ci arettes They are Good! Buy this Cigarette and Save Money Oan1aElmnn3nnamnaaougnannual Colds & Headache "For years we have used Black-Draught in our family, and I have never found any medicine that could take its Splace," writes Mr. H. A. Stacy, of Bradyville, Tenn. Mr. Sta- H cy, who is a Rutherford County farmer, recommends Black Draught as a medicine that should be kept in every house hold for use in the prompt treatment of many little ills to pre vent them from developing into serious troubles. THEDFORD'S BLACK- DRAUGHT "It touces the liver and does the work," Mr. Stacy declared. "It is, one of the best medicines I ever saw for a cold and headache. I don't know what we would do in our family if it wasn't for Black-Draught. It has saved as many P dollars . . . I don't see how any family can hardly go with- U out it. I know it is a reliable and splendid medicine to keep E In the house. I recommend Black-Draught highly and am never without it." At all druggists. Accept No Imitations .1g LDnU.UEHnnE.M.UHH.nnnuun T ELL your dealer you want to see a Fisk Tire beside any other he offers you. He has it in stock or can get it. See for yourself what the Fisk Tire has to offer in extra size and strength, how its resiliency compares when you flex the tire under your hand, how the depth of the, non-skid tread looks beside other treads. This is the way to buy tires? There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, tr ck or speed wagon FISK TIRES ARE SOLD BY CTY VULCANIZING STATION. Vacanizing of the Better Kind" IAUJRENS, s. C. WEEVILS ALREADY APPEARING County Farm Demonstrator Finds Great Number of Them in Travels, Over the County. "In my travels over the county I him finding a great many boll weevils on the small cotton," said County Farm Demonstrator C. L. Vaughan, yesterday. .It is natural for them to start this early and there is no use of the peo ple becoming alarmed for we have them and have plenty to go a great deal of damage this year. The weevils don't do very much harm now, only kill a great many of the buds. "A areat deal of the cotton is dying from too much rain and cool nights but you -.ill very seldom find a stalk dead from the weevil injury. The wee-. vils are just sucking the sap now in undter thaL 01t) y ina ie and mpunc ture and lay their eggs in the squares. "Many of the peo:>le have already started picking off the live weevils and it is - very good practice for every one hilled now will mean more cotton made this year. "It has been estimated that a pair of weeils and all their progny in one season will iroduce twelve million. that is if all were to live but the Lord is with us and nature kills mil lions for us. if it didn't it would nc: be possible for us to make a boll of cotton. "Every man has a chance to make a little cotton but he will have to do his part toward fighting." YEARLY HONORI ROLL Supt. G.asque Announces Yearly lionor Roll of Local Sehools. Supt. 11. W. Gasque has announced the year!y honor roll (if the local schools, as follows: Eleventh Grade-~jebecca Adams, iAllie Gosnell, Eula Mae Martin, Louise Smith, Grace Taylor, Sarah Eliza Swygert. Tenth Grade-Sarah Katherine -Barksdale, Roy Gaston, Winifred Sit greaves. Nitnh Grade-Janie Holmes Davis, Mary Goodwin, Paul Philpot, Sa rah Senn. Eighth Grade, A Section-Willie Kate Baldwin, James .\lachen, Pascal Miley. Eighth Grade, B Section-FrankI Roper, Elizabeth Thompson. Eighth Grade, C Section-Cothran .\eCravy, Miller McCuen, Perrin Wrigit. Seve'ith Grade, A Section-Legare Blackwell, Collyar Barksdale, Sara Cheek. Seventh Grade, B Section-Annie Power, Gertrude Templeman, Mar garet Wasson. Sixth Grade, A Section-Mary Ball, William Crews. Mixth Grade, B Section-Bruc Thompson, larriett Todd, Martha Power. Fifth Grade, A Section-None. Fifth Grade, '3 Section-Irene Todd, Mary Dell Rowland. Fourth Grade, A Section-None. Fou rth Grade, B ,Section-Louis Wham, C. T. -Squires, .Jr. T1hird Grade, A Section-Eily Babb. Third Grade, B Section-Margaret M~cCravy, Louise Taylor, Clemiegene Teague. Secondl Gradle, A Section-IDorothy 'Hunmbert, Martha Susan Briggs, James D~avis, 'Charles Crews. Second Grade, B Section-'Mary Elizabeth Squires, Maudaline Sullivan. Pirst Grade, A Section--William Bolt, Maurice Cannon, William Hipp. First Grade, B Section--Rachel Nor wood, Frances Putnam, Laura Madden. Laurens Mill School First Grade-None. Second Grade-Loree Busby, Elvira Cannon, -Beulah TDavis.. Third Grade--41mer Dav$. Four'th Grade-None. * ? *@ee .....C.. * 'I Professor Nystromi's Figures * * -Professor Nystrom figures that * * out of each dollar that a consumer ' * sp~ends with a mall-order house, * * twenty per cent goes toward tihe * * cost of the mail-order house and * * ten -per cent for the cost of mail- * * ordIer tr'ansportation, a .total of * * thirty per 'cent. Out of every dol- * * lar sp~ent at a local store, twelve * * per' cent is for' the wholesaler's * * lpost, two per ent for transporta-+ * tion and sixteen per' cent for ine* " retailer, a tott4l of thirty per cent. *~ * Thus the costs of doing business * * ar'e the same, b~ut the mail-order * * meinthodl has three distinct dis.adl- * * vantages for' the consumer':' (4) .* * Interest is lost on money paid in * advance. (Whore one mail-order * * house .somnetinmes receives more * *: than ne million doll1ars4 in a sin- 4 *ledythe interest on this money * * for- the time .prior to the reebipt * * of the goods is' considerable). (2) * * iJhlay in receiving the goods and * * in exchanging goods. (3) im')os- * *' sibility of examining merchandise * * pf'evlous to receipt of goods. * * * * * * * * * C * C e, * * I t E\ e O2e 04 SAVE YOUR Don't throw them away wi of a new pair by having them rej Remember, our service isn't that the highest type of Shoe Repair like that turned out by the factor No matter in what conditic can fix them for you and return I new. Costs are so low in compai J. W. FU L Laurens Street, Next More than a ( a Scientically *Fuel for Your WHEN we introduc anced gasoline las motorists was enthusic brief trial to become< sands of new friends. "STANDARD". In the manufacture of this ge desired properties from the c ing and maximum mileage. When your gasoli lubrication propei -Polarine- you shu 1. Chronic overheating 2. Valve seats pitted with carbon 3. Gummed valve stems' 4. Uneven running, caused by eylin 5. Contamination of the lubricatir crank case 6. Necessity for frequent carburete 7. Vile odor from the exhawag caus plete combustion or wasted po 8. Spark plugs fouled. * ~ Look out for these symp tome."ST ANDJ G ASOLINE wvill help you in'avoiding Uqe a good oi---Polarine. STANDARD OIL C( (New Jersey) ,E7,*n yozar it'. toes OLD SHOES en you can save the price )aired here in the modern way. of an ordinary cobbler. It is by Machinery made. Our work is Y >n your shoes may be, we :hem to you looking almost like rison to the price of a new pair. -ER & SON to Blakely's Market rasoline Balanced Motor ed our improved, bal. t year~ the response of Estic. It needed but a established with thou They have stayed with soline we combine the most regles to give you quick start ne is right -and 'ly cared for by ~uld not find lers missing g oil in the r adjustment NA ed by incom wer ARD"MOTOR them,. >MPAN 1