the man whose childhood has known caresses there is always a fibre of memory that can be touched to gentle issues.-G,irge Eliot. Things look dim to old folks: they need have some young eyes about 'em know the world's the same as it used to be.-George Eliot. Every man who rises above the common level receives two educations. The first from his instructors. the se cond, the most personal and impor tant, from himself.-Gibbon. Those, though in highest place, who slight and disoblige their friends shall in fallibly come to know the value of them, by hr.ving none when S they shall most need them.-Southz. 4 of use; and whatever we may heap up to give to otbers, we enjoy only as much as we can use, and no more. -Defoe. Every schoiar should acquain t him self with a suped~icial scheme of all the sciences, yet there is no ::ecessi ty for every man of learning to enter into their difficu ties and deep reces It depends upon the mood ofa man whether he sees the sunsets anld there is always genius, but only few hours so serene that we can relish na ture or criticism.-Selected. We should do nothing inconsis tent with the spirit and genius of our institutions. We should do noth ing for reveng", but everything for security; nothing for the past, every thing for the present and the futnre. -Gar /ield. Let not any one say that he can not govern his pasions nor hinder them from breaking ont and carrying him to action ; for what he can do be fore a princ~e or a great man he can do alone, or in the presence of God, if he will.-Locke. Over the triple door ways of an Ital ian cathiedral there are three inscrip tions spanning the ~ splendid arches : Over one is carved a beautiful wreath of roses, and underneath the legend." "All that pleases is~ but for a mo mient.' Over the other is sculptur edl a cioss, and there are the words. -'All that troubles is but for a mo ment.'' iBt underneath the main areb is the inscription. "That only is important which is eternal."t H-fow to Keep Cider Sweet. Pure sweet cider that is arrested in the process of' fermentation before it becom es acetic acid or even alco hioL a,"d with carbonic acid gas w~ork e'd out, is one of the most delightful bieverages. The Farm. Field and Fireside recommends the following scientihic method of' treating cider to preserve its sweetness. When the] saccharinte matters by f'ermentation are being converted to alcohol, if a bent tube be inserted air tight into the bune', with the other end into a pail of water, to allow the carbonic acid gas evolved to pass off with out admitting any air into the bre , a hieverage will be ob)tained that is a fit nector for the gods. A handy way is to fill y'our cask nearly- up to faucet when the cask is rolled so the bung is down. Get a common rub ber tube and slip it over the end of' the plug in the faucet. with the other end in the pail. Then turn the plug so that the cider can hav'e comnmuni cation with the pail. A fter the water ceases to bubble, bottle o,r store WIT AND HUMOR. They eat 300,000 bakers' pies every day in Chicago. which ace unts in part for the tough character of the city.-Bostom Post. A dentist in a Western city is nam ed Leggo. As an usual thing. how ever. he will not do so until it is out. -Bostot Post. A bar in the river and a bar on shore have the same name. because water is scarce in both places.-Mer chant Traeler. There is said to be one lawyer in heaven. He must be there as his own counsel to argue a stay of proceed ings.-St. Paul Ierald. When you see a counterfeit coin on the sidewalk, always pick it up. You are liable to arrest if you try to pass it.-Indeprndest. You c .n no more count the queer notions in a pretty girl's head than you can the kinks in the rim of her sutumer hat.-Daeille Breeze. Why is a good speller in a of school chiLir;n like a glass of cham pagne ! Because they both go to the head.-Burlin"?ton Free Press. A school journal advises, "Make the school intensely interesting." That's what the small boy tries to do the best of his ability.-Burlington Free Press. A Boston man is trying to obtain a divorce from his wife on the ground that she cannot make good coffee. On coffee grounds as it were.-The Rambler. "The Pilgrim Fathers! Where at e they?" The shouting school boy said, While the sleepy boy in the corner said : "I think they must be dead !" -Chicago Sun. "Happy the man whose bride has many needle marks on her fingers." This doesn't follow. Perhaps she has just completed a crazy quilt. New York Graphic. A thoughtful mind can find fodder for mnch rumination in the announce ment that seventy-two per cent. of the bald-beaded men of this country ire married.-Chicago Ledger. A bt oker whose sweetleart's father >wns one of those purps whose nouth resembles an open valise, ade a quiet call one evening. A >u11 movement followed, causing a rapid advance.-Pittsburg Telegraph. Boots are seldom worn in the even ng and undressed kid is the favorite naterial for slippers, says a fashiona ,le journal. I t may be added that ippers ar-e not a favorite material ith the undressed kid.-The Hatch Men sometimes recover from the ~ffects of lockjaw, but with women it 3 lwyfaal. It is not so much the anger of the disease, great as that . It is the mortification of not be g aible to speak that kills.-Snar ille Journali. "To clean the teeth use a mixture f emery and sweet oil, following it ith plenty of kerosene." Tbis oald seem to be queer- advice. bnt sit is taken from a machinists' mag zine. and from a chapter r-elating to ~irlar- saws, we have ao doubt it is fiven in good faith.-Boston Post. Among the names of new post of ices are~ found Sarab. Ethel. Edithb, 'iolet, Eve, May and Hlypatia. Tbe ~feminate weakness of suchb nomen mlatures is so far from gr-atifying that t is even pleasant to see it offset by ch names as Onion, Wildcat, and ~Vayback, which are said to have been onferred on three Southern post ifices.- Chicago Times. "Oar old fr iend Cook is dead. The apers states that he died surround d by a large number of friends and elatives. Wonder what he died ith r' '-Don't the paper tell r" "Not hat I can discover.'' "Why you ust read it. 'He died surrounded ya large number of friends and rel tivee.' You see they crowded him ,o that he couldn't get any air and ,nd he had to die. It's a case of ympathetic suffocation.--Yonkers ~azette. Assocate .Justice Melver and Col. . W. Edwa:ds are very able men, t they do not use the gift. of con Lensat ion if they have it. We do not eclieve their elaborate arguments of he free-tuition-in-the-college question mave changed the~ opinion or a dozen u*-n in the State, one way or- the )thri. Not one person in a hundred mas the time to read them, not one ifth of tbose who have the time have .he patience, half of those who have ime and patience lack the intellectual bility to compr-ehend the delicate oints of the elaborate arguments, d of thost who have all the qualifi ions for reading and understanding, nine-tenths have their ideas immova 1y fixed. The first half fool news paper man who borrows the ideas of ne or the other of the di,tinguished :ontroversialists and puts them into a dozen crisp, uncouth sentences, will rcomplish mor-e than all the ponder us and polished articles published by our esteemed cotemporarv. One thing is certain. There is doubt enough of the meaning of the words "free and open" to allow the legislatur-e to interpret them either vay. The discussion has knocked the substance out of the idea that tuition can not he charged at the col lege without directly violating the :onstitution. But after all, the wvill of the people is the supreme law. The best and quickest way to ascertain that is for the opponents of free tuition to con centrate on a candidate for governor and for-ce the fight in the deniccratic Life Preserver. If von :ic losinz your grip on lifet, try "Wells' Health Renewer." Goes direct to weak >pots "Rcugh on Piles." Cures ',:e- or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Pro truding, Bh-eding, Internal or other. Internal and External I:cmedv in e::ch package. Sure cure, 50c. D)rn,gi. s. Pretty Women. Ladie.. who wcu!d retain freshness and viv acity, don't fail to try "Wells' Ilealth ilenew er." "Rough o:t Itch." "Rought on Itch" cures humors, eruption-. ringworm, tetter, salt rtcum, frosted feet and chillblain<. "Rough on Catarrh." Corrects offensive odors at once Complete cure of worst chronic cases, al-u unrqualed a, gargle for Diptheria. Sure l'troat, and Foul Breath. 50c. The Hope of the Nation. Children, slow in deveh"ptnent. puny, scrawny and delic.te, use "Wells' Ilath l newer." Catarih of the Bladder. Stingin~, irritation, infltmmation, all Kid ney and Urinary complaints, cured by "Buch u Paib.." l. "Water Bugs, Roaches." "Rough onil-'" Ceears them out, :is, Bee tIes, Ants. "Bough on Rats." Clears our rats, mice, roaches, flies, ans and bedbugs. Heart Pains. Palpita-ion, Drups:cal Swellings, )izines-, Indigestion, Headache, Sleeptessne-s cured by "'Wels' Ilealth Recnewer." "Rough on Corns." Ask for Wells' "Rou.h on Corns." 15 ets. Quick couplete cure. Hard or soft corn', u arts, bunions. "Buchu-Paiba." Quick, complete cure, all Kidner, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irritation, Stone, Gravel, Catarih o the Bladder. $1, Druggists. Bed-Bugs, Flies. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats. mice. gophers, chipmunks, cleared away on "Rough on Rats." 15c. Thin People. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual De bility. S1. "Rough on Pain." Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhet, aches pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheuma tism. 20c Rough on Pain Plasters, 15c. Mothers. If you are failing. broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' health Renewer." 51. Druggists. THE NEW DRUG -STORE. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, -And Under the Figure of "TH LION." P. ROBERTBON, Proprietor, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, FANCY ARTICLES, CiGARS, TOBACCO, KEROSENE and VESTAL OILS. XJeNo Liquors of arny Kind.if PRESCRIPTIONS COMPO UND ED AT ALL HOURS OF TIIEDAY OR NIGHT BY TIIE PROPRiETOR. Sept 1137 tf Wright&J. W.Coppock We now announce that otur stock of CLOT H ING FURNISHINE &OOS FOR Men, Youths. Boys and Ghildren, I8 NOW COMPLETE, and we think UNSURPASSED) ini anything that tends to constitute A First-Class Stock Our line of DRESS SUITS was never MORE HANDSOME. while our Business Suits are a dlecided improvement on any thing we have ever been able to get. Special attention given to the se lection of Youths' and Boys' Goods. No doubt every mother will be grat ified at the improvement in this line. We claim to sell the for the amount charged. and no one will doubt the asse-rt ion when a comparison is made. Indeed, our whole line of FurnishingGoods was Never So Good as Now, and in every instance we will give as full value for the amount invest ed as any other house can afford to do, and we guarantee satisfaction. Respectfully, WRIGHT & I.W. COPPOCK, In Front of Court IIouse, Oct 9 41 Newberr-y, S. C.I ICEIICE~I "E E T WE WILL KEEP ON HAND Ice sutticient to suphply rte town-i of Nw betrry* and tihe surroundinig coun ry. THE ICE CART will go~ around the town mrorning anrd evening. Persons riot reguliair cuist omers should listen for the bell anrd stop~ thei Cart anrd hatve their orders filled. Ice will be Shipped to all poinits ont tire railro~ads. Also for sale Refrigerators, Freezers, &c [ %fl )n -mu r nt i ut t ,; rl-p)o-e of . c k n! h:ul:l l? prict. that n 1U: mov tue Gowls. We take i u:i e. The ;r.ti}al d.e ite :1: Co ton and n oulen gotd- ia= reactoed th:.t noim 1 we o a to nn- f:-torit di St are withunt muchgam. To-iiorr w'' wil: nil-: 20.00 y:-rd- DOC at pric nit lie:;:rd of ina this n,arkt. W e ill o eli th r c : t 1 , v : : ., Il 11 U R G E D G IN G an d 1IN - SERTING :: a i Skirt P:t rr -. at l littl r haif their v::lue. Anouith.-r lot of J 1 I> 3 3, in oo:l col.>rs : L:>t No. I. at .*. v r yar !ot No. :. at 10e. per yard: worh1 good de::I or m lni;:. (i0 pieces GINGIIAM3S. worth 1Ut., thais week a: 1e. See our I:cw -t1a in .1ERSEY JACKETS. 2 ease-, SC i:CMOUR N ING CALIC'. Ut 53.. redcilel from t.e. I ens ENG(. iS!! ("1RE'T'ON. worth i8 now at: 1. i\lav ue v. ill oil'.-.:. - at l,zlet,t::~ tP TBL b1 L ail: u'l!3e, 7 ic, T':blc" Lit:en, worth!:i -:.".. for. I.e. .I piecesT abe L en oth 3.. fttr 2:c. _ p i a i. ,ot i e. . 5 e Red al mask T ,i--- :naul Weu:e.lay t o 100 d oz.. Towel at 2-e.. wor-th 33c. T his i.- t: le v- alue w I:::e : ver ol,iret in a T ow el. O mr entire stock of liue D:ilies at mt:utUit i'er coz . See our fine Linen Napkins at $1.5 . worth :2.25 We will selli11 sayav eventi!_ ;;0U L:tlie- iIats at :2C. each, worth 2ac. :;00 p:lir L:160-' C:t'- at e. :, pair. EanT i w!}" e will add NEW ATTRACTIONS. And strangers viliting our c'ty should not fail to see the inducements c,iered by Min1at1gh1. with plenty of capital and varied experience, and ever alive to the iitterests of tlhe people. Wre holl a positio:l secolad to ntne in the State to supply their daily wants in our' various departmei:s. SEE OUR HOSIERY SALE ON TUESDAY. We ol1'er all sizes in Mis-es' Ilo-ierv. worth 40 and 50 cents. at 25 ecents a pair. Don't fail to see our FIFT Y-CENT CORSET, whether you buy or not. 2 Cases Fruit of the Loom, One Yard Wide, at I' cents. 1 Case Lonsdale Shirting One Yard Wide, at 7.1 ceit'. 20 Pieces C:mtbrie at 10c., Worth 12 ets. See the Inducements Oflired in II:anldker!hiefs this Week. 100 Dozen Kerr's Spool Cotton at 4Sc. 5') Fine Parasols. the Balance of Stock on IIand, at Less than the Cost to make. OUR CLOTHING ROOM s one of the nmist complete in the State. Every ltdpartncnt a ci -d it attention, and our daily itcreasing bttsines, in the roon lhows tlh a" ippreciaton 01 tie leople. J. L. 3IIMNAJLUGH & CO., Columbia, S. C. ABIG H10 I THOSE WHO WISH TO BUY CLTIG SB OHS lAND HATS CHEAP FOR (ASH LET THEM GO TO CLUD ITH'S, WVE ]ROPOS~E FOR TH-IE NEXT Thirty Days To Give our Friends and Customers a Chance to Buy Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices, Strictly for Cs Ouir Stock of CLTIII'IIHR WIIE AH IATS MUST BE REDUCED. AT YOUR OWN PRICE. WE HAVE A LINE OF HAND-MADE Low Cut Shoes That 'ost from 84 00 to .5.0 w( aahic h we Proapose to '.lase Out att $3.50 per Pair. WE lEAN BUSINESS. CoME and( SEE for YOU RSEiNVES. SPECIA i DRIVE ini Children's Clothing. CLOUD & SJIITH, MAIN STREET, - - NEWBERRY, S. C. IT STANDS AT THE H]CAD I --TIIE LIGIITRUNNING - .This Cot shaows the xaew style of W~oodt -~~ -- Wa-rk this Comiapanay is now introdlucing. a' ~ ~ Artistiealh-~ B3eautiful. WIIIU A 1PEEIZ SOIV . 'll ithc taceat e tta:t e i ) pt ac it cci DomaeSiit' T 'hese Attachmnents anad the New woodworkr aIgt GF EX 'ELIL Ei\CE. FOR SALE BY 0 II. MUSGROVE, NEWBERIRY. S. C. .$e' wV:a tt eat ini ianoccuied. terr:tory. ]~oMESTI( SiEWING 3LACIF! NE CO., -- v. Riachmondl. Va. TUTT'S PILLSI 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Hedical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OFA TORPID LIVER. Loss ofappetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shoulder blade, Fullness after eating, with adis. inclination to exertion of body ormtind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before the eyes, Headache over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, Highlycolored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PIILST are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change offeelingastoastonishthesnfferer. They Increase the Appette,anddcause the body to Take on Flesh thus the sytem is n aourished, and by their 1'onic Act onon TUTT'S EXTRAGT SARSAPARILLA Renovates the body, Iakes healthy fesh strengthens the weak, repairs the wastes of the system with pure blood and harl muscle; tones the nervous system, invigorates the brain, and imparts the vigor of manhood. $1. Sold by drugzists. . OFFICE 44 Murray St., New York. L AND : Ciaimsa specialty. Warrants, and ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD ERTIFICATES and all kinds of ,AND SCRIP bought and sold. SUS ENDED ENTRIES, LAND, PA 'ENT and PENSION cases attended o. Correspondence solicited. A. A. 'homas, Attorney at Law, Room '2 5 St. loud Bld'g . ashington. April 30. 1S-ly. B. J. RAMAGE & SON HAVE OPENED fn one of the new store rooms of Crotwell & [cCaughrin, a FRESH LINE OF DESIRABLE 3OODS, consisting of among other articles: ,hoice brands of B!cached Good<, Drilling. 3hiriinz, Cottonades, 10; Sheeting, a nice in: of STANDARD PRINTS. [uslin, Lonsdalc Cambrics, fAwns, Nainsook, .inen Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins, La ies' and Gents' Shoes, Brogans. Please call aid examine. 5.28-1c. I. C. SUMMERS, DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer, Cigars td Tobacco. Prompt attention paid to ill orders. I am prepared to furnish lemijohns, kegs and jugs, and they can e returned and no charge made for hiem. J. B. Lanier's celebrated first ra(1e corn whiskey always on mand. Al-o will keep in stock a ill line of the lower grade of goods, to ether wit It Imported Wines, Brandies, rins. and all other goods usual to a rst-class House, which will be sold at he lowest prices. Orders solicited. In connection with the Bar I run a [till supply of family groceries and pro isions. july 23. 6n t\' IV T \.0 0'ST Of)FICE But we do want to sell our stock of erV. and( W.ooden.ware, Fru it .Jars and Cans, SPOT CASH ! Also. we take Cotton Rags and Bees wax in exchange for goods. We o all kinds of' JOB WORK~ n our shop. such as repairing old 1i-ware and Stoves. Roofing and Gnttering (done on short notice at Prics to suit the Timies. Sati-faction Guaranteed. SCOTT & BRO. I -m NEWBERHIY, S. C. CHICE FAMILY GROCERIES PL AN TATION SUPPLIES For Sale. We have now in store, Ferris' 1Iume and Breakfast Strips, C. C. C. Tennessee Hams, Smoked Beer Hams and Ox Tongue--, Bacon, Lard and N. 0. Molasse?, Java, Lagoyra ad Rio Coffees, Finest Green and Oolong Teas, Sugars of different brands, Kirk's Laundry oup and other brands. Also, a nice line of Granireware, Ewers, and Banos, etc., Glass are. P'itcher's, Goblets, Jelly Tumblers, nice articles, B. .1. RAMAGE & SON, 528ly. New berry, S. C. GLENN SPRINGS, SPARTANBURG, S. C. The proprietors of this celebrated ummer resort respectfully announce that it is open for the reception of nicsts, and that everything has been (lone make a visit to it agreeable. The hotel has been put in good condi tion, and an attentive retinue of watr scured, while the table fare is first lass and1( the best that the markets atf IIneks are in readiness at Spartanburg to convey guests to the springs imme diately on the arrival of the cars. Speial attention is given to the ship ent of the water to any part of the ountry, in or out of the State. SIMPSON & SIMPSON, Jl 9, 28-tf. Proprietors. EUISAgents wanted U BITE CU RE, gives instant relief, and drives them away. A ddress sA LLADE & C~O.8 East 18th St., New York BURNHAM'S ,iM PRO WED STANDARD TUR.BINE Is the Ber t con- .acted andI linishedtirbtin a t he world It gives bett' percentage withi part orlfr. gate, and Is -sold for less money perhorso Power than any oilher Tur bine. aphltlJXj 1 i1 YR.P Free by lAN IL L A ROOFING Resembles line leather; for ROOFS, OUTSIDE A L Ls. and INsIDE in place of Plaster. Very strong and durable. CARPETS and RUGs of ane material. Catalogue with testimonials and samples Free. W. It. FAY & CO.. .4t Camden. N. J. rra week at home. $5.00 outfit free Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Reader. if you want busi ness at which persons of eithec sex, young or old, can make great pay all the tme they work, with absolte certainty, write for particulars to Ii Hanlett & Co. s, lamd w.anue Nov '#-17. Rilt Roadii. Columbia & Greenville Railroad PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. CoLUMBIA. S. C.. July 19.1~. On and after Sunday. July 19, 1S85. the PASSENGER TRAINS will run as herewith in dicated upon this road and its branchea Daily. except Sundays. No. 53. UP PASSENGER. Leave S. C. .luuction - - 10.:;0 a in . Columbia, C. G. Depot 10.55 a in Arrive Atstonl, - - - - 11.55 p mi Newberry. . . - - 12-. . r n " Ninety-Six, D - - - -2.14 p i Hodges, - - :316 p m " Belton. - - - . 4.24 p m Arrive Greenville. - - - - 5 45 p m No. 52. DOWN PASSENGER. Leave Greenville, - - - 10.00 a m - Arrive Belton, - - -- 11.21 a in " Hodges, - - 12.34 p m " Ninety-Six, D - - - -123 p m " Newberry, - - 3. .0 p m " Alston, - - 4.10 p m Arrive Columbia. C. &t G. liepot - 5.15 p in Arrive S. C. Junction. - - - - - 5.30 p in SPA'TA3BUR0, UNIoN A COLUMBIA RAILROAD. b No. 63. UP PASSENGER. Leave Alston. - - - - 11.5. p m Arrive Strother, - - - - 1.36 p m ( " Shelton, - . - - 1.02 p m " Santuc, - - - - - 1.-4 p m " Union, D - - - 1.5 p m 3 " Jonesville, - - - 2.42 p in Arrive Spartanburg, S. U. & C. 1). 3.27 p in -' " R.&D.D. - 3.37pm No.52. DOWN PASSENGER. C Leave Spartauburg, R. & D. Depot. H 12 05 a m " Spartanburg, S.U.& C. Depo?.G 12.25a m Arrive Jonesville, - - - 1.17 a m " Union. D - - - 1.48 p m " Santuc, - - - 2.3t p m h " Shelton, - - - 3 03 p m " Strother. - - - :3.28 pm Arrive at Alston. - . - 4005 p m S BLVE RIDGE RAILROAD AND ANDERSON BRANCH. Leave Belton 4.28 p m Arrive Anderson - . 5.01 p in " Pendleton 5 40 p m Leave Seneca S 6.23 p m Arrive Walhalfa 6.45 p mn Leave Walhalla, - - 9.05 a m Arrive Seneca C, - - 8 0 a m " Pendleton, - - 9 43 a m " Anderson, - - 10.27 a m Arrive at Belton. - - 11.02 a in Leave Newberry, - - - 3.lSp m Arrive Laurens C. H.. - - 6. am Leave Laurens C. H., - - 9.1 p m r Arrive Newberry, - - !00 a m ABBEVILLE BBANCH. Leave Hodges. - - - 3.20 p m Arrive at Abbeville. - - - 4.20 p m Leave Abbeville, - - - - 11.25 a m Arrive at Hoges, - - - - 12.25 p m CONNECTIONS. Close connection is now madc at Seneca with It. & D. R. R. for Atlanta and beyo.d. A. With South Carolina Railroad from Char leston. With Wilmin-"ton, Columbia and Augusta Railroad -rom Wilmington and all points North thereof. Wit Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad from Charlotte and all points North thereof. B. With Asheville & Spartanburg Rail Road for points in Western North Carolina. C. With A. & C. Div. R. & D. E. R., from all points South and West. D With A. & C. Div., R. & D. R. R., from At lanta and beyond. E. With A. & C. Div., R. & D. R. R., from all points South and West. F. With South Carolina Railroad for Charles ton. With Wilminton, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for Wilmington and the North. With Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for Charlotte and the North. 0. With Asheville & Spartanburg Railroad from Hendersonville. 11. With A. & C. Div., E. & D. E. R., from Charlotte and beyond. G. R. TALCOTT, Snperintendent. D CA RDwar.L. Ass't General Passenger Ag. Columbia. S. C. ATLANTTIC COAST LINTE. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, BETWEEN Charleston and Columbia and UJpper: South Carolina. Conidensed schedule GOING WEST. Leave Charleston, - - -- 7.20 a rn " Lanes, - - 834 a mi " Sumiter. - - - 9.33 a mn Arrve Columibiai. - - 10.40 a mn " Winnsboro, - - '3.02 p mn " Chester, - - - 415pim " Yorkville, - -- 6.05 p ml " Lancaster, - - .01 p m3 " Rock Hill, - - 4.5Gp m " Charlotte, N. C., 6.00) p im "Newberry, S. C., -12.58 p mn " Greenwood, - - '.52 p m " Laurens, - - -- 600 p mf " Anderson, - .01 p~ m " Greenville, - - 5.45 p m1 " Walhalla, - - 6.45 p mn " Abbeville, - - 4.20 p m " Spartanburg, - 3.27 p mn "Hendersonvdlle, N. C., 7.15 p mi GOING EAST. Leave Hendersonville, N. C., 7.00 p mn "Spartanburg, - - 12.25 p mn "A bbeville, - - 11.25 ain " Walhialla, - - 8.30 a mi "Greenville, - - 10.00 a m " Anderson, - - 10.27 a mn " Laurens, - - 9.10 a in " Greenwood, - - -- 12.59 p in " Newberry, - - 3.10 p mn "Charlotte, N. C., - 1.00 p mn " Rock Hill, - - 2.02 pm " Lancaster, - - 7.0, p m " Yorkville, - - 11.45 p m " Chester, - - 2.44 p Im SWinnsboro, - - 3.18 p mn " Columbia, - - 5.27 p mn Arrive Sumter, - - - 6.37 p m " Lanes, - - - 7.38 p mn " Charleston, - - 9.05 p m Solid Trainis between Charleston and Columbia. Special Baffet Cars attached to this train. No extra charge for seat in these ars to passengers holding First Class tckets. J. F. DIvINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. Asheville and Spartanburg Railroad. DOWN TRAIN. NO. 4. Arrive. Leave. = STATIONS. b (0 a. n[ledroil. 00 a.i m. 20 ~ Sld,..... 8 20 LnrmI 9 86a .. 0anoblL Colemnnans.......... 946a i 'Me lr se........ ....! U TrAyCt.. .... 42 .i.5la Camocel......... 40nman,.....n......... .3O4 . 42nd. 4 25 8Mloe 3S 45ry Ciy 2 55 Lndun. 2 13 'jCipbla '148 2Inn . 1 40 Cmptn 1 05 1 lf10i-in oci fl~Transon shvile3 Hendrsonvill........ Wi5 bolrumaby .........Time. TrySn City........ p. m.100 . m. Sprinten.dept.. iT1iES AND) JE\IFLRI it tI;e Neu More on Hol Lot. u;t C:i ." AT CHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plateci Ware, OLiN AND GUITAR STRIINGS, SPECTACLES AIMD SPECTACLE CASES WEDDINS AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. I' i. .'L$5 V Ai U ETT. A 1! or.l."r- by v i.t.: prontpt lc ett.e-,ld. to. I atchniaking and Repairing !l.,.w Ch'.pl. nwi h i s)' -l. rull an-d f'annliwe t. .tvek :nd price EDUARD SCHOLTZ. N.. 21, 47-- if INSURANCE. We :tre sti writing Irtitr:lt'-e o ie rable property of :ill aids in Towii it) Cmtinly. int the old. s:I o1_"n ani reli:i e iZ'erpool c& London & Globe In surance Cornpany. 'ontinenuld Ins. Co. of'N. York. nis. Company of North America. lartford Fire Ins. Co. of Hfarttord. Conn. The comD1bined Gapital and Assets of '"lmpanlies in our :1-elncy. toots up $22,881,SO6. No guess work. have tignres to show. t Vou want positve lusir:ilee against yi. we will be pleased to write it for on. Gin IIouse risks taken with either team. water or horse power. l. P. BOOZER & SON, Sept 21 tf Agents. Dr. S. POPE. r OFFER MY PROFESSIONAL ser L vices to the citizens of the Town of fewberry in all of the Departments of ledicine, except Obstetrics. My engage ents a:e such that I cannot visit cases utside of the Town. Any such desir ig my-services must come to me. 1 make a specialty of diseases of Fe aales, and of Chronic diseases. Office on Friend Street, near the Fal aw House, in the new Pool Bnildin, th door. SAMPSON POPE, M. D. Jan. 22, 4-3m. PATENTS )btait:ed. aud sli rATF.NT li' INESS attended -o for 3IODERA i E FEi S. -our efice i opposite tlh-U. S. Pst-t.tOlice. nd we can ott in Patents in le-s time than bo-e removed from WASIIN(e1 ON. Send 31Q1)EL OR DRAWING. We advise as o patertability tree of charce; and we make OCtARGE UNLESS PATENTIS SECURED. We iefer, here. to the l'o>tm-ster, the Sut. of Money Order Div., and to of1cials ofthe . S. Patent 081cc. For circu'ur. advice. terme t n.d references to nRctual clients in ycur own Sta.te or County, wr.te to C.A. S TOW & CO., osite Patent Cflicc, Washington. D. C. Pee 4,87-tf. Conden,cd ScheduLc. TR _ .NS GOING SOUTI. .Nn. 44. No- 40. DATED .July 12th. 183 Daily. Daily. 1.v. Wilmington..........820A~* Lv. L.Waccaml Arrive Foren~ce... 125 1s- - "~ Sumter............4 34A x. 4 24 4 " Columbia..........6 40 " 64 TRA!NS GOING NORTH?. No. 43. No. 47. Dmilv. Daily. Lv. Columbia ....... 955 P. I. Arrive Sumter.................I1 55 " Leave Florence......... .4 30 P x. 5 07 A. 11. Lv. Marion................514 '' 553 " Lv. L. Wacmaw....... 7 14 '- 7 4& Ar. Wilmington...........33 "907" Train No. 43 stops at all Stations. Nos. 48 and 47 stops only at Brinkley's Whiteville, Lake Waceamaw. Fair Bluff. Nichols. Marion. Pece Dee, Florence. Timmions ville, Lynchaburg, Mayesville. Somter, Wedge-. field, Camden Junction and Eastover. Passengers for Columbia and all points on C. &G. R.R., C ,C. &A. R. R.Stations, Aiken Juncion, and all po ints beyond, should take No. 48 Night Express. Separate P'ullman Sleepers f 'r Savannah and for Augusta on train 48. Passengers on 40 can take 48 train from Fin. rence for Columbia. augusta and Georgia pin's via Columbia. All trains run solid bet ween Charleston and Wilmington JOHIN F. DIVINE, General Superintendant T. M. E31EPJSON, Gen'l rass. A gt. South Carolina Railway Company. COMME.