* * * * *9** * e * 5* * * * - .* * Local and Personal Mention * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9** .i rs. Ruth Shannonhouse is visiting In Charlotte. 'Miss Ruth McAlister has left for Ilickory, N. C., wl.zare she is to teach this winter' .\liss Troxelle Wright, of Newberry, was the guest for the week-end of '.Miss IEmily Dial. M\iss Mary Burton left last Sunday for Hamlet, N. C., where she will tetteh in the city schools. 'Miss Amy Wolff leaves jiext Wed nesday for Conway to take up) a osi lon as teacher ther.e. 1. tiss Eloise Clardy has returned to the city after spending several days In Greenville' with friendA. tlr H. - 'Nabers, of Greenville, spent the week-end in Laurel)% as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. L. Nabers. . L'Mrs. Harvey 31. Gray is spending the week end with her nel)hew, .1. T. Abercrombie and familg, in Greenville. Mrs. D. L. Royal and son, of Ala bama, and '\Mrs. Calhoun, of Florida, !%ere recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. LMcGowan. Fred and Joe Gabriel have returned to Greenville after spending several days here with their young kinsman. Tom Watson. Capt. and Mrs. Roy C. Hilton arrived in the city Saturday to spend some time with Mrs. Hilton's mother, Mrs. Laura Easterby. Lieut. an d 'Mrs. -Joe Bolt have ar -rived in the city from Portsmouth, Va., to visit their parents, '.\Ir. and t\11s. L. S. Bolt. S-Aliss Harriett Watson left yesterday for Wilson, N. C., where she will teac Latin and French -in the schools of that place this year. Mr. and Mi's. Thos. I. Swygert, of Cciuila, spendthe week-end in the city as the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mr's. Brook; Swygert. Misses Kathleen and Corinne Ander soil, of 'Williamston, spent several days in the city last week as the guests of Mr. and Mirs. C. T., Link. Mrs. Paul Smith has returiel from LeGrange, Ga., where she has been visiting. She was accompanied home by her sister Miss Mary Kilgo. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fort, of New York, and their daughter, Marjorie, spent last Thursday and Friday with 'Mr. and Mrs, CM. L. Copeland. Mrs. J. H-. Powe and her sister, .Nrs. Kittrell, who have been visiting the former's son, :Dr. .J. U. Powe, have re turned to their home at Cheraw. Prof. .J. F. Thomason -and fanily, of 'Winthrop college, spent several (lays in the city last week with Prof. Trhom ason's mother, Mrs. Aveline Thona son, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, W. H1, Whitley with their two children, Mary 'Pelham and JosePhine, of Albermarle, N., C., are visiting their father, Mr. J. 11. Sulli vaii on West 'Main street. Mr. Fred Cox, of Lanford Station, passed through the city !Monday morn ing en his way to the Spar'tan Academy iwhere he wvill teach history and direct the athletic activities this year. ~Mr. and irs. C. C. Featherstone, Mi's. J. 'D. -Pitts, Lair. Douglas Feathei' stone and Miss Mary Ferguson mo tored from Gr'eenwvood Sunday to see Mir. Joe Buirton wvho has been ill. Ambrose iEastereby, 'Perry 'WVal lace, Elbert Copeland, Cabell Garrett, Richlardl Counts, Williamn IDlunlap, WVil 11am Albright and Houston Roper have left for Clemson college to 'pursue their studies this year. Miss Dorothy Dial entertained at Rook last w~eek in honor of Miss Eliza.. beth Cooper, daughter of ex-Gov. and Mirs. R. A. Coopei', and Miss CarolIne tbeonard, of f-par'tanburg. Th'le twvo tables twere set on the poi'ch wvher'e delicious refreshments were served af ter' the games. Miss Leonard is the guest of bli's. Lou Jones. Mr. and i's. E. 0. Anderson, 'rs. *A. H. Stinder's and son, H-askell, Miss Josie Anderson, Miss 'Lillah Todd, Mr. 0. B. Simmons andl i'amily, Hilgh' and R'eriber't Aiken andy-Eugene Mitchell -will 1be among thes'e who wvill go to Spartanburg Thpralay to be present at the marriage of 'Miss Mary John *son and MAr. James Zimmerman. 5.Eleglion returns wvill bo shown at ' Pril'ess 'Theatre uiext Tde'sday1 night Also. fac c Hlolt and Bebe anes. *"Nob'th 'of the 'RIo' Gfrande~ ' Meeting of Winthirob Datighters * TherduWili be -an imhportant e!lt mneeting of the ILauieis' chapter of (Wilnthrop (Daughters at tahe L~adies io lst 'R'oom on uFriday afterrioon at 4;30, Every nbrflber is rurged to he 'rese nt in order to make-plans for the next year a program. '4% 'President, Singing Cjonvenatlon' , Thx South '1. nrens Singing 1onten' tie ~ ~ot t Oakland tbilli ~ he ,Ondad tterhuoon"it 2' o'ie)~i Gept. 10th, All singet's And ~ thg b a nqited to mes with s Leaguers Entertained The Elpvorthi League of the Main street 'lethodist church was delight .IIIly .intertained at the home of 'miss )s E1mmie and IRosalie Sullivan, last i'hursday evening. The lawn was lectric-liglted. Placed over the main mntrance was a large sign in electric ights reading ".Welcome Leaguers". Svery minute. wias filled witlh games xihich provoked much mirth and aughter. Later In the evening ice ,ream cones were served, after which ,he merry band of young folks bad rood-nfght to the char'mning hostesses >f the occasion. 11INS4 Jessee Entertains CAliss Maudie Mae Jessee entertained ;Ix tables -of 'bridge at the Country lhub Tuesday mornifg, complimenting \ss Lucy McPhail. At one o'clock I, delicious salad course was served. rihe guct of honor 4-as presented vith a dozen Ice tea sipeers as a soil enir of the morning. r Miss Mclhail aMiss Rebecca Clark entertained at, a >ridge party Saturday morning in 'com p)liment to -Miss Lucy McPhail, a bride 3lect. At the conclusion of the games, i delicious salad course was served. ihe honor guest was presented with I useful gift of cut glass. IRAPTIST1-MISSION WOlKE US MET LAST WVEHm Pleasant and Proitalble 3leeilg Held wilth Hethatharak Church August 301h. The annual ieeting of the iBaptist W. M. U. was held Wednesday, August 30th with Bethabara (huri ich. The meeting was well attended by dele gates from the various churches of the ounty. The *:rogram as printed in a previous issue of this' paper wias caI ried out. Rev. J. .W. Watts, who leaves in a few (lays, with his wife and baby, for 'Palestine, Inade a stir ring address to the Union which was treatly appreciated by all.-. At the Mlose of his address a little shower in the form of an offering and other use [ul gifts was made to the couple as a token of the love and good wishes of the Union. Mrs. Ratchford, of Cross Hill. brought a very sweet message in song. The following societies received honor roll badges: W. af. S., Gra. court, Beaverdam, First Clinton, THigh land Home, First Laurens; Y. W. A's. First Clihton, First .Laurens; U. A.'s Gray Court, First Laurens; Sunbeams, Chestnut Ridge, Gray Court, First bauren. '.he following ofilcers were elected ror the coining year: Superintendent, Mrs. C. B. Bobo. Sec. and Treas., aIrs. E. C. Owens. Sunbeam Supt., Mrs. 1W'. N. Austin. Y. W. A. and G. A. Supt., Mrs. S. H. rempleman. R. A. Supt., Mrs. 'Broadus Cook. Chairman Mission Study, Mirs. T. N. [arksdale. Vice Pres., 1st Div., aMrs. W. . W. Yeargin. Vice 'Pres, -2nd Div., Mr's. Sloan \tahon. Vice Pres. 3rd Div., Mrs. John Little. Sec. 1st Div., Miss Allie Babb. Sec. 2nd Div., airs. Guy Smith. Sec. 3rd Div., Mrs. Hugh -Workman. A total of $i2,5G9.32 wvas r'aised duri nig the year for' all puirp~oses. A boun eous :ciei, dlinner' with barbecued lash :was served 'by the ladies of Blethabara church, and their gracious 10slpitality was enjoyed by all._ MRS. 10AJTL C. OWE'NS,, Secretar'y. Election returns will 1be shown at Princess Theatre next Tuesdlay night. Also Jack Holt and Hebe Daniels in 'Nor'th of the Rio Grandle". Birth of a Son Born to Mr. and 'Mr's. 'Henry Browvn, it Gray Court, September 5th, a son. (Card Fromi Mr. Blakely I wish to express my thanks to the roters for the handsome vote giyen no-.andl to assure them that if ele ted n the second primary that I will on inuo -to give the same service in ,he >fmie that I have giveD in the paitt .A. B. BfliIKOLV' Card of Thanks K I desire to thank the pecople of au ens 'county for 'the' nagnificent Notg }\e .meo on thc 29th19 prwhich - am ref$- grateful and i sh'til con tin4 (Gi 'erire' the. whole people of Laureis :oiu.ty to the best of mny ability. f "G aVery i'esleectfully, *Card ot*Thankcs tMr. ahid Mi's. Jesse Campbell and 'ethily wish to thank the Ware Shoals Wanlufacturing Ic00mbany'g sewizng 'oem people for as love tojken 'of of 'ering o( .00 -for our 'dqar son and irother'wh has lecently passed away, lo was 1iNng iny thaty departmnent >efore he was taken ill with typhoid ever arn piedm'nie wic~h tausaS. his Iea'thik Mdyd's blessing4 reat' on 40~h and all. ap~~,d Nrs Jesse Camp bell, 0o19o Carnph~ MISSIONARY INSTITUTE Laurien CouItiy MiSsion'ary I nstitute of the S. . P'resyteri1l to be Held Sept. 1.1 The Laurens County alissionary in stittute of. the S. C. Presbyterial, will meet at the First Presbyterian church, Lautrens, September I-ith at 10 A. 3l. All the Presbyterian, churches In the c~auty are urge(d to send a large dele gatIin. )r. It. C. Colt, of Korea, will give an address onl the Work in Korea. Il'he progral for tle day is as folloiws: .ilorIng11 Nerf-lee, 10 WTIlock Prayer by M rs. W. itiltnter. Greetings Iby 'Miss Jullia Irby. ltesponse by Mrs. \V. T. Aust it. "Ministers ot' 1921" by .liss Caroline Caldwell. Special 'M.usic by 'Mrs. W. 1). Itatch ford. Roll Call of Churches with Reports of Auxiliaries. Xissionary Address by Rev. 11. T. Colt. Appointmteit of Committees: Noi nating, Place of Meeting, lIesolu tions, and Press. Clusic by Mrs. H-. K. Aiken. Young Peoples Conference by M.\r. '1. Wilsont. Geiteral WVorkers Conference by Mrs. A. .\. Copelan(l for )r. J. 61. Wells; Mirs. Will Leake for Auxil iary, and Miss 9ariah Ilunter for Sunday School Work. Offering for Bible Woman in China. Announcements. Ilible I-loutr by .\ 's. R. 0. llood. A flernoon Session, 2 O'Clock I3i usic. Prayer. l-lone Missionary Address by lRev. C. T. siuires,0. E"choes from Mlontreat by 'Mrs. G. M. Wright. -Schools and Colleges by .\Miss .1. 1-lon fer. Thornwell Orphanage by Mrs. L. R. Lynn. Training School by Mrs. ). J. Woods. H]ymn and .\Music. I):stribttion of Literature. .liscellaleous Business. Reports of Committees. Bible 'llour by Mrs. W. 0. Neville. Card From B. A. Sutllini, Jr. Being unable In tite short time be tween the ilrst and the second pri maries to see i'ersonally all of the voters of Laurens county, I am taking this method of thanking those who sulpported me in tle first election for County Superintendent. of kBducation for their votes and to ask from them their continued support, and to inviae tle support of all others in mty Cnini dacy. I feel that my qualidcations for per forminln the duties of this office are such as will commend my candidacy to the earnest consideration of all per sons Interested in the continued devel opiment of our publ-ic school system. I Wish to assure the people of Laurens county that ity conduct of the, office, should I be elected, will be such as .ill merit their further support, and will be such as will -show that theix' confIdence has not b-een misplaced. * B. A. SULLIVAN, JR. , Card Fronm W. L.S dray To thxe Votexrs of ,Laur'ens County: I take this nmanner' or thtaxing yeou fox' your liberal supp~lort gIven mte in the recent primnary election. It will be a Iprivilege and a pleasux'e to x'ep r'esentt evexry inter'est of my county anid state in all matters ;which may be brought before the -louse of Rlepre sentatives of South 'Carolina, while I ser've you in that honorable body. Rlesecctfully, '(Card fromt Maj. D~ozier I wish to exr.:rxess mny deep seuse0 of ohfligaxtion to thxe good peole of Latu x'ens county fox' the splendild vote giv en me dn the first primat'y in my r'ace for Secr'etar'y of State. The vote In dicated that/Laurens county would have eleted me ,if she could. Even in dieat I cannot 'but. feel deeply gx'atefuxl for this -strong exmressIon bf confidexnce In my -ali~It and ~isire to be pf-sox'vico .to my stat~, Respectfully, JAtnlES C. DOZIgR.' ThCivic iLeague :will meet in tl e Resat Room of thxeourt hoiii' df t ~ue~dhy, Set.I2 Electio . na:4Ube snow4 t' Princess Theatre next Tuesday ni ht. Alo J heo p 'e' Dnilojn Card. F~p~ppMIssf Kate Woffer. I want to take this method of thanking the people of Laurens Coun.. ty for .the flattering vote given me in myrace for Couty eu'ndrIntendent of EIIducation in ,the first prim~ry ,last Tuesday. I. am in'. the sedoId~ race and spoliolt the peplhe pf the County for their further. support and help on Septel:ier-12t1hvwhen! I shall 'come up the seconid .time for: consideration at the hands of 'the voters of my county, Faithfully yous Complete 100-1 $31 A very attractive set i China shown in two decorn border patterns on one of tl shapes. Other Sets F: Call and see our entire 1: find it the best and most co:I S. M.& E.-H. ,LAURE vCintomplte 1004n Auser atrativepetnio borer aens Minliner oft shpe.Basnhsrt marketho Sets F stoc Tha ehvy Wegish we thank you vicinityr for headqlen Swakets to buyand M''I - 'iece Dinner Set ).45 n the best quality American itions, both in conventional -ie latest and rnost popular rom $8.40 Up ine of Dinner Ware. You'll rplete in the State. VILKES & CO. NS, S. C. nk You ladies of Laurens and lid reception they gave our Ladies' Ready-to tore last week. splendid' reception our irned to the Northern till larger and prettier et shown. mnd invite you to make iarters.. ON'S. Enterprise Bank Building