012A _____ __ ___ ________ ________________ ________--- ______________________________________________ ________ __ ___ _______________________I - - - 1 Family Paper Devoted to Lii'eratiu c; 4i .scella7ty, Al67t, 4ictz',art, .j VOL. XX. __NEWBP RRY, -. 0., THURSDAY, NOVEM E 718.N.~ iTATE OF SOU TH CARULINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. iN TIIE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Napoleon B. Daveuport, Plaintiff. naaitnst William \1. Dorroh and John D. Pitt-, a the Execu*or- of FI-nry Huir-on, deve.-ed, woo was the ioie Ex-curor of John G. Da verport. d-cea>ed, of whon will they are i now the Exrcutor., Tbeiesa R. D-ivetoort, 1lii G Divenport, John G. Davtnport, lobert C. Davenport, Sarah Ann Daven p'rr, Amy W. Hill, Jouathan W. itavenport, ",W;.L-:n G. Davenport, Me!vina R. D.,ven ..r-. L,ut,a McClure, .lonathan D. Ru-dd. r.::zat:c"h Hli,:tn. WViiiiam, G. McK-ever, Ja'ies S. McK,-evrt and Wilds McKee:ver ro the D.-f .i.ints " atove named : You a c herev sumn>ied and required to answer :t.e coniplaint in tti ac:n n, wieh is :.his day titil in the office of the Clerk of s:id Court, for said Cuuity and to to-rve a copy of your answer to the said cam N, pi:aint on the sub-:cribers at their offlce ait ldtM,w\ e.dcrry ('ourt House, S. C., v.i.hin twenty :lims- d t's ; f-er "the service hereof, excli,ive of nediat.,e *:iv of such Service; and if you fail to tme ark-, - r: contalaint within the time afore t- ,.b' i, :tit- ,.hitit f i-i this action will ainply to N o43 .te-our= i.,r'he,relii?femandediin htcomn ,lait r. ) tted1 Septembehr 11. A. D. 18S4. MOOR3MAN & SIJKINS, Plaint,tf Atiortievs. %u the De endants, Amy W. Hib, Johna th'nt X. I)venport. Wiili:tn G. Davenport, Melvina R. Datenport. Louisa McClure, .lonaran V. Rudd. Ei:z.,iy-ta Houston, %-il liarm G. McKeever, James S. McKeever and Wiid; McKeever : Take notice: Tha: t.i .u-i,n~n in thiv action, of wh i(e -to rt 9eg 'iIn is a vopv, was i td in the flice. of the Cl.-rk tr 'ihe -nit Court of Common itiea, t Newberr C. urt House in the Coutt'y of N. wt,-ri in ile State or South Caro!ina, on the 11th tl y of September, 1SSt. MO:tMAN & SI31KINS, Plaintitr's Atroruwys. Newhornty, C H., S. C. This 11 th day of September, 1884. Sep. 11-6. Land for Sale. A TRACT of LAND, containing Seventy-seven (77) Acres. more or less, bounded by land, of Dr-G. W. Glenn. Edgar Sligh. and the Wilsont Place, is ofered for sale. It i? well-watered, partly cleared and susceptible of high cultivation. Th-re is cousierabie cord wood on it. A bargain may be had. Apply to HERALD and NEws OFFICE. sep IS tf BLOOD And-its. unt,aralleled abuses, areji-ully and freely discussed in a'neat 32 page book, muailed free to any address, by Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Drop a postal for it, as every man and wo man needs and .will be 'delighted with itsval u:nble and entire!y new revelations. ShIiLL VOICES So:tetimes shao. a Naton of pt ople and aron,e thet to actlon. Ex .resiuns'apnintar to the following, from a well known Dru gist of Atlanta, pour in from sections %here B. B. B. has been u-ed. A-rTANTA, Ju:wi 12, 1b54. It i. our firm belief that B. B. B. is the B'ood 'urifier on the market. We are selling four or five bottles- c f it to one-of eny other pret.arations of the kind. It has failed in no lns-ance to give cntire satisfaction. Merit is the secret. W. P. SMITH & CO., Drugists. This is the only blood medIcine known that comibinies quick: action, certain eff'eet, . aep price and unboainded satisfaction . WE PROVE3 That one stnte botle of B. B. B. wtill do n much work in curing [1:ood P'oi'ons, Sk'i't Affections, Scrofni, Kidiley Troubles. Ca: tarrh and Rb.:.umatism as six bottles of any other preparation ou earh. -.One 50-year-oki ehronIe n toer eured.; scro fula of children curedi with one bottle. BloodJ poisons cured wIth :t few bottle.'. It never fails: We nold bonre proof in book form. Send for It. Large bottle SI 00, six for SS500. Expressed,. otitmecctt ar,price.gif your/D)rug gIst can't supply you. .Addresa BLOOD BALM -CO., Atlanta, Ga, Sold in Newberry by.Dr. S F. Fan?. Oct 16-84 1y Wright&J. W. Coppock We now announce that our stock of - CLOTHING in~ and-aon Ken, 0$ ouh, 90yn5 td Oildeu * 8 NOW COMPLETE, andi we think UNSURPASSED in anything that tends 'to constitute A First-Claea Stock. . Our line of . DRESS SUITS was never)MORE HANDSOME, while our busineSS Suits are a decided improvement on any. thing we have ever been able to get. Special attention given to the se lection of Youths' and Boys' Goods. No doubt every mother will be grat ified at the improvement in this line. We climi to sell the for the amount charged, and no one will doMbt the ass rtion when a compatrison is made. Indeed, our whole- line of FurnishingGo->ds was NTeyer So Go4 s Now, and in every Ins?aace as wUl give -gs full value for the amoun~t invest edas any oth&r lionlse eso affor'd to do, and w'e guarantee aftisfaction. Respectfully, WRIT & J, W. COPN~CK, Int Front of Court House, OnL 9 41 Necwberry, S. C, The wie ,-d fl-e when io man putr-ie It ir :1im n g 'tl "(o se h ,w tender-fotedr er tin hk-otd -enielv p,-orieors hive bee.,ne of l-e. !'h -v t.:ke nuch :ido ib"ut "aies and imitators" when, n"ne are in si;:ht. The pr op i-t er of B 1Ii. 1i. uould a% inos t eaiphau;cil'Y that th'eir :-n:iv-'V stand- up,rn its oAn ,,er:t. Should we :i'temp* to imi tate, i: WtI.uld nut bi" rh" e who d, not Q. the ,ffer. Ou ow n I,te- experience in the pro'fes-ion p eclrudes such an idea. 1 he fietl for lo~d rein -dies is 'rz;e atwl broad af fordi:t ample ,r,n for all prrent :spirarnt . We d. not desire t che tire door :gain-t o'heis, iwith(er shall it be el.u ,d ;inst l-. - P. B B is the quick.-st rine;y. i c- ilot cr.n:i in mini ral or veret:bie lois,", di,es ni: imit:re an; is in the field a: an !on- l orable comp.ritor Ior itiulic f.ivor. oct 10 1m POSITIVE NOTICE. .Il! pers3on"s lidebted to i/le t llIdersi'nted. itXt .setlle [/i same by/ or before tiie 20//i of . Kocember iwer, ot itr/ii"/e your accouants iCII1 >e p/iced iii tle lituds of a/1 oificer for co/ertion. ad/1 /Ol w/ll g'e no f/urt/er credit in thfe FU 'i'+M . S.. FANT. NOTICE. EsT:TE OF MosES M. Ci'tr,cK. DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all credlitors of 1 Mfoes 31. Coppnck, dec.-ased. to vrestut their claints proper iv proven. to the ui dt'rsigined im nediutey; a a ho are in anvwise indebted to the same are -requested to settle at once, as an early settlrieut ut his estate is d.slred. JOHN W. COPPOCK, No 43-St. Fxecutor. We desire to atnonnee to thre eitize!re of Newberry and tirro,utintrg Conlitit"s. that we have located a MARBLE YARD in the Town of Nt-wherry, and are pre pared to furnish all kini !g Up and 'lOWU in t:ie' I l;i C 1n e: .tati" e tilht. Wht is ah:r:tt.er. +ir;. lcCar' 1 ai i Ui, sir, ShI r i iedi .,t >k ; I a .id Iii I iardiv ot , le ter in the inilil. Wi.eni 1 trror. when he roared out. Dt- -i Ieveland If a dyn t ahimitt o , laI h Xpiled id r I could not have Sei lore auazed. 1- ishing ; ttrn ,he couversatimo. I carelessly r - i:arted, di(i.ou hear the s'rpaerd to ?I lielei. W it casel wsOry not t, La:::.:tie, l as d oult. 1) on Mcher 111ihing to divertth nyI of mt frien:i .sarod ,e de ate and his friends, I remarked th:t >ne of te evening papers had said t:at Verythin. as lost. G laring at me ike a vanie this 'lymouth lagb -.rushied his hat down over his eyes c:d veiled out. D - evierythingf. tud 'rushed o-.t of the room Now his man was a deacon, had ocen a ustee and a Sunday School super utendent. and his case was not an ,xeptionalone. Everytbody seemed o be fighting mad Rteflectint, on n,ly iePlymodth :riend's sad moral de nation I walked on for a block and rmet a yousng man whom I had nowa n lactive revivalist and a >iliar of the Y. M. C. A. Fine, (1ay, remarkei. I dont think so, said c. savagely. Laiue. I hear, Las got a tuore votes in Kingston. D On Aainle, sa d rny pios frienh obletorais te hiohead aode slothingth)eneing the bio gequret 0mexodn ooth polticaly. atos [heren ae he o thfee ave ue - nnts.t -Mondtary nit adisne witare an oeglr boomt-acti t nuhercade :o,mention, all oTerry the twar, leissDateprts redora the ol,n ~it oera~ ot the pajot few weesit slasellny pming a the Paiopae. he igt WO poon at aly's, York In is at thwe Fithre.enue, Then anedhe attractis t neous :al aenut Cftevelaef tnd turmoil and wasy rel aming nd eatti'opn. and not a wave of trouble rolled across their peaceful breasts " But it does not look as though we 'were: oisg to have harmony. even melody. ery long. for Mapleson says Lhat his stockolders are treating him shabbi ly, and he swears by the great boot if they dont come down with their flthy lucre, he will take the Diva off an a concert tour and leave our shod ly to whistle their own operas. One of the great centers of attrac tion at the presen: time is the Metro politan Art Museum. It only seems . l etray that a modest build. igwas rented on 14lth street by a few public spirited men and women for the purpose of establishing a museum of art There was but little moey to purchase anything, and strange as it may seem our wealthiest citizens have never been its most ac tive patrons. One of the central fig ures, whose name willte indissolubly linked with the establishment of this admirable institution, was John Tfay lr Johnson, one of the foremost lovers and patrons of art in the United States. Thue p)resent magni ficent Institution in Central Park has grown fi om that little beginnieg founded in 14th street fourteen years ago. As an educator for the mass o the people it is priceless. W hile roaming through fts halls the ignorant hind wh~o can neither read nor write. can drink in wisdom which hooks would never give. The 'object les sns which lie lieore him are the most complete education that mortal manl ever received. liere are sup turd figures fro:a the Nile wrought ~eore dose"h became the car ule a inh t e rushes -. N tiiu ' r car\"ed by teit l:::;cis befo:re t'~ pyrami.is we re butin anid while th ti4):_ of i A!brah:un an,.l Lo. wt-r. gra:zin_r ou the hillsi-IL 0 - u' a. S.arctplii,i are hi ltere in Wl'.en I fori of Souie min ;,igrt rn!r erili 1.t int() du.t a_es be iore ti :rvat Na buchadnazzar led th ecib' ire.li tra into captivity. iare coins anl TId als fill cases devott"d to tn h;t,inatie art. and here are perp-tuiated- ilb sI ver :,iid bronze s oe ' t t...t.,- m :ht iest Imen'1 ai Vomeil ti:L this world .as ever s-ti. ilow 1,r::uilI tU:y res.5 tt);tt. ar. th!ts lim:iltr'td t1i. i's. a!t"r ii est of. storinl aint agony :1111 sorrow. 1:inaeI lo,,b er :rt' t: ie- heal of llenry i hi l of .i lalnd alndl thIte of .is ,I::ttritu la:: lin ens. ,, ha; a Iistor i til'l in t:a e l.uite :il 5 s t' iit ab-t tt, (OV'a~.'.:tSllu hit i,' ' ."li th pu-oke t h ired e:rs :.A Tith :te pe my Lor-l l'rotctor (r tte cbaracter :t;hd coiL t,of, iiUiiness. I allu 1ie to a ru1L ad;opted in 1 -0 by which tihe 1-at i the lioUSe are dr1awn by ;co-.,ntics and4 hot by in .,t mini.:- with vacli other, and t.e si.er-es oi iiitrcsis and opii iois wiOc prevail in t!h counties in e rjriptt ted in the Legislature. . his. :.t leaat. is t:e Leuadencv, if not t.e iinturai resuit. i ie reabons given or keeping to .th,c r t::e miembters from each coun ty ar. stat,d by our correspondent, awl we tiiink that the public will agree With hirn in the opinion that tnt-rc is no torce in tilem. and that, in Sime r,spects at least. they are really reasons against the system, in stead of leing in its favor. The Legislature represents the whole State, and it usust be the de -ire of every uieib.-r who appre ciates his responsibilities and lovis the State, that every sembla, ce of sectionalism shall be removed, and that each ml ember of tie L tgislature, in his words and acts, shall look to the interests of the Sta e as a wi.ole. When the members of the dif ferent coui tit.s are iutermingltt,! on the flour there is little opportunity for the forna ion of (oteries and ciques, and evt-ry meinber, being re iuved in a uaiusure from local in tiences. is considered. and reg:irds ionsJ' as t e rep,reseitative not nu-rel,* o: a county but of tile 6t.ate. i his is a most csirable consuminua tion. Under the present arrangement, the representatives from the diiferent cuunties,who ai e elected by counties, go to Columbia as delegations from the couuti, s, sit in the liouse of Rep reseutatives as dele_ations, and vote and speak pretty much in the same way. The strictly local ideas, feelings and prejudices which it is so impor taut to dissipa:e, are strengthened arnd confirmed duiing the legislative -ession. It is to be hoped that the Legisla ture, upon reassembling, will modify the ru es so that the members will be disti ibu-ed by lot as individuals on the floor, in the same way that they are distributed in the House of Rep resentatives at Washington. Perhaps, too, this will check the torrent of ;o cal legislation which has been inju rious a!ready and is growing in mag nitude. There are very few in3tances, in deed, in which special legislation that is, legislation for a particular county. or group of counties-should be permitted. - Constitutional amend ments prohibiting it have been adopt. ed latterly in many of the States. Trhe desire of the people of a coun ty for a particular measure is not in itself a sufficient reason why it should become a law. If it be inconsistent with the interests of the State as a whole, it is not safe to adopt it be cause a few persons in one part of the State desire it. There is hardly any legislative measure which pres ses equally beneficial to all sections. The rule should be as to ascertain what is for the greatest good of the greatest number, and embody that In the laws of the State. Should the wish for local legislation continue to be complied with, the State will be broken up into little groups and com munities, each differing from the other by spec al laws fully as much as one State differs from another, and perhaps more, The suggestions of our correspon dent are timely and Important. and we trust they will be considered, and that they will be promptly acted upon if they shall seem to the members of the Legislature as reasonable and just as they appear to us to be. From the Church Derald, IVOLUTION, As our readers have doubtless seen, our PreBbyterian neighbors have late ly been greatly agitated over the question of Evol ution. It may be re marked, by the way, that no body of religious people seem to be quite so congenial to agitation as the P?resby terians. They seem to regard all questions of th.eology as fundamen tally dea jde, no matter how small or temporary. Everything most be con tended for, or against, and definite ly settled, down to the finest and most trivial distinctions. They have been trying last to settle Evolution, which we may also say, by the way, we do not regard as trivial or unim portant. But it is a dreadfully ii practicable question. It might as well be let alone by the churches, in all probability for several centuries to come. Tbe scientists themselves cannot handle it, and surely the churches cannot. And when one re flects, only a very little, be is a wa kened to some amazement that they cannot see this at the beginning. Ev olution is a theory, not a fact; a con jecture, not a demonstration. It has never- been proved, and if it ever should be proved ages may elapse beforehand. On the other hand it may be im possible to prove it, throughomut ali time. At present there ura noQt aniienft datq to go upon. Thp links aire sah and so fat, inezorably e 'g;issing": And yet, strange t-> sny, tis brilliarnt gueiss ni learnedi rind, this fuging.hg he cause novel auppposition, haaL~ actualiv invaded tbe stronihold n'f theotgg and e;irgydl. nl ,f e. i- o ho ins:m with the new beres.. and feel com pelled to beheve just a very little bit of it, if no ut.r,. T.ey shut their eyes to logiea. inc-n sienev. and stop in mid-ocean, as it were. when there is actiaii nohing at all there to stop on. On.- %%iil allow it to carry him to one point, and another a lit Sle farthr r. :ici .. on to the exr rtl. But they do nut seeiw to ie.iize tit:i the extrewe is the only a l pint of rest. They are of the <1:ii:inltirs and eon i ra,lietions and im n,istenties' which ar. stop pag" Shor of the er,dl inv")lvc"s ;hen in. Th!t R.v. Dr. Woo.drow. of the Colua,bia Theological Seminary, has written a handiSur essiv on tir' Su) ject. It is s"ho"arly and poiisbed. Bat as he cari ies his rewlers on 'ipon his flowing stream of thought be suddenly brings theui fl"tt upon an impediment. Adam was n h ast, be sais. e%oived from oi h r beasts. , utii' n God br-s:ned into him thc breath of life and he became a living soul. How now ? W i:it sh:tll be done about that 1 Oh, nothing, the Professor s:vs, just let it stand; only take a t!inmng start, make an are in air. and the duf:in'ty n"ill I,,- h:oped No w, :Jow doe, Profiessor Voudrow happen to know that at a certain p' riod il the life of t.be binte Adam. Gu.l gave tiru a human sont new wade for the oceasion And is not tb- veir pt inciplie of Evointion viola ted by this new creation, and Evolu tion itse f h oght to an end I That (o coul.i have done as Dr. Wood ro,y says. thri- ct oe't not i he- s!iibt est doubt had lie so wii, but whete is the evidn-rce? T an again. the essay adamits that Eve was wade ont of Adaws ti;. Where is the Ev ointi''u in this7 WIte in fact is the a any ein t hy %, isdIm.,rn in :eept ing the theory of any Ev.intion at all. if it Las to he bat,ered to pieces now and again by such admissions as these? It is a great pity that the clergy must feel compelled, in order to get abreast with the age. to be lieve contradictions and nonsense. A thorough Evolutionist is a compre hensible being, and so is a thorough Christian, but a cross between the two we had supposed to be a thing not of earth. And yet, why not? We bave occasionally in this weary life met the phenomenon Dunce, and it would be evading the truth to say that he was not a thing of flesh and blood. IOW TIIE PRESIDENT I1 ELECTED. Technically speaking, the Presi dent is not elected by the people, and the people do not vote directly for any Presidential candidate. They cast their ballots for electors, choose a President and Vice President. In each State the number of electors is equal to the number of Senators and Representatives which the State has in Congress. In New York there are thirty-six electors. Each party has an electoral ticket with the names of these thirty-six electors printed on it. The electoral ticket which re ceives the greatest number of popu. lar ballots in the State will .be chosen by the people, and the electors named on it will *be entitled to give their votes for the candidates whom they represent. The electors who are chosen will meet in each State on the first Wed nesday in December and cast their votes for a President and Vice Presi dent. As a matter of law, they can then vote for whom they please. They are not legally bound to vote for Cleveland or Blaine, or any other person who was a candidate before the people. As a matter of usage and public trust, they are expected to vote for the candidate whom they are pledged to support. Certificates of the votes cast by the electors in each State are then made out and sent to W ashington. These certificates will be opened in the pre. scnce of the Senate and House of Representatives and counted on the second Wednesday in February. The total number of electoral votes is 401. The candidate for President receiv ing the majority of these-that is, 201 -will be declared President. If' no person has such majority, then the election goes into the House of Rep resentatives, which is reqouired to choose a President from the persons not exceeding three-who have re ceived the most electoral votes for President. In the House the vote is by States, each State having one vote.-New York Herald. CLEVELANiD'S ANCES[RY. From the New Haven Register. It is not generally known that the bones of one of Governer Grover Cleveland's distinguished ancestors lie mnouldering in New H aven soil; and that he was formerly well known and highly esteemed here. Such is the case. In a bright and cheery room at No. 125 Wall street a Register rep resentative was introduced to the wid ow of the late Abijah Cleveland, of this city. She is a pleasant spoken, elderly lady, and a daughter of Da vid Breed, of this city, who very many years ago lived on George street. Mrs. Cleveland is a live-long resident of New Haven, and Profes. sor Dwight and Bishop Coxe are both cousins of hers. Mrs. Cleveland has an excellent mem,ory. "Yes,'' sad she, in response to an interro;gton, "Groyer Cleveland's great grandrathcr died in this city a;;d was buried ai the GroveestreeL ,metery. ifts nr.'.2 was Aaron Cleveland, and he was a Congrega: tonal mnister and a poet. The Cleve, ;a e.at levoeain imeuroh wat lia'iih. in 1w>. ie wa- a Harvard graduate. iis son Aaron. the (me I started to talk abont. and who is t>ur ed here. was a minister in Norwich for many years. 'T'h;er ic nmsrrie'i into the;then emntlero anl aml f:iifii;;am ily of Br. eds. fro:a w .ich:j3r.ed ilall'there is n_m3(l. hns wonan wa his see owl wife and sue was my grand mother. W hen I wa.s about two and a half years old, my father moved to New Haven and my grandfathe Clevelani came to live with us. Thi was in 1815. I was sick and he used to take care of me. and soon after he also ?ic:,ned. lie (lied September 21st of that %enr. and he is buried in what is now Wrn. Franklin's lot in the old cemetery. 'Grover Cleveland's grandfather, the son of t!'echove. was Wm. Cleve land, a deacon in the First Congre vational"church on the old Norwich town green. lie was a goldsmith.. "This man's son, Richard F.. was Grover Cleveland's father. He liv in Norwich for a long time, gradua ted :it Yale college, and used spend much time with his New Hav en relations. Then he mirricd and went out into zhe middle statea. Yes. continued the old lady. "Grove Cleveland's ancestry is such that::1 can afford to be proud of it." In the work entitled '-The poe of Connectien'," published in 1843 b Rev. C W. Evertt. extensive mentio is made of Mr. Cleveland, the clergy man who died there.: and his collec tion of poems are published. Amon them is one on slavery. Mr. Clev land was a clever and social man very quick at repartee. The mothe of Wr.. E. Dodge. the New Yor merchant, was a"child'of this man. TilE DEAR OLD WIFE. Her Heart ;Aches with Longing for"One W of Love. [From Harper'e Bszar.] Why should the woman who h been the faithful wife of years nee other beautifying appliances than th remembrances of all that she h been and done in those years? S and her husband are growing old gether; she does not love him an io the less for his grayness, his baldn his pallor, his graven lines; under. of them she sees the man who w her heart so many years ago. In h taste for beauty, his refinement a cultivated sense, so much more ac than hers that he alone of the tw must needs see change, and feel lo and dissatisfaction, and manifest t feeling? Yet how many days th are. whether it be from this feel' or from simple indifference, that t old wife wearies and her heart ach with longing for one word of all old words that. used to be poured. her ear, for one caressing gesture. the hand, for one action that has other end or aim in view but the e dent promotion of her happin No matter ho w old she is, be she ev all her threescere years and ten, t woman does not livc who can li happily without love. and if she a husband, and they are living gether in apparent amity, without love and some proof of it. She kno that there have been old lovers l married, she remembers the swe ballad of "John Anderson my John,'' which never moved her w. she was young, but now seems; hbgve been written for herself, and s sighs for some expression from b husband that shall make her state. semnble that of those old lovers. is the indifference that breaks heart, she does not know, in darkness concerning it and the r ons for it, how soon It may turn: hate; she does not know but a would rather it were hate, and d with. Without that love which be'en the breath of her life in the she must fail, or sink and wither i self centred indifference herself; it, she could still lift her portion the world like Atlas. She Is kay unselfish if the want of it d not make her review her life and its labors aun sacrifices, and an indignation over the injustice her lot, in which either the flame her life or of her love must burn It would cost the husband of this wife-a man who doubtless d kindnesses to others-but ii thought or exertion to mninf a love that may be warm beneath crust, brief mentions of gratifi or of pain now and then, smiles, fidences, turning for sympathy w together, movements of old-fashio courtesy when with others; all would not greatly impair his o powers through exertion. and it wo raise her again, to her proud p among happy wives, whose love whose receipt of love outlast t very life. Fortunate for the worl it that, if there are some who do ferently, the greater number of bands see, under the mask that has built, the woman of their I and would utter for her epitaph worse words than Underneath this stone doth lIe As much vi1rtue as could die. which, when alive, did w1or give To as munch beauty es con7d live. M JonMilton thus aliad the defeate4 Republicau i.andid "He with hi. boni1d crew lay quished, rolling in the fiery gulf foujnded: but his dootm reserv..d to more wrath, for now the tho both~ of' lnst happiness and 1. pain torments him. Round he t his baleful eyes, that witnessed affliction and dismcy, mixed