The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 13, 1922, Image 5

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* * * * * * * * * * * * Local afid Personal Mention * ** * ** ** - * * * * * * * Airs. NVill Itobertson spent Friday ht "iGreenvilL. 4 Mrs. R. C. iHilton, of Columbia, is lxpected today to visit. her mother, Mirs. ,baura idasterby. - Mi. iskine Todd, of Little Rock, Ar kansas, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. -M. L. Todd. IMrs. J. S. pennpit and .\1s. M. . Roper attended the U. D, C. conven tion in Greenwood last week -Mrs. (A. J. Christopher and Mrs. J. C. Owilng spent Vednesday in Green .illel / . Mrs. -'arvey B. Gray, of Fountain ,n is sPending it few weeks -in the ity with relatives and friends. Al17.' W. U. Dial r9turned 'Friday from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Childes Calhoun. in liarlington. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Caine, Mrs. Ce cil Roper and Mrs. Cliarles Fleming spent Mionday in Greenville. Mis. J. 0. C. Fleming left Monday for a visit of a fev days to her sister, Mrs. -J., C. Barton, in Anderson. Dr. Goiar .\lock and soins, of Green ville, spent S'unday 'in town with rela tives. 'Phil i-luff, Otis Huff and Frank Mc Cravy left yesterday fr -t hunting trip in Kershaw and Horry counties. Mr. ledgepath who has been visit ing hIis daughter, .Mrs. George Harp, on Mqck street for the last week, left Sunday for his -home in' Columbia. -Miss Laur~e Kennedy who is study ,,ing at Ander'son college, will arrive Friday to spend the Christmas holt-' days. Calhoun McGowan, of Charlotte and Williai'McGowan, of Greenville, spent the week-end with th'eir .Parents, Mr. and - Mrs. F. P. MLcGowan. 'Mrs. Earl Wilson, of Gastonia, and 'Mrs. Jagnes Stout, of Washington, are visiting .Mrs. 'D. A. ?Davis. They will iemain for the C0hristimas holidays. Mrs. J. T. Johnson, of Spartanburg, spent Wednesday with her sister, Miss Josio Anderson, on her _way to th'e U. D. C. conyention in Greenwood. Mr. C. A. Power, Mr. A. C. Todd, and Solicitor H. S. Blackwoll attend 4d the funeral of Judge Frank B.. Gary in Abbeville Saturday. Mrs. Ed Burnsides has returned to her hoife in Greenwood after a visit Ao her! mother, Mrs. Rosalie A. Sulli van. Mr. and Mrer C. 'P. Vincent have re 'turned from Vernville, -where they hbave 'been visiting 'Dr. Vincent's par -ents while lie was recoveritig -from a ecent sickness. Frank P. McGowan, Jr:,- Rhodes scholar, has landed in New York from 'England and is expect9d to arri've iit ihe city Thursday to visit his parents, Mr. and ure. F; P. McGowan. e-Mrs. J. N./IHudgens, Harold and .Caroline Iludgens and Miss Harriet Bishop were the week-end guests of Mr. and MNi. Tom Switzer In Spartan burg. The friends of the .Rev C.. IE. 'Ver million will regret to heiri that his fa ther, *MurJoe Vermnillion, of D~onalds, wVith~ whonm lie' has 'been -the last few wveeks, passed awlay yesterday. The funora'l will be held today at 'Donaldls. Miss Rebecca Adams, who fs a fresh man at Chicora had a signal -honoi' he sto,wed on her ,by hei' schoolmates r'e cently when she wvas chosen as one of twelve pi'ettiest girtsa In the golle'ge. These tiwelve are annually elected to f'olng the "beauty calender" in the an nual, each girl having a full -page -pqr' trait .in the annual. 'Miss 1A'dams -will represent 4ipril and' will 'be photo graphed with Easter illies. Mrs. Fleming Honored Honoithg Mrs. *Chai'les . Flemning, Milases Willie and 'Olynthia Jones en tertained at a ~iarge card party Thui's day afternoon, th'ere being five tables of ifrldge and four-of Rogk. The rooms wvere beautifully decorated in lpot plants an'd daisy chry'santhemuls. At the conclusion of a nuhiber of gatnes the' hostesses wvith Mrs. Cecil Roper and tirs. R .F, Jone* sei'ved a salad -couive with tea, Mr. an~d Mr4. J. W. L, itle Hoinored 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'D. Youn enter tainsd at a lovely dinner party at 'Friday evening given. hnr liongr df Mr. and;,' rs. J. W, littlet, -of Clinton. The being present were ~4. and Mrs. it~fr Mr.' and 'Mrs.. try M ad a rs. If. B. Hipi ?1.'Itntl Nrs. I~,'ttle, Mir, and MrsA . 'oing; Mi ndMrs. H. 'D. Ratdh1Mr. and Mre, Y., J. l)1alock, Mr. ,md 'ds. 'Ge6. A. belapdi Dr. and, Mrs. J II. ~ ~1ts.ideney' Entertilg. Chib oge Phinney 'was .i batrning 'b bp o her Forty-'Il\Wo .01lub On Fri d A'tonoon.. Seyen ti.bls~' uosts enigfed a. spirIted' series of i tidej in t~4 of red roses, After att heilr's olf hostess 'assiste' y 'fsef Virk1 1a anid ,iaytta' Dailtedafe gnd Miss Dial Makes Debut The following account of th'e debut f Miss Laura Eily Dial will be read vith especial interest by her many riends hero: Warhington, il~lc. 7.-Senator and 6rs. 13. Dial of iSouth tarolina in roduced their debuttinte daughter, iss 10mily 'Dial, to society-this even ig. Mrs. Dial was assisted, by Mrs. A. ). Stanley, iwife of the senator from Centucky, .Mrs.1latic Potter, Mrs. Ar hur MeArthur, Mrs. J' A. Conndr, frs. T. Q. Donaldson, i.\iss Grace Ito )er and Mis. JRebecca Dial. The fol owing assisted in receiving: .l iss [Amura. Bryn, Miss ,nnma Stitt, 'Miss Dlizabeth Jones, 'MisE Lillian 'ihoi ion, Miss Catherine Radcliff and .Miss Page Sheppard. Party for .[rs. Fleminig Added to a long series of parties riven i1n honor of, Mrs. Cha'les Flein ig, was an espccially attractive lridge-luncheou of 'four tables on Tkiesday morning by Mrs. R. E. Rughes. Christmas decorations were ii order, crepe paper, Santa Clauses 4-' _j ai J,. NM -'1: [dG aH Qc r -] and bright branches of holly decorat Ing the, rooms, and the place cards be ing poinsettas to which was attached a card, describing the characteristics of each guest in original verse. After a series of gamnes, the hostess assisted by Mrs. Carl Balrksdale, Mrs. Cecil Roper, Airs.' obert Roper and Mrs. Al bert .DIal, served a delicious luncheon, tle holiday spirit being again in evi dence in the tiny Christmas tree .with which each plate was decorated. 'Mrs. Cresswell Fleming was presented with a pretty deck. of cards as' der of the higheat score, Mrs. Charles Fleming, as guest of honor, withi a bridge novel ty, amd Mrs. 13. IM Cowherd, of Green wood, the house guest of Mrs. Hughes, with a lovely vanitycase. Foot Ball Captain Elected Following the banquet of the Lau rens Business League last Tuesday night when the high school foot-ball squad met and elected Lawrence KIl go as captain for next year and James Templeton as assistant .captaflT' Carl Thompson was captain of the ,team this year. U ake This By Gil ifts that are re those . whi ter day, yea loosing/ gifts, ature, make g your sele( ft section. Lake will be a rve every da ur display~ is ad most reast Iisit our storE M.& E.J Business Is Ihnproving Fronm the monthly report of the )fjuitable IMfe Assurance Society of Mr York, for October, furnishe(d by V. JI. Roddey & C"o., of Rock lill, ;eneral agents for N(AhI and South 'arolina, it is gratifying to -know lit the local agent at Clinton, Ilugh j. lichelberger, ranked second among ifty-,flve agents for the month of )ctober. having placed over $100,000 vorth of business in th's county. Ilinton Chronicle. Msing Sun Chapter fo. 6, I. A. M. A regular convocation of Rising ISun Chapter, No. 6, R. A. M., will be held on FRIDAY NIGHT, Dec. 15th. at 7:30 o'clock. Members kre requested to be present and to be n hand at the appointed hour. Elec Ion of officers for ensuing year. JAS. H. SULLIVAN, fi. P. . . RiOFF, Sec. Loose Leaf Ledgers. Etc. Advertiser Printing Co. i 4 the Hapj ving Fu most apprec: ch continue r upon yea of a limit your gift col ~tion from4 Any seleci ppropriate, y of the ye~ the largest bl iiL Wiu LAURENS, S. C. IF SICK, BI 'STARTI Don't Take Calomel! "Dodso Doesn't Gripe, Salivate ( Lose a Day's Wor tigh! Caioinel imakes you sick. It's 10'1'ile ! Tfake IL dose of the daniger' our drug tonight. adI tOnori'Ov vou amy lose a (ay'.s work. Calomnel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necosis of tile bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with soui' bile crashes into, it break In* it . Tl i Is w en yo feel that awful nausea and cr'amnping. it' you are sluggish and "'all knocked out," If your liver is torpid and bowels -con stipated dr you have headache, dizzi ness, coated tongue, if breath is had piest Xn rniture lated natural to serve dA r. Instead ed serviceat % .0 nplete by ma our Christm lion you mi and, too, w ir. , most varie ce to be 'fouji 3S& LIOUS! OUR LIVER n's Liver Tone" Acts Better and ir Make You Sick-Don't k-Read Guarantee 01r StLOmMacl Soil t. just tr'y a s1poonful Iof ha rmo less lOodson's il AveTon o - t ihere's my gtuarantee---Go to any (ru1g stor'e and get a bottle of -Dod soi's Liver T']ojie for a few cenits. Take a spoonful andI if it doesn't. straighten you right. u) and Ial--e you feel lne and vigorous I wat you to ro ibaek to the store and get you rI money. Dodson's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calotnel because it is real liver medicine; entiirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate o0 maike you elk. W. Las ly of ile k. d. ,e -