The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, April 19, 1922, Image 3

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NEW YORK POLICEi READY FOR GANGS Ordered to "Sleep on Their Arms." Many Men Availlible. New York, April 1'.-Police Con missioner Enright today ordered all irecnct captains to "sleep on their arms" after detectives had revealed an alleged plot of bandit gangsters systematically to rob office safes below the "dead line" in the downtown 'ln:'ncial section. The . order, which followed a con fession, said to have been made (by George Breckinridge, a night watch man, in which 'he involved a 'band of safe crackers and a girl accomplice in the robbery of seven oflices in a single 'buildinig last night, directed the iPre cin'ct captains to remain op. duty vir tually 24 hours a day, sleeping at the station houses instead of going home, as had -been the custom. In addition Commisioncr Enrlglit temporarily a'bolished the polce vaca tion list, thus keeping on active duty 200 men a week, wbo were scheduled for leaves of absence. A considerable number of these ien will be available for extra patrol (uty in the financial district, It was said. Tihe order was I become ef fective at midnight tonagLt. Ureck inridge was still in custody tonight, while police sought the stenographer, known as "Gay Baby," former pal of a prisoner at Sing Sing. . "Gay Ba1by," according to the watchman's alleged confession, was an advance worker for the band, tyhiclh last night entered a 20 story insur ance building, cracked safes on seven floors an(d escaped with -booty esti mated at nearly $100,000. Brecken ridge, who first saidl he had been slug ged into unconsciousness, bound and gagged by the bandits, later admitted he aided them in their work, the police assert. Another rolbery was added to the long lIst w'ich detectives are trying to clear up. when John A. Hance, Broadway broker, informed the police to(ay that burglars had aroused lim and his wife fom bed and compelled them to reveal where the family jawels and ensi were kept. The burglars entered the home by a1 third story window, Hance reported, and left by the same route, taking with them several thousand dollars worth of jewelry and $200 in cash. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful aleep after first application, We. *The Comblinin ~Noted Sir An Adult S *4 . * * * * * * * * * * *** SMITH IEUNION On the morning of the .13th, of April he children of 'Mr. and Mrs. J. 3N. H Smith turned their faces toward the ' )ld home near Waterloo, the occa- ta 3ion being the celebration of their c( 'ather's sixty-eighth .birthday. It was 'b( ,ood to see' the happy faces of that lear mother and father as they greeted Ip them one -by one till the home circle il lumliered seven sons and two daugh- a Lers, all being -present except one s: laughter. The morning hours slipped s by so quickly that cre we realized it, e the lour for dinner had arrived. On a c long ta'ble in the yard was spread all the good things that go to make an 'b ideal pienic dinner. In the center of (1 this table was a huge birthday cake 11 with the number sixty-eight in its cenl- t ter. 011o of the weetost memories that it perhaips will linger withi us longer t than any other, was the gatherilg, as t in days of yore, around the fanily al- c tar tW listen to the reading of God's d wcrd and to iear a father's benediction upon his children and grandchildren f Those present were Mr. Preston Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith and Elizabeth, t Mr-. and Mrs. John C. Smith, Catherine an1d Edna, MIr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, t and Joe, Jr., 1Mr. a11 aMrs. James Smith i and Virginia, 'Mrs. Claud Malhon, Mar- C garet and Mamie, tir. and .1irs. Flem-, Ing Smith, Mr. David C. and Miss Ger' trude. Those sharing the pleasures of ' the day with the family were Mrs. Bet tic Reid and Mrs. Iutie Holland. t "One Present." 8 TL'IBUNAL DENIES , PLEA FOR, BIGLIAMI Uiilted States Supreme Courit llefuses to Order lehearing of Case. Florence, April 14.-Word was re celved from 'Washington this after 110011 tlat the Tlite( States supreme court had denied the 'petition of Ed mund 1). Bigham for a rehearing of his case, which means that the conviction and sentence of death in the circuit court will stand. A. I. King, attorney for Higham, stated that lie would ex haust every resource of law, and it ( is likely that the case will find its way eventually to the supreme court of the United States. 'Bigliam was convicted for the nurl' (er' of his brother, L. Smiley Hlighai. 'le is also indicted for the mul(rder of his mother, his sister and the latter's tiwo adopted children. The murder was committed at a plantation near Pamplico in January, 1921. A BigS The g entertainment pdople to g Bigg ~gers and Musici Two Event of Such4 eason Ticket tVORS TARIFF BEFOIRE BONUS I resident Thinks Former Should Have Precedence. On Senate Floor. Washington, April 14.-President arding was declared today at the 'hite House to 'be of the opinion that riff legislation should 'be glven pre ,dence in the senate over the soldier HluS. Although it was made clear that the resident had, received no request om Republican leaders in the sen .e for advice as to which measure iould be taken up first, it is under 00(d that the viows of both the chief cecutive and the senatorial leaders ifncide in this respect. 'Uuder 'present plans the tariff will 3 taken up ill the senate next Thurs Ety while tile finance committee takes p the bonus bill with the possibility lat it may make radical changes ill as it was passed 'by the house. When ie bonus measure has been reoorted > the senate it will be taken upl) for nisideration during lulls in tile tariff ebate. The bonus bill is expected to e ready for senate consideration in bout a fortnight. flenjamin C. Marsh, managing dircc r of the Farmers' National council, eclared in a statement tonight that hie tariff :bill- reported by tile senate nalnce corllamittee was "the worst ,r the many gold bricks han(ied farm rs by the present admiistration." "The w.h-ole scheme of the tariff ill as reported to the senate," lie add d, "is evidently to permit iighly pro ected mianufacturers to continue the ame 'profiteering which they carried in during the war. Whatever the text of the tariff bill it is clonr that the du les levied on manufactured piroducts re on the American -hasis cost of io luction wiile those levied on agricul ural products are on tile basis of for ,igin cost of production." 'LEMSON TO SEND DATA BY WIltELESS 1i11d1o Outfit. to be of Beneilt to Farm ers. Reports Oin Markets. Washington, April 14.-Clemson coIi ego is soon to have a complete agri nultural radio outfit and experts from 1e 'nited States department of agri ?ulture will on July 1 go to South :arolina. to cooperate witi farmers il the growigg of tobacco, soy beans and peanuts, according to W. W. Long. of that institution who was in Washing Lon today. Mr. Long said that Clemson will be tie third agricultural college in the United States to use radio inl tile re ~even MA. Annual C and instructioi 'et together for er and Be ans-a parkling Com4 constructive CI "Put Sunshin $2.75 NO M ,elving and dissemination of agricul ural news of all kinds. This service, le said, will permit growers of water nelons and other 'products to kncow ach (lay not only what the climatic ,onditions are but also the -rice eon Elitions in all the important Northern Ilarkets. Market qulotatiois w41I be sent to every demonstration agent in South Carolina and distributed 'by 1hem to growers, and not only will the growers know what their products are worth, but how many cars are actual ly moving to the maricets each day. As to tobacco, peanuts and soy beans, Mr. 'Long said experts on tobacco would go to Florence and on pea nuts and soy beans to Alken at the time indicated. 'Mr. Long iwas enthu slistic concerning the good results which he believes the establishmcnt of the radio station and the sending of experts to South Carolina will produce. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine A sI Take Aspirin only as toldl in each plackage of genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. Then, you will be following the directions and dosage worked out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no liances with substitutes. if you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without. fear for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tal lets cost few cents. Druggists al.o' sell larger packluges. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture o Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. NO MORE RATS (ir mice, after yont uwe tRT-SNAP, It"s a sile rodelit killer. Try a Pkg. mnd prove It. Hatts killed with RIAT. Snlp ieae no sm ell. Cats or. dog n1ol't touch it. (I lit uranted. 35e size (I like) & nougih fo Paintry, Kihelien or Cellar. (e size (2 ckes) for Chieker House, coop , or sm1all buldinligs. $1.25 size (5 en1kes) eioigh for al farmii aid out-bidinigs, stor ag buillings, o faetory buildings. Sold atnid iunaratiteed by C. E. lien etly & Son, Laureits Ilm diare Co. and Putinai's Drug Storp. IRCR Day( (2-9 ommumity 1. Furnishing mutual pleasur ~tter Than -Spe ~dies of Unusua aracter That it e in Your Soul Childrei %AR TAX SPELLS Penn's is packed air-tight in the patented new container-the quality is scaled in. Penn's is always fresh. Buy Penn's the next time. Clean -fresh-sweet. SEALED AIR-TIGHT ~/Granteby FERTILIZERS I Sell Old Reliable Brand of Fertilizers. See Me Before You Buy. CLYDE T. FRANKS LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS..... ....FOR SALE BY.... ADVERTISER PRINTING CO. mhautauqua Event an opportunity for all the e and profit. Ever. akers of National Renown il Merit Merits Your Support 18~ Season Ticket $1.50