The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, November 20, 1884, Image 4

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NOV EMBEK. 8 MiTt WTFjS, - -I-K-i 2. 3 4 5. 6 7 8 S 9 10 11 12 1314 15 1 7 - 18 19 '-21 30 r n, Lten - unustit ib. WHAIT ES FARMEAG.? It is soflethig more than staying on :a farm. It is something more than skinning the soil. It is more than stAling hay or potatoes, and bulky crops unanimalized. Farm ing is a business profession, a prac tical and scientific operation whereby the soil is used.-for profit, .and improv ed under the operation. The process of nature must be understood and worked in harmony with the c:hemis try of the earth and air. The proces ses of the elements must be under stood, if not in their technical terms and language, in that sensible under standing, that commonsense w:. , that their own advantage and capa bilities may be turned to best ac counts. The lawyer works by law and precedent. the physician works by symptoms and indicatioas, the m rehant by rules and observation. the mechanic by measure and capa cities. The farmer innst work by all rules, observation and experiment. He must be a prac:ieal lawyer. doc tor, merchant and mechanic of- the vegetable, the animal and the trade world about him. He must be a skilled workman in the productive. operative and conmercial circles in which his business lies and:his sphere of circulation extends. There is a quiet about the life of a farmer, and a hope of a serene old age that no other business or profes sion can promise. A professional man is doomed sometimes to feel that his powers are waning. He is 4oomed to.see younger and stronger men pass him in the race of life. Hei looks forward to an old a,e of intel lectual mediocrity. but the farmer goes, as it were, into partnership i with trees and flowers--he breathes the sweet air of fields. There is no constant and frightful strain upon his mind. His nights are filled with sleep and rest. He watches his flocks and herds as they feed upon tie - greeu hilly slopes. Hie hears the pleasant rain faill upon the wavin, corn, and the :rees.he planed; in. his south field rustle about him as he plants others for the eh iren yet to be.-3wise an dil i paca te. Pgsei bou kaeer than n lthers offi tberan wi ised good pareand sk l pie whaen o keep . thee pin a ethrith,: sgopsn fre ntion trou~c thae iter lat is particlrthea c_ae bouaee them in rge ium o beer. ndch ysoag pigan t el allt ooke pcat oe-,witern ets r -Pu ple whos kee mytoor threlyig to b leally fhestops forn th nue hnle thei aveonytpe pigs tobteId anaethan the y are tfasre or: <reao watded. orbha nde bread, or fding ise arped loet like l to be Leten you have gonl y,wonpet.ig ble quarters to sleep in, and~ disturn them as little as possible. Pigs are in part hibernating animals. The more they :sleep the better for them and their owner?. We o not want I to fatten pigs in winter. We simply want !o keep them in healthy. grow ing condition, and the fatter thiey are when winter a -ts :in, the easier it will be to ca: ry them through the winter. Pigs well ni-ntered, are in ood condition to thrive well on grass ~nd clover next summer. They will do far better on p)asture alone than young spring pigzs. We are not nlow advocating having young pigs come in the autumn, but if yonuhave. them, feed liberally. Tbe most p: ofi table pork we have ever made, was from young pigs whiu9 had been w all cared for through the previous winter, and the next summer fattened on el .ver pasture.-Jo~Ern HiAuaIs in~ American Ag/r.cutid .>~r o V ler. Teach a yound h- re three thns to know ths~t vou are his kind mnaster, to be guided byv the motion of 'ur r hand, and to obey the word '-whoa.s and his further e. g.sti.,n can be ton duted at your !-ieure. lint the miost th. wordi -'when. In case of an ite cident of dane.r it is the one im portat safegna:r; mi : in al Idriving. and get- an in an.1- o: it is a special comfort and gratifieatien. White lead and linseed oil mixed as for paint is claimed to be an cxa cellent remedy for i ruises, abrasions and harness galls of any kind. Al-I ways watsh the wou ds w-th soap and water before using the mixture. which is best applied by the use of a common patint brush. The f'act is forgotten that earth pie round a tree to the depth of3 two or three feet throug~h the stun mer a retty sure death to it. TheI sun .0 isshut og from the rooits, and the tree is as unable to live as an animal would be without air. A considerable saving of time and help is madoe by drawing from the field to the barni by the use of two wagons instead of one. One mn isI k, io the~ iebi loa :ig all the time 3. one or two xnorsk * the:r eta tion 0-: the mow or. (r--nf . *res sunburns on some pompexions, lemon juice is best on -- e~1S and. cold water suits still othrs ben. t - wc wl -0 - 1 oe1 cf e:.ty ,f b. r. :e .e .. 10 ., thet t v-. . 1 co1 SO "'inal Bl D:r i' - R10 -:te -ti i . and:.uteNo: S70 B.t. mu;: be donei: n *c"re:r In a $60 race'se. with name a, P"iaresA ef $50 rmnder. and nun bnr onf c:a el. plainly marked on the <iit--ic'. n4 ~ d nitst lne~nt.u-i-- i. .-ddu'-wt."t -rr:n.$30 Riaie.welt'n Durham Tob:iC.i: $20 -> -- - packaxer h picture of . $10 Sev our nex. aaunu cem: FOUND! FOR LADIES ONLY. t REMEDY endorsedl by the be-t Physiciana and Druggist- at it, home. t REMEDY that Mr. C. W. O'.oi!1. Glod. water, Al'.. rays rati-'i ..1-4 Wiie fr,,ain nt invalid"' bed. az.lhe beievos -ar. d her life. k-REMEDY of wh.ich t ronitint Ai1:+wa m:erchsant Said: "I would havegiveu S500 as .ormt as I w'rald a nlickle inc what two hot ties of tour ueclicine did for my dauf.;hter." L. REiLDY in regard to which,.. J. Cassei's M. D., Druggist Thntna-ville, Ga , !ays: -1 recall in-.Tu t"es in which i: at rded1 teliet after al t he n-mal remedies had fiiail. L REMEDY abuut which Dr. It. It. Ferrell, LaG- ang' Ga . wri:es: -I have used for the la?t tweity years the telicine yot are put ting-1p ud cil shder it the he.t coub,li'nttitm ever together iur the. for whieh it'i-' r.'commerided. L REMEDY alut, whi" h Dr. Joel 11-anhau, A:Ianta. ':tid : 1 hiive texamirlerl t1e re eipe.:a:d have ri hesitationl in ad vising 'its use. and confidently recotrluenl it " L REMEDY which the 1t"v. B. B Jch.1nsota. nrea Marietta. Ga.. says he haa used inl his fa-lily with tl.e 'utmo1tva:i-factl,a":.nd1 reconae- lied it' to' the ce fmilie-l "who uutid it to be juat whlat it is recomt nineded." - L REMEDY of which Pemberton. lverson. & Det"lison[ sav: "We have been selliegit for usany years,' wth coustant'y increasingsales. rhe 'article is a staple with us, and ot)e of absolute merit." A REMEDY of which Lamar, Rankin & La mar sn% : '-We sold 50 gross in tour months. and n-ver sod it in Pany place but what it was war.:ed again." tL REMEDY br which Dr. :aughorLaGrange. Gs . ays: ' ''I' cared one of the most obstir uate C:.s of Vc"atotS Mt..tsT:uATtor that ever cane within tmy knowledt e, with a fw lotles. a REMEDY of which- Dr. J. C. Huss. Nota sulga, A:a . says: I am-fully Convi"c+ed that it s unrivale.l torthat ca.s of diseases wbich it e"iti'vis to cure." S REMEDY about which M3j. Jeilrn (. Whit tier, of Atianta, well and favorab!y known a+i over the Unrital 1ters as a Ceneral Iu sur!uce, says: -1 u-ed this remedy before the war; ton a large plartat:ol oliz, U great numnbe-r iifcases, always with abso Inte succ.:,s.' . REM .DY. about which Mr. J. W. Strange, ofCatersville.' a:a.. certitles that onte bottle cured tw" nrumhers of hi-i tatuiy ofien Struali nreguIsrity of many years tanding. ' 'This Great Rem'dy is Brafifd's FtiaIc .gpIator Send for freaitise on the Health and Harp ess of Womian, mal e- free. ltnaut)PKL RxeiL.aToLt Co., Box 28. At .ntra. G a. Sep. 25-it. S' np'ouaa: !mpurebx1..o'.costivebowmeta, ira-g.iar apetit e, sa-ur belebilng. psaa In iIe. backe and hea,rt-yelow-urinae. tirnilng ebles urinating,~ oksycolor4 :stools. ba.t ,reth, nto des-i' 'ft work, chil.a. tevers rritibility. wh'11:-h tongum "dry cough. izzy heas.t. with dull paia ina hmek porti..-s >f n.-mnory, fogy sighat. For theas- t roubles -aW A Yl N E. P11 L L"' ar'- a sure eure. BIox. SuPma), by maittl. :n ets,. 5 bor $'.001. A d ires-, hR1. SW AY NE ~& uSO, y1htlada.. Pae ~TA TE OF -MOUTUH;CARO,LINA, COUNTY :OF .NEWgERRY, IN TH E.COU RT OQ.t)ION PLEAN. ateiCi A. Cr-.' eli, Livltiff. argatuat Enman el s. Coppock. By ordertaf ithe Coarz .herein, dated14 June, SI I, t "ill re.e at.'patinic tt.,. before the aiart l,ionse, a New i benyici . oni t,hae .tirst Mou :ty -aI l)tcei-n-r, 1884, .hiat yia~lpal propert y nwn" as the Criitwell Hotel, and- fot of haand ..- TowI. of* NewbzrrV, .-sud S:are and Coiua ar.ia~id-froing about onei huredc. andi ht a.tbree f.- ou. A<.nm. S.eet, and run i:: l. oit I .e samel1. widt h ubtitut. Onae hia'a ei and live f..*t. Iti ! bounded. by lotsi of C. Teri,a- tilt paur..:,.r, w~ill het ,rq.itired to. ayIt lo-as oneW thud of. the pgrelua-cnise'mty, oil t 'een~a- 1. Oia! itaic~hat, ne :11ud ihreer era, in (a qu.a i ,:i.. imeets, wihb intere.nt oni chr ihe' day of smile, hv a bonal iad 1i0t.-a.- oif the plroi:eL ty--anrd to dlepsit wi'b Li. Mi.. . , :1 pailey- insur m ; l riraro.urty to Se-n, c: u- .of -ix tuin--anid d-Ilru'n - .ibAS J(HNI ONE. Ma.r. Mso-r'. Otke 5 Noverz'.er, 1881. 45 3 750 TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THlE COURT OF CO1miON PLEAS. aber' J..Jones.lif.~, againast .1Nntt A. Ruff, D) fundanut. Byr ordri-- of thn. Court hielcha, drated 4 -.Aune, i84, I wEd -l! he:aurv 'he Cour: tlous.e ;at Niew ary, -t 1auh'e au?tvy on thie -ia4 Mionday ina ecembeI4r, 3 88. elf -that Itruerf hand 1: on L hieb, Win ; .an'fnow jceside-. ina ie Connae -lid S afor neaid, contaiing th.ree hunal. -edi and.' foray sec es. morts or ice. anaal baunad i lv hianden' Mary Gipiam,. W Eplig, -au, . . A eicet and 0.bhers. Trm.'-The raircha-er wCill he reqired to ii in c'rsh ot bail of th,e pureb:--e ltoneity, ul. .u t hc-t ii-1; bnee- i.aynV e a- t tiwelve : iinih -, wihth aint re-r thereona fr -m thae eksav if tI, by- hubol :i-d monrtgaa id ofie. pr em1lie, idi. p:ai. --r pa.- - Ma.r', Oec, 5\Nov,,1884. 45 37 50 SALE 0F LAMND. I wilt -ia at No.-wberry Court II- use5I, i the tire: Monayt inlI D-eembher, Ikl pul1 i aneionia ONE TRACT OF LAND, nown as thme OME PL ACE OF DR. G. W. GLE NN SR., DEQ. CONTAINING OG95 ACRES.. MOREOR LESS, Itnate in New1?ry'onnty. aun n io!lnded by 1::nd.l.of Col. Jiihnt S. R'n-. rick, ont the wes-. Ge". A, Sligha; onl the >th,l Thio<. P. Griie'kr n thi. east, t Mu-y A. GI.-n , dee., on th emnir:h. TF.RMS OIF SALE-O' e thoi ca-I , a:rd lie b ai.ani.e 0 a credlit of *- : a - t wa eri, in two e-qu -1 an a i in-.tuae::ts. ith interest i-n iKaeh ina-taluaent- aeum ay of sale. Tiae e: edit oI 0:11.1to be e:ured by a bonazd of th-- piluease-r m:d mortgage of the~ pare-)mss.. Nov 0,G. W. GLENN,. tdministrator's Notice AllI pi-rsonsi1 h:vng dieanmarnds alit e estate of Ge- rge Shnlpmain Si-gh, 'le: iasd, are heiriby lr41t.e-l to rendaaer u aocout of thaeir aionuandis, .iply tt.. p.,3 .A ssin:i-tra:n.-, To Rlent. - rig 'rar.. "ip;y v 4.. Nov. i1lh . 1?5 A- re. OOl Ruildings. &c... THE NEW DRUG-STORE OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, -And Unler the Figare of " TiH1ELION." F. ROBERTON, Prriprietor.. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, FANCY ARTICLES, CiGARS, TOBACCO, KEROSENE anc VESTAL .OILS. W Nt Liquo-s of -an: Ki1d.3 PRESCRIPTIONS CO.IPOUNL ED AT ALL 11OURS OF TIE DAY OR NIGIIT'BY THE PROPRIETOR. Sept 1137 tt' O Weoll. o I hayv, a full Stock of Guo3<b ani.t thev ntflll he sold. I wi iI gi nd s'our :it i5.ary.per barrel. 12 poun.i< $nugar for S. 22 ping Troba,ccri for $1.00 I'hve':, very choice -lceeted stock of C ..r --,"vveral mew br:md. I havte the genu iite Clev.-hl:n.1 am,l Il-ndrix Cirars, vere fine Swc C;i.prei a+d+c New Nickel-GigarNt:. L:,r:" c ' of' C n Goo,ds, viz., Salron 15cttn eren Pot'"d -H:iTn, r'ongue, iut Icy. Ch ,iken, Duct. G;:ce, Beef. -&c. Con deIe I Mi:k I he b~est Ovster. French att Anmeri.-""n Sa:l,ine". C-tu: Pe-ches, Tom:atre+ Cor. &c. S. e"ndil tt; 'ick'e- Prerparw Ilor"e I.t'ikh, v:ev tiae Wourcerter"hir" Sauc"e o .ir:u:tht, to zell hy the gallun, qt. pill h,tf pit. &C. Pure Citl"r Vinue"ar Some of the very be< Ronwte,l C"ffee.t Fre.h Cocoanuts, Oranges Lemnn, Appte4. We keep.regularly the very best Ro-istet 'Peanuts. ' A few _ood Clocks. A new stock of Cr~ctery and Gtasswar, juti: openerd. L,r.e -tock or Pliin and Fancy C:nndies. Cahttege ani l'ot:a' s. 1a:t" aned Poc,:et Cu:aery. Table and Te: Wa-irb"oard. 15c , &c.. &c. For C:tsb or Country Pro.lue. at the Litrh Ci,::p Store of B. Hi. LOVELACE. Oct 1u tt New Barber Shop. The uider-igned rspectfully in forms. tile gettle:en that he ha: opened a harber shop on the street be tween lr. Fallaw's and Mr. Mike Bow crs', whete he will .e plea-:ed to wai Upn tlietn. THOR E COLE )AN. A Good Tract of La nd For Sale. I orrer for sale my TRACTr of LANI coutarininlg 3 17 ACRES, lying or the prrblie roacd le:ttlinrg from Newber i to Liturens, 1:2 mileb northb of New berry C. H., arnd nearly touching~ th< Laiurens ?Itallro:ci at one point. Thiu is one of the best pli:intittionts inti I Llper portion of the County; wel atdaptei to growin c Otton?, cortn amt small gr:tin. There l. upon the~ place a good- tiwelilig house of 6I roomls, 4 goo frame tenant hous~es, arid other out b'ilding-=. A p:isture very well ed eloedt. Aciy onte desi:-oos of putrcaningi wVill aipply to or' ad(1lre-s me at Kinard' T1. 0. I will take pleasure in showing place at au-'y tifln". Ternms very rea sonable. -W, W.'8U.\131R. (Uet 042'7 WE ASK ALL Interested in ilides. Furs, Wool Roots, Feat.hers, Bieeswax, Butter Cheese. Eggs, Dried Fru t. P'oultry 1.ay and Prod ue generally, to sent for our Price Currents. Prompt re tu1rns On-aU(ll osignmenits. WVAS1EC.JTTLON AND) AOTES DEALT IN. R. L. Williams & Co., generat Commission Mierchant, OFFICE, 169 WILLIA)! ST., ' ~New York, 4)ct it, ly 'ROUGH ON ( OUGlHS, Ask for -l''oghs our ough-4." for Cougli Cocils Sore Thruat., Hor,sec.uiss. Trrcee-, i5 Liquid, :c "RiU >UGHO R ATS." I Clear ut1ratuip:rc. gice,rne,flca, ns,h gnsAank o Vetapu1tuni: . g(phr'r. 15e. Qu Ali l'IN. --Wiei dalc to il l.g uwrg '. ritrz:II.l.l "* -UFHsN ECORN." Asv1kifsWettRug on'ccwc Cos." u t5,.i Qi i comy; te cr. Hi'l rp soft lrcrcs, lu arts b ccons. -)4ily 1 I n tireg hc.zg, .imp o v d A th ' i ci fr edt -rta - TI EPE ylga, em-s e Gpjtus cireLucht, ek SJ ami th .ica Th cc Acti-d n " 6bii'r S .r. LI. ' EEVER If ate[<..r v Ior u rit oUhic. ryiss "Wel Lien lith Reewr"Ge iett eks "1:0 'Gl ONTHCHE." inst c n' re ttl . er f tr N- ri.''rut. T ioo thch.. Fc -rt'-H:rt y oit .-. Lui.c tn u' who l l tin f iiehe- nu'.. vacit r,uc t 'fic ilt-trcy, - Well' et h - tia tilt ijic. r crit in -Cungh tC'otmd n'. Woe tr INlsuRE WITH 3X'. erber,Jr.Agent STATI OF aO'TH C.AROLINA i OFFICE OF THE COM1PTROLLER (ENERAL. i I certi!fy that Frtelerick Werher. .Jr.. of Ni"whtorrv. Agent of the Cone:et icnt F'irt" inuar:nte ( 'Ep:ln :tu'i The Mt re:autti' 1ttsurantce C ohIp;:ty. ha: complieI with the reqnisitionrz of the Act of the General As:ewblr entitled " An Aet to Regulate the A-encit's of Inutranc"e Comp:inies; n11t inlOer poratedtl in ihe State of South Caro lirna.":an1l I hIerebv license the sail Fredl erick '"rher..1 r., Agent as alores:tid. to t:ike ti-k- :nd tren-at. all busine-s of ITn?tr:tice in this State. in the County of NewberrV ftr aiel in behalt of saiel Companties-Expires M:reh 31.;. 185. W. E. SFONEY. Comptrollor General. Oct. 6. 40-ti. _ -- iI1 07-8, - 0 t .: 14 o C. M We ar st L ritn tlsranGe \ f C:g de sir ae I ppro al k and Co nt , nter l,*r17ia rla Liepo &t Lndo Goe In In Corpan of N ort Ameria The cobnm atl an0 seso N .n ork h:v _ige tshw If ym w:1 po4 it e o':u - :rais o2 3 ot0 o . Gin rp;Q rik :knowPheihe INSURANCE. -0 t'Ve are still writi o rIs nran e ul- .e sirable prw erty oef all kipjd, in 'ns. .u acl County, in the old. S: rouy anduceiare ble Lizerp~ool c Lonudon d Glofp Ini t.ce n nJpuny. Conttent(tl Its. Cao. of N. work. Ins. (,'on1 n?/ of North/. Arcerima. IIJrttrd1 I%ire Ins. (em. ofr r.hi tjorl, Coer.e.nicu. The (cmhi neeI Capital a] A''ets of "Cotnir:it"c in our a flencS-. toots uip N) z -s work. have rtiuols to show. It o natie aa n owe will be oeuseni to w ite it fur -.i c l i - r,.ta .:irh the -. . .- OOZ-' ic,. Sept 2: .fAcC ei. u -~ ccr4\ -.k -- eud ti a c, BureH .3I Rain es . ' en owbefon atm sh.etopi eto to the colored MethodisC uh,in Grael own whr I will. bedfpleaed to- see all my 'od cutoer an :oi tua yers enbe me to gienis. tion tomBustoers . ae. [-Wok cas heretfore,tn. promp dne.t tod the lred accodigto - a ei O. .r..aI wild hne ervt ry y o ee .Il:t:,.: l custo.4/. m ers tntmn ty5 mnil.. to -m cutm: r . :f datg.Ilmstus S. Wr. as hreatfo.e. omtl E'do-n. . Oand aiee laordineg to'romihe. prlantathop known ash 'el n bio i- a gotood. Fr.mHouse. a?.lnddtwo - -nn IIoetf.taBlai th Sop, aiu Ca p About 80t ac ey.If thi a i Onle boitni an inI iern the tat Tr:ct 30.A e ontans 200 acre.., upon 'w ih a wlli stoeth with raln Cau p.aden.t AOt l'Oeie of thisd1 ladioi high state of entivation jm --o0-:nr~ioflfne ivte btat. e- ~Trat No. M contalins 200t1 acres,po whpch wisachr togeFram husel 500seoc frbit tres. pe etc.t 90 acres in i a hih' State of cultiv'ation. S' ~oro fine iver ot ln on h * Trac t No. 4 on:Ltant 1 ace ares up which aretoi-ame olin. ens' tHouses.inhoutbse. tbc tc.; aout 9 1ac-res la a bigh state of cultivation.; abSome2 crso liner boom lan.:i rn-t No. 4 chon the w0 es and o Iu-hes ierhnde Srbltc a-bot4 acres4 80 of wlhch hive just been cleare and well ditched, It is fine .farmiug land. -This i-a rare che.nce to buy, Call andi see me, an I will take pleasure la showin.lg these lands. Terms easy. 4ddress' THIOS. F. HARMON, Amum Bc. wnnIa.nv. S. C. W.J.POLLAR.> POLLARD Cotton Factors a No. 731 Reynolc Manufacturers an3 ieneral S 100 Fairbanks Standard Scalcs. 100 Thomas Smoothing Earrows, 100 Acme Pulverizers and Clod 0 100 Reapers, Different Makes ani 25 Hubbard itancrs and Etude 25 Threshers and Separators, (v, 25 Watertown Steam Engines. i 20 C. & G. Cooper & Co. Steam E 10 Oneida Steam Engines, (all si 75 Smith's Hand-Power Cotton a 50 Pollard Champion Gins, Feec 25 Neblett & Goodrich IXL Cottc 10 Neblett & Goodrich second-h 5 Kreible Engines. WOOD WO1lKING MAC -MILLS, 8 Otto Sile t Ga- Engines, I Milburn Roller Breast Gins, F Cleansers, Newell Cotton . Cotton Shafting, Pul Fittings. etc. COTTON MILL 5 A full line of Mfaebiewrv of all examine before perrhasing, and Send for caW) ines. Carresl Pollard & Robertson W. T. G.A:rLr,TA.R !A ! 120 'Main ALWA NOTI( Ladies au II -|TERM' ATLANTIC COAST L] NEW LIN: BETWEEN Charieston and Columbia Upper South Carolin PASSENGER DEPARTME Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 0 GOING WEST. Leave Charleston, - - 7 " Lanes, - - - 8 "' Siuter. - - )9 " Columibia, - -1. "Chester. - - - 3. "' ~Yorkville, - --5 " Laniast.'r; - - C " Rock Hill. - -5 " Chatrlot, N. C.,-6 Arrive Newberr~y. S. C. - " Greenwood, - - . " Ameiro. - -i5. "6 Walhalla. - - 7 " Abbeville, - - 4. " S;partanburg, -.i " HIende.rsonville. N. C., 0. GOING 1EAST. Leave THnderouiville, N. C.. 0 - Spart:inhurg, - - 10.: "' Ahhe'ville. - - 11 " a* ala - - . "Gre'enville, - - 9.. SAndler-on., - - 1.0.: " .alli-ex:9, - -7. " Greenwood. - - 12. "Ne.wberry, - - 31 4 Charlotte,. N. C., - 1. "Rock ill], - - .4 " Lq''ccarter. - - 9 " Ch:ester. - - 2.' "~ Winnsbo:ro, - - : " Cohimbh'. - - 5 Arrive Sumite*r, - - - -C. " L-ines. - - - 6 " Cha rle.ton. - - . Solid TIrazins betwreen Charlest Col umbia. J. F. DIVyN T. M. EMEESON, Gene'ral Paisseneg.r A: The Ge'orgla Pacific ii! New Sisori Lie Vina Atlanta Ga, & Birminghan -TO POINTS IN Alabama, Mississipp1, Loulshann ansaa, Te*xas and the WeMCstud! west. The favorte to the World's Fa New Orleans, Coinmencing Dec. 1st..'S Double Daily Tralns-w i:h E Sleeping Cars attached-for wi low rate of $ for each seerlian i ged. Thei~ lowiest Sleeping Car in the T'nited States. Berth.s $ecuredl 10 days In adv: - t' See that your tieket- n- . Atlanta via Th.' Georgiu Pa.ille waly and Birm'ngham, Al:t. For fnrther information wr': call on L. S. BROW S. ALEX. S. T$'-V Gen Pa'" Acr. TsaveJ'u-.: i. Bbmniigham. A !a. A iI:h I. Y. SAGE. Gen Suip't Birmingham, Akb. jv tr Library Buildini OnAUGUSTA, On fthe tinest instituitionla ted! with. reaul C. Ileg. mionry. B B -a:tiful d i.a ii awar-i' d pietion of c*our,u-d, ii aL 4tefact or ner. Send for eircular. sep 1 ~iIa wetek u. a'n. 85 I0ettr is ~4LaboltelPy suri'. "n risk. Capi VU requibred,. Reader, if youwa neus at whioh persons of eith young or old. can make great pay time they work, with abh.n,-. r-.-r 'Arit a partiIaw to H . H alv-'S PASSENGE1t DEl'ART3tE\T. CULU:taIA. t. C.. Octuber5, 188&. Ou and uaer 31liuay. Octubel 5, 154. th PAbE\(ir. -. TRAINS will run a. herewith it dic:teu upou this road and its branchet Daily. except Sundsys. No. i8. Cl PASSENGER. Leave S. C. -111.cti(n - 10.4) a m - Culumbia, C. G. Depot 11 .;U a n Arrive Aletuu, - - - - 12.10 p u - Newberry. - - - 1.13 p I Niuety-Six, D - -- : " Hiodge.-, - - 3 pU. " Iieltou. , - - - 4 -%) I in Arrive 3r..euville. - - - - t,u., p u, No. 52. DOWN PASSENG ER. Leave i(eeuville, - - - - 9."'ai > In, d Arrive Beltou. - - - 12 3 a a " Rodge. - - -1225 ye a. Ninety-Six. D - 1.12 p tu " Newberry, - - - .r. y un A1-ton. - - - 4.11) p t Arrive Columbia, C. & G. Depot - '.15 p i Arrive S. C. Junction. - - - - - 5 yu I w GrAP.rANBUaG. UNION & COLUMBtA RAILEOaD So. 68 UP PASSEN Et. Leave A:ston. - - - - 12.26 y > Arrive btrutbaer. - - - - 118i, n: S Sheto,,. - - - 1.55 ; n Sae.tuc. - - - - - 8 t. w " Uanio. D - - 3 40 i~i " Joueasville. - - - 4.:3$ y in Arrive Spartanburg. S. U. & C. D. 6.5' n: " .& D. D. - U..5.ue No.52. DOWN PASSENGER Leave Spartal:bur;, & 1). Deput 11 1035 a m Spartauburg, S. U.& C. bei.oz.I 10 (-e a mn ArriveJonesville. - - - 11 5 a In Union. D - - - 12.:5 y in Santuc, - - - 1.3 p w Shelton, - - - 2 n p u - Stror her. - - - 2.45 v in Arrive :-t Alimn. -. - :i 40 y ua LAULaa iALWaY LeaveNrw,- ry. - - - 3 4p I Arrive Laureur C. 14., - - US.5u 1, n Leave Laurre,s C. 1:., - - - 40 a us Arrive N-wberrv. - - 11 00a m it A -BI-.ILL.. BRANCH Leave llud.-.v . - - - 3.:" p n Arrive at Anubeville. - - 4 45 p is Leave A."beigle. - - - - - Ii.t a n a Arri.e at li.,es, - - - - 1o(I, to BLCa atDGa aAlI,1LOAl, A,.i AI.ElteVY BaAt.Cli. Leave Ie;ltou 4.4'; it Arrive Ai,uesOL - 5.1- . t'-endletun y m Leav' Seneca 5, G..iU p i. Arrive Waulu 7'll'aIi,. Leavet Walhalla. - - .51 t Arrive Seueca C, - - 9.1 a in '' Pendleton, - - 9:2 in Anderson, - - lo-iv a M Arnve at Belton. - - 11.5 yt to FRR.I(OIT. PASSENGERt COACH ATT~ACUED. Leave -lton ,G1.15 a n %Cilliarn,eton .7.06 a in I't-lz"+r ; .:U, a in 1'ie'lmnnt 5.15 a in Arrive Gre'en%illle 9.10 u mn Leave Greenueville 8.0) p m i'lmnnt 41p Iineze 1 p in eelto6.0 p m. COtiNEC .O2s. Close connection is now made at Set a with i. & 1). Ht. U. for Atlanta and beyond. A. With South Carolina C'rilroad from Char lriton. With Wilmiuton, Columbia a.d Augusta. Railrad from Wi7iit.: and all p"ints Nedth thereof. With Charlotte. Coumbb and Augusta Railroad from Charlotte ad all points North thereof'. B. With Asheville & Sp8rtanburg Ra Road "ur points in Western North Carolina. C. Wih A. & C. Div. 54. & D B. ., from all pniut- South and West. D With A. & C.Div., . & D. . R., from At. lanta and beyond. E. With A.&C.Div.,H.&D.R. R.,from all points South aud West. F. With South Carolina Railroad fom Ch'ar;e ton. With Wilmingtou, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for Wilmington and the ortb. With Charlotte, Columbia and Augurta Railroad for Charlotte and al North. G. With Asheville. & Spartanburg Rairoad from HaendersouvI.e. DI. With A. & C. Div., B. & D. i. IR . from Charlntte and hovnd. t E.Wt:A. & C.Di., T. Sn . rma points3L Asnth en erast. ege g ColuWbia Sout Carln alodfrcaje too. G. Wilhan ASheilpatbirg Raiload fHedersonville set'"w:.,. Chrlte n bleyon. GeveI. E i Dlf' iCTT. Spe.eur intden ADiv Ca wAet General'ennger.....93 Apt.. ArhivieR. . fand SprnburgTRaiload. L-aSeArtA,esunrlse... ..Py1.018 a4. paotngh trinst mai:kh- rn nto .bor C(nas bla apt'l)-bletee- -i paranurg. ndNen Ladvoea.e& D. Deponat tatan lbrlotte-bm -uw TacA *-. Bot r -mk onctosfrClm bi-a' e taa Ei paturg. Uneion --enatra z ?. -- w.". -4ulgbs, Cods, Ca2Tarh C, n011%io0. \ll Throat, Breast and Lung .\1Tre'tinn. .'ared hv the old-si.taebiahedl *SW VYNEI'S Wil.J).-C'EEiY " The Oret ins-e- grives e lief, a'-d a cure apeedily fet..w,. 25 --te. .-r *1.*e0. at Drugzgi4ae.. -1 t.. e4 -I LONDON HlAIR RESTO"ER---8REAT ENGUISH Toilet Artjele. R- sI.reu growth. : olor. gloss, and suttner... lo.n,nves Daendrut. Aristocratioml fael,ee of Geat Britlan sen. dinme It El.-gaid.reurn-ei. Ya.l.a'l ~rftuune-d. The e svritv- of fashion. At rgita or S.. 'bd, or t .ts t in D: - rnoeev I,-r. e-'e. South ('arolna 'Caitway Compan). POME IG MeNDAY, OCT.f, U7. A. Nl . Paset:ger- Trains wrC run ias follows, "Frareenl time : -le A VD FHoM CEAL.E8TON4. E A T (teif1Y.) Depart Colnmihi at.... 7.48 a mn 5. p mn Due Charlesto.... 1220 p m ' 9 Es p mn WEST (DAtI.T). Depart Charleston .. ... 7.00 a n 4 SOp Due Columbia.. ....11.00 a mr p mn TO AND RuOM CAXfDEN. DAB? (DAfLY iExc0eT .SUDAY.) Depart Columbia....7 48am 5 27 p mn Due Camden........ ..12.55 p in 8.25 p in WEST (DAI LY F.XCEPT SUNDAY.) Departf<amnden....715 am 4aO0pin Due Columbia.......L.Iffa mn 9.22 p m - TO AIID XMOM AtUGUsTA. - EAST (DAILV.) Depart Cotumnbia....5.27 p in Due Augusta........7.41.a mn WEST (DAILY.) Depart Augusta.a..... 85 p m Due Columbia........ 9.93 p m CON1i4cTJorSs Miade atCol umbia withColumbnia and Green ville~ Rail Road by train arriving at I l.00A .M. and departing at 5.27 P. M. At Columbia Junction with Charlotte. Columbia andI A u. guseta liail Road by same train to and froma all points on both roads. Pai'sengere by t,heese trains take Breakfast anet supp- r at Blrahchville. A t Charleston wirn Steamers forNew Tork : and oin Tuesdaysa and i.edays with ste-amner forJacksoniville andl points on the bt. John.s River; al.-o with Charleston and Savannah Iteeilrart to aend from Savannah and all points in IF lortda.. At Aug.apnta with Gleoria and Central RaIlroads to andce froma all pointa West and Soeutha. A tlilackvWieto andi froma points on Barnwell Railroad. Through tickets can be purchaed' to all points gouth and West, by applying to Dl.IMCQUER'N. Agent, Col.imbia. J')flN I!. PICCK. Gaiemal Manager. Dt. C. A LLEN, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt, TCEIS HERE BY GIVEN IN . S N ptr-f eo of 8.etlon. 1,1 e vised Statuiteti of Sonth Carolinia, that at thle next ensuing session of the General of South Carolina A Iu Novemuber. 1884, appilcation will be *i inade for at Charter for the Incorpora tioul of THE MIDLAND RAILBOAD . COMPANY. OF SOUTH -CAEOLINA, to be grauted by the~Legislature of South Carolina, nt+ed A ngnat 15, 1h81. 1mAmm. & RioBERTSON id Commission Merchants, s Street, AUGUSTA, Gd0.-CiA. agents for the Following Maehinery, Con isting in Part, -ushers. Styles, (single or combined.) rs, (Independent.) Lrions sizes and s'yles) all aizas all styles agines, (all sizes and styles) z:s and styles) nd Hay Presses, era and Condense' s, n Gins at $2.00 per saw, and IXL Cotton Gins at 9150 par saw, in good order, HINERY (all kinds) FLOUR & CORN MILL MACHINERY. 1aicock Inspirators, Dean Steam Pumps, eders and Conde!!-ers, Carver Sied Cotton eed lIuller? and Separators, Colt's Power levs :and H:anger-. Steam and Water Pipes. B.-l:ing, L:a-ing, li'ies, etc. UPPLIES A SPECIALTY. kinds in stock a;d for sale low. Call and save money. )mndence soliri:ed and promptly attended to. , 731 Reynolds st., Augusta Ga. 1). Agt. Newberr5:Py. c. C. NIar 19-1y A rASH DY GO9N' STOlf. IAK$Y M:ilti Lr, treet, - Coluinbi,. S. C,., iS ON H1ANI) A FULL --STOCK OF )NS. CLOTUING, II.,TS, I Gents Under Garmnents. )nIERY, CARPETS. TCY CASH. I H BLATCHLEY PU fm P I and BUYf TfBEST. -T, BLATCHLEY'S - TRIPl.E ENAMEL - -P0iCEL.AIN-LUNED )Oam on 10 a mi- SEAMt.ESS TUBE 18 a m COPPER-LINED PUMpP 5 ptl ,g C3ii .L ATCHLEY.M"e.t rr, Wr08av MA KET ST..~ P Ab'a. ~ !How Lost, Hlow Restored ! Juset mublisahed. at new .-tlition of1 Dr. Cul verwe ;'e Celebratedt Easw'y ont the radical 0a rn cure of Spe-rmo'orrhn, or Semnunal Weak 9' a ii ness. Involuntary Seminal.,oses. Impo 0 a mn tency, M.zntal and rhyial Incavpac'ity, alimpedihnents to l4i'riage-. etc.; also, on 0a m sumptiona. Epl.-paey and Fits. induced! by 0 a in self-indu~1LEgnce .xual extravaganc. &c. U3 a mn The ce-lebra'ei auithoar. in this sadirahie nessaty. e1l-arty dtemouetrates. from a t hirty in j aearb'suc.cLesfopractI.oe. that the nlarm. 8 p ingconsquenes o set-abuse may be radi. v2 p e cally cureal; pointinag out a modle'f eure at once aim tale. certain anda eff'ectual. by metans I) p ni of which every sufferer, no matter what his I' p in coindition mfay-be. may cure himself cheap. ) at l v, ,privat'ly and ravtlenliy. jp-Thr's .itr aould be in ihe 1h-n.1 a p i of ery y uth and evey itcan in th,- landt. 4 p mi sent tn'h-r a iLl, i" a plain o.avelnea. to s p in .ny athlra, pa t.paid, n reca'ipt of four ,0cets or two insctai'e atampa. A ddroRe p' I)I 41.inn $trct. New York. N. Y.; Pa.4 Ofcoo ) p. mn Box 450. july-ly 11 p ii FloiddLads wa.- Send me Ala, $ Z5.0O Ar-Or deposit that amount with II. F. ~orth. DUTTON & CO., Bankers, Gaines ilyle, Fla., subject to my order, and rI will retun to you a U. S. Gov erament Title to .ACRES of good egant - Florida L AND, htheNO SWAMP. rtsEach entry personally inspected. Refer to Rev. J. A. Sligh. 'and fzonWheeler & Mlosely, Prosperity,[S. Rail- C. rIS. P. SL IG H, Sligh,S Sumter Co., Florida. MayV 22-tf Take ParticularNotice. Icain prepare a remedy that will prevent con t:agan oIf cert iin specific diIpense',the enof whieb it i, aa no nit men. . A wor to thr -vi, i'nfflicient. nAua28S3m P'. B. R UFF.;M D. ;OTTON GINNED AND PACKED. lam now piepared with a Oi Im SA W IMPRovE D PRATT-GIN t'd: FEEDER and CONDENSER. m-.1t lzavining i; the .at -..fc u' man co-:.ora. I paropose to glive a God Sample and Clean Seed. it. -r 1' -~ ..n in,- .. re'c' lea a. any, anda a t busi. .h are or ..n. ruanar Iua inm..t Iesp.cituliy coil -- sex. cited. Gin act my new. thiapa ur Po''io a1 8 all the Ru-sells. tt.J .TAYLOR. . ,.o . T2E Ol . TO FACTS RECARDING DI, W l:ilinI Itwf'1 nurif'y and enrich t:te B Drglt :"e LI ar :ud KIDNEYS, na tt 21i t-ALTH and VIGOR cf YOUTH In all tJose iaes re( ui:ing acrtain and effiienTONIC, ce i I 'ia.3 'aof Appe te. ndRes rlh inr.zme lbte all. wodcriful results. ltones. meo. et a :d ner-es receive new force. Enilyens be w.ind und"s.up tllra Brain Power. be nhdn-sufei ng from all polaintS LiA D e culartotcrsexw'fndIn t. HARTE* N. TONIC a safe andspedY nre. It gives a clear and healthy.complexion. The s:runyest testimony to the-value of D 1 r ani:' luue ToNi,C is that frequent attem t cora-r!".-tttn; :ave only added to thepOpu ty tot t. win:.. i' you carneatlydesi tI +, rxY-:meit-get the ORIGINAL ANB as :rddre"oTb.Dr tred.CO. S. i... S", MoI... for our "DRZ BOOK." Fru tl ..t:".nuw and useful - )R. HARTE:'S IRON TONIO is POR SALI BY AL. DauWassTS ANo DEA.ERS EvIaYwHsas. M--'h 1'" s4 ' y POQTJTZnS KORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS No Honas will die of Co.ic. BoTs or Tr., if Fontz's Powders are used in time. Fotz's Pow ders will cre and prevent Hoa. Foctz's Poa d' will prevent G*p rs Foctzs Powders wtil lnerea-e the gnaantt} nd cream twenty per cent., and make the bq nri r [tt. For 'owders will cure orprerent almost )s -: to which Horses and t.attle are subject. F}--7'4 Pnwrwnt s WILL OTRE SAIa7ACTIoz. Sold everywhere. D.V:.". r' ;Z,Proprietor. PAYNE'S 10 Horse Spark-Arresting Porable E:ngine ha'. cut 10.0u0 ft. of Michgan Plus. Board- i: t' hcinr. b,.rning a:abs fromt the saw in eigh t frai.eUgt:a. Oitr '"rnish power t0 law 8.0 ;t -- 10 homrs. Osw 15 Hors. er': : -ie. - -I : ".AInAXTSkD tO w'r On X less er t n any other En. * - an Automatic C : ' it wan-. u Stationary - -- i-:n:Z ne. Boiler. Circn r s: w-. -:. .:srting or Pulleys, ii,h-r e, r Medctart's Patent Wrm,::-h -.ret 'u!ley..s.-nd for our ll-,-tnat d c;tnlugue. No. 12. for I6.formoation and prices. B. W. PAYNE & SONS; Corning, N. Y. Box 14W. May 17. 2fl-1l. Atth e ..Nn .- .. h=y..w.n C2ad t-- - ... .. ZACE,COK , A, iY Silvr an Plted are 10!I N UI4%SH m Donte Cheap andr witD-a.: Sall and ley toek apre PEDARSAD S?CLT Z Nov.IN A1, 47- IAYPefTS ZN INflL.4saVA MS'? INDUARO SIOLER. 1WTO AVE PRIEh. $16O ORY $10. ex$20 FORWAS. 70GN R WLTICUA WITE M e EL R E EZ*S - JEWE PAR.CE, C'Oa 6 D-AYSON. IEEY WATCH WA?R,IZE, me fGoN , weLI Gcn awasCsESfth - CHPATENTSTOPE BOTTLES 3.E8 AESI N 81AThU 80E r fsct rG, we0 c*' alwPys8.nc4 h SPATENT STOPPER BOTTLES DAus,WAE AND uGusGR .** a ban4. e C. C. HABENIC8T,s. CefLTUTWRA-..f