The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 04, 1922, Image 9
Heavy Cold? Chest
All Clogged Up?
DON'T let it get a start, Dr. King's
New Discovery will get right
down to wgrk, relieving the tight feeling
in the chest, quieting the racking
cough, gently .htinulating the bowels,
thus eliminating the cold poisons.
Always reliable. Just good medicine
made to ease colds and coughs.
For fity yearm a standard remnedy.
All the family cal take it with helpful
results. Eases the children's croup.
No harmful drugs. Conviticing, heal
ing taste that the kiddies like. At all
druggists, 60c.
Dr. King's
New Disc :ry
For Colds and Cou Ihs
Feel Badly? Bowels Sluggish?
Haven't any "pep" in work or play.
You're constipatedl The stimulatin
action of Dr. King's Pills brings back
old time energy. All druggists, 25c.
Dr.iiii 's Pills
* ~ SA
On account of
Blakely has determi
tire business within
ty days.
Dry Goods, SI
Must Go at
of 50 to 6
Give Us a Chance t<
Famous "Roller Kin
Flour Must Go 1
Barrel L
W. T. B
Consists EntireWy of
Segmentsa of tl1
to /Normi
* Enterprise Natic
We want those pat
have failed to cure. CI
moves the cause of mor<
* known method. Such
pendicitis, Gall Stones
Insanity, Bright's Disc
Stomach, Lung and Liv<
Nevitis and other disE
O hiropractie adjustmeant
If you have tried oth
In resnits glveT Cfrop
* * * * ** * * * * * * *T.P.]
* ORA NEWS ser ve
* . . * . .. .. :tile W(
ter, l
Ora, Jan. 2.-The Ora ipeople of the tuponsi
A. R. 'P. Church pounded the Rev. I. man's
N. Kennedy on Christmas 1Eve, with rhe
all that goes to make his family happy today
in the (way of heavy and fancy gro- Woffol
ceries. Nor was' it confined to the Ralph
A. R. P.'s entirely, for we heard that Willia
one of the good and su-bstantial Prot- Blakel
byterians sent him a truck load o' Craig
cut-up stove wood to do six months. 101) N
Miss Linda Hunter will teach in It is -h
the high school at Great Falls, Ches- hood
ter county. spher
Mlisses Lula Belle and Marcia Poole tects I
returned to imestone college this bilitie:
morning. They lhad spent the hol- young
days with their father, 'Mr. U. B. Mr.
Poole. Mr. .Ralph 'Poole and bride, to Du
of Brookland, N. J., were there on a studie
visit too, and have returned. The
It was our happy privilege, together hole
with Rev. and -Mrs. I. N. Kennedy, to the
Miss Carrie Wowler, .Mrs. W. J. Flem- Walla
lng, to be invited to a turkey dinner ). 'W
at the hospitable home of -Mr. and Mrs. Bryso
dent C
Mr. C
G Mr. a
BIG t tht
A. .11c
G 0U T JMis;
at Ga
6L E .Savul
A,So.Co tots
It ia rep
M Iis
poor health W . T. 1y of
ned to close out his en- ai"d n
the next sixty or nine- Byrd
of S1
ioes, Hardware y":
ns, etc. State
a Reduction P'e
0 Per Cent. Gray
Prove What We Say I
" and "Snow Cream" Rev.
oo. None Better.
ots $7.75. Wedim
CS Knligll
a ti
Adjusting the Movable and
e Spinal Column MCas
di Position.
C. Co:
1ACTORS *'is
nal Bank Building
and J
ients that other methods seem
~iropractic locates and re- Pleasi
diseases than any other Chrisi
diseases as Asthmna, Ap- tle o
Hay Fever, Headaches, apenlt
ase, Paralysis, Kidney, "M
ir Troubles, Rheumatism, "i
ases respond readily to durn
son E
enetod thnolast- with:
atic a chance. - . Mrs
3yrd on 'aturday last. The din
as perfect In every detail and I
on dainty hand-painted china,
>rk of their accomplished daugh
iss Bessie, 'who holds a very re
ble chair In the iDue West Wo
;boys are returning to college
--john -11l1mter McClintock to
d, Billy Bryson to the Citadel,
'Blakely. Thompson Smith and
M Kefnedy to Eiskine, Chai-les
.y to Biryson, in Tennessee;
-uinter to the P. C. at Clinton,
Iclintock to the Georgia Tech.
oPed these young imeii will make
and be ready to occupy their
i In life. We are "all the archi
)f our owil fortune". The posl
, that lie ii a well educated
'Reiwick Kennedy will return
e West to resume his Junior
s in the A. It. P. Seminary.
young ladies who have been
for Christmas will also return
differeit colleges-Misses Mary
ce and Gladys Kennedy to the
Woman's College, 'Miss Alice
n to Chicora college.
Bland of West Virginia, a stu
f the P. C., spent Christmas with
raig Hunter at the residence of
ad Mirs. 0. 4. 1unter.
rery (laintily appointed turkey
ewas served to a host of friends
resideince of the late Capt. W.
Clintock, by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Euphemia Bryson, visited
s at Cavins last week.
i Luati Fleming Is at present vis
her neice, Mrs. W. M. Williams,
s Margaret Byrd eitertained her
Ly School class of little folks
(ay eveniig. After several
3, cake, ambrosia and lots of
-male candy were served. The
enjoyed the occasion and wish
etition. -
ses Margaret and Isabelle Blake
tho Greenville high school were
last week with their mparonts, M'.
Irs. W. T. Blakely. Miss Manile
was also home, and ret.unied to
laco in one of1 the high schools
>artrn hurg.
Ora was crowded with visiting
m0en. Surely the girls all have
and our boys went off---well to
wil1le, N. C., -M~clorl-1ek. Latta,
'Wish we could tell on them.
f. JL. J. Blakely and family, and
T. Craig 'iunter will return to
Court this 'week to resume their
I work there.
-Blakely has been visiting in
leld af. file home of her father,
Mr. Blalock.
5ea Finley aidl Coleman are ex
I tomorrow and will begin woric
* * * * * * * * * . . 4
* * * * * 0 * * . ,
ford, Jaii. 2.-Dr. Graves L.
it ,preached at the Baptist
h 'Sunday morning and accepted
mxstor'ate, mutchi to the delight 'of
e members, Ie wvas the gutest
n 'home of Ii'r. and Mr's. .1. M.
ses iPauline and Mar'gar'et Wal
Eleanor and Margaret Drum
and lllle Mao Cox were guests
snes Josle and Lona -Mel W~il
Oin New Yoear's (lay.
.Othella l~ayne, of Greenwood,
Christmas wilth .her' homefoiks
aturn'ied to her homne Wedn esday.
t. -Eugene M. Cox wvas maried to
Watson in Atlanta, Ga., and 'w'as
a beautiftt reception at the
of his parents, .Mr. and Mr's. 0.
~. They have returned to Toxas
Mr. Cox 'is a member of the
y of the A. A: M. college of
.This Ipopular' yonng couple
the hearty goodl wishes of hosts
ends and acquaintances here.
i Jenness Cox has returned to
ry, w'here she is teaching,
Ses Nina -Lewis, Jennie Buirgess
Lnna Footman have returned to
work in the 'schoolroom, and
rested and refreshed with the
at Christmas spent with their
s and .homefolks during the
mas 'holidays.
'Jessie Cannon Massey andl lit
n, John IM. Cannon, or' Rock liih,
Christmas with Mi'. and Mrs. (I.
IRex Patterson, of .Pacolet and
Renmolla iteld, of Barksdale,
guests' of 'Miss Belle Patterson
i the holidaya.
es Kathleen and 'Martha Patter
ntertained thefi' -little friends
L delightitul 'barty Wednesday ev
. Nabors of- Laurens .and ~Mrs.
mn -Poole 'wre, guests of Mrs. J.
tterson, and wile tihere Mi's.
was taken seriously ill and had
to the hospital for treatment~ or
tion FIridag.,
and Mrs.' 1lf" uff' and airs. Wy.
:pote'oti)f not'ee were guests of
!!oela alBona1 and 'Miss Nora
m atwre.
)ur midst this week. We are glad to
iave the igood neighbors near its.
'Mrs. J. S. Higgins was in Spartan
Jurg Sunday to see her sick brother,
Wr. 1. H . Ferguson.
Miss Carrye Lou Higgins has re
urned to her school dities at Ark
Miss \-ry Higgins 'will go back to
[ilmestone this week.
'Mr. James Fleming has already re
,tirlied to his post of duty as teacher
1n the 'high school at \Vrightsville, Ga.
Mr. .lames McCravy, of Laurens, was
Lhe guest of 'Mr. James Fleming and
Aier schoolmates during Christmas.
'Messrs. F'red Cox and Louie Lan
rord returned to Furman university
Nine )(ad and Five Blinded or Ill h
the List to Date.
New York, Dec. 29.-A gray haire(
woman and a 14 year old boy tonight
were added to the list of New York
victims of poisonois holiday liquoi
which nimw totals nine dead and flv(
blinded or seriously ill.
The woman was found lying on th(
sidewalk and (lied enroute to a hos.
pital. In her handbag was a shli o:
paper bearing the name "Miss lar.
gent." She was about 50 years ok
anr(d well dressed. Medical exanmineri
said she had dirunk wood alcohol.
Trhe boy, John Dooley, was taker
from his home after losing conscious
ness. At the hospital police announce(
he had been given liquor by neighbor
and also had drunk some ihe foum
near his home.
DIuring the (lay Charles.Williams,
negro, (lied in a hospital whither h
had made his way, half blinded fronl
drinking poison 1wihich lie thought wa
gin. Hospital attaches said it wa
wood alcohol.
The fourth fatality within 24 hour
was George L. lenry, a salesman c
Brookline, .lass., who was found den
In bed in a Broadway hotel. An empt,
bottle labeled "gin" and another con
tainfig alleged whiskey were founi
Of those still living, two -tre wome
and one Is an unidentifled man take
to Bellevuia hospital after having bee
folunad lying in a gutter i' nconscionui
Ile 'was said to be suffering from woo
alcohol poisoning.
Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days
Dri irts refund money V PAZO OINTMENT fW!
, :.:rc I.;hi:ndj, B.imti. W '*ie ng or Protrudin) Pie
t'v re.eO tchi. t Pi!c : crnd you ein ej,
it deo iafter the fi zt nnpl".ionm. qj. '' ';
entire jen
Half Pric<
this sale e:
Never say "Aspirin" withou
WARNING! Unless you se
you are not getting genui
physicians over 21 years anc
Colds Heada,
Toothache Neural
Earache Lurnbo
Accept only "Bayer" package w
Hantly tin boxes of 12 tablets--Bot
Amldi IH the trade mark of Hayer Mantiafn
For 25c.
NR Today-Re
There nre three vital processes of
hmn existenc,-tho digestion of
food, tho extraction of nourishment
from It and tho eliminatloi'. of tie
t~ot anything lnterfcf'd With theso
processes.-let thor bo Interrupted or
improperly carried on, and alckness
of soino hind follows.
Poor digestion and tnssimila
tion imoas failuro to dcrivo
fuil nourishment from food and
ethat in turn often means im
povcrished blood, weakness,
Ieans an cumulation t Wasrte
inattcr ~vliniclpoisons tDu body, lowers
_vitality, dcreases tho lovLr r) re
r!t.1Taoc0 to diseW60 and leads W, tho
developmnent of many zcrious il'ts.
flheunmatsn,-duo to Fomo, interfer
ence with the Process of elimination,
failuro to get rid of certain body
I poisons,-cannot bo expected to yield
t.o (01y rnodicino that fails to correct
I the condition responsiblo for' It. Could
v:y Vpasonflblo pernox exp~ect to rid
hiinselff (if rheumatic pain as Ion-, as
TLswrene Drug Co.,
Thursday moi
reiry stock will
.Nothing witi
iccept fixtures.
of Sale Lii
o Not Dela
F._JQNES, Rece
t saying "Bayer."
a name "B,ayer" on tablets,
ne Aspirin prescribed by
proved safe by milions for
:he Rheumatism
gia Neuritis
go Pain, Pain
hich contains proper directions.
tb-i of 24 and 100-All druggists.
ture of Mouoneetieacklester of salicylicacil
NR does it by iproving
digestion, assimilation
and elimination ---
the logical way.
lief or No Pay
rheumntlo poison IS allowed to re
main in tho body.
Think of this. It explains the suc
cess of Nature's Remedy (NR Tab
lets) in so many cases where other
medicines havo failed. Thousands are
using NR Tablets every day and get
tinig relief. Why pay live or ten
times as much o r uncertain
things? A. 250 box of Nature'a
Remedy (NR Tablets), con
'tainng enough to last twenty
five days,-'ist help you, musta
givo you proapt relief and ant
isfactory bencnit or co.A you
And Nature's Remedy is not only
for the relief of rhcurnat!sm. It im
proves digestion, tones the liver, leg
ulates lidney and bowel action, im
proves the blood and cleansen the
wholo system. You'll feel like a new
person when you've taken NIt Tablets
a wock. You'vo tried tho expensive
medicines and doctors, now make tho
real test. You'll get results this time.
Nature's Remedy (Nit Tablets) in
sold, guaranteed and recommended by
your druggist.
Laurens. S. C.
emng, our
be sold at
iheld from