J Family Paper Derotedi to Literature. .':xf l/n!!n, A'ews, jgricuure, Markets, &c. VOL. XX. NEWBERR .. S. 0.. TUREDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1884. No.47 Glass Homes. "The t+icked flee when no wan pur.neth It is atnu-ing to -et how ten.ler-f"+t:ted cer tairr blood remeiv p-opriet"r have beconne of liae. They make miueh ad. :bout "apes sad imitators" when none are in sight. Thepioprietrr-of B B. B. aould sav m?st emrphatc-"'Iy th:t -tl-ir remedy stand, upon Its oen merit. Should we attempt to imi tate, it would n-r ,e tho-e who do uot u" ier-twt d the m.Mlu operadri of that which they e-fYer. Our o"' i loi. . xP+wrience in the profe-.on pree:ude, such ahs I ;a. The fl""t"i for hat.d ernt lies is ibge s,l broad i - fording ample rc.,., for all pre-ent .at:irant-. We "to t.i.t desire t. ch.e the door again,r othtrs, n.eitiher sh-di it be clo%i di ag +in-t n-. R B. B B is tie quickest renedy, doe- nuot contain mtiu- ral or vegetahle ploison, does not imita:e and is in the field a< an hon orable competitor tor public favor. oct 16 Im .1llpersons indebted to the Alu Lndersigned. must settle tie mtme bj or before the 20th sc>f: .Vocember ie.t. otheru'ise Fiytr accounts u'ill be placed in the 0ands of an oficerfor collection, and you will get no further credit in (lie FU 'T UL, . S. i. FANT. Oct 30 :t EET..TH or Mos.s M. CoPt'C. Dec.ARi:. Notice is hereby civen to all creditors of Hoss M. Coppock, dec-ased, to present their claimus property proven, to the undersigned im mediately; all a ho are in any wise indebted to the same are requested to settle at once. us an early settlemeat of his estate is deQired. JOHN W. COPPOCK, No 43-4t. Fxe:.utor. NEW IARBLE YARNS We desire to ainotince to the citizens of Newberry and sur.rountling Cotuntiis, that we have locat ed a MARBLE YAI D in the Town of New.berry, and are pre p'arerlto-furnish all kinds of MARBLE AND GRANITE TOMB STONES and MONUMENTS, In first clae. svtyl< and 20 percent cheap er than the sarne class.of work has hith erto been sold in Newberry; consequent ly we respectfully solicit a :'eral share of their patronage. One block. north west of Crotwell Hoti-T. Oct 39 tf MILLER & HOOF. Fresh.Butter, &c. The hear New York DairY Butter. Fresh Western Bur er. The Gernine Cleveland and Hendrick's Ci 4r6, an, that prepninr CIear, the Sweet Mash ttt reteived at the Cheap Store of B. H. L' WELACE. PIANOS, Grand, Upright and Square. Pianios is re-ogniize-d and ne-k to m t-.' by the highest mii'l aucthoritiis. 'iii the de.:andI for them i-c as 'uradiit. n crzeasing a th- leijr menrt ar'e bec-omitng m.ore extensively ktnown. High.st Honors Over aill A meri-an it tmanyt Eo' en U Exposit ion, Paris. 187S FlarIe tihe EndoI ,rsement.L oflve 100~ diiit-erettI' -ieges. Sc-mi unaic atndt Schools as to their Durabhmty. They aire l'e-rfect in T'one andlWork manship and Eeyanat in Appearance. A lar;:e a-sor:tmnt oft second-hantd Pimntoi arlwnfta on han-1 Bardutte Palace. SterlIBn Newv Eng gIand. and Wilcox and White OR G ANS. 1N08 anid ORGANS sold oin EASY IN * STAiMENTS. Blanos talien in Exthangeo, also thor o .gtyrmni-d em'T i) for illus.trated Pltano or Or. Chas. M. Stieff, No. 0. NowrTH IBERfTY-STREEtT. - ALt1.KOR E. M D A pril 27-. 001'FR AC'NR BUILDERS. -AND Lumiber Mill Men Thle iunde1rsignied te.per't Itully inform U ilhe cit izens o' Newbierry andrhe surt-om adintg ('iloutie. thut. bu$ding lotta ted tat Hla.tm. they- aret Ipr'nepre i toIu ract :or'. and .1. ib hi.Iir.h,es. Dwell ing~s :wl othle r Bumilingams. We g: uran h-ue-tatistairt ion~ bo: h- it. he. cptudlity of' 04.nr wrt k and ~si -t he lt pr-ic-. 'lharg.-d for it, lI:ing an :t ex-ellenmt saw 'mili we aire 'al-o pre'pared. at 'bortt no'itic'. to ?ista and re'-.s imnmer. Ordl-rs s-olicited. JHOCKL.EY BROS. March 1.. BOOKS AT YOUR OWN PRICES. Religious,- Moral, Miscella neous and Good Books. TBE PROPRIETRESS of the HERALD BOOK STORE, offers a certain portion of her si,ock of Books at such prices as Cannot Fail to Inaur'e Sale. A good Book is a good fr'iend: int rever dIsputes your word s.nd isi al!way. resly tso afford you pleasure; it came bo read an.I re:. read, and never pa!!s ont the tat. We cijno!ir seire in- be riti nt' the e boo'4s Think of a 2 book for 61.00. . "1"o" 50. * 25c "~ " 10.. . 1* U other Books at 5. H.ER ALD BOOK STORE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Nap)o"n B. Davenport, Ptain'iff, :tain,t W:lliam 31 Dorroh and John I). Pitt-, ias the Exen-or., of ili-y iuurton, de e.-ed, who waa the -ole Fxt-ut""r of John G. D.t veup.tt, tcceaeed, "1 who-e will thev are now th.- Exteutors. 'TIh.e-n R. D4venpor-, E-!e i"" ( D."vY r.r, .l.)hn G. Dauve",potrt, Robe,t t Davenp.r', Sarah Ann D. ven poet, A'v W. Hi!l, Joniu'h.tn W. 1)avenp.r;, W: .iut G. 1uVnuport, Mle!vin::t R. D'.vn purtr LI,uta McClure, .lutatlthan 1. :u td. liz: .e.t Ht r,u.tn, WVillim.n) G. McK--e'r, Jut"-< S. McK.-ev.-r and Witd, McKtt< ver T.) the D.-fefdantts a'>ov." nmed You a e herehv tno:u.trti and requi:ted to a.-wer :I e c'in laittt in thi- . C ion, whictt i :his d'sv turd in the officeu.,f the Clerk of said COu.t, for s.tid C'uty tuni to serve at *opy oftyotur nos'wer to the sai eCm plaint ..n t! su!b:enber, at their ofit" ut ew"berrs t(eurt louse. S. C., v.ititin twett:y d:V:- ;.ter 1he service hitrttf, ex lu-iVe of tie t)ty of -uch sery ce; tand if ..it f:til ' an,-.V""r the' e.)rtpl:tiut withiu the timer ult"r,. sai"i, the lauint:tfiin th i' ac;iuut will app'iy tu the:C."urt fo"r the r ei-ri-n+der:uned i,. h e,ernm. plaint. J:ued Septetht.)r ii. A. D. 18' 4. MOORMAN & SL\IKINS, Puintaff's At ore't S To the I)'etndait, Amy W. I ill, J.'ht.. than .' I) vetport. William G. D.iventort, Melvina R 1)a'ven; ort, Loui v.h ieh :he foregoing is a "opy, tta, iilI'd in the Offie'r of li Clerk of I,- -'t.d CourT of C'monin Pieas, at Newberry Court Hou-e in the County ut N. wherry, in sIe State ot South Caru'inx, on the 11th d.-y of S.-ptetttber, IS1. 4OO.MAN & SIMKINS, PiainltT's Attorneys, Newbe:ry, C U1., S. C. 'Thi, 11th day of Septetuber, 1884. Sep. 11-6t. Land for Sale. A TRACT of LAND, containing Seventy-seven (77) Acres, more or less, boundettt hv lands of Dr. G. W. Gl,'nn. Edgar Sligh. and the Wilsotn Place. (t-ertrd for ,ale. It is wte]l-wateretl, partly elearel and susceptible of high eultivation. Th"re is considerable cord wood on it. A bargain may be had. Apply to HERALD and NEWS OFFICE. sep IS tf BLOOD And its unt:ralle-ed abuses, are jfully and freely disen=,ed in a neat 32 p;tre bo,k, mattrdiee to :tnv aldlre e, by Blood B.tlm Co., Atl: n-a, G". Drop a postal for it, ar- every man and!wo man needs And- wl4 h(: .clighted with its ial u.rble at d entirely new revel.tions. &AIALL OICR Sometimes shake to Nation of ueople and urou-e then to ection. Extre.si.)u+ ,itullar to the frltowlt.g, trom a well known Drue gisrof Atlanta. pour in from secion. wbere B. B. 3. hu been u.ed. ATLAJTA, Jeiiu 12. 1tS4. It otfor arm bolief that B. B. .:B. is the B'otd Purifierot the m~rket. We are selling four or fve bottlet < f it 'o one of any other pra.etot+, oi' tne kind. It has falled In no insanc. to give entire xatiraetio'l. Merit is the "-ret. . W. P'. SMIT H & CO., DruzgIsta. thatt comibit ei q'te I. action, certain e-f'ect, ceaep price atnd un-tnnded satlsf,tcn WE PROVE Tha et .i Ie ooatiet of' B. B. B. will do a ' mitch work In curtin:e t Poleona. Ski" A ffectti'-t. Se""fula, Kidnety Troub!es, Cii tairh and Rheim-stism iia "ix bottles of' toy t:her pre-p-t.eIton ott etn-h. Onec 50-yeatr-old chronicuteei euretd; scro fulai of children cured with one hotth.. D'od poiitns on--c.: with a few b,s.:teh. [t never fails. We. ho'd home proof In book f.t mi. Sentd rOr it. L-irge bottic Si1b0, sIX for SS 00. .xpre.sse., an'reces 2 ao1rce.gir citoe/Drug giwt e -n't uitiuilv yonu. A ddres4 BLOOD BALM CO., Atlainta, Ga. Sti1.t in Newherry by Dr. 5 F. Feant. Oct 18-84 ly Wright&J. W.%oppock We now announce -that our stock of CLOT HING Ren; Youths, !3oys and Children, 18 NOW COMPLETE, and we think -UNStJRPASSED in apytig that tends to constitute -A Firt-Ccus Stockc Our line of IDRESS SUITS was neer-SMORE HANDSOME, while our EnBsiness Suits are a decided improvement on any thing we have ever been able to get. Special:attention give~n to the se lection~ of Youths' and Boys' Goods, No doubt every mother will be grat ified at the imnprovemnent in this line. We claim to sell the BEST CENTS'SIIHIT 31' B, for the amount charged, and no one will doubt the ass- rtion when al comparison is made. Indeed, our whole line of FurnishingGoods wa~s Never So Good as Now, and in eve'ry instr-nce we will give as full value for th;e amount invest ed as any-other house can afford to do, and we guarantee satisfaction. Respectfully, WRIHT 8, 1. W. COPPUCK, Ih Pront of Court House, OstO 41 al - bVa ry, s- .P. THE tOMt< Y OF E i V 3C' BY FATHER RYAN. Some recko: ih<-ir liv-- 1v var=. Some reckott their life by :trr Btit some te:l their years by the ti .w t t':rr. And their life by the mno:.:sst of thei: heart. Th! rl-tial: of tlhe "-arr!h mn.v -h"tw Few or ni:nv :h. y -ome -f"-e o-.. - they go But our timne i- h,-.t m re-r.! 1b :t"+.: Ah ! no: bt tie -ilver gray Th:; Ce.p throug thi ui -'ainV i:'r. A:tl or by i he aee..e- t1 e ii- tn i ,u:r w:iV An,: of h tin- furr:ow- :he in.:er of t,:re. O0 th-t rb." s . h: ..1 Not .' d - we e .:m- .or ye:.; Noi .t ih , m:- m.ier on the passage to :he United States No got(d opplloituniity ofi:=reI. and after laniding she took her t.. the cemetery, tied the handkerchief -tibout her neck till she thougl.t she was deil, a. then co"-ering h r with leaves. t-fl i:n"r. iie a'At. : itie. are searching for the vou.it:-'e murtkress. and it is to b- hoped that. tie author of this uiparalleled piece of villainy, wil! soon be f-Jund and punisl)ed. Col. Mapleson. of Her Majesty's I Ope: a, dropped in on us radiant and happy as a big sun flower, the first of the week. and the great I)iva Patti .arrived almost at the same ti:me Mapleson is certainly a tmo:t extra ord;marvt man. Only a ft w months ago he (eparted a bankrupt followed by the curses of swindled ballet girl and defrauded nu,icia:)s. ll is seelt-rv" and properties were knocked down under the auctioneers hammer and scattered to the winds-in fact, it was a question if he would get away at all. The season had bi-en most disastrous. Abby had suni; ?00, 00. but paid his bills like a man ani stood his loss like a li-ro. -Mapleson only paid those he could in>.t avoid paying and left those whom hc could avoid paying to whistle for thcir m He was sup"posed to be utterly bankrupt, and certainlhy few managers ever left the co utry in su<:b disgraceful plight. lle was in hot water all the season with his singe-rs. muusicians and dir. eiors, and noiv hue comnei back haLppy and smnilinug with latti at his btack. who, as e.on dlescetndingly conlseinted to s.;: for $5.000, and I don't know but thet Colonefl: has to n y the ex;;e.ses he sides. W hoevyer suffers. l'atti won't. IHer money w.as put up) biefore tshe left and she receives $5.00 tve.ry niht4 in advance. Col. Alapleson says bat the diretors of the Academy of Mlusic ought to be exceedingls obliged to him for driv,ng A bbey out of the opera busiiness, and knocking the .\etropol tail Opeia House out on thet tirst round. One thing is very certain, and that is, tow that the fierce compet itioni of last witnter is removed we will see no such opera for years to come as Manager A bbey gave us at t:,, Meti o politan Opera liouse. ~ll;iwhile the new company which dtroppedi down on its like a shooting star. has been filling the Star Theatre with tLhe lovers of good music, and giving us, if not a really first-class performnauce, one thoroughly acceptable, and. which, with a few additions, would make it quit e good enough to put into the Metropolitan Opera [louse. where at popular prices it could be made to pay for the entire season. It is time that we got over the shoddy craze of paying ten, fifteen, or twenty five dollars a night for seats to hear a singer, but it cannot be given ror less if three or four of thle principal singers are allowed to walk off with from eight to ten thousand. dol lars a night. Forty years ago we got good opera for fifty cents and a dollar; but the man who atr ends a fashionanle church these days and has a box in the opera besides. needs a bank account like a G3ouldt or Van derbilt, or- else mnust be exceedingly lucky when he takes a fly in stocks The~ papers have been full of the romance of Commrodore~ Meades daughter, who has just turned up at St. Paul's as the wife of one McAfee, Who ran as' ay from Ireland leaving a wife and young child behind him, It is Mrs. McAfee's third matrimonial venture. ihe is well recoliected ini Broo)kly~n, where for years she figured as a great society belle 11er father, the Commodore, was a pepp.-ry old gentleman,. and when one muornfing the yo unrg lady t:rned upy misin~g, thi namne of Lunds wh a in nobod inBooklyn who knew tar Comnmodo:e was thrown into such a desperate rage that he swore he waould shoot the man if he could find. h im, and he resolutely refusedI to see his dauahter up to the clay of his death. Like maost runr.war- nutches, I her proved a ad ail..u...' iu .ma who wat wealthy. di. not su-t I er the pair led a cat and dog life. an; were finally divorced. and she foun; consolation in busauii No. 2-: German He crosst"d the Stvx. an' on the return voya-.e to Aner:a si met the young Iriihian. Mc --fee and they were married in N!w York t'hte brother of the first wife f.,u' him in eiover up to his ears. an. u t r a hom:z chase hunnte-i him dt)w ard loied hia saftlv in .-rat l'rison. The wile foun I quarttrs i a'.nr;table as'Iimn. l.aun sOunde everr phlase of life at thirty-ci-ght i1ro;. a '.aroiwas with a eastitle an! r,-tinue to a paup- r s condition. de ,e;.ii,*tt for tat- lreadl s.ie eats t I . -itht-r the polar wav"e. nor ti' I impo rta.ioi of 5tm ni-lion" of grob nt r the election of Clevelan:1 an: HbIi:n (or *a::h has been elecSid i ov-rwhel;1m iI._ majorit ies a lozeU ttim:-s this we-k). has hal nv etTec on the stock inark.t It is de d as . .lt)or nail. Van,lcrhilt hol:s aloot - Jay Gouidl diocs no. feel like going in-Russel SaLL- looks wary and taik: Sunda" Sc' ool--Uncle Rufus Hlatei is ,tudyin, ast,r ony. and when he his first l . nar tlbseervation h< wiil make somn'e of the lamnhs se, stars. or my naime is not BROADBRIM. MESSAGES OF LOVE OR HATE. -Do I know anything of the lan guage of postage stamps?" s:sd a wel known stati:;nery dealer yesterday - I don't know of any book on the sub ject if that is wha you mean, but I havc heard the signification of some of the ;:ays of placing them on en velopes. For instalce. if thce write1 ia g ntleiman who wishes to express love for a ia r damsel he inclines the lahei tt ward the 1. ft. which inethod is repeated by the lady if she is fa vorahl.: to his suit. If. on the con trary. she wishes to give him the cold shuilder, she inclines her label to the ight. A stamp in a perpendiculai post- e signifirs simple admiration when the Iust stands on its head il means that the only sentiment evoked y the suppliant is ridicule. If the s'amp lies on its face it indicates that the wr.ter is dying for love; if it is ly. ing on its hack then the writer has got over his attack of heart disease. A label may be placed wrong way up with an inclination to the left thai t:-lls a story of hopeless attachment. while should it he leaning towards th^ right hand corner it is a sigt that the affection is unrcquited." - Are there any other signs?' "Yes. such as sticking the label ir odd places on the envelope, in wrong orners, using two or even three s amps, making kisses around them near them or in propinqu'ty to them 'T'ese have various meanings and may all h included in the l nguage of postage stamps." "Dil you ever know of any one using this mode of communication?' -!' yon promise not to give m< away I will tell you of a postag< stamp correspondence in which I my self once was a principal participant.' "Mv honor as a gent'emanu* -Thmnt's good enough. 'W ell, it't about ten years ago. I hope yoi won't he shocked to hear that thit correspond enca e ew out of my be ing a regzulanr attendant at church?" "Not at all. That makes it all th more interes ing " "I suppose it does, so many simila' correspondences have arisentfrom like cause. I have for years been member of St. Peter's Episcopa church. at Third and Pine Streets One Sunday, ten years ago. [ was desperately struck with the appear ance of a young lady who sat in a pes on the opposite side of the aisle t~ me. Never mind the details-af'te some inquiries I found out who shi was but could not obtain an introduc tion." 'What did you (10?" '-I got f'om a friend of mine somn information about the pos; age A:amf languatre and the language of flowers Every Sunday morning I managedt4 get to church in time to place a smnal homp.me. of flowe:s in her pew, to gether with an empty envelope witi the stampl rufixed in a certain way After awile she dliscovered who he unknown adidirer was. What iF more she learned the stamp language and in return she would leave an en, velope stamp.-d ingthe pe~W for me This silent courtship continued fu' nearly eightjmonths, when, one luck) day, I found an acquaintance wh< knew the family 1 need not tel' yo that I soon became acquainted, too To make a long story short, the ladj is now my wife." "Indeed !That is certainly: happy and ;fitting ending to so ro mantic a courtship " "There are one or two other thingi you might say ahout the sticking o: of stamsps if you are going to pub lish this." "Sich as -- "Well. I fancy some of the stamn pers at the postoffice would fe obliged to you.if yon would recomn mend foolish young people who are anxious to appear eccentric, not t< put their stamps) in any corner bu the upper right-hand one. It n~ il lift a weight of sin off the stamper'" shouldfirs.' "But how about the language?" "Easily arranged. If' a squari place is penciled if on the right ha:nd uppeor corner of the enlo~erpi Vhe stamp can be aglzed in any m~an ner th:pt may be chosen. By the bly there is one gurious sign in the stamn languago you might m ntion,' "What is that?' 'Pasting thle stamnp on with thu mnuellge upward.' "What on ear' h doe-s that umean?" "I'bat the sticker on is a confound' ed id: t', and most probably drunk CLEANLINENN. G)od feed and plenty of it. f.-l at th"- rigti time and in the right man ner. i very important to stock. but is not all that is reqired to m1ak, stork the muost profitah!e. C:n!iness is a v. rv Iltortant itrn. not only as re 1 :rdl n qvin,_- (,f f.erd. hint nl-.. -f !;ind hiealth .,f a inima!. l1i-rsr TI! tM o III41.t ha)vI-.. to k-e.p t h""n in + t " . !! ii n l, --( r.. liil nr. t) c;-lrd h -i --- - d ::. -lrv 1,h)i:" fo- their f *e. lli.-.--- :biv n o. .I w- i l t-th d rwn. .: s, " r .. d . b i . i l Inz i)rjel. end Co* and sheep. uirin the mim .7 e enerally 'wr1t rrn i n then li .- . n '. 4i ite v h re it ltwn. * 1ue1In Jphi-. I am sekn t i-re e- .in farm "r- do04. 0O v' -n i - *Ce ft. t{eI'r (1 1t. .ek are k-.1 ha l r i:viled- with ti:,*d rh .lt o se. 1T epe't ,-attle to thrive in the bu anter ' osible, and i# exposed to all kinds of weather. and he forced to lie down in the mud, end thrive we-P! ist more than could be expected. Sheep espenially, to keep them in igood healtb.. reqire to be well pro vided with shelter. And this is not all that i necessary. They must be kept dry nnder foot. One of the most prolific cases of disease is forcine to stnd in mud or in the wet. Keep them dry and furnish them with a liberal snpply of dry herlding. Hogs generally are supposed to be dirty anyhow, and verv little pains is taken with their quarters. This is another mistake. fogs like to be clean, and if pains are taken to pro v:de clean quarters and a comforta ble bed, they will rep- y the extra trouble in health and growth: and in thus keeping stock lean we save feed. With bogs too little pains is taken to evn give them a dry place to feed Their feed is. thrown to them on the gronn, whether it is clean or muddy, and the hog. can et it the est wa ey cen. This. to say the least. il in -l economy, not only in not fat t.+! e the hrgy as fat to cond he ro -. bnt in the waste of a large ronnt of feed. In fat tning orn good lot of hoes the feed saved wil pay for lumber uanfcient to mayke a oor to feed them on; and vet the greater hojority of farmers inist npon feeding in the mud. losing their fmod and inducng fiase and lost ofee the genrters for thd stek eleao, inease the guantity of the mknrs' ile sve feed. increase the health of t stok and make more moey-N. . Shiephrd in Tex. as Fa'rmrand Rantch. ,uR. oLD'TONE'S PAftYS iDuring a recent stav of itwo; days iChester. England, took a ay and drove ont to Hawar-den Castle, the country home oft Mr Gladstone. 1t is an ancient eistate, .heantifully wood'edl. here and there artistically thinned by the sturdy stiokes of th~e Premier's renowned axe. But what interested me most was a visit to the little parish chureb were the great statesman worships, and where his son Stephen has been the rector for seventeen years. Mir. Gladstone himaelf often "reads the lessons" on Sundays. Whenever he is at Haw arden Castle, he walks every morn ing in the we,k to the little cburebh, where at eight o'clock there is held a daily mnorning service, Although a itapendouus empire is on his bands, he- fnnds time to go daily to church and worship. What a model for American statesmen ! The churcb is a venerable little strueture, utterly unpretentions. But the spirit of worship is everywhere evident. One of the "notices'' in the porch so impressed me that I sub. join a transcript. "*oN YoUa wAY To CHURCa." "On your way to the Lord's house he thoughtful, be silent: or say but little, snd thati little. good. Speak not of other men's fatdts,"think of yoir''own, for yonareggoing to ask forgb eness. Never stay' outside, go in at once; time spent inside should be precious, 'neel down very huumibly, and pray, Spend the time that remains in pi ayers: remember the awfa! pres 'nceu into which you have come. Do not look about to see w~ho are cow ing in, nor for any other cause. It matteis n2othinig :o you what othere are cloing; atteind to yourself. Fasten your thoughts airmly on the holy ser vice. D)o not;mies;one word; this needs a severe sirggles you ;.ave no time for vain thoughte, The blesed Spirit will strenghten you if yon per t.evere. AFTrER CURCH. li rk m.in knee.ling, ande pray. IBe intet;t speHi to no one till yon arp' ' t.tHide. The "huFchI idoPu house, even when prayer is oveir. De qmet a,.i thonu..l foi as yn y thu);b thue ehurchyai d * * 0N YoURl WAY hOME." heart. I-emember where yo tiJ'e haen. amld what yon have done. Re solve and try to live a better life." Is thern no hint ;n the abo!oe for A}uterican wor:shippers?- Rei. George Dana Boardman. D. D.. in The Sun day School Times. w ;i ' IE W A*i FOR M'. J :t. A Sonh'rn Xaa Tells r Tcuching s:ory of Ten nemse Life. "We're for Sr Jh',hn. hain't. MIvt" r--uark,-l it WV -honn. i p >-er l'i a litt'e party of trnvtle!s, be-Ln to talk polities. H .l wife-. a ch rry, happy ;.>km-, wr.l,ta;n. lo,okrd up wi!h a smlil"- on sler face and n"d --Why ar:" we for St John!' con tinnedl rhe hnhand. "W,-Jl, I'll tell 0;1. WVe havr a pow'fnl r. a-on or t-4) f r -i ' for imiu,. haint we Ma ; V. WN..'r".-frt,Ui'lTenrw-Ssee,vfO know. (oin' o n. to Iowa to see Mary's :n,other I'm a Sntherner: my wif.' s a Nrbe: n girl. '3.'nt fonr years ";,",, w," were rnnninr a irt.- f -rm of tru r a }, it wau'r all paid for. e.ther. WVo,rst tf i "wa>t i wat :a p --'rl 14l iin kr-r. O!,1 ., m Williamc k-" pt store ilf a mile from tt ontr plac . a1' he roIbl .lk:.". I 1p. i t all no timt- an' all my nlnry the,-. rt't . ifarv F3'. ting wss so!d o:T ihe pla:, :' a 1or tgage ctmnI}1n' nill" to hoot O'lr horses, wagon. cowa ecrv ti.ing. went down to old im Wil ians's. Gn-s there wasn't wneh to eat in the hou=e. citber, was there, Mary? All of a sndden old Jem shtm down on liker. Wouldn't sell, l .Iop: said the selhool hnnse law bad come down on him, and the women were watching night and day That was a new thin, in them parts. an' w- old topers inqnired into it. We funud that no liker could be sold within four miles of a school house. My wife here had gone to work an' got some other women interested,; an' they built a school house themselves ont of an old corn crib. Tben they called on the officers to enforce the law. h'bey appointed committees to watch old Jem and pull him up if he violated the statute. Then we had to go six miles to get our likker. and the first thing we knowed there was a school house there, too. In six weeke we couldn't got a drink in the County, all owing to this Northern wife of mine; wasn't it, Mary? We had to sober np-ro help for it I went to work and saved my farm from the mortgage. Pretty soon I had a good team, and we began to prosper again. Curiosest thing about it was, there was school all winter in that corn crib school house. My wife taught it. Me and a lot Wore men attended.;"rhere'I[learned to read. write and figure- something I never knew nothing about before. Now, I don't know whether votin' for or even elec'ing St. John would do any good or3not, but we are for h'm on general prineinles; ain't we, 4fary?"-Chicago Herald. THE 31IDLAND RAILROAD. From the Greenville Ne'ws, In an interview publi-hed on Fri day last in the Charleston News anld Courier, ref'erence was made to this new road as only connecting Colum bia and Charleston. and this in the face of a public annoncement that a charter was to be obtained for this road from Greenville via Laurens, New herry and Orangeburg to Charleston; this short, impregnable central line from the mountains to Charleston, with the opportunity for rapid trans it, will, it Is believed, mulhiply won derfully intercour-e between upper Carolina and Charleston, and attract business largely from the territory east and west of it. We fail to understand how it can be imagined that the project ema nates from the Richmond and Dan vrille corporation. Its stock has steadily sunk to the low figure of "25" on the New York Sto'k Ex change. and this would seem to in dicate that it already possessed all the miles of badly located roads it want d in South Carolina. Perhaps the solicitude exhibited In this interview by Mr. Brawley, the attorney for the South Carolina Rail way Company, grows out of the fact that this new road will represent on ly $15,000 a mile, as against $40,000 a mile of bond debt and $20,000 a mile of stock debt. a total of over $60,000 on Mr. Brawley's road ! And perhaps .the business community of upper South Carolina. and especially of Greenville, Laurens, Newberry, Columbia and Orangeburg, when they realize that $2,500,000, in vested in a clean new road 210 miles long will remove the- freight and passenger burdens to and from Char leston, now imposed to keep afloat $13,000,000 of paper seeurities be tween Cha;rleston and Colnubia alone. may he they will see the point the Midland Railroad scheme makes of rapid transit, cheap fares and freights. ample for the support of a property created on the basis ot $25 to $30 a ton for steel rails. It is the heavy burd. ns for the support of watered seeurities and a circuitous route that keeps the up country away from Charleston. and imposes on Charles'on sericus disa bilities in her struggle for business AM WE VIEW T, THE IJABJT 0? sHAPDiG ot'E WORLD WTo OUR oWr IMAGE. A man's world is pretty much what the man himself makes it. I i true in psychology that what the nind i self contributes to thg m niingr of a conceptioi is at legt ge itaportant as what tihe outer world supplies for that congeption, And4 it is no less tru4e that the things which constitute our social or moral or religious world are affect,d as :iuch by our own shaping of theu within our selves as by the bare materials of them which - sistouts:.ie of our selves. Shakesp:are; is not the same to any two readers : each reader has his own Shakespeare -a Shakespeare tormed by the growth into the reader's mind of those ,lemonts in Shakespeare whmieb are aktt to the mind of th(m render. And so it is with .very sinl ohjs-ct which is pre sented to zi::u: t:u .:t. Each sees tte obj."ct; hi each puts something of himself intOO his seeing. The same biue sky is shining with jo:: for one, and is calmly p.ti.ess for another. The world of nature takes on the as pect of our mnoos. and what we think of the world of mtniis but the reflec tion of what wt- know of ourselves. If we are conv need that, truth and faith and purity have died out of the world, it is a sure sign that we are 3a1ly in need of reformation our Slves. If We recognize nohility in mother, it is an eviden ce that the best within ours -ives is not vet dead. rhis:pow,r. this hait. of sh:tpitg our world into our own ima. e carries with it a c'ta:in responsibility. When we ar,: m,St firm v convince-l that what the world needs is some sharp refornati,n. we ou-ght first -o iuestion ourselvLs how much of the wickedness we see is res!ly the world's, and how much of it is only ;he shadow of ourselves. Before our world ca, grow better. we must grow yetter ourselves : and we never have i right to insist that the world shall )urify itself until we first have done what we could do toward its purifi :ation. by taking heed to the correc ion our own ways.-S. S. Times. T H E T'It% (" N'. M .%ION. The empty tin can at last has a nission, and.a profitable one at that. Emptied of its contents'of peaches or ;oma'oes, discarded and tbrown out it the kitchenga.e, it may soon be tent in at the front door or find an ionored place in the best room in the lonse. Thousands of these cans are athered in Philadelphia every week md made into shining sheets and xsed to decorate or cover large tra reling trunks, and thus get a promo ion from the back yard to the boa loir. On the outskirts of the city, within a short time, a number cf fac ories for the conversion of these old, >uffeted and battered cans and other in refuse from the ash.heaps have sprung up, and the business is a rowing one. One of considerable size is on Moyamening avenue, be ow Miffiin street, where a large force f men is kept busy day in and day )ut. The cans are collected in vart )us ways. but principally from the ,ity ash heaps and the hotels and Large boarding houses. At the factory the soldered seams are subjected to n intense heat in such a way that the solder is allowed to run in a re zeptacle, and is carefully saved and sold, the profit fiomn this s-'ure alone almost paying for the expense of gathering and handling the cans. The tops and bot;oms of tbe cans nre turnred into window-sash weights. The labels on the tin-plates are easily taken off, after having been thorough ly soaked and the plates'themselves rolled out flat by machinery. As dis colored by the contents they present a clean surface and make excellent covers for trunks, the seams being hidden by the trunk braces, either wood or sheet.iron. Other uses are also made of the tin plates, and there is considerahle profit in the business. Th'e process is quite simple, and very little capital is required. One con cern in this city rolled out 40.000 of these plates in less than two months, and the industry promises to be large ly developed both here and else. where. GO A Nu 90 IT. Don't lire a single hour of. your life without doing exactly what is to be done mn it, and going straight through it from beginning to end. Work, play, study, whatever it is, take hold at once and finish It up squarely and cleanly ; thset do the next thing, without letting any mo ments drop between. It is wonder. L'ul to see how many- hours those prompt people contrive to make in a :iay; it is as if they picked up the moments that the drawlei-s lost. :And if you find yourself' where you have so many things pressmng you that you hardly know how to begin, lej; me tell you a secret ; take hold of the first one that comes to hand, and you will find the rest all fall into fie, and follow after like a company of wrell drilled soldiers. A man was once asked how he "accomplished ao much in his life." "My father told me,'' was the reply, 'when I had anything to do, to go and do it.'' T'here is the secret. DON'r GIRLs. Do'a't think it necessary for your bappiness that every afternoon be spent in shopping. Homes are not a mere hotel in which to eat and sleep; bome work is not mere drudgery, but useful ministration, to those we love. Don't be prim, formal, stiff, nor as sumie a face eloquent of prunes, pota toes and prisms, nor sit bolt upright in a corner, hands, feet, eyes and lips carefully posed for effect. An effect wrill be produced, but not the one y'ou wish. N1or yet sit scornfully re sierved, criticising the dress, man. sers, looks, etc.. of' those around you. Kwake up your mind that your comn. panions are, on the whole, a pretty lice set of people-and If they are act, you have no right to go among ;hem-that there is something to re ipect and like in each of them. Be genial, cordial, frankr Be a true lady, -a true woman-gentlesund gracoh nestn and A 1-bI