GAIPINS, KIRIRY AND FOX PAY PENALTI Meel iGrim Reaper with Songs and Prayers on Lips. Leave Warning tc voting Menl. Colutnbia, June 17.-S. J. Kirby, C 0. Fox and 'Jesse Gappins were elec .trocuted at the penitentiary Friday morning shortly after 6 o'clock foi the mun rde r of IWN. Blrazell, ''olumbia tUi4 (Iriver near teesville on the night of August 7 kist. The trio went to their deaths sing -ing and praying. Kirby went first. 1H feigned insanity and tried to -get his bands fron the straos. The ofier told hib ,la iId better take it easy bmI a liz'an time he Slipped his had fromn the strps. Tien foui 3i46 rds took hold of him forcibly; the ,straps were made tighter than thuli m .1 t he t:rn i tm was sent through his hydy, a. ini Winge deprivle, beeaus of conIiury . avio of tho privilg4 of miab - 1st skttt'ilL. GappinS 1-';>x ist, the eltir1 - - n minutes, .ox t-m it u ;: : and ntm d th!I( Y. . V1 -a - - i feti-d cau t d . post w (domil-i durn n i ; : u:1 7. 1921. Tht- t it : h talo h it 11vi 1) N. 1) il i L Tnko olhe wdsjar b ol 01nt n I n i I jt. INVI.1BLE El 'llt NOT NEEDI11:11 D "'lE! Law3 v.'yers. Should Ie in Opl. Orlando, F'la., Jun1e I';. --DeclaIn:); 0that there 1-is i 111ae for "al invisiblI em ir " ithlin lte l'nite'd la .;anl uhanetrizngthe usurpation of gov. ornmental i'anelions by the Ku Klu: Klan or any other organization .I: de-stilIed to do ilestimable wrong ti tsociet y, 1.'n1ited States .lutdge lienr [] I Clayton assailed the policies and prin c:iples of sic societies In fier phraseology today in anl address be fore the Florida State Bar associa .$ion. "It is true," Judge Clayton said "that tihe people have tihe righlt ti revolutionize 0or change their govern maent whlene-ver they see it to (do sc hilt it is quite' a dlifferent thin1g to this set of men or that set of men t ulnder'take outtsideC of the laaw to de clare that -the gover'nmelnt 1s incfli clent and( to arrogate to themnselve thle power to fuarnisih suitiplemental rc med(1I es." "There is 1n0 ilace,'" tihe spenfke continued, ".for' an inlvisile empir withn) the ttniterd States, 1n0r any rea son for' elan ort gan~g to (do any3 .pal of the busin-ss of governing or1 em1 r'ecting 01r pihini1g citizens. A seet or-gani'zation for such purposes I repr'ehensible( notwithust andhing avowal of its members that3 they haav'e swor' to uphold1( thle consI tiution) of th Ulnited States. Such avowals and( suc oaths Call not dlefeatt thle juast char'g that these organizations are con opiracles against law and govern ment." Jud1(ge Clayton said he wvould ett 1te ease of "an1 emninent ciitizenCI c A labama1,'' Who, 11e said, joind thI i klan andl~ laLt erI dIiscoveredI that ita're ualar' docket" was mlaintained contain inig eases agaist citizens Of thle stat( "After h~e had suiC~cde In clear Ing tils '(docket,' mnany of iwvhose case involvedI morce personal garievancc 0 .lpite, this good 1man1 atbanldonled hi that "')rganiz-ations suchi as thisg hav no place in our land1(, they ia'e n1( uiseful inl the governling business an~l -can nlot fail to lbe prlodutctive of erine. 1785 192! COLLIEG(~E OF TIli.lLA~ ESTiON *Four-year' courses0 leadl to the A, li A thre-.yar( eourts-e leads to th ide(I greec of It. 8. withi MCeic. 'Thle t~wo year pre-medC~ical ourise 1s ta !.4pleia te-atur'e. A coturse ir- Comme'rce atnd Butsines: Admninistraio or1 0 sulperior e-xcellenec will be introdtuced in the tail. Open to mendi andl~ womeni. ':pensest amodcraateC. For termsit, cat - 49-3 SAYS VETERANS WILL HOLD MANY MORE REUNIONS Will be Held as Long as there are Two Veterans Left, .Declares General Carr. Richmond, June 19.-Confederate re unions will be held so long as there are two Confederate veterans left -to attend, was the assurance of General Julian Carr, commander-in-chlief, Uni ted Confederate Vteran!, in reply to the hope of Governor 1i0. Lee Trinkle that this would not be the last re union, speaking at opening sessions of the Confederate Southern 3Memorial , association today In the Jefferson hotel. "Governor Trinkle may be assured that his %ish wilI be granted and that many m' ore Confederate reuniions will i he-ld, Ceneral (arr said amid thel apph'iaus.e ot t distinguished audience of Southr, . "The people we honior aInd are descendants of, repre se'ted "hine. civilization tihat ever vcd tuider any flag. W' can always lIin wiin pride to the fact and be for ;14 1 &. C Iii 1 fortitude. iEn'giand iS nmt a: A h I.'- ;n. havie we. Th re L; no" oneo in Wesun;11iIn..ter 'A:nh'-i .t \\achuin2t on LThe I' (I I i Z o th * ~ ti L~ie sail: it a Sis In oly with a 'iluv that ao II i 't heColcd..t . T ( i ,.i :- . l"\ e h to thi t'o - a:e i-an :a e. hl he l d 'so ;r a: two ('onfuderat o r to attn1d and trust thla as; "f ld did mIre for \ 'i 1 ktan f r:.nIy ot:wer :;ate ()I country.'' is the 'Jullan 'arr. ! i i -of th( Southcrn C n.. --d ritei vot . uts. "IHo iwr't* PPO a itn a., lait na i ' o m ;a v '* teo:. lrI(l II. to Ib woinan of thI sou(1 4th111td. . m1h an t!-at ' uh nt tt i ::br~i aor he t ii Wii "a 1 io r0'i i hi1i1. I Vi Tih .-"h e ot!-r a f hOr (i is it le >: Oi d ; o uld .~(i p~ Idoe ioy, thl n nV, ha10(42 se .-,- il fo. inomi dol Mhi!ciN im ghtes e -'ued r cv 5(h .ltlI pi: h i. r ne many ition ; P-e spocrt ve "f Ow muth SIOak but One, the Speech of h11ai liber..ty .nvd free-doml.' ThiIe v% orbI does no0t, willinly MaI 'Injus t ohe souand the orid moild V rept th omitt if a hitor vtre writ ten that the word would read and :once ive I in a .Jrlj of fairness. Fitz.. frald Flournoy, ithodes scholar from Virginia an,l lnited a hichterls ol th Clfdery Scholaship hold en b Washington and Le U'niversity, e clared. "Injustices .to the south Hie mare In hats enevmoreaiged than htesrc tualvlyiwin. Tems niiu actualfasthood, butswhich, tely only2 t lhe sOthin thnesctninacndtrover-y preatation, the history of the 01ld -Southern civilizatilon, its acts, its ideals, and its~ at mosphiere miiust he re r laccd before the world. It must be .written so that the world will read andl Ccnv in such a spirit of fair njess that none cani talke offenuse, but ~it mu lst hae writ ten. i Flance Dead, $Girl Spurned AnIothier's; a 1Love; lie $lew 11er. SFrzomi the Chicago Uerald and Ex aniner.. .. Mabel Kerwia is dleadI-shiot down - by .Robert F. Mcfloberts, 'wealthy hotel owner, who killed himself after firing a two bullets into her body. She was f ki lied because in cherishing a mem ory, she s'purned tho love Mcflobertt; - ai ttempted(0 to force upion her. .. Romance fIrst camne into Miss Ker .win's life wvhen she was i8 years ..1(l. She was loved b~y a young rail 3 road man, and shie loved him in ie turn. TIhey beenme engaged. Then Caine the happiest dlays of' her life d(ays of prep1arations for the wvedding. The spring ntights were lyric 'with Sestacy. The moon wvas never' so bril liant. Arm in arm they strolled in the filet darkness and she lIstened to his plans for the coniuest of the world. At last came the day she was to ob tain her trousseau In Chicago. All the putrchases were made. She b)oarded a traIn at .the city termina-l to start hiomue t Julijet. T1 hen she caught a fleet lng glimpso of hmimi on another train, bounde in the opplosite directiot,. She waved. Ho sawt her and stam'ted to heal) from the train. -She saw him hurled from the plat-. form against a 'telegraph 1)o10. ' His body (trashed1 to the ground. When she recovered she was Aye mIles awvay. The trnn iWas $tfnnnna -She hurried back. Her fianco wa dead. Mrs. Mary O'Keefe, her aunt, tell the story. "And that was why, wperhaps, sh spurned 'MoRoberts," said said. "Sh always kept the yellowed weddin gown in memory of her first love. saw 4t-treasured in a secret box when I nyas last in Joliet." EDWAlIn M'IVER DIES SL'DDENL Judge of Fourth Circuit Succumbs 1 (Darlington. Funeral Held Yesit-i day. Darlington, June 19.---Judge E-d,(war McIver of the Fourth judicial circui died at the Hotel McFall here at 3:1 o'clock this afternoon. Judge Melver had come to Darling ton for the summer term oi cour which he opeled this liorlilig. 11 had not beenl well, but his condiio| was such that he openled the cour and continued business until 12 o'cloc when he was forcedi to adjourn be Cause of his illness. Ie Ic was acccn. aliei to the hml '.c 1J. P. 1ilgo, court stenograisher. 1)D . I. Edwards was summoned, am afier In'll iaio r d~n ,alled Dr,. S I a n elfo 'o ince for a consul tation Judge .M Ivor howed gns Qf improveirnnt ind the ill mawn advi;ed again call ing hi.; family. Ile had sutiered 'tii unne:Mry'o e'larmi hlis f;.Ci:y hin1 a short laime ho bezlieeni w,* nd died at :: G5 o'clock. 'h' bot: lh(ak to C.i'.Vaw tonigh! :i ermnft tomorrow. 'ThIe news of th( death of .lul c .e ,r causled m1uoch surrouw inl Dari.ii. 1, where he ilad m11lan y wam iiei. Solicitor J1. 31conzoe "pears haIs: 1:7, ;I GouVernorW IflrVey 0 1. 0 p int V. C tenns secial julg(.- ro continuo tit .m111 of coIrt. Tle members of the Darington b:n il atteid the funevral ill Chra t, I110w, ~Loo. In < Whar Laurens, S. C. FREE! Prublicd AT COUV Thursday Ni WK T WILL S1 "BRIDGE Every MAan and Wor Motioin Pictures Will Be Be Sure and Come= AUSPICES OF LOYA for Style ur Light W You need look no easy matter to mak tirely another mattc that fits and retair spite of the wilting The light weight * lish, they fit and are rightly designed they are wonderful Shown in Palm I Tropical Worsteds $15.00, $ to Select yours while New Shipi Extra Speci $5.00 ton Clothin~ "CASH CLOTHIERS--SUIT FREE! ~ht, 8O'Clock SGILES EAK~ ON ft9 BUILDING" nnSoHaHir L ORDER OF MOOSE 99I and Fit farther than here. It's an e a light weight suit. It's en ~r to make a light weight suit is its stylish appearance in summer weather. suits you buy here are sty stay' ii' shaje because they and carefully tailored. And ly cool and comfortable. 3each, Mohair, Gabardines, and other light weight fabrics. 16.50, and up $25.00. your size and style are here. oent Straw Hats al---Men's Oxfords and $6.00 Company S ME" Greenwood, S C 'by------;;..