The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 19, 1921, Image 3

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THE GREATEST AND E OF ALL TIME! WARE BROOMS le O i To the first 60 people mak Ing a purchase of $2.50 or more on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, we -rill sell a 75c The greate. broom for Just One Cenrt. ,^g;i at;.n;-Sa. Six big rings g sell 60 more brooms for 1 dreds of exhibi cent. Be on the Job at 9 A. 1N. and 4 P. M. what it is advt Make your p iurchase and call for a kroon. rosi. gains, every or tiely A. fake . tertainm ent of AT 9 A. Mr-4 P1. N. a mnO SMTURDAY, OcT. 2. Stacks of laugi merchandise a Starts wed., SUGAR FLOUR 10 lbs. for 65c. ThisTPrice for or Sale Only One Pound BARREL 7c $8.00 LADIES' DRESSES Regular $25.00 Value Unusual values in Cloth Dresses, Serges and Tricotines. Many dresses only a week old, but we are absolutely set that not one will be left on our racks. $11.85 APRON LADIES' CHECKS HOSE Regular 35c Regular 50c Supe2r-Value Very Good Quality Going at This Circus Cotton Hose with full Price top, in all sizes 10c Yard 15c LADIES' COATS REGULAR $35.00 VALUES An odd lot, but the saving mother and economical daughter can find the bargains of her life in this group of coats, values to $35, and we're going to give them away for $2.98 LIBERTY BONDS Accepted at Par' Value During This Bargain Circus. 1EST! NEVER BEFORE HEA SHOALS SUPER-MONSTER gain Cir Pt novelty of the age--a circus w oing at one and the same time without a tions without an animal. The circus of hrtised as--A BARGAIN CIRCUS. Th ke of them genuine and just when they ar a class every day awaits you. Fun for is; bushels of giggles; miles of real bargai 1 packed together to make this a real CIRCi Oct.19,1Oa La STAR ATTRACTIONS GOVERNOR COOPER TO SPEAK FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st. Governor Cooper has promised to speak at our Gigantic Community Fair. So don't fail to turn out in large numbers to welcome the Governor of South Carolina. EXTRA! JAZZ BAND! EXTRA! MUSIC Eveuy Day by the, "CADILLAC EIGHT" Famous Exponents of Jazz Harmony. An Eight Cylin der Musical Entertainment, With Female Impersonator. ]FREE---10i LIVE TURKEYS 'l'43 thosCe who1 can C d o the Il 'iiurkey I ToW. It ni11l he4 thle area lest 11o1el ty featutre ev er exii tedl in tis towin. '14'srth wil l thriltline. Eve4ry one4 nho14 atffendsis e 1,4(1rei lS 111 of (111 ies- d I.e to J41 ih . (h roIdis Ito sPeenre4 one4 of ths i ne111' ~d i.a lItIo i I wvill thiirow fromt the14 roogf of t he st ore 'Ienit e 1.i' li 1'3s Lna bird will1 hear t a tag whiflh eni1titled thle caputor toi a handttsomte ptrizes All you1 have to (do is enit ehI14 the urkey, plreseniI.t the coIupon a t thle store andtu recel ill heprize. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 3 P. M. GRAB---BOX SOCIAL---GRAB 25c 25c . The most sensatinal advertliing stunt ever attemplIted. 'Phese boxes illI be s4old blInd. Nobody know s whlat is In t hem. FTey will conta In varIous articles of merchandIse vailued froni 25c~ up to $5.00. D)ON' MISS TIN~. You miay get $5.00, and you1 ill sure get mlore than 25c worth. lIT MEANS A 11I( LAU'GH FOlt EVEFtyBOny, watel~Ing some digntlIled schtool m~a'ami opentting ai box and4 tlundhig a pair of daInty baby shoeS, or a crusty1 bachtelor winnIng an over sised corset.-lt's OltEATI. SATURDAY, OCT. 22, 5 P. M. Shoals Department The Largest andt Finest Store in the Sout: WARE SHOALS, SOUTH CAROLINa RD OF! THE WONDER COMMUNITY AROUSER! 'CUB SUGAR ic Pound ithout a tent. Yes W.s true-9mr one canvas. Hun- cout per pound on bargains is just *5-OO t~iroluse or Dusands of bar- We will sell sugar at. the e needed. En- ridiculous price of e every evening. cent a pound. 1nt, ilyc n s of seasonable I)Oh1ii(Is to isto)ker. US OF BARGAINS.________ SUA OCTAGON COFFEE SOAP Rglr3c 4 Large Cakes Rglr3c for Sale Price 25c 15c lb. MEN'S SUITS REGULAR $45.00 VALURS The I- nst that money can buy from makes such as Hart-Schaffner & Mark, Curlee and College Clothes, young men's and men's conservative models. $OUTING fl Ral os, fr eit ridiculo Price n ~ qalty ererned y ournd.Lmtie IS COMBARAIN li~ ' SOADISPOT REGULAR $15.00 VALUES The Nsha mean oddlo ofr Miskess vauhes Ht-Schaffner bu we'rkoingleeand Col lthes toungi adeisndil brin's yonserae oe. HOSEILAAE Regular35c Reur ay. A ReHoe fore ARdlus aagrc - quaitymereri ed- Mayourha . 15c 1c Yar