The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 06, 1922, Image 4

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Ebe Zibbertser Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year Payable in Advance Published by ADVElT1ING Pil'INTING COMPANY I Laureis. S. C. Advertising Rat3 on Applicaution. Obituaries and Cards of 'Tianks: Ono! Cent it a Word. I Etered at tho postoilice at Laurens, .. C., as seconi class mail matter. oll. :T. Nil. S le I'wze' !lOW IT IS LION: lin -f the variou:.A steps in T;.. \ i t o:l.,li to han wt 11 111 m ile r n : t fib n le'tion nihts it ' to I'-, ive- Andl b'road nsi the Ie -A A. -iith <l allowxalce for' .:~ odv ty. w v . ;I say that it re-'uires 4d 'nA *erabll' l:an Ain. 'AI'.(I T . 5 ii IA i i' A rnl lat Tul e ay nield ~ ~ ~ hilo 4)."an, mr ulinl NAt A ince 1!.1 haid -vie v OX in the on~t. hn- r' (eivedI on 4hction night and1 't a ld a Vi in lI-' t here wereI 2(1 Al mlany box 'A: flor nearly a. many VYp' A 2s w.-re' iiat ti ls yearl. -A |f I~ Aril' ill in !!; lndlill"A lX 1 s l" in il ing tie 1: 11 fo Ima ioll to tle puh tir. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < f l :a zh e o at oar"I I ''d i ) - tAd ! .'op l % til not crowd . (Af!AA. of cour-w- tll corps of help r -s '-: I I :11. Au t 1. hind locked door2 a vi 0 ra~n it errupt ion. buit th-h t':-A ' 1l-!od i adoptf d of giving -'l rftr llo thll tr1114t thle in t t t he are Ye'i( I 1%'d and be'folei tI'ey are n hanelHi'dil in th oflic(. thuis afford I i th i'-st ild of seirvic(e alld at the amil tim e- ri'Al ievilg the oil!(C. of con rSI Itoll. Tho, ca(r CrOwds naturally go whielro tihe, returns* will be first giv (,?I out. someo. nww paelr oliCes use -bllbiC-tin ho -fl -S whre th'1 VotCs are posted. Other l se ihe. liAroj(-i*illg lantei'll and nri (In. Th Averti ') us btilh. Thie iu( till 1C ard is W ('d for Count re tirni-s. whCre Ii( \-oteis rom11 the various iCtx.: my h(' exallind at any time. On the svriee(n ar flashied the totals as 1111(14 r. fromi tim- !o time and also thebulet! i on) the stata racves as rv <- Cied fr l cuits ide cities. ih I fIA-t i-I to be takell in securl 'Ig returns is ill Cillistilig the aid of frelnds ill brinng 1' or phonn1g tile re ii roill the different preeilnets. The tlarty receiving the return1 is at tile tele phone k111s11(s du1 plicte co:ies of the letuas as tloy are recelved and the mom-lit the last figure is recelved one copy is "shot" to the bulletin board on the opposite sidei of thle street by means of the small rope and sliding atttaeihments stretchled betweenO~f tihe t wo bui ld inigs. I lere It is read atloud( -hy someone~fl watitinig to receive It be for' ItheC other 'Oply ill tile offccleas gottn lvCery farI. AfterI being 'reatd It is then I)ostedC for tihose whto coele along later'. Thie Cot her ConyI hals at more'l varledl (turP'rI. It is first Jpar-sed to theK tabtut liltOr' wh IlCIist t hi results 01n a large taltting AhCeet. After the v'ote is At eridi h t he''A I o?'lriginatl I COPY is t0a-5sad IConIg to A reprCen'tat ivi. of Theo (1C 'llo ('Ilhricle, whlo toIhnes to ('lilton wih're) a similar service is he Inl ! Alv tn. A ftr C'h'ie finishes withi it he passeCs it iback toC tile linoCtype1 opera1t~tOr aii (he composinag r'Com who sets It tup *folr the use of' tile neCwspanelr. Whien thle night'.-; work is doneW, 011e set t;f lthe' re'turnIsl remin ls 1osteId on oth bi se-It CiIIo thle "'di'ad" ho0ok of thle I lnot y it operatorII. F'rom timeiC to time totals of tile reO turn 1 ar Ie made (upt from tile t ablat ing sheets. From'C11 these slides5 are mlade~ forl tile projectIig macine andi thr- totals are flashed 01n thg screen nex<t to the hullletin board. After stay-. ing in the lantern long enou~gh for' the ('rowd belo0w to thloroutghly read and digest tihe figures, thle same slIde is taken (lut and1( earriedi to the picture show tImdeneath and the same figures thro-wn Onl tile screen for the benelfit of those inslide. Reports are also miade tup periodically and sent by telegraph 1.o tile daily plapers all over the state. In returln for this servitce the dlaily ipapers send( back butlletins to us8 made up of the totals of our1s and] other coutn ty papers. In turn these are flashed on the screen. As the (daily papersA must wait a considerable time to se Cure any volume of totals from v.-. the state it is generally a late hour ibe fore an appi'eciable .number of votesA *are repor'ted1 by them. * There is only one point at whaich itl Is not nlecessary to make arrangements in adlvance. '"hat is at the ipoint where the l/allots ave received at the 'bulle ni h-opard. froin the telephone in thej1 ~ i't ,may be safely counted on 'wen the-little ballot Is Been flOV gthe cord frota the 'tindow oward the bulletin board that it Is not o118 to remain dangling rin the air 'ry long after arrival at its destilia iIn. it takes no far-seeing vision to (Iredict that someWole is going to take t oft' the little hook and that the rowd will not con.senIt to let it remain 11.4-1id 0r tulinposted. A volunteer is Iways reauy to take care of this ipat. I (he ysloml an111 it is- generally sell ()II o1 the crowd will see to it that f)oibody else taltes the job. Tie Adver tiser has been fortunate I nl t 5( licieit hicp int giving its lecttionl Zervice- and ot course4 lite :t1t-ndid e l acieved oil electioll 1 i lt, due " this help. * * 4 A 1i OT-: A i Ti Ad t!-*r views the state olitical situ.tim, ientimi ent in re ard to the rilernatorial conteist next tesday is alretiy practicaly fixed. haliges troin one cantdidate to .nothelr. till and far between. Those -ho Voted for lileaso and dicI~vc'd in h1. first priiiary will do so again in lie Aecond wbhle those who voted for rther eandidamts in the first primary ad their se-cond chloice already in nind for the second. \hihII- casting aI 0111 lituentary vote for Laney, ('ole itian, Canley and DIl)Cant, sole wee onsciolttsly and somei uineonsciottsly l wbating with themselves and deciding n advance for whom and what they \(kul staitl when t:, real te-st (.amink,. )ily the most saniin e followers of Ie liltase hattitr held out hope of hOR champion wi~nning on tHec first lallot. If the state is to W saveil for law Ind order and if tihe D)ilocratic party s to r( iniii uitainted with leltibli anIisll. sIi olttrs of .\lr. .\lei.eod next l'uely milst g t the polls them ves and see it) it that a full (xlres ;ion of thle people of South Carolina is la~d. Tie" Adviriser( has no theory as to hy so Ialy voteir's failed tio easi their ha-llts 1.a-t Tuesday, but it is confident that if a full Vole is east next Tles (lay, it will be found that a1 rcti llease majolity does not exist in the state. Tlhe records of the two candidates are alaemly known. If a majority of t hell prefer the former governor as their. lea'der and champion, we will be (tonnt. lut if there are others who are willing to lt the elect ion go by dc fault without tahing the trouble to vole, we think they will <h5(lrve se Vel0 e, ilstltr . Ove'-cofidenice has lost mally a hIt I le and it Itlay lose this lone. Tli Ima jority against Illeae in the first pri may was larger this year than ever be 'oro, lit a large' vote was Ua1 t and we believe that the second eletion re turils will show that there was a larg to ilease vote among the eliininated Candiit11ites this year than has ever ber the cas! ince BIlease irst ran for govwjnor. Thuse votes will go bak to JI3ieitae in the second primary. While there may not be enough of them ito Imak1 a majority, still It will prove at Inenia(ing number and new votes will be needed to make a '.\MeiIvod victory I certain ty. Tlhe issue wvill bei decidetd hy the en thutsiaism and fidelity shiownl by thec suppilorters5 of the two candidalltes. It will be neceissary to v'ote to wit. l*-:ledtion returnills will be shown at Pr'incess Th'leatire nex11ti Tusty nighit. .\Iso .1 ack 114)11 and liebe D anielis In "Northm or the -lio Grande"'. Ciiago, Sepmi. 5.- -With the govern 1m1nt 's ia il strike injunlctionl uii tNIj rl ly conldemn ited by uiti on leadersi' int Isao DilO ay miessages yesterdlay, i grow inig (lit of*I iarreStS for' iallegedi violatIons of the .wit, occuipied the ieregr'oundii of thle !pitire of thle naii The an nual holiday brought a htill nI111 rai l stike developments . Whiile soime labor dayV oratorsi- were ~agtiousH in their references to the njunactIon, other union01 letaders ap peayhing as speakers5 followed Samuel 3oumper's, presidenit of Ihe American 'edeiration or Labor, in attacking he restraining ordelr. Meaking' at Philadeilhia, Mrt. (Gorn ucers reiterated his charges that the njuinction wasi a lolation of the sonistitutiton and the lawvs of the landl. Members of the executive council )f the American Federation of Labor yore gathering at Atlantic City today. At this conference (Mr. (lompers said IC would place before the committee equtesits from variouts labor organiza inna for a general strike call. While tunion leaders were iberating lie Daugherfy injunction, othler spealk rb; dlealt with the indutstrial sittuation n another light. Notable examplles ..63Z V,'cr' tihe .: '+"'"3 of Secre ary of Labor D~avis at .dIoose Heart, I1., an-1 lIdwardl J. flrundage, ator .c;j:.~1 if '1nois, t. a gathering f Chicago republicans. Seeretary D~avi' dlecla red "no gib et can -b)e built too high for those who executd such dlastard(ly dleeds as8 he deliberate wrecking of a ti'ain at lary," A way would be found, he aid, to settle ind31Strinl disputes successfully resisted attempts to h( low( r wages and a continuation of w high wage levels would bring Pros- w perity." It Despite the general - quietude of w Labor Day the holiday period was not gi without its contributions to the grow- at Ing list of outbrealks incident to the at railway shopmen's strike. 1) At Ardmore, Okla., inspectoi's Were Ca investigating what Santa Fe railroa(d oflicials said was an attempt to wreck I a passenger train bound from Kansas di City to Galveston. The engineer re- If 1-orted Ie foundl an open switch with h; the signal lights brokenl oft. Iml Nineteen freight ears were burned a. inl tle yards of the Great Northern h< SystI m at (reat Falls, Montana. II iht loin dred ears were endan- Il "cered 1y ithe blaze which broke out fek eo'ly in five different places. t! l'armr e xtiniuiislhed a blaze which ili d nlae ( I ~St. Ltuis t-San Francisco railway hridge at Itengal. Okla. Two ilen were arrested at C( ynthI ana. Ky.. charged with attempting to p: wreck a ILouisville and Nashville Pl pa ssen ger train last Saturday. til Otli'- arrests included that of John A, Steekiu-m. acting chairman of the shop crafts federation at Needles, Calif., and of Jacob Cohen, editor and * pubIislier of the Labor Review at Mem phis 'Tenni., charged With violating feder.1l injunctions. 11vclaring the shopmen's strike had 1 been lost so Iarl as tle Central of eorgia railroad is colice in ed, W. A. y \'inblurn, president of the road, ad vised -the strilers to find some kind of work to protect their families. u TARHIFF. HOLDS0 RIGHIT OF 0 WAY OViRi TilE BONUS Washington, Sept. 5.---Hy a Vote of 11 -, to 3. iAmtUe and iolise conferees .: ifIsed today to sidetrack tle admiln- 0 istri'ation tariff bill for the soldiers' thouus measure. h Senator .AeCuiber, North Dakota, N Reptiblican, and Simmons, North Carolina, and Walsh, Massachusetts, Democrats, Voted to take tup) the bo ntis imIlliediately but opposing them I were Senators Smoot, Utal, RepuIbli canl, and lIepreseitatives ' Fordnhey, M\ icligain, Longwortl, Ohio, and a G reeI, Io wa. lepulelCns, and Gar- o ier, Texas, DI eIocrat. Senator '.le- h .11,eant, Connecticut, Repmblican, andj I tIr)IseIItat I ive Collier, Democrat, .\lissistpi, the other twoconferees were absent. Today's meetlig was tile ilrst to which the Democratic conferees had hi *' * * * * * * * ,* * * , , ,ii * , C POLITICAL ANNOUNCiEMENTS' A * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * 4 I liereby announce myself as a can- ih dIdat for 10 tle Ilotuse of Representa- J tives from iaurens coulity and ptle(lge L1 myself to abide by ilte rules of the o Democratic primary. A J. 0. BARNEITT. I hereby announce myself a candi- L date for the House of Ropresentatives It from iLau renis cointty and1(i pledge my TI self to abide by the result of the Dem ociatic pimiary. JAM'1S L. U3ROWNING. I hiereby announce myself for re- g (lect Ion as~ Cotunty Commilssione'r of a Laurents county, and pledge myself to S abide by the ruiles and regulations of lie D~emocra:tic primariy, b I hereby annotunce myself foi' ri- 0 elect ion as Cotunty Commissioner of 0 L~aureins county and lpledge myself to t abide~l by the ruiles and iregu lat ins of tI the D~emocratic pr'imary. A. B. libA~l0LY'. ci For Suipi. of Edncntioni C I h Iereby annotince myself a candi date for the ofilce of Supileitndent of l'sducation1 of Laurens coutnty and l jiledge myself to abide by the irules of lhe D emocriatic prima ry. I hereby announce myself a candi--C date for Superintendent of Fdttcation of Laurenstt county' atnd pledge myself to abido by the rules and regulations of' the D~emocr'atic 'primary. (Miss) KATT[0 V. WOFF'ORD. tt USED CARS L 1 Ford Coupe, newy g ,tires, excellent co- U dition, 1921 modell, ~ $2I95.0 1 Dodge Touring Ca, 1921 model, $350.00 EASTERBY MOTOR Co. vnl ilivited silce work on the tariff as begun two vecks ago. They L re excluded after the vote and the publicals went ahea(i with the re riting o the tariff bill. Good pro css in that direction was reported d Chatiman lMeCitmber, of the Sen e managers, believed the task would finisled by the end of this week oi rly inl the niext week. Chairianl Fordney, of the .llouse aInagers led the opposition to iile ate col siderationi, of the bonus bill. . argted that the tariff already Ad been nearly three years ill the aking and that it should not he laid ide. ['rging q(ulick action on the mus. Chairman .lc'niber argued at anl agreement oi this ieaslle 'Obably col]d be reached within a w hours and caied aliiention . that c bonis legislation had been pend g a year longer than tihe tariff. Grease. It is ilich easier to wilsh a greasy mi if you heat it slightly before ap ying soap and water. This loosens ei grease. SPECALL NOTICkEb, (ollard P11l1t For \S' e-2oe per M. T. 13. Sulerel, ultrens. S-It For Malt'-Several Inow buggies. 'ill trade for good resh cows r. for ord cars. T. B. Skilmerel, Laurens. -l~t Used ('ars Cheap-We h ve peveral ied cars we offer very ell I, Over n(d m1odels S-5-1, 90 alnd 85-6. Sum) 'el Motor Co. S-1t Plionographs For Tr ade-We have 'v(ral new p0hopographis left over, ahoga ny cabinet \sizy, from $50.00 to 41.00. Will sell \.lfeap or trade for he-r things. T. . 'Sumeurel, L'au-I 1ns. s-It For Relt-:1 up-stairs . oms with ill and bath. for light h<fisekeeping. rs. George Young, phone 250. S-It-p Wantei-T1wo table boardors. An welleit roomn and garagec .l ie se r11(d within a two iniilute. *walk of iy home. Apply Mrs. Jno. Childress. ast '.\lain street. -I t-pd Notlce-i will be ill the ma11 Ret for Af toll seed at Laurens, beginning ept. 1Ith. I will also kiep l1 hand 1) l)ply of imeal and huis for sale r exchange at all times. Prices the st, qiality the best, satisfaction uiaranteed. .1. Paul Finle.m, Laurens. Wood Wilited-100 cords'of good 'ood. Lauirens Oil Mill. 7-3t Notlee-I will be inl Laillncl StuI(dio 1i day Friday and Satilrda.l- until 1). mll. H. Nicholls. , -.5t-( For Rent-Three roomis for light Oulsekee11g, fu'irnished or ui nfunin ish 1. "A. B.", care Advertiser. 7-21-e Musie PIills desired by a graduate k pIano of Randolph-Macon Woiaiin's ollege. Anyone Interested apply to rs. F. W. Charpman, 057 South Tlar er St. f;-5t-pd( Monev to Loan1-,Loans on farmis and ty property negotiate(d. Applications aindled with -the First Carolinas :int Stock Land Bank, the Fedet al and Bank, insurance coipaiies and ther sources. Apply to Dial & Todd, ttorneys, Laurens. 5-13 3loney to Loan-The Planters N. F. A. is now receiving applications for 4anis on farm lands. Apply to A. C. odd. Secy-Treas. 5-13t Wood Wanted-I-00 cords of' good 'ood. Laurens OIl Mill. 7-3t See our Special P'rlces on phloto raph's and1( pictllire fratpcs Fridays nd Saturdays. Call before 2 1p. m1. 01n atuirdayii. HI. Nicholls. 7-5t-pd flood Tiresz-Checap at Counts' Sta e. 48-tf Oovernmnent Wagons-For Sale, or tfered In exchange for coin, oats, hay r lumber. Wagons In goodl condl on. Dixle Ice and Fuel Co., Clin in. 16-tt Ilimi Repair Parts-F'or all makes of tra5. Rim bolts, wedges andl~ clampsl). Ity VulcanizIng Station. 40O-tf Money to lonnl ona impjroved farm ud at 7 1-2 iper cent. IT. S. black cli, Attorney-at--Law. 42-tf .Moniey to Loan11-On impr)oved farm r(d cIty propecrty for a per1iodl of years sevein Per' cent interest. BOmlar, shorne. & Tro'n~, Attorneys, Spar mhur)11g, S. C. 34-tf ately available at six per ceint. In trlances ('om1pailes, Joint Stock Land atnk, 'Feddrial Land( Bank and other )trL'es. Apply to Simlpsonl, Coo;:er Bbb11, 'Attornieys, 4-tt Wro J14ent-,l1ourl h1orse4 farm. Ap~ply F'or Rent-1 store i'oom for rent, 011 Ie nor'th sidhe of the square, 1 main aor', upstairs and( biasenment. Metal Bilngt. !LocatIon best in Laurer~s. cc l. E. .1ur'ns at J. C. hUtrs & Co. aur tens.. 2-tf lianr"ing tnd TI'ena--flu" our seetedl tecond hand machinery re-rolled bag Ing and ties. All prIces and grades itaranteed. Phone 380 our expense. .S. Bagging Co., Greenville, S. C. 47-tf T HOMASON'S GARAGE Eletriesl, ork Radiato/"Repairing Acetylene Welding All Work Guaranteed LAURENS; S. C. Dr. T. L. Timmneriman DENTLIST Laurens Sotuth Car'olinta Horse Is Preferable Anyway. Evelyn is only four but her parents tdllit she Is "real smart." Recently lier grandhnother tried to teach her to saf "danke schoen." Evelyn inade a good effort with her American tongue 1mud managed this: "Donkey chain." A Few days later ai occasion arose to t the expressioln. Evelyn hesitated [ few auonments and then gave this rather free rendering of the original German: "1lorse chain." Worth Striving For. There Is always in every neighbor. mood some one man that everybody ooks up to and patterns after. Aro 'ou that man in your own neck of the voods? You may be.-Farn Life. M Gulf Filrt GOOD GAS( Supreme Auto TIRES AD "SERVICE" We Vulcai FREE AIR A call to': SHOE Hi I wish to annoi bought G. D. pairing business under the name tal. Firstwclass work TRY M S.D.D Laurens Nationi Respectj||01 But Watelt Of course, those wh those who are pas must be respected ai But, YOUTH is va things, too. He is t This bank has a gree fact, all business dei or less. We want his accoun rien in our organize *and elder men to fu apce,, Youth's rhione: tage. Be business-y/ and enjoy a checking account. Laurens Na J. J. ADAMS, Pre, A New Version. A ludicrous (distortion of Scripture occurred Iot long Igo In till EIglish school wheni a small pupil wrote of the hlitarisees: "The l'areses were a ietill, mPaisly lot. One (lay one of theill gave our Lordi a petiny and our Lortd held It out III his hand and looked at it wihi scorn "nd said. "Whose sut scriptilon i1 this?" Lucky. Little Roger was being takep by hi. parents for a ride in their new notet car. As lie looked out on the less for. tunate people compelled to walk, he remarked, "Mother, ain't you glad we's us?" ig Station GULF )LINE Oil and Greases ID TUBES PATCHING iize Tubes ND WATER See Us DSPITAL mce that I have Allen's shoe re and w ill run it of Shoe Hospi of'all kinds., E ONCE WKINS ii Bank Building d Age i Youth a have passed down and sing cdown life's highway id their work considered. ith us and he is doing he man of tomorrow. it interest in Youth. , in Jends upen :-outh, more t with us, for with young .tion to furnish actlyity, e'nish experience and bar p here has a great advar ,tionMIS ank 3EO. H. BLE Y, Ca ber